HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-1-26 . .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFIELD "l , ==,r rro 1'" rl1.~r/Pr'OMT'7' M....... _......ri......"".1 .. .....~......._ 225 North 5th Street S?r"~r~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-J75J Job !4c.:i,n: ,J..Jlt ( 'p~..J.., - Subdi:r:.~ic": AS3esaoJ"J' .'.!::rp II Tc::: !"at # C\.'''J\:~\\~U_ mlto~ ~m~(Q(()B M~nJl)k..J Ci'Y:~?-U ri ) \ flf ~ n n n n ~~ '1.,., A&H. ticn R~st ,'!ob':'le .=!()l:'!:J atrt~ of AppLica:icn ;.an:r=c:ora Cenem! Pl:.onbing !'toiJctl'"'iccl .'.fe::har.ic::. L, 1'lt 1 J7'10 I?J COMtl'-..u::i.::m !..cruIer ........ Phone: r)4/ 0 -&~'l~ Zip: qt741?? DescT"'";be rl'ork: - 47 - CO Value L.JCI~~. Add..-es3 .~ .~cce:.,: ;: i/J~?'J\'-1 I~ J(tv ~ \!r Siqr.ed.duL)~ - " /-r!:,L/rvR=f__ Date: -/ L-:.sc..' E=viror:s Phorl~ </ !~ ill ~hB respcn.aibiZi.:.y of the pe~: ;..oldc to see that aIZ. infJpilctio7lS are r.-.ade at ~e proper :im6:1 t,L.at ;;:::ch =&:!ress is re.......:~;.,:.. jrom eM strest, end that ths p~:: CC!"d is l.xated ~t the fJ'lCnt of tr.8 property. f:ui?di.!'".g J'ivi:io.<<: cp;r,,,:sd ;Zcn s;...=~~ rer.o.a~" on th2 BuiZding Si;.z at all times. . ?~a!)UPS lOt? n.'sP!r:!'!QlI R~~!/Esr:CALL 726-3769 (rc~ordel') state your City Jesigr.llted J'ol: ~bel", job ad6-ess, type of in:;pe::-:icn l"~estcd a....~ lJ,'":en yotl :.ri.l.l be reaa1;j fOl" ir.spcctionJ Contractcrs 01' Q...'nS:"s 1tC."1l'e .::nd phone nuwcr. RequlZs~s received csjera 7:00 c: ~"izz. be tTCda the sams d.t:::-:/J requests :~c.de c.ft~ 1:00 en wizt. be made t.w nc:t wrkin.; da-:j. ~eaui"'6d r"s~"ctiCl'ls . O SI'i'E I:'l~P~C-:!'.~': ~o be trJ:4c.a e::av.;:t:..;m, ""tit pMcr t:: Set . rarms. o GJ:cr up of TmD=:=!SZA3 ?!'l','..f9I,'lC. El.2C':'.OIC.:!. ~ ;'{ECHA.U:;,U.: 70 oe made before ~y wr.ic is .:overed. o ~:!.fG ~ FOU:!D,1TIC.'I: TO:'6 ~dil aj":t1r :renc~es erg e::cC'.Jat,zd erA ferms are erect,za, but r;!"ivr :.0 pourir.g ccncre:.. !J:.'D~G.~OU.~'D ?:'l;~r:l~. sr-,.:::.~. ;J.l~!RJ o.r~A.:.-.i;.t;Z: fo ce r.n.;e ?r-~or ;0 ~.'i.~- l.ir..g :rer.cr.i!s. o o U"'C:E.~F:CC.q ?t.u,'.sr::c ~ ,'-!E:c:!.v:rt:,:,:.: ':0 be n:aCQ prier :0 t.11.;1:''::l-:..;:t-:.on of [1.001' ir.suZaticn or deci<:ir.g. ?JST Ai'l[) 3Eri:.f: To be r.'.a.Cc pr-:":r to ins:al.:..:::::icn o/[Zoor i.,..s:.La:iar. ~r tUck;",. o o .':/f},-,t;;; ?:.~~r3r:!c_ ?'.:!'~?!::'~~ ~ :EC.1- ANI~)~: Jo ~~k ia :0 be Co~e~~c ur.:;~!. :i-:CS4 -:r.s::lec:ior..s ;...:vo:! ~eer. mads ::r.d :??1"'7'Je:.. Fr:~.E:?!.~C2: !"!-;or ~ ?Lc~"'4 .:'c::-:.r~ mt:reriai.<1 a.,..d ht:fore fr~,..g in8;;o1c- tier.. o o FPJl~!~r,: 1~3: he re~~~3:cd a:~.r CP?rcv~~ of roufh ?Lllr.~ir.g, ot!c:c:r-:._ Ct1L & r.:ecr..J1ti.:~!. Al.! :'00[-::"":; br'3~r.g & Chinrn;;1j3, .t~. :::"'..St !ie comtll.;z:ed. :.'0 wr:C ":8 :0 oe ....C'I'l. - cec.'!~ tlne":l. :f:i3 in.st:'ec-:icn ~.a8 . b€871 ma.i~ and a.?p~L'ed. " . .rour City. DetJi.gr.at~d Job Numbs..... I:J: 0- lNSULATIONIVI1PO.9 BARRIZR INSP::CTIOtt: To be n-.ade after aLL ir.suL.::ti.:m cr'.a . l'cqu-:.red vapor co:!"!"iers are in place l:-~t; 1;ejcre any lath, gyptr..Jr.l beard or r.xzlZ COVer1.rtg i.s appli.ed" and before any iroZ"...tZation ~s conceaLed. O DRY'.IALL INSP::CT.!O~': Tc be r.tade aj'ter aU dr:..r~Zl is in: place, but prior to c:n.y taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bond beam3, arou:ina or verticals in ac~ordc7:ce !Ji:h U.B.C. Section ~;S'!'OIT: After t.nstaLZa:wn 1.8 ~ :~L€ted. '"' D CUP.B & AFP.r?(~ACp. AP.~/l: Afte:o fo~s :zre erected but prior to pcuring ~n..::rete. SID~.IALX & DRI'!'EWA.:!: For aU con- cret€ paving r.r:'thin. stloset right- oj'-I.x:y, :0 be made a:'~€r aU ezca- vatir.g ccmpleta & lom Wl"k & o:uO- bass material. in plac:e. 9-L\ocuu DE,~.'OLI'1'IOH OR .~:Ov=; 3fJILDIiiGS ~ S~i:ary Se::.J6l" ~cc?ped at ~op.rt;-i t.i~e' .=J S6pti~ tank p"..l1?d ar.d fill~a tlith ~~iJt --, Final. - rnum above ite~s are c~mJteted --J ar.d fJnen der.:cE~r. is complete or s~.:- ture r.'.avlld t::1'lC pr.:::n.ses ~leaned :.cp. I j Nooi l6 ilc.T.es o D :FNCE: Wher. complc:te -- ProvU:!.a gates or movable secticns tr.rougr. P.U.E. ~ aZocking and S~t-:.Lp ~ Plumbi~ connec:ians s=Wsr and lJa~,z1' --, Electrica! Ccm:ecT;icm - Blocki.,..g, set-u;: --.J and plumbing conr.ect"wns nr..:st ::e <:;Jpr$:;,zti before reques:i7'J] slec:~caL ~1".s?ec=io:-: :=J Accessol'".i 3uit.ding -, E'i7'..:%L - Aft:::r ..;~rci:6s, 8kirt-:,..g, decJ.-..s, -.J etc. CIJ"'e e~l.oe-;.d. D Al! projec: cor.di:ions, ~uc~ ca :he in.s-;alZc:~~n. of streee :rees. ~~~Zaz~n. of :he r~c;:~ired tc.n:isccpir..;, .~tc., :roust :,e satisfiad Defore ti:a 3UIL=r:..C ?I:.'AL ~an ~8 1"2t;~sst.::d. :=J Fl,~'A:' P!:J.\'3!:,'O .=:J ;01.'/';[, .',!E~.u.A"'IC,U. =:J .:OI.':At r:Z::.c:r::.r. .=:J o .':I.!.','",Z 3:.JI:'DI.'IG: The f-:.nal Euil.di1".g rr.s?6c'!:ion .~.LSt be !"equeated 'Zf~.2r tr.2 Pi~l P!ur.bi".; ~!€c:ri~a.l, and Nechar:.-:c~l Ir:spec:ian.3 ::.::va been :lIcd€ ar.d cpp!"OV€d. D -A':': :.!;.:.'EC:'~~ AND CLEANCU'!'S .'IUS':' 3E .!'CC~SS:3LE. .J.V.j(':S'i'.'!~.',': ':0 3= .'.~1C!" ~!:." ....0 ::5'!' ';''J CI':.'! I ~"":.e ! of 2 I JOB NO_, I ,~: I.ct Sq. F:';. : "1 !.:C- C.::vtJ.ra;= ,,~ of St.:n-;ss I :o~L 1.r;gi:: I Topoqra;;n-:! I I::~'.f 1.'1:';, 12,.r:c ~~:::'. .:.:.z.:.Cl'"': 1.~CC'C3S"~.J I I ~T.~!: 7A!:./E Is.D.c. I ::'::":"CJ 1.5 :: Buildir.g PeMrit Sbta Su.zoch.1:rge Tot:a:L C1-.a.....g1l3 I _"_~_U 1.'0 -, ,.. I !'i--::::rIlS I P.e.id""tiat (1 ba'hJ ! I Scr.i t.:r! Sr..1e'fO I ;.eta"" PLumbing Pam t Stats SU1'c"~e T::ta! C1u:!'aes I :::.~ J Res. Sa. "~a. NaJlE-.-tand Cil"C'"ArS T ......~.... -.. d Se.rvi.CB E14ctMcal Pe~t: St.::te SurC';.o:reB Tot.:tZ OJ:::t''::es I---~ =~CIZ?'!'tJ'S I E::haust Hood. I Vent F=n I iI:x,dstoJe Pl1!'M'it I:;su.=nca .'1B:;;..anic::L Pe~ t: Sea:e SureJto.ac "'a~::L;~~",,~ /:;0./ I I I ,." I ..:".. I I I J I SOLAR.CES 5 .-c::."".A=cr.c:.' .-:.......,='. . .. ---. :'C':' :y:~ :r:::eri.cr COf"ntr:' Pmr.i:....dliJ CUt-de-sac :< ~!aLu.a ,.- C.=.A..~:E ;or:'::-O j I , . I I I I I I I. I I I Ie;::., UUI ,. I r---' I '-----" A !~/)() I I (if) I I/F:>) lor)1 I , :....:;.;_~Gc C!!).R~~ -- r;iC:::=ACH:.!E:t: -_ I.!ec.-.a-;e-J !)z,=o3it IStorZ:fl 1.~7tter..c:r..:::z Ip"-..,,,.,:, I Tc:,.-:l cr.t:l'"7CS , Ctlr';C'..l: I Si..:!e::..'aZ=< I :e"~e I ~,z~~t"":.c~! , !.\fobiZJii:7:tI ~..=:,€Z l-~.. ..~U.- "Ur.. -=<J~"'" .....;v ". ... ... ?--=.qa .:; . L-COC-{o J<ii...-~Or.:3 : II :''!'RT'~.J SO".tr7~g .::'ea: I I I I i :-:'r'eo~c.::e I I ilooa;;;ot:e T:J':'B REO_- 7':'~e/r,.o;r.'3~ . I [,0= :t:.C23 I I ?L .'ic-.... pO:'~rt I~~:~n' [West ::>'!"::.......t-'1 - - "j:-:;rcae I I I I Aacess. ';/C.1;2r' _1J:>~~~,!, Ranq2 Building Value & Permit X~~ R. ~..- This perm-:.t in grc:n:ed em the express condition :ht::t the s..::.id, C'onstruct~on s;..a.ll, in '.IZt :oes?ccts~ conform to tite Or-dinar.ce :zdopeed by the Cit'J oj" Spl"'ingf'{.eLi, :.rtC~wi";ng ;;..e :Onin.g Crd-:'nar~e, regut..:::.r.g ;r., ccr.st'!""..:.:'::icn ar~ uaa of ;u-:'~ings, ar~ m=y ~~ su;;pended or revck~d at cr.y ::.~a ~;cr. uic. Za:ion of JT!y pr:nrC3io1:s oj' saic 'Crdir.ances. IPZan Check Fee, 'Cat;;: Pa*i: !p.ece';pt 6: IS,;g,:ed, Plumbing Permit No person chaZZ construct, ins:aZZ, a~ter or change any r~ cr e--istir~ pZwnbing 01' drainags syst<<'lf in :JhOZe or in part~ w:Less such person is tJ-./J 14gal' possessor ot a lJaUd ptumb~'s U.Ce7UJ6~ ace?t t;..c:; a p6:'Son rr.a':J do pl.w::bin.g work to propert:':J which is cn.m.ed, Leased 01' operat~d !Jy th6 appj,i- cant. '/ ,. Electrical Perm it Where Sta~e LaLJ requires t;..at the 'eZect'l"icaL work be dens by ern ne~tricaL Ccnt1'c:Ictar, tM eLec:r.:caZ portion; of :hia permit shaH r.ot be vaLid until ths Label has b~en a1.gn.ed by the EtecmcaZ =ontractcr. Mechanical Permit Llc-=-e I RAVE' CAREFULLY EXA!aNED t,'ul completed application for pe:"!lti:, end de hereby certify that all ir:.fo~.atio71.::hel'eon is true an.:l c~:rorcC!=, and I f'.aotf:er cer:i;y that any a.r.d aLl work Ferfo~ed 3haLl be do:-:s in a.c~!)r- dar.ce :Jith !:ne Ordin.:=n.ces of :;'.11 City of Springfield, and =hz !.c:.;s of t;'3 A St.a.ta of Orsf}:1n p.:r~in:.ng to t;..s wri( cescr;bcd here--;n, c:r.d :r.a.t .va occ:J. Pt~'ICY :..;ill be ,7t1,.:;a of c:ny 3t:-uCt"'..J.rOJ tJithc'",t ?3rm-:.s.1io'!t :Ii the JuiZdinf} 0";- r.ri.Si011. ! !u.r:her ~erti.j":i t;.-=z.t o:'lly :ontra::t.ors ar.d ~1..:;y.e3 1..;;'.0 0"8 ir. compZ~nce with CBS 701.05$ wilZ be:used on this proj2ct i(':l}~ \ I -1 I I I I , , I I i I I 1/=) UXJ I . ,- I I. I , I J . J I I ~ Pl.an E=:n.ner r-~(._8'f !ia:ll