HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 10/7/2008 . /~ f)-9 LD I' GRANT OF EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT For value received, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Trent L. Miller and Laura L. Miller (0_,-,,:__.), hereby grant, transfer and convey to Garth B. White and Dannika D. White (Grantees),at'~.t'~'.m1 nonexclusive easement to use a strip ofland thirteen feet (13') wide described as follows: Refer to attached Exhihit 'A' I. This easement is not personal or in gross but is. to be appurtenant to each and every portion of the following property owned by Grantees; Lot 56, E.M. HINSHAW PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 12, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon. \ 2. This easement is granted over and across property owned by Grantors in Lane County, Oregon, described as follows; Lot 57, E.M. HINSHAW PLAT, as platted and .,;,w.Jcd in Book 12, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon. 3. This grant is made upon the following terms:. 3.1 Grantees are granted the right to use the thirteen foot (13') easement strip, as a means of ingress and egress to and from the land described in paragraph 1, or any portion thereof. Grantees are further granted the right to use the described strip for the installation and maintenance of such public utilities as may be needed to serve the property described in paragraph 1, or any portions thereof. 3.2 Grantors and Grantees sball at all times hereafter jointly maintain the easement property in a goOd and traversable condition. The cost of such maintenance and repairs shall be paid by Grantors and Grantees in proportion to their use. Grantors shall pay the real t'.Ut'';'.;! taxes on the easement strip. 3.3 Grantors shall, at all times and without restriction, have the right to use the easement t""".':/ and roadway for purposes not inconsistent with Grantee's full enjoyment of the rights herein granted. . 3.4 This grant of easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefits of Grantors and Grantees, their heirs, s';ccessors or assigns. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO; Goebel Engineering & SurVeying, Inc. 310 Garfield Street #30 Eugene. OR 97402 r Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and R~cords " 2~~D.~I~~~1 . SEND TAX STATEMENT TO; Trent & Laura Miner 421 South 47" Street . Springfield, OR 97478 111111111111111111111111111 "" 1111111111111 $41.00 . 0078 ;70..2 ?0 ;001544100;;<1032. .. . 03/08/2006 09:35:04 AM RPR-ES"T Cn~=2 S~n=15 CASHIER 01 $5.00 $15:00 $10.00 $11.00 Date Received: 10/..., / )!Jot Planner: AL I 1 Dated this ~, dayof c.>""YI....lo-.....v ,2006. ;, J- ,// . _~ ._ -: :..;r ~~ . Trent L. Miller :,~ STATEOFOREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On this ~ day of'--ln \.-"<:tV' ~ . 2006, personally appeared before me Trent L. . Miller, and acknowledged the foregoTh.g to be his \IUi5act and deed. . OFFICIALSEAL <.. - \ NOLlNOSEYUBJUC' H"'OMRE"'GROH Notary lic for Oregon \ . TARYP - .,. '2 ., "'-""7 \ / COMMISSION NO- 369004 My Conunlsslon expIreS;:" \ WlJL ,j - rx I Jl l . . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 3, 2007 Dated this '''2/ day of \ ~~ ,2006. . ~\l\-Q --fYl,-~Q q ~ Laura L. Miller / STATEOFOREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) Onthis;;Ll day of \0<'\\ n Y,,-\ .2006, personally appeared before me'Laura L. . Miller, and acknowledged the foregoin/l to be her ~lunU and deed. . . .. OFFlClAl.SEAL ~~) . , . ; NO~:R~SiJstic ~~::ON 1irofJiiY pubiic for Oregon \..../ COMMISSION NO. 369004 My Conunission expires:' \. li\ll ?.. - ;J iii n -, llY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 3, 2007 <..,JL-I Dated this '24 day of 1=....b . 2006. ~~6W&~ Garth Q. White STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) 'l~,-~'<l" I "ooFFictALSEAL" . . '1 ~.-'4 AMANDAJESTE8 of . NOTARY PUBLIC. oREGON ~ '., COMMISSION NO. 387631 "'~Sl9"_E~RES~E~~Ell.12~ Dated this .k!:I:- day of r;.. h . 2006. . (/).;' r;2 I~~ 'oJ annika If. White On this ~ day of U lV(\ VU1.! . .2006, ..........al.ly appeared befure me Garth E. White, and acknowledged the foregoing(ll be his v unmry act and deed. /-; \ 55k.s o Public tor Oreggt\ My Conunission expires:]).a t' .' lJ ,2/1)g STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) ss " County of Lane On this ~L/ day of White, and acknowledged the foregoin o J bf--; Notary Public for OregoJ . My Conunission expires: Df"r..) 2. 7~ . OFFICIAL SEAL I . AMANDA J ESTES I \ ') NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON I ...... COMMISSION NO. 387531 ~ 7;MY CO~Mt;S!?~ ~~R~ ~E~~8~'V'.i>~8:r Date Received: lo./~/)al1 Planner: AL , EXttwlT 'A' A PORnp~F THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSlllP 17 SOlTIH, RANGE,8'WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNlNG AT THE NORTIlWEST CORNER OF LOT 56, EM. HINSHAW PLAT, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 12, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY RlGIIT-OF-W A Y OF EAST 47TH STREET, SAID POINT ALSO BEING 30.00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RlGIIT ANGLES TO, TIlE CENTERLINE OF SAID EAST 47lli STR.EET; TIIENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RlGIIT-OF-W A Y AND FOLLOWING ALONG TIlE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 56, SOlTfH 89'42'36" EAST 150.00 FEET, TIIENCE LEAVING SAID I NORTHERLY LINE, NORlli 0'17'24" EAST 13.00 FEET; TIIENCE NORlli 89'42'36" WEST 150.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONED EASTERLY . RIGHT -OF-WAY OF EAST 47TH STREET; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RlGIIT-OF-WAY, SOlTfHO'14'24" WEST 13,OOI'~I:H TO THE POINT OF. BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.04 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ALL W1THIN SAID SECTION 32, SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. ' '" REGISTERED \. . PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ... ,~~ o"IEGON . 1UJj 16, 1987 SCOTT J. GOEBEL "', :1:180 , , ......, r"F,~~/Q7.! ,', . Date Received: /0 /~ /;;(}OJ Planner: AL