HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-3-13 .. RESID.T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loca.tion: ;) ;;)r;{ '7 rn CI.A C f9-f! G../ # 1'10 3;)5/:3 o f/o 0 ASGessorS' Map Subdivision: Tax Lot # l).mel': uJ~~J 11lM~~ Js kf U /J, /0 If! Phone: S~~ 3-/3-f1" Adtb-ess: City: n n n n Nen,) Addi tien Remodel Uobile Home Date of Applicaticn C:ontl'actol'S General Plumbing Electrical l1eahar.ic.:::.l. Construction Lender 4-t ,!,./YI.-I!./V 1 Lj / -Lfos9 Zip: Value Ac.idres3 . Rcce;pt #- 0- (()7CJ3;;2.. l/~U~/v I' , I I ( "II 6\'-\ ,I , rv 4,,1'" ~ U2/ 1-/3-){'i Sigr.ed: Date: Lise. # Phone Exvil'CS It is the responoibility of ths peTl1fit holder to see that all. irwpections are made at the proper tim€, that ;;;ach -=ddres8 is rea.=ao:e from ths street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. .tBui"!ding Divicw:-: approved pl.an shell remain on the BuiZding Sit;;; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR 1'ISP-'~CTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design.ated job nlZ:bel'~ job adi.ress~ type of in3pec~icn requested ar.d whe-n you r.Ji7.l. be ready for ir.spcction~ Contractors or OI.mers nc.me c:.nd phone number. Requests received before 'l: 00 G:':< .'iZZ be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am"";ZZ b. made the """t ""rking day. g 1C5 /5/ J Your Cit:y Decigr.ated Job Number If): / R1f1JJ1:rp,; r1".<;T)p.(!t1:r.n.<t O SITE INsPECTION: To be made after e.xcavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1[, & . MECHA,7ICAL: To be made before any work is .::ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUND.1TION: To be rrrzde after trenches are excavated and forms CU"e erected~ but prior to pourin.g ccncret..:.:. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. w'1TER, DRAINAGE: To. be rrvde prior -to fi l- lir.g trenches. o o UNDERFWQ,q PLU/.fflING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. o 4~ ~RDUGH PLUHBI!JG. LECTRIC.... & UECH- ~ ANICAL: No:,)Or is DC cOlJel'ed ,until these inspections have beer. made and approved. O FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. D FRANIlJG: Must be requested after 1 approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing & chimncys~ etc. nr~st be ; completed. llo lJOrk is to be cen- .-'- cec.led until thia inspection has ~been made and approved. o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulr;ti:m w.d" required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath~ gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. I DEUOLITIOH OR ;~:OVEE BUILDI;iGS ~ Sanitary sC'..)er ~apped ::t r:.op~rty li~e ~ Septi~ tank v~ed and fille~ with gra~e~ I Final - mten ah...--ve ite:ns are cc::roleted -.J and when der.zolitior: is complete or st:-u,z- tuz>e moved and pl'c:mises c leaned up. ./ I Nobi le Hemes ~ Blocking a1Ui Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections s~er ar~ wa:er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up ---1 and plumbing conr:ections nr~st be approvec before requesting elec:rical inspec~io~ :=J Ac~essol"d Building --, Pinal - Aft;;:r porcr.es, ~ etc. are cample~~d. skirting, decks~ DRYWALL II/SPECTrON: To be made after all drywall is in place~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bona beam:J~ grou:ing or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. D All project condition8~ such as the installation of street trees, co~letion of the required landscapir:g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be raquestad. o FIllAL PLUMBIllG o FINAL !.fE~HANICAL :s(' FINAL ELECTRICAL IA q o FIliAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requested aFter the Pinal Plwnbing Electrical, and Nechar.icc.l Inspection:J have beer: made and approJ);!d. -:=J o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After foPfTls are arected but prior to pouring corwrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & for.m work & sub- . base material in place. o o YENCE: Wher: complete -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' ItALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCES$IBLE~ ADJUST!!Etl~ TO BE N.1DE AT /.'0 CYST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 o I JOB NO.q; 7!J/51 I Zone: ILot Sq. Ft{;. I Z of lot C(}Vel'ag& 1# of StoPies Total Height' Topography IITEN IMain I Ga:race SQ. FTG Carnort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. {VCL.UC} 1.5% Building Permit State Sureharge Total Cha......ges IITEN Pirtures Residentia~ (J bath! Sanitary 5ewel' t Wc:teI' PZwnbing Permi t State Surcr.Lll'ge Total Chat'oes IITEN 'Res. Sa. fto. jNewlExtend Circuits I Tempor-ary Service Ele:!t'Pica l Permi t State SUt':!harae Total Cha1'aes lITEM llo"Jdna:ce ETU'S I &haus t Hood j Vent Fan I . I Jloodstove Perrrrit IssU!UtCa Me:::hanic::zl PePmit State Sur'riharae Tatt'll CMrrU!9 -- ENCROACHI1ENT -- I Sec-olM. tu DZ'DOsi t ; Storage Maintenmwe Permit Total Cha1'l1cS Cur!x:,ut Sidel.Jalk Fetu:e SOLAR A~ESS Occu.vancu crJfl!l LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac X I Value I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . /10. I FEE I I CHARGE . 110., I I I FEE CHARGE I I ,;2,;2.50 I v~ I . flf) ./ I rl3, '-if) . 1/10. I FEE I I I I I I I CIIARCE 1'02 13 EZectl'icaZ Label Mobile Home TOTAL AJ.!OUNT DUE:.4 REQ.- I Lot Faces - I I P.L. !North lEast iSouth IWest Fees T;'pe/Cor.st: . I ; En8rGU Sources I Heat AccesS. I I: I: II II' L-COG-1j.o BeciJ'oooms: T:.me SetbaC!ks I House Caraae i i I I Wate!' Hl?atp'T' Range FirBPZaC!e WOOQ3tove Building Value & Permit This pel"r11it ic granted on the express condition that the s.did. construction shall, in all. respects, confoTTn to the Ordinance adopted by the city of SpPingfie1.d, including the Zoning CPdinance, l'eguZc.ting the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, and m::r.y be suspended 01' !'evoked at c.r:y time upon vic- lation of any pravisions of said Ordi'T'.ances. Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReadpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, :'aZtel' 01' change any new 01' e=isting plumbing 01' drainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to propel'ty which is Owned, leased 01' ope!'ated by the appli- cant. : I ,. . Electricali Permi t , Where State Law requires tr.at the eZectl'ical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label. has been signed by the E'lectrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit Plan Exaniner va., I. I I I I I. I I I ,70 0 ~'-\ I ;d~L_L ;2 3.~ I Signad 1-- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compl~ted application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info:ma.tion hereon is true and cOl'l'ect, and I f'.lrther certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfo'P.7led shall be don.e in. acC!or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Sp1'ingficZd, and thz UL;S of tho State of Oregan p~rtaining to the work described he~ein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nude of any structUI'2 ;withou.t parmission of the BuiZdin.g Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contracto!'s ar~ e~l~yees who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.055 will beiused on. this project J--i3-f? Date