HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 4/6/2009 .\' \' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING RECEIVED DISTRIBUTION DATE: April 6, 2009 TO: APR 6 2009 Current Plannin~~~ff: G. Karp, J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, QV' DIM p~ L Davis,(M Metzger L Miller, A Umbird, D Reesor, S Hopkins, M MMJ, ibll l.!Z- l L Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Department 0 I 'f' ----7' Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department 7~ L Matt Stouder, AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Richard Perry, Public Works, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department --/ Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer -4- Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works 1/ Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Ufe Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & Ufe Safety Department ---/ Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department ..y:./ Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District .:L Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) ---./' Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) Z Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Dennis Santos, ODOT (copy of packets) 3-11-09 Jeff Lange, ODOT (point person who will attend all DIM meetings) 3-11-09 Dave Puent, Building Official Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works --/ Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor v Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Transportation --/ Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 v' Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works John Saraceno, Springfield School District 19 ----/' Joe Leahy, City Attorney L George Walker, Stormwater Facilities Planner, ESD John Tamulonis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) . Bill Grile Brenda Jones, Planning Se~,d.Qry (DIM Annexations) . A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursday May 14, 2009 @ 1:30- 2:30 p.m. in the DSD Conference Room 615/616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact Mark Metzger @ (541) 726-3775. Revised: 7-21-08 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 615/616 Meeting Date: May 14, 2009@ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 1. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2009-00011 DAVIS/ROYAL FAMILY INV. Assessor's Map: 18-02-04-00 TL 1502, 2500 Address: 1081 Linda Lane/36077Jasper Rd Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to discuss annexing 46 acres into the City of Springfield to build a mixed-use employment development. The development would have a mix of Business/Professional Offices; EducationaUSchool Facilities; Manufacturing/Assembly/ Warehousing; some eating/restaurant establishments; and multi-family dwelling/apartment buildings/condominiums. Planner: Mark Metzger DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us April 6, 2009 Don and Loretta Davis PO Box 783 Springfield, OR 97477 RE: ZON2009-00011 (18-02-04-00 TL 1502,2500) Development Issues Meeting- Applicant submitted plans to discuss annexing 46 acres into the City of Springfield to build a mixed-use employment development. The development would have a mix of business/professional offices; educational/school facilities; manufactured/assembly/ warehousing; some eating/restaurant establishments; and multi-family dwelling/apartment buildings/condominiums. Dear Mr. Davis: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ROOM 615/616 225 Fu< 111 STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DA TEffIME: Thursday,'May 14, 2009 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Mark Metzger If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3775. Sincerely, Mark Metzger Planner ~ CC: Larry E Reed JRH, Land Use PlanniiJ.g 4765 Village Plaza Loop Eugene, OR 97401 Royal Family Investments LLC 1339 Oak Street, Suite 2 Eugene, OR 97401 \l.\ N G", "''?'\\II///'''<, 125~~ \ _" I o~< <I'.Go PIlOUO r.lISTOIH BIlIGHT t=UTURE (; ~ity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Informatioi'f - '_ -- (Applicilnt;. complete this section) . . - - -- Prospective DON /tHO LOReTTA DAVIS Applicant Name: Phone: 6-'11 ) 7~ -7"l'l'f Companv: Fax: ($YI) 7.J.6 -1'13'8 I PO BOX 78~ I Address: ~PRIl-{6 FIE1..D oR 97 '_ ja~~~~ft:.~i!'~1_-"{i~~~&\,'ijl,l;i.ma-:t1:i~;~:WW2!~~"'!i'Joo;dW;jiillli~fi~T-m.W:O:~~~~~!Wi%?,~"$'1'~::J.-.,........~",,~.....; I Prospective L A R F? Y E.. R EI;;D Applicant's Rep.: Phone:f5'~/) 6g7-/o?i1 Icompanv: J"RH \ LANO lJ-st:: PLAMNIN6 Fax: (sri) SY!I-('5"9'1 I $'7~5 VILLA6E' PLAZA LOOf-', =-"""\..<?::n~tt e-8 Address: i=U.~E'Hq _' OR "(7',10 I LA~~)'~e.......C" IV .(,o~1 tl'h~D2:~l>!r~.~~"-i~;m;ntE;:!n~"';;:~~~""~!:S;~~~"_.iNir~~~~~~.lI~:<~,"-~.l !propertvowner: ROYAL FAMILY INVE"STM~NTS llC Phone: I Icompany: Fax: I I .J~ Address: 133q OAK STREET "SUITE 2 EuGENE OR 97VOI 'i'HIm. ""I!l!'iiIP'-~ ~~.-~ 1IIl!Ia-~=-. -=-' .=m;.Ml~.l. _.,~ '-'tiili'I:>.I;;!.' -.Jl __.!M!'.e~"F-...---...."(,~ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18 o;;/. O'TITAX LOT NO(S): IS-oa AND 2S00 IPr~';,~~'~dJ~s:3"071J~1&IMOUNT II~P'NON ROAD VIA L..IHVA LAN~ ISize of Prope...~y: "/6 -r Act'2ES Acres ~ Square Feet fl 1_ .l..u:L~~~~_"",,~~~l~~?~~~3ffii0IlOlt~~\fI'_._,~_ _~ I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: ANHE:XAnoH - J:'uTURE=- M I J< e"D USE' E-.M~LOYMENr'; 12eslD, IExistinQ Use: 51 N6L€ r-... M IlY HOc.J:5E" A I NDRTH WEST C'ORHER '8\CH LOT :,~.:~~~,~J~v.2;j,~~!':~~<~~:~c~~~,,;;~~tv:NL~~J Prospective Applicant: ~-~"':Bi Date: ,A~RIL 3'RD aooC( Signature IJJfV4./J 4- &V~J Print .. . . Case NO.:~Zm:?7- 6l5'o/l /-:';/z../DCJ Reviewed by: ! .-yL IAPPlication Fee: $ 52J ITechnical Fee: $0 IpostaQe Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ 5 "2-\ ' I PROJECT NUMBER: ' IWk'::t."~~~"k"W;ll\li'tG::,O:;!fIl;{qm,\m~dJ;lMl~~.1~~~~'fe~t!V~~b~~~~~'tf,ll!<$rnt."~~"t..f.'~~~' .~ ~1-~ (<DIM - /Tntj'(.F-cvti..... /t?,r:,c;,,";) Date Received: o'Mn :;?ooq - && 5' (0 i.M - '?pfJ ~Ic;. \ Revise<Yi71/08 Molly Markarian '/ APR - 3 2009 1 aD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2009-00011 1081 Linda Lane & 36077 Jasper Road SITE Map 18-02-04-00 Tax Lot 1502, 2500 North + -I: i ..~ Date Received: APR - 3 2009 Original Submittal REQUEST FOR DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING INTRODUCTION Royal Family Investments, LLC (Don and Loretta Davis and Jack Louis) has purchased a 36-acre site to the east of a lO-acre parcel owned by the Davises. These 46 acres are the proposed development site, A tax lot map is attached (labeled as Map A), showing tax lot 1502 and tax lot 2500 of Lane County Tax Assessor's map 18 02 04. . A larger scale composite map is attached as Map A-I. This development site is within the currently established urban growth boundary (UGB), The owners desire to build a mixed-use employment development. This employment development would have a mix of allowed uses under the City's Mixed-Use Employment District (Springfield Code 3,2-610- Business and Professional Offices; Educational! School Facilities; Manufacturing! Assembly/ Warehousing, including some eating! restaurant establishments; and multi- family dwelling/ apartment buildings, including possibly some condominiums, The first step in the development process is the annexation of this development site, The MetroPlan diagram and City zoning map both show the subject site's land use designation as Low-Density Residential. (Refer to MetroPlan diagram - attached Map B and zoning map - attached Map C,) The City staff's Jasper-Natron concept plan is proposing this development site's southern 4/5ths have a Campus Industrial land use designation, leaving the northern 9 or 10 acres of tax lot 1502 as Low-Density Residential. As explained in the City's draft staff report, this proposed MetroPlan diagram as moving the City's needed industrial land out of identified wetland areas and relocating them adjacent to the railroad and west of the Bob Straub Parkway, (Refer to Jasper-Natron Concept Plan map D,) This proposed MetroPlan change and land use designation to Campus Industrial is agreeable to the owners subject to the following understanding. That is, the owners may implement this MetroPlan Campus Industrial designation using the City's Mixed-Use Employment zoning district. (Correct?) This requested meeting is to focus on the annexation of this development site, In addition to having City staff (routine attendees of Planning, Public Works/ Stormwater and Wastewater staff) attend our Development Issues Meeting, we would also request the City invite the following agencies: . Springfield Fire Department · Springfield Utility Board (SUB) water representative . Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) or SUB electrical district distribution representati ves . NW Natural Gas representative . Springfield School District representative Date Received: . Willamalane Park District representative APR - 3 2009 Original Submittal Also attached are Map E, which is an aerial photo of the site, and Map F, which shows a preliminary conceptual street layout and land use map for the Royal Family Investments, LLC mixed-use development. Accompanying map F are some images of the type of development envisioned. (2 to 4 story buildings, dense urban with building up close to street) QUESTIONS AND ISSUES 1. Mixed-use zoning versus nodal overlay zone: The City's Development Code appears to provide two avenues for creating an employment mixed-use development. . Option #1: In accordance with the MetroPlan diagram designation of Campus Industrial, the proposed mixed-use development may be implemented by the use of the City's Mixed-Use Employment (MUE) zoning, . Option #2: In accordance with the MetroPlan land use diagram of Campus Industrial, the proposed mixed-use development may be implemented by the way of the City's Nodal Development Zoning Overlay district. Does City Planning staff have a preference as to which option is pursued? If Option #2 does not exist, the owner/ design team is fine with the MUE zoning, Clarification of these two options would be helpful. 2. Urban service routiug: Please explain and show us on the urban service location and routing mapping how and where the various urban services will be routed to the site, covering the following: . Wastewater/ sanitary sewers . Street connectivity with 57th Street South . Stormwater . Water mains . Electrical distribution and substations . Natural gas What urban services and utilities are located in the Parkway? At the southwest comer of the development site, it is some 900 feeHo 1,000 feet east to the Parkway, Is the City acquiring any collection or lateral utility easements to facilitate the developers' ability to extend service to the properties not immediately adjacent to the Parkway or the wastewater trunk lineD? ate Received: APR - 3 2009 Original Submittal 3. Finance/ Cost: The owner cannot afford to build! finance the extension of all the needed urban services to their 40-acre development site, How can the City help? . City funding resources available? . Willingness to set up meetings to talk with all the abutting! surrounding property owners along the planned route of key urban facilities about forming a local improvement district (LID)? . Willingness to set up an LID and! or reimbursement district? . Is a separate LID! reimbursement district for each individual City service? Does the City coordinate these other urban servic~s? 4. Design: It is our understanding the City and Springfield Utility Board have been doing the preliminary design and cost analysis for these urban services. . What is the status of this design process for the key urban services and facilities? . Does the City yet know or have an estimate of how much each urban service! facility will cost? . What is the construction timetable of the wastewater trunk line? . What will the City require of the owner (Royal Family Investments, LLC) in terms of what will be in the annexation agreement? 5. Annexation and Scheduling: It is our understanding the Jasper-Natron MetroPlan Amendment has been delayed until around December of20IO, until the City's land use inventory and needs analysis has been completed, . Will this delay of the amendment also delay the annexation? o Does this delay! prevent the City completing the annexation agreement? o Could the owner execute the agreement out simply delay annexation until the Jasper~Natron MetroPlan amendments are adopted? . Does the City have a standard Jasper-Natron annexation agreement format? Date Received: APR - 3 2009 Original Submittal . Does staff have an estimate of how long it will take to have an initial, but fairly complete, annexation agreement, with estimated cost figures, including what the City wants from the owner? Your preliminary thoughts and comments would be helpful, including any other advice that would assist the mixed-use development design team in speeding along the annexation and help the design team in the development of this mixed-use development would be appreciated. Date Received: APR - 3 2009 Original Submittai MAP A FOR ASS::SSMENT /\1\0 TAX/\TIOI\ CI\LY SECTION 4 T,18S, R,2.W, W,M. LANE COUNTY SCAIL I" _ 4OD" 18 02 04 ~:;::;;M""" !~~ NAO 83/91 , *, "I "EO'"'''''''' 6~-;'()..~,' 5 . ~ r".tr~U L.--~,:,! / ~. SEE MIIP ~ I . "-- 0'1 '8 02 04 2 t ..Jj -su M..18 (/tlo..!:> ;1.. n_ uilii\L::: ~o~___.... _:- "!!!!iH"!, OK ~"\ 5,--- .. D...,. ['"'1"",_", '__.__. 21101 - "," .. ~L _ ~)19-00 ! ...,.. --'~;, '-'~,- -- -'~. - --""--1";;:::"-1 l.:_~.... . ; li-- .-......" SEEt.W'170233 " " O]9"-O~ ~- """"" ZlCJ nOI :!lIll. lSll3 2'110) ,Woo 2110& 1~ ZSl01 ,_ 2\loa 1~ - .- D'D 17lXl 2911 :ruw DU 1001 :/I'll 11110 1I14 Z.loClO 291$ 3JCIO ... Z~l1 ... .~ 8 a N o . N o . ~ ~ ~ - - . 0'0-32. .............. 1.''''''''''1'""" Er.l.D60CCS .--.....(.. .'--' '-"__T .... ~ _ I } HOO~' "7'~ I , t~_. ~ , , , To> l.'''~ ... ... 18 lR 0' ~ ~~/, .u.~ j 'it'''' // 1 sr~ ,V-/ I Cl. At~~?, ./ /' ~ .- ,~ w.o'~ ( ---~"'-t~","?,':~7"~~-:: ... '....1 EU...Ccw. .Wec._ /- /", lI.Lt. Ho-62 : ~ (Ior_ /' " c.t..c.P;o.&Z....,;;./,/ / ;~/y ~/~;;:/ /~y,/ ,,,...,......./ "',/' UiSwt5 I i ,. {rt9-i5 g F I .J- / / ."/ ;: ~ /' Iii e., I jP ~--""<'..~'(lII.'" ;}:E ,// .........4!:u:.... ...t r.'-:' ~~_JSE'.. ~ v~' ,DL~"..1 /.~ --C~_ t ,~ <::.::~:.~ :-.. .1, sa;WJ>le0209 9,/10 18 02 04 Date Received: APR - 3 2009 Original Submittal 019-37 '~5 ./ _....~...... ~".. .::::::- 501 5.004AC ", w ,~ -.......- 500 is.SAC ~ 01-13~ ~ . o o " > lOTS 15.50 I I I I II LOT 9 22.12 "eLl 1404 ~ ~ ~ T.O'AC. <I, MAP A- '" .~. U I ;:>-\.. I ...;;-- - ~ ~, '" ',...,. ..... -0:'& l ,~...... L-"t';~':.. <, "~" ~ '~',""Un ...... --.,'~ '~~"":'')C'r; '\. ,- ....., ''> ~: \\ ~, i i i i - - - ~~ ~! 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General Plan Boundary Medium Density Residential Campus Industrial Forest land /V Railroads II !IJ Unlvel'$ity Research II Rural Residential High Densit.,v Residential W0.i.:, /'V Rivers and Ponds II ~ II Commercial ....r.!.:' Government and Education Rural Commercial ~ Urban Roserve Are8s II Major Retail Centers &I Parks and Open Space lli3 Rurllllndustrial -, ~ Mixed Use Areas III He~vy Industrial BJ Natural Resource ~ Airport Reserve ~ ~ Special Heavy Industrial I,(>~-.~' Sand and Gravel January 1998 Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram (The purpose of the Plan Diagram and the descriptions of the land uses and symbols shown are contained in Olapter TI-E) . ~ , uCltet<eceived APR - 3 2009 Ori9i~*~ittal . ~ o 7000 ft The information on this map was derived from digital databases on Lane Council of Govenunent's Regional Geographic Information System. Care was taken in the creation of this map, but It is provided "as is", LCOG cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accurncy in the digital data or the underlying recooIs, Current plan designation, woing, etc., for specific parcels should be confirmed with the appropriate agency, There are no warranties, express or lnlplied, ac......,,~.)ing this product How- ever, notification of any errors will be appreciated , . Attachment 1 o Jasper-Natroo Study Area CJ Urtlan Growth Boundary Current Plan Designations lIB Commercial r::J High Density Residential ~ light Medium Industrial :::t low Density Residential 3 Medklm Density Residential _ Special Hea'o')' JrnilstriaJ Current Metro Plan Designations (l) 000 0 600 1200 Feel - Date Received: APR ~ 3 2009 Original Submittal Jasper-Natron Metro Plan Amendme11ls SlajJReporl May 20, 2008 MAP 8-/ ~8- I "~ ,<, ! I till JQ MAP C If / r-------.- ! I jl , I .' .' /.. ,. . .' , " ,. . --.-...-.. ,. ,. .'~- .' .' -~ r .~ , J , o ~.. )I~~ I,) ,. ,. ,. . . ,. ,. ,. ,. .,' ,. ,. ,. ,"n::lte Received: Springfield Zoning Sca!ellnch.IODOleel APR - 3 2009 ,----- Original Submittal . '","' ,"". D Ne Neighborhood Comlllelci~1 Ifii1~~~W./ BlYU Booth blly Mind Use CUy Limih . CO COlllm-unJly Commercial ~ UlI/ee "'bed Use lMl & CC UrbiID Gro'/rth Boundur . Vie Ilijorlela/J Commtreill . PLO P1lbliclnd& OpeuSpm ZODillgcomnttll lillluuyl015 . GO GeRenlOffice D WI loll' Deusily lesidentJal City Limils currnt 10 Ftbruitf2005 D 'W' Light Medium Illdustrill D WDI Ihdillm Densllr bsidenllit! TII. IIJ._aOb OtlU, .., Jj iDJtq.~ 1M ,.U,,) 1ll...I,. T.411...iuu.,dlllgllUnllo"p.clll, ~ CI CllllpUli Induslrhl 111 HDI High Dellsitr lesldelltiaJ tall_It, pI..... <...lle11~. Clly .'lip1Iatil.1j !l...l.p....lli."'l.ll, Ph...larlltpu.....l. . HI Hmrludustrbl D2J QW Ol1anJ & Mine Opmlionl ,,,',, , . 'HI SpecbJ,BuT}' hldD5!1jil . Wiler (Ieprmntitin d!piclion only) '.' MAP D Attachment 2 CJ Jasper-Natron Stooy Area CJ lkbar GrONth 80undary Proposed Plan Designations a Community Commercial ~ Campus Industrial D low Dens~y Residential [2] Medum Density Residentia _ Mixed Use Canmerciar Proposed Metro Plan Designations Cl) 600 o 600 1200 Feel. - Date Received: APR - 3 2009 Original Submittai . 39 Jasper-Natron Metro Plan Amendments Staff Report May 20, 2008 //' 1:'.",~<. , .,' Ii. ,;" ;;~':".. ,.,::1.c.'r,,',;,;.,:..',; ,. , ,J..~.. ';/7 ,;.. "",!-,..