HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2009 Work Session City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL GOAL SETTING SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009 The City of Springfield Council met for their Council Goal Setting session in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the Springfield Justice Center, 230 4th Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, February 23,2009 at 5:35 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Lundberg, Leezer, Wylie, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Council Goal Setting. Mayor Leiken welcomed everyone to the annual goal setting. He noted that last year they held this meeting in the new Royal Building and this year they were meeting in the new Springfield Justice Center, a beautiful building. The Justice Center was another victory for the citizens of Springfield. City Manager Gino Grimaldi noted that last year they could see the construction ofthe Justice Center from the Royal Building, so perhaps next year they could meet in the next new building in downtown. Margot Helphand, the facilitator for tonight's meeting, said she reviewed the postcards the Mayor and Council had written during last year's Goal Setting, and some of their hopes had become reality. She commended the Council for sticking to their goals and moving forward as a Council. Ms. Helphand said they would be focusing on two main topics: Strategic Plan and Emergency Management. Last year, Council directed staff to look at Strategic Planning that was more outcome oriented than the previous model used by Council. Tonight, Council would be given a chance to reView the Strategic Plan, clarify and ask questions. They would also determine whether or not the five effectiveness areas (goal areas), which were an incorporation of the Council's eight main goals, still fit. She referred to charts showing the new format. Tonight's discussion would move Council towards formal adoption of the new structure. After reviewing the effectiveness areas, they would go through the effectiveness measures. These measures would determine how staff would report back to Council and be held accountable. Part of tonight's exercise would be to discuss how to communicate internally and externally. The fmal discussion this evening would be on emergency management. Ms. Helphand asked the Mayor and Council to recap the City accomplishments and Council accomplishments. Mayor Leiken said he really enjoyed the teamwork approach that Springfield had taken over the years. He appreciated working with this Council, many who had served for many years. It was a good group of elected officials. Each Councilor had strong opinions, but they worked together to get things done. The Council members listened to Springfield citizens, and teamwork started with City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 2 citizens, which then went to our Council and staff. That approach had paid off over the years. TIle Council left their personal agendas off the table and worked on the Springfield agenda. Councilor Pishioneri said he concurred. There had been times when things could have gone better, but it was a good group. Staff at all levels worked well with Council in partnership. He commended the City Manager and all staff. Everyone felt part of the Springfield group. Councilor Leezer said she was impressed with all of the Councilors. Their decisions were fair, they worked together' and had respect for each other. She was also impressed with staff, and said they were there to help and teach. There was a level of respect and she felt fortunate to be part of the city. The City had done amazing things over the last year. Councilor Lundberg said she appreciated that when she got requests from the public, staff was very thorough and provided good answers and solutions. She knew staff would help the public. She appreciated how Springfield got things done. Last year had been a banner year with the opening of the hospital, the flyover and pedestrian bridge, the EmX and the Justice Center. It was great to see all of the fruits of their labor. Councilor Ralston said he was pleased with the progress the City had made in expanding its urban growth boundary (UGB) and building a new fIre station. When they saw a problem they acted on it and found ways to fund it. He liked the way Springfield got things done. Councilor Woodrow said the Justice Center, Fire Station, flyover, and UGB were all great accomplishments. One of the things that amazed him was the complexity of being a City Councilor. The transition from former City Manager Mike Kelly to Gino Grimaldi seemed so seamless and staff continued to do a professional job with the change in management and the Council. He had the utmost respect for the Council; they made good decisions, and had good leadership. Council set the policy and staff carried it out, while educating Council. Communication from both sides set Springfield apart from other communities. Councilor Wylie said Springfield had a great staff, they were professional, and brought forward the best staff work presented to Council and carried out the work. She was proud the City was always working on progress as well as maintenance. We were not afraid to see what the future held, but knew we needed to maintain our system, which wasn't easy. The new hospital was opened and supported the EmX line that would go out to the hospital. Those were visionary things and she felt they were really doing their job. She was proud ofthe urban renewal efforts and the Farmer's Market and had felt that the meetings with the joint elected officials had been a big step forward. There was a real future for cooperation of solving community problems. Mr. Grimaldi said there had been several issues where the Council and staff had needed to make thoughtful and timely decisions. Staff brought recommendations, Council received input from the public, and alternatives were offered to allow us to move forward. One example included the conversations regarding transportation system development charges (SDCs), and conversations with the HomeBuilders Association (HBA). The City had respected the opinion ofthe public and moved forward. Mr. Towery said Springfield had a high quality of discourse and decision making both internally and regarding policy. Referring to recent testimony, he said even those that spoke against a policy, commended the Council for a good job. That was a reflection ofthe quality ofthis body. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 3 Mayor Leiken said the opening of the hospitai was one event that stood out to him. Councilor Lundberg had taken ownership in this as it was in her ward. During the ribbon cutting, he and Councilor Lundberg were in awe that this was actually happening. There was a lot of emotion for them as well as Alan Yordy, President and CEO of PeaceHealth. Ms. Helphand said she had recently gone to the hospital to work with the Blood Bank. One of the reasons the City Council had maintained the direction they had and their accomplishments was because they took the time to meet each year to go over their goals. They talked about the City as a whole instead of in wards. Ms. Helphand referred to the goal setting format the Council had used in the past. Last year the Council said they wanted a strategic plan, something more forward looking. Staff worked on developing the new format shown in their agenda packet. She said they could talk about why Council wanted to use a strategic plan and ask questions about the new format. Mr. Towery gave a quick orientation of the format. The top line was the vision of the organization, the next row were the effectiveness areas (Council goals). They then devised measurement methods which were the outcomes that would lead to success and bring the organization closer to the goals. That was the area he hoped Council spent most of their time and. energy. The portion below that was the mechanics that helped the Executive Team and staff match what they were doing with what Council wanted. Councilor Ralston asked about the Net Contributions to the Ambulance Fund. Ms. Helphand suggested the Council start from the top layer, then go to the other layers in order. She referred to the mission statement listed at the top of the document, "Make Springfield a Preferred and Desirable Place to Live and Work". Council was fine with that. Ms. Helphand referred to the Effectiveness Areas (goals). The first was Financially Sound and Stable Government Services. Councilor Wylie said she would like something added about the City being responsible. 'Responsible' said the City would continue to provide services during difficult times. Ms. Helphand said the second effectiveness area was Community and Economic Development and Revitalization. The third was Preserve Public Safety, the fourth was Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities and the fifth was Preserve Hometown Feel, Livability and Environmental Quality. Mayor Leiken asked if another word could be used in the place of "Preserve" under the third goal. Discussion was held by the Council and it was decided to change "Preserve" to "Enhance". Councilor Wylie talked about the goal to Preserve the Hometown Feel. With the economic. collapse, she wanted to express that the Council was aware of the distress citizens were facing. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 4 Ms. Helphand said that could be listed in the Measurements, rather than in the Effectiveness Areas. Discussion was held regarding how that could be addressed by stimulating the economy, or improving access to services. Councilor Lundberg said she was comfortable with Effectiveness in terms oflivability. Ifpeople were out of work, it was not a livable community. Within those headings, they needed to address how they were responsive to the current economic conditions. It would fit best under the Measurements for one of the departments. Discussion was held regarding ways the City was responsive. Ms. Helphand went through the measurements under Preserve Hometown Feel. Mr. Towery noted that the statements in the colored blocks on the chart were also on Attachment B, which may have been easier to read. Ms. Helphand discussed some of the measurements. Mr. Towery said he and the Executive Team could answer questions about the measurements. Councilor Ralston said he was on the Human Services Commission (HSC). He said he didn't see anything that addressed that directly. He questioned whether or not they needed to add another item regarding responsiveness and communication of services available to citizens. Ms. Helphand clarified that the City was not the social service agency, but wanted to get the information related to those services to the public. Yes. Councilor Woodrow asked if one ofthe measurements addressed giving information to citizens on the SHOP or HOME program. Mr. Towery gave an explanation of the measures on the chart to help Council understand how it was being used. He said each item was an outcome measure. For every outcome measure there were one to six process measures that the department and staff in the City were terming outcome measures. For every outcome measure, there were five to six process measures staff was carrying out to meet each outcome measure. He asked Rob Everett, Library Director, to explain the process ~easures behind their outcome measure: Support student success and community literacy. Mr. Everett said much of that was tied around programming for youth, which included participation with the school district. He explained the outcomes and how that was determined. They looked at their program participation level from the elementary school level to teens. They looked at both ends of the spectrum for literacy throughout the community, including adults. A significant amount of their programs were also for children who have not yet entered school. That was a critical role of libraries. Mr. Towery referred to another outcome measure and how it might relate to affordable housing. He said in terms of social services, the Council seemed to want outcomes that addressed that. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 5 There were a number of process measures in Development Services that addressed that issue. They c<;mld craft an outcome specific to that issue. Councilor Leezer asked if it would be feasible to have a link on the City's website listing all of the social services. Yes. Mayor Leiken agreed. He also said the City web address was cumbersome and he asked if it could be changed to something like "Springfield. go v". Providing links to the services was a good idea. Councilor Lundberg said they were trying to define the City's role during the economic downturn. Communication was the main thing and trying to provide as much information to the citizens as possible. She discussed the TEAM Springfield newsletter and the Library as other communication sources. Councilor Wylie referred to a list of social services that she had provided to Mr. Laudati and suggested the City Manager's office become familiar with those services. Mr. Laudati said he did provide color copies of that list to those in each department that answered the phones, including the City Manager's Office. During the last TEAM Springfield meeting, it was decided to include that list in their next newsletter. Councilor Leezer said if there was something on the webpage, it would give the Council members something to refer to when talking with citizens. Councilor Ralston asked about the ambulance fund item on page one. Ms. Helphand took the group back to the fIrst goal, Financially Sound and Stable Government Services, which the ambulance item was listed under. Mr. Towery explained the measurement regarding ambulance billing. The figures listed were in thousands of dollars. Ms. Helphand asked if there were other questions about the first goal. Councilor Leezer asked if there was anything in this document to address graffiti. That would be discussed later. Ms. Helphand asked if there were any comments regarding Community Economic Development and Revitalization. Councilor Wylie asked where urban renewal and downtown development were included. Mr. Towery said there was at least one outcome measure in the City Manager's office that was relevant to the graffiti abatement program and one or two in Public Works. The annual urban renewal investment was an outcome measure at a high level and ultimately it would drive up the assessed value. Everything done under urban renewal would support that outcome. Target areas City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23,2009 Page 6 related to downtown and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding and were in the department plan. Ms. Helphand referred to the third effectiveness area, Enhance Public Safety, and asked if there were questions or comments o!l this goal. Mayor Leiken referred to the measure "Development CodelMunicipal Code standards enforced" and asked if there was another word that could be inserted for' enforced' . Councilor Pishioneri suggested changing "enforced" to "achieved". All agreed. Councilor Wylie asked if they needed to specify the jail. Mr. Towery said he would suggest they didn't identify specific projects, but focus on building adequate municipal facilities needed to provide the services. They could come up with something that identified the City's infrastructure projects and projects constructed under the "Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities" effectiveness area. It could be listed as "Capital projects constructed to meet expanding community growth and operational needs" (language suggested by Public Works Director Susie Smith). Councilor Pishioneri asked for clarification of how the 62% under "60 Seconds Received to Dispatch for Priority I and 2 Calls" was calculated. Police Chief Smith said it was the percentage of time to achieve the minimum response. . Councilor Pishioneri asked if it was due to insufficient staffing levels or due to a communication slow down. Chief Smith explained. He said they could conclude number of available officers was too low. It was a key number to keep an eye on. Ms. Helphand said Councilor Pishioneri's question showed the power of this model for accountability. Councilor Pishioneri asked if under the ambulance coverage, the numbers indicated too many staff. Chief Murphy said they projected 90%, but were able to do 95%. As runs increased exponentially, they would experience delays with a shortage. They projected for more run increases and had experienced double digit increases over the year. They were growing far in excess of our population. Councilor Pishioneri asked where the eight minute standard came from. Chief Murphy said it was a national standard of 90% at 8 minutes or less. Springfield Council set an ordinance in 1981, establishing 95%. It was the same with the 5 minute standard. Ms. Helphand asked Council to think about whether or not they wanted to come back annually for this disc;ussion, twice a year or more so they could ask questions about these goals. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 7 Councilor Leezer asked for the definition for 1, 2, and 3 priority calls. Police Chief Smith explained. Councilor Ralston noted that there were no numbers under 'building construction. . .' Mr. Towery said staff was still working on data measures for some departments. When they brought it back for adoption, they would have the baseline and target numbers. On that one in particular, we had a number of quantitative process measures that were identified, but they were pushing staff for some qualitative numbers as well. Those would be highlighted when it came back to Council. Ms. Helphand asked if there were questions about "Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities". Discussion had been held regarding a potential addition of "Capital projects constructed to meet expanding community growth and operational needs". She said there were Mission, Effectiveness Areas (Goals), and Outcome Measures (Targets). She asked if there were any final questions about the document. Councilor Wylie said this was a different set of goals, and she wanted to see them side by side, to make sure nothing had been left behind. Ms. Helphand went through the old goals: 1. Provide sound and stable City government. 2. Utilize resources efficiently and effectively to meet citizen needs for core services. It looked like goals # 1 and #2 had been combined into one in the new format. Mr. Towery said that was correct. He explained. 3. Maintain and improve transportation infrastructure and other City facilities. That was still in place in the new format. Councilor Wylie said she would like to add the measurement regarding capital projects. They had lost the term transportation, and this capital project language covered that. 4. Expand the Springfield economy through development. That goal had been re-worded in the new goal as "Community and Econom~c Development and Revitalization". The word 'job' was no longer in the goal. Mr. Towery said this plan allowed staff to report on things the City could actually influence. The City didn't have job creation programs, but we did facilitate growth so the private sector could provide jobs. The challenge for the City was to come up with outcomes of City process that addressed job growth. If Council wanted staff to do something different, they could provide that direction. Councilor Pishioneri said this was a strategic plan, not necessarily goals. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 8 Councilor Woodrow said economic development was included, which did bring jobs. Councilor Wylie said this was wonderful piece of work and a professional approach, but they still needed to deal with the human element. Mr. Towery said they could talk about some ways to do that. He gave an example of a large job loss in Eugene and discussed whether or not there was anything the City could do to prevent something like that. Councilor Wylie said the City worked with PeaceHealth to build the hospital which brought lots of jobs. Ms. Helphand said they would talk about communicating externally in a few minutes. Mayor Leiken said he was comfortable with this new plan. Springfield had become synonymous with the terminology 'jobs' and 'transportation', but they needed to be careful that these terms didn't become archaic. The main piece was to make "Springfield a Preferred and Desirable Place to Live and Work". "Work" in this statement encompassed jobs. Community development and revitalization was a strong statement. He referred to an article regarding the economy that stated that in the future, businesses would continue to look in Springfield. The private sector understood that jobs and economic development were in Springfield. Ms. Helphand said this was an internal tool. They needed to fmd out how to communicate externally in a different way. 5. Enhance public safety. This goal was put back to its original format. 6. Facilitate the redevelopment of Springfield. This goal was still included. 7. Partner with citizens and other public agencies to leverage resources. Mr. Towery said that was addressed in a variety of places in the new format. The organizational value statement was also part of this work. 'Results through collaboration' was the fIrst value. They had tried not to restate all the good things about the organization in several documents. 8. Preserve our hometown feel as we grow. Councilor Wylie suggested putting "Collaborate to leverage resources" under "Preserve Hometown Feel. . . ". Councilor Ralston felt it should be stated somewhere in the document, because it was one of our strong points. Ms. Helphand recapped the changes. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23,2009 Page 9 Mr. Towery said staff may wordsmith the collaborative language to make it an outcome. They would capture the concept. Councilor Pishioneri talked about changing the wording in the fIrst Effectiveness Area with responsive or responsible. Council changed it to Financially Responsible (instead of Sound) and Stable Government Services. Ms. Helphand asked if Council wanted to call them Effectiveness Areas or Council Goals. She asked them if they were ready to use the new goals instead of the old goals. Yes. Councilor Woodrow asked if anyone agreed that the summary should be "Make Springfield a Desirable and Preferred (switching the order of Preferred and Desirable) Place to Live and work. He explained why. Council agreed that could be changed. Ms. Helphand said this would come back to Council for adoption in fmal form. Council had done a great job getting through this process. Mr. Towery said there would be 40+ outcome measures. Those measures could be updated montWy, quarterly or annually. He said the Executive Team (ET) would update each measurement method quarterly. With the help of Administrative Coordinator Julie Wilson, they would set up a rolling calendar to bring these to ET meetings throughout the year for discussion and updating. He asked how Council wanted this reported and noted it would be available electronically. Councilor Pishioneri asked if this was used in creating the budget. Mr. Towery said it was being used for that purpose. Councilor Woodrow asked if they could include the previous quarter with the current quarter for companson. Mr. Towery said staff could do that. Councilor Ralston said he would like to see it at least annually. Councilor Pishioneri said he would also like to see the changes. Councilor Woodrow thanked staff for their work. Ms. Helphand talked about external communication. Councilor Ralston said the Council already did that with their constituents. Mayor Leiken said these were public records and citizens that spoke often pointed out the Council goals. Council would continue to work with staff to work these out and update and improve them. The strategic plan would be updated as years went by. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 10 7:08 p.m. Ms. Helphand suggested a break for about 6 minutes. Council resumed at approximately 7: 15 p.m. Fire Chief Dennis Murphy introduced this portion of Council Goal setting regarding Council's role in Emergency Management. Council was expected to govern in the event of a disaster, and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was the location in which they would meet. TIle City's program was run by an Emergency Management Committee, as opposed to full time managers and staff such as at Lane County and Eugene. Springfield's committee consisted of Chief Murphy as the Chair, Susie Smith, Niel Laudati, Bill Spiry, Rod Lathrop and others. Managing the program were committee members with other jobs. The committee involved participants from all departments in the City. The budget included materials and services, no staff or salaries, in the amount of $13,500. They projected in FYlO to do similar work for less, about $11,000. The Council liaison was Councilor Pishioneri who had attended training. Chief Murphy said the Emergency Management Plan connected the City with what was now called the National Response Framework (formerly the National Response Plan) and also to NIMS (National Incident Management System). The Mayor passed a resolution adopting NIMS as the formal framework for the City's work in this area. He also discussed the Regional Multi- Hazard Plan which iricluded Springfield, Eugene and Lane County. That was a set of plans that brought together a comprehensive coordination of plans. That plan was due for an upgrade and the University of Oregon (UofO) was coordinating with Eugene and Springfield to conduct that update. Councilor Ralston asked which department at the UofO was working on this. Chief Murphy said the UofO had an emergency management program that was linked to our program, but he couldn't recall the name. A disaster declaration went from City to County to State to Federal. The City was responsible for certain situations and the City needed to take care of these situations on their own. Chief Murphy said this room was the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Staff would engage Council in utilizing this room in a full field exercise in the future. He noted that Niel Laudati would provide an overview of Council roles in an emergency. Mr. Laudati said he would provide a copy of the Emergency Response Plan on CD before Council left the meeting. He provided a hand out from that plan that dealt with the role of the Mayor and Council. He referred to the weather related event in 1969, which started out with minimal snow on the ground, then became several feet of snow. That was the most common type of event Springfield would experience. In such an event, the Mayor and Council would convene through contact through a phone tree. Depending on the situation, each of the councilors may have things to take care of personally, so there would be some flexibility. The EOC may not be the best place for the Council to meet, it could be City Hall. One of Council's tasks was to assist in communication coordination with elected officials and that might be better done at City Hall. When they met, they would determine funding levels, talking with city staff. If it was something safety related, they would want to make sure Council was safe. He discussed other options. Councilor Ralston asked about the new National Guard facility. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page II Mr. Laudati said Springfield had a partnership with Lane County and City of Eugene for public information. The public information officers (PIOs) train together. Ms. Smith said the National Guard had made an offer and commitment to engage with Springfield cooperatively. There were plans for a representative from the Guard to come to the next EMC meeting in March so they could participate locally. Chief Murphy concurred. The Guard said they were part ofthis community. The Forest Service and BLM had said the same. Mr. Towery said if an emergency caused mobilization, both the Armory and the EOC would be functioning, with liaisons from each agency at each site. Mr. Laudati said there was some call for policy direction in the Emergency Management Plan. He explained. Councilor Pishioneri said there were some situations where the City Manager had authority over finances. He asked when a quorum was required. Mr. Grimaldi said in an emergency, we would do what was necessary. Councilor Pishioneri said it was good for Council to know that. Mr. Grimaldi said the key was to make the effort. Councilor Wylie asked if the plan identified where shelters could be and who would distribute supplies and water. Chief Murphy said the Red Cross was the coordinator for those services. He explained. Councilor Wylie asked if the Red Cross was responsible to provide food and water to those in shelters. Chief Murphy said that was correct. They had access to resources and would coordinate that effort. Mayor Leiken asked if in a situation that catastrophic, the Sheriff became the Chief Emergency Officer for Lane County. Chief Murphy said Lane County was the only designated agency under State law responsiblefor emergency management. The law in Oregon stated that "counties shall" and "cities may". The City was not required to have an Emergency Plan, but we chose to have one that said we were subordinate to the County, who was subordinate to the State. Mayor Leiken said the City was not in a position to declare a state of emergency. That came from the State. Chief Murphy said it came from the County to the State. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 12 Mayor Leiken said that went back to the relationship the City had with the County. Chief Murphy said the City was the lead agency for TEAM Springfield. Mayor Leiken said it would take an extreme situation to try to get the Mayor and Council together. He discussed an incident involving a hydrogen leak, and the cooperation between agencies to clean up the spill. Staff did good work and he was comfortable with what staff knew. It was good to have this plan, but most of the decisions would come from the CitY Manager, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Public Works Director. Chief Murphy said Council would be called during a multi-day event, although staff would take care of issues in the immediacy. Councilor Wylie asked what would happen in an extreme situation if only one councilor was left, but staff was here. Councilor Pishioneri said without Council presence, the City Manager would have all spending authority. Mayor Leiken said he also believed that would be the case. That was something to ask City Attorney Joe Leahy. . Ms. Smith discussed the ORWarn agreement and public works reciprocating agreements that Council would be considering shortly. These agreements enabled public works, Springfield Utility Board (SUB), and MWMC to call up similar agencies in the State to issue staff and assets to come and aid us in the event of a disaster, without a declaration of disaster. It also enabled Springfield to assist those agencies as well. Councilor Pishioneri said it was similar to agreements with other public safety agencies. Councilor Woodrow asked about succession if the City Manager was not here. Mr. Towery said there was succession listed in the Code. If there was less than a quorum to appoint vacancies, the Lane County Board of Commissioners would appoint a Mayor. Mr. Towery said the UofD department working on the updated plan was the Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience. Battalion Chief Jeff Kronser spoke further on Emergency Management. The Federal government had asked elected officials at the State, County and local level to do some training to familiarize them with the process for a large scale event. He referred to a power point presentation which showed the website for this training. The two that were most important for local officials was IS700 and IS800 training sessions. There were many opportunities to either go through the training online or print off hard copies. Several years ago, many City staff went through this training. At the end of training, they could take the fmal exam, but there was also the ability to go through the final exam while training as a learning guide. The system was set up through FEMA, and was tracked through the person's social security number. If the person taking the test was City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 23, 2009 Page 13 uncomfortable giving that number, there was the ability to get an alternate number assigned. If Council had other questions, they could ask staff. Councilor Pishioneri said once you became a registered user, there were a lot of courses available. The program tracked how far the trainee had gotten through the training. It was easy to follow. He recommended the Council take both the ISlOO and IS700. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa ()~~ -S~~7~~~ Dave Ralston -Maym-" Council President Attest: Am~~ City Recorder