HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2002-10-30 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line ~ SITE ADDRESS: 3492 Marcola Rd ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702300000902 Spr TYPE OF Warehouse TYPE OF USE: New PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Land Use: Paint,Glass,Wallpaper-Ret, Zoning: HI, New commercial bldg Owner: Scott Uffens Address: 90342 Hill Rd Marcola OR 97478 Contractor Type Architect General Electrical Landscape Mechanical Owner Plumbing # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Front yard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: S tree t Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd FI~ Sq )it !!l'N..iI\~ ~, S~.~oa~~ rport ..-l..~"~~\lI),r...~~ ...,," '{..:-,I~~ Surface Area: _0..... r ,'(\ y'~\:)\'<""- I DEVELOPMENT INf<'A~"'()~r~\~ 'rfQ'f" ' \~\~ l ~~tl,.~~ t:::J\~~'V. REQUIRED PARKING Overlay Dist: 'r\::''\~ ~~~ru~~ ~ Total: # Street Trees ~~~ \'O~ Handicapped: ~~lli~~:~ ~~~ % of Lot Coverage: I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' Contractor ,,01) \~,License Hal Pfeiffer .;lo'i:; , \J'i.~''\.~~\ VE Builders Inc ~~ers. ,eQ,O~ 'i:;e'l."'r::rf\' DAVID L SCHAEFER "o~:~,\(\e~~'i:;~~<?>S.W25N SCHELSKYSLAN~~~~~~AN~JR~q~r~gffi3~~~ Marshalls Inc \,0 n.co"V ~"'o 'o~t:$ ~ 0' ' \r>~~ n,.;~p~ ~ 'i:;" e~' \{\' 'l?P 'I.e\"",.CV' Scott Uffe~~;(...\\.s.e r::io~'< f:)\~ CO~~ ,'is'-e ,.::,O~\~ Eugene PI!lm~ing"o~ ,,~\,r;;j ",\oa:-~,"'cl\e:<I\"; '",1>.1' ...~o\~\~~~'i' BuiLDINGINFORMATIONJ .,,0 ~,--\~ 'is'~ \'(\e~ \,~i-" ,J;)9i ,,\'i.,~Q,. \#'of Siories: C" ",10'. A" F-I 0;:,\<;;0." '!:Ieight of M {\ Type of Heat: VN Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: IpUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' I of 7 Commercial Phone Number: (541) 726-6507 Expiration Date Phone (541) 683-4257 (541) 688-2337 541-747-6711 541-744-7135 (541) 747-7445 (541) 726-6507 (541) 484-7440 01118/2004 02/28/2003 I 8,712 4,800 Sidewalk Type: DownspoutsIDrains Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Desc ription Type of Construction Fee Description Commercial Plan Check Multiple Permit Discount - 2nd One to Four Outlets State Surcharge - Mechanical Photocopy Fees 80/0 Administrative Fee - Meehan Equipment Not Itemized on Perm Mechanical Issuance Vent Fan to One Duct State Surcharge - Plumbing Curbcut Repair 8% Administrative Fee - Plumbi Sanitary Sewer Footage State Surcharge For Building P Water Service Footage New Curbcut 8% Building Administrative Fee Final Site Plan Insp for Occy Encroachment Permit - Commerci New Sidewalk Number of Fixtures Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement Additional Plan Check Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme SDC Administrative Fee Paving Fire & Life Safety Plan Review Industrial Park - Reimbursemen Building Permit Miscellaneous MWMC Industrial Park - Improvement Impervious Surface Area - Stor State Surcharge - Electrical 8% Admin Fee - Electrical Permanent: 200 Amps or Less Branch Circuits With Feeder or + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/3012002 APPLIED: 04/3012002 EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 I Valuation Descriution I $ Per Sq Ft Amount Paid $479,64 $-30.00 $4.00 $4.06 $4.25 $4.64 $9.00 $10.00 $12.00 $28.07 $30,00 $32.08 $45,00 $68,49 $73,00 $75.00 $78.27 $11 0.00 $120.00 $167.75 $210.00 $292.32 $329.55 $384.66 $445.21 $495,45 $497,96 $516,79 $978,40 $1,008.50 $2,280.44 $4,411.41 $9.66 $11.04 $63.00 $75.00 $3,15 $3,60 Square Footaee Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project Fees Paid' Date Receipt Number Received By 4/30/02 8766 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 7/30/02 10102 9/16/02 10613 9/16/02 10613 9/16/02 10613 9/16/02 10613 10/18/02 2200200000000000080 10/18/02 2200200000000000080 2 of 7 djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb ~1JtI.~~~' ,. j, ,-... , . , , ' t.... , ... '..-- Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Low Voltage - Commercial Indus + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee Backflow Device Minimum/Adjustment Plumbing Temporary Occupancy Total Amount En2ineerin2-CIIIP Fire Marshal-CIIIP Fire Marshal-CIIIP Fire Marshal-CIl/P Initial Review-CIIIP Plannin2-CIIIP Structural-CIIIP . . CITY OF SPRINGFIJ<.LU Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/3012002 APPLIED: 04/3012002 EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 $45.00 10/18/02 2200200000000000080 djb $3.15 10/30/02 1200200000000000160 djb $3.60 10/30/02 1200200000000000160 djb $14.00 10/30/02 1200200000000000160 djb $31.00 10/30/02 1200200000000000160 djb $100.00 11127/02 1200200000000000311 djb $13,538.14 I Plan Reviews I 05/03/2002 OS/21/2002 Appr PO Appr AG Plan review - Construction of 4800 sq ft, Type VN, Occupancy = SI 06/10/2002 1. Provide address #'s visible from the street. 2. Provide a minimum 2 fire extinguishers on main ODor level - minimum rating shall be 2A-IOB:C, extinguishers sball be mounted with top between 3' and 5' above the floor, 3. Provide a fire extinguisher at the top of the stairs for upper storage - minimum rating shall be 2A-IOB:C. 4. Storage height in other than the upper storage area shall not exceed 12' - unless a high-piled combustible storage plan is submitted for approval to the Fire Marshal's office. Revised Plans. No plan review required by Fire Marshal. Additional requirements requested by Tom Rogers, not Fire Marshals office per AI Gerard. mechanical hvac drawing revisions. Forwarded to AI for his information, Info AG 06/1112002 Info AG 05/01/2002 OS/24/2002 05/16/2002 Appr LH Appr LI Wait TR Plan review letter faxed, Waiting for response. 3 of 7 -rc'~' ~ , , Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-C/IIP . 05/16/2002 Info 4 of 7 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 LH Plan review letter from Tom Rogers to Hal Pfiefer regarding 1-5 glass requests the following information in order to complete the plan review: I) All walls within 20 feet of a property line must be on one hour construction. Please specify the rated assembly that will be used at the north and east walls. 2) Due to the proximity of the north property line, all openings must be protected by a 3/4 hour rated assembly. Specify the rated assembly that will be used. 3) Due to the proximity of the north property line, a one hour rated parparet is required at the north wall that extends 30 inches above the roof. Note that ossc allow, alternative protection and construction in lieu of the parapet. Specify the assembly that will be used. 4) The plans specify the occupancy classification as S-l. This would limit the warehouse area to storage and not assembly or fabrication as implied by the work area room designation. The showroom area would be classified as an M occupancy if available for customers to view and buy products. A one hour occupancy separation would be reuqired between the SI and M occupancies, unless the sotrage area is provied with a fire sprinkler system. Classification of the work area as an FI occupancy may be more accorate if fabrication work on wood or metal window components is anticipated. 5) Projection of the eaves closer than 10 feet from the property line require one hour rated construction. Indicate on the plans the eaves that will be projected and specify the listed assembly that will be used. 6) Fire blocking is required at 10 feet intervals in the stud spaces per ossc. Shett s6/9 does not show the reuiqred blocking. Please revise, 7) Attic draft stops will be required if a ceiling is installed at the truss level, Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-CIIIP . 06/04/2002 . CITY OF SPRINGl'll'..LU Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Indicate if a ceiling will be provieed and Icoation of draft stops is applicable, 8) Please verify that a landing will be provided at all exterior doors that is not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold. 9) Thl accessible parking space must be identified by a sign which also designates the space as van accessible. 10) Pipes under the lavatory must be insulated or otherwise protected. II) Detailes on sheet s9/9 do not specify the maximum 40 inch height for the mirror in the accessible restroom. 12) The side grab bar shown on sheet 9/9 needs to be a minimum 42 inches in length. 13) Provide details for the shower, verifying compliance with ossc. 14) Ventilation is required in the office and showroom areas in accordance with assc. Provide computations for the outsidl air reuqired and specify how the air is provided. 15) Please specify the type of roofing proposed. 16) It appears that entire lateral load from the mezzanine is directed to shear walls z5 and z6. Please explain why the load from the Oexiable wood diaphragm does not provide lateral loads at the perimeter mezzanine walls. 17) The 2 foot x 14 foot shear wall sections between the overhead doors do not meet the maximum ratio specified in Table 23-11-G. The calculations provided do not specifically evaluate these wall sections. Provided revised information for review. See job file for copy of original letter sent and code sections relating to items, Ih Fed Ex'd Revised plans Wait TR 5 of 7 . . CITY OF SPRIr\llTl'lELD Building/Combination Permit Status: Issued PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 541-726-3753 Phone EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Structural-CII/P 06/04/2002 Info LH Plan review comments from second plan review of Tom Rogers: A review of the supplemental information for the project has been completed. Following is the status 01 the items from the original review letter of May 15. I) Resolved. 2) Due to the proximity of the north property line, all openings must be protected by a 3/4 hour rated assembly. Specify the rated assembly that will be used. Response: Please see sheet FIll fire rated assemblies. The door provided is acceptable as specified, Ad annitional note has been placed on the plans specifying the door must bl provided with a closure. 3) Due to the proximity of the north property line, a one hour rated parapet is required at the north wall that extends 30 inches above the roof. Note that OSSC allows alternative protection and construction in lieu of the parpaet. Specify the assembly that will be used. Response: Please see sheet FIll fire rated assemblies. The truss protection specified (2 layers 5/8" gyp bd) must extend 10 f1 from the exterior wall for other than Group R or U occupancies. The front wall supporting the protected trusses and header int his case must also be of one hour construction. 4-13) Resolved, 14) Ventilation is required in the office and showroom areas in accordance with OSSC, Provide computations for the outsid, air required and specify how the air is provided, Response: Please see revised sheet MI mechanical plan. Please c1airfy how the occupany load of 8 persons was determined. Table 10-A specifies an occupant load factor of 30 for the show room. 15) Resolved. Structural I & 2 Resolved. Please see plan me for original letter with code reference sections. Ih Structural-CI1IP 06/05/2002 Info LH Fed Ex'd revisions and revised plan. page FIll 6 of 7 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: OS/21/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-C/I/P Pend TR Fed Exd mechanical hvac drawing. All plans approved as noted. Received Fed Ex at 4:59 p.m. 6/13/02 06/1312002 Appr TR Approved as noted. 05/15/2002 Appr DH Passed energy code review 05/1312002 Info LH Energy forms delivered to David Harris 06/1112002 Info DH mechanical hvac drawing revision. Forwarded to David Harris for his information. Structural-CII/P SUB - CommlInd SUB - CommlInd SUB - CommlInd To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Reauired InsnectionsJ I Low Voltage: Prior to cover. 2 Backflow Device: Prior to covering and provide a copy of the test report on site at the time of inspection. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefuUy examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made ofany structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 wiD be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, th the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times uring construction. /' a/~ 11~.;27-0?-.. - r~ Owner or Contractors Signature Date 7 of 7 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 4!. , SITE ADDRESS: 3492 Marcola Rd ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702300000902 Spr TYPE OF Warehouse TYPE OF USE: New PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Land Use: Paint,Glass,Wallpaper-Ret, Zoning: HI, New commercial bldg Owner: Scott Uffens Address: 90342 Hill Rd Marcola OR 97478 Contractor Type Architect General Electrical Landscape Mechanical Owner Plumbing # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy P'rimary Construction Type Secondary Construction # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Front yard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: Commercial Phone Number: (541) 726-6507 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor License &-.wiration Date Hal Pfeiffer ~'o-:' 'i0 :(~\\'I VE Builders Inc ~ ~'Oo.'\)\ ~O(\ 'U ~ \O~'(I DAVID L SCHAEFER 0.0(\ \?ij~?'p~'O 'l>~'O -:,'0 :2:0'i'lY~2004 SCHELSKYS LANDSCAPE AND ~W1Il~~;'\)\0~\Ic~ 9~'\)\~~72003 Marshalls Inc 't;.~"'i,~ -:,'l>o.O~ ~~'(IO ~O'\)~'(I 0\\'(1'0 ~o(\~ ~ Scott Uffens ~ 1'tl~'\)\0 G'O(\\'O\)\)'\)\~ O~\'O-:' 'O\'O\'O~,\c'l>\\O Eugene Plumbing \O\\?,r'A'i..\o~"n\)'\- .",\i\(\~,,,\e.\~,,, ~o\~ \....{\...: -.' \. 1:- -=:. - .~,. \)\"'. f'!JW'" I I BUll;DiN~INR0RMNFION'I)(\ "nfl. u ..\', ",''v ,. <\\J" \I'~ 'OV' nCl'" (\.\:I':>.....lM(\~ ~\~, ,.CO # OfS\yI',<~'O~\O ~'O~\-:' I Lot Size: Heigh~# G'O(\ Sq Ft 1st Floor: Type of Heat: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Water Type: Sq Ft Basement: Range Type: Sq Ft GaragelCarport Energy Path: Sq Ft Ot~ftIii~ ..ImI\~m1~ ace Area: .;f'a.... If ~o# ,c:. I DEVELOPMEN;!;1NJii;ml\1AirmN..t:. ~\~ ?~\"\\~'n' ~Q\\ Ir - ... ',IIi -,.i LP> '\ "'DQ~~'v REQUIRED PARKING '\\\\~ ~\:.r ~t~\) \}~V S to.'Oto.\, Overlay Qi$ti\\Q?I c.~\) Q\\ ~ Q\). Total: # Street ~i~~~~ \)to.'{ ?~\\~ Handicapped: Paved Dr~qlfl~1:\ Compact: % of Lot Coverage: F-I M VN IPUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Sidewalk Type: Downspouts/Drains I of 9 Phone (541) 683-4257 (541) 688-2337 541-747-6711 541-744-7135 (541) 747-7445 (541) 726-6507 (541) 484-7440 8,712 4,800 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Desc riJ>tion Type of Construction Fee Description . I Valuation Descriotion I $ Per Sq Ft Square Footage Total Value of Project I Fees Paid' Amount Paid Date 2 of 9 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Value Date Calculated Receipt Number Received By "'Aa.u-II"'''~ . "'""7Wi!f.o;-.,:-~~'f'_""'~ [ \"....; ! '.. . . ., ,~~,)"" . ..rl Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line 3hp -- 100,000 BTU + 7% State Surcharge + 8% Administrative Fee 8% Admin Fee - Electrical 8% Administrative Fee - Meehan 8% Administrative Fee - Plumb; 8% Building Administrative Fee Additional Plan Check ApplianceVent (Not Covered in Backllow Device Branch Circuits With Feeder or Building Permit Commercial Plan Check Curbcut Repair Encroachment Permit - Commerci Equipment Not Itemized on Perm Final Site Plan Insp for Occy Fire & Life Safety Plan Review Impervious Surface Area - Stor Industrial Park - Improvement Industrial Park - Reimbursemen Less than 100,000 BTU Low Voltage - Commercial Indus Mechanical Issuance Minimum/Adjustment Plumbing Miscellaneous MWMC Multiple Permit Discount - 2nd MWMC Administrative Fee New Curbcut New Sidewalk Number of Fixtures One to Four Outlets Paving Permanent: 200 Amps or Less Photocopy Fees Sanitary Sewer Footage Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme SDC Administrative Fee State Surcharge - Electrical State Surcharge - Mechanical State Surcharge - Plumbing State Surcharge For Building P Storm Sewer Footage Vent Fan to One Duct Water Service Footage Total Amount . $12.00 $3.15 $3,60 $11.04 $4,64 $32,08 $78.27 $329,55 $9.00 $14.00 $75.00 $978.40 $479.64 $30.00 $120.00 $9.00 $110.00 $497.96 $4,41 1.41 $2,280.44 $516.79 $12.00 $45.00 $10.00 $31.00 $1,008.50 $-30.00 $10.00 $75.00 $167.75 $210,00 $4.00 $495,45 $63,00 $4,25 $45,00 $292,32 $384,66 $445,21 $9.66 $4.06 $28,07 $68,49 $73,00 $12,00 $73,00 $13,547.39 7/30/02 10/18/02 10/18102 9/16/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 10/30/02 9/16/02 7/30/02 4/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 10/18/02 7130102 10/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 9/16/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 9/16/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 7/30/02 3 of 9 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/3012002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 10102 2200200000000000080 2200200000000000080 10613 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 1200200000000000160 106\3 10102 8766 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 2200200000000000080 10102 1200200000000000160 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10613 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10613 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb djb Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Paving Commercial Plan Check Fire & Life Safety Plan Review Permanent: 200 Amps or Less 8% Admin Fee - Electrical Number of Fixtures Sanitary Sewer Footagc Storm Sewer Footage 8% Administrative Fee - Plumbi Less than 100,000 BTU One to Four Outlcts State Surcharge. Mechanical Miscellaneous MWMC Impervious Surface Area - Stor Encroachment Permit - Commerci Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimburseme Sanitary Sewer SDC Improvement SDC Administrative Fee MWMC Administrative Fee Industrial Park - Improvement Building Permit Additional Plan Check State Surcharge For Building P 8% Building Administrative Fce New Sidewalk New Curbcut Branch Circuits With Feeder or State Surcharge - Electrical Water Service Footage State Surcharge - Plumbing 3hp -- 100,000 BTU Vent Fan to One Duct ApplianceVent (Not Covered in Equipment Not Itemized on Perm 8% Administrative Fee - Meehan Mechanical Issuance Industrial Park - Reimbursemen Photocopy Fces Curbcut Repair Final Site Plan Insp for Occy Total Fees Paid Prior to 9/30/02 Eneineerine-CII/P . $495,45 $479,64 $497.96 $63,00 $11.04 $210.00 $45.00 $73.00 $32.08 $12.00 $4.00 $4.06 $1,008.50 $4,41 1.41 $120.00 $384.66 $292.32 $445.21 $10.00 $2,280.44 $978.40 $329.55 $68.49 $78.27 $167.75 $75.00 $75.00 $9.66 $73.00 $28.07 $12.00 $12.00 $9.00 $9.00 $4.64 $10.00 $516.79 $4.25 $30.00 $110.00 $13,480.64 07/30/2002 04/30/2002 07/30/2002 09/16/2002 09/16/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/3012002 07/30/2002 07/3012002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/3012002 09/16/2002 09/16/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/3012002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 07/30/2002 I Plan Reviews , 05/03/2002 . U 1" OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 10102 8766 10102 10613 10613 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10613 , 10613 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 10102 Appr PO 4 of 9 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Fire Marshal-CIlIP Fire Marshal-CII!P Fire Marshal-CIlIP Initial Review-C/lIP Plannine-C/I/P Structural-C/I/P . 05/21/2002 06/1 0/2002 06/11/2002 05/01/2002 OS/24/2002 05/16/2002 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Appr AG Plan review - Construction of 4800 sq ft, Type VN, Occupancy = SI Info AG 1. Provide address #'s visible from the street, 2, Provide a minimum 2 fire extinguishers on main floor level - minimum rating shall be 2A-IOB:C, extinguishers shall be mounted with top between 3' and 5' above the floor. 3. Provide a fire extinguisher at the top of the stairs for upper storage - minimum rating shall be 2A-IOB:C. 4. Storage height in other than the upper storage area shall not exceed 12' - unless a high-piled combustible storage plan is submitted for approval to the Fire Marshal's office. Revised Plans. No plan review required by Fire Marshal. Additional requirements requested by Tom Rogers, not Fire Marshals office per AI Gerard. mechanical hvac drawing revisions. Forwarded to AI for his information. Info AG Appr LH Appr L1 Wait TR Plan review letter faxed. Waiting for response. 5 of 9 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-CII/P . 05/16/2002 Info 6 of 9 . CITY Of< ~t'RINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 LH Plan review letter from Tom Rogers to Hal Pfiefer regarding 1-5 glass requests the following information in order to complete the plan review: I) All walls within 20 feet of a property line must be on one hour construction. Please specify the rated assembly that will be used at the north and east walls. 2) Due to the proximity of the north property line, all openings must be protected by a 3/4 hour rated assembly. Specify the rated assembly that will be used, 3) Due to the proximity of the north property line, a one hour rated parparet is required at the north wall that extends 30 inches above the roof. Note that ossc allow! alternative protection and construction in lieu of the parapet. Specify the assembly that will be used, 4) The plans specify the occupancy classification as S-l. This would limit the warehouse area to storage and not assembly or fabrication as implied by the work area room designation. The showroom area would be classified as an M occupancy if available for customers to view and buy products. A one hour occupancy separation would be reuqired between the Sl and M occupancies, unless the sotrage area is provied with a fire sprinkler system. Classification of the work area as an FI occupancy may be more accorate if fabrication work on wood or metal window components is anticipated. 5) Projection of the eaves closer than 10 feet from the property line require one hour rated construction. Indicate on the plans the eaves that will be projected and specify the listed assembly that will be used. 6) Fire blocking is required at 10 feet intervals in the stud spaces per ossc, Shett s6/9 does not show the reuiqred blocking. Please revise. 7) Attic draft stops will be required if a ceiling is installed at the truss level. Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-CII/P . 06/04/2002 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/3012003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Indicate if a ceiling will be provieed and Icoation of draft stops is applicable, 8) Please verify that a landing will be provided at all exterior doors that is not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold. 9) ThE accessible parking space must be identified by a sign which also designates the space as van accessible, 10) Pipes under the lavatory must be insulated or otherwise protected. II) Detailes on sheet s9/9 do not specify the maximum 40 inch height for the mirror in the accessible restroom. 12) The side grab bar shown on sheet 919 needs to be a minimum 42 inches in length. 13) Provide details for the shower, verifying compliance with ossc. 14) Ventilation is required in the office and showroom areas in accordance with assc. Provide computations for the outsidE air reuqired and specify how the air is provided. 15) Please specify the type of roofing proposed. 16) It appears that entire lateral load from the mezzanine is directed to shear walls z5 and z6. Please explain why the load from the Ilexiable wood diaphragm does not provide lateral loads at the perimeter mezzanine walls. 17) The 2 foot x 14 foot shear wall sections between the overhead doors do not meet the maximum ratio specified in Table 23-11-G. The calculations provided do not specifically evaluate these wall sections. Provided revised information for review. See job file for copy of original letter sent and code sections relating to items. Ih Fed Ex'd Revised plans Wait TR 7 of 9 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status: Issued PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR ISSUED: 10/30/2002 541-726-3753 Phone APPLIED: 04/30/2002 541-726-3676 Fax EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 541-726-3769 Inspection Line VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Structural-CII/P 06/04/2002 Info LH Plan review comments from second plan review of Tom Rogers: A review of the supplemental information for the project has been completed. Following is the status of the items from the original review letter of May 15, I) Resolved, 2) Due to the proximity of the north property line, all openings must be protected by a 3/4 hour rated assembly. Specify the rated assembly that will be used, Response: Please see sheet FIll fire rated assemblies, The door provided is acceptable as specified. Ad annitional note has been placed on the plans specifying the door must bl provided with a closure. 3) Due to the proximity of the north property line, a one hour rated parapet is required at the north wall that extends 30 inches above the roof. Note that OSSC allows alternative protection and construction in lieu of the parpaet. Specify the assembly that will be used. Response: Please see sheet FIll fire rated assemblies. The truss protection specified (2 layers 5/8" gyp bd) must extend 10 fl from the exterior wall for other than Group R or U occupancies. The front wall supporting the protected trusses and header int his case must also be of one hour construction. 4-13) Resolved, 14) Ventilation is required in the office and showroom areas in accordance with OSSC, Provide computations for the outsidl air required and specify how the air is provided. Response: Please see revised sheet MI mechanical plan. Please c1airfy how the occupany load of 8 persons was determined, Table 10-A specifies an occupant load factor of30 for the show room. 15) Resolved, Structural I & 2 Resolved, Please see plan file for original letter with code reference sections. Ih Structural-CII/P 06/05/2002 Info LH Fed Ex'd revisions and revised plan. page FIll 8 of 9 . . CITY OF SPRIl''jt..l'1ELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00497-01 ISSUED: 10/30/2002 APPLIED: 04/30/2002 EXPIRES: 04/30/2003 VALUE: $ 308,360.75 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-C/I/P Pend TR Fed Exd mechanical hvac drawing. AU plans approved as noted, Received Fed Ex at 4:59 p,m, 6/13/02 0611312002 Appr TR Approved as noted. 05/15/2002 Appr DH Passed energy code review 0511312002 Info LH Energy forms delivered to David Harris 06/1112002 Info DH mechanical hvac drawing revision. Forwarded to David Harris for his information. Structural-C/I/P SUB - CommlInd SUB - Commllnd SUB - Commllnd To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Reauired InsnectionsJ I Low Voltage: Prior to cover. 2 Backnow Device: Prior to covering and provide a copy of the test report on site at the time of inspection. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certifY that aU information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shaU be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety, I further certifY that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that aU required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the st t that the p~mit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at U times uring co uction. .~ -("~ L..---~/ ./ Owner or Contractors Signatu~ Date 9 of 9