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Permit Correction Notice 2009-4-9
--"-~V<"'-"l-""''''''~'iN'lQ''"...~,'''V~....~......!''lI~'l."lq''''''''''}ll1/'<itol..._~~~""",,-.~,~~1i'~~~fW.I'';l~~'ij'Clr+''~''if''(It'f-";o.~..."I~!'r''iiF''Y':;~'~''~.r-.;'P1:."A~~T''f'':j'I(~ q,r ''!J:rr ../"-:r"'!';t....; City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street ",X vl\/' \7.11' Ov-l Date:' If ,-.!L/!) 9 c Of - 2gff Address:. o/t3 0 7Z-',.J JI, TO: To)r! fflf"ll~ InspectionType: r<nLAflI. f./ul.;, f' tfj//lc:... /Ytc~/ftJt,~f3'. V~e.en.;N.l<" k-r hl"~{ (/fAho/, ",!f?<:Js 10 Gc w~&<f~~~ V~S/5!.-." t ',ple6f,e f:)/'it_"1~ell'fll ole! (~I/v~.., he'c1 C!vu,t7> : fit"';" 5ef)".~I<- (;.t/u",cI, f nud~"I., /., SCAt ~b" ,j Job# .j .' " , r . t'~~_.l. _,' '":..' "':- "~,' " '. ""'.:~.., "-'-':".~'_""__". "'.'."ii;,,"'" ". ..' '_ ,~.,.-,~' .,~.'..'\,..'~\i~~' '~~.' ....'_.- ,..,'. . '~c~r~ectio~s~nd r~iri~pect!~n'~';cj~~st sha'lI'be :made'withiri', -3 C/.:; ~I~nit'ar d~,YS': ,.... ',' '~_' .ACI., ", ,; , Call for remspectlon.@'yes,.DNo > .: Inspector !5, 'Myl ~"/"rJ..d~.t:l""7 . .. .Date:4-.r CFf' '. . . ~';'''''~~NN';;;''~~;;'''''Call for.ins'pectioW726-3769NNN;".;';!VN~~;';';"Questions 726~3759~N~";~^,~~N" . , ......,. . .' " , " " .' . ' .~, ;:: .,,:~". '.., .'! :'~.;'f&-.i' \'".i::'i.. ;t;,):"_l:,/::i::\_; ~~,l,j.f\t~ };"....;" "~,,,..,:-:.'. c':'l.:_,.;~.~,,; :~~~~" ,;--"',~.~,.;-[;.;.r:":,,,.., ,;i,~'_ ,I:a ~iJ;"_:~.,;;:.:"", ,-,,_::,,"~',~"',J '.,:;.",1.. '<I..,:.w. ;.:, _~. :..,.,~"" ..,I{,t_....A..',..-'i'~,."',~~~_::; ",:J.. +.;,j..:,: .,j,;'_ ::::.,,: :\1.)