HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1985-1-1 . ~.~ - B$.d6b-~.s- ..5'4!'"P'T/4:' 7.4v4' Ji,({Af I?' -:J,l<f1.// "o?8~a ;!fd. CJ>A~L.. tu'q/7SE',t.~) '* Jot: . 1<f:~~&5 . . ",- '. ,,,::~...:.. ./ '-r" . , , "" . . . ~ " '..-' " o RESOLUTION NO. .66-45' (Septi c Ta!1k '.P~rmft) .' WHEREAS, under5ec.tion 4-4-50fthe,SpringfieJd Code, ,1965. the Common Council'of th~ City of Springfield is authorized in its dis- cretion to allow thetls$uance of,albu~lding permit wh~re..spec1al.con- ditions or consideraUonLexist'where.by in the public interest such interest. will be best;lservedby' perm1.ssion to .in9tall a septic tank;' and ;, . , , .?" , "\ '.. . ,." . I . ;'r _ ,'~. . ,'", . _ ;" ._' . ,_~.~; \ . :-, . ." '. . WHEREAS' .a'pp 1 i cat i on ,has ,been lIladeby DAR'REL, WHITSELL. for per- mission ..t,o ins'tall a septict'ank iri.'conne'ction with a"proposed build- " ing to be constructed at south side of Marcola Road just west of slough, southwest corner of tax lot behind the existing house in . 17 02 301900 (tax lot number), consistil)g of five (5) acres in, ' Spri ngffe)d.r Oregon ;.and ',' WHEREA.L. the Common Council has full'Y considered the matter and does fip~:'a;nd. it is hereby resolVed as follows ,now .~herefore f'-" , BE 'IT ,-RESOLVED: BY' TH'E SPRING.FIELO CITY COUNCIL' AS' FOLLOWS:. ,,' , , 1. That sanitary sewer fa.cil1ties are not. a.vaila'ble to said propert~ at the present time: ~ ~ . 2. That'the property' owner",Oarrel Whitsell" has promised and a9reed.b~ ~tatement in open coun~il ~eeting and by ~etter read at the Council meeting on May 23, 1966. to discontinue use of such septic . tank and facilities and make a permanent connection to city sanitary , sewer faciHt1es and lines assoonas'.the same a're made available.. , ", ' .,. .:.. ," . '," 3. That' because of buildin'g plan's. failure to issue's'uch Ii permit would result in an undue hardship upon the property owner. ! , ~, , 4. .Thatthe La~e Cou~ty San1tarian has a~prov~d'taid PrOpe,ty as ,to installation',of said septic .tank upon the conditfons' conta.tned' in the sp~ciflcations for sewage disposal syste_ attached hereto. .. , . 5. That,'thf:! Springfi~14City Council do~stherefo'e hereby authorize the jissuance of a building ,permit withpermission:to"in- ~ta11 a septic:tank upon said premise~ upon the specific condition. ' that thi same is subject to approval by the City and further conditi~ned upon a sani t,ary sewer hook up to be made by the property owner when a' . permanent sanitary sewe.r line tS available, and upon the condition . . tha t the requ 1 rements in the specifi cat ions for sewage dis posa 1 syst,em' of the Lane County Health Depart~ent be complied with. andupon'the fa11u~e of the property ownerto~omp1ywith any. of said conditions then this permission to install a septic tank shall immediately ter- minate and be of no further force. and effect. '",." . . Adopted by the SpringfieldCtty Council tti1s'13th day of June . 1966. . ./ I ,'. , . J f . . . '...' JiJ. AHEST: .f 'f. -, "~ '~....-.' .. . '. . a . . . ~. . . . ....i ': '.- .,' _,. .' "c...'rl Y.. _ . ..~.q'"cn~'e"' . }.' r~ ;~>>:D"~~" I ~-: .J /JOdfl r-~ ~k --~ ..1 \, ~~-f/~Oa'cJd ,..yo./~ SO-<-V<../y i '/rid SPECIFICATIONS F~' SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM /...1... ,I f :',(... . ... .v "< p,I!-'n,r DATE "-V 10, 1966 FOP C I TV OF SPRI NGF I ELO BLDG. PEp. IT APP. NO. FILED BY D.rr.1 Whitsell bv Frank Houser Route ~_ 8Qx .~] Eu~ FO ERECT _lnu.U_...". clll_.' IVltllll for mill buildIng.. "'1 ~1l1 AT South lid" a' "-rcole Rd. lu.t -~t at ......11". ......_... ""'...,.,p ..., .... I.... ...hl.... the e~l.tlnll houle. AODRESS) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (IF IN A RECORDED SU8DIVISION) .7 0' 11ft \.sat' SIZE: OF LOT l;: ISlU NU"'BER OF 8EDRDOt,'S II -J I~, (IF COMMERCIAL, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES) . Ik '. COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SPECifiCATIONS: SEPTIC TANK - GALLONS MINIMUM CAPACITY WITH DISTPIBUTIO~ BOX 750 SU8SURnCE DISPOSAL F'ElD REQUIPEr (MINIMUM): 100 N[AL 1((. 1ft. WIDTH 0"- TRENCH, MAKING '00 SQUARE FEET, Kalnt.ln dr.lntlle wi thin 18" of ground lurfec:e. LANE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DATE .......1 I. I ~ C_ P. It_f 55-065-12 SANI TARIAN Ii