HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 3/27/2009 ......... . MARKARIAN Molly From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Destin Ferdun [dferdun@Iunabridge.com] Friday, March 27, 2009 11 :31 AM MARKARIAN Molly 'Anne Delaney'; KERN Carl (SMTP) Afiya Apartments: Lot Line adjustment Property Line Adjustment.pdf; Final - DIM Meeting Notes.pdf Molly: Here is a diagram of what was discussed at the last DIM meeting as being a property line adjustment process. No new lots are created, no lots are removed, and it was discussed that the property line to be adjusted could be reshaped as needed. The attendee was John Driscoll. << >><< ..>> Destin Ferdun Lunabridge 3575 NE Shaver Portland, Oregon 97212 Tel 971-998-7156 Fax 503-284-3422 email dferdunlallunabridl!e.com web htto:/ /www.lunabridl!e.com 1 Date ReceiVed:~ Planner: MEM May desire to adjust this property line so that access drive stradles property line Property Line proposed to be adjusted --t~.... 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I u ~ r .:: ;: <<l > .... ;: <>:: '" ~ ::> - (J'J .:: '" u >lJ u; - '" 6 "- :I: 0 - ~ p, "' .... .... <: III <>:: p,.~ " <(. 0 u '" P, III '" 0 >-.. f-< ,~ "- ..... ~ <( '" '" PIlOA'CINO 4038 DIlAWHU ~o ....,V;e\I ~,. ..NN....~._ .OltTOPOO. .il U ~ ~ z ;;:: "" > '" ::> ~ '" ~ z o\!I N 0 ~ N g ~ H H 0 0 z 00 - ~ N '" Z N "" " "" Ii: Z - ~ z "" "" ~ -< 0 0- W HETTITLE TOPOGRAPf SURVEY SlEET NO. OF .. ., .. Development Issues Meeting PROJECT: BCS Main Street Pronerties MEETING No: 1 Meeting Date and Time: Location: Distribution (BCS'): * Destin F erdun 'Gary Come]ius . *Dale Seese 'FredTepher , KittiGale David Puent Jon Driscoll Eric Walter Kevin Ko' 26 July, 2007, ] :30 PM . City of Springfield Omaniution Lunabridge BCS BCS BCS CoS Planner CoS"Life Safety CoS Survey CoS Public Works CoS Housing Phone (971) 998-7]56 Distribution dferdun@lunabridge.com garycorn@quixnet.net dseese@efu.org fredtep@gmail.com kgale@ci.springfield.or.us dpuent@ci.springfield.or.us jdriscoll@ci.springfie]d.or.us ewaJter@ci.springfield.or.us kko@ci.springfield.or.us (503) 595-6172 (54]) 726-3668 (54]) 726-3679 (541) 736-1034 (541) 726-2302 Report By: Date: Destin Ferdun 3] July, 2007 . ], CORRECTIONS TO MEETING MINUTES: ContaCt Destin Ferdun with any corrections-to these minutes_ II. NEXT MEETINGS: None Scheduled III, NEW ISSUES: 1.1 _ Developmen.t Issues Meeting Minutes 7/26 A- full recorded transcript of the meeting is availab]e at http://www.Junabridge:comlbcs . Login; bcsuser Password: Hud8] ]app NOTE: The followinJ! items are ONLY a list of outstandinp discussion items. a full transcrint of the nroceedinp"s is availahle ner item 1.1 ahove 1.2 Life Safety and Survey: Property Line Adjustmeut 7/26 David Puent andJon Driscol discussed property defmition issues. David Puent recommended combining lots to minimize life safety issues. Jon Driscol talked about the difference between lot line adjustments and replatts, and talked about the fact that determination is often deferred to wning and planning. Destin and Fred mentioned that lot line adjustments are the most likely scenario to provide separate-lots for potential project funders. Jon mentioned that lot lil}eadjustmentscan reshape the lot linejnto whatever form was desired. 1.3 Public Works: ODOT Coordination 7/26 Eric Walter recommended that it would be wise to keep ODOT involved in the development review process in regards to Access Points 'and Traffic-increases. 1.4 Traffic Engineering: Traffic Study' . . ,0 I :21-) 07 Date Recelved,- Pla~ner: MEM . Page 1 of2 August 1, 2007 Lunabridge ,,', .,-,-~ 7/26 Kitti indicated that as long as the site did not increase the traffic count above 250 additional trips per day, a full traffic impact analysis would not be required. However the City will need some . detenriination that the site has not exceeded this increased traffic count. 1.5 Planning: Shared Parking and Parking Study 7/26 Kitti mentioned that shared parking is possible on the property provided a Parking Study is provided. She also indicated that this decision is made at the director level, which is her level. 1.6 Funding: Available Resources and Overlay Zones 7/26 Kevin Ko lead a short discussion regarding "vertical housing" and mentioned conce~ ~bout "transient" and "emergency" housing would not qualifY directly for some funding sources. Kevin also discussed the possible positive impacts of the pending "Urban Renewal Zone" arid suggested that it is likely to include and provide benefit to the Properties. He also discussed the.City's application for HUD Section 108 designation to provide more flexibility and availability of CDBG funds. Kevin indicated $200,000 in HOME 150,000 in CDBG is allocated to projects every year but .that these funds are decreasing. 1.7 I Planning: Plan Zone / Conflict 7/26 Kitti indicated that a Plan Zone Conflict exists and must be brought in confonmll1ce prior to proceeding with any planning review over and above a "minor modification". Change to Mixed Use Residential can be completed through regularly scheduled city process at no cost to a Nonprofit Housing Entity. If BCS wanted to change to a different zone it would require a Metro Plan Amendment. Changing to MUR will dissolve the Medium Density Residential requirement as MUR has no density requirements other than building sizing, 1.8 Planning: Discretionary Uses and Non Conforming Uses 7/26 Kitti indicated that Church and Emergency Housing would require a Discretionary Use process if expansion oftbose service,S was provided for in the new development. Current Uses are grandfathered as Non-Conforming Uses. There is an option for completing a zone change only on the lot that is to undertake development at this time. However, this does not appear to be the City's preference, 7/31 Comments in the meeting from Fred, led Destin to believe that there may be historical information that could provide that a Discretionary Use process has already occurred for the' EmergencY1Housing~ This might be a difficult argument to make, but may lend backing to a new Discretionary Use Process., Destin also poi~ts out that some other services that may be desired, such as Daycare and/or Food Bank Services may require discretionary use 'processes. 1,9 Planning: Public Comment and Neighbors 7/26 Kitti recommerided getting clarity about Uses desired on the Properties and to provide early outreach to the community to detennine what issues'they'might raise to development. 'All processes will eventually lead to public comment period and even in front of the planning commission. IV. ARCHIVED ISSUES: V, NOTES .'...... ....-. '...-.. .- '-o-~l "-.-. i'::t:.;. ~ ';l;:J!~~ .,'" . I ; : lSPJI,~~ .... August I, 2007 Lunilbridge Page 2 of2