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Geotechnical & Cons1ruclion Servires
Daily Field Report
Client: EWEB Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Date: 03-27-09
500E. 4th Ave. Plant Expansion Project No.: 2087168
Eugene, Oregon' Springfield, Oregon, Report No.: E_22649
Inspector: A. Fenstermacher
10 No.: 5258882-49
Inspection of: Epoxy Dowels /
, Reinforced Concrete Weather: p'artly S.UDJW Continuous Inspection: 0
Contractor: Wiiaish Building Co. BP'No;: 2008'00225 Periodic Inspection: It:!
Performed continuous inspection during the installation of five (5) 3/4" x 28" horizontal
stainless steel all-thread dowels into concrete wall above north riser box for new wall
tie-in; forty-two (42) 5/8" x 10" x 6" hooked stainless steel all-thread dowels into north
riser box concrete walls for pipe wall casing. Prior to installation, the predrilled holes
were cieaned with compressed air and a brush. Verified minimum embedment of 6" for
5/8" and 7" for 3/4" dowels. Dowels were secured with Epcon A7 (ICC-ES ESR 2351/
expiration date 05-12-10).
Also, performed preliminary inspection on the reinforcing steel for elevated walkway
extension at northwest corner of contact basin; elevated walkway inside the coagulant
building; north riser box slab on grade. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size,
laps, quantities, locations, ties, clearance and supports. A final inspection wiii be
performed prior to concrete piacement.
Jake Stucky (Wildish) was asked to notify our office when additional services are
To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated
02/2008, EWEB memo dated 03-26-09 and applicable workmanship provisions of the
I.B.C., except if noted above.
Reviewed By:
fJ! . '7'~'
Michael L. Meil .
Technical Manager
EWEB- Mike Stickling (email)
EWEB" Wally McCullough (ernail)
OBEC- Pete Slocum (email)
Wildish Building Co.- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email)
Wildish Building Co.- Jake Stucky (em ail)
City of Springfield
This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom iUs addressed and pertains to the specific
process andfor material e....aluated. As such, information comained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part
thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & ltispection, lnc.'s written authorization.
700 P;oNV ComeIIAvenue' Cavellis, Oregon 97330. phone (541 ) 757-4698, fax (541) 757-2991
29540 B Airport Road, Eugene, Oregon 97402 . phone (541) 684-J849 . fax (541) 684-3851
63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 ' Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846
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Geotechnical & ConstrucIion Servires ,
Daily Field Report
Client: EWEB Project: Hayden Bridge Water Filtration Date: 03-31-09
500E, 41h Ave. Plant Expansion Project No.: 2087168
Eugene,Oregon Springfield, Oregon Report No.: E-22659
Inspector: A. Fenstermacher
10 No.: 5258882-49
Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Weather: Overcast Continuous Inspection: 0
Contractor: Wildish Building Co. SP No.: 2008-00225 Periodic Inspection: 0
Performed ,inspection on the reinforcing steel for interior coagulant building stairs, north
riser box two (2) elevated slabs, chemical containment room two (2) housekeeping
pads. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, laps, quantities, locations, ties,
clearance and supports. Also, performed final inspection on the reinforcing steel for
coagulant building elevated walkway, north riser box slab, contact basin northwest
corner walkway extension. A preliminary inspection was performed on 03-27-09
(reference FEI report E-22649). '
Observed the placement of 15.0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrete (mix 40-SE7)
into areas noted above. Concrete was placed by pump, wheel barrow and extendable
boom with a bucket and was mechanically and manually consolidated. Cast one (1) set
, of four (4) 4" x 8" compressive strength cylinders. Notified Mike Stickling (EWEB) of
the on-site results. Slump - 7 1/2"; concrete temperature - 65F; air temperature - 47F;
air content - 3.5%. '
To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated
02/2008 and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C., except if noted.above.
Reviewed By:
;1;. :1:/)'"
Michael L. M~r
Technical Manager
EWEB' Mike Stickling (email)
EWEB- Wally McCullough (em ail) ,
OBEC- P.ete Slocum (email)
Wildish Building CO.- Kevin Fitzjarrell (email)
Wild ish Building CO.- Jake Stucky (em ail)
City of Springfield
This reportand/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific
process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part
thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization.
7fIJ ~ Cornell Avenue' Cavanis, Qegon 97330' phone (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757-2991
29540 BAirport Road. Eugene, Qegon 97402 . phone (541) 684-3849' fax (541)684-3851
63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846