HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 9/9/2008 \, CIlY OF SPRINGFIELD - DE" 'JPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE: September 9,2008 TO: Current Planning Statf:JLK!,rp,- J: !lQnovan, Liz Miller, M. Metzger, Lissa Davis, L. Pauly, Tara Jones,LAndY Limbird,;Dave Reesor, Steve Hopkins, Molly Markarian "Matt Stouder, Engineeriifg-:-Public'WorksDepartment "Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineeringlPublic Works R E eEl VE D Brian Bamett, Traffic Engineer/PE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/Q2} . , "Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department "Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only SEP 9 Z008 "Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District '.;.. *Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) "Bart McKee, Springfield Ublity Board (Water) By:1)p.c- -Pa.e.kct- Jack Foster, Springfield Utirdy Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for PartitionslSubdivisions) "Celia Barry, uine County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utirdy District (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] . George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] [If applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(" only if in the North Spfld area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority [If applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District [If applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable [If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) (" If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ("If inGlenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water District ("If in Glenwood) . Bill Grile - Development Services DireCtor (agenda) John T amulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager (agenda) . Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (w,,~ ..:k.) "Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Lisa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) " Greg Ferschweller, KeUh Miyata, Brian Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. (agenda) "Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept . George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) *Will Mueller, L TD Norm Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Lynn Detering (Stuckrath), ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) Andrea Damewood, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor . Carole Knape), PEACEHEALTHlJUSTlCE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. . If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please' send them in wriling to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. If your Written comments are, not received by Friday, September 19, 2008 specific concerns of your division/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the ...__~.." on September 23, 2008. The Development Review Committee holds stall review ...__':'.,,~ on Tuesday@ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with. the applicant. If the Planner feels it is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings' he/she will let you know on Tuesday. " will receive a full packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: September 23, 2008 @ 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 1. SITE TENTATIVE PLAN #DRC2008-00060 HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 18-03-01-00 TL 300 Address: 2213 S "F" Street . Existing Use: .Industrial uses related to bridge construction company. Applicant submitted plans to construct a new 6,000 sq ft fabrication building with associated utilities for Hamilton Construction. Planner: Mark Metzger' . 2. PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00040 NOWAK 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-43 TL 6802 Address: 441 S 47th Street Existing Use: Vacant Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels. Planner: Andy Limbird ( 1 , Datel rloceived: f,/f 6m! Planner: AL '/ jr< iCity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision ~eceived: i!' SEP ~008 Original Submittl"l ~ '\ Applicant Name: David Nowak Icompany: IAddress: 5729 Main St, Pmb 239, Springfield OR 97478 I','__"""~. _-.J'm ,.,," ',".'-"".. ,." "'''<~'.~'; ',I:!''''1--'~', ""l~' ~r..,,_ ~.,;; - ". ,w'~ ,. .. -:_.... b '1"_".,,0" .'W"..,-,' ';> ,p,..;,--,.'_')""' ->;' "..'~f"'<"'"'v _""'Of'- ''''-~''''''' IAPPlicant's Rep.: Rimee Clough, PE, PLS I Company: . Branch Engineerin,g.com IAddress: . 310 5th Street, Springfield OR 97477 I ,,,.,,;.....,.....,,,,<,"'.. '".._"- ',__,,"''''' "'r:.". -,'..-;, ,,,,:'",,,"...~~ "':'''c'. '''''_ ,....,_... ___,_ ;''-~-L'''<''')(._. -'I" ',",,"',,"'.,;',",'.,'" T.",""'.t.,..":":",, .",., .,.",w- I Phone I Property Owner: same as applicant Icompany: Fax: ' I IAddre~: I I ,.,;,':., .._t~ ',=';""),j._ ,.,.",,,",'.';000 :.:',_',c":ct<.'''',.. _.._~_.. ,~r _'''<<-1"",,:",...0,,0'=''''''. '..1;l;',~.v:.z,,"';,_. ","'OS,,""",'" ',"L "~.,',,, -, .<<.'_ '=--ctI ",'C"",'.""...i"i'. ~ ,~~. "~"'i~J\l,.':'1,":}..'~"''''':'''''''''.i,''''''.,,' ;'.-"~"w,,~,"""~"'J;" .IH'f",,,,,,,,,, ~'" ...IF.U'19'H:c".,';.' W"t:,.~: ''--''''''''' ....."","."1 IASSESSOR'S MAP .NO: 17.02-32-43 I :.~~~L,~T 6802 I I Property Address: vacant J.j.<-j.j 5 4-1-M- st; I I Size of Property: 15348 sq ft = 0.35 acres Acres 0 Square Feet 0 I I Proposed Name of Subdivision: I I --,. "'","' "'- ,,;'n~ri~ .~':.~:'f,~"'''~''-n.; f,";1..: 'lJ'.r~~ ':'. -<e~"~"."~.~.""",,La'if'''~1''~ '-;E<'j"",,,,,,,",,"'1',,,,"1%;tI...:,~,,;,.,,,:..,,,..., ""-'>O:4;:'>'~~:~","-":"","',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~_,,,,,,,,-_ - ,..;"";ej',""";',.::t,."":",,,,,,.-"",,,,,,,,,""":"'.''''<<'CU,,,,,,,,,?":'''',,'',,;:; ......"'_.,. ,."",.",:""_,,,.,,,,,,,, "":""-.'..'.-"",,,,,,~;"'. ..':;t.,. I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. I, ProDosal: This application is to divide an existing parcel into two parcels Existing Use: vacant # of Lots/Parcels: 2 Si natures: Please si nand I ~~~..'. Lot/Parcel 7674 our name and date in the a I I i'" .('" ""'<C".~:"''"~''''~'~'''''~ ';~",,'.:i!-:..w,",,':_ ''''''~:>1;'''__''! '1",",'" ''''.''.~-'':'''~/''.J'''''I I I Phone 521.9933 Fax: Phone 746.0637 Fax: 746.0389 ""~ ,,,,- ,'" ,,,......,,,,.. - ,,,,,,,,..1 s I Density d / < . 6 U acre riate box on the next '. . -. . . - Associated Applications: Ipre-sub Case No.: P~C7.f){)g/DOOv:J, Date: 8/lS/ot Icase No.:1;(lf)'WOO"'" 00D4-0 Date: QlttlO<6 IAPplication Fee: $4~-:{-1- \lI> I Technical Fee:.$ Vf3, ITOTAL FEES: $ Sdl~ Siqns: . - . Reviewed by: ~ Reviewed by: ~)J I 'U1. c;( I Postaqe Fe~: $ 100-1 pg:Sw08- ~~ PROJECT NUMBER: Date, Heceived: 9 Planner: AL Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 :o!l I ,I -~, "'-LL~~~ ~'.~.==~ ~~+':':~,;''':;]''~''~'''~! ,,'-, \ ,iji,....'." ,. ,"'" "& .- ' ~;::~.,~J.'" ~~ -""'" TENTATIVE PARTITION MAP FOR NOWAK DA VID N.E, 1/4. SEC. 32, T.17S., .R.2W., SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, AUGUST.26, 2008 SCALE: 1" = 20' W.M. OREGON ro' . TYPICAL JOINT UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL MIl ru-.. , lft"Df>(H -,~ ~ r~ """"' I '\' ~;J,,:J .' I '''''I:~~f ~t,~ i n..2'!, I. II I; I~; JOIH1ACCCSSMlI1 ~i tr~~~~t ~~ti~~ ~~t~:~~;~J.~~11S~~~f;'lJ .." ~:;::~~mi;~ ! :f~~~~~:~.~~:;r::.:~~~r;;~:.r~;.~'~_~X:;L """'x?_- 1 "::~~'<" ~~'~L.~;~ f'T"- "t ,,-~~ '......l'~ , .. t~r ....,!J),!"~,,:,' ~~Il.. ,,_'..~,/,,--_'~-:_,,_. ,_.T.~~~_~ ,. -'-c ._~~f,T -- _ _'lfr_ ~. . 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NOTE'" JOINT USf: /.IRMlI'AYll'rU Bf IB' MOC OI/M'WAYS/JRrACrSlW1SUPPORTNJ IIO,OOOPOVHD~UWl."NO PIJ'IKING FIRE I.NIC SlCNS 9W1. fIE INSTALLED OHBOmsmcs OF mE- DRIYEWAY. THE DRMWAl"FVlE ACCE5S SHAUBEUHOt:IS1RlJOEDPrR SPRIHCTlElI)FlRfCOOC 2, PROPOS!DBUIl1JIH(;Sf1BIO(FOR PARCEl lIS ao.sro ON FRONr Of' mE BU1liJWGfACJNr;HORTIt J. IJ/!iTANCEfROl,/rHEF1R!:HYDIWlT.TD IHEFURfHfSTPOIN1OfAS1lltCJLf?E ON fW(CQ 2,(fOIS1WlH1aflJ} IS 474'. 4. IHfDflUllPfRlIOOWUl(fTORCTAIH Tl/fABIUIYroDElAYCONSTRtJCTlONOf' TI/f,/lRMWAYNJOl/TIurIEStIflIL OCCUPANel" Of mE HOilE ON PARCEl 2,EVfNjf~OCCURSJ.FTrR'mf FINAL~TRECORDS.TlfSlllU PREYfNTCON!iTJ/lICTIONEOW'iIfHT FfI()U llRMNG ON FRESH CXJNCR(TE NID .AlSO PRt\I[NT mf S1ORW'A1tR SYSmf FROIiCLOGGlNCMlHSfDOIC/fl.THf FlNAJ..DCCIS/ON~l'ABlUT'f,Il'IU,flC !iWr s.sfO ON mrCXJHSTmJCTJON PROGR[5SWlJEAT1H[Jl.II((l(FJW.l "'- 5. IHfPRMll'Al"N'PRfJ,lD/TOS_47IH SfREfTWlU8ECOHSlRUCTrDPfRTHf IJ>Pl.108I.E,CfT'(STNJGORDS. 6. REVfRSf'ctJlMS IN IHE PROPOSED ORII'tWAl",C>>J BE FIflIIAIlJUSl'WAS. HfiDW TO UNf UP'II'I1H mE GARACC roR.THrBU/UllHG'1JHI)(R CONSTRUCIlOH,FlNALtOCATlONOf'THE: ACCESSNlDS1~TlRllIWH4CC fASEi/ENTSlI'IU flCCO-QWoWATfO MTH CONSTRUCTION AT THf IlUf OF fWIJ ",rom !ARTll WORK: NO_CUTQRfltiISPROPOSIDAT rHlSTI.liE :;t. ~.,'), x: ..~)J,a. ".. 1ID'lACf'"/IElImWEII1'II'C lllIl//O-PfllF'IlIl.IIIll ",...a~ ----Dlw___- --f:XS--l''''- ~- ~~ _-f:XI:UlV,_ ......:..~- -- -..-i'>-' -"'~', ~',O'l---"" m + . 1.'....",'...\ r:~1 . ".' I~ ,-----, L_.__----' 1Mgi(ij .X #' /' UGJlNIJ ~......- -......- ~-, P/IOPOSD)A5:/IIw.r_Y ..... ma ~~- CRStW;5Milr1R'lSO'lJl ~1lL ~~Iilmr DIS1N;;SllllIIIIIItIIlia.l\'fll1 ~......,- f'lItIf'OW).ll>>trIlllJ1YT/lDI(;H ~- Dl/$TH';SI1t'r;:amIl.fI[!lV.Ul!K ~0It'_ ~""""'*'- ~-~ ...... ~ DI1Srf/GQlII\n/1RE/4 ~""""' ~~ ..-"" F'fIOI'OS[D~1[lIllliOOi ~-...". I'llllPOSmQlAOCnIlMOON -""J/4"--...s "'"""'~ crolUJlE'NIRlC , ~ i DRIVEWAY CROSSING OF STORM TRENCH DETAIL IIOTIOSCA<.< - Al~n:ClII7S5wsctrn'lSN/CAl;l;fPWUASI.ONGASDEAPPUCA8l! ~stwwiDSN/C.IIET.AiSlI,1llI/CllL,l&PFrSJMNCJH(115 ~IllJl[f'lAt:[DE~IlDPf'[IlffiI__Pf1IfIJRArrI!Scleu.Ellll flI'(lHl!'RlIIE~ '#' X J 1 .' E.IrIfifSIlKB<<ifIJO,ZOOQ Ellf'IlE& llvt_ 51. 2009 ~ Branch _En~ineering, ]nc: ,~131DrlfthSlrfl..l '.-. Sprtnrtiflld, OnIon 97477 . (M1)746-0637 FAX (Mt)746'-038V ~ran"h.dwID.hranchflD.1nflflrlnr"~OW ":;U;:TUiiR@~~e~: ~I m..:\2008\OB-H2 NOw.k~iiNTA'rm!l P.umn01'l\0B-H2 G .'II'.IR 'p .f..." , " SEP .~ Ori"lWl 8y\:lmlttal ( 'lIE_fWD PFlOFEIlBlONAJ.. LAIt:lllllWEVOR ~ ~. .~ ."0 ;l!-1 '(j) <( o Q)~ lZal <D2 .....ro lIl_ Oa.. I ~ I. ... ...:,~ . <~.. \~ I \,' BLUEBELLE WAY , DAI iY Sf . ..-~ .' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008,..00040 441 S 47th Street ,;- I:: . f/) ~ ~ 'J: I:: ..,. f/), Iii J: I~ I !f! lr W ~ W ~ lr ~ SITE Map 17-02-32-,'.,3 Tax Lot 6802 North I DAISY ST .. ,~ II '~D"~ .1 ate eceivSd: , SEP'-42 \' Original Submittal . . \ Date f1eceived:~/)a7 f Planner:. AL f~' ....., , It. ~i' SEP - (I WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR THE TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION OriginalSubmilta' This application is a proposal to partition the propertY at Tax Map 17-02-32-43, Tax Lot 6802 into two parcels. The site is currently vacant, but the developer is in the process of starting construction' of a single family residence on what will become the rear parcel. In conformance with the Low Density Residential classification of the site and surrounding properties, Parcel 2 will eventually be developed with a single-family residence as well. It is not necessary to dedicate any land to the city. An access easement exists over the adjoining property to' the north creating a total of 33- feet (= 20-feet of panhandle + l3-feet of easement) that can be used for access to the buildable areas of the partition. To maintain the minimum frontage on South 47th Street, Parcell is a panhandle lot and Parcel 2 is an easement access only lot. The easement access as shown on the included mapping is irrevocable and the off-site easement is written to allow access to both parcels after the' partition. Please refer to the enclosed recorded easement documents for additional information. Since the details of future construction on Parcel ] are not known at this time, no earthwork or tree removal is planned for the pan portion of that lot. Earthwork and tree ,removal for Parcel 2 has been addressed as part of the building permit that has been issued for the structure that is under construction. A minor amount of earthwork will be necessary to instal] the driveway and utilities to serve the parcels. South 47'h Street isnot fully improved, but the land involved in this partition is already subject to an Improvement Agreement. A copy of the Improvement Agreement is included with this submittal. The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site as having Courtney gravelly silty clay loam (34) across the northeast comer of the site, Pengra silt loam (105A) in the southeast comer of the site'and Pengra-Urban land complex.(l06A). The Soil SurVey indicates that the Courtney soil has a perched high water table of 0 to ] 'h feet from December to May and that the Pengra soils have a perched high water table of] 'h to 2'h feet from November to May. The existing roadside ditch is 2 to 2'h feet deep, but does not have long term standing water during the winter; therefore it is assumed that the high water table is at least 2'1, feet. The Survey also indicates' there may be problems with a high shrink-swell potential and low soil strength'in all the soils, A number. of the existing houses in the neighborhood were not recently constructed and none of these houses show indications of adverse impacts from the soil. For this reason, no Geotechnical Report was obtained. . The developer of this partition also partitioned the adjoining land to the south. The countY deed records currently show that the developer has ownership interest in all three parcels of the adjoining partiti'on. As part of an agreement to the other party to the adjoining partition, the developer of this partition will soon own only the rear parcel of the adjoining partition. Because of this the rear parcel of the adjoining partition is the only adjoining ownership shown on the submitted mapping. No wetlands or Water Quality Limited Watercourses exist on site per the respective maps. The Wetland Map' shows Local Wetlands between the eastern site boundary and Weyerhauser Road. Th~ Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map shows a Tributary to Water' Quality Limited Watercourse on the east side of Weyerhauser Road (approximately 290 feet from the northeast comer of the site). This project does not require any additional planning applications. DatE' Heceived:~ft/;'a'.P Planner: AL ,J' 'if ~ ' ' , ' rn Branch Engineering, Inc. ',' '310 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477" (541) 746-0637" Fax (541) 746-0389'\ PRINCIPALS: James A. Branch, PE., P.L.S, Rene Fabricant, S,E., P.E, . Michael Lane Branch, P.E. Damien Gilbert, PE. Renee Clough, P,E. August 29,2008 Oat SEP - Andy Limbird P t ~.~~[ '),p,rirudield av 0 ,ac"S' (Jr' mn t. Springfield OR 97477 Original Submittal ~ Dear Andy, This is a complete submittal for the David Nowak partition on South 47th Street. A completeness review meeting was held at ] 1 :00 on Friday, August 18, 2008. The items deemed incomplete at the meeting have been addressed as follows: FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY (via Andy Limbird) Please confirm that the gravel will support an 80,000 lb load, , The pavement cross~section has been widened to 20 feet to ensure the need for 80,000 , load capacity is met. TRANSPORTATION (via Andy Limbird) Please show the location of the nearest street light. The nearest street light is outside the scope and vicinity of this partition; but a distance has been added frOI7J the northwest partition corner to the nearest street light. Please submit a copy of the existing easement that allows for use of the neighboring property . All recorded easement documents and a copy of the previously recorded partition are included in this submittal. Please show the limits of the driveway paving on the' site plan. . The driveway paving was, and still is, clearly-shown. Refer to the legend for the appropriate linetype. Please add a note to the p]ansindicating that the new driveway approach will be constnicted per City Standards. . The requested note is now included on the Tentative Partition Map. Date Received: Planner: AL ' 9H/plaIcf / I " ./ CIVIL. STRUCTURAL. TRAFFIC / lFlANSPORTATION SURVEYING , ., Please submit a copy of the 47th Street Improvement Agreement referenced in the application letter. A copy of the recorded Improvement Agreement is included wit~ this submittal. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING (Clayton McEachern) Please create a detail of the easements (existing and proposed). A detail showing just the easements and property lines is included with this submittal. Raingardens are encouraged as a method of treating roof runoff. The developer has agre~d to take this under advisement. Please provide a detail for the crossing of the storm trench needed to access Parcel ]. A detail is included on the plan set. Please note that this is not intended to be afinal designfor the crossing. It is intended to be an example of how a crossing can be made. Other designs are possible and are open for consideration at the time of building permit application. ' Revise the paving/easement layout to prevent Parcel 2 turning across the neighbor without an easement. , ,The driveway layout has been'revised to prevent Parcel 2 traffic from crossing the neighboring property without an easement. PLANNING (Andy Limbird) Standard city practice is for the driveway, storm and utilities to be extended to the pan area of the lots prior to final platting. Due to concerns that these improvements could be damaged during construction on Parcel 2, it is possible that arrangements. could be made 'to delay one or more of these improvements until occupancy of the residence. The note on the plans has been revised to request the ability to continue this discussion at the time of final platting if the developer is still interested in delaying the driveway, storm and/or utility improvements. The developer is aware that there is no guarantee that the city will agree to delay the improvements. The title report will need to be dated within 30 days for the next submittal. An updated title report is included with this submittal. The lot layout needs to be revised to either give each parcel a minimum of 13 feet frontage or to make one parcel acce~s via an easement. The lot layout has been changed to make Parcel 2 access via an easement without panhandle frontage. . . A letter from the neighbor to the north is needed to ensure no objections will be raised to construction within the easement area, The requested letter is included in this application. ' Date Received: 9/; ~f Planner: AL 110 - Original Submit:a! t.;' , 'it Show the foundation that has been constructed on Parcel 2. Thefoundation has been field located and is now shown on Parcel. 2 along with distances to existing and proposed property lines. A Water Quality Limited Watercourse exists to the east. Please revise the Written , Statement to discuss the distance to this watercourse. The written statement has been revised to acknowledge the Water Quality Limited Watercourse and the wetlands to the east of the site. Provide information showing the layout of the driveway and main building on the property to the north to ensure the driveway improvements will not cause,anadverse impact. Additional information for the'adjoining improvements has been added to the mapping. Please fee] free to contact me at 746-0637 if you or anyone else has any questions. Sincerely, ~tZ-- Renee Clough, PE, PLS Branch Engineering Oat€! Received: f /t/J-&tJ!" Planner: AL Date SEP ~ 4 2 \ Origlnl1' Submittal f f i) . , WRITTEN STATEMEN'f , FOR THE TENTATIVE PARTITION ApPLICATION This application is a proposal to partition the property at Tax Map] 7-02-32-43, Tax Lot 6802 into two parcels. The site is currently vacant, but the developer is in the process of starting construction of a single family residence on what will become the rear parceL In conformance with the Low Density Residential classification of the site and surrounding properties, Parcel 2 will eventually be developed with a single-family residence as we]L It is not necessary to dedicate any land to the city. An access easement exists over the adjoining property to the north creating a total of 33- feet (= 20'feet of panhandle + 13-feet of easement) that can be used for access to the buildable areas of the partition. To maintain the minimum frontage on South 47th Street, Parcell is a panhandle lot and Parcel 2 is an easement access only lot. The easement access as shown on the included mapping is irre\(Ocable and .the off-site easement is written to allow access to both parcels after the partition. Please refer to the enclosed recorded easement documents for additional information. Since the details of future construction on Parcel] are not known at this time, no earthwork or tree removal.is planned for the pan portion of that lot. Earthwork and tree removal for Parcel 2 has been addressed as part of the bui]dingpermit that has been issued for the structure that is under construction. A minor amount of earthwork will be necessary to install the driveway and utilities to serve the parcels. South 47th Street is not fully improved, but the ~and involved in this partition is alieady subject to an Improvement Agreement. A copy of the Improvement Agreement is included with this submi!tal. The Lane County Soil Survey shows the site 'as having Courtney gravelly silty clay loam (34) across the northeast comer of the site, Pengra silt loam (105A) in the southeast comer of the site-and Pengra-Urban land complex (] 06A). The Soil Survey indicates that the Courtney soil has a perched high water table of 0 to ] Yz feet from December to May and that the Pengra soils have a perched high water table of] Yz to 2Yz feet from Nove'mber to May. The existing roadside ditch is 2 to 212 feet deep, but does not have long term standing water during the winter; therefore it is assumed that the high water table is at least 2Yz feet. The Survey also indicates there may be problems with, a high shrink-swell potential and low soil strength in all the soils. A number of the existing houses in the neighborhood were not recently constructed and none of these houses show indications of adverse impacts from the soil. For this reason, no Geotechnica] , Report was obtained. The developer of this partition also partitioned the adjoining land to the south. The county deed records currently show that the developer has ownership interest in all three parcels ' of the adjoining partition. As part of an agreement to the other party to the adjoining partition, the developer of this partition will soon own only the rear parcel of the adjoining partition. Because of this the rear parcel of the adjoining partition is the only adjoining ownership shown on the submitted mapping. No wetlands or Water Quality Limited Watercourses exist on site per the respective maps. The Wetland Map shows Local Wetlands between the eastern site boundary and Weyerhauser Road, The Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map shows a Tributary to Water Quality Limited Watercourse on the east side of Weyerhauser Road (approximately 290 feet fromthe.northeast comer of the site). This project does not require any additional planning applications. Date Received:~~)' Planner: AL