HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/19/2007 ., d#IJ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE: ) srATE OF OREGON I ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for.the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, 'Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Techni<;ian, I -erep<;,red and caused to ~e ' mailed copies of Di<-c..2Dol-1JO() 10 I /'1 &1;.0 (J\J:+u-'.M/)y) - V~- ~1L (See attachment . "A") on 12./,Q ,200Yaddressed to (see ~ ~ .Attachment B"). by.causing said . letters to be. placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. K~g~~R ~~J~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane IV I~/ (0_, 2007. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: . ;;~-------ofF~,;~;[AC~-"-- -;:.r-1 : ~ NOT~~:~:lt~~~~GON I I" COMMISSION NO. 379218 I .~_ _ _.:..~ IO!A~.~ION EXPIRE~ ~A\2'!:. ~!~J 1/11;(;4' IF Ex~res: ~ n :Joog My Commission Date, r'ieceived: Planner: AL 1,2.) 'l/.:Jo07 / . .' TYPE II MINOR VARIANCE STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Liberty Bank Headquarters Building Project Proposal: Minor Variance to Maximum Building Height for a Three-Story Offic~ Building Case Number: DRC2007-00067 t .' ., " ii'r. ; ',~,;: ,.~ -..........,-/.. \r-' Project Location: 250 International Way (Assessor's Map 17-03-15-40, TL 3400) ,. ~.~::- . ~. .~ :~.. -;-' ~~ .~'';;'';;'.~;cji_yJjitlii5!- .-. , ~, , ^ tj. ., -"'. Zoning: Campus Industrial (CI) t' . -~'- :..:....,.-~...;4.....,.. ;. , f" ___ ,'" _. ....-:.....'.: 'I~' _. --...:...............,~...... (~.~ . ." '. ~ --. . . :i"\ . .: ~.,.:1~~: SITE- '.CI i;' : ~ , " . ,3: ': :' cf ~ ,: "iI; 11 . \L.....:.......,.c'......:,:,.,~:;..~; F ':~ . _.." <.'!/.::-~ ~~~~&b;,llW~~~ ..<",,",-- - ,~:~"~'; .. --, ~.. -:=:~f~~j~;~.:~:JI_ . ~\i.. . .. CI . . .:."..~.7 J~...,.-,. \(r-------'. ,-~~j~~;~~;') .c",y.,,-."I ,., ." . L !~ Comprebensive Plan Designation: CI . Applicable Refinement Plan: Gateway Refinement Plan Designation: CI '. Application Submitted Date: October 31, 2007 Decision Issued Date: December 19,2007 Decision: Approval willi condition , Appeal Deadline Date: January 3, 2008 Associated Applications: LRP2007-00020;'SUB2007-00018; SHR2007-00003; PRE2007-00070; DRC2007-00066; DRC2007-00068 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVlEW TEAM I POSITION I Proi ect Manager I Transportation Planning Engineer I Deputy Fire Marshal I Public Works Engineer I Public Works Engineer I Building Division REVlEW OF Planning Transportation. Fire & Life Safety Utilities 1 Sanitary & Storm Sewer 1 Building Code NAME Andy Limbird Gary McKenney Gilbert Gordon Matt Stouder 1 Matt Stouder 1 Dave Puent PHONE 726-3784 736-4585 . 726-2293 736-1035 I 736-1035 1726-3668 .' APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVlEW TEAM Owner/ Applicant: Architect: William Bunting Liberty Bank PO Box 10426 Eugene, OR 97440 , . Scott Stolarczyk Robertson Sherwood Architects 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene OR 97401 . " :.~~:\ . Date. Received' /,z;~k7 Planner: AL .0 NATURE OF APPLICATION: The applicant submitted a Type II Variance Application to the City of Springfield requesting a minor variance to the 45-foot maximum height for buildings in the Campus Industrial Districtas required by SDC 3.2-420. The ' applicant is requesting a 15.6 percent increase to the allowable height to facilitate cOl!struction of a 52-foot high building. The applicant is making this request in order to refme design details for a three-story building, including rooftop parapet and mechanical unit screening, and variations to the roofline to meet design'standards for the CI District. There are no abutting residential uses, and most other commercial and industrial districts have no building height limitations unless they abut residential districts. REVIEW PROCESS: This application is reviewed under the Type II procedure listed in SDC 5.1_130 and in SDC 5.21-125.A.3. The Director shall approve the Minor Variance if the applicant demonstrates compliance with all of the applicable criteria listed in SDC 5.21-125. This application was accepted as complete on October 31, 2007, and this decision is issued on the 49th day of 120 days mandated by the state. ,- SITE INFORMATION: The 4.97 acre development site is zoned Campus Industrial (CI) consistent with policies of the Eugene- Springfield Metro Plan and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan. The subject site is Lot 3 of a 5-lot business park subdivision known as "Liberty Professional Center:'. A development Master Plan (LRP2007-00020) for the business park was approved in July, 2007. The.site is located at 250 International Way and physically set back from the public street frontage. Primmy access to the site is via a driveway within a north-south shared access easement from International Way. The shared access driveway is to be construCted 'concurrently with development of the subject property. The subject property is bordered on the west and south by companion parcels of the business park subdivision, , on the north by a City-owned parcel containing a stormwater detention pond, and on the east by Pacific Source. All abutting' properties are zoned and designated CI. The applicant has submitted concurrent applications for Site Plan Review (DRC2007-00066) and Drinking Water Protection Overlay District (DRC2007-00068). . . DECISION: Approval with condition, as per the findings in this report. WRITTEN COMMENTS: Procedural Finding I: Applications for Limited Larid Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application (SDC 5.1-130 and 5.2-115). The applicant and parties submitting written comments during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration. Procedural Finding 2: In accordance with SDC 5.1-130 and 5.2-115, notice was sent to owners/occupants . ,. within 300 feet of the subject site on November I, 2007. No written comments were received in response to the Notice to Suri'ounding Property Owners. -' General Finding 3: The applicant's project narrative cites variance criteria from an earlier, obsolete version of the Development Code. Staff advise there have been at least two comprehensive updates to the Development Code since that time; the latest Code reformat took effect in September, 2007. However, because the stated intent of the variance request is clear, and is supported by staff, the request will be reviewed for conformity with the current Development Code criteria. DateRe' ;; ~ PI celVed:_/2.- /> . anner: Al / tJ,_ ....,.. 12/19/07 Minor Variance DRC2007-00067 Page 2 of5 CRITERIA OF APPROVAL: SDC Section 5.21-125.D states, the Director shall approve the Minor Variance if the applicant demonstrates compliance with all of the applicable approval criteria: I..Locational or dimensional problems have been identified that can be resolved by a Minor Variance; Finding 4: The applicant is proposing a 52-foot high, three-story office building on the site and is 'requesting a variance to the building height provisions of the.CI District. The applicant's submittal indicates the height variance is requested to provide suitable floor to floor heights for the structure and also to accommodate rooftop mechanical units, screening, and roofline variation. The. applicant suggests the increased building height also allows for more efficient use of the .site and reduces the size of the building footprint required to achieve the desired gross floor area. Finding 5: SDC 3.2-420 indicates that the maximum building height in the CIDistrict is 45 feet. The requested variance is 7 feet or 15.6%. Finding 6: The subject property is not located adjacent to a public street or a.residential area. The proposed building is at the northeast cgmer of the business park and backs onto a City stormwater detention pond and riparian woodland. Finding 7: The applicant has submitted a concurrent application for Site Plan Review (DRC2007- , 00066) for the subject property. The Tentative Site Plan must be. approved for the Minor Varia:nc~ to be implemented. Finding 8: To meet the design standards of the Campus Industrial District, the applicant has proposed architectural details and roofline variations for the building. The requested variance would facilitate building design elements that meet the requirements of the ,CI District, and provide for screening of rooftop mechanical equipment. . " Condition of Approval: . . 1. The requested 15.6% (7-foot) building height variance shall be implemented upon approval of the Final Site Plan for the.subject property (planning Case DRC2007-00066). , Conclusion: The findings above show that locational problems have been identified. As conditioned herein, Criterion I has been met. . 2. Tbe request is the minimum necessary to alleviate the identified dimensional or locational problem; Finding 9: The applicant is requesting a variance to the 45-foot height limitation to allow for three full building .stories to be constructed, along with a varied roofline and building parapet to screen rooftop equipment. The applicant also requests the variance to meet design detail requirements of the CI District. . Finding 10: The applicant is requesting a 15.6% variance (7 feet) to the 45-foot height limitation of the District. Up to a 30% variance (in this case 13.5 feet) can be requested with a Type II variance application. It can be concluded that, based on the applicant's architectural plans, the requested vanance is:the minimum ~ec~ss~ to accommodate the preferred building design. Date Received' /,).,/;006'7 Planner: AL I . 12/19/07 Minor Variance DRC2007-00067 Page3 of5 Conclusion: The proposed adjustment is the minimum 'necessary to alleviate the dimensional problem. As proposed, Criterion 2 has been met. 3. Where applicable, the request shall result in the preservation of on-site trees 5" dba and above; Finding I I: There are no trees of 5-inch or greater caliper that will be affected by this request for Minor Variance. Conclusion: As proposed, Criterion 3 has been met. 4. The request shall not impede adequate emergency access to the site; Finding 12: The International Fire Gode (IFC).requires a minimum 20 feet clear-width area for fIre/emergency access. Finding 13: The Minor Variance request affects the building height only. The applicant's tentative site plan provides for emergency access around the entire perimeter of the building. Additionally, the requested building height variance does not affect accessibiiity by the Springfield Fire Department's aerial apparatus. . Conclusion: The proposed building height request does not impede adeqUate emergency access to the site. As proposed, Criterion 4 has been met. 5. The reqnest shall not unreasonably adversely impact public or private easements; and Finding 14: There are no public or private eaSements that would be adversely affected by the proposed building height variance.. . Conclusion: As proposed, Criterion 5 has been met, 6. The reqn~t shall not unreasonably limit solar access standards for abutting properties. In order to meet this criterion, the Director may require that the building or structure be placed as close to the south property line as possible.' . \ Finding 15: The City-owned parcel immediately to the north of the subject site is zoned and designated CI and contains an operating stonnwater detention pond. There is no residential land use in the vicinity, and the City is not contemplating buildings or other improvements on the site at this time. Therefore, solar access standards do not apply. Conclusion: As proposed, Criterion 6 has been met. 7. In addition to the applicable approval criteria specified in Subsections 1. through 6. above, the following approval criteria shall also apply'to a request involving parking reductions on infill lots/parcels in the Commercial and Industrial Districts when there is a change of use, addition or expansion that requires Site .Plan Review Modification. The Minor Variance for parking reductions shall not apply to MDS applications as specified in Section 5.15-100. , Finding 16: This request does not involve a parking' reduction and is not an infIll site. Criterion 7 does not apply. Therefore, COl)clusion: Criterion 7 is not applicable. Date ReCejVed:~( 'J(J(Jj Planner: AL i 12/19/07 Minor Vari'/nceDRC2007-00067 Page 4 of5 Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are av.ailable for free inspection and copies are available for a. fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeal: This Type II Minor Variance decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services Department by an affected party. The appeal must be ill accordance withSDC 5.3-100, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. IIi accordance with SDC 5.3-115.B which provides for a 15-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule I O( c) for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m. on January 3"', 2008. CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1. The requested 15.6% (7-foot) building height variance shall be implemented upon approval of the Final Site Plan for the subject property (Planning Case DRC2007-00066). Qnestions: Please call Andy Limbirdin the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (5"1) 726-3784 or email alimbirdlOJ.ci.sorino:field.or.usifyou have any questions regarding this process. "'P";t 0.1 C' Date F<eceived: /0y.?<'''' 7,. Planner: AL 12/19/07 MinorYariance DRC2Q07-00067 Page 50f5 . - - -~--- t .. ..- .~. . I.~ -- .-__........:....____.~ _.-.:;,.,_ I. __\. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477. William Bunting Liberty Bank PO Box 10426 Eugene, OR 97440 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 .............._-;1 Scott Stolarczyk Robertson Sherwood Architects 132 East Broadway, Ste 540 Eugene, ,OR 97401 ., ') Date R.eceived: Planner: AL CttrCl~_6. . I , /;/ ;ho07