HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1983-10-28 .' . SPRINGFIELD , , ,,' " ".,' linr OF SPRINGFIELD Departmentof Public Works, .' " . \. I,. .,., . October 28, 1983 '.' I.,. ",'" ~f.' ~.''' <.t',. CERTIFIED LETTER ~. / ".:',., Mr. Wesley 0.' Swangers 2415 Marcola Road ,', Springfield, Oregon ' 97477 ., '-'. . ,'. '.,~' . IJ, - '., . '., .' Dear, rlr. Swangers: ,-." .,;. I am writing as a follow up to our recent .conversation relative to the unimporved portion of "R" 9treet located directly south of your property at 2415 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon. An August 30, 1983 letter from this office required you to remove a portion of your fence which encroaches on to the 30 foot right of way so that Springfield Utility Board can use it to build a new water well and maintain some . existing ~!ells which are located on the property to the south, , " , ,>_' . ,.," r . ;' ...: ~ . l~" "1 . 1;. " Since the time that our letter was sent, the remaining 30 foot portio~ of the right '. of way has been dedicated to the City by the adj acent property owner. Springfield . " Utility Board has informed me that this 30 foot portion (directly south of your rear fence) is adequate for their use, Therefore, at present, it will not be neces- . sary for you to remove your fence from the northerly 30 foot portion of "R" Street. We will notify you relative to your. new deadline for removal of the fence at the ap- '", propriate time. . I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your courtesy and coop- eration in helping to work out a mutually acceptable soloution to the problem, Please direct any further inquiries to TIle at the Springfield Building Safety Division, 726- ,3753. ' Sincerely, , f)fir C)J ~ , Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector - -. -~ cc: Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney SJ / lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 . -.. MEMO TO: joe Leahy Non-Compliance September 26, 1983 Page 2. </ ~. "R" Street Right of Way. W.O. Swanger, violation of 5-2-3. City C~de relative to obstructions in the public right of way. Please read the attached letter to Mr; Swanger from this office. Mr. Swanger's reply (also attached) states that his deed shows no public right of way. However, the right of way and Mr. Swanger's fence is on George Harlow's property. Mr. Swanger's property terminates on the north edge of the public right of way. Therefore, his fence does encroach on the public right of way. )!zJJrrr Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector attachments SJ Ilh """~ .' '- '. - ~~~@~EJ~@)01J~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 'September 26, 1983 , TO: Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney FROH: Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspector SUBJECT: Non-Compliance With The Following Cases: Please act on the following cases in order to secure compliance with City Codes/Ordinances. , 1. 499 North 36th Street, Jim Randazzo, violation of 5-1-1 (3)(d), Ci~y Code. Miscellaneous used materials continue to be stored in 'pUblic view. An Augu~t 29, 1983 deadline and subseq~ent inspection by this Division found no compliance (copy of letter attached).- " , 2. 1300 North 28th Street, Earl Robertson, violation of 401 B. and F. Uniform Housing Code (currently 401 (b) Springfield Housing Code). A house at this address has been demolished, but the septi~ tank has not yet been pumped and filled as required by Table I-11 of the Plumbing Specialty' Code. Some debris from the demolished house also still ~Emains. 3. 1893 North 2nd Street, Annabel West. violation of 301 (17) of the Uniform,Code for the Abatement of D~ngerous Buildings (currently. Section 401b of the Sp~ingfield Housing Code and Table 1-11 of the Plumbing Specialty Code). The owner was given an extension until September 7, 1983 to complete demolition of the: : structure at the above address. Most of the debris has been removed; however, the septic tank has not been pumped and filled and plumbing pipes remain embedded in the concrete slab posing a potential public safety hazard. 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IlESIIJENT: OWNER: ~ 0, .,iJDRE5S: c~~: AD{)nE~s;.\Q' S h .. h. . c16JJ. '2 ~ ---: S r f _._ '~_ DATE RECEIVED:_ )! ~ I 7-J73.. TYPE: }Q(2~?<J-- 0 l2-s1rnWOf]S ZONE: IC.. ~ , - 'NATURE:~.Cf.......~ !'HO:~,,:- "'0 bvif/ , PH:JNE: '" I NOTES: J . CO~lPLAINTANT: . , 'I .'~. 4(' ADDRESS: PHONE: NOTIFIED: DATE: , E REFERRED TO: -'<. o -/~- ? ~ o <J '> ~ <!.. IJ) . INSPECTION FINDINGS , . I' ~ _ I q...:~ ~ __ UvrA~~~ Y-;J..rA/V-v7 h/fl)/<- - 5.1) 1:, Y' / ,30 - ~ , /Y/VIVtJ-f d fk.f / Ihd~t-fP K ./ /D (~ - . r'~ <- / /).' f) I ~./ REFl*)<AL TO CITY _AT:.fORNEY. 'K..r2AAL..r ./"- ~ ' ./ 9 -..:L-t: ~O' ~ v --- /tI- /t1--56- ;7;-d~d-CD. _~{.b (~/J1, ~ c-#~ _ a~-/;/&e------K/ 0 / tJ ~ /-o~ ~/ ./J~f? - / '-7 11/,.,9. /- ~) f} erG- ~7'- O.~ - . "ho -?U;/. d~ n,ut~ h.(/~ /~~"C.J .{-i:;~-c.z. CAe /'/"e'/YZry '.. "- (.'~'- /ACTION PENDING ilL> ~ ~ P2---1L ,~A'.~/r~"')i'~-, .;/ ~ 0 IIA'II: NOTICE' AND ORDER r".:: '.', *'" 7-/& /zs 3- --: ., ') l~ . PROSECUTING ATTOIlNEY ,0\ o REl'J:I\RAL , ' / -J:tllOLD .' ---- J4fINALED J?Y--cAI-5 FINAl. ACTION: o INVALID . 0 RECHECK . SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works August 30, 1983 2375 Mohawk Road Partnership 291 West 12th Eugene, Oregon 97401 ,/ . ',. I ! t ,( . l . Dear Property Owners: I \ : I'm writing with regard to the fence which encroaches on public right of way located directly south of your property at 2375 Marco1a Road, Springfield, Oregon, more par- ticularly described as Tax Lot #1100, Lane County Assessors' Map 17-03-25-14. The public right of way in question is a 3D' strip of "R" Street which borders the nor- . them boundary of Maia Planned Unit Development. While this development is currently only "on paper" and has yet to be improved, Springfield Utility Board operates a well on the property and uses the "W' Street right of way for access to maintain the well. Your fence prevents the Utility Board from gaining access to the well. Additionally, Section 5-2-3 of the City Code pro- hibits the obstruction of any public right of way (please refer to the attached copy). The fence must be removed from the portion of "W' Street right of way abutting your southerly property line by fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter (September 15, 1983). The right of way area boundaries have recently been marked with stakes; the fence must be moved completely out of this staked area. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at. 726-3753. Sk~ Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector .. cc: Dale Anderson, Springfield Utility Board '. Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney George R. & Artie M. Harlow 2433 Marco1a Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 attachment SJ/lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works August 30, 1983 Mr. Wesley O. Swanger 2415 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 , I~/ ,. . . Dear Mr. Swanger: I'm writing with regard to the fence'which encroaches on public right of way located directly south of your property at 2415 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon, more par- ;' I ticularly described as Tax Lot #1000, Lane County Assessors' Map 17-03-25-14. The public right of way in question is a 30' strip of "R" Street which borders the nor- thern boundary of Maia Planned Unit Development. I . , While this development is currently only "on paper" and has yet to be improved, Springfield Utility Board operates a well on the property and uses the "R" Street right of way for access to maintain the well. Your fence prevents the Utility Board from gaining access to the well. Additionally, Section 5-2-3 of the City Code pro- hibits the obstruction of any public right of way (please refer to the attached copy). The fence must be removed from the portion of "R" Street right 'of way abutting your southerly property line by fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter (September 15, 1983). The right of way area boundaries have recently been marked with stakes; the fence must be moved completely out of this staked area. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. . Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. SM~()~ Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector '\ { cc: Dale Anderson, Springfield Utility Board \ Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney George R. & Artie M. Harlow 2433 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 attachment SJ/lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 , :~ SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works August 30, 1983 Mr. Wesley O. Swanger 2415 Marcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ /.. // " Dear Mr. Swanger: I'm writing with regard to the fence'which encroaches on public right of way located directly south of your property at 2415 Marcola Road, Springfield, Oregon, more par- ticularly described as Tax Lot #1000, Lane County Assessors' Map 17-03-25-14. The public right of way in question is a 30' strip of "R" Street which borders the nor- thern boundary of Maia Planned Unit. Development. While this development is currently only "on paper" and has yet to be improved, Springfield Utility Board operates a well on the property and uses the "R" Street right of way for access to maintain the well. Your fence prevents the Utility Board from gaining access to the well. Additionally, Section 5-2-3 of the City Code pro- hibits the obstruction of any public right of way (please refer to the attached copy). '. The fence must be removed from the portion of "R" Street right of way abutting your southerly property line by fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter (September . 15, 1983). The right of way area boundaries have recently been marked with stakes; the fence must be moved completely out of this staked area. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. ' Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at. 726-3753. Sincerely, /J 'fiJL!rY~ Sally Johnson Environmental Inspector cc: Dale Anderson, Springfield Utility Board Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney George R. & Artie M. Harlow 2433 ~Iarcola Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 attachment SJ/lh 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753