HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 9/14/2007 r; I R BALZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 100 West 13:h Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 (phone) / (541) 345-5303 (fax) www.bhengineers.com Mechanical.Jlectrical- Civil. Surveying To: Company: Address: , Project: From: Amy Chinitz September 14, 2007 SUB Water 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477 PacificSource Health Plans, Springfield: Emergency Generator (ORe 2007-00028) Janet L. Pardee, P.E. WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING: ITEM COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 1 1 9/11/07 Final DWP Overlay Narrative Final Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) which includes th,e, Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) MSDS remaining products requested .,'~ """~J' ~. ~. ,'" ..~,.," ,,',1"<",' 3. 1 REMARKS: This is our final DWP Overlay Permit submittal, which has been revised to include your review comments provided via an email to me dated September 6, 2007. Included are the rernaining (outstanding) MSDS sheets for the landscape products and various building cleaning products/materials yet to be provided to your office for your review of DNAPL's. Please review and let us know if there is anything further required by us to cornplete the approval process of this permit. COPIES: Steve Ord, PacificSource Health Plans, 110 International Way, Springfield OR 97477 John Bramwell, RobertsonlSherwoodlArchitects, PC., 132 E Broadway, Suite 540, Eugene OR 97401 \LirlCii3 pauly, City of Springfield Planning Dep(, 225 Fifth Street,.Springfield OR. 97477 File . - - - .. . o. - '.' RECEIVED i SEP 1 '1 2007 BY:_ , P:\7700-00&-06\Generator Permits\tm jlp 070914 IQ SUB re final DWP submittal.doc Page 1 of 1 Fa911ity: Address: Contact: Product Name CompleatHTF EG Premix (Thevlene GlvcolBased Coolann Petroleum-Based Lubricatina Oil Diesel Fuel (LOw Sulfur Certification) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT PacificSource Health Plans 110 International Way. Sprinafield-OR 97477 Wayne Neal. Ma'intenance Soecialist: (541) 684-5449 Manufacturer Ha~ardollS Ingredients Cummins Ethylene Glycol . Diethvlene Glvcol Filtration The Valvoline Company Chevron-Phillips paraffinic Mineral Oil Alkanes, C-14-C16. hemical Company, l Distillate Hydrotreated Middle Distillate, Alkylate Naptha, Heavy Catalytic Reformed Kerosine C9-C16 Solvent Naptha, Heavy Aromatic Distillates, Hydrotreated Light Distillales,Hvdrotreated Liaht Paraffini( . '-See Attached Tables . .. Refer to attached plan for location of chemicals stored , NOTE: Hazard Classific::ltion 4.5 4.5 UN/NNCAS I.D, Number 107-21-1 111-46-6 64742-54-7 90622-46-1 64742-46-7 64741-73-7 64741-68-0 8008-20-6 64742-94-5 64742-47-8 64742-55-8 Max Volume StoredlUsed On-Site Ibs/gal 850-gallons Storage Temp/Pressure N-1~4 N.1-4 A-1-4"'" State of Material Gas/Liquid/Solid Liquid Date: Page: Open/Closed Use Liquid Closed Liquid Closed Closed ... Material Safety Data Sheets for. all Materials Attached Materials containing DNAPL's are prohibited on the property. All new products/materials are to be reviewed by the SUB Water Qu_ality Protection Coordimitor prior to purchase. \ ( '1 I':"::'J S b = \ I':"::'J l' ~ @ \ () I':"::'J ~ >, CD Auqust 29. 2007 1 /1 NFPA 704 H/F/R .. 2/1/0 1/1/0 1f2/0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE > This MSDS compile." with O?HA'S .!:ia~ard ComrT)~nicalion Standard 29 CFA19tO.1200 and OSHA Form 174 I . IllENTITY AND DIS I HIBLJTOR'S INFORMATION J FPA Ratin heallh-l; ';::;dllllllabilil -2: Reaciiv;- -0;. ;pec;~i:.. - --- . r.;i; Ha-;ln :Heallh-'-; flammab;i;!y~2; H.eact~vitv-O; Personal P(Ole':1ion~8 I DOT Hazard Classification: NON-REGULATED when shipped via DOMESTIC GROUND QNl Y in containers Jess than '10 gals) For ocean vessel or air transport: Flammable Liquid, 3 'dentity (trade name as used on label): ALLSTAR WHIRL WIND HEAVY DUTY GLASS CLEANER - u.~ . (U15037, UfS038) !:hcne: 800-UNI~OURC~____._ iI-lSDS Number: B00128 Revision-1 IEmergency Response Number. 1-B88-66U~b!::l{ pate Prepared: 04/02 Prepared By: 18 l-IOTlCE: JUDGEMENT_BASED ()N INDIR.ECTT~S,!"pATA Inlormallon Calls: (770)422-2071 I . _____. ____n ..._ ~~C:n~N.I_:_~!'.TEHIAL IDENTIFICATION AND INFORMATION ~OI.lPONENTS-CHcMJl,;AL NAMl:::i ANU l;UMMUI\l/\lA....jl:S CAS Number I SARA I OSHA PEL' ACGIH ~Ham. dous Com~f!~n~s 1~ or greal~r; Ca~nogens 0.1,~ Drgre.aterJ III LIST (ppml TLV (ppm) IISCPROPYL ALCOHl)L 67-63-0 I No 400 ~~m 400 PJlm 12-BUTOXYETHANOL 111-76-2 I Yes' I 25(skin) I 25(skin) I - I I i I .Glycol ether I I I I _ . I I I SEC IION.~ - PHYSICAUCHEMIt;AL CHARACTERISTICS ,0 i-lin'! Point: <212'F _ ._. eciflc Gra"it H2(}.,;1: 0.98 /Vaver Pressure: PSIG@ 70.F (Aerosols): N/A _. a or Pressure Non-Aerosols mm Hand Tein ra rat ..~!7i!}m Hg @ 20C I tVapcrDerisl!V (Air = 1).: NIO va' rationAate water _1: 1 I ~oJubflltv In Water. ...soluble , , ater Reactive: No ~ooearance and Odor: cr~r_ red liquid With aloohol:.tlufyt .Odor. " r SECTION 3 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA. FLAMMABILITY as per USA FLAME'PROJECTION TEST I Auto Ignitio.n Temperatura jRamrnability limits hAir by % in Volume: . Kaerosolsl N1A.. '. N/D 1% LEL: N1D % UEL: NID "=LASH POiNT AND METH 00 USE 0 (non-aerosols): approximately 1C4 iF fXTINGUISHER MEDIA: : Waler spray or log, loam, dry chemical or C02. Do TCq ot use direct water stream. 3:PECIAl FIRE AGHTlNG PROCEDURES: None required. Keep con!ainers . ;oolwith.water spray. . ~nusual Rre & Ex loslon Hazards: None ,mowo. Manufactured For: a.daess: a.daess~ UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC. 133.Peachtree St. NE. Allanla, GA 30303 I Carcinogen- Ref. Source o. r d i d I I I I T ABILITY. I X 1 STABLE UNSTABLE fncompalibllilV ~Ma.l to avo'id): StrOf!Q oxidizers. Hazardous Decomposition F-roducls: CO, C02. J I SECTION 5 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA I I PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: . I )INHALATION I ) INGESTION [ X) SKIN ABSORPTION I X I EYE r I NOT HAZARDOUS 1 IACurE EFFECTS j. inhalation: Not considered harmful. Inhalation of mist may cause irritation. . \Eye Contact: Irritant. ISkln Gont~ct: Irritant. I ~esult in dermatitis. _"gestion: Mav cause nausea, vomitinq or diarrhea. !CHRONIC EFFECTS:ll3h animals have experienced anemia, liver, kidney, lung, and blood damage to 2-blrtoxvethanol. lMedlcal Conditions Generally Aggravated b~ Exposure: Pre-existing dermatitis. I EMERGENCY FIRST AID PROCEDURES ~ye Contact: Flush with water for 1S'minutes.lf irritation persists, oet medical attention. ISkin Contact: Flush with water. If irritation persists, Qet medical attention. .-nhalation: RemoVe to fresh air. ingestion:DO;NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Drink 3 to 4 qlasses of water. Get immediate medical atte-ntion. I SECTION 6 - CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES . I . =1espiratory Protection (~peclfy type): Not required under normal use. However if TLV is exceeded, use respirator approved by NIOSH for1 Jrqanic vaoors. I )rotectlve Gloves: Rubber or'nitrile recommended. IEye Protection: Safety olasses or oOQQles. . lYentilation Re.Qu!~~~fl!~:.. 'Proper ventifation as-required to control Velpor concentrations. j IOther Protective ClothlnQ & Equipment: Eyewash station. . J . Jiygienic Work Practices: Do not eat, drink or smoke in work area. Wash hands after handfino. . 1 I. . SECTION 7. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE . l IStepS.To Be Taken If Material Is Spilled Or Released: Contain spilL Keep out '01 surface waters & any sewers or watercourses entering or ~eadinQ 10 surface waters. Soak UP with inert absorbent & Flace in properly labeled leak-proof containers for disoosal. . . j Waste Disposal Methods: -Dis S8 of in accordance with alllocat, state and federal re ulations. :Jrecautions To Be Taken In Handling &. Storage: 'Store in original shipping containers away from heat & open flam'es. Keep cfosed when 'ot~~e. '. ther Precautions &Jor Special Hazards: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Read & follow label direclions. We believe the statements. technical in{orrnation and recommendations contained herein are relia~/e, but they are given wi/hour 'warranty or guarantee of any kind. . .. Chemical Listed as'Carcinogen or Potential Cardnogen.laj NT? [bIIARC Monograph [c] OSHA (d] Not Listed [e] Anrm;:!! f);:!t;:! Crlv ~ ~ ~~~~-~ ' m q-'-l3~D1 J . SECTION 4 - REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA AZARDOUS POL YMEAIZA TION onditlons to Avoid: None knoWn. Will X WILL NOl OCCUR Repeated or extended contact with skin could J I -j j I 1 I ::~v .. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA S. ._ET { -~ , This Ms6s'-t-g'~ lies with OSHA'S Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFA 1910.1200 and OSHA Form 174 IDENTITY AND DISTRIBUTOR'S INFORMATION .'IFPA RatinQ: HeaJlh.2~ -~I~rT'1m;bj!i~-2; Reactivity-o: Special-O ~ Ratinq: Hea.!!tl-2~. Flammabilitv-2; Reactivity-a: Personal Prolection-B Manufactured For: - UNlSOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC. DOT Hazard Classification: ORM-D Address: 133 Peachtree St. NE. identity (Ira~e name as .used on label): Address: Atlanta, GA 30303 ALLSTAR SATIN (U17530) Phone: 800-UNrSOURCE MSLlS Number: 141 Revision- 12 EMERGENCY RESPONSE NUMBER: '-888-660-6737 Date Prepared: 03129/96 Prepared By: .LF ,\JOTICE: JUDGMENT BASED ON INDIRECT TEST DATA nformalion Calls: (7701422-2071 I _ , S"CTION 1 - MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND INFORMATION .tOMPONENTS-CHEMICA ~Hazardous Comoo~~~~~ ~ I PETROLEUM DISTILLA T I PETROLEUM DISTILLAT IISOBVTANE I PROPANE I I I I I Bollinq Point: NJA Waoor Pressure: PSlG-@ 70':F" Aerosols: Max.SO ~a~ Oensl!V {Air:::z 11: NlE !solubllltv In Water: ln~~_ _ ~ppearance and Odnr: Oear liquid, lemon fragrance. I - . SECTION 3 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA ~l.AMMABIUTY 'as perUSA FlAME PROJECTION TEST Auto Ignition Temperature ammebility Limits In Air by "fo.in Vdume: ,aerosols FLAMMABLE >18 Inches N/E X. LEL: N/E _ % UEL: N/E ~SH POINT AND METHOD USED (non-aerosols): .N/A NGUISHER MEOlA: Foam, city chemical, carbon OIOXlde. I SPECIAL ARE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Self-contained breathin a aratus. Jnusual Flre & Exo1oslon Hazards: Do not e ose aerosols to temratures above 130.F or the container ma ru ture. I I -= ~ _ ._ SECTION 4. REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA $TABILfTY r~! ~TABLE UNSTABLE AZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION r I WIll. f X I WIll. NOT OCCUR J .ncompatibllity (Mat. tn <Mf : Slro oxidizers. onditions to Avoid: en name, weldi arcs, hea.t sp_aoo. I Hazardous DecolT1o("l~ilon Products: CO, CO2. I I ----- SECTION 5. HEALTH HAZARD DATA I I PRIMARY Aiil~~s ciFE~v, _ ~ X I INHALATION r J INGESTION r X I SKIN ABSORPTION I J EYE r INOI HAZARDOUS I IAclIlE EFFECTS I lnhalallon, Exce"lve In";;lat;o;; o',"POrS cen be harmful and may cause headaChe, dizziness, asphyxia, an.s!helle ellects and po~sible ,,-nconse,ausness. I ~w~M~~b ~~~t~~~. I ~QeSllon: PosSibieCh~ - umO;;itis if as 'ratedinlo un . Nausea. ... . . I ;HF~ONIC EFFECTS: (effects due 10 excessive exposu~ to.the raw ~terials of this mixture) May cause cardiac abnonnality, Ii~er abnormam;es, lung a~ kidney . :lama e, . . .. !r1edlcal Condlll~!ls 0_~~erally Aggravated by Exposure: May aqqravale existing eye, skin, or UDDer resoiratory conditions. -.-- I I EMERGENCY RRST AID PROCEDURES I IEve Contact: Rushwilh ;;Ie-; for '15 minutes. If irritated, seek medical attention. I ~kin Contact: Wash wiih. soa ' and water. If irritated, seek medical attention. j ~nhalatlon: A_emov_e 10 !resh air. Resuscitate if necessary- G~t medical attention. ~nqes(jon: DO NOT INDUCE VOMmNG. Drink two large glasses of waler. Gel i~~~e medical attention. . I . _ _ . ~F("nON 6 - CONTROL AND PHOTECTIVE MEASURES .. .. I IRespiratorv Protectj~n Goe~Jf - e: If va ~rconcenlratJon exceeds T1.V, use.respirator aoofaved by U.S. Bureau of Mines for orgaf"!lc vapor. IProtective Gloves: Pnlv,c>lhylene QJov"!s " ._. e Protecllon: Safe lasses recommended. !ventllatlon Ae_ot..ilre~~~~: Adequate ventilation 10 keep vaoor co~~ntration belown.-v. lOt her Protective Clothln & E ui ment: None I!:!vQlenic Wo~~ -~~.a~.t1ces: Wash with soao and waler befo~~ handfJng fOod. Remove contaminated clothing. . r SECTION 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE l~ps TOBe Tak~~ If-M~t~rlalls Spilled Or Released: Absorb with suitable medium. Incinerate or landfill according 10 local, siate ~r -Federal regulations. DO OT FLUSH TO SEWER. asIa OIsoo!;;al Metnnrls. A.erosol cans when vented 10 atmos heric ressure Ihro h normal use, ose no dis osal hazard. ~recautlons.To.8.~-i~k;~'ln Handlinq & Stor~a: Do nolyunc!ure or incinerate containers. 00 not slore atlemoeratures above 130~F. Other Precaullons &lor S eclal Hazards:. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Avoid food contamination. Avoid breathin va orn.Remove iQl1ilion source-so We believe the statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are reliable, but they are given without warranty or guarantee at any kird. .. .Ch~mfcar listed as Carcinogen or Potential Carcinogen. ta] NTP {b] IARC Monograph lcJ OSH'A IdJ Not Usted {eJ Animal Data Only L NAMES-AND COMMON NAMES CAS N,umber E?ARA OSHA PEL ACGIH I % or Qreater; CarcinoQensO.1 % or Qreater) IIIUST Ippm) TL~m) E 64742-54-7 Yes 5mq\M3 51llg\M3 I .,-, -- E 64742-88-7 . No 100 100 I - - - BLEND 75-28-5 No 800 HOO I 74-98-6 No 1000 1000 I "-,-, - . I _0- I I I - - - .- - - - I C. I arClnogen Ref. s~urce "j I I I d d d SECTION 2 - PHYSICAUCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS aclne Gravl H20:.1: Concentrate Onl .8~ a or Pressure Non-Aerosols mm H and Tern er~lureJ: N/A _ vaoorntlon Rate ( "" 1); NfE' lWater ReacUve: No ..;: ~~UDW~: CH3-o1 B" .'- .',. ( PACIFIC SOURCE SERVER ROOM SEQUENCE OF OPERATION FOR FM-200 FIRE SUPPRESION SYSTEM In the. event of afire situation, the FM-200 Fire Suppression System is programmed to function as follow"5: A) First detector senses. a fire situation: -Rom/Strobe is .acti~'ated . -HV AC in SERVER ROOM are shut down -LED on detector in alarm latches on(steady red LED) B) Second detector senses a fire. situation: / -LED on detector in alarm hitches on (steady red LED) -Be1l'is activated' and Hum/Strobe is shut off -Thirty (30) second countdO"'TI to discharge begins "Persormel in hazard area must decide to exit the SERVER ROOM or abort the discharge' ~ . . *To- abort FM-200 discharge: Abert Switch Tnusl be contilmouslv-held in the UD Dosition unti1FM-200 control panel is reset to normal operating position {Omen ACpower light is only light on) . Abort will hold at ten seconds, if released and re activated abort will count down to. 0 and hold till'aho.rt i.~ releasetl When released at () discharge of agent will happen. C} Thirty (30} second eountdowllends: -F1I.1-200 is discharged into the TELEPHO!\'EEQUIP ROOM D)Ifmanual pull station is activated: -FM-200is immediately discharged into TRI,RPHONE EQIJIP ROOM -H V AC system is shutdown -HV AC dampers are closed ']~ @~nm ~ J By q/(3~Ol e MSDS Number: 00057 Product Name: FM-200 Great Lakes Chemical Corporation MA TERlAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Effective Date: Page: 04/20/2001 10f7 II SECTION I - CHEMICAL PRODUCT ANn CoMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: FM-200 Manufacturer: Great Lakes Chemical Corporation Address: P.O. Box 2200 City: West Lafayette State: Indiana Zip: 47996-2200 Emergency Telephone Number: 1-800-949-0167 Information Telephone Number: 1-765,497.-6100 Chemtrec Phone: 1-800--424-9300 Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Supercede Date: 4/7/98 MSDS Prepared By: Regulatory Affairs Department/Great Lakes Chemical Corporation Synonyms: I, 1.1.2,3,3.3-Heptafluoropropane. 2H-Heptafluoropropane Product Use: Fire'extinguishing. fire suppression, explosion suppression and inerting agent Chemical Name: 1,I.l, Chemical Family: Halogenated alkane Additionai Information II Fax: 1-765-497-6123 No'information available I SECTION IT - COMPOSITIONlINFoRMATION ONlNGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME CAS No. Yo ExPosuRE LlMrrs 1.1.1,2,3.3.3-Heptafluoropropane 431890 > or = 99:9 Y (Hazardous) Not established (OSHA PEL TWA) Not established (OSHA PEL STEL) Not established (OSHA PEL CEIL)' Not established (ACGIH 'fLV TWA) Not established (ACGIH 'fLy STEL) Not established (ACGIH 'fLV CEIL) I ( No information available .Indented chemicals are components of previous in~edient. Additional In/ormation II SECTION ill -lIAzARns IDENTIF'!CATION /1 Emergency Overview: Colorless gas Odorless Direct eye or skin contact with the liquid or cold gas can cause chilling or possibly frostbite' of exposed tissues. May cause central nervous system effects. Inhalation of high concentrations can be harmful or fatal due to oxygen deprivation .and/or heart irregularities. Relevant Routes of Exposure: Inhalation Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure: Symptoms similar to oxygen deprivation (headache, nausea, dizziness or loss of consciousness) may result from overexposure by inhalation. Heart irregularities such, as irregular pulse or heart palpitations may indicate cardiac sensitivity. Cold, white or.d.isoolored skin or in severe ::",.,;" .. ~ · .~ .,~'.;. ]~@Ttu~~] ?x Q-\3-01 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS Number: 00057 Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Product Name: FM-200 Page: 2 of 7 II SECTION ill - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION . Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated By Exposure: ,Potential Health Effect~; Eyes: Skin: Ingestion: Inhalation: Cbronic Healtb'Effects: CsrdnoP'enidtv: NTP: rARC: OSHA: No No' No No information available - ---- - .. - 11 , Persons with preexisting'cardiac, respiratory, or central nervous system disorders may be inore susceptible to effects of an overexposure. The use ofcepinepbrine or similar compounds can increase susceptibility to heart irregularities caused by excessive exposure to these types of compounds. See Section XI for additional information. Direct eye contact with the liquid or cold ga.s can cause chilling or possibly frostbite of exposed tissues. Direct skin contact with the liquid or cold gas can c~use chilling or possibly frostbite of exposed tissues. Not expected to be a hazard in normal industrial use. Inhalation ,of high concentrations can be harmful or fatal due to oxygen deprivation andJorheart irregularities (arrhythmias). Misuse of the product by deliberately inhaling'high concentrations of this gas could cause death without warning. None known ACGIH: OTHER: No No Additional Infonnation II II SECTION IV - FIRST AID MEAsURES Eyes: Skin: Ingestion: Inhalation: Antidotes: Notes to Physicians and/or' Protection Cor First-Aiders: No information available Flush with water. Get medical attention. Flush with water; if frostbite occurs get medical attention. No information available ' Remove person to fresh air; if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. No information available The use of epinephrine or similar compounds can increase susceptibility to heart irregularities caused by excessive exposure to these types of compounds. Additional Infonnation II SECTION V - FIRE FIGHTING MEAsURES Flammable Limits in Air (% by Volume): Flasb Point: Autoignition Temperature: Extinguisbing Media: Fire Fighting Instructions: II Not applicable . Nonflammable gas Not available AJJ conventional media are suitable. Keep cylI"nders cool with a water spray applied from a safe distance. Use a self-contained breathing apparatus if containers rupture or release under fire conditions. Do not allow reentry into areas where this material bas been released without first ventilating- to remove '00"""" 00_',,,;,.,=,,_,,," ~ ~ m: ~ u ill ~ ~ q--lo-Ol 0._, -.:..~2..._ ....___..._.~_~_.._..~.__ MATERIAL SA1<~n: DATA SHEET MSDS Number: 00057 Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Product Name: FM"200 Page: 30f7 II SECTION V - FIRE }'IGHTING MEAsURES Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Flammability Classification: Known or Anticipated Hazardous .Products of Combustion: No information available ----. - -.- ; 11 J -" Although containers of OUf product are provided with pressure and tern'perature relief devices, containers can rupture if exposed to localized heaL Thermal decomposition will generate toxic and corrosive gases. Nonflammable gas Decomposition by. elevated'temperatures (fire conditions, glowing metal surfaces) may generate hazardous decomposition ,products common to other CFCs, HCFCs or HBFCs. These can include hydrogen fluoride (ACGIH TLV = 3 ppm), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and others. AdauwnalIn/onnatwn I' SECTION VI - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE ~~~-- Accidental Release Measures: Personal Precautions: Environmpo.tal Precautions: No informatio-n available II Evacuate the area and ventilate. Do not enter areas where high concentrations may exist (especially confined or poorly ventilated areas) without appropriate protective equipment including a seIf- c'ontained breathing apparatus. See Section VIII. No information available Additwnal In/onnatwn / '!SECTION VII -IIANDLING AND STORAGE I) Handling: Use the same type of precautions as would be used in handling any cryogenic gas. Protect container"from damage. Handle in well- " ventilated areas. When this material is used as a firefighting agent in fixed or portable extinguishing systems, follow manufacturer's instructions for operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of the sy~tem. Storage: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible ma terials. Keep container tightly closed. Other Precautions: No information available Adaitwnal In/onnatwn No information available II SECTION VIII - ExPOSURE CoNTROLSIPERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls: No information available Ventilation Requirements: Use local ventilation to minimize exposure to gas. Use mechanical ventilation for general area control. Perso,-,,~__~ P~-:>tective Rauinmp.o.t: EyelFace Protection: Skin Protection: Respiratory Protection: I) Chemical splash goggles when handling liquid Use lined neoprene gloves if handling liquid. Clothing designed to minimize skin contact Wear a NIOSH/MSHA approved self_con-~fI'! ~al'i!'ll'ig1'"l/P~C]t ',In emergency sltuahons. ~ u:; l!!J u:; u \!i l!; ) j GH3-D 1 3:/ -" MATERIAL SAt-J<.u DATA SHEET MSDS Number: 00057 Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Product Name: FM-200 Page: 4 of 7 /I SECTION VIII - ExPOSURE CoNTROLS':PERSONAL PROTECTION Consult the OSHA lespiratory protection information located at 29CFR 1910.134 and the American National Standard Institute's Practices of Respiratory Protection Z88.2. No information available See Section II. Wash thoroughly after handling. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Make sure piping- is empty before doing maintenance work. Additional In/ormation Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: Exposure Guidelines: Work Hygienic Practices: No information available 11 II SECTION IX - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL ~<2f~RTIES Appearance: Colorless gas Percent Volatile: Boiling Point: -16.4 degrees C (3 pH Value: degrees F) Not available Colorless Not available Not available 11 Bulk Density: Color: Decomposition Temperature: Evaporation Rate: pU.Concentration: Physical State: Reactivity in Water: Saturated Vapor Concentration: Softe'Ding Point: Solubilit;y in Water: Specific Gravity or Dellsit;y (Water=l): Vapor Density: Vapor Pressure:. Freezing Point: Heat Value: _ Melting Point: Not available Not available -131 degrees C (-204 degrees F) C3HF7 170 MolecuLufCbemical Formula: Molecular Weight: OctanollW'ater Partition Coefficient: Odor: Not availsble Odorless Vi8C08it;y: Volatile Organic COmpounds: . WatedOil Distribution Coefficient: Not available Weili!ht Pe-r Ga.llon: Additional In/ormation Odor Threshold: Not available Particle Size: No information available Not available Not svailable Not available Gas Not water reactive Not available NC?t available 260 mg/L 1.46 6.04 58.8 psia st 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) Not available Not available Not available. Not available I~ECTION X - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY IJ ' Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling and use. Conditions to Avoid: None Incomp'atibiIity With Other Materials: Powdered metals (ex. Al, Mg, or Zn) and strong alkalis, oxidizers or reducing agents are not compatible with this and most other halogenated orgamc compounds. Hazardous Decomposition Prod ucts: Thermal decomposition may produce the following: Hydrogen fluoride Carhon monoxide and carbon dioxide Will not occur None Hazardous Polymerization: Conditions to Avoid: I~ I ~ @ ~ 0 ill ~ TI ill . - - -- _I, .' Q-l3-01 i l:/.__ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS Number: 00057 Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Product Name: FM-200 Page: 5 of 7 II SECTION X - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY No information available Additionalln/orma/ion I! II SECTION XI - TOXICOLOOICAL INFoRMATION ANIMAL Rat ROlITES Acute Inhalation II I VALUE ILD50 OR LC50) I >788,696 0 m/4H COMPONENTS 1,1.1,2,3,3,3-HePtafluoropropane Toxicological Information: The human health hazards of this product are expected to be similar to other ,liquefied gases including N2, C02, CFCs, HCFCs, and HBFCs. Therefore, direct eye or skin contact with the liquid or cold gas can cause dulling or possibly frostbite of exposed tissues. Inhalation of high concentrations can be harmful or fatal due to oxygen deprivation and/or heart irregularities {arrhythmias}. Misuse of the product by deliberately inhaling high concentrations of this gas could cause death 'without warning. Persons with preexisting cardiac or ~entral nervous syst~m disorders may be more susceptible to effects of an overexposure. When tested with and without metabolic activation over a concentration range of 43.9-93.5%, heptafluoropropane was Dot mutagenic in S. typhimurium. Neither toxicity nor mutagenicity-was observed in a mouse lymphoma assay when heptalluoropropane was tested to a concentration of 56.8%. Neither toxicity nor an increase in micronuclei was observed in mice exposed to 10.5% heptaf}uoropropane. Therefore, there is no evidence that heptafluoropropa"ne is capable of inducing gene or chromosomal mutations in vitro or chromosomal effects in vivo. In other studies. heptafluoropropane did not show genotoxicity or cytotoxicity. . Animal studies have found the rat 4 hour LC50 to be >788,696 ppm (-80%), the highest level tested. A ( cardiac sensitization study in dogs found the No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) to be 9_0%. The Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) for this study was reported to be 10.5%. A 90 day inhalation study.did not find any exposure related effects at 105,000 ppm (10.5% volJvol.), the highestievel tested. Inhalation studies looking for developmental effects on pregIlant rabhits and rats or their offspring did not show auy'exposure related effects at the highest concentrations tested (105,000 ppm). Additional In/orma/ion No information available II SECTION XlI - ECOLOGICAL INFo~TION Ecolotrical Information: No information available Addi/ional In/ormation II . No information available II SECTION XIII - DISPOSAL CoNSIDERATIONS Disposal Considerations: Non-contaminated product is reclaimable. Contact Great "Lakes Chemical Corporation for information. Otherwise. dispose oC waste in an approved chemical incinerator equipped with a scrubber as allowed by Current Local, StatelProvince. Federal/Canadian laws and regulations. Additional In/orma/ion II No information available -_._~ 1 ~~c~ un I Q-/2,01 , , B" ...... MATERIAL SAt< r.n: DATA SHEET MSDS Number. 00057 Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Product Name: FM-200' Page: 6 of 7 II SECTION XIV - TRANSP5>RT INFoRMATION Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: Packing Group: Special Provisions: Non-Bulk Packaging: Passenger AirlRail Limit: Vessel Stowage: Reportable Quantity: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: ' Subsidiary Risk: Hazard Labels: Air Passenger Limit Per Package: Air Cargo Limit Per Packa!!e: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: Packing Group: Medical First Aid Guide Code: ( EmS No. 2-09 .y .S_ DOT Heptafluoropropane 2.2 N/A N/A 304 75 kg A N/A ID Number: Labels: Packaging Exceptions: Bulk Packaging: Air Cargo Limit: Other Stow~ge: AIR - ICAO OR lATA HeptaOuoropropane 2_2 N/A Nonflammable gas ID Number: Packing Group: Packing Instructions: Packing -Instruction.- Cargo: Special Provisions Code: ll'i\ TRR - 'Mlli! Heptafluoropropane 2.2 N/A 75 kg 150 kl! ID Number: Subsidiary Risk: 350 Additional In/ormation 11 I UN3296 Nonflammab.le gas 306 314,315 150 kg N/A UN3296 N/A 200 200 N/A UN3296 N/A Il SECTION XV - REGULATORY INFoRMATION U.S. Federal Regulations: The components of this product are either on the TSCA Inventory or exempt (i.e. impurities, a polymer comDI~in'l' with the exemption rule at 40 CFR 723.250) from the Inventory. State Regulations: None known International Regulations: This material (or each component) is listed on the following inventories: Canada - NDSL EU - ElNECS Australia - AlCS Japan - ENCS Korea - ECL China - List I Canadian WHMIS Hazard Class and Division = A. SARA Hazards: Acute: Yes Reactive: No Pressure: No Chronic: Fire: No No 11 Additional In/ormation The above regulatory information represents only selected regulations and is not meant to be a complete list. '~~@~ U ill ~ ~' 8" q~i3-01 J . .. MATERIAL S&<J'.n: DATA ~imEr MSDS Number: 00057. Effective Date: 04/20/2001 Product Name: FM-200 Page: 70f7 /I SECTION XVI - OTHER INF~)l~!dATION NFPA Codes: Health: Reactivity: HMIS Codes: Health: Reactivity: Label Statements: Other Information:' I o I o Revision Informa tion: Section II . Purity Section XV . International inventories 1\ . Flammability: Other: . indicates chronic health hazard, Flammability: Protection: o o o X ( iu) ~ @.~ U W ~ ~I m --~-,-- l Q---13-o1 ( Not availa ble Abbreviations: (L) = Loose bulk density in g/ml LOEC = Lowest observed effect concentration MATe = Maximum acceptable toxicant concentration NA = Not available NIA = Not applicable NL = Not limited NOAEL = No observable adverse effect level NOEC = No observed effect concentration NOEL = No observable effect level NR = Not rated (P) = Packed bulk density in gfml PNOC = Particulates Not Otherwise Classified PNOR = Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated REL = Recommended exposure limit TS = Trade secret Additional In/onnation Information on this form is furnisbed solely for the purpose of compliance with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910.1200 and The Canadian Environmental J:'rotection Act, Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 122, No.2 and shall not be used for any other purpose. By /-~Q.,~~OO(~ Page 1 of3 SANFORD CORPORATION -- EXPO WHITE BOARD CLEANER,CLEAR -- 7930-00F010059 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- MSDS Safety Information ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- FSC: 7930 MSDS Date: 02/01/1990 MSDS Num: BHRRN LIIN: 00F010059 Tech Review: 01/28/1994 Product ID: EXPO WHITE BOARD CLEANER,CLEAR Responsible Party Cage: E0365 Name: SANFORD CORPORATION. Address: 2740 WASHINGTON BLVD City: BELLWOOD IL 60104-1940 US Info Phone Number: 800-228-5635 Emergency Phone Number: 800-228-5635 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Preparer Co. when other than Responsible Party Co. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Cage: E0365 Assigned Ind: Y Name: SANFORD CORPORATION Address: 2740 WASHINGTON BLVD City: BELLWOOD IL'60104 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Contractor Summary ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ) Cage: 86874 Name: SANFORD CORPORATION Address: 2740 WASHINGTON BLVD. City: BELLWOOD IL 60104 US' Phone:' 1-800-323-0749 Cage: E0365 Name: SANFORD CORPORATION Address: 2740 WASHINGTON BLVD City: BELLWOOD IL 60104 US Phone: 1-800-323-0749 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Cas: 7732-18-5 RTECS #, ZCOll0000 Name: WATER Ozone Depleting Chemical: N Cas: 67-63-0 RTECS #: NT8050000 Name: ISOPROPANOL (ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL), 2-PROPANOL, DIMETHYL CARBINOL Other REC Limits: 400 PPM OSHA PEL: 400 PPM ACGIH TLV: 400 PPM Ozone Depleting Chemical: N Cas: 111-76-2 .RTECS #: KJ8575000 Name: 2-BUTOXYETHANOL (ETHYLENEGLYCOL BUTYL GLYCOL, GLYCOL ETHER EB Other'REC Limits: 25 PPM (SKIN) OSHA PEL: 50 PPM (SKIN) ACGIH TLV: 25 PPM (SKIN) Ozone Depleting Chemical: N MONOBUTYL ETHER), BUTYL CELLO SOLVE , ======================================================= ~~ua\l1~~ 0-'\3- Of By httn:llsi rinro/m<c1<!f7 IhhrfhhlTTl hIm 1 9112/2002 Page 2 of3 Health Hazards Data ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Route Of Entry Inds Inhalatiop' NO Skin, NO Ingestion: NO Carcinogenicity Inds - NTP: NO IARC: NO . OSHA, NO Effects of Exposure: EYES:' IRRITATION. Explanation Of carcinogenicity: NONE Signs And Symptions Of Overexposure, EYES, IRRITATION. First Aid: EYES: FLUSH W/WATER. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Handling and Disposal ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Spill Release Procedures: WIPE UP W/ABSORBENT MATERIAL. Waste Disposal Methods: DISCARD AS SOLID WASTE. Handling And Storage Precautions: THE PRODUCT IS CONSIDERED SAFE WHEN USED UNDER NORMAL USE CONDITIONS. USE IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA. Other Precautions: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Fire and Explosion Hazard .Information ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Flash Point Method: TCC Flash Point Text: 10SF Lower Limits: SEE SUPP ======================================================= Control Measures ============~========================================== Respiratory Protection, NONE UNDER NORMAL USE CONDITIONS. Ventilation: RECOMMENDED Protective Gloves: NONE UNDER NORMAL USE CONDITIONS Eye Protection: NONE UNDER NORMAL USE CONDITIONS Supplemental Safety and Health: LOWER FLAMMABILITY LIMIT: 2.5 FOR ISOPROPANOL ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Physical/Chemical Properties ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- B.P.. Text: 180F Vapor Pres: 33 Vapor Density: 2 Spec Gravity, 0.78 Evaporation Rate & Reference: (ETHER = 1): 7.7 Appearance and Odor: CLEAR LIQUID. CHARACTERISTIC ALCOHOL ODOR. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Reactivity Data ======================================================= Stability Indicator: YES Hazardous Polymerization Indicator: NO ======================================================= Toxicological Information ======================================================= ======================================================= Ecological'. Information ======================================================= ======================================================= MSDS Transport Information ======================================================= mU~Q\IJ~] 8 g--I:)~Ol y-- ======================================================= Regulatory Information ======================================================= ======================================================= Other Information ======================================================= http://siri.orgimsds/f2/bhr/b hrm. h tm I 9112/2002 . Page 3 00 " Ill'.ZCOM Label ======================================================= ======================================================= Product ID: EXPO WHITE BOARD CLEANER,CLEAR Cage: E0365 Company Name: SANFORD CORPORATION Street: 2740 WASHINGTON BLVD City: BELLWOOD.IL Zipcode: 60104 US Health Emergency Phone: 800-228-5635 Date Of Label Review: 01/28/1994 Label Date: 01/28/1994 . Chronic Hazard IND: N Signal Word: WARNING Health Hazard: None Contact Hazard: Slight Fire Hazard: Moderate Reactivity.Hazard: None Hazard And Precautions: EYES: IRRITATION. ======================================================= Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies) : This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of "America in no manner whatsoever expressly. or implied warrants, states, or intends saidinforma~ion to have any application, use or viability by or to any person or persons outside the Department- of Defense nor any person or persons contracting with any instrumentality of the United States of America~nd disclaims all liability for such use. Any person utilizing this instruction who is not a military or civilian employee of the United States of America should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their. particular situation regardless of similarity to a corresponding Department of Defense or ot~er government situation~ ) ~~ @~n~~ I q" 13-D( By htto://siri.orvrnsns/f2/hhr/hhrrn hIm! ^"" '-' ^ ^" . ../-. ~. /:,i. N f PA ? 'l(a1spar I . V A L SPA R COR P 0 RAT ION MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE 1 11-0002415 ******************** SECTION 1: PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION *.**************** ******************** 1101 THIRD STREET SOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55415 (612) 332-7371 1-888-345-5732 PAINT PRODUCT NOT APPLICABLE GOOF OFF 160Z 6 PACK 04-25-01 DATE PRINTED : 06-05-02 SECTION 2: HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS ***************** MANUFACTURERS ADDRESS MFG TELEPHONE NUMBER 24 HR EMERGENCY PHONE NO CHEMICAL NAME OR FAMILY FORMULA TRADE NAME ISSUE DATE NAME WT % . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * COMMON ( 1) :DIETHYLENE GLYCOL CAS:l11-77-3 CHEMICAL: Y) - MONOMETHYL ETHER < 5% ETHANOL,2-(2-METHOXYETHOX TLV TWA NOT ESTAB TLV STEL NOT ESTAB OSHA PEL NOT ESTAB CEILING NOT ESTAB RECOMND 30.00 PPM * COMMON ( .2) : ETHYLBENZENE CAS:I00-41-4 CHEMICAL: <20% TLV TWA TLV STEL OSHA PEL CEILING RECOMND TLV TWA TLV STEL OSHA PEL CEILING RECOMND 100.00 PPM 125.00 PPM 100.00 PPM NOT ESTAB NOT ESTAB 100.00 PPM 150.00 PPM 100.00 PPM NOT ESTAB NOT ESTAB BENZENE, ETHYL * COMMON (NA) :XYLENE CAS:1330-20-7 CHEMICAL: <80% PHENYL, DIMEfWfl'i ~OMMON(NA) : TOLUENE CAS: 108-88c3 CHEMICAL: TeLliS.NE' < 5% TLVTWA 50_00 (03) TLV STEL NOT ESTAB OSHA PEL NOT ESTAB CEILING 300.00 PPM RECOMND NOT ESTAB SECTION 313 OF SARA TITLE III CHEMICALS NOTED WITH A (*) ARE REPORTABLE UNDER ! I! = GLYCOL ETHER, SEE SECTION 5. 2 = THIS MATERIAL IS A CARCINOGEN PER IARC 3 = PPM SKIN. ALL COMPONENTS OF THIS PRODUCT ARE IN COMPLIANCE SUBSTANCE INVENTORY REQUIREMENTS. ******************** SECTION 3: PHYSICAL DATA WITH. U.S. TSCA CHEMICAL ***************** BOILING POINT: 230 DEG F_ (nO DEG C_) VAPOR PRESSURE MM HG AT 70 DEG F. ( 21 DEG C.): 28.0 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1.0): 4.1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.88 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 100.00 ~UmH] q/ [3-01 ,By , , . "Va/srxzr v A L ~~E~I~ ~A~E~yPD~T~ ~H~Ef ~:***Ir:*-:;******** SECTION 3: PHYSICAL DATA EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE ~ 1): 2.0 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: NO . APPEARANCE/ODOR: NORMAL FOR A COATINGS PRODUCT_ PH : N.AV COEFFICIENT OF WAT~R/OIL DISTRIBUTION: N.AV ******************** SECTION 4: FIRE AND EXPLOSION o N PAGE 2 11-0002415 ****CONTINUED**** FLASH POINT TCC/PM DEG F 50 FLASH POINT TCC/PM DEG C 10 LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT 1_00 UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT 7.00 AUTO IGNITION - DEG F N.AV DEG C : N.AV SENSITIVITY TO IMPACT : NONE SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DISCHARGE;' N.AV EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CARBON DIOXIDE, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, AND/OR WATER FOG. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: FIRE FIGHTERS MUST WEAR SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS OR AIR MASKS. CONTAINERS EXPOSED TO' FIRE SHOULD BE KEPT COOL WITH WATER SPRAY. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE HAZARDS: NONE. . HAZARD ***************** II Ii ',I L I: ******************** SECTION 5; HEALT~ HAZARD P~TA ***************** THRESHOLD LIMIT. VALUE: NOT REQUIRED FOR MIXT~~, EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: IMMEDIATE EFFECTS (ACUTE): .'.' . HARMFUL IF INHALED_ MAY AFFEC,T ,XffEBRAIN NERVOUS SYSTEM OR RES- PIRATORY SYSTEM, CAUSING DIZZilCN'Es"Si HEADACHE, NAUSEA OR RESPIRATORY IRRITATION,::...... OVEREXposuRE TO INGREDIEN'tS.jbt:.?rHIS PRODUCT. MAY CAUSE NOSE. AND THROAT IRRITATION, EYE IRRI~A~ttON, SKIN IRRITATION, LIVER DAMAGE, KIDNEY DAMAGE~ CNS DEPRESS.~ON; CORNEAL INJURY/EYE DAMAGE_ . DELAYED EFFECTS (cHRONIC): . .:' POSSIBLE BIRTH DEFECTS HA~D. CONTAINS. INGREDIENTS WHICH MAY CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS BASED ON ANIMAL DATA. . . NOTICE: REPORTS HAVE ASSOCIATED REPEATED AND PROLONGED_OCCUPATIONAL OVEREXPOSURE TO SOLVENTS WITH PERMANENT BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM . DAMAGE. INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY CONCENTRATING AND INHALING THE CONTENTS MAY BE HARMFUL OR FATAL. CONTAINS ETHYLBENZENE, WHICH HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY NTP TO BE AN ANIMAL CARCINOGEN WITH NO KNOWN RELEVANCE TO HUMANs. IARC HAS CLASSIFIED ETHYLBENZENE AS POSSIBLY CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS (2B) ON THE BASIS OF SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENICITY IN LABORATORY ANIMALS BUT INADEOUATE EVIDENCE FOR CANCER IN HUMANS. . CONTAINS INGREDIENTS WHICH'MAY CAUSE LIVER DAMAGE, KIDNEY DAMAGE. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE _ ANY RESPIRATORY OR SKIN CONDITION. ' EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: EYE CONTACT: FLUSH IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES AND GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. rnUW~~J By ~-13-(n . ", .Jfals>>nr v A T~':** ~:::** ****** SKIN CONTACT: INHALATION: SWALLOWING: L SPA R COR P 0 RAT ION' PAGE 3 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 11-0002415 SECTION 5: HEALTH HAZARD DATA ** * *CONTINUED* ** * WASH THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. . IF AFFECTED BY INHALATION OF VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST, REMOVE TO FRESH AIR_ IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. GIVE LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER. IF AVAILABLE, GIVE- SEVERAL GLASSES OF MILK. NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. OF ENTRY: INHALATION, INGESTION, SKIN ABSORPTION. POSSIBLE ROUTES ******************** SECTION 6: REACTIVITY'DATA THIS PRODUCT IS STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID: NONE . INCOMPATIBILITY: STRONG OXIDIZERS HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: CARBON DIOXIDE/MONOXIDE ***************** HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: NONE ******************** SECTION 7: SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES ***************** VENTILATE AREA. AVOID BREATHING OF VAPORS. USE SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS OR AIRMASK FOR LARGE SB'1LLS IN A CONFINED AREA_ ELIMINATE. IGNITION SOURCES. '.'i: REMOVE WITH INERT ABSORBENT AND NON-SP~~ TOOLS. AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES. ',!",:"-1,,:~: , "0 "o",,~"" WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: ,,"";i;"" DISPOSE. IN CHEMICAL DISPOSAL AREA ORJ~A?~ER THAT COMPLIES WITH LOCAL, STATE, PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL REGULAT;r("~$}' DO NOT INCINERATE CLOSED CONTAINERS. . . " .' '. . .l****~*****.********* SECTION 8: SP:E,e:IAI,..'i?ROTECTION INFORMATION ***************** RESPIRATORY PROTECTION:, .......... <' :'. UNLESS AIR MONITORING DEMONS~~ES VAPOR/MIST LEVELS ABOVE APPLICABLE LIMITS, NO RESPIRATOR IS REQU~R~D_ IF RESPIRATOR IS REQUIRED, THE APPROPRIATE, PROPERLY FITTED ~~PIRATOR (NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED) SHOULD BE WORN DURING APPLICATION. FOLLOW RESPIRATOR MANuFACTURERS DIRECTIONS FOR RESPIRATOR USE. . VENTILATION: REQUIRED FOR SPRAYING OR IN A CONFINED AREA, VENTILATION EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE EXPLOSION PROOF. ELIMINATE IGNITION SOURCES PROTECTIVE GLOVES: USUAL HAND PROTECTION FOR PAINT APPLICATION. EYE PROTECTION: FOR SPRAY APPLICATION, USE CHEMICAL GOGGLES AS A'MINIMUM_ OTHERWISE, USE SAFETY GLASSES WITH SIDE'SHIELDS AS A MINIMUM_ OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: USUAL CLOTHING FOR PAINTING OPERATIONS. 1 ~@~D~ ~ ] Cf~1 ~vl B" . '". ... Va/spar . v A b****************** L SPA R COR PO RAT I O.N MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 9: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PAGE 4 11-0002415 ***************** PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN. IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: CONTAINERS SHOULD BE GROUNDED/BONDED WHEN POURING_ AVOID FREE FALL OF LIQUID IN EXCESS OF A FEW INCHES. , KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES. KEEP CONTAINER CLOSED WHEN NOT IN USE. DO NOT STORE ABOVE 120 DEG F. ( 49 DEG C.) BASED ON THE PRODUCT FLASH POINT ,AND VAPOR PRESSURE, SUITABLE STORAGE SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA REGULATION 1910.106/0NTARIO OH&S REGULATION 851 SECTION 22. EMPTY CONTAINERS MAY CONTAIN PRODUCT RESIDUE, INCLUDING FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE VAPORS. DO NOT CUT, PUNCTURE OR WELD ON OR NEAR CONTAINER. ALL LABEL WARNINGS MUST BE OBSERVED UNTIL THE CONTAINER HAS BEEN CLEANED OR RECONDITIONED. ABBREVIATIONS USED: OSHA-OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH'ADMINISTRATION; IARC-INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER; LEL-LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMITS; UEL-UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMITS; MG CU M-MILLIGRAMS PER METERS CUB?P.l MM-MILLIMETERS; MPPCF~MILLIONS OF PARTICLES PER CUBIC FOOT; MSHA"MINE SAFETY ~u HEALTH ADMINISTRATION; NIOSH-NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALT~ WHMIS-WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM; H-HOURS;HR-HOUKS; NA-NOT APPLICABLEi NOT EST-NOT ESTABLISHEDi NTP-NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM; PB-LEAD; PEL-PERM~SSIBLE EXPOSURE LEVEL; P~M-PARTS PER MILLION; TCC/PM-TAG CLOSED CUP/PENSKY-MARTEN;RECM-RECOMMENDED;TLV_THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUES. N.AV-NOT AVAILABLE; N_AP-NOT APPLlCABLE;C-CELSIUS; F-FAHRENHEIT . .. ***************~**** PREP~ED BY SECTION ** ** * **"*** * * * ** ** PREPARED BY: REGULATORY AFFAIRS DEPT_ MFG TELEPHONE NUMBER : (612) 332-7371 ISSUE DATE : 04-25"01 ~fr~:: """'.. J; <. :~i'" ******************** DISC"LAIMER SECTION ..;.'r~~;f".:J,.::,: *****************' ",' I~~~~. .' THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS B~~gj~N DATA CONSIDERED TO BE ACCURATE. \HE VALSPAR CORPORATION MAKES NO WAR.~~Ba EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND ASSUMES NO ~SPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY O~~~~'~ETENESS OF THE DATA. THE'VALSPAR . c.:ORPORATION FURTHER ASSUMES NO I/!E$'P0N BILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE' TO VENDEES USERS' OR TH~4~' IES CAUSED BY THIS MATERIAL_ SUCH VENDEES OR USERS ASSUME ALL RISK&?~SOCIATED WITH THE USE OF THIS MATERIAL. ':t~( THIS MSDS COMPLIES WITH OSHA 1910.f200. MEETS ANY STATE-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. DATE PRINTED : 06-05-02 VALSPAR DOES NOT REPRESENT THAT IT '~~ ~um~], CH3~07. By 1-, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Insecticide U UnlVAR MSDS Ref, No.: 82657-04-3-116a Date Approved: 07/20/2005 Revision No.: 1 This document has been prepared to meet the requirements of the U.S. OSHA I-Iazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200; the EC directive, 200 1/58/EC and other regulatory requirements. The information contained herein is for the concentrate as packaged, unless otherwise noted. 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: PRODUCT CODE: ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): CHEMICAL FAMILY: MOLECULAR FORMULA: SYNONYMS: ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Insecticide 6217a Bifenthrin Pyrethroid Pesticide C21H"CIF,O, (bifenthrin) FMC 54800; (2-methyl[1,1 '-biphenylj-3-yl)methyI3-(2-chloro-3,3,3_ trifluoro-l-propenyl)-2.2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; lUP AC: 2-methylbiphenyl-3-ylmethyl (Z)-(l RS)-cis- 3-(2-chloro- 3,3 ,3- trifluoroprop-I-enyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate U.S. EP A REGISTRATION NUMBER: 279-3206-73748 MANUFACTURER UNIV AR USA, me. 11149 Research Blvd., #260 Austin TX 78759 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS (800) 900-4044 (Poison Control - Human Health) (800) 345-4735 (ASPCA - Animal Health) For leak,fire, spill, or accident emergencies,call: (800) 424-9300 (CHEMTREC - U.S.A. & Canada) (703) 527-3887 (CHEMTREC - All Other Countries) 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Beige Iiqi.lid with a bland odor. Slightly combustible. May support combustion at elevated temperatures, Thermal decomposition and burning may fonn toxic by-products. . ' For large exposures or fire, wear personal protective equipment. ~ ~ H,ighly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms. Keep out of ~rains and Welter course~ i Page I of 10 . . . . . By @ ~ Bill ~ J q'13,01 V/dlJl::l ,il1e Bifenthrjn TC lm.<':l..:lieidt..: (~:2ti.')7-04~3-1 J Ga) Do'e: 07/10/2005 POT ((NT} AL HEALTH .~;FI<'ECTS: Erkels [rom ovoroXI"''''1'O moy l'eS\l1t liurn either sWillJowing, inhaling or t:orning Jnto COJl(ilct wilh the :-.kin ore)'!:::), Syn~rl()ms ofnvereXpOSlll'l: 'im:lude bleeriing from the nU:;l;, l!'t.:!Hors and convulsions. ConlMd witb bill.mlhrin nl<JY occasionolly P(OUUCl; skin sensation~ sHeha,'; ra~hl;':;, 1ll1lLIUill~, bw'ninr. (JI" tingling. Thesc skin sensation" <Ire re...t:r~iule tlnJ Llsually ~\lb~id" within 12 hour!;. MEDICAL CONDITIONS A(;(;RA V ATED: Nooe presently knr,wn. 3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Flush with jllenty ofwatcL Gel medicnl E1ttemion ifil'ritfllion Vl.:CLlrS l;Illd persi."t.<:;. SKJ.~': Wrlsh with plenty of ~Qtlp IIIld wnter, lNC;ESTTON: Drink. J or 2 glasges ofwlltcr and induct.: vomiting hy touching tilt; bl:lt.:k ()fthe dll'Oflt with tl finger. Nevl.:r induce vomiting OJ" give any,thing by muulh lu an un(:oll~cinll!; person. Contact a /JJ~dicill doctor. IN 11 A T.JA TION: Remove to ti'e~h niT. If breathing dlrIk(ilty or discomfOl1 OCell1'S fllu.l persists, contact a m<"lh0f11 docT.or. NOTES TO MEDICAL DOCTOR: 'fhi, produGI ha, low oral, <iorlll'] ond illhHI"lioll toxicity. It i~; pral.:th.~fIlJy non-jrritilting to thl~ l:yes am.! is flon-irritnlin~ to (he. skill. ]{eversjble skin sensations (parl..:slhesi~l) mClY occur (Inri ordinary :-;kin s~lvc:; hl:1VI.: been found ll!;eflJl il1l'edtwitlg tlif;comforL. Tremment i~ nthcrwise cvnlrullocl removnl of exposure followed hy symptOln(ltic flnd slIppDrtive. cnre, 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASlJHES f\1ge :2 of 1 0 ~ U ~ UIIl ~]I q~13'Dl By J:8hJ:8S x-e.,! 0170/97. :;Iovi-l wv ~c:cc:o '007ICT/~ ValueLine Bifellthrin TC Insecticide (82657-04-3-] 16a) Date: 07/20/2005 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, CO, or dry chemical. Soft stream water fog ollly if necessary. Contnin all runoff. FIRE / EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Slightly combustible. This material may support combustion at elevated tempera hires. FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Isolate fire area. Evacuate downwind. Wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. Do not breathe smoke, gases or vapors generated. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES RELEASE NOTES: Iso]ate and post spill area.. Wear protective clothing and personal protective equipment as prescribed in Section 8, "Exposure Controls/Personal Protection". Keep unprotected persons andarumals out ofthe area.' Keep material out of lakes. streams, ponds and sewer drains. Dike to confine spill and absorb with a non- combustible absorbent such as clay, sand or soil. Vacuum, shovel or pump waste into a drum and label contents for disposal. . To clean and neutralize contaminated area,scrub area with a solution of detergent (e.g. commercial product such as SuperSoapTM. Tide@, Spic and Span@, or other high pH detergent) and water. Let solution sit for 5 minutes. Use a stiff brush to scrub affe<;:ted area. Repeat if necessary to remove visible staining. Additional decontamination can be made by applying bleach CC.!orox@ or equivalent) to affected area. Absorb wash~liquid as noted above, remove visibly contaminated soil and place into recovery I disposal container (plastic, open.top steel drum or equivalent), Place all clean-up material in a container, seal and dispose of in accordance with the method outlined in Section 13 "Disposal Considerations" below. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in n cool, dry, well-ventilaled place. Do not use or store near heat, open flame or hot surfaces. Store in original containers only. Keep out ofreach of children and animals, Do not contaminate other pesticides, fertilizers, water,' food or feed by storage or disposal. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE LIMITS I Chemical Name I Propylene Glyco] ]0.0 mg/m1 (WEEL) '1 Supplier I I I ]~ ~~ ~W~] ACGm OSHA Page 3 of]O Q/I?Y01 By___ ValLH.:Linl: lJiknlhdn 're Inr.ccti(:[tk; (::;~657-04-:~-11 (;a) Date: 0717.0120U5 ENGINEKRTNG CONTROI,8: 1),c local exhau"t at a]1 proce" looati,,,,,, WlilTC '"por or tnis\ mElY be emitted. Vt:ntilote aU: tl'{!n~port vt:hit:l(;~ prior (ol.ltllonding, PERSONAL PROTECTlV.E EQUIPMENT EY ES AN]) FACE: For splnsh, misT. or ~prilyexpnS\lI'e, wenr uhernit:ul protectivl!': goggks or iJ fnee shield. R ESPlRA T(lH.Y: For ~plt\~h, nIisl 01' Spl'ilY exposurt WeIH\ lHi H minimum, n properly fitted <lir-purifying, re~piJ'iltor wnh all organic vapor cnI1rirlgt", (UY) Or calli~;tcr with <lilY H., P or HE prefilter (upprovt:c1 by U.:), N IOSHfMSHA,. EU CEN ur c.ollipnrahlc r.:crtificmion organization). Respimtor Wie Hnd ::Ieltction lllu;.;t be hased i.m airburnt:: (:OJlct:nlraliollK J'HOTECTIV K CLOTHING: Depeoding "pon coneent..,!;"", eIlL"""nkred. wenl' Govel'o!1:,or long-~Ir;.:t:v~d \I/lifonll and'he.it! t:('wl:rioj:!;, For IMrgcr cxpmmre!: :If; in thL~ eM~C ofr.pillr., Wt:1!.T full body Gover b:irriM snit., ~llch a~ a rvc !\uit. Leather item!=;. ~llt~11 ~lf;, !-:llI.ll'.s. belts and watehbnnd,~ - th<lt hecome curHamtlHlted should he removed and destroy~d. Launuer:111 wnl'k clothing before rel.l~e (separately from household laundry). GLOVJ~S: Wear <..:hemtcal pl'Otectivc glove:; made ol"materi;llR such as rubber, neoprene, or PVc. Thoroughly wash the outside Df" gJuvt:$ with suap amI wl:I.(er prior to removtl1.1!lspt:cl regularly for Icab. . . WORK HYGIENIC :PRACTICES: Clenn wAte!' should be tivailahlc for woshlllg ill "a"" of eye: or skin contamination, Wash skin prior tu l~a(jIlg, drinkirlg ur llsing lub3(;CO. Shower tit the ~rltl of the workclny, COMM.ENTS: Personal prolt:ctive recommendations [or mixing or flpplying thi1> procluct Elre prt~s(;rib(;d on the product label. Infoll11ation .sluled above provide:. US\.~flll, HddiUollill guidance for jIltJ.ividllal~ whose l1S~ or hundling of this prodllct il': not guitlt:tl by 1111:~ product label. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTJ KS ODOR: Dlnnd Ai'I'I';ARANCE: DENSTTY I WEHJ.lH "ER VOLUME: FLASH POINT: MOLECULAR WE[GHT: Heine liquid ~.53 ]n/gal. (102'1 g/L) :> ] DO ''C.(> 212 "F) (TCr) 422,88 (bifenUu'in) 6,7 pH' SOLUBILITY IN WATER: SPECIF.IC CRA VITY: ]).ispcr:-:c:-: I.U2~ (0' 20"C(w!l'ler~l) Page 4 of ](J ~[E@[E~W~J1 R ~. CH3-o1 By .18^.I8Q X"P.t Of"') 107 "J"l"'\\-/..-l f.P,." C"r.: or.: 0 , 1"'1"'7 f0T '0 ValucLine Bifenthrin TC Insecticide (82657~04-3-1J 68) Date: 07/20/2005 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CONDITIONS TO A VOID: Excessive heat and fire. STABILITY: Stable POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorine, fluorine, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION EYE EFFECTS: Practically noncirritating SKIN EFFECTS: Non-irritating DERMAL LDso: > 2,000 mg/kg (rabbit) ORAL LDso: 632 mg/kg (rat) INHALA nON LCso: I 1.58 mg/l (1 h) (rat) ACUTE EFFECTS FROM OVEREXPOSURE: This product has low oral, dermal and inhalation toxicity. It is practically non-irritating to the eyes and is non-irritating to the'skin. Large doses of bifenthriningested by laboratory animals produced signs of toxicity including convulsions, tremors and bloody nasal discharge. Bifenthrin does not cause acute delayed neurotoxicity. Experience to date indicates that contact with bifenthrin may occasionally produce skin sensations such as rashes, numbing, burning or tingling. These sensations are reversible and usually subside within"12 hours. In humans, ingestion oflarge amounts of propylene glycol has resulted in symptoms of reversible central nervous system depression including stupor, rapid breathing and heartbe3:t, profuse sweating and seizures. CHRONIC EFFECTS FROM OVEREXPOSURE: No data available for the fomlUlation. In studies with laboratory animals, bifenthrin did not cause reproductive toxicity or teratogenicity. Tremors were associated with repeated exposure of laboratory animals to bifenthrin. In lifetime feeding studies conducted with rodents, a slight increase in the incidence of urinary bladder tumors at the highest dose in male mice was considered to be an equivocal response, not evidence of a clear' cOl11pol1nd~related effect. The overall absence of genoloxicity has been demonstrated in mutagenicity tests with bifenthrin. Repeated overexposure to propylene glycol call produce central nervous system depression, hemolysis and minimal kidney damage. ~ ~ @_ ~ D_~ ~ m ~ ,By q-13-DI Page 5 of 10 Vall1eLine_ Bifenthrin TC lm:cdicide- (K2f.57-04-J-l J Gn) Dale_: O"J120/200S CARCINOGENICITY: NTP: Not 1 i.~tcd IARC: OSHA: OTHER: NOllislecl Nnt li~ted Nor I.i<teo (ACC;[J-1) 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION UnkSli otherwise indicated, the riMa prcscnletl bduv.' llrt: for the active- ingredient. ENV IRONMENT A L DATA: In suil, bifelltlu'in is swl>leover H wide pH range ono clegr.dco at ~ slow rate thilt i~ eovcmcd hy :wil dUlnlcleristics, nifenthrin will also persistirl UlJul:llie scrlimen.1$. Bifcnthrin ha~ ~l high Log Pow (>6.0), a high affinily for urgal1jc ma({\:r. aw..l is not mohi Ie in soil. Therct"ofl\ th\:rc is Iillll~ potentilll for 11)ovemcn( into gl'ulIud wuler. Tht.:Tl' is the potcntilll for bifenlbrin tn biDCOllceotratc (BeF = 11,750), ECOTOXICOT "OGICAL INFORMA TTON: IJifenthrill is highly toxic tl1 fJ,,), ond nqufltic [1J1.hropodt:; and LCsovl:l.!ues range from 0,00:;8 to 17.g (lgtr.. Tn genel(lJ, the aquatic IHthropods an; the mOSl sensirive species. Care should be htken 10 avoid contamination of the liqll~lic environmenl. BifCnlhrin had no dfect on mollusks at iv.; limit or WEller solubility, Hifl'.nlhrin i~ only ,,>lightly toxic to !loth waterfowl onuupland game birds (T .D)(I valuc<.; range frOHl 1.IWU mg/kg lo >2, 150 mg/kg), 13. D.ISPOSAL CONSIDERA TrONS T>TSPOSAL ME1'HOD: OpeH dumping orhurning ()fthi~ material or its pnckuging is prohihik.d. If f:pilled matl.'.riaJ canuot ue disposed of hy u!.;c aceoruing to lanel instT.uction~, an ac:ceptab1l'. rnl'lt1od of disposal is to incinerate in~C'curdnnce with local, state and national envirnnmemallaws, wles, standnrcls llnd regulation!;. However, bc....ci.tLlsc Hc<.:cplnble method." of dj~po~allllny vnl'Y by Jocation and rcgu]fll(ll'y requln:',mt;>;llts mny change, the. ttppropriH.te agenGie,'j shoulr1 he Cont;'lcTed prior to dispost\1. EMPTY CONT ATNER: NUII-relllmnble cOlllo;"e.', thot held this IllH[ori.1 ohouJo he c1e.o"ecl, priorro dispo.c;al, by triple rim'iing, Cou{uiners which held thi~ mi.iterinl lntly be deanelt by h~ing trip.le- rinsed, flnd recycled, with the rin:wtc bejn~ inciller;]ted. Do nof.,cur: or weld met[11 cOlltuirH.'Ts. Val1nrs tbat furm HWY create all explosion ha7.ard. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION u.s. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) .rutt:. 6 of 10 ~u~nw~] q/ I'C>,D 1 By .laA.::rAc:.' V'P J r'lf,r'l/()C' ":J.llW.-l r,l'-" rol'" 1"1".,..., , ^^..... ,.-.....- ,.-. ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Insecticide (82657-04,-3-1 ] 6a) Date: 07/20/2005 PACKAGING TYPE: Non-Bulk ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This product is not subject to the Hazardous Materials Regulations when in non-bulk packages. PACKAGING TYPE: PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Bulk TECHNICAL NAME(S): PRIMARY HAZARD CLASS I DIVISION: UN/NA NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: MARINE POLLUTANT: LABEL(S): PLACARD(S): MARKING(S): Environmentally hazardous,substance,. liquid, n.o.s. Bifenthrin 9 UN 3082 II Bifenthrin 9 9 3082 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME DANGEROUS GOODS (IMDG) PACKAGING TYPE: PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Non-Bulk TECHNICAL NAME(S): PRIMARY HAZARD CLASS I DIVISION: UNINA NUMBER: PACKING GROUP: Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. Bifenthrin 9 UN 3082 III MARINE POLLUTANT: LABEL(S): PLACARD(S): MARKING(S): Bifenthrin 9 9, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (bifenthrin), UN3082 + Marine Pollutant ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: EmS NlImber: F-A, S-F ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Flash Point: > 100.C Page 7 of 10 ~~uun~ By Cj/l~'D( ValueLinc. Bitr.:.nthrin TC -'r1."L.~t';l iL~i<i.e (B2(i57:-04: 3. J 16u) Dalo: 07/20!200.', ADR - ElJROPFAN AC;REEMENT CUNCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL CARRIA(;E OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY ROAD I'A(:KA<..IN(; TYPE: I'flOPRR SHII'I'ING .'lAM}:: NOIl-l.llllk TECHNICAL NAMf;(S): I']{)MA RY HAZARD CLASS I IHVISION: CLASSIFICATION COlli':: TJNINA NUMBER: EnvirOllmenmlly IU\7,flrdUUS~llb~;tance. liquid, Il.O.S. Bi1cnthriu 'J MC; PACKING GI{OIJl': HA/,A'IH) 1Il1<:NTlFlCA nON NlIMlIm~: MARINE I'OLLUTANT: LAllI':L(S) : I'LACART>(S): MARKTNG(S): T fN30R2 IIJ 90 Hifenthrin , 9 9 9. 3082 ADDITIONAL INFORM A TTON: Nqtes: M(lrks in complif\ncL~ \\iith TMDG Code are flCCt';pl(.:d~ INTERN A TIONAL CIVIL A VIA nON ORGANIZA nON (ICAU) / INTERNATIONALAill. TRANSPOHT ASSOCTAT.ION (LATA) PACKAGING TYPE: Non-Hulk AIlIlITlONAI. INFORMATION: Till:) pnJllut:( j~ Il()(~ubje(;{ to regulmjou when shipped via air. OTHER JNFORMA nON: lTAKMONI/,RD SYSTEM NlfMl1EI<S: lmpol'f to the U.S.A: 3808.10.2500 Expurt Jromllle lI,S,A,: 3808.10.0000 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION JlClge 8 of 10 ~~@~~W~JI ~ - - J By Cj'13-Dl J:8hJ:8S X'l?"j o 170 17.~. :mYel WY ~q:~q:R Inn7/~T/R T0..... T0r> v,.." '. VaJue~ine Bifenthrin TC Insecticide (82657-04-3-ll6a) Dote: 07/20/2005 UNITED STATES SARA TITLE III (SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT) SECTION 302 EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (40 CFR 355, APPENDIX A): Not listed SECTION 311 HAZARD CATEGORIES (40 CFR 370): Immediate, Delayed SECTION 312 THRESHOLD PLANNING QUANTITY (40 CFR 370): The Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) for this product, iftreoted as 0 mixture, is 10,000 Ibs; however, this product contains the following ingredients with a TPQ of less than 10,000 Ibs.: None SECTION 313 REPORTABLE INGREDIENTS (40 CFR 372): This product contains the following ingredients subject to ,Section 3 I3 reporting requirements: Bifenthrin CERCLA (COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT) CERCLA DESIGNATION & REPORTABLE QUANTITIES (RQ) (40 CFR 302.4): Not listed . FEDERAL INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE RODENTICIDE ACT U.S. EPA Signal Word: CAUTION INTERNATIONAL LISTINGS Australian Hazard Code: 3XE HAZARD, RISK AND SAFETY PHRASE DESCRIPTIONS: Bifenthrin' ECSymbols: T Xn N (Toxic) (Hannful) (Dangerous for the environment) Poge 9 of 10 ]U~~\lJ~J 01/\3/07 By 'J VollleLil\e Hifenthril\ TC II\"ccticidc (82657-04-3-1 160) EC Ri~k Ph rases: k2.\ H20 R43 R5U/53 He ~\a'rt:ly Ph/,Il!W,<;: SI/2 S23 S24 S17 S3~ S45 S29 N()t~s For Prc).)ArnHon: Dlllc: 07/2 Ontll 1.\ (Toxic ifsw.1JJowed.) (H31111t'ul by inhalation.) (May CI]U~C ~en!\iti7.i.ition by r.kin C01W1Ct.) (VeIY toxic to nqmItic organi."llls, m'lY C(lUSc.; long-krrn ;)(1 Verst; etlects in the nquilcic ellvil'onmenl..) (K(~cp lo{:kcd up' Hod out ufrcm:h u1"childrctl.) (Do nul breath,-: gttC, fllmc~, vapor, or :;prllY) (Avoid c.:ontact with skin.) (Wenr :mitnhle gloye~.) (in clIse of insllfl1cjenr ventilfltion. w~Ur suitablc'\'el>pinl1ory clJlIipm~nL) (In cmk~ or l:1.Ur.;ilil'.nl or ifyuu fecJ llTlWclJ, seek Illl'ldil...aI advice jlllmediately.~ ~how the label where Jll1.',sible..) (Do not empty into c1rnin~,) CLASSWICATION: Jv1fllld<ltOlylabellng (sdf-classificl:ition) ofhtl:.,..fTUOW; :;uh~tal1ces: ap!Jlkahlc 16. OTHER INFORMATION REVISION St!MMARY: New MSIJS .. SuperSoap - Trademark of Weba Tl~chIlOlogj~s. Tnc..; 'rjrl~ - TrnrlemA1'l( of Pl'(l(~ll)r and Gamble; Spit: and' Spfln: Tradem;uk of The ~pic and Span CumpHny; C;lorLl"- - Trademark ufThe Clorm: Company .Lah.Las x'eA 0l70/H: 3D\fd ~u~~.w~] ~/l3-Dl By Page 10 of 10 wv r.<;:r.C;.:H .~,OOZ/~T/'" T:::;)^ T:::;)C" v'\? ,l '. Drinking Water Protection Overlay District PacificSource Health Plans - Emergency Generator Installation (revised: August 29, 2007) (revised: September 11; 2007) WRITTEN STATEMENT ~equest The applicant, Pacific Source Health Plans, proposes to install an emergency generator with associated concrete slab and structure, enclosure and utility infrastructure improvements on their existing Corporate Office Headquarters on Intema1ional Way in north Springfield. Refer to the attached Overall Sitc Plan, A2.0, for existing site layout and location of the proposed improvements, Background In 2002, the propcrty was approved for construction of a 61,440 square foot, two-story office building' with associated parking, landscaping and utility infrastructure. Included with the approval was the proposal for future (second phase) development of an additional office building and associated parking area (sized similarly to the firs1 phase of development). The secondary parking area was designed'to be located within the flood way, conforming to the requirement that the development does not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence ofthe base flood discharge. Construction of the first phase of work was eompteted in 2.004 wiih'thesecondary parking lot constructed the summer of2006. The Owner now wishes to construcUinstallan emergency generator assembly to supply emergency power to both the existing and future buildin'gs. This design element was not included in the original land use approval, thus a Site Plan Review Modification (Type II) is required, The emergency generator. assembly, enclosure and associated construction are proposed to be located along the west propertY line and north of the proposed future building. The structure wilt be set at an etevation of431,OO, one foot above the 100- year floodplain elevation ai1dmatching the finished floor elevation ~fthe proposed future building. Time of Travel Determination This application is required because the applicant proposes to use petroleum products and fertilizers within the 2-5 year Tiine of Travei Zone (TOTZ) for the Sports Way Wellhead (se", attaeh,edTime,of- Travel map for reference). ' . Required Information . ~ . , In accordance. with Drinking Water Overlay Protection (DWP) application submittal requirements, all required information has been provided as follows: . I. A complete application page. A completed and signed application page ,was previously submitted on March 26, 2007. 2. Uses of hozardous materidls that pose a risk to groundwaler that existed on.the property prior io May /5, 2000, if applicable. The site, PIlor.lo.t~e Phase I development m 2002, was bare land WIth a few trees and shrubs and dId not ~ ~_. < I . ,\ ~~n\alt\ha~~rq?~~ ,?atenals that posed a nsk to groundwater. Thc sIte IS now 75% der"-cc approved under tli~\ongmal SIte Plan ReVIew Approval dated June 2002. ~ @ ~ 0 ill ~ ~ . \~'.\ ,,11\ n, I! 'I; r 'J -: , . '-u _ __ J -;: Ic:;;: C) , 1\ ~~J_~ , . 4. A 'comp!eted DWP Over/ay District DeFe/opme/1t Appficalio/1, loge/her with a[[ required ma/eria!s, sha[[ be accepted by the Director prior to the reviewof/he request as specified in Section 3.050. Appfication submit/a! , Acceptance of this application, written statement and attachments by the Director will.demonstratc compliance with this standard. 5. A concurrent Minimum Deve!opmen/ Standards or Site. Pian Review Appfication may be required. A concurrent Site Plan Review l\;1odification (Type II) application has been submitted in accordance with the standards contained in the Springfield Development Code. 6. Before the Director can approve a DWP Overlay District Appficatio/1, there must beinforma/ion submitted by the applica/1t which adequately supports the request. If insufficient or unclear data is submitted by the appficant, there is a good change that the appfication wii! be denied or delayed. The applicant has attempted to provide clear and complete data to s~pport this request. If additi~nal information is required, the applicant.will submit it in a timety manner. This revised submittalillcludes a complete HMMP alld Hazardous Materials Illvelltory Statemellt (HMIS) as cOllditiolled by city staffill their Notice of Decisioll letter dated May 30, 2007..' . 7. The appficationfee: In accordance with the current fec schedule, the applicant will submit a check for $957.00, at the time of Tentative Site Plan Review. The r.eview fee was submitted to the city at time of origillal submit/al. 8. A copy of the deed to show ownership. A copy of the deed is included here.with. A copy of the deed was provided at the time of origillal submittal. Conclusioll. The applicant recognizes the importance of spill prevention and safety/security measures necessary to minimize negative impacts to the drinking/ground water supply. Throughout the c.onstruction phase, we[[head orotectio/! siells. meetine Sorillefield Utilitv Board's (SUB) stalldards. will be oosted as recommended bv SUB's wellhead orotectioll staff Construction documents will address approved and. unapproved construction activities to avoid negatively impacting the drinking, water wells. Also to be . addressed on cons\TUction documents will be the requirement that Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL's) are not to enter the site either via eonstructionmaterials, heavy equipment or construction vehicles. . .. ' / .' " ..i " I, ! - --::-'- - -'f . ";.:::: -:.~'I' \:y; fi -"j j"~ J~ :1 i ',. , j " :\ _,'.1. ." I ::\\ 1:,,1 . .\1., \ Ii t .IJ~. I \..1 t. - , [" \ I 1 \ ~ . I!, \II',:,. I.'/' . l ..'t . I :... _>-- -. - .--~, ..-'-.. .---- '. ]uum~] q ~ ( \ - 07 By ,~ I' PacificSource Health Plans Emergency Generator Installation Drinking Water Protection Overlay March 26, 2007 Revised: Augu1st 29, 2007 Revised: September 11, 2007 [U~U\lJ~] q~\t-01 8:1 BALZHISER& HUBBARD ENGINEERS Mechanical. Electrical. Civil. Transportation. Surveying 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 . P.O. f30x 10:147, Eugene, Oregon 97440 Phone: (54 J) 686-8478 . Fax: (541) 345-5303 www.bhengineers.colll Drinking Water Protection Overlay District PacificSource Health Plans - Emergency Generator Installation (revised: August 29, 2007) (revised: September 11, 2007) WRITTEN STATEMENT Request The applicant, PacificSource Health Plans, proposes to install an' emergency generator with associated concrete slab and structure, enclosure and' utility infrastructure improvements on their existing Corporate Office Headquarters on International Way in north Springfield. Refer to the attached Overall Site Plan, A2.0, for existing site layout and location of the proposed improvements. Background In 2002, the property was approved for construction of a 6 t ,440 square foot, two-story office building with associated parking, landscaping and utility infrastructure. Included with the approval was the.. proposal for future (second phase) development of an additional office building and associated parking area (sized similarly to the first phase of development). The secondary parking area was designed to be located within the floodway, conforming to the requirement that the development does not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base, flood discharge. Construction of the first phase of work was completed in 2004 with the secondary parking lot constructed the summer of2006. The Owner now wishes to construct/install an emergency generator assembly to supply emergency power to both the existing and future buiidings. This design element was not included in the original land use approval, thus a Site Plan Review Modification (Type II) is required. The emergency generator assembly, enclosure and associated construction are proposed to be tocated along the west property line and north of the proposed future buitding. The structure will be set at an elevation of 431.00, one foot above the 100- year floodplain elevation and matching the finished floor elevation of the proposed future building. Time of Travel Determination This application is required because the applicant proposes to use petroleum products and fertilizers within the 2-5 year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ) for the Sports Way Wellhead (see attached Time-of- Travel map for reference). Required Information In accordance with Drinking Water Overlay Protection (DWP) application submittal requirements, all required information has been provided ,as follows: . 1. A complete application page. A completed and signed application page was previously submitted on March 26, 2007. 2. . Uses of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater that existed on the property prior to May 15, 2000, if applicable.. . The site, prior to the Phase I development in 2002, was bare land with a few trees and shrubs and did In' contain hazardous materials that posed a risk to groundwater. The site is now 7::r.rR ' ~p~ 1f ill ~ ~ approved under the original Site Plan Review Approval dated June 2002: V . '. I ~ . q ~ \ \ -01 By 3. Applications shall include six conies of the following information: a. A Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and a Material Safety Data Sheet for any or all materials entered in the Statement unless exempted under 17.060 of this article. Hazardous material weights shall be converted to volume measurements for purposes of determining amounts - 10 pounds shall be considered equal to 1 gallon in conformance with Uniform Fire Code 8001.15.1.. Hazardous Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are illcluded with this lIarrative alld as required for each substallce proposed for use ill associatioll with the gellerator, whiclt illcludes diesel fuel, coolallt alld lubricatillg oil. Refer to the attached to view each individual MSDS listing. The applicant notes that all products are/will be delivered to the site in standard containers and in normal quantities provided ~y the manufacturer or distributor. All materials are/will be stored in accordance with the specifications for the applicable substance. While the specific quantities of each of the cleaning products stored on site are not !mown at this time, the total quantity of materials stored on site does not exceed 500 gallons. The only exception to this will be the proposed diesel fuel storage necessary for the proposed emergency generator. The generator will have a single 850-gallon, double-walled, above-ground fuel tank. The tank will be fully enclosed and located under the emergency generator. The double-walled tank provides the required secondary containment for any potential leaks or failures of the main storage compartment. The generator manufacturer provides a spill containment kit that will be stored in the generator enclosure for access to those refueling the generator. A wellltead protection sigll will be posted 011 or lIear tlte gellerator ellclosure to remilld tltose refuelillg tlte storage tank tltat leaks alld spills are to be avoided witlt tlte spill kit utilized as lIecessary during refueling operations. Also included with the generator installation is a spill detection system that aterts'the property owner's facilities staff of any leaks and/or failures, Should a failure occur, an audible alarm will be Iteard witltill tlte maintenallce closet, alerting tlte facilities staff of tlte failure. If tlte tank fails alld fuel is released into tlte secondary containment, the double-walled fuel tank would be completely removed and replaced. b. A list of the chemicals to be mOllitored througlt the analysis of groundwater samples and a monitoring schedule if groulld water mOllitoring is allticipated to be required. No ground water monitoring is anticipated to be required as part of this request. All materiats listed in this request are/will be stored and utilized either within the interior of the building, through secondary containment or off-site. All cleaning materials, motor coolant and engine oil are delivered to the site and stored in individual containers sized for commercial use applications. All landscaping supplies/materials are utilized for the maintenance and care of the site landscaping areas. The materials are common commercial lawn care and weed prevention products and are utilized in relatively small quantities on a weekly or as-needed basis. For the record, a private landscape contractor currently provides the on-site lawn care services. Said contractor stores all substances and materials used at their own place of work. The products/materials are brought to the site for use at the time they are being applied. The landscape contractor then removes any remaining and/or unused substances upon completion of product application/use. c. A detailed description of the activities conducted at the facility that involve th ~.ffi,~ @n~liffi" ~ ' treatment, use or production of hazardous materials in quantities greater tho 'i e maximum allowable amounts. . l .J . C1-[ \-01 By As mentioned above, the only hazardous material to be utilized in quantities greater than the maximum allowable amount is diesel fuel for the proposed emergency generator. Fuel will be brought to the site via approved fuel transport equipment, pumped into the doubled-walled fuel tank located under the generator assembly, and utilized by the generator for emergency power' to both the existing and proposed future buildings. d. A description of the primary and secondary containment devices proposed and if applicab/e clearly identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer. As mentioned above, the generator will.have a single 850-gallon, double-walled, above-ground fuet tank. The tank will be fully enclosed and located under the emergency generator.. The double-walled tank provides the required'secondary containment for any potential leaks or failures, thus neither a sanitary or storm service is required. The motor oil and engine oil will relnain in their original colltainers and stored within the maintenance closet located on the first floor of the office building. Refer to the first floor plan, sheet AI.O in the attached Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). As reauired for secondary colltainment. hese materials will be stored within standard.olastic bins sized to contain the fluids stored in their orir!inal containers. olus '] 0% additional volume stora!!e caoacitv. These .olastic bins will be stored close to the floor hei!!ht to avoid accidental soilla!!e of the materials. Stored near the bins. within the maintenance closet. will be a soill containment kits andlor floor drain covers to orevent accidental discl.ar!!e ofsoilled materials into the orivate sanitary sewer svstem. e. A proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures 10 be followed 10 prevent, control. collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous material. The area surrounding the emergency generator as well as all janitorial and maintenance roomslfacilities storage areas will be signed with safety information and cleanup procedurcs in accordance with PacificSource's company policy as well as all local, state and federal standards. f A description of the procedures for inspection and maintenance of containment devices and emergency equipment. During construction, the construction site foremen will be responsible for regular inspection, maintenance and cleaning of all containment areas and construction equipment. Emergency equipment, as required for building. and fire code compliance, will be inspected at .the direction and on a schedule established by the fire marshal. Facilities staff will be responsible Jar weekly inspection of the generator enclosure and tank and associated equipment, as well asmontltlv insoections of the stored motor coolani and en!!ine oil stored within the maintenance closet. g. A description of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of transportation and proposed routes. All materials, with the exception of the diesel fuel, will be delivered to the site in containers with quaniities below five gallons. Fuel will be brought to the site via approved fuel transport equipment, pumped into the doubled-walled fuel tank located undcr the generator assembly. The fuel will be used m Its enlIrety by the generator dunng times of emergency power usage andle' Hl9"thL" exerclsmg operatIOns. Given the nature of the matenal, no disposal beyond no,:m; ~~i@t~ L(JeWj expected U11 C(-I \-0 1 By ~] -.J .' , 4. A completed DWP Overlay District Development Application, together with all required materials, shall be accepted by the Director prior to the review of the request as specified in Section 3.050, Application submittal Acceptance of this application, written statement and attachments by the Director will demonstrate compliance with this standard. 5. A concurrent Minimum Development Standards or Site Plan Review Application may be required, A concurrent Site Plan Review Modification (Type II) application has been submitted in accordance with the standards contained in the Springfield Development Code. 6. Before (he Director can approve a DWP Overlay District Application, there must be information submitted by the applicant which adequately supports the request. If insufficient or unclear data is submitted by the applicant, there is a good change that the application will be denied or delayed. The applicant has attempted to provide clear and complete data to support this request. If additional information is required, the applicant will submit it in a timely manner. This revised submittal includes a complete HMMP and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) as conditioned by city staffin their Notice of Decision letter dated May 30, 2007.. 7. The application fee. In accordance with the current fee schedule, the applicant will submit a check for $957.00, at the time of Tentative Site Plan Review. The review fee was submitted to the city at time of original submittal. 8. A copy of the deed to show ownership. A copy of the deed is included herewith. A copy of the deed was provided at the time of original submittal. Conclusion The applicant recognizes the importance of spill prevention and safety/security measures necessary to minimize negative impacts to the drinking/ground water supply. Throughout the construction phase, wellhead orotection si!'ns. meetin!' Sorin!'field Utilitv Board's (SUB) standards. will be oosted as recommended bv SUB's wellhead orotection staff Construction documents will address approved and unapproved construction activities to avoid negatively impacting the drinking water wells. Also to be addressed on construction documents will be the requirement that Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL's) are not to enter the site either via construction materials, heavy equipment or construction vehicles. ~U~~Il)~] ". q..\ \~Ol 8y , .. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 16-16-16 FERTILIZER FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY, SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT, CALL CHEMTREC - DAY OR NIGHT 1~800-424-9300 I. CHEMICAL PRODUcr AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION FORMULATED FOR, Horizon 955 Lind AvcnucSW Renton, Wa. 98055 24-Hour Emergency Phone: 1-800-424-9300 Medical Emergencies: 1-800-301-7976 U.S. Coast Guard National Response Cent~r: 1-800-424-8802 PRODUCT NAMEo CHEMICAL NAME, CHEMICAL FAMtLY, EPA REG. NO.: MSDS RcyJsions: New 16-16-16 FERTtLlZER Inorganic/Organic Chemical Fertilizer Mixture N-P-K Mixed dry blended fertilizer not applicable DaleofIssuc: 01-16-06 Supersedes: New 2. HAZARDS IDENTtFICATtON SUMMARY KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - May cause mild eye and skin irritation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, open cuts, or sores. In cases of contact, flush with water. Get. medical attention for eyes. This blended dry fertilizer is mixture of Urea, Ammonium Phosphate Sulfate, Muriate of Potash and Monoammonium Phosphate. Nausea and vomiting could be expected upon large dose ingestion. The acute ingestive effects are described as nausea, chills, and diarrhea. Eye or skin contact with these products could cause initation (particularly in sensitive persons), and respiratory irritation could be expected from the tmprotected inhalation of fertilizer dusts. Product usern should avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact by wearing impervious gloves, long sleeve shirt, long pants, socks and rubber boots. Goggles for eye protection are recommended. Wash thoroughly after handling and using this product. This product is a multi-colored granule with dusty odor. Primary routes of entry are inhalation, eye contact and skin contact. 3. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS (Note: see product tag or label forspecifk ingredients) N-K-P (NrrROr.FN-PHOSPHORIJ~-POTA~~lI 1M) MTXF.n nRY RI.ENDED FERTIT .I7.F.R~ - No 'hazardous ingredient exceeds 1% of mixture ChemicallnlJredients: Percentage hv Weip'ht! CAS No. TLV((Jnlts) Total Nitrogen (N) Available Phosphate (P20S) Soluble Potash (K20) Sulfu,(S) Fertilizer salts and inert ingredients 16.00 16.00 16.00 5.50 46.S0 Mixture Mixture Mixture Mixture not listed not listed not listed not listed 4. FIRST AID MEASURES I(in Eyes: lfonSldn: If Swallowed: Flush with clean running water for at least 15 minutes. If initation persists, get medical attentioo. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation pernists, or ifrash develops, get medical attention. If conscious, drink I or 2 glasses of water. Get medical attention. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If Inhaled: Remove to fresh air. If irritation persists, get medical attention. FOR' A MEDICAL EMERGENCY INVOLVING THIS PRODUCT CALL: 1~800-301.7976, 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (Frrest Method): FLAMMABLE LIMITS (LFL & UFL), Not applicable Not applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Considered non-combustible. use medium appropriate to surrounding fire. Dry cbemical, CO2, foam, water spray or fog. May include but are not limited to oxides orearbon, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, oxides ofnitragen. ammonia, oxides of phosphorus, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, and cyanuric acid. Wear self contained breathing apparatus and full protective gear. Sulfur-containing components may release oxides of sulfur. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: SPECIAL FIRE FtGHTtNG PROCEDURES, UNUSUAL FtRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS, PAGE I OF3 l~~~O!_~] g / ';l~~DI ,By MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 16-16-16 FERTILIZER 6. . ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MA TERlAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Avoid breathing dusts and vapors. Sweep up dry spills immediately and transfer to suitable containers for possible land application according to label use or for disposal. Check local. state and federal regulations for proper disposal. CAUTION: Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies of water. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Avoid breaUting fertilizer dust. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Avoid eye contact. Wash hands thoroughly after handling this. product. Store in original containers only. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. Store in a cool. dry, well-ventilated area, preferably in's locked storage area away from children, feed and food products and seat Store at 'ambient temperatures. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. STORAGE 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS, RESPIRATORY PRoTEcnON: EYE PROTECTION, SKIN PROTECTION: Not nonnally required. , Not nonilaHy required. lfvapors or dusts exceed acceptable levels, wear a'NIOSH approved pesticide respirator. Chemical goggles or shielded safety glasses. Wear protective clothing: long sleeved shirts and pants, hat, rubber boots with socks; Wear rubber or chemical-resistant gloves. OSHA PEL8 hrTWA Nuisance Particulates 15 mglmJ (total dust) ACGIHTLV-TWA Not Established 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Multi-colored granules with dusty odor SPECIFIC GRA VtTY (Wate, - 1), 0.9887 glmt BULK DENSITY, 61.73 Ibs/ll' V AfOR PRESSURE: Not established BOILING POINT: Not established PERCENT VOLATILE (by volume): Not established EVAPORATION RATE: Not established Note: These physical dala are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample to sample. Typical values should not be construed as a 'guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as specification items. SOLUBILITY: Appreciable pH: Not established SALT OUF: Not applicable . 10. STABILtTY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable INCOMPATIBILTY: Strong oxidizing agents. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May include, but is not limited 10 oxides of carbon, hydrogen chloride. hydrogen fluoride, oxides of nitrogen, anunonia, oxides of phosphorus, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and cyanuric acid. CONDITIONS TO A VOID: Excessive heat and moisture. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will riot occur. II. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATtON Acute Oral LD50 (rat): >5000 rug/kg Acute Dermal LDSO (rabbit): >5000 mglkg Eye Irritation (rabbit): May cause irritation Skin Irritation (rabbit): May cause irritation in sensitive individuals Inhalation LCSO (rat): May cause respiratory tract irrilation Skin Sensitization (guInea pig): Not established Carcinogenic Potential: None listed in OSHA, NIT. !ARC or ACGIH J2. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Drift or runolfmay adyen;e1y affect non-target plants. Do not apply directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from target area. 13. DISPOSAL CONStDERATtONS Do not reuse container. Completely empty bag into application equipment. Then dispose of empty bag in a sanitary landfill or by incineration or if allowed by State and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. PAGE20F3 .M ~ @ ~ H~~ II g/2q-Dl J ~Y- MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 16-16-16 FERTILIZER 14. TRANSPORTINFORMATION DOT Shipping Description: NOT REGULATED BY USDOT U.S. Surface Freight Classification: FERTILIZING COMPOUNDS (MANUFACTIJRED FERTILIZERS), NOI;,DRY (NMFC 68140, SUB 5; CLASS 50) Consult appropriate ICAO/lATA and IMDG regulations for shipment requlrementsln theAlr and Maritime .hlpping modes. IS. REGULATORY INFORMATION NFP A & HMIS Hazard Ratings: NFPA I Health 1 Flammability o Instability o Least J Slight 2 Moderate 3 High 4 Severe HMtS I Health I Flammability o Reactivity G PPE SARA Hazard NotlficationIReporting SARA Title 111 Hazard Category: Immediate Y Delayed . tl Fire Y Reactive N Sudden ReLease of Pressure M Reportable Quantity (RQ) under U.S. CERCLA: Not listed SARA, Title 111, Sectlon 313: Not listed RCRA Waste Code: Not listed CA Proposition 65: Not listed 16. OTHER INFORMATION MSDS STATUS: New Although the infonnation and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter "Infonnationj are presented in good faith and believed to be correct, Horizon, the manufacturer or the seller makes no representations as to thc completeness or accuracy thereof. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving it will make their own detennination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use: .. ~ The product covered by this information sheet is fmnished "as is" by Horizon., the manufacturer or the seller, and is subject oillyto the warranties, if any, that appear on the product's label or are otherwise expressly provided herein. ' Except as expressly provide on the product's label or othenvise provided"herein, DO warranties, guanmtees, or '''y" ....:.......tions of any kind. either expressed or implied, . or by usage'oftrade, statutory or otherwise, are made by Horizon., the manufactur'tror the seller with regard to the Product or useoftbe product, including, but not limited to, machantability, fitness for a particular pwpose, use or, eligibility of the product f?r any particulartnide usage. " . . Except as expressly stated herein. Horizon., the manufacturer or seller makes DO warranty of results to be obta~ed by use oflhe product covered by this infonnation. Buyen; or user's exclusive remedy, and the totalliabitity of Horizon., the manufacturC'r or the seller, shall be limited to damages Dot ~ceeding the cost of the product. No agent or employee of Ho"rizon., the manufacturer or the seller is authorized to amend the terms ofttlis warranty disClaimer or the product's label or to make a representation or recommendation different from or ~nsistent ~th the label of this ~ . IN NO EVENT SHALL HORtZON., THE MANUFACTURER OR THE SEu.ER BE UABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECtALOR lNDtRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE, HANDLING, APPLICATION, STORAOEOR O!SPOSALOFTH!S PRODUCT OR FOR DAMAGES IN THE NATURE OF PENALTtES AND THE BUYER AND USER WAIVE ANY RIGHT THEY MAY HAVE TO SUCH DAMAGES. PAGE30F3 ~UU~~: g/2Cj~ol By ',' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 20-3-7 COOL SEASON FERTILIZER FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY, SPILL. LEAK, FIRE.. EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT, CALL CHEMTREC - DAY OR NtGHT [.800424-9300 \, CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATtQN FORMULATED FOR: Horizon 5214'South 301h Street, Phoenix, Az. 85040 24.Hour Emergency Phone: 1-800-424~9300 Medical Emergencies: 1"800-301.7976 U.S. enlist Guard National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802 PRODUCT NAME: CHEMICAL NAME: CIlEMtCAL FAMILY: EPA REG, NO.: MSOS Revisions: New 20-3-7 COOL SEASON Inorganic/Organic Chemical fertilizer Mixture N-P.K Mixed dry blended fertilizer not applicable DlItcoflssuc: 01-17.06 Supersedes: New 2. HAZARDS tDENTIFICA TlON SUMMARY KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - May cause mild eye and skin irritation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, open Cllts, or sores. In cases of contact, flush with water. Get medical attention for eyes. This blended dry fertilizer is mixture of Ammonium Sulfate, Muriate of Potash, Monoammonium Phosphate, Iron Oxide, Calcium Carbonate, and Ammonium Nitrate. Nausea and vomiting could be expected upon large dose ingestion_ The acute ingestive effects are described as nausea, chills, and diarrhea. Eye or skin contact with these products could cause irritation (particularly in sensitive persons), and respiratory irritation could be expected from the unprotected inhalation of fertilizer dusts. Product users should avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact by wearin'g imPl::rvious gloves. long sleeve shirt, long pants, socks and rubber boots. Goggles for eya protection are recommended. Wash thoroughly after handling and using this product. This product is a multi~colored granule with dusty odor. Primary routes of entry are inhalation, eye conlact and skin contact J. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS (Note: see product tag or label for specific ingredients) N-K~P fN[TRO(jEN.PHO.c;PHORlJ.c;~POTASSIIJM) MIXED DRY AI ,ENDED FERTILlZER~ - No hazardous ingredient exceeds 1% ofmixrure rh('.mirallm'redi~nh~ Pert':~ntllfJe hv WdlJhf: CAS No. TI.Villnihl (otal Nitrogen (N) A vailahle Phosphate (P20~) Soluble Potash (K20) Calcium (Ca) Sulr.,,(S) Iron (Fe) Fertilizer salts and inert ingredi.enlS 20.00 3.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 3.00 57.00 Mixture Mixture Mixture Mixture Mixture Mixture not listed not listed not listed not listed not listed not listed 4, FIRST AID MEASURES Flush with clean running water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Remove contaminated cloth.ing.. Wash thorough.ly with soap and water. If irritation persists, or if rash develops, get medical attention. Ifconscious, drink I or 2 glasses of water. Get medical attention. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If Inhaled: Remove to fresh air. If irritation persists, get medical attention. POR A MEDICAL EMERGENCY rNVOLVINGTHIS PRODUCT CALL 1-800-301-7976. Ifin Eyes: lfonSkin: If Swallowed: 5,FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (Fffest Method): FLAMMABLE LIMITS (LFL & UFL): Not applicable Not applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Considered non~comb!/stiblc, use medium appropriate 10 surrounding fire. Dry chemical, CO2, foam, water spray or fog. May include but are not limited to oxides of carbon, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, oxides of nitrogen, llmmonia, oxides of phosphorus, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, and cyanuric acid. Wear self contained breathing apparatus and full protective gear. Sulfur-containing components may release oxides of sulfur. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES, UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: PAGE 1 OFJ ]Uc~ u~m~ 11 ~'lq,O( Bv ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 20-3-7 COOL SEASON FERTILIZER 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEI'S TO BE TAKEN tF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Avoid breathing dusts and vapors. Sweep up dry spills immedintely and transfer 10 suitable containers for possible land application according to label use or for disposal. Check local, stale and Cederal regulations fOf proper disposal. CAUTION: Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies ofwatcr. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLtNG: Avoid breathing fertilizer dust. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact: Avoid eye contact. Wash hlU1ds thoroughly after handling this product. Store in original containers only. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, preferably in a locked storage area away from children, feed and food products and seed. Store at ambient temperatures. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. STORAGE 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLSIPERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS: RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: EYE PROTECTION: SKIN PROTECTION: Not normally required. Not normally req,uired. [f vapors Of dusts exce>ed acceptable wn\s, wear a NiOSH approved pesticide respirator. Chemical goggles or shielded safety glasses. Wear protective clothing: long sleeved shirts and pants, hat, rubber boots with socks. Wear rubber or chemical-resistant gloves. OSHA PEL 8 hr TW A Nuisance Particulates IS.mgimJ (total dust) ACGIHTLV-TWA Not Established 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Mulft-colorcd granules with dusty odor SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Wo.er = 1): O.94911ml BULK DENSITY: S9.25 Ibs/ft' VAPOR PRESSURE: Not established BOILING POINT: Not established lERCENT VOLATILE (by volume): Not established EV APORA nON RATE: Not established ,-.jote: These physical data are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample to sample. Typical values should not be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as specification items; SOLUBILITY: Appreciable pH: Not established SALT OUT: Not applicable 10. STABILITY AND REACTMTY STABILITY: Stable lNCOMPATIBILTY: Strong oxidizing agents. CONDITIONS TO A VOID: Excessive heat and moisture. UAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS; May include, but is not limited to oxides of carbon, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, oxides of phosphorus, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and cyanuric acid. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will nol occur. 1!, TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute OralLD50 (rat): >5000 mglkg Acute Dermal LD50 (rabbit): >5000 mglkg Eye Irritation (rabbit): May cause irritation Skin Irritation (rabbit): May cause irritation ill sensitive individuals Inhalation LC50 (rat): May cause respiratory tiacl irritation Skin Sensitizalion (guinea pig): Not established Carcinogenic Potential: None listed in OSHA, NTP, [ARC or ACGIH 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Drift or runoff may adversely affect lion-target plants. Do nol apply directly to water. Do nol contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water. Do nol apply when weather C()ndilions favor drift from target area. 13, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS )0 not reuse container. Completely empty bag into application equipment. TIleD dispose of empty bag in a sanitary landfill or by incineration or if allowed by State and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. PAGE20FJ ]~ @~ U~_~] <J/2-Ci-Dl By ." MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 20-3-7 COOL SEASON FERTILIZER 14, TRANSPORTINFORMATION DOT Shipping Description: NOT REGULATED BY USDQT U.S. Surface Freight Classification: FERTlLtZING COMPOUNDS (MANUFACTURED FERTILIZERS), NOt; DRY(NMFC 68140, SUB 5; CLASS 50) Consult appropriate lCAO/lATA and IMDG regulations for shipment requirements in the Air and Maritime shipping modes. IS. REGULATORY INFORMATION NFPA & HMIS Hazard Ratings: NFPA I Health 1 Flammability o Instability o Least I Slight 2 Moderate: 3 High 4 Severe HMIS I Health I Flammability O. Reactivity G PPE SARA Hazard NotiflcationIReporting SARA Title 111 Hazard Calegory: Immediate y Delayed .M Fire y.. Reactive tl Sudden Re!ease QfPressure 'N Reportable Quantity (RQ) under U.S. CERCLA: Not listed SARA, Title 111, Section 313: Not listed RCRA Waste Code: Not listed CA Proposition 65: Not listed 16, OTHER INFORMATION 'dSDS STATUS: New Although the infonnatlon and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter "Infonnation") are presented in good failh and believed to be correct, Horizon, the manufacturer or the seller makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Infonnation is supplied upon the condition lhat ~e persons receiving it will make their own detennination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. The product covered by this infonnation sheet is furnished "as is" by Horizon., the manufacturer or the seller, and is subject only to the warranties, if any, that appear on the product's label or are otherwise expressly provided herein. Except as expressty pr~vide on the product's'label or otherwise provided herein, no warranties, guamntees, or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied, or by usage of trade, statutory or otherwise, are made by Horizon., the manufacturer or the seller with regard to the product or use of the product, including, but not limited to, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, use or eligibility of the product foc'any particular trade usage. Except as expressly stated herein, 1 lorizon., the manufacturer or seller makes no warranty of results to be obtained by use of the product cOvered by this information. Buyers or user's exclusive remedy, Hnd the total liability of Horizon., the manufacturer or the seller, shall be limited to damages not exceeding the cost of tile product. No agent or employee of Horizon., the manufacturer or lhe seller is authorized to amend the tenus ofthis warranty disclaimer or the product's label or to make a representation or recommendation different from or inconsistent with the label ofthis product. IN NO EVENT SHALL HORlZON.. THE MANUFACTURER OR TIlE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECtAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESUL TtNG FROM TIlE USE, HANDLING, APPLICATION. STORAGE OR DtSPOSAL OF THIS PRODUCT OR FOR DAMAGES IN THE NATURE OF PENAL TtES AND TIlE BUYER AND USER WAIVE ANY RIGHT THEY MAY HAVE TO SUCH DAMAGES. PAGEJOFJ '~~@:n \TI_~] 0" 9~~,\1)d t .~ J. ., __ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 23-5-10 SPRING & SUMMER FERTILIZER FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY, SPILL, LEAK, FtRE, EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT, CALL CHEMTREC - DAY OR NIGHT 1-800-424-9300 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION FORMULATED FOR: Horizon 5214 South 30lh Street, Phoenix, Az. 85040 24-Hour Emergency Phone: 1-800-424-9300 Medical Emergencies: 1.800-301-7976 U.S..Coast Guard National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802 PRODUCT NAME: CHEMICAL NAl\m CHEMICAL FAMILY: EPA REG. NO.: MSDS Revisions: New 23-5-10 SPRING & SUMMER FERTILIZER Inorganic/Organic Chemical Fertilizer Mixture N-P-K Mixed dry blended fertilizer not applicable Dateoflssue: 01-17-06 Supersedes: New 2, HAZARDS IDENTtFICATION SUMMARY KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN - May cause mild eye and skin irritation. A void contact with skin, eyes, Opal cuts, or sores. - In cases of contact, flush with water. Gel medical attention for eyes. This blended dry fertilizer is mixture of Polymer Coated Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, Muriate of Potash, Urea, Monoammonium Phosphate and Iron Oxide. Nausea and vomiting could be expected upon large dose ingestion. The acute ingestive effects are described as nausea, chills, and diarrhea. Eye or skin contact with these products could cause irritation (particularly in sensitive persons), and respimtory irritation could be exp~ted from the unprotected inhalation of fertilizer dusts. Product users should avoid prolonged orrepeated skin contact by wearing impervious gloves, long sleeve shirt, long pants; socks and rubber boots. Goggles for eye protection are recommended. Wash thoroughly after handling and using this ~roduct. This product is a multi-colored granule with dusty 04or. Primary routes of entry are inhalation, eye contact and skin contact. 3. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS (Note: aee product tag or label for specific Ingredients) N-K_P (NITROGEN-PHOSPHOR(JS-POTA~SnJM) MIXEn ORY BLENDED FERTILIZERS - No hazardous ingredient exceeds 1% of mixture ~hemicaJ Inp:redienb: Percenflu'e hv Weip'hf: CAS No. TJ.Vf1Jnltsl Total Nitrogen (N) Available Phosphate (P20S) Soluble Potash (~O) Sulfwc(S) lron(Fe) Fertilizer salts and inert ingredients 23.00 5.00 to.oo 7.62 4.00 50.38 Mixture Mixture Mixture Mixture not listed not listed not listed not listed 4. FIRST AID MEASURES If In Eyes: IfonSkiu: If Swallowed: Flush with clean running water for at least 15 minutes. [f irritation persists, get medical attention. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water. [f irritat,ion persists, or if rash develops, get medical attention. If conscious, drink I or 2 glasses of water. Get medical attention. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If Inhaled: Remove to fresh air. [f irritation persists, get mediCal attention. FOR A MEDICAL EMERGENCY fNVOLVING THIS PRODUCT CALL: 1-800.301-7976. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (Fffest Method): FLAMMABLE LIMITS (LFL & UFL): Not applicable Not applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Considered non-combustible, use medium appropriate to ~unding fITe. Dry chemical, CO2, foam, Water spray or fog. May include but are not limited to oxides of carbon, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, oxides of phosphorus, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, and cyanuric acid. Wear self contained breathing appararus and full protective gear. Sulfur-containing components may release oxides of sulfur. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: PAGE I OF3 Iuum~] ~,2q-01 ~X_._____ -- -_..-~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 23-5-10 SPRING & SUMMER FERTILIZER 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Avoid breathing dusts and vapors. Sweep up dry spills immediately and transfer to suitable containers for possible land application according to label use or for disposal. Chock local, state and federal regulations for proper disposal. CAUTION: Keep spills and cleaning nmoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies: of.water. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: A void breathing fertilizer dust. A void prolonged or repeated skin contact. A void eye contact, Wash hands thoroughly after handling this product. Store in original containers only. Keep containers tightly dosed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, preferably in a locked storage area away from children. feed and food products and seed. Store at ambient temperatures. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. STORAGE 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLs/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS, RESPIRATORY PROTEcrION: EYE PROTECTION: SKIN PROTECTION: Not nonnally required. Not nonnally required. If vapors or dusts exceed' acceptable levels, wear a NIOSH approved pesticide respirator. Chemical goggles or shielded safety glasseS. Wear protective clothing: long sleeved shirts and pants, hat, rubber bootS with socks. Wear rubber or chemical-resistant gloves. ' OSHA PEL 8 hr TW A Nuisance Particulates 15 mg/m' (total dust) ACGIHTLV-TWA Not Established 9, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Multi-colored granules with dusty odor SPECIFIC GRAVITY (Water = 1): 0.9252 glml BULK DENSITY: 57.761bslW VAPOR PRESSURE: Not established BOILING POINT: Not established PERCENT VOLATILE (by volume): Not established EVAPORATION RATE: Not established Note: These physical data are typical values based on material tested but may vary from sample to sample. Typical values should nol be construed as a guaranteed analysis of any specific lot or as specification items. SOLUBILITY: Appreciable pH: Not established SALT OUT: Not applicable 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable INCOMP A TIBIL TY: Strong oxidizing agents. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: May include, but is not limited to oxides of carbon, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, oxides of nitrogen, anunonia, oxides of phosphorus, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and cyanuric acid. CONDITIONS TO A VOID: Excessive heat and moisture. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. I I. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute Oral LD50 (rat): >5000 mg/kg Acute Dermal LD50 (rabbit): . >5000 inglkg Eye Irritation (rabbit): May cause irritation Skin Irritation (rabbit): ,May cause irritation in sensitive individuals Inhalation LC50 (rat): May cause respiratory tract irritation Skin Sensitization (guinea pig): Not eStablished Carcinogenic Pote'nlial: None listed in OSHA. NTP, !ARC or ACGrn 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Drift or runoff may adversely affect non-target plants. Do not apply directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing ofequipmcnt wash water. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift: from ~rget area. 13, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Do not reuse container. Completely empty bag into application equipment Then dispose of empty bag in a sanitary landfill or by incineration or if allowed by State and local authorities, by burning. If burned: stay out of smoke. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or dispQsal. PAGE20F3 ]U~U\IJ~]' C6;ZQ'Dl By _._ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 23-5-10 SPRING & SUMMER FERTILIZER 14. TRANSPORTlNFORMATION DOT Shipping Description: NOT REGULATED BY USOOT U.S. Surface Freight Classlficallon: FERTILIZING COMPOUNDS (MANUFACTURED FERTILIZERS), NOl; DRY (NMFC 68140. SUB 5; ClASS 50) Consult appropriate lCAOIIATAand IMDGregulations for shipment requirements in the Air and Maritime shipping modes. 15, REGULATORY INFORMATION NFPA & HMIS Hazard Ratings: NFPA 1 Health I Flammability o Instability o Least I Slight 2 Moderate 3 High 4 Severe IIMtS I Health 1 Flammability o Reactivity G PPE SARA Hazard NotlflcatlonIReporting SARA Title III Hazard Category: lnunediate X Delayed ~ Fire .y Reactive N Sudden Release of Pressure tl Reportable Quantity (RQ) under U.s. CERCLA: Not listed" SARA, TiUe 111, Section 313: Not listed RCRA Waste Code: Not listed CA Proposition 65: Notlisted 16. OTHER INFORMATION MSDS STATUS: New Although the infonnation and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter "Information") are presented in good faith and believed to be correct, Horizon, the manufacturer or the seller makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereOf. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving it ", will make their own determination as to its suitability for their pmposes prior to use. . ~- ~. . The product covered by this infonnatioD sheet is furniShed "as is" by Horizon., the manufaCturer or the scIIcr, and is wbjeCt only to the wairanties, ifany, that appear on the product's label or are otherwise expressly provided herein. . . . .- Except as expressly provide on the product's label or otherwise provided herein, no warranties, guarantees, or representations of any kind. either expressed or implied, or by usage of trade, statutory or otherwise, are made by Horizon., the manufacturer or the seller with regard to the product or use of the product, includirig, but not limited to, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, use or eligibility of the product for any particular trade usage. Except as expressly stated herein, Horizon, the manufacturer or seller makes no warranty of results to be obtained by use of the product covered by this information. Buyers or user's exclusive remedy, and the total liability of Horizon. the manufacturer or the seller, shall be limited to damages not exceeding the cost of the product. No agent or employee of Horizon.. the manufacturer or the seller is authorized to amend the terms of this warranty disclaimer or the product's label or to make a representation or reconunendation different from or inconsistent with the label oflhis product. IN NO EVENT SHALL HORtzON. TIlE MANUFACTURER OR TIlE SELLER BE UABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL. SPECIALOR tNDtRECT DAMAGES RESULTtNG FROM TIlE USE, HANDLING. APPLICATtON. STORAGE OR DISPOSAL OF THIS PRODUCT OR FOR DAMAGES IN TIlE NATIJRE OF PENALTIES AND THE BuYER AND USER WAIVE ANY RIGHT THEY MAY HAVE TO SUCH DAMAGES. PAGEJOFJ ~u~rrllJ~~ 8'2C//ol By ..\: _.,J. i' - me Sifenthrin TC When used as a termiticide, individuals/firms must be licensed by the state ta apply termltl- cide products. States may have more restnctlve reqUirements regarding qualifications of per- sans usin!=j this praduct, Consult the pest con- tral regulatory agency of your state prior to use .of this product. To cantrol pests indoars and outdaars .on resi- dential, institutianal, public, cammerclal, and industrial buildings, and lawns, ornamentals, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields. EPA Reg, No. 279-3206.73748 EPA Est. 279-NY-1 Active Ingredient: By WI. Bifenthrin' ......................................,............... 7.9% Inert Ingredients: .................................... .......... J12.J..'& 100.0% ValueLine Blfenlhrin TC contains 2!J pound active ingredient per gallon, .Cis isomers 97% minimum, Irans isomers 3% maximum. U,S. Patent No, 4.238,505 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION Manufactured for: o UnlvAR ]U~~IlJ~ gf .2.-'1,01 Univar USA, Inc, 11149 Research Blvd. #260 Austin, TX 78759 Net Contents: By 11I05-C If swallowed If j'nhaled If on skin or clothing If in eyes FIRST AID . Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice, . Have person sip a glass of water if able to swal- low, . . Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. . Do not give anything by mouth to.an unconscious person. . Move person 10 fresh aIr. . If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambu- lance, then give artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-Io,mouth, if possible, . Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice . Take off contaminated clothing. . Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15- 20 minutes, . Call a poison control center or doctor ior treatmenl' advice. . Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15.20 minutes, . Remove contact lenses, if present, after lhe first 5 minutes, then continue rinsiflg eye, . Call a poison conlral center or doctor for treatment advice. HOTLINE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also con. tact: 1-800c900-4044 Poison Control Center (Human Health) 1-800-345-4735 ASPCA (Animal Health) NOTE TO PHYSICIAN This product is a ,pyrel.hroid. If large amounts have been ingested, the stomach anddntestme should be evacuated. Treatment is symp- tomatic and supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase absorption and so should be avoided. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans (and Domestic Animals) CAUTION Harmful.if swallowed, inhaled or absorbedthrough skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing, Avoid breathing spray mist. WaSh thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before ealing, drinking, chewing gum, or using tobacco. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. All peslicid,e handlers (mixers, loaders and applicators) must wear long- sleeved shirt and long pants, socks. shoes and chemical-resistant gloves. Aftp.r the prOduct is diluted in accordance with label directions for use, andlor 1M mixing and loading using a closed spray tank transfer system or an in- ; i~jeclor syst.e.m. shirt, p~n~s, socks, shoes and waterproof gioves are ~.. 'clen.!. I~ addition, al.1 pe,s. tlclde handl~rs must wear a respiratory prote"c- deVice when workln9 In a non-venlllated space, All pesticide handlers ,t wear protective eyewear when working in non-ventilated space or when !J" 'ying termiticide by roddmg or sub-slab injection. fUse one of the following NIOSH approvedrespiralor with any R, P or E filter r a NtOSH approved respiraLor with an organic vapor (OV) cartridge r canister with any R, P or HE prefilter. Page 1 IIV!I(,(llf{j"lling i:Idj<II.~:'lIlli:1 1.'1' I1XiRlInrl F.lIYC1UrG, tho .JfJplil,;",j(>r ,mml ChllCI( ~~.ll <11(-+:;1 In hA tr1:l<.1[,)(I, And immAdlillaly i:.luJi:.J\;\;:rll tJl\;:iJtl (,f thf' Alruclurl:!, (or VI"I- 1'111; <:IIIU i.1(;r.:e~"lhlf:j crut:l(~ Cill(j )lOll;'..~,lo rXAVen! Rny leak::. Or ::;lynUIC:f'nt ~Xn(1- :.;un::; 1(, 1).lrson:; Oq:\lI'yill~1 till': ~lructure~ PE>?pl~. f.'rl,l~...nl :" rp.~!(iln{J In l~a ~tr'.Ir:llIIA rlurirl(t arnfir:Alin.n nltls! bl> ildl/isucllu 10nKN~ j/;RIT fI~l~ afl~ .~IGlrll. .'\RI'Ja:; lrulll Ii 1<': F,truclwEl If tl10y ~t::I.~ (my ~Ifln!t (,( leakago. .Allor <.If)r;llf..lllnl1, Ihfl Hpplic<}!or i!'\ reqLlirud .Lv c!lock for h~l'lkR. AflIRAk6 r~sullH!I:II1.1 It!,=, dp.rn~~- (lun 01 lermiticiLll:l In IoCall(ln8 nlhAr th:'lll lhO~~ prt:l:.;C;rltlC(! on thl~ I~bel rl\U"'~ ~I(' r:I(\~nfld up IJtkJf \(1 IA3vlng tl1e Sppilc.:!liCJII sIL~l. 1)0 nOI .fltlOW n:-~PJ~. or ~Hlll; tn r,nnjf!\~t,t:onlfll1linRtAd I3rBd~ ur tu roOCD..IPy cnfllRmlnRIAd arail", of Ihe R1rIlr.lUr,,=, UIl!ll 11lf1 clean-up I:; COrT1pltlltlCI. ' Environmental Hazards . This DCl:;ticlcJ,-.. I;: extrarnely loxi(; lO fl!:h I'lnd aquatic invertf::lbri'I\I:,!; n~l nnt Rpply (jjroc:UV to WlJtQl, to i.1ro{\s wherp. F!tlnSCA wattl~ I::; prosen\ or In rntAr- lid,,1 ,11'f'IJ!'. helow lilt: 11\';'.'.\1.1 1)1[1/1 W~lflr mark, Drift ::1110 rllr:-nff from IreElted i:JIUC\~ n13Y he hi:.J~"I.el0U';: 10 fH]IIFltIG nrg!:H1i:,;m:> ill nClgl1borln{/ Rr~Ali. D~ 1101 r;(1nIAminsI8 W~'11F:"r when disposmy 01 uquinmenl WRfI~W816r.;. CaHJ stlOUI(1 bf! used wrlCI', !:I",reying to RVOIU fi~tl <.nd rf'ptll., pat9 In/erouml Qrn,lmnnlt11 [mnds. Th::; prU(jUCi i~, hinrlly lo..:iC 10 boos eXDO!'lAn I~ dirflCllr~<ll!l\~rll 01 rA~,;c1'rIflR on bloornill(j (i1.OpS or WtHHJli, Do 1)(11 ::!flpll' thl~ producl or <dl~lw ,Ir, drlf 10 hlnomill\l crare; if uatl:> .11'0 visiting {hI" lrAfllmAnl BrtliJ. Physical and Chemical Hazards Do nol apply 'tVa!or-bMAd r1ir\lti~nli u( valucLlne:, tlUi7ntnrln TC to (jlu~lr!I..;~1 1..;')f,rJl!I\.';, motor !II-'Il~in~l~,. jllnfitmn boltS:;:, swltcll boxe~ Of nthAr elllo:;!nC<\1 uquipn~Eln! hal.;<lLlse of n(l~!JihIA shoCk t18l.JrU. DIRECTIONS FOR USE . !I I!'> ? vi()I<iUon f)f FflderClt l~w 10 U!;t" till~ rmdllfilln A tni:lflllllr IncOnSls!p-nl with ih. leb"III'[j. On not apply ;\ hrnadcaEjl ii1ppIl1.:8t1on \0 jnt~rinr Rllrfaces O( IIOi'('l(:s. Do not <lpply hy air. 00 flu! apply in ~ruonllou(;o.:;-, n\.lr~l'!rrRfl. Du IIUI i..pply this pruduct l!\rOllrlh Any kind of irrigotio'l t-y~tem. No! (ur li::'<:' nn sod fwm hili. W.,lf r.Ollr!'lA turt, nr ora:;:.; gfOWn for seeo. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PtohibitiiJns: Do not contaminate wHtl:lr, fund or fGlod by slorC'lGI;! or diapD[:;111. . pf!<;ticidc Storage: KHep out of re~ch ?I (',hilcirHtl and ~lnimals. 810l'C in oliqirlBI (;OnlCilners Qn1v, Store In.a cool, dry pl<'l;P. :'Inrt iWOIr! H(COS5 heat. C.<lreflJlly open cont3lners. At1m pClr\I~1 L1SGl rlilplace tid~ Hnd closo tightly, 00 no! pul (;(jnCGliltr<Jtc or dtltltp- n1,Jtpri:'l1 illlo fooel or drink cDntaitllH. In case of spill, :olvoid contact, isolate jlre-Jt ;!nd keQp' out ~nj. mals and unprotectp.d persons. Confme Splll.,L call CHEMTREC [TranspottOJtion and spills): (BOO) 1/24-9300, To Confinli! Spill: If IIql lirt , r1ikp. ~lJrroundlnQ ~rca 01. ab.;torb with ::l''ll1d, CQt IUter or (,,Qtl1l11urc1al clay. If. dry mEllerlfll, covE:'r toprcv~ll~ dlspers~1. Place damaged pac:kEl88 Irl Cl huhJlnQ container. IdE!ntrf) r.nnlAnls. pesticide Disposal: P9stlcide w~~te!;: ~.rl: toxic. Do nol con!ami- nElte wrll~{, food or feed by 6torag61 or cll!;pOsal. Ir:nprop;.r (jIlip08- ::II o( ~XC0.S$ rp.~1icide, :;;pray mlxturf'!, nr nn~Rtp. I!'; H vlot.atlon of Foderal I.AW. Dispose of exce3' or WHS\oSI PB611ddc by use. EI,CCOr(l- inn 10 label elir€lclinrIl::i, or contact your SIBtP. PI:\:;ll[;ltJl:I ur E.llvironlw~nlsl Conlrol AgCfH:Y (lr 1hf' HHziwluus Waste repre. senlalivf'l 81 lhe neRresl FPA R~qlonal Office for gllid.<lnr.~. Cont3iner DispMal: . rla!;!lir: C:onti.li'-\?~.: ~dple rim:fl (Dr 9qLJI".1IQ~1!). Thon ~tfp.: f~r ;p.cy- r:lin!-l or rCCOndlh(1~rnq, 0(. puncture C'lnd dl3pose elf IrI i:l .,JI ~lt<1ry landfill, or incineration, or If F1J1ow~d by Gt<lle and local alJthonllHfi, by bunting, If hurned, sll'lY oul or smoke. . RcturnOI:l!F,l/Rl'IOIIClblc Sealed Cnnt;.Jiner: Do not rln~e cont!'lIner. Dn no! Qlllptv refT1f:1in\nJ:i forrnulClted prodllCI. Do fUll brBClk sO<1b, I{elurn IntRd [0 poInt of purchsflA. Use Directions for Tip-N,..Mcasure Container 1 Remove Ih~ mD<J3urlng chamber r:i'lp find l(td~ctl~1l scal. Repl~f)e [he r::.<1r !'lndsacurcl}' ti!)htf'n. Tip t.;ull!i3:lnor untllllqlll(1 fill."', mp.;,}sLJrlll\J ('.hHllll!ol. 2. Relurn conliiin~r 10 lovel po~ition, No ~cjllJSlmDnlls needed, 3. Ri'!j[WV& measuring ch~rrlt)~r C<lp <lnd dlspen~e into proPUI i:.I~jJli- c<llioll oql1ipl1lp.nl. ror lllultiple r!(lSQ ,mot:lGuring: Rp.movA fill Ch8t"11bcr cnp and di!1f1p.t1:-;1-I ~ncwcJlllli to n1lHklr1!J1-i Orl sldo of bollle. PHil'" ? mD I]@I]O W ~1ii11 //11 11'1 L) R'" f? /lq~01 . ._~--"--,,"';;",:", .--:J 1eh1es X-e~ 000/91 :;!f)lhi General Information on the Use of this Product NDllor U\;l;l (In plruW, hr;ln\J bj(IJWIl I'Jr Esle Of nth!;'r (:(I(nrIlBrciRI WI('. Uf 101. commRrc;i~1 Stlud liroduc:horl, or Inr reSCarCl1 pUrIiUnH!'"<. For L1'i;~ on planis IntellQf.lrl only lor fll;!.~lhe:tl(; pUrpC::;8:;: or dill1Hlir: mOJllbclliQn2- find tsf-ling grown ill InlcHlol pJfJt)I'<;{;~.Ol--j~., ornamcntal ~/i:Htlen!': nr pmk:;. or lawns f1m1 !-Irulmds. TrIG! uso of 111isproduct prevents and umlrnlf:; Termite infc::>lalirms in and ,uOlmd structures and conslrlJdion::, "fIle dlJu\o insectiddal emulsion must bH HdaquatelY disp0r{;~(t in th(' toll to establil)tl <-l barril;lr belwHf;H1 Ih~ wood at1d the T8rrnIIH~; in the: sClil. A~, 8 guad !Jr{lclicc; 1) all nOfl-(.:G:<;unlir.l1 woort anrJ cellulo:';G r:f"lq\8Iflhll:l materialS, 5hOlJld bp. rHtflovec1 from ..IQuhd IU\JnoEltion WCills. f,:rawl spiices, ,;md porChes: 2) ellJnlnatlill~nl\ilp.l:lGcess to mOISIIHf: by repLlIi- ing ImJlly rlumbin\i and/Dr r:on::lrllclion jJfddtl. Soil Inollnd untrflRtAd i->lruf:lural wood in COnlact willi l-iOIl fitl'.IUld be lreatod i-l~; de!;crll}l~cJ below. Tn 81iIabll:;l) i:.lll eflec!lv~: 111~Ol.:li(jdClI barrip.i" with lI"li~ plutJu<:1 !hl;' ~erVICI:J lochnici",n ml.l::t he lamiliar with GLIl'ronl THrrllil... fnntrol pr8dicH<', ~lIch ~I-;: lrHnclllnw. roddlllQ, sub-SI,er.b Injl=ic!i(ln, CQarse fan ,,-prCJyirW] of soli ~lJr- tr.I(;O~, cr<lck andc:rovic~ (vOlel) inJectiun, ~l(r.-flVAtp.r1 ~otl \ru~tmAnt, slid brush Of "lrri'lY applJr:!illoru:, to inf~'5ted or susC;flpllbl8 wClod. Th~~H !p.(~h. lllquQS must be correctly employed !o prev'?!nt or c:onl(Qllnf!-!~tfltion~ by stlb1mT('lI1AI;3n TRrmllfls Iluch ~~: CoptoCGlmeS, H~IHrnrT;!rrnc:'], Nl.'fir:(Jfi lefmes rlnd ZoDtommpsi:.. ThH biology and bl311avlor 01 (he sp<id...r; IIw~lved should be r;fJn~ider8d by lhe servlCl-1 tl;lchniciBn in dHlermining which control pracllcel;; to UP-I'! 10 ellminclla Or prevent lilt: ttlrmill'! Inf~sL~tlon. Choice of approrri<l.lp. rrocedures should Illt;)urlH r:nnsidereltlOIl of ~uch vRriablt: foclor::; ll:> IIll: du:.ign at thE! fllructurt::. location of heallny, Vljll- tilation, and air conditi(1ning (HVAC) !:iYS{tirnli, Wl:lh'3r table, ~oii 'yrp., sort cnmpfldior), grado condltiom;, and IDcation and typo or dome~lic Wi-llHf GupplioG and utililie!'" For advice ('.(Inr::p.rning current contrOL pr,;Jctlc8l>, with n~IFllion tu Spp.r:if1r. loc;al condltlom. consult rosourcfiS Irl structural pest conlml ;':lIlcJ S!<)!8 cooperativf'! extRnfiiC'ln i'lnd regUlatory L'YUlldus. Subterranean Termite COntrol Directions For Use Importiint: G<1flli-lrnimt!iOfl (1f Pllhlir: FInd prlvatE:l waLer sopplios lnul;;1 hA rlvQldQd by following these procCluliulls: Usp- Rnti.bsckfiow ~quipmen! 01 procedures tn prAvAnl slphonl'lge o( I,U:iu(;Liduld jrllll water SUPf1li~f.. Do not C',()nIHmirli':llll clt::lernn m Wl:lIIE, DQnot treCJt solllh<':lt if". w~lf)i' satufl;ll- ad or frozen or in flnv conditions wher8 rutloff or movemfml from the trARtmsnt <lrGi:.J (sItu) i~ likt/ly to or.r.l1r, Consult S!;;lu i:JrltJ IOGlll Spe-CUlCo:!- lions for recommended distancc~ or w~dJ& from treated ar",;./.,;. or if SUd1 re!1\1IRtinm; uu not l:IXI:;;ll rHlijr 1(1 Federal H(Ju~ir1g AdministrCltinn Siit,:cJfJcD.1Iol1::: (H,lI,D.) for guidD.IICr..:. . Not!'!: f:fFlW! RIlHCA!' fir!'! tn hp. r.nn~icltlf{ld In&iul:f of the 9.lructurtl. Critical Amas: Critical moab !nClucj"" l;'Irea~ where tho feulldl'ltion is pOll- etrated by l1lilily ~flrvi<:es, r::racks and expan:;;km jtlint~, bath tmps flnd areal> Wh~fG1 c9mGnl Cons!rU::::tiun~ h.ave been pc.urcu udjAGenll(. lilt! foundQtion such a!; stairs, patios and slab additions. Strur;tures with Wells/Cisterns Inside Found,;Jtion~ Slruc{uru:; thaI contaIn wells or cisterns within the fountJi:.Jlioll of a SlfUC- ture can only be lreater:lllsino the fOI!OWlng IHr:tll1iClUe!;. 1. Do not Irel:ll o(lil while it is heneath 01' wlUdfl lhe h,lI.,lndatioll or Hlnn("j !f\l-! oxtorior perimeter of cl strUClwH HII:-ll Gontains ~ wall or Gi~,lern. Th0 trcott3ri hFlckfili mllthDn mlJ!:t hi:' u::;c(l If 80il iF! rflmoved <mu IrE'li'lll:!;rJ olJl"id~/cJl!JclY from 11)0 fuullurltinn:The tre~tod b..ldclilllechniQuu j" descrilJE!d "'\> tflHowl-i: 8, Trench iirl(J rUmOVt-l ~C1il tn 01;' treated onto h~..lVY pl~~Uc :;huldtinq ur similar rnU1orl<l1 or lntu a whe-elh::1rrow. ' 11. TfU<lt1hc !Ooil ,,( the ralO of 4 lJallvns of r1ilulp. ernulsilln pP.l. 10 !in eflr ff-!~f f'Hr loot 01 derlh of the 1rcl)cll, Of 1 !-Ji:lllon per .r.o cuhic: loot' of 5011. See "MIXing DlrGCllolIs !-iec::tiDn.of the l<lt)Ht, Mix (hor- oughlY into the soil t"king cmcto CUI1IHifl lhp. liqllirl find prevp.nt nmof( or splll<lQo. t: After the tro<:ltod soil hCl~ rlbMOrb~r,t the dilutod liltl1'JI:;lion, rcli!~Jt:;t! IhE: 5011 into the trenr::h. 2. TreEl.1 infe!;!ted and/or dflm~ged wood Irt pl<lCR lJF;in~ an InJudi{JII !p.(:h- niqlJf:l Ruch a.s descrlb.,d in lhE;'. "Con1rol of Wuoo IplP-sting In:O!1(;!J-i.' SQctiOll of this label. Structures with AdJ;'lcent Wells/Cis.terns and/or Other Water Bnr1ies Applic;('ltors mu{;t fnSPQct C111 Hlrur;ilJres with nCClrby wi;lIHr sources :;IJdl !:Il:l W<dUS, clt::lcrm;, 15urf::lCe ponds, Slrl:f!:HTlS, :md other bodiefl Df w::ilet and eVfllll8lt', ,,1 rJ lllillillllJn1, the tre3tll1Gnt rHcC)nlm~ndG\lon:; 1i:~le(1 b9low prlol. to making 30 appHcclllon 1.Prlor to trMtment, if fAR.o;iblp" expOSe 1110 watAr rirl;:(s) (:ull\ill~) from the welllc'J !Iltl :atruclur8, II lhp. plpe(s) entcl' tll8 ~lnH:tlJre within 3 fi-!!-!r of grD.de. 2. r'ri(lr In trAi'ltfl1L~nt, dpplic~tflr!;: ~rE! advised to l<rk8 prp.G,?;u!ions lulirnit IIt!::l ri.\>l( of LlpplyinQ the lormi!idLII., inln !'lIJh.":ltrfnc0 clr"lim; th:1t r.f)Ulu emp1y inlu ~flY boolt:l::'; of WiitP.r. These prec<:lLl{ions inr:lude eV,;Jlu~lirl!1 W~ AC:CC:~ ~~~7ICT/R T0', T",'-' whelher application of the termiticide to the lOp of the looter may result in contamination of the subsurface drain. Factors such as depth to the drain system and soJltype and degree of compaction should be taken into accounl in delermining the depth of treatmen!. 3. When appropriate (i.e., on the waler side 01 the structure), the treated backfill technique (described above) can also be used to minimize olf- site movement of lermilicide. Prior to using this technique near wells or cisterns, consull slate, local or federal agencies for informallon regarding approved treatment pracOces In your area. Application Rate: Use a 0.06% emulsion for subterranean Termites. For olher pests on lhe label use specific listed rates Mixing Directions: Mix the termiticide use dilut~on in the lollo.wi~g man- ner: Fill tank 1/4 to 1/3 full. Start pump to begin bY-P!3ss agitation and place end of trealing tool in tank to aHow circulation through hose. Add appropriale amounl of ValueUne Bifenlhrin Te. Add remamingamoun! of watee Let pump run and allow recirculation through the hose for 2 to 3 minutes. ValueLine Bilenthrin TC may also be mixed into full tanks of water, bul requires substantial agilation to insureuniformity.of the emulsion. To prepare a 0.06% water emulsion, ready to use, dilute 3 quarts of ValueLine Bilenthrin TC with 99.25 gallons of water. Mixing: For the desired application rale, use the chart below to determine the amount of ValueLine Blfenthrin TC for a given volume of'finished emul- sion: Emulsion Concenlralion 0.06% Amount 01 Value Line Bllenthrin TC (Gallons except where noted) Amounl or Amounl VatueUne ofWaler Desired Gallons I cirFinishedEmulsion 0.12%' 10' 127 oz. 1 50' 4.9 5 100z. 9.9 10 25 oz. 24.8 25 1.5QI. 49.6 50 2.2Sqt. 74.4 75 3ql 99.25 100 4.5 ql. 148.8 150 6ql. 198.5 200 20' 126 oz. 1 100z 4.9 5 19.5 oz. 9.B 10 1.5ql. 24.6 25 3ql. 49.2 50 4.5q\. 13.8 7S 6ql 98.5 100 9ql 147.7 1S0 3 197 200 Common units of measure: 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces (oz.) 1 quart = 2 pints = 4 cups = 32 fluid ounces (Oz..) *ForTermlte applications, only use this rate in conjunction with the appli- cation volume adjustments as listed in the section below or in Ihe foam or underground service application,sections. Application Volume: To provide maximum control and protection against termite infestation apply the specified volume of the finished water emul- .sion and active ingredient as sel forth in the directiol}s for use section of this label. If soil will not accepllhe labeled application volume. the volume may be reduced provided there is a corresponding increase in concentra- tion so that the amount of active ingredient app1i~d 10 the soil remains the same. Note: Large reduclions of application volume reduce the ability to obtain a continuous barrier. Variance is allowed when volume and cDncentratlon are consislenl with I<lbel directed rates and a conlinuous barrier can still be achieved. Where desirable lor pre and post construction trealments, the volume of the 0.12% emulsion may be reduced by V, the labeled volume. See Volume Adju~lment Chart below. Note: When volume is reduced, the hole spacing for subslab injeclion and soil roddlng may require similar adjustment 10 account for lower volume dispersal Df the lermiticide in the soil. Volume Adiustment Chart Rate (% emulsion} 0.06% I 0.12% I I 05 I 1.0 gal ons I~~~ 0 ill [E Volume allowed Horizonlal (gallons emulsi6n/10 H2) Vertical (ga\1ons emulsion/10 lin. fl.) 4.0 gallons After Treatment: All holes in commonly oc! ml . d areas into which ValueLine Bifenthrin TC has been applied mus r lugged. Plugs must be of a non-cellulose malerial or covered byan rvious. non.cellulose male;;aL ~y ~rJ..q-Ol Pre-Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment Pre-Construction Trcatm~~t: Do not apply at a lower dosage and/or concentration than speclhed on thIS label for applications prior to the installation of the finished grade. Whe~ t~eati~g foundations d?cper Ihan 4 feet, apply the termilicide as the backfill IS being replaced, or If the construction contractor falls to notify the applicator to permilthis, treat the foundation to a minimum depth of 4 feet ~fter the backfill has been installed. The applicator must trench and rod IOta the trench or trench along the foundatIOn walls and around pillars and other loundalion elements, at the rate prescribed from grade to a mini- mum depth of 4 feet: W~en the top of the footing is exposed, Ihe applica- to( musllreal lhe 5011 adjacenlto lhe footing to a depth not 10 exceed the bollom of the ~ooting. However. in no case should a structure be treated below the footing. Eflecli.ve pre-construct~on sublerranea~ Termile cont~o.1 is achieved by the eSla~llshmenl, of verllcal and/or hon~onlal msectlcldal barriers using 0.06'yn' emulSion of Valuelme Btrent~rm Te. To meet Termite proofing reqUlremenls, follow tlie procedures In lhe latesl edition of the Housing and Urban Development Minimum Property Standards _ Horizontal Barriers Create a hor.iz.ontal barrier wherever treated soil will be covered by a slab, such as foolmg trenches, slab floors, carports, and the soil beneath stairs and crawl spaces. Fo.r a 0.06% rate app~y 1 g~lJon ~f dilution per 10 square feeL, or use 1 OUld ounce of ValueLme Blfenthnn TC per 10 square feel in sufficient water (no less than 1/2 gallon or more than 2 gallons) to provide thor- ough and continuous coverage of the area being treated. If the.fill'is washed gr~v~1 or other coarse material, it is important that a suffiCient amount'of dilution be used to reach the soil substrate beneath the coarse fill. Applications shall be made by a low pressure spray (less than 50 p.s.l.) usmg a coarse spray nozz.ie. If slab will not be poured the same day as treatment,. cover.tr~ated soil wlth.a :^,ater-pr~of barrier such as polyethyl- ene sheeting. ThiS IS nol necessary If foundahon walls have been inslalled around the treated soil. Vertical Barriers Vertical barriers must be established In areas such as around the base of foundations, plumbing, utility entrances, back-filled soil against foundation walls and other critical areas. For a 0.06% ~ate, apply 4 gallons. of di~uUon I?er 10 linear feet per foot of depth or 4 flwd ounces of Valuelrne Blfenthnn TC 10 linear feet per foot of depth from grade to top of footing in sufficient water (not less than 2 gallons or more than B gallons) to ensure complete coverage. a ~hen trenching and rodding into the trench, Of trenching, it is impor- tant that emulsion reaches the top of the footing. Rod holes must be spaced so as to achieve a continuous termiticide barrier, but In no case more than 12 Inches apart. b. Care should be taken to avoid soil wash-out around the fooling. c. Trenches need not be wider than 6 inches. Emulsion should be mixed with the soil as it is being replaced in the trench. d. For a monolithic slab, an inside vertical barrier may not be required. Holl.ow block voids maybe treated at a rate of 2 gaflons of emulsion per 10 linear feet so Ihat the emulsion will reach the top of the footing. Prior to each application. applicators must notify the general contractor cons.t~u.ction superj.ntenden~, or similar responsible party, of the intended termlllcj~e application an9 Inlended sttes of application and instruct the responsible person to notify construction workers and other individuals to leave the area to be treated during application and until the termllicide is absorbed Into the soil. Post Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment ':lse a ~.06o/~ 8":lulsion for post-construclion treatment Post-construc- ~.on SOil applications shall. be made by injection, trenching and rodding Into th~ trench or. trenching, or coarse Ian spray with pressures not exceeding 25 p.s.l. at Ihe nozzle. Care should be laken 10 avoid soil wash-oul around Ihe footing. 00 not apply emulsion unlil location of wells radianl heal pipes waler and .sewer lines and electrical conduits ~re known and ide~lified. Cauhon must be laken to avoid puncturing and injection into these elements. ~u~dations: For applications made after the final grade is installed, the . pllcator musltrench and rod inlo tile Irench or trench along the founda- ::tl"O w~lIs and around pillars and other foundation elements, althe rate :w.escnbed from grade to the lop of the fOOling. When the footing is. more lll~Fn four (4) feet below grade, the applicator must trench and rod into the i!r;ynch or trench along the foundation waifs al the rate prescribed 10 a min- '~liOum dep.lh of fOUf feet. The actual ~eplh or t(eal~ent will vary depend. ~r g on SOil type. degree of compaction, and locntlon of termite activity. Page 3 Wlll:ll' Hlt.l lOp of thp' fnnting is ~rvu!;L:(I. the a.P/)Iir:Rtnr mu~L li'(;[l( {tle ~nll edJI-lc3nl tu 11,(1 looling 10 B dsplh !Ill! 11.' ll/(:l~,.~r lhp. hottom.olltll:, fO()liI1Q HOWAVIU, ill IIU (;,;I~0 should FI fltrlJc:!ure bl:lfo~tcd below thH luutll"lQ. Slabs Vur1iGCJI bmders mAl' he B3luuli::.ht::cJ by ::>UbuRI:ih injectioll within thp. .stwcture Bnd IrHi'lching 911(1 redding into thl-! [I !inch or Irem:hin!llllJhilde ~L tlw (;:Itc of Co gAllnm: of wmulslon per 1 (1 ljnf"l~r rH~t pElr foot of dp.r1h. ~rf!r:iFll C:Are HIU::;! bf:l tnkflfl tn c1islriuull,l 1I11:i Iri::ldtrnClI1! p.vp.nly. '1'rl;ltllrnon! should nol extend t!l:clluw IhL,l bottom of the footipQ. TrOcil ;:I!ong the (')lilsldA ullhc foundation 8nd whafl1 nocessary h""I'I-mlh the f'.IAb 1)11 the insictA of fnllfldaliull wiJlf:;. TrE:fllrnAnt mCJY LlI~o bt" r8qull~cI uQIlA'''llh tt1f~ RlfI!) HlonQ bolh sides of iniArior foOtIr1Q-SUPPClrtBd walls, one Rlda of inlerior pArtiliomi ~nd alon{.j all cracks and Hx~<)nsion juill(:J:, Horl~(JI1II'lJ hArriOfli m<lY UCl ee.tElbllshEld whRre rI(Jcv::o::;ary hy IOrl!l' roddino or o'y yricJ pf1l1ern inier::tfon v~H(ic;'l/ly lhlough the sJAI,1. fl. Drill tlolGS In the slab arid/or (nund~llon to allow for Ifn-l <=Jpplicnlion of (\ conlinl J()US Insoclicldal b.:'lrrier D For shJ;lllol'J foundations (1 fOClI or tl-ll-;;;) ui~ i:J nail-ow lr!;\nr.h ap~rox. imatp.ly (:I !J IC!lC'} wide ~lnnrJ IhH OIJ[f;lda of Uw founcii:llkm wtills. Do 1101 dig below nl~ bolLam of the fooling. Thl-l Hmulslon should t,m .:'lpplie(j 1() ilK, trench and goil i-II f1 I-IHlIum,; of emulsion pAr 10 lir1u~11 II-lAI (l~r foot of depth /J" 011-1 8011 Is rapk\ced in the Imlldl. !: f:or(oundGtione rlf1~pRr tli<=Jn 1 foot follow rate!> lor basoment. d. E):.po~Gd soil and WQod in b:Jlh tr<)p~ may be trElH1Hd with <:l. 0:06'% emulsion. ~85emp.nts Wh~r!,l IhbO IDalina i.<; Wf>RtRr th;-m 1 fool of depth from yr/::lui:J to Ihe bot- tom of the fClundi-llion, application mllsl he rnadH by trenching ~nrl rod- rjino Into It)!:I trench, or trenchinq.l:lllllu r~lLv of 4 (It'lIlClrU; of smubilul) per "IU 111\8ar' toot per inol 01 dHplh. Wilen the footer i>i mora than four tf:'81 below grallH, the <)pplicator may trAnch l:Hld todintcl the trenr.h, O( Ironell <.tlUll~ r0l111dallofl wall::; at the; r~'le prescribed for tour ([:jel of d(,'plh, Rnd holc:::;n1l1st M l:Ip.u.:~d 10 provide B. cQnlimJOus insucticid<ll barrier, bul in nCl r:a~a mor<.; th"m 1? incheli aparl. The actual naplh (Jf ll'f:ltJUllent will V<.1IY dependinR on :>olllypc. dcgr~e of compficliufl. ancllOC:;ltion of lE-r- mi\~ ar,livill,'_ I-lowever. in no C/JSf:! should ~ structure bi;! IrHHtBd bolow Ihe fool8L Sub-slfll) inj~t.;U(Jn Jl1DY be neCE!3!3arY f1l()n~:l:Ij)o Inside of fOUT1- dation w~lll:l, along cracke ond p",rtitiol1 Wl::Ilto, around pipe;:, corJ(Julls. pif:!rK. imd along both sides 01 inlArlor fooUng,-supportl':ld w~lIs. At:cessil>le Crawl Spnca-ls~ For crawl spaces, flPply verllcal tcrmiticir1p, hi'lrrifjr.<; <II lhC rme of 4 I]flllom-i cr enll1lston perl U linARr fal:ll ~t:! fvOI of cl0plt-. from greda lo Ul(\ 'Op (1f fhp. mating. or il lhu fuotin~ ismnrp. nwn 4 fOCl below gmdF.!, tn a minimum depth (If 4 fRel. AIJ~fy by trenching and ruLldil'lJ Illlv lil€~ Imnch. or trenching. Treal both !lines of loul1d.:1tlon rlnn 1;!rQ\m(i All pim:; ~nd pipes. WhN~ physici:ll oustruclfom:. ~llch Bo cuncrele walt.;waye- FHliac~nl 10 foundation alRmsrllS provonl Irenchin9, Im<Jtmenl rll;)Y lH:: ma(l~ bv radding olonl.::_ When ~(111 type and/or c(ll',cl!ll(ln~ make trllrld,ing I-'rohlbf1ive, ror1rlinn tni.ly lie: used. When thA lop o( lhr.: footing is exrQ!ll'!d, IhR dPplicator mug1 treRI Ihl':l soil <ldJacem 10 thE:! faolin\:! Lu (1 (l0ft1h pot to exceeLilhu bollom i)f thi'! fnoting. RBi:id and follow tl1e mixing i'lrl<J uo;u dlrccUon section of Illl:l l<Juol If sltu3tions ara Hm:ounLcrcd where IhR soil will not accept the full ElppliG"lUUll VUIUIIlt:, 1. j{u!J J'ivlc:~, ann trenchOli rnu~l nul exlen(1 bAIClW tho bottom of the foot- ing 2. Rod holes mll~l h~ !ipcH:lOid So ::l~ to 3Ghievp R cunllnuous iermitic.idp biHri~r !Julin no C:1;l!;le more thall '12 Inches apart. 3. Trenr.hf!~ mo"l b", <) minimum of (i inr:h!;;!'; d~H:lP 01'10 me Donorn nf Illl:l iouliny. wlilch(>ver i!': less. snd (ll,J(,J() 1101 he wJrlm thRn (; irH:huG. When IrAnchir1!-1 ill ::;Ioping (lierect) flail. lh~) lfl.:l!1cll musl be stf!npAO (U ontiurc :ocl>:'Il\lflIf' dislrlDullon iJncI to nrevp.nl hmTlilit.:iul: I/Urn running aff. Tho (;ll'lu!slon !nllS! DfI mi)(scJ with the soil as It i:-. rppli-lc8d ill the trench. 4. When trPRting pfOlllllll!l OrCf(lwt !1J1:>t:!'!l"lurfl (Af tho aircirculRliorl dY:';- Will of the !':trudur{; until 3ppliG1i'Ilion hA~ uaan completed ,<jncj !ill 18r- IIlitidUI;: Ikl~ hARn F.!bsorbcd uy 111(' ::Ollll. IIl\'lCC~!;o::;ible Crawl Sp~ccs.; r-(lr in:3ccesgibll:' inl8rlor ('Ir~."~, !':IJcli I::I~ drt:;J~' wl1cro therp.:if> im:;uflit.:it:nl clcm~mce bel\vF!p.rl tlour iolst~ and grC\\Jnr1 .Wr1.=1C81i [u i::I110W oper.:'ltor 8~r.~:'I", f:I'lCQviJtc If possIble, fHlrl trBClI i:l(;(;ur!J. h~Q to the in!>lructioll~ for iKC-c:..,.<;ihlf' r.ri~w[ 5f1HCl:!:i. OUler.vise, l-lpply onf:l or <.J wn\Ldn<lllon of tile fOllowitly lwO I11cthod~" "I. To e~j3hli_5h H horlzonlLlI tmrrier, apr1y tu llla ::;011 sUI1"ce. 1 gAllon uf crllul~iurl per 10 ~qlJare fGol UVtlr'i3U usll1(1 fl nli7..zJo pr(;:,;~urt: of I,:~!': thRn;1:, p_~.!. oncJ "COflr<;;e '1f1f1lici:l.IIOII fIOLLI!) (e.g.. DelflvAn Typ(: h~[J Ra.indroD, RD-7 or l<:lrgcr. or :::,pr03yin~ Sy1:itelll:> Co. 8010l..P n~eJ8l or I.:OrtllJ;"lI,1(11"! nozzle). FUI ClIl <11(:<.111-1<'11 '(::'!nnot be reaclu:ll! wlth 111(> "f1f1li. L:Hliull V...ilIlU, use one or morl::l o)([on:;lon rods to n1Akfl HIt:1 <:1ppIIC~llion 10 111E! :iuil. Uo not broadc:ssl or pUWC((;pray ..11111 hlghRr prao::;uw:;. ~. :0 est3bli'lh A hori.:::Or"II<)1 bnrrlerl (trill 1hrouyh l!u.; fuulld,,-UOI1 w.:<ll or through thEl floor above an(1lreul the ~otl perimeter at 8 rfll!-l ul1 g<llfon of ernlJlRioll pOr" 10 square feel. Drill "pi::ldny must be Jt intf!rvHI:i (loll0 t:'-:l;IJIJU 16 jnches Ma.ny 3Iill~& !l\;\ve ~tl)~1!er lntarvlll:. j~cm'n 0 \1f1. myultlllOII:i which may RDl1ly n \.!1 Whel1 rreatlnn (lIFHlunlo; iur<l crawl spac"",, tlJrn of[ lilt> <.II c1J l ~ 10 y- lcm of the stflHilurt:l unlll <lppllc':H1on hfl~ h!'!~n complutc II :JIIIP-rrrllfl- 0"",' ~'lq/Dl ~.L....__ .x81\.xas , X"e.~ 01>0/81 3DVd WV n~:~~ ~ Inn7/~T/~ T:Cl" T:Clro V-n, ciue tl<.l:'; UUI.:II <llJ:i';fl;uu uy lilt.: suit. Masonry Void::;-;, Drill'nnd Ircat void:; il1 n1111l11W~ 1-"':ISUIIlY lllf:JfflHfll}; nf rt10 ~trucll)re A1<:lfmdln~ fro.fTl(~p. RtrIJCIW~ (0 111(; ~()i! in IJrrlRr to r:re;~lte ~ C0rl~ IlnUnU~. lrA~tfllall.1 tJr/rrl~r H\ .Ihl'! Rrp.R to be lu;alud. Apply FIt the r(lle of ~ !J~Uon~ (If ~llllJl!lICln pP.! 10 hnr'RI" k~f)l ul louling. uain9 ::l 1)(1;'7Ir' prl""" 01 lesr. tll.:'ln ?5 r,~.1. When uzin~1 IlIl~ lrf;li::ltrnAnt, Rr:.r.i;>ZC i~olc; tlltJ;I-~;~ ~rured t?eIOW-'~P. !",W pJFlle C;nO SI10uld Do <:I:'; cl()~t': FIR pOSSll)lc to 111(; fuol- In[J fl:-i In pri::lt;ltl:iJL !fuLllrmHlI ul voirh In hlnr:y; or' W[)ljt(l Jounda!ion w,1.lIr. mlJf;1 uw c:lOb"0ly u)(.~lrlln!-:ltl: Applir:Hlor~ must In~pl:(;1 <m'las of )1l;Ln.iIJlc ~~lnoff fI~, A prflcFllltlCln Rgflll1!'!1 Fl:ppll(;~\iUf\ 1t:<IK<J1=l1l in thl': lrr,t1k(1 ~1It:<.W. .:>uIHC: orc.::!!: may nOI be IrC:Oloblr.: 01' tni-lY rp.Clllire rncr.h81)\t;<i1 81!<lfiltinn prior 10 Iru81ll1CnL. AJllcflk.S reRultin(l in thl'! deposition of lonniticirlf! in-Inc::rlion'.:; olhcllIl<Jfl thol:l~ plE:l::;r.rll)or} (In Ibl;; 1~1r)f:j1 /nllal be cIAflnr'(1 up I)rlur to Isavinl=! th0 l'IPphc;jhun :.>1\0. Uu IIU[ alluw I-ll::l~fllp. or pet.s lu conti:J(;! contamin....!cd ,IUARF. or .lD reucGup)' Ihff r:ontRmlrnliecl mo;)~ o( thp. lml1r:{l!f~ unlll lIle: clem~.up I~ r.nmf)lE'lte0. Note: WhAll IrO:ldlln!.-j clp.t)inri v~nl:\er care sbuuld bp. tRIo:!;ln no! tCI dr!1I uuyoml the v!:'nf:ler. 1/ cancrot€: blocb iHP. t,mhlnd the V01l8Q( !::JcJlh lilP. blor::kR_Rnd thf! VAnAAr mRY hI" drilled "lfle.! lruate-d al thl': ~fll"(le' tilllt:. . No! far USE! ir; void:,; insula led wilh rigicl foam Ill::iU(iJtior\. EXCCiV<llion Tt:lctmiqu9: If traalmenl mlJr.t hI') ll);:JdL.: in difficult 3i!t)Flri(lI'1~, /llonQ fi~lrlHt~np. or rlll1l1l~ WRIlS, ~Ion(l faulty'fuUII(l!llion WJ:'IUS, roM around IJlpcs and ~HIII~y lines WhlCll lea.o dowrlWi-Ird lrom the structure LO <.J WfJll fir pond. ClPI-l!Jt;o,l,l!OII may ba made in the folJowjnq IlIdllflar: u. 'i'mflcll <.md I:cmovc sat( 10 bQ trafltp.ri onlo h~;lVY pl~\;Llt,; bheeting or iii/nIJar m<llcn~l. b. Treat tt1s 6i:]il <II Ih8 r<llf! of >1, gl;lllon~ of CmuJ:;;lon pAr 1 {1 JinRl'lr fect pCI fnnt of depth of lhe trAnch. MIX {h(~ Clllul:.;ionlharoufjhly infr) IllB willClk- In!:! CDrc 10 prevent Hqulu irani rlJrminq off the Iincl'. c, After lhl": treRted Bail hF.l~. an!;lorbed the Ilquld IilrlllllsiQn, replace Ihe soU In fhe Trench Attention: Wherl applying VElltreUn€.: t3lfQntt)rin T(: in a confined ~fL~i-:l the l1':il;lr 1.;t~OlJld w~dr ~Hlv€:!nled QQQgJes ancJ Cl I'HSpirt,l!nr Rpflmvl":(1 h~; NIOSH dunng,appilc8tlon. Foam Applications VAlueLinR Bil!-lnLhril\ TC a~llJh:;i(ln. from 0.0610 O.1L % mAy be COI1VCI1- tJd to '-1 foam wllh e)(pan~lon chori:.w!t)flaticR from 2 to 40 lirfil.::i. Localizod Application roam ^pplici1tioos: The emulsion may bl::l C-Clfl'l~rter:l to u fODnl CillcJ th8 rO~'lIl1,LISOcl 11) contrl)1 or proven! t"rmite inhH:1:1ti(ln~. DFlpp.nr1irlq on.lhp. r:!rc:u.m!l.IFlnr.l":!'. ~I)Jrn ~P!Jllt;~!iom: mRY r;~ lIf.(\(J al0119 or.rncClmbln1i'l\lnn WIth liqUId emu!slon apphG~lilln~. Application:::; nl8y /)8 ~f\ilck; b(:1I11"IcJ veneers. plcrs. (;hl\ll1l~Y h8~F.!S, into rubblc h)UIl(J8Lio!lS Into ul~lfj{ \laid::; or sllueLur<l1 vaids,Yl!der s(<lb5. l>ltHlPIi. p<:m::he_o:;. 01' 10 th~ fiOllln {~rdwlspac~:>, i'lnd nlher glnlllm voId,>. ,FDam .and !iQuid applic~lioll n1u:::;1 b!:! c:om~i~tenl with VOlUITlf.! i-Iml Fl(:tivp IngrarlrBnt InRtructlone; In ordt;lr to Im:;~(t: ptuper Applic.31ioli has Ut:;tlf.1 made. The volume and amount of CJCllv~ Ingredient arc OSSGltlliRI III i-1n affl,jctlv€l 1rGl<l~Qnt. At l"a.lOt 75~ or Ihe !C'loelod liqUId 8ftl(jl~iorl volull1f: of rrnrtl.Jr':J mll::;1 hfJ .Arplll:~rl, With ~hG: ft:Jnli<l.lning pl'!rr:p.l1t d~livoJ'od Ie> opproprl"\~arel'l~ uSing foam apphcatlofl. R.efer to lol1el ond usa 1"~(:- UrTlIIH:JIlUi:lhul1:.; of tht: r0<.1111 f1li::lflufHc:lurer cmd tho IOal1ling f:lqLJirm<:>nt mclnlJfAclllr~r. . . r-uCI.rrl. 2.ppllcations ::l1'C QOllomlly i-l ~oon supplemon{ t(l IJquid InMtrTlfm\s II.... lllflll;u!ll::lri::la::o, bul may UH lJ~e{1 fllone in dlf11cult spntR. Application l.~nderSrabs or to ~oil In Cr;>wlspaces to Prcvont Dr r.nntml Tp-rmlles Applj~ati~n may b~ n~3.d(; using V<JhJaLiop. Aifr;-nthrll1 TC fomrl .:JIcJII~ Of' in GOfII.blrlHLIUII Willi 11l-lUlth-llIIlJI~irlll. The equlvalont of <-I! Il-!Hfll 4 gflllon=: (4 DUIl.t.;Q!:i of VJ.lucLh,lC [JlrOIl~flrul TC l:mlr.p.ntr:1te) of 0.06% ~rllulo;iorl per 1~ lInp./J.r f~P.! (:rHr~I~:Hll~l:Uflerl' or a: le~st 'J ,9i:lllul1 (1 ounce of ValueLirlu Glfanthnn ~c cOIH;t:'nLriJlc) ~ u.~r,:X.P.n1lJI"'IOn pt:I' 10 :;4ui:lrt:l r~otl \hrlfi. ~Clntal barnerl mu~t be RppltedultJ IfH EoJ" I:!rrH.1lsI0n, foam. or 2. com lilli-l- It(H1 Dr h~lllt. r:or Cl foam IHlly Applic3lion, apply V!:Ihl/;!Line Bifenthrin TC C0f1Cenl13le Insufficfent foanl conc;anlrntion ,Ann fO<lrn y'UIUlIIfJ Iu u~fJ<Jsit 4 .ounC".e~. (If r.:ancp.n!r~le per 1p lineD I ro~t UI 1 (lUnce of conccmrdto p'Br 1u sQuaro feet. For. example,:.:! !-.jMIl(ms of 0.12% Qmul~h)flllf-!rll-!rflle{1 Cl3 (o[\m to cov~,r 10 hne~r .feet fG uqu;J1 !o thFl RppliGaHon of 4 9iJlluf1:'; of 0.00% emlJI-:;lon pf;ir 10 lineRr feet. .Sand Barrier Installation and Treutmem I erm~t~.s Gan bUild ~11I(i lube3 over lrC:~lad slJrll;tl.~~e as long <:IS lhoy hfJvH .A.r:;:eso 1.0 unl:~l:lI.~L.1 soU 1::I!ld do not havo 10 tnovu IJaIIJALin(: F;ifr,nlhI1n ! c: treated SOfl. Fill In cracks 3nd Spa(':filj with bllilder's or play box Si-:lrul flP(j LrA<:l{ 1I1Q .sand wltll V<lluFlLine Aifcntl1f1n re. Till;! I';Hnd shnllld be Lr~atCJd .as SOil following t110 19rtnilil:irlp. r:'1tp. li~tl)d on 'lh~ Va'I~~Linf! e.:f~ttn Tr.; l(-lhHI. ~ll ;'}trtlont for su~\ermnC:<ln telmll~n CAn only be porfurrnudil Hll::Ir~ i"l ,[lOa ffcn~c of rl.:lIlfC51ullO~ or dlRrlJpjl(ln of lllc UiJrri03r dUfl leI ri:1r1,<,trlJC- lion, I f:l\'~llor.l. o.r 1<Jllt.hit:?ptn~ Rf'ldfor evidence vI (he hrJ':~kdown of 11"1(.' !errT I. po hRmAr 111 Ills FoOl\. The$~ VUlrlcf':I!:Ilu ur r8infp.~ted <:Irc~.:; Il1Jy bu J retreated in accordance wllh application techniques described in this product's labeling. The timing and lype of these relreatments will vary depending on factors such as termite pressure. soillypes, soil conditions and other factors which may reduce the effectiveness of the barrier. Annual retreatment of the structure is prohibited unless there is clear evidence that reinfestation or barrier disruption has occurred. APPLICATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE USE OF FIRSTLlNE< TERMITE BAITS As pan of.the integrated pest management (IPM) program lor termite con. tro1. ValueLine Bifenthrin TC may be applied to critical areas of the struc- ture including plumbing and,utility entry sites, bath traps. expansion joints, loundation cracks and areas with known or suspected infestations at a rate of 0.06% as a spol treatment or complete barrier treatment. Applicatlons may be made as described in the Postconstrucllon treatment sectlon of this label. Specific Pest Control Applications Underground Services such as: wires, cables, utility lines, pipes, con- duits, etc._ Services may be wilhin structures or located outside struc- tures, in rlgh!-of-ways or to prolecllong range (miles) of installations of services. Soil treatmenl may be made using 0.06 to'0.12% ValueUne Bifenthrin TC emulsion to prevent attack by Termites and Ants. Apply 2 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feet to the bollom of the trench and allow to soak intolhe soil. Lay services on the treated soli and cover with approximately 2 inches of f~1 soil. Apply another 2 gallons per 10 lin- ear feet over the soli surface to complete the treatment barrier. In wide trenches, only treat the soli in the area near the services. It is important to establish a continuous barrier of treated soli surrounding the services. Where soil will not accept the above labeled volume, 1 gallon of 0.12% VatueLine Bifenthrin TC may be used per 10 linear feel of trench both to Ihe bottom of the trench and over the soil on top of the services. Finish filling the trench with treated fill soil. The soil where each service protrudes from the ground may be treated by trenching/rodding of no more than 1 to 2 gallons of emulsion into the soil. Precautions: Do not treal electrically active underground services, Posts, Poles, and Other Constructions Create an insecticidal barrier in the soil around wooden constructions such as signs, fences and landscape ornamentation by applying a 0.06% emulsion. Previously installed poles and posts may be treated by sub-surface injection or treated by gravity-flow through holes made from the bottom of a trench around the pole or post. Trea! on all sides to create a con- tinuous Insecticidal barrier around the pole. Use 1 gallon of emulsion per foot of depth for pOles and posts less than six inches in diameter. For larger poles, use 1.5 gallons of emulsion per foot of depth_ Apply to a depth of 6 inches below the bottom of the wood. For larger construc- tions, use 4 gallons per 10 linear feet per foot of depth. Treatment of Wood-in. Place for Control of Wood~lnfesting Insects: (Localized Areas in Structure) For the control of insects such as Termites, Ants, Carpenter Ants. and wood.inlesting beetles such as Old House Borer and Powder Post in localized areas of infested wood in and around structures, apply a 0.06% emulsion to voids and galleries in damaged wood and in spaces between wooden members of a structure and between wood and foundations where wood is vulnerable, Pain! on or fan spray applications may also be used. Plastic sheeting must. be placed immediately below overhead areas that are spot treated except for soil suriaces in crawl spaces. Applica/ion may be made to inacces- sible areas by drilling, and then injecting emulsion with a crack and crevice injector into the damaged wood or void spaces. ThiS type of application is not inlended to be a subslitute for soil trealment, mechan- ical alteration or fumigation to control extensive infestation of wood- infesting insects. Termite carton nesls iri trees or building voids may be injected with 0.06% emulsion. MuUiple injection poinLs to varying depths may be nec- essary. It is desirable to physically remove carton nest material from building voids when such nests are found. Control of Bees and Wasps Indoors: To control Bees, Wasp, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets apply a 0.06% emulsion. Application should be made in the la(e evening when insects are al rest. Spray liberally into hiding and breeding places. especially under allic rallers, contacting as many insects as possible. Retreatment may be necessary to achieve and/or maintain control dui'ing periods of high pest pressure. Repeat applicalionis necessary only if Ihere are signs of renewed insect activi- Ly. Important:.oo nol apply emulsion unlillocalion of heat pipes, ducts, water and sewer lines and electrical conduits are known and identified. Caution musl be taken to avoid puncturing and injection into these struc. tural elements. Do not apply inlo electrical fixtures. switches, or sockets. In lhe home, all food processing sunaces and utensils in the treatment area should be covered during treatment or thoroughly washed before re-use. Remove pets. birds. and cover aquariums before spraying. Do not permit humans or pets 10 conlacttrealed 5urfaces untillhe spray has dried. During any overhead applii::at.ions \0 .overhe~d interior areas of struc- tures, cover surfaces below wl(h plastIC sheetmg or similar materials. Wearprolective clothing. unve~ted goggles, gloves and respirator, when applYing to overhead.areas or In poorly ventilated areas. Avoid touching sprayed surfaces untrl spray has completely dried. Broadcast Treatment of Wood for the Control of Wood.infestin Insects and Nuisance Pests Outside of Structure g Apply. a 0,06% emulsion wllh a fan .spray using a maximum pressure 01 25 pSI. Treatment should be made Just to the point a/run-off. To control woo~.infesting ins~cts .act!ve inside trees, utility poles and/or fence posts, dnll 10 find the Intenor Infested cavity and inject a 0.06% ~mulslOn. T? control ~ees, Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow-Jackets, apply In late evening whe~ Insects are at re~t. Aim .spray at nesl openings in gro~nd, bushes a0d In cracks and ~revlces whIch may harbor nests, sat. . uratlng nes! openings and contactmg as many insects as possible, Pests Under Slabs ~nfest~.tions of Arthropods, such as Anfs, Cockroaches and Scorpions mh?-bltmg und~rslab area m~y b.e controlled by drilling and injecting or h.orJzontal roddlng and then lnJecllng 1 gallon of a 0.06% to 0.12% emul. slon per 10 square-feet or 2 gallons of emulsion per 10 linear feel. F~~mula for Det~rmining the Ac~ive Ingredient Content or the Fl.ncshed Spray Mlx~ur~: The .followlng formula may be used to deter- mine t~e pe~cent ~ctrve Ingredient thaI is in the spray tank after mixing ValueLme Bllenthnn Te: n.9)fFl. Oz. of VaheUne added IOlankl (Gaiions 01 linished spray mix){12sj ;. Perca~l Activa Ingredienl of spray mix General Application Instructions ValueLine Bif.enthrin TC formulatio~ mixes readily with water and other aqueous carners~ and controls a Wide spectrum of insects and miles on ~re~s, ~hrubs, fOIl~ge pl~nts, non-bearing fruit and nut Irees, and flowers In mteflorscapes mcludlng hotels, shopping m8;lIs. office buildings, etc., ~nd.' o.utdoor plantscapes, s~ch as around reSidential dwellings, parks, InstltutlOn.al bUildings, recreatl~nal areas, athletic fields and home lawns. Non.be~f1ng crops are p~rennl~l crops that will not prOduce a harvestable raw agricultural commodity dUring the season of application. Yal~eLine Bifenthrin TC may be tank-mixed with other pesticides, includ. Ing Insect gro'Nth regulators. When tank mixing ValueLine Bifenthrin TC with other pesticides, observe.aU precauti~r:'~ and limItations on each sep- arate. productla~el. The physical compallblhty 01 Vafueline Blfenthrln TC may .,,:ary with dlffere~l source~ of pesticide products, and local cultural practices. Any lank modure which has nol been previously tested should ~e prep<!red .o~ a small scale (pint or quart jar), using the proper propor- tl~ns of pestiCIdes and water to ensure the physical compatibility of the mixture. The following procedure is recommended for preparation of a new tank mix. unless specified otherwise in label ~ir~ctions: (1) Add wettable pow- ders to lank ~~ter, (2) Agitate, (3) Add liqUids and flowables, (4) Agitate, (5) f'odd emu!slhable ~ncen~rates. and (6) Agitate, If a mixture is found'to be 10~ompatl.ble rollowrng thiS order of addition, try reversing the order of addition, or Increase the volume of water. Nole: If the tank-mixture, is found 10 ~e compatible after increasing. the amount of water, then the sprayer Will n,eed to be recalfb~ated lor a higher volume application. Do not allow tank mix I? stand overnight. Resistance: Some insects are known to develop resislance to products used repeal?dly for control. Be~use the development of resistance can. no/ be predicted, the use of thiS product should conform to resistance management strategies established lor the USe area. Consult your local or state pest management authorities for details. If resistanc.e to U~js. product develops in your area, this product, or other products With a SImilar mode of actron~ may not provide adequate control. If poor performance .c.annot be. attnbuted to improper application or extreme v.:ealher .c~mdlllon.s, a reslstan! strain of insect' may be present. If you experience difficulty With control and suspectlhat resistance is a rea- sonable cause, immedi.ately consult your local company representative or pesl management adVISor for the best alternative method of control for your area. APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS LAWN: .Apply ValueLine Bifenthrin TC as a broadcast treatment. Use application volumes of up to 10 gallons per 1000 square feel 10 gel uni. form coverage when trealing dense grass foliage. ~O[ lo~ v,?l,-:me. applications. less ~han 2 gallonsl1000 square feet, Immediate Irrigation of treated area With at least 0.25 inches 01 waler fol- lowing a llJJ.icati.Q.fJ to enSlJre efficacy of sllb-surface pests such as but coL hmlLW 1!'emr~'rr 'n~d ' ___ __ j I 8/2q-Dl -j P,ge5 ~L_ LAWN APPLICATION RATES I ilL: Oppllc;:HiC1n rf-llu:o listed m trio f0110wlng lADlE>. v....ill providu (J;((;l;lIcn( con. (w! v' Ill\! n;f,pr!t;llv~ f.'~'.o;l'. lIndo. \y~,Ir;~1 r.Cli'lrllllnll<': Hnw~vRr, <.I{ Ha: dh:;. (:rt-llioll 01 LI'0 apnll(:tlLur, Villul,1UflC; Ulfulllhm, l"C fI1<lY he Applifld C11 UJ,J to 1 n. UL. 1..H.:l 10lln fiquarc foot to cordrol t:<.icll of lh~ pl;!!'It!l listod in thi:.; T~hlp.. The higt\lilr C11:.plicRtjof'l rAIAf> flhouln hp. LJsud wht::n maKiollH1' r~:,,;id- (lClI r.nnrrol iF; duslred, F'.::t':1 Apolication R031H Vi-lllleLlml 8lfcnlhrin TC 0.18. O.2G fluid In. pAr 1 (JOO sq. fL : Arl11yworrnb 1 iClIt\','lJfrT1S1 ! :"->0(1 Wr:-I:>wnrm' AnnuiJl DhJepl,q,Flfl WOOyjj (Hl'(lp.rnd~(;j (Adult)' BClllk.::GrHS!i Mite'; Bllluu!,1<i (AcI(JIt)~\ BIFId TlJdQr;)s~ ^1f!Aniw; (Mill I!)" C~rltip!)do.9 Chinr.h 8lJUs~' Crlckp.l!'! - EArI....ig!:; FIp.AS (AdlJI!) Grfl,:,,;\hnPJ1er~ lI-Jd[lIOp.Uor~ Ml,li:Jly[)ug:; Mlllipr"rlf~<: MIl(;~li PilJLJuyS Sowt)UQ<; u.~b O.f, fluid oz. per 100n !-iq. fl. ,. AnI.!> FIOOG (LSrvf!fl)~ lmponod Fire AntsU .I~n:m!'lBe Bal:lllo (^rlult) Mole Crickat (A{jull)~ MOlE> CricKet (Nymrtl)lr, Tk:k<:l1 0.5, 1.0 fluid oz. per 1000 sq, fl. In New Yorl< Stata, thi~ product m~y NOT hiP. app'!i8d Lo any grass or tun <Ire:) within 100 feet oj tl w.lter body (lake, pond, fiver, c;troml1, wetland, or drainage ditct1). In New York State, 00 mCil<e a single ropeat applic~tion of ~dlueLlne Bjf~l1thrill TC if tht>or~ d~ signs of r~ncwed .insf:7ct n(';tlv- Ity, but not smJtlorthan two weeks ..fter Hu!- first .i:lppllc8tlon. r.o1llmcnts 1p.rlllyworms, ~u.(Wl~rlllr. ;9nrJ S,ad Wp.bworms: To am;ur.c u.~,t1mum c:ontmL t1~I:Jy w31enno /Irrl,/:lll"'l) .~I" n'\(\WII1(j for 21'1 hours after ~DDIIt':.llitJn, II lhl! (J/::t!':!': ~m-'" i~ being mi:lIrll,li1)ol1 31 ., mowing heighl of grotltcr t\1<'i11 1 llll'.h, ll,e,n 1'1Igher fil->lJllcBllon ral()~ (Up 10 .11lula 02. per 1000 sqllRri' f6lst) rn~y'hI1 mqulr~d dUflllg pp.flods of high pa:.;l r"p.!':~lJrf:; ?l\l1nual Blu~gr<J:)~\ Wp.p.vil (Hyperodss) adulu;:Al-'PliC~I\I(ln!; $h('lIlO tlf: limfld 10 cuntrol adult w.;I8vil.. :,,; Ihf'.~' !~R\lP. their o'lerwlntermp 6illW illlll r(tOV(~lnl(, gr,"l!l~ ,1rP.,"I";. Thlg movemonl w~np.mlly bellins when FunylJliu i~ in rl,.lll t)k',(!11' ;'Il'In f;QI). c;ludaa when flow!;""!1 dogwood ({;ornus nondil) IS in full. bkXlll'l. C"n!::uit your ~,H.1Il': Cooperalive E>:lfl')!'.k1n SAlvice (or mora ::;peclfic ,nlurtl\o.\IIr.(1 r(~~lflrrling Arnll'~stion l\min~l, "OillbuQ adlllt'S: Apr\Iir.!lllnl1!': ~hould be made when wJlIft l)flllillU~; ,1(f"1 flr~t observed during AOr'11 .'Il1rl'MAY. Degree dBY modfJl:; ~li.lvl.lI,.f~(!fl (1'1VAlnpf1od, \0 opti- !olze appllcnhon ~ilniI19. COIle!!11 YOllr Slel& CO<:>j")..~..liw.. E~hlll"ju,\. t;Q~IC(' for l'1fO,,,,e!lon SIJU~lr,{: 1" your region. In lempGfi.ltu ru\)II)II:;, !"prlnrj aprllc:a.llons tar. getlng billull\1 ,..1,,11'; wlH 13016" provide c.onlrol of Qvo::r......inl"r.,{1 <;(';11CIo bUQS. 4Black TI1ffgr"~" AtAenius adults:AJJlJlit;illior1~ :;hl)~lliJ I.lf"! nlfll1f! durinQ May and .Iuly to contrlll \II" hrsl and;second ~Onllril\il)" or 111,,,.;10: hlrfgrA1'l!>:sl!lanius adufls, ra':>Doctl\'clv, TI',,! May apollcBti'Jn "!lI1lJhJ 1m linw.'d It, coincIdE- wlLrllhe full bloom stag8 of V<.lIIlll'lllll" spiraea (Spil~("i.I ViJll!IOUllci) ,In(1 I'\or!l,e ~he!lt~ul (AfI:i(;ulu:; IIIPl-'l't:,':,l,~,,"jll( TI)e Juiy apphc.i"II(.m ~hCl"ltr 1I.~ (Irn~(11" ooll1clde With the bloom. Ing 01 Ro:>a (II ~,ll:'lfOn (H;I..)/.";{."u~' ~:I'!{iJC;t1'.i). ~Chint;,!l Bug::; ChirlCt", B-ugo- infu:;l !I,,: I),"":, (II W.1!,;~, f\lllnlr. and efeo1l.en kllllld in 11"16 t,l~lch liIYl~'. IirlQl!!tl?n ot th(> lJrfll'li ..r....1 h..fllrll IfN,Une1l1 wlfl optimize thE.> pane:rtltlUII u! UII' In~flc1lclde to Ihl:l <lIl>;1 Wllllfl' 1l1(' ~hlnr:11 bug!'. lHe located. Ul>O nigher ....'JllIl!11; ;ljI)llj(~"lIon!> If lhe lh3tch lilyor is I::xr;IJ~"iv," (II II l'l (..Islively long n1O\llln9 height I~ 1)f'lnq nHlinlained. qhilldl Dll\l:'; 1;,111 I.,,', on!': nf l1H~ mO~1 difficult peSt::; lu (;urllrolln grasBes and 1111; 1i1~11""1 o.IIJ1'111,:;,tUJII ",I..,; (Up Lo 1 flUid ,oz.. per 1(ID(i SQUBre IUl.lt] In:>.'y bl':raquired to cunlrol IJLlp(oIiJIk:"I!; (1).'\1 contsm both I'ymph;; Hill.! i'll',IIl!; r1lJfII1g 1he middle uf lilt: :;wnloc=r. " frvlill:J:;: Tr.' "'I;;IIW "pllina! control of Drior:>hvj(i m~c"l "l'l'ly in cU"'IIJlI',8tion with lho IlIbeled ,ltIr.'lil;alloll rille of a surfacl,llll. ^ ~;(~(:()II(1 ;~'flr,hr;fltlOIl, jiVE! 10 saven <.Jl:ly:,; a(II:H 111'-' ril-';I,nl:>'y tie nBces:;,.\Iy lu i.ldli<tv~ ;1',:I,:"pl..I,It-: 1.-u111h)1. 'FIQ,1 I.-HVOtI': Frl';' laNse dEl\'sl0r> in ItH~ suil ,II ,:I".,d'.'IJ .:rre3S Ihat are RCC'96aibl", Ie> pob '-'I (,II,~r ;,nimals. US!) i.1 Ili\lll~l' Vf/l\llllr, F1r>rlir.Rtion when (rsi.1ting Itlt,:;o .',,',1" I.., """ule panOI1;:l,U.-,n nr Ih.. illtl,,:CliClrJt.' 1111" file .3011. Nota: ifth0 lilwf\ :HI:;, is Ol:lim; Ii ,~:.,tp.:1 with ValuaUnu 8ih.:lltl)i"II) 1(; ~.l n.~~, flUId oz. per 1000 sqll<lrtl loul 101 ,\rldllllp.1\ connol, tll';ll llil! l,llv>;11 l1ppllc,;,lloniAte.- mey be E1c.hioycd by in~:Ir::,"'. ing Ill" <.I~II.oIi,;;,1l10n volume two- tu IUII(.t6i(l, "irrlpurlN.l F'lre Ants: c.:ullh(llwjllllP' optimized bv combinin~l UWt1(j';i!(;1 o.'~'llrrr".l- II'l"~ lhfll will t;l'nlrlll.I"'''!lil''1::I w\Jr~",r6 and newly milted ~Iv:it) f)\IC'<::m;willt Ill(JlHlcJ d,,,,,(;i1!;!! Ihet.wlll 011/111110.111' ~lfl.<:lmg colorlles. 11 th9 5011 II' nul !rI',IIi:!, HII'11 h It. InlpOra\nl to \frl(1011~ Clelore apphCi.lliun or 1I:;1.: ,I 11;\)11 v\JIW[It1 lOlJl)lIcallQIl, IJroildcest tro"IITIf.~llls .<:;ll~Uld lIpply 1 fluid oz. PI)( 1,O{l(l ~(IlIMf"1.1p.p.t, Mounde ;hOllld l)(~ (ft~li(,:rI bl-' dllutmg I lU<J,:fll~(~ll 01 V:,I,lcLIi\" I::!llenlhnn I t.: pal gallon of P.,II" Ii .I8A.I8S X,,", ovo/n7. :;!f)Vrl. wv n~ ~~:R /,nn7/~T/Q) w'-lh~, :HHI. :1l'l'lyi11b'.1 III ;:' !J111l'lfl~; nf rrr;i:::nGd r.Dfalf V'" Il""HIll, TI)" fnr/IHrrl'; ~;J1(,lllrl b".trf-l;,tEld wn.h suf1lclfmtl(Jru-, 10, 1,11);11<, lhoir apex F1'lrl ,.lIow th~ in<;.,r:li cloa 60lullon 10 OI)W 11\10 Ihf:l: ,\Ot IUnnal:a. A 1(1I1" f(lnt Uii.llnelerr.l/'{:t{~ ,lrQlInd II_!=< m".lInd s~lould ill,."1,/: lrlj,\IIJU, For bG9\ rS9ulle.. API,I" Ip cool weAll''':1 (fl~,. BO'Fi U( III ~:',lIly rl~/{I'lnfJ (,r 1{111,' "vl.'I\\!!11 tlO\lf:O. l>Jote: a apmy ri~! thalli! (;,-"Ul11,11<;',1 Ie, ~'rll'ly I IIlllrl 07.. per 1.()(!() !'f'JI!:'l11 ~ ~,,}l (.II V...lllaUna Blt~nlll/l" TGin :) (lFllh.u\~; pm l.nOt) O:[jUAre ',,!el conlsln<clhf: AprJf(,~lthfltl' {Iilulion (1 te:'l.""',,,,,,, par oAllnn) 1I,~t1 l<c rp.llulrAd for flfa ant mounrJ r1rl'lnC:I\"-', 1Il II", "1'r;IY tElnk. - ~.Mole Cricket iJ.duIIS: Achieving llo::epl<'lI)lj: 1"/111'01 of adull ml,I,,' (;ric~.el~ i~ dlt. flcull UU(;.JlI,,1,.' prl,~.,,,,(JIJ ~~i.I:;s aru~s Bra subJsr.llo (i(,IlU"W'U.!l invA!'\lru, (Iwing \he> ~arly sprlno by ttl.l:; I.lxlratnaly Elctlve BIage. AppUr;illlon:; shoulrll,,, UlOId', as lAIr- 111 1I1U ~ldY il~; lJlI:"lIlll ~ ,\n(l :;huuld bE' wBtered In WIll) Up to 05 in(;I',,::; ul V1uler Immedlalely <lftf./r lWillman!. Iflh~ !lolIIB nOI n)ol~[, lil/l(1 it is Impr,rl;lIli 10 irri at6- lmfl.lll.' <If>pfit;)IIOn !(, 1\1111!; Uw moll:! crickels cloB!!, In tl',(, "oil eun""'cr. wi . ~ Wr.:1 willi 11i{~ il'!.a,f;II(;ICI" will tic, mt-lximizsd. GrellE:; :1'I';'l'~ \h[11 fE!C~;V" ;;lrr~';::;lI~~ f'l"t' ,3(11111 rll(,ll' r:rlr,k(ll!; ~;liI)l!ld 1.11; \fl!"led HI oeak f:nn 1'0'-)\1;11 10 BI1G,l)ro; "lllirnllm Dfllln,l "f ';IJb!,(~IIUCIIllllymph.!llll"lIll!lr;n::-, (3eG betGw). . tflMull~ GrlCk~1 Ilyt.nph!;; {;r,I:;~' <lfU,\:'; lhal rec€iver! iIltrulsrI <lduIIIllClh: Dich'l f1f~sllure In lhe spring, should b~ IrflAI(!(1 IIrul1<Jdil:llsly prkrr 1(1 IJtlak egg hal,;I" Uptl~)tDI cvmr011.B .achleved .31 !hl~ IIrrw hC!I";"ll'S(l young nymph:; {liS m(,I~ ~;'I'" c8phblfllO In!lacllClde6 and they BrA InC:IlIMIIl('ilf Iho ~OJI SUr/IlCf' wlle(!; 1hp. inOo(,. t~cldQ IE mOSi concenlrat~d. (;onlr~1 ol,hll!l,'''' Ir;Qf~ domBgm~I, l1ymph!; laler 1<';'li:;~ ye;9r. mllY rBQUlre boih nlghfi[ appllr.f1t.IDI1 1010:> i.tnd mora fr"1l1l0nl <lpplicfl.lirlll'. If 1 Il>flllllllln acceptat>l", conlrCJI. Appfl(;kll\JII,; !.'buuhJ be mfld& fir. 1,!lu m Ine o~y ::t~; [)n!';<:tblt'l And 5hout~ be willMforJ II) will) 1111 t~.l 0.5 Iflche::; ~f .WRI/~r' irnmadiRlflly rllll" lrfl::tlmflnl. IIme,sol! lB not mOI!':l. 1I'P.t1 111~;.III\purl,-mj to 11rIg.'l1(, l;ljjors aopli('_1!1(1I1 lnhllnU.lhp. mnlfl.cr~GkAlfl c:ln!\!':r l{, (hr: ';011 'iunactl wharA C'-'II"II';( wilh Ihr! II '.111:. IICldfl WIll be ma~lmlzed. . I.. n'rlcks ,(In?ludinQ ticks L1\at IllHY 1It1f1:irnlt Lyme DI~r>:~so imd IlrlC:k Mmmrllll\ Spoiled fevp.r): 1')(1 11(11 IlJ,/ku lipOI epplICAIIOlV, Tr9at Ihp. AIlIIi' 'HIJ~ WIlArA flXPOIlUfA to licks mAy O("'./iUr. lIs,.' 11l~hl:lr spray IJ("IIUtno:; when Hfliill'lll fHf'R"l win., op.~'3~ ground cov~r or IiQ:.ll/y II:IClf litter. Tlc:k~, limy be relnl,nr1LILfI(l lmm llurrnurodlng ~rea.9 on hC\~1 Ilnlnml:., Relraatmenr mf\Y ba neC!HI~A'-" lu Ar.IW'';V'''. Rn~/flr maintain r-.rmlml rhlrll\!] 1",ril.ll,l,:, of high pt.!;! [>[96&l're_ l{u,-;n;lI ,qprllCBlIon IB necf!leBary only If Ihf:rfl ~Hl .'.01(.(/1:; of ranswed flel;vily. RepeAl lll'pli cellon Bhould ba limited to no morEl lh:'l.1l (lnr;c P'" :lOven dBI/-, lJp.~r ticks (Ixod~s. sp.) h~\lp. R ('..ornrl!G~lO/J lifo '.::ycle thai f:1;l{Jl;:; over A (\/In VII;" penod and InvD.lve~ four life stageB. AppllcRIIOIl-'; ~.!Iuuld be mAil., if! the> lal': l::tll l'Illl1lnr BRrly l!'Frlf1{l to co. nt1(?lli(j,(J11!1r.1{~; 11t,,1 ;1rlll,.,.o;lIEdly locstnrl "', brueh- or Of,,,:,: eb,!veo ~e :SOl o.unace and. In mid te lair: f:prlll[llll ~:llnlroIIBfVRf: [1/1\1 nYmpn<> rhlll ree>os In the BOil and leaf IlIter. . . . .. American dog ticks .may be.R cr>n!':iniP.r.'l:tlfl~ fiuisi.lnce in RublJrbim ootting<, W" Ilcu~F.Irty whare horns!; are budl r>n IRm! 111('\1 W.I:; ~rl:IVioualy fl,>;lrl ur 10reBL T'h(,<;l.' Ilr.lo:.. C';ommonly oongf~pA,If~ Atnn(J Jl:1II1." or rc-';.lllwl'lyg'wher(. Nlnl<l.ng <lrlt Ilk"ly 10 r", Ancounlererl. Appllr.R.tlnm'l .'In(j(II() I)"~ l!l;)~lo .1\; neca5~Ary lfll1n mid.llrrii'l\ t.) C3rly f:J1I tc; control AmanC3n c.l"g lick l;lrv;1r:, r;ymph", !lnd a!lull:<.. 1 AppJic. Volume' Gellolls Per l.m1llJL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,' ~.(l 2.' 2.' 2,0 3,0 3.0 3,0 j,tl ',0 '.0 '0 U 5,0 5,0 S.O 5,0 10.0 .10,0 10.11 10.0 ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Lawn Dilution Chart ^pplit.Uatr.: FluidOllncesper MW.&lL 0.10 0.26 0,5 1.0 0.18 (1,25 0,5 1.0 0,18 0,25 0.5 1.0 0.1U 0.25 O.S 1,0 0.16 0,25 0.5 1,0 0.10 0.25 O.S 1,0 F'~uid UUllcI'!S. of ValueLin(t Blfp.nlhrin Te Diluted to Ul~sC Volumes of Fj[1ish/!d Snrill' , 5 10 1110 o.w.LlaD (;j1110nf~ aallons li.4llim:i. O.1~ 0.90 1,8 1ij,0 0:2.. 1,25 2.5 25.0 0.5 2.5 5.0 50_0 1,0 5,0 10.U 100.0 0."5 0_\1(1 9.0 0.63 125 125 1.25 ~:5 25:0 2.5 5.0 50.0 0,30 0.60 6.u OA2 0.83 83 0.83 1.67 16:1 1.67 .3.33 33.3 0.23 0.45 45 0.31 fl.G3 6:3 0.G3 1,25 1Z,5 1.25 2,5 ~~,O 0,18 0.36 3.6 .tJ,ZS 0.5 5.0 0.5 1.0 10.0 1.0 2.0 20.0 O.1R 1.8 0.25 2.5 0.5 5.0 1.0 10.0 0.13 O,l5 0.5 0.17 0,3j 0.13 0,25 0,1 D,l 0.1 0.13 0,25 0,5 oloTO.COIl'Jut to mitlilil!!rs, mulliply by 2~.67 1 nuido~:- ?:9.G7ml.. ?1;lblc5pDOIll; =6Ie.Jspo:rllll!o Do rllll Ulltl Inlu!<ttltOld UI"ll~il~, ICI P\~1\1.'i(lrO VilllloLme BIr." 1I1llill Te. ffU1 IE @ IE II : 17 .S'J ~ L:J Gj,i1 By 8/~~j ORNAMENTALS AND TREES For ornamental applications (includingbul nollimiled to trees, shrubs, ground covers. bedding plants, and foliage plants) apply 0.125 to 1.0 fluid oz. of ValueLine ~jfenthrjn Te per 1,000 square leel or 5.4 to 43.5 fl. oz. 'per 100 gallons. ValueUne Blfenlhrin Te may be diluted and applied in various' volumes of water providing that the maximum label rate (1.0 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feel or 43.5 fl. 02 per 100 gallons.) is not exceeded. ValueUne Bifenthrin TC may be applied through low volume application equipment by dilution wilh water or other carriers and providing thai the maximum label rale (1.0 fluid oz. per 1.000 square feet or 43.5 fl. oz pef 100 gallons) Isnol exceeded. Apply the specified application rate as a full coverage foliar spray. Repeal treatment as necessary to acnieve control using higher appli- cation rates as pest pressure & foliage area increases. Repeat applica- lion should be limited to,no more than once per seven days. Certain cullivars may be sensitive 10 the rinal spray solution. A small number of plants should be treated and observed for one week prior 10 application 10 the entire planting. Use of an alternate class of chemistry in a treatment program Is rec- ommended 10 prevent or delay pesl resistance. ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Ornamental Dilution Chart Applicatiori Volume: G2f1on~ Per UJIil..lllJI. Am 2,3 100 2.3 100 2.3 lOll 2.3 100 4.6 200 4.6 200 4.6 200 4.6 200 6.9 300 6.9 300 6.9 300 6.9 300 Apptit;,Rlte: FllidOuncesper LQDO..>lI.JI. 0,125 0.25 O,S 1.0 0.125 0,25 0;5 1.0 0.125 0.2S 0.5 1.0 Fluid Ounces'olValueLine Bilen{hrinTC OIJull!d to {heseVolumes 01 Finished S~ray 1 5 10 100 __ Mw Mw Mw 027 0.54 SA 0.11 0,54 1.09 10,9 0,22 1.09 2,1) 21.7 0,44 2,1) 4.35 43,S 0,14 0.27 2,7 0.27 0.S4 5.4 0,11 0.54 1.09 10.9 0.22 1.09 2.17 21.7 0.18 1.8 0.18 0.36 3,6 0,36 0.72 7,2 0.1S 0.72 l,4S 14,5 .To conven 10 milliliters, muJliply by 29.51 300 gallons per Icre is a typicil application volume for landscape ornamental applications, 1 nuidoz.:29.57mlE2tablespoonsEGlttaspoons Do not use household utensils to measure ValueLine Bilen{hrin TC. Calculating Dilution Rates using the Ornamental Application Rates Table and the ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Ornamental Dilution Chart: The fonowing steps should be taken to delennine the appropriate dilu- tion of Va1uaLine Blfenlhrin TC thaI is required to control specific pests: 1) Identify the least susceplibletarget pesl (the pest requiring the highest application rale for conlrol). 2) Selectsn application rate in terms of fluid oz. of ValueUne Bifenthrin TC. 3) Identify your application volume and hqw much spray mix you wanllo prepare. 4) Use the Ornamental DilulionChart to detemline (l1e appro- priate volume of Va/ueLlne Bifenthrin TC that must be mixed In your desired volume of water. For example. suppose you are trying to control black vine weevil adults on rhododendron. The Ornamental Application Rates table shows that 0.25 to 0.5 fluid oz. of ValueLine Bifenthrln TCshould be applied per 1,000 square feet. You select an application rate of 0.5 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feel because maximum residual contrails desired. Your application volume is approximately 300 gallons per acre, which is equivalent to 6.9 gallons per _ 1,000 square feel. Consulting the Ornamental Dilution Chart reveals that you should dilute 0.72 fluid oz. of ValueLine.Bifenthrin TC in 10 gallons of water. ~~@[1Un] ~ -2Q,D1 By ~-~.-_._- - ORNAMENTAL APPLICATION RATES The appliGB.tion rates listed in t~e followi.~ lable will provide excellent conlrol of the r.espectllle pe~ts u~der tYPical conditions. However, atlhe disCl"elion 01 the applicator. Valuellne Blfonthrln TC may be applied at up to 1 fluid oz per 1 000 square leet (43.? fL oz. ~r ~OO gallons) to conlrol each 01 the pestllsled in thiS Table. The hl{:lher apphcalion rales should be used when maximum resid- ual control is deSired. Pest Application Rale Vali.JeUne Blfenthrin TC Fluid Ounces-per 1.000 Fluid Ounces per square fael 100 gallofls Bagworms 12 Cutworms Elm Leaf BaeHes Fall Web worms Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Lace Bugs Leaf Feeding-Caterpillars Tent Caterpillars Adelgids' Ants Aphids Bees Bael Armr.-vorm BeeHes'3.1 Black Vine Waevll (Adullsi Brown SoH Scales Broad Mites Budworms California Red Scale (Crawlers)'3 Centipedes Cicadas1 Citrus Thrips Clover Mites Crickets Diaprepes (Adults) Earwigs European Red Mite Flea Beetles Fungus Gnats (Adults) Grasshopparo . Japanese Beetle (Adult)t Leafhoppers Leafrollafs Mealybugs MlIJipedes Mites Mosquitoes Orchid Weevil Pfllbugs Pine Na~dle Scales (Crawlers)" Plant Bugs (Including Lygtls $PP.) Psyllids' San Jose Scales (Crawlers)'3 Scorpions Sowbugs Spider Mltes1~ Spidors Spilllebugst Thrips Tip Moths Treehopperst Twig Borersla Wasps' Waavils'3 ..wJJj''''''''''~ Imported Fire Antso, lealmlnors Pecan Leal Scorch Mite Pine Shool Beetle (Adults) Spider Miles l~ 0.125 - 0.25' 5.4 - 10.8 0.25 - 0.5 10.8 - 21.7 0.5- 1.0 21.7 - 43.5 12Bagw~)fms: Apply when larvae begin 10 hatch and spray larvae direCtly. AppliGallonS when larvae are young will be most effeGlIve. I3Beet.les~, Scal.~ Crawlers, T~jg Borers, and Weevils: Treat trunks, sIems and tWigs In addltlOfllo plantlobage. '~~pider Miles: Valu~Llne ~Ifenthrin TC ~rovides optimal lwOspolled spider mite control when Bpphed dunng sprIng to mid-summer. Higher applicalion rales and/o~ more lreque~t trealments may be required for acceptable Iwospotled spi: ~er mite CO~lrol dur~ng mid-to lale.summer. The addition of a surfaclanl or hor- Ilcunu:al .011 may locre.ase .the effectiveness of ValueLlne Bilonlhrin TC. Comblnallons of ValueLine Bifenthnn TC wllh olher registered milicides have also prov~n effecUve. Alternalely, Valueline Bilenthrin TC applications may be rotated With lhose of olher ~roducls {hal have different modes 01 action in con- If!?1 programs thaI are deSigned to manage r.esistanc~ by lwospolled spider mites. Consult your kx:at Cooperahve Exlenslon ServICe for resistance man- agement recommendations in your region. '~For foraging anls. tNot for use In CatHorols. Pagel 1.Jp.~t Control on Outside Surf;}cc~ aild Around BuiJdirlf.l.s r:(;1 contlol of Anl\;, CCl~pf:lnl'Jr Ant!:. riff';' Ant.c:. Arm~wurnll:i, "!36C!:;. B!-'HIIHs1. 8UIIlO FIiI:lS, Bo)o-JI(JHr Bugs. 'CQI1tlp~de~. ,Chl~lf}p.r~, ChInch Bllq~. (;IClvtii' Mltc~. Cf!c:kp.t~. (;\llwurf!lo, , DIt.:tluru:.lJ<:l fle~ 8,1!,1'l11F!;. [<)IW'Q~. Elm Lf-lHI l3ootlos. rJrebr;:'\'~,. rlefl:~., Fllt"ni., .""lot~. Gr"Sfill{)PPQr~. Horn17[~, ,IHPHrl,+-l!,;f:! ~8t'1tl\Js. Midges, ~ll(lp~d~fi. Mo~qlll1(1ei;, Moth:;, no~chf::~; (Inclllfil.l1f1 Cockro~chc.;~).. SC~:PIO~~, SiIVf"riisll, Sod Webvvomlh, Sow!Juq;~ (plIllJuQ::;), Spl,der MltP..S, ,:>pld8r!; (including F3IHd Widow ,S(JjdF}r.~). ~;prinqlflllh, Tickb (IrlclLldlllg Brown blH.) Tic.;b), .1!l(1 W,'3Rfl8. 'NO! for lIse in Culli(.,PWI. ^Oply Valuel,irlH 81fontllrin TG LJsino i:l O_ll? In n.[)()CI!:, susponsio~ c:~ tl rl:JShJu81 $!-li"DY to Ollt.5ic1fl h.urlr.lc!:J(; 01 DUlldl~g~ Including. ~lll rlol hlll~lL:u I.:" ~"I(tr;'rir:lI. .,,;irlinll. fllUl1datlons. porcI1p.s, window tr;'UrlH.<i. H<JVGI:i. patios, l\Hrill,-IHii, (8fu~e dltmpS, (fo\wm. ~\lch 'do:; ~f<lSS <m~~.s 3d!~Cf.lnl<.()r ~(,:-,und prIV!lTp. homHH. dU!-lI~j(t::~. lownl''')l-,~~r;, condomrn~urn~. hOu....t: 11~rlF!.r~, I-lpl.!flIlIHflt c0rnplex.:'s. cf'lrpn(ts. yiJUlyOS. fonce _lines. slorF:lrlf:l t-;h~dl:;. barn$. 1'lnd ()lhHr (ljsldontiaJ 3nd non-r;omrnp.n:rfll slr\JCluroz. SOIl. trunk~. .,f wood... ornarnenlfll:<: flnd othf!r are.:<.J:'; wlWI'O pf:l~t~: congmgale?r tli:JV~ boon SOOIl_ Use M I'Opray volume 01 up 10 10 gRllc:Hll'i of emulsion per l,fl()(J ~qll~J(li f00i. Higher 09pplil:fl!i(Jrl ~(lllJrnos m~y b.E: LlS8r:1I0.ot.lliotlrl thl.; d(::~I(ecl c:overAqR of J~m::>l' vL:yclnlloP 01 I::mri~r.r-trrn!-i flll:lll:JrI~ls. Miy,il1g f)irp.r:tirms: l-=or 0.02% Suspen:lion.. mix oO.:J:'J., fluId. oz. of \lHltll-Ail1H Ellfonthnn TC p~r OI:lUnn 01 Wi'lIAI. rOI 0.06 Yo su....pem:;l{)fl, rlll~ 1 fiuld oz. VallJAl.irrH 8ilurlll1l'irr TC per Qt'lIlOI1 (1f Willer (1 fluid oz. '.. .! t:"lhl~~r()nn,;~). Ou not use household ulen"lh:, L(J 1~1Qasur~ Valu~Llnf:'_ 81f8nl1uln TC. Usp- IhR hiqlrHr ml(.; for ho;:]vy pest InfElstatrofl, qUlckel kr'nckr!own or fon\1w' rt;:(lidual conlr(ll. RelrAAlment m~y bu noccs~::'lrY In HdriHVH ,.md/or maintain r.onlrnJ rlIJri!ll/ p(~rlods 9f high pesl prH~fiul'~. Repeat ;;lppjjr:Fllimll~; IlCCCSSC'LIY only If lhere Rn~ !-I!~lnF; or loncwed In?ecl flclivit,,'. f':CJp(:!;:I! applir:Alrnn RhofJld be litnitod Lo no mnre thAn onl,;a i>~1 sevon d;;lYS. Periml-!te.r TrGOltment: Apply to l'I hMd of Aoll rtnd vogetatioll 6 to ~o 1001 wide around A/H1 i-llIJi-J(;Brlllu till: ::;lfU(;(ure. Als~, ,t~eat the.: ro~ndc'" iii'll! nf thl' "lrrr{,lIHH to <l heighl of 210:3 feet. ApplX O.J:1 t~ 1.0 fJ~ld oz. of Ij,JluHLinc: Bifcnthrin Tr: pHr 1 ,nO!) liquarc' feet In sU~IC:t!:l1l1 wiilEl~ 10 arC/vide ~dP.qfliltA COVe.:rtlg~ (refer lO r'eliII1A1fH AppJrc.lJLlorr DlIutroll Cnart). ValueLine Bifenthrin TC Perimeter Application Dilution Chart Fluid OUrB;us' of value-Line Biff!n1hrin TC Diluted t(1 rhese Volume~ of'Flnish'!9.Sor8-'" _." --1---- 5 10 100 QAlllu\ OClII~n' 1l4llil.ni ~U9~f1. 0.3:; 1.67 ~.33 33.,1 0.5 l.5 5.0 50.0 Ofi7 333 6.G1 66.7 0:75 J)S 7,5 75,0 ("i'1:-li."') S.O 10:0 100.0 11:17 0,83 1,6S 16.5 025 1.25 2.5 25.0 O:S3 1.67 3.35 33,5 U.3U 1.86 V!i 31.5 O.!i 2.ll 0.0 50.0 011 0.55 1.10 11.0 0'17 0,63 1.67 16,7 0'Z2 1.11 2.23 2Z.3 {I'zs 1.25 2.5 25.0 0:13 1.67 3.33 ._,3}..:L .... 0.d1 0.83 1.1.3 0.13 0.63 1,25 12.$ 0.17 0.04 1.G7 16.7 0.19 O.9q, 1.66 1S.9, U.l~.. 1_25 2.5 25,0 u,3J 0.67 6.7 D.S 1.0 10.0 0:07 1.33 13.3 0.75 1.5 15.0 1.0 2.0 lO.a 0.11 0.33 .3.3 0.25 D.5 5.0 0.33 D.G7 6.7 Q.3R 0.75 7.5 0.5 1.0 10.0 Arrll".VuhdTl(\: Allplic.I(;lU: G:III(1I\~ pcr Huid Ouncllsper M,OO':'Il.H, .,n(I.fI~'j fl 1 0.33 1 0.5 1 0.67 1 ,""'" 1 (1.0 ) 2 li.1! , 0,5 2 0.67 2 O.7fi 2 1.0 :1 D.n 3 D.S :} 0.61 3 0.'15 3 1.0 4 0.33 4 0.5 <l 0.61 J1 0,15 /1 1.0 5 0.33 5 0,5 S 0.61 5 D.75 5 1.0 10 0.33 10 0.5 10 0_67 10 0.75 10 1.0 0.1 .TClconvMwnJIIIrHlers.mulliplybyl!l,51 lfltricl 01, - ,~.{;7 ml ~ 2I.l1LJI~~~oons = ~ tE'a5rClCln~ I)" 1101lf~p.110usehold uttHi:;ii:> I'J rlw,l.'\l!rr. VflltJ~Lin6 8ilsnthritl Te. Fu( Ant ~nd Fire Ant M()unds U!iP. V<lluoLinc f)jfcllthrin TC 0,06% emlll~ion il~ Drom.:1l Method: Apply '1-? Q9l1nn::; of Hrr1ublo(f to each !l\()I,lld HfH<l b')' spl-lnkling thp. mormd until I I~ WrI[ .1nd tr~<l~ a 4 t~lOl di".me\er eire.lf:' ::lrmm. d tho mound. Use. the ;1J),. l~iilt~':fOl ;lrO~ttR I.~rqflr HWrl 12". r'or be~t resllltA, !'!l1ply in CD 1 C l!~liF::HLr QJrI,L.f; rnumlng or IGtc evenlnn hOllr!;, but not In lh _ <l f (~. 0.1 0.13 0,15 0.2 Jl I"'h)~ 8 ff\, 2- q ,-D1 ~--_.." .X8A.J:8S X1?.:I OVO((;~ 3Q'<td Mo~quito Control: Diluto 0.3:'1 10 1,(J flr!lrl 'v.. ul V;.rlucLirltJ Bifp.nthrln TG pM !1allnr of water drHJ.;,jwly ~I thfl (AlP, Qf one ~j"ltotr 01 uilu([ur1l1~r 1.0UU SQUi'trF! feel R". A ~p.n~rCl' :;pr;,jy '-IfOl!nrll,qnd'c.:~Dec, I~wn ~lltllJuildin!1~.lr) COnlrullnOF,- q\ll1nflf:. For higher voluma llrnlic;1tic,n'" V.)lll(:Linc Bifonthril") r(: "rK1Y bo dilul- ed <IT InwF!r r.onr:Anlrlllinn!> o!'lnd arrlicCJ al grtldlEH vnhJrrlec to dalivp.r Ih(, desired l'1nln!lnl of prnrl'J(':\ per SJ0<!. (n::tol' (u [hR OrnAnlem::l1 ur PF!rimme:r Application Dlluliorr Ch;:U1!1). INDOOR USE ~! -.J In lne home, all fr)or1 fJrocFJ~si.nQ ~Urr~HXJl; i-lnri lilensils :;hol1kJ he COY erful cJurln~J IrO<llmc:nt OllhorCluqhly washecl bofot"C! U~l-l. F.xfJose;d (Clod ~houlcl br. GOVArNI or rf:ln1ovc=d. For r,nnlml 01 Hrlb.. lH-l'Hs, hp.p.flp.~.. b0XoldQl" l)lJ~b. carr"" b08UI::Il::. can. Ilpf:!dllS. clolll moths. cCJcl(f08cht:lh, c:ric:ketf., eatwlgs. (ktihre.\s. fI1o~. ~11]f\1F.. mirl~8~. rnillipl:JdAI>. plll!)l1{1~.. :;corpIUll:>. oilvHrriRh, sOWbuq:;, :.;pi- dfJu;. ticks and Wi)GpS Bp.dbug!=i: TCl Aid in Ccmtrol - Thorougtl app!lc<lUOr1 F:hr;luld be flrdt]1-' 10 crack and crevices where evidonC() 01 bHd hlJgS occurs. Tltl!; incllldc~ hF'rl frRmA1>. bnx spring,... jn~idF' F'nlpty dro.ssur~ and clolhe~ clOsl:Jls 8nc1 COJrpol odGe~, higll al1d low Willi rnillrJillg~ and wallp,-,pm '.1l111t:!S, D(J nol ll~e lhj~ prnducl orl IlArllin"ns. plllowz, m<ltlrU~:';l-l'n or clotho:>. HHfnnve RlI r:IDlhOfi ~H)d othar ~Jrliclltl> from r1rp.!':!':em or clotlr.:H:> r:!(').":01~ uQ(orl::l <1pplic;:)tion. Allow alllrc:atod Limilii hJ IhorOf.Jqhly drybcfOl'H lJH.e. Not I'ClC, Colll111AnriAn tor W.A a:; r.nlp. prQl~ctIOt'r ~~\J<.lif):.;l UfHHIU9~. If evl(!Hr I!:~ (1f llfiObugr.; I::; (ound InIon rn",ttr~5!je5. LIse products <lPP((JvP.ri lor 1I11~ U~~. Use ~ 0.02% to 0.06% suspClnslon (().3~1 ICI 1 fluid oz. pHr \18110n of wliIHr)!Or rfl:'ildu<lII=1(JSL CQrllml ill buildings and slrUC':tIJrHI> and ol'r rrlodH~ of t(fHlsport. ^Imly cl1flQrflli; Q. c:rack and crcv1ce;, rJlnslrAr-trfl. cpo!. coarSE!, low pr..:;S!Jff:! !:ipray (25 psi or less) 01 with I:l f1aint bru:>t\. Indoor Tr93tmonts: Apply CIS i:l (;Qf:lrH~,IC)w pre~::;ur{;. ctack and cre;vlu~ or 9poll:lprflY io arAa!': where peste hldi.:. !:iuch af, hAijeboard:;. (;urrll-!rs. ':lluraq(j areas, c1os01t>, iilrrwrld w~ter pipes. doan; fm(J .....indow~. iluit;c; and eflve~., behind Elnd under refriglSrralors. (:~hinets. sinks. IrJmaces, slevB!;. Ull:J undlOlrt;Jda of lihaJvap., dr:;lwer.~ <.\nd :jJmifiJr I:IreR~. 00 not USf! 8S OJ space spray. ray particular at!Hrllinn 10 cracks <:md C(fN;ces. Mixing Direction~: See mIxing clirGclions ([I "Pe!;ll Control on OI,JI.':\ide Surtill;US ,md Aruund [Juildinq~" !;Rctir)n. ValuoLinB Bifenthrin TC i5 10 b~ diluted with w~t0r for ::'pray or bnlsf1 a.pp!iCHtiofl. ~1I1 hpriiyp.r with the dr:sircd volunrE'! of watcf C1l1d ride! Vflluc.:Une Bifenthrin TC. CI03H anlJ srll'lke before use In CJtdAr to ins Lit'(; propp.r mixin!), Mix nnly thrl <1tnounl of :oolulion nE"eded fol' IhH Rnrllic:o liofl. RfllreatmcmL tn<JY 1m rJE'lr.essl'lry to achiOy(j an(j/clr ml'linlain IXIr1l1'n! durIng peri(ld~ of high pest pro~.suro.. RHpHrJ! flppJiC.:'lliof1 It; nf:lr;e:l~:'llY nnly if Ihp.rf~ r1rH :.;iUfl!; nf rF'!newe(! Ins(~ct ~CLivity.Rp.pE":)t :'Ipplication s.l"lould be limited to no mom lhdn ormp. per 3even days Cockroaches, Crickets., Fircbmts, ScorpIons, Silverfish, Spiders, and Tleks: Apply (IS ~(coarfia. low preA~ure :lpmy to ~Vou:~ where the$t.: re~ts hide, Sllr.tl f!;:' bAseboflrds. COJnms. ~tarr49f:! AreAS. clos8ts. ElrQl.Ind wator pIIJOS. doors and wln(jow~, l;Il1ics and eavos'. behind and undl3r refriger;:ltnr~, r:Ahinp.Ir:, $ink!1. .furnaOQb. and glove!;, tho Unt\erf:idp. (If ijh~JvBS. urClwors and sitrlil",r I,In~aB, Pay p~rtlcutar all.E:miion to cr~ckj; <.3.nd crevlces, Anb: Apply to any trailR, Around door~ .md window1'> Rf"ld o(\re.\I' lJli-H~I;l!'. ......hur8 .:mts may be found. Bees And Wa!'ips: Applic{'\lion to nests :;hOllld be m{'\do li-ll~ in the HVi-llril1\-j wtlUlt i(r~o(;t~ <.IfH <It rA!5i. Thoroughly ~pray f)E:if.i! Hnd cntranct'l <llld ~urrDundjng Bre:3~ WllOro Inst'lr:l:-; fllioht. Boxelder Bugs, Centip.edes, EMWlgs, Beet!es., MillipcdOSr Pillb(Jl;fS, and, Sowl)ugs: Apply ~(oun(j door.:; ;;lnd Windows LInd nth!;'!r pI8CQ:; wherE" the~p. pe!':t!"l mRy hI;! found or W/lI:Hl:J they m:;lY cmcl pr'3miRf'l~. spray basoboLlrds. st(JfQI.'{~ nrHH~ end other 10c;)t1ons. FOR CONTROL OF STORED PRODUCTS PESTS (Inclu~ing fndi.::ln Menl MOtllS. ~I(;<i MOlh3, Tobacco Muth!), Flour 8E"p.tlp.s, Lesse_r Grain Bnrf':r~, Merchanl Gr:i:lin Ba9tlp.r., S':IWLuo(hAcJ Gr<Jrn Beetle::;. Grain WOOVUb, Wi-JrHht1l1ee BeetleD. Clq8rl-'lIE" BecUe[;. and DmrTlHIiUcl BeHlIHlj, Psocids. and othor ~ln\lI;-tr peels) WAREHOUSES and CIlOCERY/PET STORes: Vi::tlui"Linl';: Blk:rrUlfir, TC suspension may be QPpfled HI> i-l qeneralsurfacc. Spul or CfJck i)nd Cre'lk::H Irl-'!-l!rnHrl(in locid and nonfood stOtaq~ wi-lrehQl/ses llnd :-if()r~.'). Apply to &:III ,lr0j)~ th~1 mEly harbor pest5, including umJsr and t'etWl.;url pallets. bins. and shelves. Do nol apply dfrf!c:lly to food. gmln tljrt~ (inte.. rior), Of <:In/mals. FOOD/FEED I1ANDLlNG ESTABUSI1MENT APPLICATIONS Applic;:iliCln~ of tlii~ ~roducl Rrp. pAl'mHled In uoth lood/fl'lp.r\ .:'Ind rrurl- food 8rC/3S of food/feed h8ndllrlQ ~~~ICJbJil-ihrnents as OJ gcnof'dl !:1urfacc. f5ptll, (Jf t.:riJck and Cl'oviG~ Lnt"3'lrnent. Foooffeet1 rlanc1linu eetabli~hmcnts JI'\) (J~rjrled as. places Olh~H lhan rri\;Rlp. rF!"irtE"nr.H~ in whir.h p.Xr(l~0(( fQ(ujlfuud is held, prOGQssud. WA- piJ{ed or served. Jncluded 81:.>0 i-lrl-! iirp.:;!5 fQr receiving. SIC/rinD, packinQ (c~f1nin!), hotllinR, wro':lpping, b(J)(in\J).. PfL:P<.II!Il!-l. Hllitlje wasle .st{Jr~I!Jp. and Hlrdu=-?l:Jd pro(;I;;:;,;~lrr~J l->y::;lems (mills, dalllCl:;';. ~IJlbiH.(?il~, ~>,rup~) uf food. Serving areas where food Is oXPtJStitl i1fl(! lhe faCility Ir.; It1 opF:ira. tinn 8m ill:;o t:t:lrr:.;idcrcd fnorl 1'lr~a~. PC=I'IT)ittE"d nor")-food ::Ir~tH:; of LI:<,:O iflCluds. garhRq~ r'(,omc.. liJVEltorip.!,<, floor dr<:dnG (to SCWCI'!";). I:mtliHn Rnri vF:!stibules. of/leu::;, lnr.ker room!;, wv n~:~~:R /.nnZ/~T/R T:C:l ^ T:C:lC" V'r.' T machine rooms, garages. mop closets and storage (after canning or bottling). Permitted use siles include, bul are not limited to: Aircraft (Do not use in aircraft cabins). apartment buildings, bakeries, boWing facilities. breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants. canneries, dairy product processing plants, food manufacturing plants. food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hospitals, hotels, industrial buildings. laboratories. meatJpoullry/e~l9Processing plants. mobile/molar homes, nursing homes offices. railcars, restaurants, schools, ships. trailers. trucks, vessels, warehouses and wineries. General Surface Application: Do not use this applicallon method ;n food/leed handling establishments when lhe facility is in operation or loods!feeds are exposed, Do not apply directly 10 load producls. Cover or remove all load processing and/or handling equipmenl during appli- calion. After applicalion in load processing planls, bakeries, cafetenas and similar facilities, wash all equipment, benches, sheJving and other surfaces which food will con lac!. Clean food handling or processing equipmenl and thoroughly rinse withcleari, fresh waler. Spot. Crack and ~revice Application: Spol l;n crack and crevice applications may be made while lhelacil1ty IS in operation; however, food should be covered or removed from area being trealed, Do not apply directly.lo food. Foam Applications Value Line t3lfenthrin Te may be converted to foam and used to treat struclural voids. Dilule 0.33 to 1,0 fluid oz. of ValueLine Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and add the manufacturers recommended:volumeof foaming agenl to produce a 0.02 to 0.06 percent foam concentration. Verify before treatment that lhe foaming agenl is compatible with Valueline 8ifenthrin Te. TERMITE CONTROL (ABOVE GROUND ONLY) The purpose of the applications described below are to killtermile work- ers or winged reproductives that may be present at the time of treat- ment. These applications are inlended as supplements to, and not sub- stitutes for, mechanical alteration, soli treatment or loundation treat- ment. To control exposed workers and winged reproductive termites in local- ized areas, dilute 1.0 fluid oz. of ValueUne Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and apply as a course fan spray at the rate of one gallon per 1.000 square feet to attics, crawl spaces, unfinished basements B.nd other void areas. Treat swarming termites as well as the areas in which they congregate, To control above-ground termites in localized areas of infested' wood, dilute 1.0 fluid oz. of Valueline Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and apply as a liquid or foam 10 voids and galleries in damaged wood as well as \0 spaces between wooden structural members and between the sill' plate and foundation where wood is vulnerabie to attack. Applications may be made to inaccessible areas by drillmg and then injecting the dilution or loam, with a suitable directional injector, into damaged wood or wall voids. All treatment holes drilled in construction elements in com" manly occupied areas of structures should be, securely plugged after treatment. To control iermite carton nests in building voids. dilute 1.0 Ovid oz. of ValueUne Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and apply as a liquid or foam using a pointod injection tOol. Multiple injection points and varying depths of injection may be necessary to achieve control. When possi- ble, the carton nesl malerial should be removed from the building void after treatment. ANT CONTROL Nuisance Anls Indoors; For best results, locale and Irea! an! nesls. Dilute 0.5 10 1.0 fluid oz. of ValueUne Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and apply at the rate of one gallon of dilulion per 1,000 square feel as a general surface, crack and aevice or spOI treatment 10 areas where ants have been observed or are expected to forage. These areas include, but are not limited to, baseboards, in and behind cabinels, under and behind dishwashers, furna<;:es. refrigerators, sinks and sloves, around pipes, cracks and crevices and in corners. Particular altention should be given \0 treating entry points inlo the home or premises such as around doors and windows. When lIsing Valueline Bifenthrir! TC'in combinalion with bails, apply Va!ueUne Bifenthrin Te as instrucled above, and use bailS in other areas that have nol been treated with ValueLine Bilenthrin TC Nuisance Ants Outdoors: For besl results, locale and treat ant nests, Apply ValueUne Bifenthrin TC 10 anllrails around doors and windows and other places where anls have been observed or are expecled to forage. Apply a perimeler lrealmenl using either low or hi[:jh volume aplJlications described in the "Pes I Control on Outside Surfaces and Around Buildings" seclion of lhis label. The higher dilutions and/or appli- cation volumes, as well as more frequent applications, may be neces. sary when treating concrele surfaces for ant control. Maximum control is generally achieved using the following procedure: 1) Treat non-porous surfaces With low volume applications usmw 05 to 1 0 flUid oz of ValueLlne Blfenlhnn TC per gallon 01 wate D R and applYing thiS dllutfOn at the rale of one gallon per 1,00 l.f; square feel 2) Treal porous surfaces and vegetation Will, hIgh volume appllc tions using dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1.0 Iluid oz:. of ValueLine.Bilenthrin TC per .1,O~0 sq~are feet ( refer 10 the Ornamental and Perimeter Appllcallon Dilution Charts), 3) For maximum residual conlrol, dilute 0;5 to 1.0 fluid oz of Value Line Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and apply at a ;ale of up 10 10 gallons 01 dilution per 1,000 square feeL C.arpen.ter Ants Indoors: Dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz. of ValueLine 8.lfe0thrm TC per gallon of water and apply at Iherate of one gallon 01 dilu110n per 1,000 square feet as a general surface. crack and crevice or spot treatmenl to areas where carpenter anls have been observed or are expect.ed to forage_ Thes.e areas inciude, bul are not lillliled to, basehoards, I.n and behl0d cabinets, under and behind dishwashers, furnaces, ref~lgeralors, smk~, and stov~s, 'around pipes, cracks and crevices. and. In corners. Par1lcular atlenllon should be given to lreating enlry pOlnls Into the home or premises such as around doors and win- d~ws_ Spray ,or foa'!l inlo cracks and crevices or drill holes and spray, mist Dr fO,am Into vOI.ds w0ere c~rpent~r ants o~ their nests,are present When uSing Valuellne BlfenlfHln TC In combmalion will) bails apply VafueUne BHenthrin Te as instructed above,' and use bails i~ other areas that have not been treated with ValueLine Bifenlhrin TC Carpenter Ants Outdoors: Apply VaiueLine Bifenlhrin TC to' carpenter ant trails around doors and windows and other places where carpenter ants have been observed or are expecled to forage. For best results locate and treat carpenler ani nests. Apply a perimeter trealment usin ' eithe~ low or high volume applications described in the "Pes! Control o~ Out~lde Surfaces and ~ro~nd Buildings" section of this label. The high- er ~lIutlons and/or application volumes, as well as more frequent appli- callons, may be necessary when trealing concrete surfaces lor car- pe~teranl control. Maximum control is generally achieved, using the 101- lOWing procedure: 1) Treal non-Pl?rous surfaces ,with !ow v~Jume applications using 0.5 10 1,0 flUid oz. of Value Line Blfenthnn TC per gallon of water and appiying this dilution al the rale of one gallon per 1,000 square feet 2) Trs.at the trunks of trees that have carpenter ant trails, or upon which carpenter ants are foraging, using 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz of V~lu.eline Bifenthrin TC per gallon of waler and applying (his dilution to Ihoroughly wet the bark from the base of the tree to as high as possible on the trunk ' 3) ~reat p~rous,su.rfaces and vegetation with high volume applica- tions uSing dilutions that are calculated to deliver 0.5 to 1,0 fluid oz. of Value line Bifenthrin TC per 1,000 square feet (refer (0 the Ornamenlal and Perimeler Application Dilution Charts) 4) For maximum residual control. dilute 0.5 to 1.0 fluid oz of ValueUneBifenthrln TC per gallon of water and apply at a rale of up to 10'gallons 01 dilution per 1,000 Square feet. To c00trol carp~nl,er ants inside trees, utilily poles, fencing or deck 01aterlals and similar structural members, drill to, locate the interior Infeste? ca~ity an~ inject or foam a 0.06% dilution (1.0 fluid oz. or \,a,lueLlne Blfenthrln Te per gallon of ~ater) into the cavity using a suf- fiCIent volume and an appropriate treatment tool with a splashback guard. To.control carpenter ants that are tunneling in the soil, dilute 0.5 to 1.0 flUId ounces of Y~lueLlne ~if~nthnn TC per gallon of water and apply as a drench or InJecl the dilutIon or loam at intervals of 8 to 12 inches Establish a uniform vertical barrier at the edges of walls, driveways o~ other hard surfaces where ants are tunneling beneath lhe surfaces. For wood piles and stored lumber apply a'0.06% emulsion. Use a hose- end sprayer or sprinkling can to deliver a coarse drenching spray. Treated wood can be burned or used for lumber one month after treat- ment. Do nof use in s!rucfures. To protectlirewood lrom carpenter ants (and termites). dilute 1.0 fluid oz. of Value Line Bifenthrin TC per gallon of water and apply to the soil b~n~ath where the firewood will be stacked atlhe rate of one gallon of dilution per 8 square leel. DO NOT treal firewood with this product. Attention Do not apply a broadcasl application to interior surfaces of homes. Do no! .apply 10 pels, crops, or sources 01 electricity. Firewood is nol to be trealed. Use only in well ventilaled areas, During any applicfllion to overhead areas of structure. cover surfaces below wilhplaslic sheeting or similar malerial, excepl for soil surtaces in crawlspaces. Do nol allow spray to conlacl food, foodstuffs. food contacting surface~ food ulensils or waler suppll8s_ " !llOroughly wash dis11e.s and food ha~dli~g utensils with soap and waler If they become conlamlnaled by applicatIon of Ihis producl. Do not lreal areas where food is exposed. rrul.1)!!tn9::indo.or_s.tLrfa. c!~~pplications do noL allow dripping or run-off 10 UQOqCUL, , I' ..' DO~01.~!I0h PrO~I~,?r pets on trealed surfaces until spray has dried. Let surfaces dry-bef!Jre.' allowing people and pels to contacl surfaces I, ,. . . ,. I L l.d.X~,.__ ~-~~=~-. -:.-::.::..-.. 1<2-q/D7 Page 9 . . V<lIIJHLilI0 8ifcnthrin1'C wIll flOt sti3in or <:lam:.=trlp. ;my }iurfi:Jcc: that water alor\f! will n(/! staifl or d;:m\ii~~. " DD not Rpply Uti:.; pnJ<'lur:t in j1o'llienl rounl~ ur ill :my ronmq while or:;IJU- pl8U by Ih(~ elrl~rly or jn(jnn. Do no! flnply II) cla~!';rnnmf> wtUHI 1(1 use. Do not apply when occup~nt~. ~\rA prwsant In lhe immediate fHI'!H in im:;1i- lLJlion6 such .:\~ lihmriA3. 3porh lucUllI(;s, elc. Do not ~rply ull!:' ~)r.:sticir1~ In livp.!':Iockuulfdll1lJ:J (bLlrrlS). Arplil:fltiol\ uquiprnanllhi'll d~lIvlfl::; low volume trl;'ll;llrrlflnts. !ouch <.1::; the Micro..lnjectorh' or Actiso'.... applicatnrli, (rl,jY .11':;0 be used to makp. ~;rii(;k f1nM r.rAvicc:, dClJp h,qfhorS99, spot <rnd {jotlQml ~lIrfai::e trBCihnC:lnls of ValucLine: Bilenthrln Te. ~Drranty: Univ~r n1RkS6 no warn::tnly, ex.rm$!'l.ed or implied. c.)l)corn- U1Q the USE'" ('If !IllS preducl otherth~l:rl mdlcatod on tl1e laDe!. FXC:Hpt ~lS ,,(J war(i:mlod. IhR (lrodiJCII~ Gold a~ is. fslly~r Br1CJ \J:;;(~I as!:iUmCi all ri~k of \IG~ ."n%r t\IOllldling nnd/(')r Rtarage of this m~tf:,ri:;d whf!n ~llr:h 111..4 Rnd/or Ilcll"ldling ftrH'l/<lr f:.Lmf.lQliJ isconlrflry 10 IflhHllnr;ln.Jctior1:1. Use of Product: Univar rec::ommHll(ja.lions tor ihe use ell this P(O(JU(;! Ari> hR!;ad upon tARl!'! hAliAVed 10 be: roliable. Thp. usa of U'l1E; product IIQing boyond thf-l control of tllO"manlltfldurHt, no gUClrtlntec. expre~!;Iarl or implied, l~ made as jl) lhf! ArfQCIS of such or thE:! rHsulLb 10 be; nhlFllnEld It nol ur.arl in accordancu wi\h dii'flctinns or astablh.hod :><1f(' pr:Jclfcc Darnt'lges: Buyer's or w~er'\i "l.xc;luhlvo remedy for dt'lrnagHH for brGC1Ch of warranty or rlH!-lIiYU1IL1J s:h~lI be limilArl to dir<:lcl d,)rnages nol exceeding thl-! purchase prir.e pE\id i-lnd ~half not include inr.:ic1Hnlal (Jr r:\Jr1,>equGotial d~mHHH;;. Micro Injector is a registered lrRdHr\"lad< of Wtlilmire Mir:rn-GHfI Re.'lAl;lrrJl L~boralories Ar:liHol l:i l:l rt:Jyh.ll~rl'td trRrtAmark 01 Hou~~el-UcI8f P"'~l" 10 fD) fE @ fE 0 W ~ -I~; ~ -- - Ud By g ~2. q-Dl__ j .xaA.xas. X'e,,/ OVO/VG 30Vd WV 08:88:6 LOOG/8T/6 .I8^.TAQ V"O.J