HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence CMO 2/2/2007 Re: Glenwood Plans , " '"-'" '. MILLER Liz ' From: GRIESEL Courtney Sent: Friday, February 02,200712:30 PM To: MILLER Liz ' Cc: SUMMERS Sarah Subject: RE: Glenwood Plans Hi Liz, Page 1 of3 Thank you so much for looking into the'issue for me. It sounds more like itwas an issue of confusion and an unincorporated area. I know that the bookstore facility has expressed some interest in annexing. Although they , seem a little intimidated by the pfocess" they definitely' seem eager to move forward with some type of change to their facility. " ' , ,. . If they express any further concerns to me about this particular issue I will let you know. . . -. ' , Thanks again foriaking the time to recap forme. I really appreciate it Courtney Griese( Planner, SEDA 541736'.7132 ',' ceriesel@ci.sorimrfield,or.lis' 225 Fifth Sireet Springfield, OR 97477 .,' " '.. - From: MILLER Liz' Sent: Wednesday, January' 31, 2007 3: 12 PM ' To: GRIESEL Courtney", ". . ,. . " 'i ' , Cc: SUMMERS Sarah Subject: RE: Glenwood Plans , . , :. .' .," . : ' . ,-', ',' j' , Hi Courtney, " " ~'" ...,', .. , , Here is the background o~ U. of b bookstore warehouse building: ~ .', , "." .- ,"" ,",", : ~ . " ,; "..,-' , . 3/13/2007 , .. ::."- ~- ~ ."- . '.> .'" f',. , , " ~',',rnJ~ ~ om~] "R.,~>p. ' BY.V-).- 01 .,' . >\ .,. . : >.; -~, - . ," ~'!'. " Re: Glenwood Plans Page 2 of 3. side. I then talked to Sarah Summers, current Planning Supervisor and we discussed the additional uses, A few of the items that came up were that our code does not allow parking of vehicles or stored materials on unimproved portions of the lot (31.190(1), 31.170 (3) and (4) 31.120(4), and the property abuts residentially zoned property. These additional uses on'unimproved portions of the site are an expansion of the use in the UGB and would require Site Plan Review per Article 29 and 31 and would need to comply with 29.070(8). I did discuss the Site Plan Review process with Rhonda and think that'is what she is referring to in her e-mail about sounding . complicated, so it wasn't the allowable use issue. If they are still storing vans and othef materials on the unimproved portion of the lot I still can't say it's OK without a Site Plan review which would probably include 'paving, screening, etc. We are currently dealing with two other properties cited by Code Enforcement for the same violation. ' .. I've heard they are thinking of annexing which 'would probably be an easier avenue for meeting the Code requirements because they wouldn't have to worry about the Special Use Standards of Article 29. Thanks" ' Liz '\i1~~~n\1J 1." Uu ,': ~\ \ " 1"-:;)(:;-D7', B~ ~- ~'. < . From: GRIESEL Courtney Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:35 AM , To: 'MILLER Liz Subject: RE: Glenwood Plans Map &, Tax Lot# is 18-03-03-12-00502 - Ad'dress.is 3975 E 18th Ave :. ..J. Courtney Griese! , Ptanner, SEDA . ,541.736.7132 c~riese1(@ci.sDringfield.or. us ',. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ". From: MILLER Liz Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 20071,0:26 AM To: GRIESEL Courtney ': : ' Subject: RE: Glenwood Plans ,i . -", <,' ~ ;..... " : . ,. . e' .- .~. Courtney, " .: . Do you have a map 'and tax lot number or address. 'Thanks,. " .Liz ." -. . " ,', .. ' .. ."." , 1;11 see ';hat (hilVe in my notes.. '. ~ - . .~ ..' : ....:.. ,. ,_. . ... ~ . ' ....,! ':, ". "" "...., ", . ,'\, .-" \,.. . From: GRIESEL Courtney' ': . ' 'Sent: Tuesday, JanuarY 30, 2007 10:12 AM To: MILLER Liz SUbject: FW: Glenwood Plans ~ I; ," ", 't. Hi Liz, : ,... ", '. .' . John and I visited the UO Bookstore facility in GlenwDod earlier this m~nth to discuss future plans for expansion. '. . They expfessed some concerns about a previous effort to obtain a permit for an additional carport on their property. I have forwarded the emaill received from Rhonda Stoltz. They are concerned that they may be violating the,land use code by storing two vending trai!ers and several vans on their property and would like to be able to resolve the issue with as little stress as possible, ' ..'. ' ,. '. . . ., . ,"\,".. . h!. ',' ~: ".' . '-~", , 311312007 .~...'':.' ., '..... - "', .,_f, . J.,' :; ., " ',' Re: Glenwood Plans Page 3 of3 I believe the bookstore is zoned LIlAI. I am unable to find where it restricts 'the storing of the two vending trailers . or their delivery vans on site. They said that they spoke with you when-they were attempting to obtain the permit in April. They mentioned a possible issue of "fleets." I've looked through Articie 20 as well as 29. Any clarification you could offer would be. most helpful arid might be able to put theif concerns to rest. Thanks, Courtney Griesel Planner, SEDA . 541.736.7132 . cQriesel@ci.soringfield.or.lls , 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 , From: Rhonda stoitz [mailto:rstoltz@uoregon,edu) Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1 :41 PM To: GRIESEL Courtney, . . Cc: Alexandra Mock ' Subject: Re: Glenwood Plans ,';. " Hi Courtney, - , "', I spoke with Liz Miller on 4/7/06, and I believe she was in contact with Sarah. Plummer. . At'the time, we just , wanted to erect one of those carports to cover the trailers and applied for a permit, It ended up sounding' 'complicated enough that we just chose to wait until we did this expansion to figure out exactly what-would work, ' , She see'med con~erned that the trailers that we use to sell product at games were not allowed i~ be stored on ' the site,and if I understood her correctly even the storageof our vans on the property was prohibited. :.., You saw the trailers she was concerned about 'under the ,cover of the shed (where' John was joking about the sailing mast). We also have two railcars stored next to the trailers, ' ' " . . , Thankyou for your help in t;'guring this out. ", . Rhonda .,., . ~ .'. ~. : ',., ,. ". ' ,W~;@,~.H m ~ m " , IJ~. ".. " "I' - .'1 ;{l>Dl. '~'l" \3::, _N' .... .. .~ .. '. '" ~,; , ," . . Ie , . .,' ::" ,..... .\ . ',.' I ""',' -. , ." , , 3/13/2007'. ", ',. ;,,, ., - .', ..,.. Re: Glenwood Plans Page 1 of2 ~,; '- - ~. ./ MILLER Liz From:' GRIESEL Courtney Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:35 AM To: MILLER Liz Subject: RE: Glenwood Plans Map & Tax Lot # is 18-03-03-12-0.0502 , Address is 3975 E 18th Ave Courtney Griesel . Planner, SEDA . 541.736.7132 . c~riesellalci,sJ)rinlllield,or. us 225 Fifth Street '. Springfield, OR 97477. From: MILLER Liz ' Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:26 AM. To: GRIESEL Courtney Subject: RE: Glenwood Plans '. "'.. Courtney, , Do you h'ave a map and tax lot number or address. Thanks, Liz :. I'll see what I ha~e in my notes.. , From: GRIESEL Courtney Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10: 12 AM To: MILLER Liz Subject: FW: Glenwood Plans" Hi Liz, , ;- .' I" . - . " " . ' 'John and I visited the.UO Bookstore facility in Glenwood eaflier this month to discuss future plans for expan'sion, They expressed some concerns about a previous effort to obtain a permit for an additional carport on their ',' property.. I have forwarded the emaill received from Rhonda Stoltz. They are concerned that they may be ", violating the land use code by storing two vending trailers and several \tans on their property and would like to be ' 'ableto resolve the issue with as Iillle stress as possible. " '.>:.... :'., ,', " " ,:.-, ',':,.: ".: . -'. . . ";.' . "",' .. ,'- ".; -. i believe the bookstore is zoned LMI. I am unable to find where it restricts the 'storing of the two vending trailers or their delivery vans on site, They said that they spoke with you when they were attempting to obtain the permit in April. They mentioned a possible issue of "fleets," . I've looked through Article'20 as well as 29. Any clarification you could offer would be most helpful and might be able to put their concerns to rest. . Thanks, ,. '....-. w~@ ~uw~~ ,:', . . j i8y_I~?:Jb~Crz,. ,.... ,-1 ~.-. .., .,1 Courtney Griese! ,. Planner,SEDA 541.736,7132 ' clITieselial.ci.sorinlllield,or, us ' 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 97477. ~ .' '. ~ " 1/30/2007 : ~ ' . , Re: Glenwood Plans Page 2 of2 ;.. -. From: Rhonda Stol12 [mailto:rstol12@uoregon,edu] Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1:41 PM To: GRIESEL Courtney Cc: Alexandra Mock Subject:'Re: Glenwood Plans Hi Courtney, I spoke with. Liz Miller on 4/7/06, '.and I believe she was in contact with Sarah Plummer, At the time, we just wanted to erect one of those carports to cover the trailers and applied for a permit. It ended up sounding complicated enough that we just chose to wait until we did this expansion to figure:outexactly what would work. She seemed conc~rned that the trailers that we use to sell produ~t at games were not allowed to be stored on the site, and if I understood her correctly even the storage of our vans on the property was prohibited, You saw the trailers she was concerned about under the cover of the shed (where John was joking about the sailing mast), We also have two railcars stored next to the trailers, ' ' Thank you for your help in figuring this out. Rhonda " . . ' IL./' . , \~(':\~ . ,,\ ~ t. / \C\ 70.\ \. ,.' ), \6.'S '(j, 1',\ " 'j~ ,'; U'~D . ?'\~ .>-J \<h\;!lY; ... ;, . .J' ;.' ., " .,: ,'" ffiU WJ [1>> ~y 1-11.-07 "I" i' ".","" . 1/30/2007 " " ,<