HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 5/23/2007 PacificSourceHealth Plans DWP A()plication: DRC2007-00028..... . Page lof2 PAULY Linda ", '., , t. From: CHINITZ Amy C. [AmyC@subutil.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 20073:05 PM " To: PAULY Linda :.. Subject: PacificSource Health Plans DWP Application: DRC2007-00028 ]~uom~] By_5~Z-~-D7 Dear Linda, As a follow-up to the Notice ofIncomplete Application you sent to PacificSource on May 9, 2007, I met on Monday; May 21 with Wayne Neal, PacificSource Facilities Contractor, and his representatives, Janet Pardee of Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers and John Bramwell of Robertson Sherwood Architects, to discuss the pending items. In a letter to you dated May 9, 2007, I stated that several DWP items were incomplete because the application addressed only those hazardous materials associated with the new generator. In our meeting on'May 21, Janet Pardee explained that during their initial meetings with City of Springfield Development Services,. Jim Donovan . instructed them to include only information related to the new generator in their DWP application. Because the facility did not trigger a DWP application before installing a generator, it is reasonable to restrict the DWP review only to the generator and any products associated withthe generator. The only exception will be to ensure thai none . of the products used in any part of the facility containDNAPLs. .' --'. " . . , In order to complete the DWP application process; PacificSo'urce will need to addr~s; alf. it~;;;; in the l;~t below: This list supersedes the list of incomplete items in my May 9 letter. Because these items cannot.be finalized until the generator is installed and the tanks are ready to be filled, the application can be considered complete.for review. The generator tank should not be filled until all items below are complete: . C ::.:-- " '. . ~. ..... . · The applicant must submit a hazardous materials inventory statement (HMIS) that includes all products associated with the generator, including fuel,. coolant, lubricating 'oil; and-any ollier"products' used for fnaintenahc~. The applicant must also submit MSDS for any items associated with the generatorthiitwere n'otincluded in the.' . original application. SUB should be provided with an.updated HMIS on at least anilrinu'al basis." .' . ,-,,-, . \.J '_". ~'.-'..\' ~. '-" ~ ..' ". . . : .",.. _'_:..". .'.... .,.f '_..... '. ~.~~, '" " ~'. ....._~:.,~.,," """_"';':' . " '. Hazardous materials used in association with the generator will, need to b.e, ~tored .in' s~condary' " containment. Please describe which materials might be stored in assoctation.~ith"t~e'~g~neratorand what form of secondary containment will be used, . .' '.' ,.'. .' ........ ';,~:~~..,.",,;: .... . . , . .<~" . . . , . . ....., "", '", . '.' .'. . . ,~. ;r ,,;". '", /'./-. . .: ':,'~ """":;;;"f--:f;\.(:'\;::.-I~ "' ~':" '" ~' . · . , The appli~imt must submit a hazardous materials h1an~gehient plan (i'11\1MPriisi~g the Springfield Fife and Life Safety template or an acceptable equivalent. The HMMP should describethefa~ility'spolicies for ,'. ;" ..'. ' , . 'preventing groundwater contamination, This should include: '" . ',.., , . "':'T "'..-:'-'.(i.':"'~""r..;,:.:.L'~:.. ..,:; ., ,...:-: ):. ',' . . ,. " . -.. .'; ". .." -.. -", ::::.-; ~:'': .: --"' ' ,...' , .' >~ . .',' . - . ',. .::'~:"'_-t ' :~";" . . ..- .'.,.~ , o " Statement of the policy that all hazardous materials associated with tlie gentiriii6rbe"st'ored in secondary , ' . containment; . . .' . . " '. ,... .', ';' >. '. . . .~',.. :'~_ : ' -::,:' :,:, ;. ,'k' " . ,-, ,..'"r. ,-(,.- '-:'Z ~ . .: . '. ,r-:::-..'r,;;",:' : , -;...:,.-...' _ . ".._: o The'p~6tocol'for prev~nting spi.lls while p~mping fueli~t? the generator tank;' . . . . . .' !"'. . ! , . . . . - -./. .',. . a . . Description of how th~ generator alarm system works'- who is responsibi~:fo~~esponding to it, h~~'and b'y.. whom the system is maintained and serviced; and the protocols for responding to an'emergency. The HMMP should, ',' follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release in Springfield, to call 911, which' ,,'" ' dispatches information to SUB. Following this procedure is important because SUB needs to be notified as soon as" possible if a ,chemical release has the potential to contaminate our well(s); ";,:. . .... _ " . " ':',' ,: o " , ,.:: Spill dean-~p procedures; . ':",t; .., .", ~."" . ': ,',' , '.; ., . 'c.' ." .. -",' "':. '.. , 5/2312007:: .,' ,-". " ;'." " , ~ h -....j .'-.-'. " . . :. .~ ..' " . ", ~ ..' PacificSource Health Plans DWP Application: DRC2007-0002S" Page 2 ofz . I o Schedule and procedure for. ,ecting and maintaining containment a ~mergency equipment (Monthly inspection 'of all areas where products on the HMIS are stored/used should be performed and documented. The . HMMP should also include an inspection checklist that provides for the date, time, and location of inspection; problerfii;iird dates lIndtimesof correctiveactions taken; the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the . . \I ,', . '. design~ted safety manager for tpe facility. . Completed checklists should be kept in a log book); . ,1,1, ' j ^' . 'l,t. /"It o ;'Y Signage policy; , o I '. _ ..). ........ ~ I, ...DNAPEprohibition; o Frequency of and list of topics included in employee training; and . .' .. o List of individuals responsible for em~rgencies associated with ge~erator t~nk or any other hazardous materials. , . .,';,.' I, . · . Alj hazardous materials used at the facilitY' need to be reviewed for DNAPLs. )Vayne Neal has provide I a list of products used at Pa'cificSource. ,It may be necessary to proyide MSDSs for some o{these prodilcts;. . .~ - .' ,. .. ' 'Signage. that uses the 'sign standard provided by SUBshould.be placed in conspicuous locatio.ns (genen tor pad area, parking lot, outside of structuni, iruck entrance),to alert staff and visitors to notify 911 in the event of an ' . unauthorized release of hazardous materials (please contact Amy Chinitz at 744-3745 to purchase signs directly iT lm SUB).,'.,'. ,', . " ~.. -[ .' . ' ,'... ' .. . ".;;;r.-, . - . '. . A final inspection by SUB Water QualityProiectionCoordinator and Springfield Fire and Life Safety i: . . -. . -. . --~ ; - .. - -~.,,' . . - . . .. . , . '1 ~- .'''.~~: "j " required. . .:,- .' \ . · " ' Employee training sh'oiM promote awareness ~f.the ~eI!sitive a~ea that the facility occupies and special precautions ,that,need to..be.taken to, protect ,the dripking:water supply. The applicanfmay contact Amy Chinitz at". . 744.3745 ifhe/sh~. would like to, ~chedule a J)rj~frtri!}~ingwater.protectionpresentation for employees., " .~ . .'., <.'~:' .'; ;:i, ~'..' '.. " .'A,,~ ':l;~.~'. ....~.~.~~.l~;?;_~l~':.:..;~:):.j..':i~. -.;' '. :,' . ...... .-. ',. _: '. '. '.'. --. Please let me know If you need further clarification for any of these .items", ". ' ..' , ".: Sincerely,'. ':'/:,'::,~. "".: ',;:: ~,:q\,~?: )~!~;;ft~V1:",;::,: ::,: ,'. AmyChinitz.:,'.-,:" . " .<"., ':';:~',,: . . - ! ,- . . . .' .' : ,,~ ;'"...- .' . ,.'- ;'., . Amy E. Chlnltz,'M:C.R,P, M.~..~~ ~~ .:-~~: ~. _'" ,. -: i .;.?~,~'~~'~?~:t~~;..;j,~':;;~.'f~~ ~:':;,'-:' Wate;QUalityPr';,ecti~';Coordinator . .. ....::',. ~,~:;.:t'j!!L\;;,~':'~~ i<./:,. ::'. ,', sp~n~field Ut:l;ty B.oard .;~(...:.., "'~~:' "~,:/ .::;:{'?!~ti~Sf~f+': '2.:<..;> ,;<,~.( ;" ~;~: .:.',. . 202 South 18th Street ,; ,.' .',' ''''. '.- J' 'i ''-1 ", ,:-<....>r ,: .... : "', ....v ......;... ,,' " .' .r':'::",. 'J " 'i~ : ' .'. ~ .:< .,; ..,.' . ,..... ,I; :.'. .'" ";,,,"r' ,:., ..,.... .. '-"... . " " Springfield, OR 97477 '.- ';, .', \' "<~~:~ ' : ".:"', , . .. . " :i';" '~., :::. ~ -'~:~~-:."; ".- Phone: 541.744,3745 : .. ',"'. ,.' '.--1:.- " ..:;......:. . ".-:,:. ,-: '~.' , ""., ',. '.~ ~ . " .,.":: .~- ~:' ",' .... - . ",'", , .. ......, , Fax: 541.747.7348 ..', ':-"'.. . I,'~; ;:. ,''-'''/.;,.' . ......,',. -:. ...... . ~t , . ' '.", , "'.-. 't. .',' ,.;:, "',"'" . 'j ,. ~ ", ~. " .' < , ...'.':....., " I ,...... ",. '.' '. ",," " ,.,,- -'.' .. ': ,;--,.. .. , . " .... ; ',' ~ , . , . " .. , . :' ';'.. .- " , , .- ....- ,l .' , .J.-. " . ' . ". ., 5/23/2007 ..': .. ~. . lJ." " ... ""r':. . / - :.:. ~ . ':. " "'l. .,,'- ,,".. "',:' ',.'." /~, ...-',', ',: .-t,:,~, ~. ,".. " " ~.'. , I " .,.- ' .'.: ~ . . , . ' .