HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 1/22/2009 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: j.fergusonpls@comcast.net Thursday, January 22,2009 10:52 AM L1MBIRD Andrew Re: Comment on Cossen Partition Application Comment on Cossen Partition Application Thanks for forwarding this Andy. I had discussed the issue with Ms Daniken when we were locating the existing laterals. Geoff plans on discussing with them, and agrees that it would be prudent to reconstruct the segment under the driveway at the same time. However, Geoffwill incur significant expense in constructing a new service for them from the G'St r/w up to the existing diagonal line; that's something for Geoff and the Danikens to work out and that conversation will happen soon. We still aren't sure exactly what city will allow for connecting the new laterals to the main line in G Street. The optimal arrangement would be a new tap into the line in G St, with a c1eanout at the new r/w line and the two new laterals running north from the co. However we were told that a new tap into the public line in G 51. would constitute a public, improvement and require plans prepared by ari engineer, although there might be some flexibility there. We proposed using the existing lateral connection and two c1eanouts to "bend" it out of the r/w and new PUE. It seems a new-tap would be better, if it could be constructed under a building permit, but we never got a definitive answer on that possibility. JF ...----------- Original message -----,------.. From: "lIMBIRD Andrew" <alimbird{1ilci.soringfield,or.us> Joe: Attached is a letter from an adjacent property owner regarding the Cossen partition proposal. Additionally, the author of the letter (Ms. Daniken) met with me earlier this afternoon to discuss this issue. The Daniken's primary concern appears to be ensuring there is a provision for replacing the section of sanitary sewer line between the existing house on proposed Parcel 2 and their house on Tax Lot 9200. I advised Ms. ' Daniken that, because this is a private sanitary sewer line within a private easement, arrangements for repair or replacement of this segmentwould have to be worked out between the benefiting landowners. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield 1 Date Received" ;/~'/,)tJ0 Planner: AL / /