HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-8-11 "-~~~':"~.'-'.'-"-:_",~,,,',,...;~,,,,',,~';'-"~--' .........,--.,_.... "..--.-... _...'.:.....'..s;:.;,-~...,.."...........;......'"'-'"-.:J...-.:. _>. ._,~..."'.'I', .. RESIDItTlAL" APPLICATION/PERIfIT 225 North 5th Street SpnngfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loc:ltion: Q2y; '7 YYl CVt Op{~ I '7'0 '3::25 / ?::, T= Lot # 0//0-0 ASDeS80rz Map II Subdivision: . Reee,ot' A _ r;" )( '1 <;? -'7-. or ~ Ckoner: !~Jl~ -:t/2PJ//i~~ Address: ;)s r; g () A), If/') (tI Phone: 7 t./ I - LJDsCl City: n n n n Nm.l Addi ticn Remo.:el .'!obi.!e Homa . g~((-vlJ Date of App!icatien :.:ontrac-::ors Genera l Plumbinq Elect1"ical I.!e=har.ic;:l Construction Lender f)11/ IUJ /J J Zip: De~1 It&!-. W~ Value Add....es3 cnv II l1 Siar:ed: ~ Cc.. <;<-1 (-f''l J~lll Date: Lise. # i:,'=::;ir;:;s ?r.on~ It is the resr;onoibi1.ity of the permit hoLde'1' to see that: aH iMpections (D'e made at the proper tim{;~ that. each ~e8s is jran the Btreet, and that the permit card is Zvcated at the f1'OTlt of the property. AEui!di~ rr~vi=ior. approt:ed pZan shell remain on the Bu-:.lding Sit:; at all times. ?.'?OCEDUf?E FOP. Il,'SPECTIOll R::QU=:ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr.:zted job number~ job a.i..6>css~ ty;;e reques~ed a~~ u~en you uiZZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners ~~e end phone nu~er. Requcs:s recei~ed :.:.iZl be rr.ade the Bame dc.y, reques~s mc.de eftc:::r 7:00 a:TI lJiZL b.z made the nc='t :JOrkir..; Cc;;d. R~mJi~~~ T~~~~~tir.~~ ::J C"T""t' I"'C:::l~"""IO'" T' . ....~_ ,,_. .:."". ;.. 0 De Jnaae , excatl...~i"n, but prior to set -::..~ forms~ =:J after up of U/lDERSLAE ?LUI.f9IllG. Ef-ECTRIC.1 [, NECH,J.:J:iC;.L: To be made before work is covcred. . any =:J FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made after ~renches are excavated and form~ are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. UNDSRG.90U:.'D PI.W.f3ING. SEWER. ~~1TE.r:? DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil.- .Z,ir.g trenches. :J :J :J U!lDERF'LOC.~ !'LW.'3r:.'G tJ MECHANICAL: To be ~aae prior ~o ~nsta~~~~on of /1001' insu~tion or decking. POST AI:!) BEAN: To be ",.ade prior to install...:icn of floor ins~Zation or dEekir..g . ROUCH ?[,[.?:3If1G. Er,ECTR!CA~ ,-P, MECH- . ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be cot.'ered .until. thcse inspectior.s have been made ar..d c:pprovc.:. FIREPLACE: lTior to pZc.cir.g facing me~eriaLS and before framing inspec- tior.. PRA!!Il!C: Must be requeated after approv~l of rough plUffhing, 2lec'tri- cal & mecr.anical. AU roOfing bracing e chimnt:ys, etc. """,st be ;' complctcd. !Jo wrk is to be ccn- ,;, cealed until this inspection has 'be~n made and app~ved. :J ] ] ~~1LU:~: :J FIliAL MEcHANICAL :J FINAL ELE!:':'IIICAL :J Your City Decigr.ated Job Numba' ID: o Il!SULATIONIVAP08 BARRIER I!lSPECTION: To be rrade after aU insul::tian a:"n required vapor carriers are in p'Laee but cefore any Zath~ gypsWTI beard 01" LXlU covering is app1.ied~ and before any inDuLation is concealed. rea.=a.oZ~ of ir:3pec~icn cefel'e 7:0CJ c::; 8'1o~' ~ !5~ DEnQLITIO!! OR gOVE:; B~'ILDI;.'CS =:l Sani=a:ry Be"..}er ::apped .::~ ~opo:rt":i Zir.e ~ Septi~ tank 17~~~d ~d fill~~ uith ;ra~eZ I Pinal - fl'hen abcve ite.":'Is are ccmvletcd ~ ar.d when demolition is complete or st~~- ture moved and premises cle~ned up. I Nobi le Hemes ::J Blocking a1Ui S2t-~p ::J Pl~bing connections s~er and ua:e~ ::J ElcctriceZ Connection - Blocking, set-uF and plumbing connections m"...st ce appr:n;ec. before requesting elec~rical ins?ec:io~ ::J Acces~ol".i BuiLd-:.ng I Final - I.lto:r p~rcr.es~ ~ etc. arc compZeto:d. sk-:.rting, decks, DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: To be made after aZl drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE..: After installation is cempZeud. o D o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:- forms are erected but prior to pcruring CO~rete. SIDEWALK t. DRIt'EWAY: POI' all con- crete paving within street right- of-fJCY~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & 3ub- base material in place. o All projeet conditions, Ducn as the ins'tallation of street trees, c~lction of the required Landsccpir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDI/.'C FINAL can be request.=d. D o ~EnCE: M~en compl~te -- Provide gates OT' movabZe sections through P.U.E. o ;, FINAL BUILDING: The Fina{SuiZding Inspection must be requested af'ter the Final Plumbi~ Elect.rical, and Mechar.ical Inspecti.orw hava been made and approved. o -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!~,'IT TO' BE fl!.1DE J.'!' NO C~ST TO CI'!Y I P:1~e ! of 2 JOB No.~'~':;t6 SOLAR AWSS r;; 1fTJ /C)L-/occu"a"c" Grc-" " , ~or:c: wt Sq. Ft;;. .. ;:;f l..:;t C:nJcrag:: :> of Stories -:ota1. Height 'I'opogr.z;;hy r'7'r",t I Sn c-e I .....\J '.fain 'J<:rae," Carver: .1cccssor:1 TOTAr. 1~4LUE' S.D.C. I tic..:...;:) 1.5 = Bu.ilding Pcr::-:i t State SW"cn.-rrpe Tota 1. Cha:oge3 ~~~'.' 1"- I.V. .='i=:ures .:".fesid.::r.tiaZ (1 bet]:) :3c:r.i~:l Se:..'cY' :;cte!'" Plur.::bir:p Pe~t Stata S;.a>cr..=1"ea 1.....,..1 C"r'::'Y'ccr: =?~.":. S~. ftc. 1::_. I .~/~-ter~ Cir~~its ~~~rCTY Service EZ.e~trical Pe~t St:::te Surci;.:::rce Total C;~Cf:.'; '";":;"-, :;:.! F::f:: ~Urr..:2ce ETV'S ~haust Hood /ent Fan "::lods to:JC Pe'!"i.;":t l:;su.=nc~ ne,:;r.:;r.ic.:: Z pcri.:"i t State Surchcrac Tote I CJ._'1~a"~ 2:.'CRDACH:.:i::.''i' 'Cc-..t.,...(.tu D::po:;it "toraoe '1i"t(!'r.'::::r':,~ cromit Tetal Cnar,7Cs ~bC'.J.t ide..J.:1.lk (,1'%:::e Zectl"ic.::1 Label "bile H::me _."'ft.i.. iu~:~:.=' u;;:.:" I I I I I 1 1<:, tOO I ~ ,751 I /0 ~7sl leT TYPE lr.tcricr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value cr...:'::.-;i:.' '-.-:r.'-__-_ C;_CC 0 '. REQ.- L-COC"" \ I I i i 1 I I I I . T~'[lcICor:st: Ee::.roor:s: I Lot Faces - I I P.I" 1"01' tit lEast ISOtOth IWest II II !;CCC30. I I II II Ii II Enerr.:. So:~rCO"'!3 .;'ica~ T'J;1(! Sr.tback~ I Hotis.~ : Cara(1fJ I I I i Watr.r> .ur::1~r!" Ha,If.'c ....i rco Lac," Wcoa.;tol.'"" Fcp..": i I I I I I I , . I I I , . Building Value & Permit This pe~t is granted on the express condition that the said.constI'Ucotion 8haZl~ in all re8pccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springficld~ incZudi.ng the Zoning C'rdi.nance~ regulati'1g the ccnstr'..lc:icn and u:;e of buildings~ and m~y be 8uopended or revoked at any time upon vic~ lation of any provisior.8 of said Ord~r4nces. \ . IFlan Check Fee: IDatc Paid: jRec;;ipt #: ISi~ed: Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct~ instaLZ~ aZter or change any ne:.; cr c=isting pLtw:bir{! 01' irainage s]lstC.'1l in t.Jhole 'or in p:zrt~ unZeGs st.:c:h person is tJ:e legal possessor of a vaZid plumber's \:license~ except troat a pc:'son rr;a."d do plu~oing ~orK to pl'ope1'r~ ~hich is o~~ed~ Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Eiectrica I Perm it Where State ~ requires tr~t the cZect1'ical ~or~ 02 dor.~ b'J ar. Ele~:~ical Cor.r~ac=or~ tne electriccl =ortior. of tni$ ~cr.c.:t sr~LZ r.c:- be ~~tiC until tne i..abeZ ;,..::s b::en :;iflT'o.ec. by the EZe~r:ricaZ: ::01::r::c::o!'. Mechanical Permit , I I I I I. Pi-an Exam,nez' uaLe . I HAVE CAREFULLY ::XANINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all i,:,:fo:r.:ation h~l'eon is trua and ccrrcct~ an.:i I further certify that any ar.d azz. lJOrk'. pe1'for:71cd shaZl be aO:1C i:: ac=oT'~ dance ~th the Ordin3nccs of the City! of SpringfieZd~ and th= L~~J of the State of Oreg.:m p=rtaining to the LJOrk d.escribed hera':"l~ c.r:d tr.at /.'0 OCC!J- PAIICY win be made of any structure without parmissio!1. of tile Bui.lding Di- vision. I further certifii that o!1.ly contractors a;;d c:npZ:Jyec8 who are 1..7: ~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be u~ed on this project I i I I jJkt.J~ i?;z~)/~~~ /5. 7c;? I Cj -((~f1