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Permit Correction Notice 2009-4-8
r":-"_-'.~u1l"'Q"5t.\~~~~'~~~~~]:ffv~.a;~~~~~~~,~'N\;{~ji'~l~Y;'...:y:"'w....t!'f"~.,,'1V,'''''yi\..t(,~~;r)-_.:.'lo.......~V1...'to:.~';~~,,~ .JO;(,l, ~Ar01 JK .' ~'1J~\"i" 'JI' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: 4 /L/ oq Job# COf - '3'32 , Address:-"i3.0 /ll'701l1'1",;/( Rtv P Inspection Type:.ft~1,af r; f<"C-I~;.::. TO: Pe+('o/~t/V7 t:/~c.I...ic. AlEe. ,~;:t,/Z.(c.): LP", Mol LAs~ fV?., t.()/A~kf W/At'...C r:; '" lr.-:c.-f * , lIl/"'ye;t;J t>f/VVl"1 (" ~",/~H I,;/~.A -Ift>/r ?If/" , I'I~u~...., f7vtJVIJf' '/'SI':7 of- tV? T r'!J" 1"I)1~cf '/;'0'-' x:J/', Y'5.n J I.)~u-..,_ c.. ",,.. !/lEe. /IO,lv IAJ[.,/t' 1t4S;?,rcl~ $Crc"tl Mo/l,;..} (l11'Dlf"l?~ht'e-f cO/l-r-.... ~ v f3vof".t:,.. J1,1C)S .J.o be yep/" r ,.I. $--'~ \ . . J \ , .~ ~ t,_ .""...,...:, ::. .....,. '." ,', ~ _ ~', ,)Z , 't " ~,~:,~. ..' _ -. " .. " . ~\. ';,:'" ':';'..' -i '., -,' I.: . .;~ '-', .' '. ~ .. . , . . " ..:..,... :^' .....,.: i ,0\ :; ',. ""'J:' '" .'- . _ J. . '. " ,.. .'- .. '-. . ..,:(/,~:, . .;,_ _ ,'. ':... .',' '.. Corrections and relnspection request'shaU,be. made withiri30 :. calendar days>-' , .:, ,'"., Callforreinspection~e~nNo'.,)\l I!lspeaOr ig';':y';',..,I?,; l,,,,,:;Ac,dih' 'f"!"~Date: 'f-s'?"'O"l ' " , ",~",,,,,,,"'~"'''''':''''~~Call for irispection Z26"3769;.,";",":'",,,,,,,,,,,,,iv";Questions n6~3759"''''",~",,,,,,,,,,';' l... ~.~. :;;;,\. .~..,~;,,-_,&-,:/:. ,,' ".I ~.~ :"'''''o:'":':'''~lt.-~~:~,,~t,,;~:';~~~~':;~:i~~.:~~.,..;.,~';;.\l,c~,i",,"~d~~. .;~ ~~.t,~';:,,,:i:.-~~..,:,~.. '",.' ;,~;~, .',;!~.:_,~;:~.:o,,",. ,'~,1J:..,;:~;::-~~~,,~. ~'~;:";;:_2"~~:'j",I,.-,}.,;_ >:.t":~~;j",' ::" '4, '/,,~:,","'.__ 0:,: . .j:,'" _1~_";, ,~_'~';, ,'. C;c.fl _S("7-CfZI6