HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-1-24 .. RES~NTlAL': APPUCATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spl"~r~field. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,!J.r;:;: n 7 -rnlt~ f'M!h. JJi) I f"rrfJ~~ \ -; T 0 O?:>~S 14 I Tc:z r.,t # COrd'() Job Lo~:::ti071: A8aeSGOl'~ .t!ap Stl.bdirr;sicn: SPRINGFIELD r;( 0 N\J'fu-Hr1 rrJi b__ fJ..I:)(., 71h~f1/'~ W f ~ Xp~ O~ . :::....'7161': Add-...es3: City: n n n n 'leo" Add"; ticl1 Remoc.el. .'!obi!~ .9oma t'c.:e of ,..tppli.::::%:icn ~'onrl'cc::or8 GeneraL Plumbing ete~troiC'a.L Ntl:::har:i.c::l. C071str~ctian L~na'er Pr.one: 74 )-55?f Zi?: 47),/)") Desc:ri.be [I]Ol'k: Addres3 ':~cce-:.p; ft. (,,",0: ~/\Di W~ I ~/ /1% /c5,()() ,60 ---- /6 6 [) cluk ~ Siqr:ed: Date: &- ~ f-'!)4-(f 2. l.ise.if E:::;,il'es Phon.e: ['t;. is :h" reSF01toibil.i.:y of thB permit holder to 8ee that aZ.! incpectiona are ,~ade at ;he proper ti.71€~ that ~h =ddres8 is rea::a..b:e from the 8tre6t~ and that the pCJ"r.7i.t card is t..xated at the frent of tri.l! properPj. .t3ui!c!i:".I] ~:)i=io:": :=pr::rot:t1d plcr. sh:::ZZ remain on thB Bu.-:':Zding Sit:; at aU times. F'.70CEDUPE ton INSP=(;TIOn ,::'EQu=;'ST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.ated job mm;be1'3 job adciress3 type of :.n3pec-;icn l'aquestcd a:"'.d when yeu. :.1il~ be ;oeady' fOl' ir.spaction3 ContI'actcl's or OI..'ne:-s r.':'I'I'I8 c:r.d phone number. Requ€sts receir.:ed cefel',} 7:00 a;":'i :.,..U1. bo trade tiu; same dcY3 requests mcde afta' 7:00 ern !Jilt b2 made tlw ~t :.;orki~ day- Your City, Deaigr.atcd Job //umber I3: g-~ ~()l ~ L:) /.., ~pnpi~p~ r1~~p~t~~q O cI""ro "',c-.~r-''''''I' T - - ~ 1_ ~,'~r:'''4_'J.: o:Je mace excav.::ti~n3 .;u.t pl"'icr t:J so: forms. o aj:21' u.p of WIDt.~SL':'E -='C:'::.f3INC, ZLEC?~Ir:J':': ;: ,~fECH..J,;'[C:'i.: 70 be n:ade before work is ::ovcred. o FeOTING ~ FO!.H/DAT:C.'l: To be ::r:zd2 ar'tt1r :::l'encnes .::.re e::ciTJcted ar.d forms are el'ec;;ed3 bu.t prior to pou.rir.g c~nc:"et.;;. U.!!D=:?G:~Qf):!!) :::'UJ.f2HG.. SE:'..I2.~, ;:.r.1TE'.~, ORAD/AGE: To be l1YZ.e prior ::0 /i~~ l.ir.g r;1'er.cr~~. [] 0- U.'l!JERF'WOR I'!:.V:..'ST:lG ~ ,v.::':HA.VIC:..L: fa bEl mae.e orier :::0 ~n3;;c~Lat:.on of" {7.001' insu.z.C:::wn or decking. MST AND 3EAM: To be ..r:de prior to in3ta~z.atien of floor ir..st.:Zaticr. or decki",,_ o o ROUGH ?!..rF.!f!!'IC, ?!.E:::':'.9._":O,[.1, .'.fE:CFl- AllleA!.: .';0 '.Jori-: ":3 :0 be cor.:el'ec.-- ur.=i~ ;~cs~ :r~~e~:::icr.s ~V~ ~eer. made =r~ C??'l'~~e~. FIP.::?LACE: Priol' to pLcci.r.g fc.cing met.riaLs ar.d before i'rcmir.IJ in3pec~ tior.. o o PR..4}~I."/tJ: ,'.fu.st:;;e -:oequeated af-':er appl'ov~L of rough ;~ur.hing~ a~ect~~- caL ~ mecr.ani.=aZ. ..l.l.! ~oj':"r.g bl'acir.IJ ~ chimn~ys3 Bt~. ,~~3t; be . corrroLe=cd. .'10 'oial'k is to :;-3 con- .. Cec.i8d unci L this ir.stlec7ien r.a8 . been :r.ade end appr~n:ed. o IlISULATION/VAPO.'? BARRIER IHSPE:C'!'ICll: To be made after aU insu.l.a.ti.:m w.d required vapOl' tarriers are in place but beiore any lath3 gypsum beard 01' wt.z: covering is cppl.ied, ar.d before arty insu:l.at:ion is concealed. DFl!DLITION OR ;~:DVE:; 3!JILDTi/GS ~ Sa:nitary 8€".Jer ::apped ~t p~ap;;rt-i Zir:e ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed ~~ f":lZ~d ~~th :::r:z-;e: ""y O DRY''';ALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be ,....ace after aU G.rdl..Jal.l. is in place, bur; prior to r::ny :aping. o MASO!IRY: SteeL beamG3 grouting accordance wi th 241~. ;,lOODS'!")VE: Aftar installation -:.s cc::rpi<2-:€d.. location, bond or verticcls in V.E.C. Section :J Pinal - f/hen c..Xve items a:re ccmoZetec ar~ ~hen =~~l~:ior. is c~Z~~e or s~~~~. tu:oe moved ar.d pl'~;;es =le.:::r.ed :J.? Nobile Ec.-nes =:J El.ocking ~4 Set-~p =:J PlUT~ing connections s~er CT~ wa=er ~ EZectric~l Ccnr.ect~on - Blockir~3 set~~~ ~ and pZwnbing com:ections r.r...st =~ C?p'!';::n.:ec before requ.e8t~ng e!ec;~;ca~ -:.ns?ec=io~ :=J Acoessc.,~. 3uil:i:..r.g :J Fina~ - Aft~r ;orcr.es. etc. are c~?le;€d. akir-:~ng3 dec;"-33. ~ o CURB & APPROACH APPON: Afte:" forr./s a:re ereoted but prior t;., pC"'.lri1".g oon.::rete. SIDEW,u,;( & DRI:'EWAY: For a~Z cen~ crete paving wi~hin street right- Ol-U:C:;h to be made a;'ter a~! e:::cc;- vating c01TpZete & forr./ !.iOrk & sub- base ..r..c.teria~ in plaoe. o All project conditions, su.c~ as che ~ns:a~laticn of street :1'<2es, ~~~!az~vn of the required ?andsccpir.g, etc., must be sctisf-:.cd 0<:f'o1'8 tr.e 3UIUJ!:;C :I,~'AL oan be I'2qtlss:.zd. 0, FnlAL PLU.'-!BI:/G CJ. FINAL ,'.[E~HA:1ICAL O. :1.'IAL ELEc:'RIC:':' ,=:J o FINAL BUILDINC: rr.e Final Eu.i~ding !r.s?ection ,~Bt b~ requested ;fter tr.e:-:.r~~ Pl~bir~ E~ectl'ical, and Nec;..a.r:icc;l Ir.specticns haVQ been made ar.d (:;:prcvei. o o ?!NCS: :then como~Gte -- Provide gates 01' mOVable' secticns through P.U.E. .tALL; MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS ,'fUST BE .J.CCESSI3LE. ADJ!.'5'n!~:."!' TO 3E ".!.1DE' .'!T ;'/0 ::-5'1' T'J CI':'"! I :J~~e oJ' 2 o No~~01~6 SOLAR 'ESS I JOB ! ZO?':e: I wt Sq. Ft']. ~ ~f l~t Caverag. CcC"...r:::anc~ Grou::;: LOT T'!?E Interior f! of 5to~es . Total Height , I Topography 1'."1 IMc:~n Corner' PanhandLe C-",1.-de-sac I SQ.FTG I x Value l~.-:c~ I I Car::cl't I 1.-tc.:'essol"'"J I I TOTAL 'l~.LUE Is.D,c, lUC.I.Ui:) 1.5 r Euilding :?errr.i t State Sur>cnazoge To-=aZ t:r.a..-ge3 II':!M NO. I FEE IFL-t"'.J.1"es I ResidentiaL [1 bath} i Scr.it.:r.1"d Sewer I ;/c::i!-" I Plumbing Perr.:i t Stata Suzocr.arge Tctal C;u;::raes I '>-" ........, 'Flea. Sa. fta. I N~/ErtJnd Cil'cui ts I Temperary Se.ru1.ce I /,vo,/ I I I Electrical Per.-:rit State Surc;..aroe Total C'f/lU'ces I :T;:,~ I Furr.o:ce ETU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fan. I ' I ilooasto:Je II/C" I I I I / F-;'t' P~t Issuanc2 Me::;..a11ic::Z Permit State Surchcrac 'f'''-=r.l C'}.yno~~!J -- Z:ICRCACE,\'E:iT -- 10 ,'n '. l~e~~tu ~e=cs~~ I Stor~ae I !1a-:.nt~.ar.4e 10 '. . crr.n...... Total Cha:l''1es I CuI'bc-...lt I Sid2WCJ.Zk I !'en:::e I El.acr::l'1.ca 1. , I .'ofobi lo Home Label .1 'roTA! Af.!OU.'lT DUE:-- cj?L{ ')dS () P=.ae 2 ~ l-COG~ R EQ,- T:(oe/Cor.st: 3ea?or.:s: I EnerGu Sou.r'::es i Heat I ~ater ~~a~2I' I Range I Firer:; iace I Waoa::; to:':2 I T:J'oe I [.ot :czces - I I P.:-. 11Ior;;n lEast South I"'est Setbacks I.'IO_S< I Cc:rc:ae I I ! Access. I I Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the e=p7'ess ~ondition that the sa"id. constl"'.J.c:~on shaU. in '2Zl' :respeats. conf~rm to the O'rdinar.ce :zdopted by the Cit."d .,f' Sproir.af':.eZd. -:.na!udi.ng the 20n:.r.a Crd:nance. :reau.Lctil~a the ccr.str-:..:t:..::r: ar~ u;~ of ~uildir4S. and m:zy bevJuspended or revoked ~t cr.: t:'~e ~;~r. vie- lation of :IT'.y pr:)visior.s of sc::::'d Ordir.cnces. I Plan Check Fee: I Date Pc:~d: jRec~ipt #: IS::".:ed: Plumbing Permit /10 pereon chall. cO'r'.stn.!ct. instal!~ a!ter or chango GnY new or e:::isting plumbing or drainage SY8t~ in ~hole or in part~ ur.less such person is the lega~ possessor of a valid plumber's license. e:::aept tr~t a person ma"d do plumbing ~Ol'k to proper~~ which i~'our~d. laased 07' oper~ted by the ~ppli- cant. I ; Electrical Permi t Where State [.aL) requires tr~t the eLectr"~cal. work be done by an Etet:tricaL Ccntr'actOl'. the electrical portior. of this ?ermit shaLL roOt ba va!.id until the label nas been signed by the Electrical. ~ontr~ctor. Mechanical Permit Pt..an c=n.ner L.'Q.:;e I I I, I I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY ELL"-lINF.:D :h.e compLeted ~ppLicai:ion for permit. and do hereby aertify ehat aLl. injo~at~on:hareon ~s true ~rd correct. ar~ I TJ.r-:.her cer-:~f:i that any er.d ail work "?erJo~ed shall be do:'f6 i:'f ~c~,n". dance :.Jith the Ordin:mces of the City of Springfield. and th~ La:.:s of th3 State of Orec"n Dort..4inina to the war.1e descr-ibed here~n..J end the::: NO QCC!J- PJ.!lCl rdLZ b~ m::.d.e of c:nyv ~truct:.a'awitr.out ?~rr.r~33ion of the ~u.~Zdir.g 0-:.- vision. I further ~ertif:i tr~t o:'fly acntra~tors and ~l"ye6s wr~ are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.0SE will be used on. this projzat ?l~O~;-aPJ 1/7'//;3 Data