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Permit Correction Notice 1984-3-16
~ ..-' . TO: Electrical Inspector Plumbing Inspector Building Inspector Mechanical Inspector <6402-C:J -:s SPRINGFIELO FIRE DEPARTMENT. ;J~ ,[,~3 INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM . I ! ',;""/,_ J . // [(" / '/""";. Date of ,Referra 1 -..5 / Ie> f Inspection Number J't';:"'9 Occupancy &::JhJ4Jj t uJh.d:a-. O( Address_ S 4 / ( Wl<V\...e-~c..... 'f..d) . Environmental Inspector _ ~ lee.:t-~J EXPLANATION OF REFERRAL ACTION TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) .i I f+~ ~ /\ * By Date . -~ TO: Electrical Inspector Plumbing Inspector Building Inspector Mechanical Inspector Environmental Inspector EXPLANATION OF REFERRAL . '340203 SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMEN~ FD-166/83 INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM Aut-- {~ Date 0; Referral ___?/;b /~c.j Inspection Number ,36";:)...7 Occupancy c..Jli::tMJI d t.Jk.~ Address .3 1-/1 ( M1CUlCoL 1fJ.., ~ ~C> 5' $' ~ h [of' ACTION TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) j r .s-I--V-<A..<-f-u...".h~e t-f4-'1. A.vd ,;, By Date . .,. ~, ' ..... "o:f" , . '. \. \. I'" '. ,. ..--.., ---- ~. -~ .. . ... .~ 0._/!c/2 c A,~;J~ . C-~/;a4la/%~-&~ 13~C'#~~ . ~ ft;dw arif ~ fl~~ 1':1 iM,;;;J", JZr, .' ~ ')Lk cJSl/~ A ~ ,~~tb;t/;J;l _? C?~ ~ ~-t2/l<f~1 ~ ~f d/?uf &u~d ~ 4ld 9jLfa'd #/J:oJ9' (,dy~- ~ ~!kktc:al.47'vt~ ), iZ?-d4;!/AMU -h,i tL!fJ -0~,kJ fl;:J.u-J;W r+ {l./)7!CUU /d2'ia~~Ul~r/j:7 a r~?( a- .&aM,!!" :lll.;zt#.L';; p-l ~z:r~(/ .~~ ~~tll4~~' ~\ . '.' . " ,.-, , ',r 9/10 ZIJ3 '. . ,-' "' '.., .'.. ... ,,--.' ":;'};;'?~;~:" '-'. 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UN ol.xteMion cordi in lieU of permanent wiring,~...~..r...~"F.-""!~> ..:_i",;:,?:->".~~~-;;,...1'~~''; _ ;. ~ - ." ' or: .,;y".>V' ,_: " it, 11.404."a.~"&i-;-'2; Each outlet bOx thall have .Cover facepLlte' or fixture ~.j.?=~')'J.~~~: ;~~~-" . '~t..;,':.; -:J~~....~~~::~~~J':e"~':;,: ~ ~":.-{r:. . -;.i:.' 11.4(4);";;:;:; 3.MaJntam38"'cte8rancetnfrontoreJedrlcal~'I~~-'-~...~~?- ..,;..~';-:<;7'':;~~ ,....:-;;:': "''><- K. ~'.""---~' ~-,':>;..oL._'l.,,,,,,,,::. .', ""'~~"" <" T" .,,~ .', '-=~"T.,,=,. _.",-,f.".="ff~, ,~n' '~'" .-. -',/fi,r~'~ A"~~'-IJJ; 'I.~ ,-. 'I .~~. .?, 11.404~r{~;"'" ~4. Maintain wiring In good-4XWldttlon and protecl from clamage:~/.o"-'!;;..'~ t~,1'-:'~f~ .;; ';p'~~-:="-'JA):;l'I'";~'l :- .~ .'~'_ :r., 'i.:...-:~,_~~.,(\;., -=-"'~'.::Sl '::1:7",;;--","t"'o/~~~~"-'-""~'~"'~~~~"'~!;~:*:"~'~~ ~,-- ''''_ ____ J~~~_ .,__~ '0_ .. ~t:'"., .'l....~. , 8.\----.. "';'--:;,;r,'.."'::--f~:~,;...o-~.____._cr.:..:t~:"'''~j.,~L.l<;.ir"~\ ,....~.~_. ",. ~ '''- ~.. .r1-' il...~..-~ '-4~ .t- ~'~.J;:"""'-" f':...l' , ,..''' ""'''-.,,,>,.~'.'''''' -"""_., - '.'l!-' ---' """.~<tt~"",.""..,.,y,,'''' C" ~= ,,\<+'c,.....,""'~,~il':? 'oJ;.' '''''''''''7/ff;'''''' -.'" --: .:;;-"t..12.104(b):~~1.,~.1 ...' "lockaorlatch~,fn:Nr!edtfJoc?'L.~...~K-:-;::"'.!t.r?~ - ,r-g;.; ,-r:;::,;qd~-t1"':~R.~' ~~"'^.. .. .....to.. '--7 ~.12.104(br;1;<c '2.'UnlcXk_a.U exit doora.du!.!~ ~ ~~~~:r~~~.:;:~-<: ~..~~:~,; ';.,'fi:L'fl'~VFiJ_f-'-Af;._t.."'../J;:":' :~!?::J..; 'PJi~ ~: ~ 12.103laF.:~~-!" 3. ~obstrud~frOO)}lxlta.atsles,_~. .. 8ndstairw8Y&t.~~~~~... .~.: '-.( t:s:-.;u~fJ>~ .o:..tt!!l; A"f'4P'~~!;r-L:I,7~ .~~"":'~ :-",:" ~~ 12.105(f)f~~~4. RemOYeobatruct~frO",-~docqand._ ',' ,to~<prope~,"";.~ ...... ~. ~~.....':"'i.~}.-~fPJ.~~!j..:r-.~~'$,;r{fj;.~..... y~' :~...... ......~.. 12.10& -;.:t1'~: .:., 5. Repair or maintain exit door and tiardWar. to operate properly~~;,~ ~ -:;~'.:Ji'~ ~ ~..'7...;."ia<t~.. 't:M~~~ "[l:. ".~;{.... ti~ ~'-~. .:...~ ~.~, ,'-~ -,.' j, - . .' . ~ '--"1.~"~~"'~-i!r~~'" r'" 'i.~ .;:;..sno.\..~ ot~ .-.,t'''':tit. ~ ~ ~ ,;~~:o .:;-9~~~~'Y::f. C-:- EXIT LiGKriNQ'~=P.;~~~~~~~~~;::il4~k~~~'tW:t5 !i,~~ ~f~1~~~~'~~~~:~~,;' ~ctii_:' '~'""l ; ~~. 12.113(c)r~., ..:' 1, Meintaln 11ghtlng tor exit algna.:~:r;.;t~,..,...~~~T~rt'..l"::'t""J:_~;g.-c..~ ::i~;i'.. ~ or. 0;.>;' '.. ~ .. ~.~ ,..; . .'... ~~;..,.' . ; -~ ~ ~~;.. 12.113(aJ:.\....::. 2. PrOVld. Ughtlng tof COrridori"'atalrWaya and ~~r:~i!1wIlYl~;f&.--t~~;~~~~;::~. t..ra-;';;T..) ;I:.~'i-~~~~'!t~Z~.! ~~~?~~l~.t~J;'.;... ~?~- ~.,. ~i' 12.113(1):L,,,r 3.ExilsahaUbelllumlnated8talltlmelthebuBdlngfloccupled:e;;"'p~~-;~~~;!. '\~1t-_.. 1;',~,,~, ,.....:..,;.:.; 'It' -/1.:.--' u. .........-:...,.'~:Q_I""-....... ~., --:7'r:",".~...-";)t':;>-'l-.~i...._.,~~~'T:r~I_~'~-=4'''''.t~''~~_ T';n'7=,r "",l\ol)":',",..~,,>J:' ~.::~~..........:~~~~..;r.~, :t.)'T ;"'.. ~.: .J.}.T..::.~'" '., D:' FIRE EXTlNGUISHERS".''-:.. ;'!.tr:iF:'4;.;l.,""~,1"~::-':..~~I:;::"~-:;:~->..:!~~ilt~f.$.O('';. ''''':.~~'~'r " ~~':",.I" t. ~J;~ ""t,.J~ ~",",.~.c~;..d; .=-:$t:.!'L'~ ;7w,:o,:': ...;'.3-~'" . ,'. .. ~ . ...' .-1..0..... ~"'='r..l ".~~. ~~. '~,'''_' . '...::.~ '...~' ~it".- ~ "'1..... T .' ><""',' 103011a) ,..~ 1. PrOVIde ",,'.- extlngulaher(a) O!'..ti,.~~....---:.'1:-'mlnlmum ratlng,..,~~.",~~~_ ~ .~." ~!.:~:;'~ i-"'~~~-':::=A~":.:..~ .ilj ~r':i:"':~J':~'!./~t;$I~" --I'~:-." '~-:-. 10,301(a) ~ Mounte~ wher!tread11y avauBDte. wttn lDP"9' higher thin 5 teeL.~::~ .~'..;...:..:':. ~':.:k;' 11~~ _'_NI;":":., v..(V .#;;""/- ~.~.t..~.~_r~' . ~-f-' . 10.301(a) ." _ 3. Post signa Indicating Iocatlon whereextinguishenJ are ~ readily vla!b~; . . ~.::t.~:..;.~:~...:",~"':":~"".' ,'-=-~ ~ .;::.r....~~r!.. -:-'r~~~"f.f;;"':;,,'4.~~' ~'.I.\ j: '. .... 1 0,301 (a) . L4,~Service and tag each extlnguilM!..lI;"n~lly~ -!!- uae.-,::':::"'..,;+- ";:,,,,,~,~., T'(,":'~':'; .::~ ~,:-l:.;t~;. _4~ '~'-' .;4-' .. J ....-.;'\ '-"7"',''''''' "fir'); 'K.~ (~-.;,t..' , .....: q -,".:. . E. FIRE PAOTEcnON SY8TE..s"~~~_~~S:.;t:'.~"''::,:;~~f4-:-,'~-;:\.;:.:;.:~.-,J~~:.,;:~-::;,.~..~;<-..t~.-."~::.~'?..-~'" '~'~~1-:.r~;-:~:r.~':':':-'."6.:"J;,"" '.~-f.'{.-..,~;. .r'"": . 10.302Ia)-.~:<" 1. Maintain access to and oPeratlorl-Ot-"s~pipe;-'flr8 hOle, iPrinkler vahGs and fire ttYdrant(I):~~-:'. :" .t.>l"_ "',Ti\l;"'.-:f''lo'jj".A..< C!~: -t:. ",~-"..... '" ~. " - .. .. . ,.' ~ - ""~-'I "'7' J) "","" .' . ,- ;11., 10,302(a) :. 2. Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain recordL-1""", .........h. !'. :,,,,''':~:, "".:--,,. '~":"_-";.1... .........~ r... .;:t!,~.~, - .::~ v.,. ';':'J ~," .... i/l.)." .10.302(.).... '. 3. Identify aprlnkler valv", and standpipea and aecure in ope.; P<<?Bitlon:r~:;:.~:!?~.~.,,'1' _~1l:~A:'" ~ -..:'~'" : ~ /~' '-..." :.:.:-::..~ -,.-f ~:.. "'1'", . J~.;. 10.302(a)'. 4. Provide apare aprtnklers (8 mlnlmum)ancI sprinkler wrench. . --!:<-." .~.,;- ,. - .,.'~...-, ~ ,. ""'; .. '. ~ ~'t.:,,:~~.:,~....:, +,~.r .{i..~'':.:I''''' II f "1:.:.' ;:;... 10.313 - S. Inspect and service hood and duct extinguishing system oY8l' Cooking equipment.,' ". L,'~', ",:.' . . ,.~:. -'\- ',,-":" .~:: ~f.:' A, ." ....~, ';-:." , 10.302() -OR I d ed -"-" 'led '01 ..__",,_r..,"",,- . - . -.z.,-..("l;'_........_'.................~.....~"_.~..~~~....... ......,~' ,. ." a ;;,.~ u. ep ace amag ,corrUUVlol or pain apnn er fnNlU&. .......~f!r:'K~....;. ...._-..;.c::<i ,~,.,_;:..;:,....,.::i..f; . - . ',:,~,''';:-_'''':::~';:''':A''""'~'"":'-.-.'''-,~,~;.,~''', n.;.. ;; .:\;~~ \ ::~ --' ;:- FIRE SEPwnONS ": .;"'~~;/;.".:..":t...;~:~/;:t:~?:.;.~~~~:...,)~~.Qf4~.~~:~~~.;:;~~~~~~:.'; .." - ." ""..'~~"'" ~,......" - '->". ,.:.....,.,~. ..~<\.,: . 10.402:~"" 1. Remove obstructionalrom fire door. and maintain to operat.~pioperty;,.:~"':.., '?Y.\~r;"?',-;".;; :s~:I" 'J:."rk~'J}},f.j...>':....r;~f"&.~:f;0:~7~:1:1or::.~'J.;:;;:J..._~ ",. " 10.401 ".. 2. sUJ unapproved opening_with approved material' t .;.::..,....: ;~.;t-:' ...:':'::"~;"';:,.41::"';:~ /i!"~ '::"~~'7 . ,-. ...~~-..., ~ ""'''''' '~I 11408'~ -3K ttl nd utll toMd ....- ".-;-,."" '''l>-~';'''~'''' .........~C'r ~~;..":.:,..::.'.:.,.:-.~:t.~.;i..::;.?:.:..,:}:.~.:::'!:.T...~:~:;,~:-:-:;.(::! "':t.. : . .~. ,..' . _ . eep a c access a . ,~c e .~,. ,,,~ _ ~~" . .::~:,'~-:.j?~~; ~ ~.,~~;~~~.E.~~t~~ ,t:~~3~:~>:~< ' 7.':- I Go FLAMMABLE UQUID8 ,-:' "" .~, ... '. -. r~"~~' ~ ~ -, -. ..... ........~ -.' . f'- - ,,::.~~~:.;-,!;.~;~--::7~~i*l~.~..;:: .-.:~~~:;:':... ....~" .j",:",: I 1. Reduce Class I to lesa than S" gll. hlaid8 Or 10 gal. oUlski. wtth~tp.rmlt: ::'~./;:;;;/..:..:? ~ :~ "':.--r ' - 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25 gal. lnald. or 60 gal. outaIde wi.thOUI permit. ~..,. .-:: _.:....::.....,;;,;.:.~:... ...../ ~.;~~;~..;~:...~~;'f~ ._....:..'::~:, -;.:' ~ :"..- - 3. Remove liquids not atored In original containers Of' cloa8d metal containers. ' ....c..:F~ .': . '.--c':" ~. . - 4. Remove lIammable Uqulds not used lor malnt. in asaembty ~dga.. offlcea, apts. or mot...., ..-~...,f - 5. DIsconti_nue use of Class I liquids (gasoUne. etc,) lor cleaning. ..' '~.:.. ..' :., ' - 6. Store liquids away Irom corridors, aisles, stairways and axit area. 1 - 7. Discontinue dispenaing from contalnen exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump taking auction from top. = 8. Discontinue the discharge 01 liquidS Into drains or on the ground. . H. H!AnNO APPLIANCES .: . .. .- 11.406(d) 1. Remova combustibles and atorage from heater area or room.' . ~ .;,._ ." 11.406(d). :- .2. Provide clearance between heal producing appliance and com~uatlble ~8terlal:" . I. HOUSEKEEPING' , .- .. ' .,:--,,:,-,,_ ~ ~. .. , . ~ ~'1. Remov~ or store rubbish, waste material. oily rags in closed metal containers, ~ 2. Clean grease IIItera and hood duct syst.m over cooking appllance,; _ ; - ..... . - J, 8~~:~~ approved waste contal~~ for combustible W~~:1-. .....;_..~ '." . ,. , ..' 1. Removeatorage from exits, ala"". con1dora and on or under stairwaya. ~., ., - 2. Arrange atorage In orderiy manner and provide tor exiting and tlie department aceeaa.. - 3. Remove storage to 18" below level 01 aprinlder (36'" lor storage plied over 12 feet high). . ',,~ = 4. Reduce alorage height to a1 least two feet below ceiling. '!o. ':'..: K. PERMITS. .:'. . ..---.-,:; 1. Obtain a permit from the Fire PreventkM1 Bureau. or discontinue,: . L ~s~:~:~::m~~ :~~I~tiOns._ ;-'i.~.:;.:.;'~'(. -~ ~f. ~. :~~;.,,~! 1. Poat and enlorce No Smoking signa~'.- . ~ - 2. Provide addre" in such a poaltion as to be vialble and legible from the st.lronting property..;' - 3. Remove obstructions and provide acceaa in fire lanes.. -'- '. . .~ ~ . . = 4. Secure III C?mpreued gu ~lIn~..ra In. upright position with.!1am! 01 produCt.;~i..:'~;.-.?.',_.. ~ ';, . ~. OTH~R.;: ~(';-.:' ";~ '. ;;~~~i4i:i~ :.~'1~~~-~-:;~:~~~~:~, :~:~~P:'.~~.?:~\~f~(~~~;~;~f~~I~.~ . .,.:; ~.~ .!.,;. . :~.~~~.. .....; "',: .. :YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLAnONS.WITHIN-';;": /"j""c," ,.,j. DAYS. ,"'JJ1;ttdl?:J.'o' Iy!i{,jt,!,:.;?:;g,;;::-o:., ~1;:; . '-'.' . ";0:. ,~__,--;:>..- _.~. ,~~:/?,.;0.2X~" :..J.'!.-{...it=~.,.,.!,~f~;;:...~::;~;~:;t1,.~'''~,~....'?>.'S-::.::!S......~t.-:.~;\.'\~.. ,,;.~f",,~, '.?~...-5:-_-.... ,(i.t'-'~' ~.,~;~~:......tr.;':-;:":f- ~'~i..~:,;.- ),'. Signed: ....-:... ~ ~'...:::7 / /~ .,,,~~..-.., JA:---..r..1.-.t' '~"-...';"".~:.:i' <~. -:::;...... ...-::,,':.-.-~,..'j...:.:i":~:',;,>'':'' VIOLATIONS: Noted-, r"!.-:' ,~~.~~,..~";o .;,s,,:' _, . _ - - . . _,'l; ~_ '.~... ..-;;...,.,.l'f"'''-''''"":'-''' . ..... , -~" -."~~' .' . . REFERRED TO FIA"E' ~ENTioN BUREAU FOR' LEGA'l ACT10N':'~:': ?-.p" :J~~~.: :\=-:';.~.,'~- '",-'" ::;: '::t" :~.~>> Ab~ted ~7'-1,.;~.;:;;;:':;':"~ ;,:'r' .~~~:'.: "'-.. ....~.;. ('{\ _ '. ..." \ ~ I;,.' _. ._ .-., .':'''''' . .1:::~~'C~.t:.;.:';~..::~~-:.~{~._~~t:\~~~.:.;:'-::<:,:?:'.:"...~"'.' ~ :~'k~ INSPECTOR '....- i.1 "";':", t, "y.:~ 'i,"~. 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