HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 3/23/2009 MARKARIAN Molly From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: MARKARIAN Molly Monday, March 23, 2009 3:13 PM DRISCOLL Jon BARNETT Brian; DONOVAN James RE. ZON2009-00007 Note: fyll..t1~f'Oftzth~ J~r 1_, f)'/AA r"eJ'f'C?~' V'tr v"-'" - ., f'-h' fA;!; 1-<> +-U-' V ( ~ ~JI'c- rl~ tJ^chu &f!YJ2T 7'lM' . Jon, ~1f0,.. rzo,ftJ!1JM ~ DItf1 if 1/ al1 tJ71 5 , . Thanks for getting back to me. The reason for the request for this project is that thIS is a complex multi-phased project (it is on the major projects list). For projects like this, I find that it is really important to have written responses to DIM. questions not only so that the applicant receives clear and definitive responses to their questions at the DIM stage, but also to prevent misunderstandings and such over the course ofthe project (Le. during later phases, it is very helpful for both parties to flip back to the DIM answers at a later date if issues arise). Given that the applicant submitted many questions for the DIM, we scheduled the DIM a full month after the application was received to give all staff sufficient time to prepare for the meeting. I would greatly appreciate it if you could email me your,responses to the three Transportation questions (listed below) by April 1 " at the latest so that I can review them prior to the meeting on April 2~d and include them in the list of responses that I will be providing the applicant. Thanks, Jon! Transportation Question 111: Please confirm that there are no special setbacks ,or right-of-way dedicotions that affect the project's property lines on Main Street. or the alley. Transportation Question 112: The alley appears to be fully impraved. Please confirm there are no additional improvements required for the alley as part of this development. Transportation Question 113: Will a PIP be required for the madificotions to the driveway entrance and curb along Main Street? Will an access permit from OOOT be required? Molly Markarian Planner II City of Springfield - Development Services Department 541.726.4611 mmarkarian(ij)ci. sorinafield. or. us From: DRISCOLL Jon Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 11:38 AM To: MARKARIAN Molly Subject: RE: ZON2009-00007 Hello Molly, Yes, I have looked at that DIM, but I haven't typed anything up-at least not yet. I haven't made it a practice to give written comments-largely because Gary McKenney never did. Right now I'm just doing typing it if I have time. , If I do, I'll try and get them to you by March 30th, but no guarantees. Sincerely, 1 Date Received: 3/ t-~l 0"'/ Planner: MEM jlo~ Jon Driscoll EfT, PLS, WRE Transportation Engineer in Training City of Springfield, Pu.blic \Norks 225 Fifth Street, . Springfield, O.R. 97478 Phone: (5~1) 726-3679' Fax: (541) 726-3781 ,id riscoll((j)ci. sorinofield. or. us From: MARKARIAN Molly Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 4:S2 PM To: DRISCOLL Jon Subject: ZON2009-00007 HiJon, I'm starting to work on the DIM for the Afiya Apartments project. I'm wondering if you've had a chance to take a look ;.t it, and if so, if you have written responses to the Transportation questions yet. I'm hoping that you can email your answers tome prior to the meeting. Would it be possible to get them to me by March 30th? Let me know. Thanks!! Molly Markarian Planner II City of Springfield - Development Services Department 541.726.4611 mmarkarian((j)ci, sori nofield. or. us . , J};:;',r;t.~'~""'j-d ";',~;:.. ~",l ," \ ,'-p\,- ~~.p",r~R!\. '., . -,-q . h... 0.. ..... 2