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Notice PLANNER 5/24/2007
" ,1\ ~ " AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE l~] By 5-1.J.(--b7 srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies ofDR-c:z.oo7- OOO'2S -A d), ~ ""f'/l.,.ui<~ - bwP.. ' (See attachment' "A") on '5124-- ,2007 addressed to (see -PCLe..ff<-~ Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. 'mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. K'W~E)J)al~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~' 'tpt( , 2007. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: . r-- -c' -.---,.._~..~-------...,---) OFFICIAL SEAL I BRENDA JONES I , ", / ' NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON j , COMMISSION NO. 379218 j , I .____r:v~O~~~I~N.:!~E~~:.2!:.~'!~ / ~~~~mdJy My Commission -"," ." 1: i ,- . '>.'.' .'.,.,.".. . f;,,'.~1J~_:, ^ ~- DEVELDPMENTSERWCESDEPARTMENT .," ,,' 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 ' FAX (54 i) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us , " Date of Le'tter: May 24, 2007 Plahnin" Case Numbp.r: DRC 2007-00028 ., AoolicantlOwner: Pacific Source Health Plans 110 International Way 'Springfield, OR 9i4n Aoolicant's Represe"ntative:. "," " John Bramwell Robertson Sherwood Architects PC 132 E. Broadway, Suite 540 ' Eugene. OR 9740 I . . .' RE: ' "; Drinking VVater' Protection" applicai:io~ Asses'sor's Map Number 17-03-15,40TL 100., ' for 'property . located at, 110 Intern'ational Way;" " _.' " F 'The applic<l.tion'yo~ subminedhas be~n::, . ,,": ~:. ' .' .-:3'..-'" -.~. ," -. .~..,- . .... .', x:'' 'i\,-'Atcepted as',a complete appli~ation. '. .j< '. .", . .;' ';:~}~':::":;' ,.", " ';;~_ "~'" "4'" ..~,' ~,...;:fl": ~ '. .'-' . 'The review procedure for this application:is indic~ted belo'!v;' .1.... ,', !_..,;.,:-,t , ~, . h,.' .. , " ".'. ;'';.,,- "c',!' ~. ~ . -,,". .~ " i'~, .'" " !'.' , '. .' .... ,'i,,:"'" . .'. ,', . '~ , . .,-t. " ,,;.; ~ '.: ::~:~:~y,..'-' ': ';:,:', ,:' , , :' ~,~'.' , c'- . ::""." " ,.,' ~>, ,." '. , -'<, .. ' " . , <., ~:Pacific:s~u~c~Hea1thPlans'DWP ADplic~f;on: DRC2007-0002S" -, 'i 'il,' .' "' :_;;:,:;~\, . ~,; ,,'. ,", ,,:::..:,:; ',',:: PAULY Linda', " . . ..' .,"" :.' ~, ' .... .';~ 0, Page (ou'; , ""' ~ '\. .".. ',"' '.~., .~. .: , ...... "~' " "': '. : ,.: (," ., ,.{.... .. '.:i , , 'From:' .CHINI;rZ Amy C. [AmY,C@subutil.C?n1]'. " " ., Serit:" ,Wednesday, May 23,.2007 3:05PM' " ., ," , " To: ':' ,: PAULY Linda " ,'... . i",... .':,.'. . , -,',.'. . ........ '. " , Subject: PacificSource Health Plans DWP Application: DRC2007 -00028 . . ~- p: - . ' ,~ '" , ~ y 'i- ... ''n " ~I '.' . ,'-' " , . ....;..., . ".'i' ;;', ."..,.... .; l,> ~..- " : .'" .. , '-, ',' .-. ~: . . Dear Linda, " .~" .:; . . .,,' ".';. ..... ._'.." .-t' ,.,. - ... . . :'. .' .,-' .-. . . '.' .' - : " '.: .,-' -.', "-,," ", . ": '-. -..--' .:., ~ .: " .^', .'. .. . :;~." ''-' ::! . As a follow-up to the Notice ofIncompleteApplication you sent to PacificSource on May 9, 2007, r'inet:oD. Monday, , May 21 with Wayne Neal, PacificSource Facilities Contractor, and his nipresentatives,Janet Pardee of Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers and John Bran~well of Robertson SherwoodArchite~ts, to discuss the pending items. ,"" ." " , ~- " ,- ,.,'~ In'aletterio,youdated May' 9, 2097,1 stated that several DWPite~sweieincomplete beca~se the application' ". ,'. addressed only those hazardous materials ,associated with the new generator. In our meeting on May 21, Janet . 0 .,' " '. ' Parde~ expl~ined' that during their initial meetings with Ciiy 'of Springfield Development Services, Jim Donovari " , . ':":instriIcted-themto inclpde.only irifoftnation related to the new generator in theirDWP application. Because the"," ....", , ' facility did not trjgger 11 DWP application before installing a generator, it is ieasopable to. restrict theDWP Feview; only to the generator and any products ~ssociated with the generator;.. Theonlyexceptio.n.will be,to ensure that none "'oftheproduct~used'inanypartofthefacilitycontainDNAPLs, "., ";;, ;," .>.', '. ",: ' .' _". _ .. ~ "'<:;\~:,."'c~,."\I':' . .~, ,. .,,c, '.,", , ,,'_: c. .".' ,". ,:: " ; ,:: ~:' :," ,.',,' .'" '.'..i..~', '. ,.,.".".,- . ..;' i ',' '. ," ....,-, ,'.' ." " . " In order to,cfllnpl.e:;te, the D.W apr,licatiori process, PacificSource 'w,:i1l need'to address all items in the list helm:;;' ,;'. ';:, ". :;:':Thislist super~~des the list of incomplete iteI;Ils in my May 9 letter:, Because these items ,cannot befinaliz~g.until the " ,;,: "';"generitoris'installedand thetanks'areready 'to be ,filled,.theapplicatio!1 can be considered complete for re-view;~The,. ,.'5t;, , ; generatOr'tank, should notbdilled,until all items below are' complete:',.-, ,<., ' ''':.; ,. ' " ." , ;,', "(,~"\iW;,;l.'i"if;;c'~;'o;2,j':~.-;~?,;,';i.;",,,,, " .~:~, ',,: ',: >,' ..::,':<,,: '. ,"'.'.. ,': .' ~;-(\~.:./<:.~'::i:.;Th~appH,c~l)t mu;l's~~rrii't a h~ia~do~sina.terials inventory st~teine~t(r-iMIS)th~t ihciules 'all piodu~ts: . ..>' .~_,,;,\,l ..!;l;~, -.-.,"r ...':...',.......~.J..'~,':- ~....__...u.;.,r.- '. 0'--..': ,........ ._'..~ -'. ' .:",..,..~.~-,-...-..." ;t:.:asso~i~ted;:>V}tlftliegenerat6r;.inclu'dingfUtil; coo]ant')llbr,icating ()il, and'any,oth<irproducts us~d forlpaiiitenance:i .:.-:.;.-;;" ~~::;The:a~plicailtmJi~falso~~u]5t;iijj:M.~Ds.J9f,anY items,fl~soci~teg with the generator thatweienotin;c1udeclin.the',t-,\i);"..'.;.: ~!~it.~;;\~~l~~~~;~;~~1{;~~~t':': Wci." ~:?~~('~:~~t1",;' le!,'p;~ ;%;~b~"~:i':~~l~t~~'{t1 ':':.:~:.; ;;;:::i;.::5:1t!a.'~~f~,9~s;pill!,eria.y}!.sed In as,s()ciation wi\lrth:generator will need to be stored in secondary:..,::.iJ~:,~(i.~,",>:t) .', ,;c.oii.t~inm~ii!:"X~e~~(4.e.scIjb~,\y.hich:ma!eri~ls mightbe:stor~din,\ssociationwith the generatoi->andwhat form ,0'[;:;; ;\;,)i;. ~0;;;:<"~~;;~5.f::;JJi~i~E~9~Ij.sml-;i,!;,s{l;~:;;?i~ a ha::a~dous~ate~qls management plan c:rMMP) using the:Sp~gfiel.dJ:;Y~;i~, '. -;. ~ :',:;,..::,-ancl.Llf!,,-Sm~!Y:t~mpla\<;, or:~n .ac~~ptable eqmvalent"Th", HMMP should,descnbe the faCIlIty's polICIes for',::~.. ,-p,,-,' ::-..;....S' .+~.~ _ ',-,eI, _""- id'll ,('...$-; .'s. . h d' 1 d '. .' . . - . 'j.,-" , ,..... i-,J:. '~ ): ';.preventmgJ8l;Run 'Yater con\aJmna,tlOn:.;rhlS soul mc u e: :7"", ",;,',," .":,' :.':....:,;. ~,.,;:J;" '''.ii,-.',o':'-:' ,'.-",;;,,'. ;,> ::.1);'.,}.', ,"{.~li~,~::;i~;-';;.,"\:~,;,.:,~"ti.':1c>;~j:;:\ .... ,::. .;,.; '. ....: (:,~" '.::' !~: ""?;""~ ;"" :,: 5'~.(;" '~,,, ~>'::\ ~:':.',:/: "., ",,0 ..:~:':r~:qtaJ~me~rOfthel?QlicY,iliat all hazardous maferials associated with the geri~ratorbe.,st6red)n secondaIy .,'.; ":'-;.' i~~~~{;~{~~~~~B~$i~"f~~~~':i(.:"" ::. .,' ','::~,::<X}<L/;;::':~.~",.~L",'>i/;<~;?:" ,'. ,','..::,:' ' ,.::;~.: " .,~~ :~,':; .. 0" \~. :;,.TheprotocoLfor preventing spills while pUinping,fuel intqt11e'generator tar\k;';::;~{:;;;::'/~~~i~;~;\;.;: ;:".,,:;>('''4;;;c\\ii;!:i!"''"~''''';''::, .",.,.' ",:\':-;.....,,', )':':,:;,/, ".. .,,'..l"" ":'i : ~';o.;'-F{(:~(;D.~~Zr;piiori 6fh~v.J thegen~~ator ~la~ system wo~ks, whqi~ responsibld [of resp~ndlng t~ it; hci;; a;d by' '. ..:,.'whOD.1 thefiy~{~i'i1:i~'-inaintained and servi<;ed; arici the protocols for responding to an emergency. The HMMP,snbuW,,' .' "follow" the"stand~f(lpr<icedui-e for notification'of a hazardous materi~lrelease in Springfield, to calf 911, w~ichi',' :.:': , . ,> .",.'dispatch~s inform" ~t,i,on tOStJ,B. FOll?Win,g thi,' ',s, procedui~ is important, bec, ause SUB ?, ~o ::, e, no<;fI,,~,A,',", ';;~',,:a,~::",}i;,.,;. '; >:.P?sslple lfa,che.1TI1,ca~ release ha~ .the potentlal to contajTI1nateou~\Vel1(s); "!i::;.;, ,0:;,:,G ;.J:',L; , ::'::>\;< j~~i~;i;;2~~;f;~f;;~~:~~~~t~~i~~i1\';~';g~;;;:'. ...... ')~1~~~;i.,~~:,1;J~\i J:'ac1lic~ource nealm nans u vy J:' Appncanon:- UKL:-"VVl ~VVVkO: ,~: :',,: ,". ." ,', " '.', n'gc k C" .!. . .' . _-;. .-~ .' ,':';.",~,,",''':,': "- ....~ t.:.:. ,,",. ,~':' ".'';,:'.~'l_"' -. '.', ::.. -'_'" 0.. Schedule and prqcedure for i,'~cting,and maintaining containment aD" 'm~r'gency equipment (Morlth y: ,,;, ,inspection of all areas where products on lae HMIS arestoredJuse~ should be perk"aed and.documented: The,-':. .." ',' .' HMMP should also include an inspection checklist ihat prQvides for the date, time, and location of inspection;." . ~ ,) problems and dates and timt;s of corrective actions taken; the name of the inspector and the countersignature oftht ,." ,.' designated safety manager for the facility. Completed checklists sho,":ld be kept ihalog book)~:: '",," " ," ; ~. . .. ~'; '-.. . . :. ~.' . ,. ....,.,.. ....,. < . '. o Signage policy; '"', '.' ~ ~.' "t ,_,.,''t-. ,',' " " \. .,- , " f' ," , , , . o ,DNAPL prohibition; .0 , .. . ... .' " . .. '. " . ~. 'Frequency of and list of topics inc)uded in employee traini~g; and . , .' . , . . :" . ~ ~":'. '. ,. . . List of individuals responsible for~inerg~ncies ass-Ociatedwitli g~n~rat~r tank or, any othe/hazard~us , .... - . , '. . .', . ~ . q-', . -' - ' '; I -,- . ~ .' '. : !" " .. ","; '-;" ;.,.-.,. -:~ ~_. '...._.: 1" .." . .. ' ,.' ',", 0' " materials. ',' ", ',,[ ..:'-:..... ,.... .~.,..,::,~.,.:,~: "':':". _,_,~:...-.,::.,..~,.,;.:.:.,~, ';;;::_".':,..1,1:, ...: .',.,_:. .-. ,.,,} ._..,'...:.-..'..... .~'~..~....,....:..: . '., _All hazardous materials used at the facility need to be reviewed for DNAPLS.:WayneNeal hasiJrovided a , " list of products used at PacificSource. It may be nec~ssary to provi'de MSDSs for some of.tl)ese pro'dus:ts; , . ",'.: ". -. ." ..,";:: . '_." ;:..j.'_~ :;\" :.;<.; ,;,~ "< " : ,.:-' r ">~~;~:-:,;, "~-<' ;';' :'.-\:: ", ,_ ,.-,' , ~., ~;:;\:: '.:;.." ~-,.: 4':....~.- f. .;~~:: <~. ". ',<" ','" ..,: :;'., , ' , ,'Sigriage that uses the sign standard' provided by SUB should be placed, in conspicuous lcicatioI1s.,Cgener? :or'., , .'. pad area,p'arking lot, outside of structure; truck entrance) t6 alert staff arid visitors, to notify911in;theeyeniof an ":','.:" . , '. .... ..'- .... _.' . ''''. r '. .' unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals (please contact Amy Chmltz \It ~,44-.o745 to purchase SIgnS dlrectly from' -; : "'SUB)' '..' ..." ,< .... '-....' .;\, .:. ',,:.,.: . ~ ' '.." . ,.,. " ;>. ,;.:' " :",,:',' ;,:.~:,:"~;;:'~, '. ,:,~,~;. ,,;,~ ,~)l::~t;{:~'t:::."".' ..;',., ,;,: ',;:;(.;;~;:, ;;/. c',:', ;';;',,'c:j';;: ,: ,,', . ; i~. / ;",'c A final inspectio'n by SYB Water Qmility Protection Co()rd.in'iftorand, Spririgfielq Firearid~ifeSafety'iE P.,~ ~~>:eqUire:tf-),; '.).;'{ ':" ,,:,,;<::{{, ,'~". ' ,,: . ,";:; ')::':o.:\,:,~~, ;0,"'" !'~{:.'~:,~';';_\::~::'~;':';,~, {.~LL:>;'~.::;D;,:,~;.t:::~~,.:,;, ";':~ .'.<' ,"',; Empl'oyeetrai6ing sho~ld'pr6mote aware~~ss ofthesensi\i~ea~e~"that the'faciiiiy<occupie~ ~d~p~g~l:'>' ::( ':'>.-:preciniti'oD's that need to be taken to'protect the drinkingwater,s'upply,TJ1e applicant may coritaci Amyc:hini~at: ;~:,,:<,i '. ;,,'''744-3745 iihe/she would like to schedule a briefdrinking water proteCtion presentation' for elnployees..;;':~"i;:';;"'::;';<:"' c ,;, \ ~::~:>~>E((:~..~: <"':,?:2;~t;:ff;:' .' '. " ",.'. " :::,;' '.' ,\:'f;::,~:::":'{;:( j,~>:;~.:::j ;;0)L;:::;h~;:';',.~';r:;s:..;~,,~:I:g:~'f;~~ ;ii:f';:~~ ';"PJease lefme kriow ifYolineed further clarification foraniofthese items.',:,:,:.;",,;,"!'Y;,'.,'.:!;(' :;;~"''':~'i,~t.~j.; ,l.~, ,..; " ,:"r"'_ '.~ ~ .' I': , " ~ : ' !" ,; 1 ::- :.~:' .. ; , . " ..-' ....\AmyE.Chlnltz,M.C.R.~,M.S. ,!I""',-~' '.1'" ':'1;. .~.,~.t' J. ~'.. , , .l'lf'~" -: .". . ii'.. l' ~ .~f-:~.."t,; '~'~"::....J'..' ~;i-~~.:1;:~ ~:al!~~~~;e~'!~~8~t~\:;f:,~:":',:,,,;:,. :;: .~... '.c.: ,~; ?"\ " "~:~ :: ? :;~~>'~f:;~;~:':;;~;'[O),~':(c/fi' ~::'~?: ~'~r:;J~~~~ ~;i~i~~ ';~ .;~}~:.i7.~:eld U~i~I~.B~;:d i:.,:\:}~::,::>< "j::~' .." ,. . '", :}:~:~:~'i>:.,:. ';:,::: i.,,2~: ':,~;~~:r~::-rJJf ii?~:;..<>~ ~'i~:~m ~};j~j ~;,~~j . '''ZOZSoulh18'hS'ree' ,... >".',.", ,'i ',''': ;.",.:.'," ',..,'.. '.'" ""',r:., "".:" ...tYJI"--~'-:<"r'::' ,,' '. " '". " ,..... . ,,,' :____, .,,' ~ '.:.;.'.,' ,,',' ;,'....,.. .': By' ":J"'J:;l\~.i.t1., __, ,; ./.:" , ':;'''.> ",/,-,,-., :' .': ,-=-,,:- , ',':.." ~.\. "-.. .~. ,,'r-I.' .,. ',i." .:".- >. ,~.\<:.;\J-.\~ '1":.:: :'/~-::<,_!.-'I,...,..;' ,~-_, -'.". ~_...Spnngfield,OR97477i'!.oI1l::"~'+~," ~... L'.'_' ;' ~',~ ..: ;..:"i\:~~""o"-;'L~~:7;... ..--,->, .~; t ~ ~ ~ :;.,;' ~'. \:.. ..-:..' /- +..~~:"~':~,;: '>\t: ::',~ ~:' '~...' '., ::'" :'. \'-'.::~.-;: :~( ~::::~ ~?/::':: ~-~'I~~ '~~ .:,-;~~,>'~,A.;: ~: ~ \ :' ' 1, '~-," ~: }-. :.;~ 'i~~'\~~~:~~~ ~~~ ~::~ ~~~: , . Phone:541.744.3745 ~-...~ ~~ :' - ',~,l~~j'::.;.:r-">~':i,.,7,*;J~J~:f..^~",,.I;[~...,'~L'~r0:'~<."t.."';.; '.'. ..~. ~.,..<.",.,,,~.,,.. ....;...- .'-: ',' .. ~' \.." ~'" .; "':~, ,..' I'~:<'~'/:.~ -:{-'~~ .\"'~;f'f'~:..': \ -''. i;:" ";' ..... ~::, " .r. -. ". ....: . ,. ..,: 'I ~~ , l"o:,::, , J;.'h:;::X.~.J. ,,'. '" 5/2.0/2007" ....-'.".. . ' .. 1 '. ' < .< ^ .,' '~.~'_: ----:: - l~.:;.'::'~~ ..::.:;;:'i~~.~_~,.' .'-,;'''-' ,',;:' . c ,;:. L. . ,.;., i'...' , " ~ ;; , ,,,;'., :F' " :~' " ~ ~,.. , ,; "'"" 'r ,-.~ -:".,;" ;.....:,.". "';>, ..",'",. " ," ,';' " .,' . :"- "DEVELOPMENT,SERVICES, ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH,STREET " , ",SPRINGFIELD, 'OR 97477 , " ."', " . ~:- " '--:;:':;:'.' .... ~. ; 'r' '....'. :' ",' ~~.~~~~-;~' . . J-ohri .Bramwell ~'. 'Robertson'Sherwood'Architects 132 E Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, OR" 9740( :,., ....',' ','-'ji' '. i" ,\ ;:..:~ .::-X...::;'~~<:J o'. .... ;". ','f' " ',f' '. ,;>-. .,,... ".. ,,0' ""':1" ~," '.J' " , "'<. ,.. . ~ .. ...' ..'" . ,.,' . ~" .", ":,'''", " DEVELOPMENT SERVicES PLANNING-DEP)J,,-':/rMENT, ' 225 FfFTH STBEE"r..,' SPRINGFIELD: OR, 97477' .'.. . .~. :', ;..t--',:,~*.L ;.,l'~ , ,::-:":-3? '.' p ~'\ - .~. ,', " 'PacificSource Health :-uo Internation~l t'lay Springfield" OR '97477 Plans ".,' .. , ", " -' " ~", ,,-.' <. ... j' .. .. ....\ '_Co:. PC . i: l.. ". ".' '., p', t'" ....-.,: . ~~ -~. "'.1" ;. ", '," "l. .., '.". ,', ,,-- " ~. , .,: " ,. ".\ ." ".3. .:.;" .--': ,"-:;:"---,,"" ., '_. -:l'.--'- ~ . ,," '-' ~. ':'t:.' )' .. ""~~i;~{t~':1'.~~:I_' ..' . ....1 ..~ "' '..', '~ . i' ,"~. --.' ,.' ,'~~i~,:;,/; ~:~ " /~,i~~~~~r;:;' .~~:j;t:!:,: 3"', :,.r ~ '.' '- , . ;'1~~.' " " .' ~J-'~~'" "t:.; /L'; , >, .. .' ~ U [! n \lJ [! ~I UL 5.,..il.(-Di- \ , , .:J ':-:.\' '1~ ,_'::'. " 6: ,;.