HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/30/2007
.Bv 5-30-01
County of Lane
I, Brenda Jones, being first duly swom, do hereby depose and say as follows:
1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development
Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon.
2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be
mailed copies of Notice of Decision - DWP - DRC2oo7 -00028 Pacific
Source Health Plan (See attachment "A") on May 30, 2007 addressed
to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail
box with postage fully prepaid thereon.
Brenda Jones
Planning Secretary
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
tV)a.L1 60 ,2007 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones,
Secretaly, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before
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My Commission EXPires:~' ,CJ 7-11
Notice of Decision - Drinking Water Protection Overlay District - Type I
May 30, 2007
Case Number:
, John Bramwell
Robertson Sherwood
Architects PC '
132 E. Broadway, Suite 540
Eugene, OR 9740 I
Pacific Source Health Plans
110 International Way
Springfield. OR 97477
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Descriotion of Prooosal: An application ,for Drinking Water Protection Overlay District (DWP) was
submitted to the Springfield Planning Division on April 20, 2007, The property involved in this request
is located at'110 International Way in the Gateway area of Springfield and is more accurately described
as Assessor's Map 17-03-15-21'40; Tax Lot 100. The application is in support of the applicant's
concurrent Site Plan Modification application (Case No, DRC2007-00027), which proposes to modify a
Site Plan previously approved by the City in 1992 00, No. 2002-03,95). The proposed modifications will
add a generator to an existing developed site. A Drinking Water Protection Overlay District application
was not required for the previous site plan ~pproval. '
Decision: AoorOval, with conditions, as of die date of this letter, This development approval has been
reviewed under Type I procedure according to City Code and state statute. Please read this document
carefully, The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of
Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans
and notes unless specifically noted with-findings and conditions necessary for compliance, The Final Site
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Pla.n, buildin9" Dlans ;:tnd site develobmenr must conform to this decision.
Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized Bv the Decision: None. The proposed uses are permitted
in accordance with Springfield DeveloPlTlent Code (SDC) 21,040.
Aoolicabilitv: One hundred percent 'of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. Springfield's
drinking water supply and water quality protection is a critical part of Springfield's Drinking Water
Protection Plan. A Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District, application is required in
conjunction with any development application when the development will affect the storage, use and/or
production of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater (SDC 17.050). '
In accordance with SDC 17.030, all areas within specified wellhead Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) within
the City'and its ,urbanizable area are included in the DWP Overlay District to the underlying district.
"The areas'to which,the DWP Overlay District is applied are shown on the Drinking Water Protection
Area Maps':kept on file with the City Development Services Department, The areas within specified
wellhead TOTZ are those drinking water protection areas certified by the Oregon Health Division,
under the Oregon Administrative Rules that apply to Oregon's EPA-approvedDrinking Water
Protection Program,in Oregon,l;lealth.Division Delineation'Certification #0002R, March 18, 1999.
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Finding: According to the City's Wellhead Protection Maps, the subject site plan development area is
within the boundaries of the Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District and occupies the 1-5
year TOTZ to the Sports Way/l,5 wells. The development is subject to the standards of SDC 17,070
(2) 1-5 year TOTZ Standards. .
Finding: In accordance with SDC 17.050 (I )(a) and (b), a DWP Overlay. District Development
Application is required because the land use proposed in the concurrent Site Plan Modification
application will affect the storage, use, production or stored 'quantity of hazardous materials that pose a
risk t;.o.gr~u~?water. Then applicant reviewed the DWP District criteria and applica\ion materials and ,
found 'that the hotel is}iot exempt per SDC 1-7.060 and has submitted the subject application for review,
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Ii;!! SDC' 17.050 (4) Application Requirements
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The materials s~bmitted by the applicant were reviewed by staff and by Amy Chinitz, Water Quality
, Protection Coordinator at Springfield 'utility Board. Ms, Chinitz's comments were submitted into the
record in her letters dated May 9, 2007 and May 23, 2007. Both informational letters were forwarded
to ,the applicant. The aoolication as submitted did not contain all of the information necessarr to review
the orooosal. The application'did not include the required hazardous materials inventory statement, the
required Hazardous Material Management Plan and a complete description of all primary and secondary
containment devices. Ms. Chinitz met and discussed the, deficiencies of the application with the
applicant. Staff, in consultation with Ms, Chinitz determined that the application could be accepted as
complete for processing. The documentation required through the'submittal requirements of SDC
17,050 (-4) as delineated in Conditions of Approval 1,2 and 3. and the other requirements contained
within the conditions of approval of this decision, shall be submitted, approved and inspected prior to
,', "the filli'ng of the generator with generator fuel.
The DWP Overlay District Application was accepted by the Director on May 24, 2007, in conformance
with SDC 3.050 and the submittal requirements of SDC 17,050, except as specifically identified in
Conditions of Approval I, 2 and 3 below.
,'S'DC 17.050 (4) requires the following items to be submitted for review prior to underr,aking any activity
.'.. covered by SDC 17.050 (I )(a) and (b): ' '
SDC 17.050'(4)(a) Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement and MSDS sheets
Finding: The application did not include a Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS). The
HMIS serves'as the official documentation for all hazardous materials to be used or stored on site. It
" 'must'include all productS associated with the generator, including fuel, coolant, lubricating oil, and any
"6therproducts used for maintenance. The applicant submitted MSDSs for the diesel fuel, coolant, and
'lubricating oil.. '
Condition I: A Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) shall be submitted, approved and
inspected prior to the filling of the generator with generator fuel. The HMIS shall include all products
associated with the generator, including fuel; coolant, lubricating oil, and any other products used for
maintenance: The applicant shall submit MSDS to Springfield Utility Board.(SUB) for items associated
with the generator that were not included in the original application. ,
SDC 17.050 (4)(d): A description of the primary and, secondary containment devices
proposed, and, is applicable, clearly identified ,as to wh~ther the devices will drain to storm
or sanitary sewer. ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ill ~]
Drinking Water Protection ORC2005-00028 ~ .. 1
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Finding: Hazardous materials used in association with the generator must be stored in secondary
containment, The applicant has not provided a description of all materials to be stored in association
with the generator and the type of secondary containment to be used, '
Condition 2: The applicant shall submit a description of all materials to be stored in association with
the generator and the type of secondary containment to be used, The method shall be approved and
inspected prior to the filling of the generator with generator fuel [SDC 17.050 (4)(d)].
SDC 17.050 (4)(e): Proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that
indicates procedures to be followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any
unauthorized release of a hazardous material.
, '
Finding: The applicant must submit a Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP) using the
Springfield Fire and Life Safety template or an acceptable equivalent. The HMMP must include the
facility's policies' for preventing groundwater contamination (e.g., that all hazardous materials be stored
in secondary containment. protocol for preventing spills while pumping fuel into the generator tank, spill
clean-up procedures, inspection and monitoring, sign age, DNAPL prohibition, employee training, listing
of individuals responsible for emergencies associated with generator tank or any other hazardous
materials). The HMMP shall follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material
release in Springfield, to call 911, which dispatches information to SUB. Following this procedure is
important because SUB needs to be notified as soon as possible if a chemical release has the potential to
contaminate our well(s).
Condition 3: A Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP) using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety
template or an acceptable equivalent shall be submitted and approved prior to the filling of the
generator with generator fuel [SDC 17.050 (4)(e)],
, ,
SDC 17.070 1-5 Year TOTZ Standards
, .
SDC 17,070 (2)(a) states: The storage, handling, treatment, use, production or otherwise
keeping on, premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a:risk,to
groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase
Liquids) shall be allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards set
by, the most recent Fire Code adopted by the ,City. '
SDC 17.070 (2)(b) states: Excep~ those exempted, all hazardous materials that pose a risk to
groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place' "
(Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1.3.3).
" '
'Finding: The following site operations practices have potential to introduce hazardous materials into
the groundwater: waste management, vehicle storage/parking/loading, chemical storage, storage/use of
fuel for generators, storage/use of pharmaceuticals (not exempt under Article 17.060), cleaning
products/materials, a,nd use of roof-mounted equipment, '
Finding: The subject application proposes to install an emergency generator assembly and enclosure
on a concrete structure with associated utility and support infrastructure, The proposed generator will
, provide emergency power to existing and future buildings on the'subject site, The application indicates
that the generator will be equipped with a single 850-gallon, double-walled, above ground fuel tank. The
MSDS submitted by the applicant identifies the proposed fuel as Chevron Phillips Diesel 2007 Emission
Certification Fuel. .
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'Finding: The amount of hazardous materials routinely stored for use on site will exceed 20 gallons.
Condition 4: Prior to the filling of the generator with generator fuel or issuance of occupancy, the
, applicant shall receive approval from SUB of a hazardous materials management plan (HMMP) which
includes the facility's policies for preventing groundwater contamination including but not limited to:
I. Statement of the policy that,all hazardous materials associated with the generator be stored in
secondary containment;
2, The protocol for preventing spills while pumping fuel into the generator tank;
3. Description of how the generator alarm system works, who is responsible for responding to it,
how and by whom the system is maintained and serviced; ,
4, The protocols for responding to an emergency.
5. The HMMP shall follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release
in Springfield, to call 911, which dispatches information to SUB,
6. Spill clean-up procedures; ,
7, Schedule and procedure for inspecting and maintaining containment and emergency equipment
(Monthly inspection of all areas where products on the HMIS are stored/used should be
performed and documented. TheHMMP, should also ,include an inspection checklist that
provides for the date, time, and location of inspection; problems and dates and times of
corrective actions taken; the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the designated
safety manager for the facility. Completed checklists should be kept in a log book);
8. Signage policy;
9. DNAPL prohibition;
10. Frequency of.and list of topics included in employee training;
II. List of individuals responsible for emergencies associated with generator tank or any other
hazardous materials,
[SDC 17.070 (2)(a), SDC 17,070 (2)(b)],
Finding: Employee training should promote awareness of the sensitive area that the facility occupies
and special precautions that need to be taken to protect the drinking water supply, The applicant is
encouraged to contact Amy Chinitz at 744-3745 if he/she would like to schedule a brief drinking water
protection presentation for employees.
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Finding: The applicant described adequate secondary containment for the generator tank, which will
be double-walled. No secondary containment was described for other hazardous materials used or
stored on site. Secondary containment ,fevices will ,be necessary for all hazardous m,aterials on site.
Condition 5: The applicant shall submit a list of all hazardous material storage areas on site and
describe the secondary containment used for each, and provide a facility sketch that identifies all
hazardous material storage areas [SDC 17,070 (2)(b)J. Incompatible materials shall be separated from ' ."
each other in the secondary containment system.. Small amounts of haza'rdous materials stored or used
outside primary storag~ areas shall be properly labeled and placed in secondary containment that is
both compatible with and large enough to hold the volume of materials stored within, Secondary,
containment for any outdoor storage areas shall be designed to contain a spill from the largest
individual vessel. If the area is open to rainfall, secondary containment shall be designed to include the
volume of a 24-hour rainfall as determined by a 25-year storm and provisions shall be made to drain
'accumulations of groundwater and rainwater, pursuant to UFC 8003.1.3.3. In exterior loading areas,
any catch basins that could potentially intercept a spill shall be covered throughout the
loading/unloading process by a drain protection mat. The covering of drains shall be routine procedure,
and ~oIp'oEate policy, Th~..policy will be visibly posted on a sign in the loading areas. Training of new
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employees potentially ,involv~d ;;"'ith 'loading/unloading activities will include descriptions and
demonstrations of this procedure.
Condition 6: ' Prior to the filling of the generator with generator fuel and/or issuance of Certific'ation of
Building Occupancy, the facilities~ including but not limited to all storage areas containing hazardous
materials ana all containment monitoring systems shall' be inspected by Amy Chinitz, vvater Quality
Protection Coordinator at Springfield Utility Board and by the Springfield Fire Marshall's representative
to ensure that safe containment is provided for each listed hazardous material in conformance with all
applicable requirements, The applicant shall contact Amy Chinitz at SUB (744-3745) to request the
Condition 7: All soil amendments and landscape treatments containing hazardous materials that pose
a risk to groundwater shall be applied only in accordance with manufacturer specifications and in a
manner which reduces risk to groundwater contamination to the maximum extent 'possible. Any excess
fertilizer or herbicide brought to the site that is not used during the application will be removed from
the site immediately upon completion of the maintenance activity,
Condition 8: No potentially deleterious materials, including landscape materials, shall be allowed to
be open to rainfall. The applicant shall designate a specific covered storage area for any materials to be
stored on site. These storage areas 'shall be designed and graded to drain to one or more inlets
connected to the sanitary sewer system and shall preclude drainage from any other portion of the site
from entering the'collection system.
SDC 17,070 (2)(1): Requirements found in Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.6 for
a monitoring program and in 8003.1.3.3 for monitoring methods to detect hazardous
materials in the secondary containment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous
materials that pose a risk to groundwater except those exempted.
Finding: The applicant states that "Emergency equipment, as required for building and fire code
complianc!",;,v.'i11 be inspected at the direction and on a schedule established by the fire marshal.
, ,Fa,,!~~e.~ ~~fI::~ill be responsible for weekly inspection of the generator tank and associated equipment."
Alloth!"r ,s,e.condary containment devices must be monitored as well. Please include a detailed
description of the monitoring methods and policies in the HMMP. The monitoring program should also
include the ,location of each secondary containment device to be inspected and any specific instructions
about each device.
SDC i 7.070 (2)(g): Description of the procedures for inspection and maintenance of
containment devices and emergency equipment. Requirements fourid in Uniform Fire
Code Appendix,ll-E Section 3.2;7 for inspection arid record keeping procedures for
monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment
for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater except those
exempted shall be met~
Finding: The generator set includes a spill detection system that alerts the facilities staff of any leaks
and/or failures. The HMMP should provide a detailed description of how the alarm system works, who
is responsible for responding to it, how and by whom the system is maintained and serviced, and the
protocols for responding to an emergency, '
Finding: Monthly inspection of all other areas where products on the HMIS are stored/used should be
performea'!iii'fdocumE!nieCl.;:rhe schedule and procedure for inspecting and maintaining containment
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and emergency equipment s,hould b~ described in the HMMP, The HMMP should also include an
inspection checklist that provides for the date. time, and location of inspection; problems and dates and
times of corrective actions taken; the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the designated
safety manager for the facility, Completed checklists should be kept in a log book.
Finding: , General construction practices have potential to introduce hazardous materials into the
Finding: As conditioned, the proposed development will protect groundwater from contamination by
hazardous materials not containing DNAPLs, in conformance with the standards of SDC 17.070 (2) 1-5
year TOTZ Standards for material storage, use, application and secondary containment.
SDC 17.070 (2)(c) states: _ All new. use of DNAPLs shall be prohibited.
SDC 17.070 (2)(d),states: Any changei;' type of use or an increase in the maximum daily
inventory quantity of any DNAPL shall be considered a new. use and shall be prohibited.
Finding: The applicant has provided a list of products used at PacificSource. It may be necessary to
provide MSDSs for some of these products.
, Condition 9: All use or storage of products containing DNAPLS is,prohibited. All hazardous materials
used at the Pacific Source facility shall be reviewed for DNAPLs. The applicant shall provide updated
MSDS to SUB to review for DNAPLs prior to introduction of new products. DNAPLs are defined in
SDC Article 2 as follows: "A group of hazardous materials that are denser than water/have a specific gravity
greater than 1,0, have a low solubility rate, ond'degrade slowly io other compounds that are, even more of a
health hazard. For the purpose of Springfield's drinking water protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "01/
chemicals displaying characteristics of a DNAPL chemical or 0 material containing 0 substance considered 0
DNAPL chemical." DNAPLs are further defined as having a specific gravity (or density) greater than 1.0
and solubility rate of less than 10 grams /liter (or I %), A list of DNAPL chemicals regulat~d within .the "
Drinking Water Protection Overlay District was adopted by SUB on November I 0, 19~9 and was
incorporated as part of Springfield Development Code Article 17, adopted by,Spri!lgfield City council on
May 15,2000. Any chang~ in type of us~ or storage of products containing DNAPLs.isp,rohibited [SDC
,17.070 (2)(c), SDC 17,070 (2)(d)). '
'Condition I 0: To prevent introduction of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater via the
parking lot stormwater management system, the applicant shall install I I' x I T' wellhead protection area
signs, or to ,incorporate another form of informational signage approved by SUB, within the parking lot.
In addition, wellhead protection area signs shall be installed adjacent to an'y loading'areasand trash
enclosures to alert users of the facility to the importance of reporting and c1eaning'up any spills.
Wellhead protection area signs shall be installed prior to issuance of building occupancy". .
Conclusion: Except as noted in the preceding findings and conditions, the applicant's' plans provide
sufficient provisions and details to ensure compliance with the 1-5 Year TOTZ Standards of SDC 17.070
(2)(e), (I) and (g) which regulate chemical use and/or storage, monitoring for secondary containment
systems and require,in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment.
At this time, the ,final Plan is not yet completed, In accordance with SDC 17,080, the required
conditions of approval are necessary to minimize negative impacts of regulated substances on
groundwate'r and to ensure that the proposed development can fully comply with all applicable
standards of SDC Article 17. As conditioned, the proposed development will include provisions to
protect groundwater in accordance with the 1-5DYReCa2rOoTs-oOoTOZ2'8Standards '~fnS~C rJ; ~I) n()~, -re; ]1,
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SDC 17.080 states: The Director may attach conditions of approval that will minimize
negative impacts of regulated substances on groundwater and ensure that the facility or
the proposed development can fully meet the standards specified in Section 17.070 of this
Article. These conditions may include on-site monitoring wells, Wellhead Protection Area
signs, special stormwater facilities or other conditions to address specific risks associated
with the proposed development.
The following conditions of approval are the minimum necessary to ensure compliance with the 1-5
Year TOtZ Standards of SDC '17,070 (2). .
Conditions of Aooroval:
Condition I: A Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) shall be submitted, approved and
inspected prior t~ the r,fling of the generator with generator fuel. The HMIS shall include all products
associated with the generator, including fuel, coolant, lubricating oil, and any other products used for
,maintenance. The applicant shall submit MSDS to Springfield Utility Board (SUB) for items associated
with the generator tha~.were not included in the original ~pplication.
Condition 2: The applicant shall submit a description of all materials to be stored in association with
the generator and the type of secondary containment to be used. The method shall be app'roved and
inspected prior to the filling of the generator with generator fuel [SDC 17,050 (4)(d)).
Condition 3:A Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP) using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety
template or an acceptable equivalent shall be submitted and approved prior ,to the filling of the
generator with generator fuel [SDC 17.050 (4)(e)).
Condition 4: Prior to the filling of the generator with generator fuel or issuance of occupancy. the '
applicant shall receive approval from SUB of a hazardous materials management plan (HMMP) which
includes the facility's policies for preventing groundwater ~ontamination including but not limited to:
I: Statement of the policy that all hazardous materials 'associated'with the generator be stored in
secondary containment; , , "" '~"::~,~: :'.'..',;. ,
2, The protocol for preventing spills while pumping fuel into the generator tank;
3. Description of how the generator alarm system :>yorks, who is responsible for responding to it,
how and by whom the system is maintained and serviced; ,-
4. The protocols for responding to an emergency." ,
5. The HMMP shall follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release
in'Springfield, to call 911, which dispatches information to SUB.
6, Spill clean-up procedures;
7, Schedule and procedure for inspecting and maintaining'containment and emergency equipment'
(Monthly inspection of all areas where products on the HMIS are' stored/used should be
performed and documented. The HMMP should'also include an inspection checklisnhat
provides for the date, time, and location of inspection; problems and dates and times of
corrective actions taken; the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the designated
safety manager for the facility. Completed checklists should be kept in a log book);
8. Sign age policy;
9. DNAPL prohibition;
10, Frequency of and list of topics included in employee training;
II. List of individuals responsible for emergencies associated with generator ,tank or any other
,_ hazardous materials.' "
!(n-,[SP<:,i' (.O?;O \~!i~i;',S,D,C' i 7.070 (2)(b)].
111;?iinking'Water Protection (Ii;! ,DRC2005-00028
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Condition 5: The applicant shall submit a list of all hazardous material storage areas on site and
describe the secondary containment used for each, and provide a facility sketch that identifies all
hazardous material storage areas [SDC 17.070 (2)(b)), Incompatible materials shall be separated from
each other in the secondary containment system., Small amounts of hazardous materials stored or used
outside primary storage areas shall be properly labeled and placed in secondary containment that is
both compatible with and large enough to hold the volume of materials stored within. Secondary
containment for any outdoor storage areas shall be designed to contain a spill from the largest
individual vessel. If the area is open to rainfall, secondary containment shall be designed to include the
volume of a 24-hour rainfall as determined by a 25-year storm and provisions shall be' made to drain
accumulations of groundwater and rainwater, pursuant to UFC 8003,1.3.3, In exterior loading areas,
any catch basins that could potentially intercept a spill shall be covered throughout the
loading/unloading process by a drain protection mat. The covering of drains shall be routine procedure
and corporate policy. The policy will be visibly posted on a sign in the loading areas. Training of new
employees potentially inv,olved with loadingiunloading activities will include descriptions and
demonstrations of this procedure.
Condition 6: Prior to the filling of the generator' with generator fuel and/or issuance of Certification of
Building Occupancy, the facilities, including but not limited to all storage areas containing hazardous
materials and all containment monitoring systems shall be inspected by Amy Chinitz, Water Quality
Protection Coordinator at Springfield Utility Board and by the Springfield Fire Marshall's representative
to ensure that safe containment is provided for each listed hazardous material in conformance with all
applicable requirements, The applicant shall contact Amy Chinitz at SUB (744-3745) w request the
Condition 7: All soil amendments and landscape treatments containing hazardous materials that pose
a risk to groundwater shall be applied only in accordance with manufacturer specifications and in a
manner, which reduces risk to groundwater contamination to the maximum extent possible. Any excess
fertilizer"or herbicide brought to the site that is not used during the application will be removed from
the site immec:Jiatelyupon completion of the maintenance activity.
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Condition 8:;c ,No potentially deleterious materials. including landscape materials, shall be allowed to
be open to rainfall. The applicant shall designate a specific covered storage area for any materials to be
stored on site.' These storage areas shall be designed and graded to dra,in to one or more inlets
connected to the sanitary sewer system and shall preclude drainage from any other portion of the site
from entering the collection system,
Condition 9: All use or storage of pro'ducts containing DNAPLS is prohibited. All haZardous materials
used at the Pacific,Source facility shall be reviewed for DNAPLs. The applicant shall provide updated
MSDS to SUB,to review for DNAPLs prior w introduction of new products. DNAPLs are defined in
SDC Article 2 ~s follows: "A group of hazardo!1s materials that are denser than water/have a specific gravity
greater than 1:0, have a low salubility rate, and degrade slowly to other campaunds thilt are even mare of a
health hazard., For the purpose af Springfield's drinking water protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "aI/
chemicals displaying characteristics of a DNAPL chemical ar a material containing a substance considered a
DNAPL chemical." DNAPLs are further defined as having a specific gravitY (or density) greater than 1,0
and solubility rate of less than 10 grams /Iiter (or 1%). A list of DNAPL chemicals regulated within the
Drinking Water Protection Overlay District was adopted by SUB on November 10, 1999 and was
incorporated as part of Springfield Development Code Article 17, adopted by Springfield City council on
May 15: 2000. Any change in type of use or storage of products containing DNAPLs is prohibited [SDC
17.o1Q~(2)(c),;SDC 1'7,0,70 (2) (d)]. , '" \
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Condition I 0: To prevent introduction of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater via the
parking lot stormwater management system, the applicant shall install II x 17" wellhead protection area
signs, or to incorporate another form of informational signage approved by SUB, within the parking lot.'
In addition, wellhead protection area signs shall be installed adjacent to any loading areas and trash
enclosures to alert users of the facility to the importance of reporting and cleaning up any spills,
Wellhead protection area signs shall be installed prior to issuance of building occupancy.
Aooeals: SDC 17,090 states: The only portions of this Article that are subject to appeal are
Section 17.050 (7) the Director's decision on a DWP application, Section 17.060,
Exemptions, and Section 17.070 (I )(a) waiver. The appeal of a decision of the Director
may be appealed to the Hearings Official under Type III procedures as specified 'in Section
15.020 of this Code.
Ouestions: Please contact Linda Pauly, Urban Planning Division at (541) 726-4608 or Nancy Moreno at
SUB (541) 744-3745 if you have questions regarding this process.
Pre Dared bv:
Linda Pauly, Planner II - Urban Planning Division
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Drinkinf Water Proteaion
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ELD, OR 97477
John Bramwell, Robertson Sherwood
Architects PC ,
132 E. Broadway, Suite 540
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Pacific Source Health Plans
110 International Way
Springfield, Oregon 97477
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