HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 12/14/2007 Message' Page 1 'of2 Alexandra Mock From: EHLERS George [George.Ehlers@co.lane.or.us] Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 3:38 PM To: Alexandra Mock Subject: RE: UO Bookstore Processing Center Expansion Project Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed n> .f Hey Alex" :!:.",: " The plot plan seetnsa'little 'coilflisil1g: ,Tryil1g to scale 220-ft SEfrom:the c6tl1erbf tlfe buildingseelTIs - . ,. _ ;'] - .r ,., ,'- .. _ to make the septic tank offthe property. My takewould.be that as long as YOll have.]egal access to the -....,.t-.---'.....-.,.,-, -..........-.:..-1. T~,-"'~"'~'. '-," ... --..... septic system' as long as the proposed,chaJlges do.notresult.inim incre'asejn flowtoJhe,septic system,_ . ~1l1d jlS long as theprop;sect',Work mailldiiri~ 'setbacks from'tank;and draiilfieIqj(and does n;(p;;~e,c'ut, or _. ~ ,',r"',_. __ ....,.~....~"'~_.~.---J....., ~', ...~; - ....-.' .. :'" fill thedramfield), then you should be fine" Are all those conditIOns stIlI true? , . . 'r ;i- ->.{ " ,.- .. , , . George;: . ' '.'. .' " 11 -----Original Messagenn- " ; From::Alexandra Mock [mailto:amock@uoregon.edu] '. . ", 'I Sent: Thursday, November 29,200712:10 PM, I . J'.. " To: EHLERS George . ! Subject: RE:"Db Bookstore wbcessihg Cehter Expahsion Project:" '. ~-': Hi G~orge, ': .- . .. I,. :t" . , , . , .' , ';,. '_' IJ . Alex her.e frOm The, Duck Store (formerly known a.s'The l:.IO Bookstore.). Hope all is well and that you 'had a nice'Thanksgiving! . , I The Gityof.~pringfi(~ld iscurreritly drafting ouran'nexati~nagreeme~t'and I.-would like to' ensure that we will; still be able. to use our existing septic tank until we are able to hook up to a .pu,bli~ s~wage line.. I made; no~e of the distance fro.m the SE. corner-of our building_to the septic tank on the Drainfield PDF" " , i . .', ; ,;'\ : < ;. \; ',; '. If we ensure. that the new pavement (j:>roposed in:the Site Plan;PDF)is the ~equired distance away from the existing 'septic tank, will we be able to proceed!witl1 our expansion as . planne9.and:re[llqiriontl\eexistingtank until public s~wageismade. avqilable?. , '. , , Thank:you so much; Alex ." .-!.. ,..... '-1:"':. :,... " AlexandraMock~',: - , E -Commerce Coordinator . amock@uoregon.edu. :, DIRECf: '(541) 434-3274 . . '''. .-- ..~. . . "t " " The Duck Store PO Box3176 ~., !' 2/20/2008 ",