HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 7/18/2007 0- .0;; \ .. .. PAULY Linda From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: BAJRACHARYA Shashi [ShashI.BAJRACHARYA@co.iane.or.us] Wednesday, July 18, 2007 12:12 PM . PAULY Linda BAJRACHARYA Shashi: BARRY Celia; FIELDS Phil; LEMHOUSE Brad; PETSCH John S ZON2007-00036,Plan Review, UO Book Store,E 19th Ave RE: TP File # 9072 for ZON2007-00036 Subdivision Name: UO bookstore Address: 3895 E 19th Ave Assessors Map: 18-03-03-12; TL 501 and 502 Proposal: Expansion of existing warehouse, equipment storage areas, parking expansion, and site landscaping Comments from Lane County Transportation Planning The subject property is inside the Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield. The property abuts E 19th Ave, a county road. It is functionally classified as an Urban Local road in the Lane County Transportation System Plan. It is a 22-foot wide road without curb, gutter, or sidewalk. Southern pacific Rail Road Crosses E 19th Ave at about 200 feet from the existing eastern-most driveway. . The applicant proposes to expand the existing warehouse; relocate one of the driveways and provide with gates; and add parking area for loading area for long vehicles on the east side of the property. Pursuant to LC15.070 (1), a lot or parcel of land adjoining a road designated as a County Road shall have a building setback line which conforms to the applicable zoning district. Setbacks shall be measured at right angles to the centerline of a straight-line or as radials on a curved road to the nearest point of the front wall of the building. Pursuant to LC 15.070 (1) (c)(i) (bb), the minimum right- of-way width for development setback purposes based on functional class of the road shall be 60 feet. .' The driveway relocation proposal does not meet the spacing standards of 100 feet. Within the Urban Growth boundary, the driveway spacing standard for county roads classified as Local roads shall be 100 feet for this type of development, pursuant to LC 15.138 (2). The rail road crossing is at grade with E 19th Ave. Lane county may receive requests from the Rail Road company to improve this intersection. Usually the improvement requests involve grade correction at the crown of the intersection. The developer should be made aware of the possibility that such improvement projects may extend up to 200 feet of the crossing. The county cannot guarantee that the eastern-most driveway uses are not affected. No facility permits for the existing driveways exist on record. Pursuant to LC 15.205 (3), a facility permit is required for any work within a County Road right-of-way including road improvements, sidewalks, new or reconstructed driveway or road approach intersections, st~_ . i~~'1i 'f11I1l:1'!, -::II ' placements, excavation, clearing, grading, culvert placement, or any other f81 t nG, tIlr\!J U; l ' appurtenances. 'b\ 1\1\- _" , ~~ 1 ~ By 1-(9,-01_ .,.'" ... Lane Manual 15.515 - Drainage ... i. Roadside ditches and other drainage facilities shall be designed solely to promote drainage of the County Road without interfering with natural waterways. Whenever a road crosses a natural channel or waterway, culverts shall be installed to maintain the natural water flow. Such natural waterway shall be identified by survey of the topography and/or aerial photography of surrounding terrain. ii. Water shall not be diverted from a natural channel or, otherwise from private property down a County or public roadside ditch. Lane Countv reqJ.Iests the followin(J conditions of aDDroval as Dart of the tentative nartition aDDroval: County facility permits for the existing as well as relocated driveways will be required to connect the driveways with E 19th Ave and any associated facilities. The following requirements shall be met as part of the facility permit' process.' . (a) All requirements of the facility permits shall be met, constructed, inspected, and approved as specified in the issued facility permit. Facility permit requirements are in LC 15.200-210. (b) Per LC 15.138(6), the facility permit application shall include a copy of a revised preliminary plan for new development showing the location and width of access serving the property at the intersection of the property and road right-of-way, including all driveway and road approaches to be retained, relocated, added or closed on the subject property, and adjacent properties' as necessary to assure conformance with spacing standards. (c) The facility permit application shall be accompanied by a copy of the approved tentative plan and conditions of approval. , (d) Stormwater from the lot shall be handled on-site. c Thanks for providing us the opportunity to comment on the proposal. Please contact 682-6902 or visit b.l1p;1/wwwl<lOp.coLJotvora/RiohtOfWav for information about facility permits and associated fees. Sbasbi Bajracbarya, P.E. Sr. Engineering Associate Transportation Planning Division Lane County.PWD, 3040 North Delta Highway Eugene. OR 97408 (541) 682 6932 ~~=] W .yL.~ ,8\' I-l~ .01 2