HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-1-16 .1 WI' -.~ J r: !'.'\ E~~lc;AI;P.ERf."'I:r ~pnf~~~o!" i"c". . L':;' r I ~.:tt" Job ~ill1ib~~ ,;iOf"'~ 6~'~~~~.Ox:"r~:' ,;' It,. t"l 1") ['6',<. ," ','/"' .' 'C::'~ '3},cof:1pl.;kTE FEE SCH-E6ULE B~~~\V(;~' .' . ,Ii.' ii.:.j I ..<"....i.< .", .., '. . .).::..... ',' ,...,.:'.....'. _-! ~:- Ne~y:R~idcntial-Si~g[~.or. ".;._- Multi-Family pcr dwclling unit, LEGAL DESCRIPTION , Scrvicc Included: /7D7, 2.)- /7 i9-/J""~ . dh the following .. ---, ThE- t(,1l10~/lng Pll!Il::Cf as 5ubmltte ~.s -'1\ 7~j'Wlg and does not require ,specIfiC land use . ; '. ::. JOB DESCRIPTION ;\1rr<;~ c..c.. 1000 sq.ft. or less t' ,.~,14uNt:)I2~ ~-.-..., ~",/~ji51"J";.! I(,-Or) :q"r~ :;:~~i::; 500 ,;., Permits are n9n-transferable arlCl'e~'jJ;'c r7>f0 thereof ~ ,: if work is not 'started within 180.,da):.%::~u Slgnatur~ ~ }II E"...;, ~V~.IIIU; u Home or :" .'.... of issllance,hr if work is suspended for rvtodular Dwelling f""r/':':\", " '.. J ", ,-,,_' ,1\ ,~';,.~\ i: ,,:~:) 180 days. ..' :,; Service or Feeder f-'" ,~':~ $ 50.00 -;-;c:- i'. ~~ ':,'~. i~ /<~"";;r:',<::'>l . ,. . ", 2. CONT'0CrOR,I,NFALLATIONONLY B. ServiccsorFceders /., ..' ,..::\ ,'{~: I.:',." , , r'. \ ~~ Installation, Alteratioris or ..~. '.;,.\..,':', EleclricalFontT~ct~r'V"" ~~ \.:l~ Relocation: /~(";"'..... .: .', l~;:':" Addressj~t ~ ,,<l... s-1'- /-~>, 200 amps or le~s5::0':,,~. ; -: it "") I '! . i . \ V',' ..r; '-?" . . .6QI amps 10 1000 amps. ,. '>'" $16rOQ' . I~,',': Sup~rvisbr ~ice~sd~umb~~ ,..JOy'5K ~~ ' : ~~~~~e%~ ~~~s1VOI!S . ;;...', '.~., ~ :~;g.gg . ,"" ,\ EXPirati!n l)aie'Jn~ t'l1-'~D3 ' , ," ..' " ", : " ,'_ .,; '~,";', . ~"":"'l f.6!(''''- -, 'I'~ ':'.';>~ '"'iT .:\.y -;:-'A' '""" '-<""-<;~, '~<1 ,,~ _ ~.....l c:-',fanpuran; Scrvices'~bf'Fcede1-s' ~;r''''-~.7''''.~ ~':: .. L "constr~~~I~~er ~.II..\'S7] /71 Installati~n, Alterati~n o~ Re~oc,ition .~.", l l. '" '-_ "--.' t,.. ......Expiration Date J -I'=ls-e!;+. .. 200 amps'or less ,', . r. -,.,:~.,,' -~' :';t.::29,famps'lo400a,mps .~ . ',' . :'., ..,SignatUl'e ~f,Supervising Electrician . ~OYE.':.401t?()OO;amPf' ,. ;'.;:~.,,":". ~~1~0.00 . .. . " ..;. ',. ,......". Over 600'amps.or 1000 volts see,' .;:,'i. ...., ','::';'::'~:~~,. "B"ab?\ -"",-<~,;\,<..\..,., t.~:l: .'.: '. . ':~L(e'~CkAVv D. BrancbCircllits l.,'" 'c:.;: '.. ",:: . Owiicrs N amc~, i.. ,,:..,=_NL~~ . : '. Newl Klteidtion Of,E'Xtension Per Pan~1 ..'" (\/:.<.;."", .~. '., l/l .\ "I (.'...'..."."'..... ~-~'. ,dO" ,n.~\AJ .C\:\. . _.',~ llr' ,. t- "I ,'," , :,; <." : -'" "Address .,' \~:)Ip~:" :'~~() \r.YII ty Ollt~~'~~lIit'~ .l~) \<',,~":$?:O~" '. :Cit): ~. nro-l O~.". .'.q.'. Ph~n~ 7. . f7-" 7.90 F;:. ~.~.'h.Addit!ci~~Y..qir~9it.or with S~,~iC. 'e:~<c~' c. . .. '.. '.;,'. ~:O"2,-::a." or'FeederPermlL...~~ ",- $3.00 ;OWN'ER INST AtLA tlb~''''''':;;.J( . 1:1',' " /1//.-,>, \ \:; :,;t. <". h' . The installation is being made on .. E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) ';'.'. .:: :: .,. ~.~;. ,~.p~operty I. o\\'n '\~l}~~~?'!s,~~t. i~.~en1,~((~ H J~~a~!~\i~,~ta,ila~i'?~-:':1r'_.:'{1 \-1:: ;~~~\':~'<'~'_ . , . for sale, lease o~ Te~t.. ,.... I: pump o~:lrllgatlOn"" \ i' ---.J.'$,O'.OO..:...:..::.... " " . ;':;\ ;-:",:~::{""-' '~'~'~'" . :~,.,;,~. t,,~t ; ..'~ , r ?~~XY9u~li.n.~~.t~gllt~~1~;'.:~!\ ,:" { _ '~5p:OO':~ .',:, '"-;:'.'~t " ,:'9wnct~s ~17n.at,u~:,e:-1':h}~ '."1~.. /'':': '!_ L~!1!~te~.'_Energy(R~s'"..>: ..., _ $25:00,-:1~E. ,~ .... '.. ""'. ''>'' "" , "LlllUtedEnergy/C9mm'.' ~~1J.oe..~:.', _~'l,', ,,-, ~., " ~." ,'..:'-'......-- t;~~:~", ~;i',:.:...\~~~ mO:~3tHSIj3:.' , Minim~~, El6cii,ic p'ermit'Inspcction Fee is 545,00 + S~i'chai'f~s : 39NtlHO';' , .'.' \ \ f t.,' r : '" \, . i:t.::' 09'61:$":t:a:J3~ lWIj 4, SUBT.OtiL.OFABOVE;:?t:;,~"'~.t. (;00(; 9J' N@;31~(j 7% S'talc Siirch,'lrgi ,';;.} -2 sr,J:(;' 88Lb~006-rp:.#?NIj~1.. 8% Ad~jnisirali"~Fe:e~ ;; "f'.: I I'. \:./ /.1',,,.) -- ,'j " 6D '.' TOTAL '..,1 ,,-;?y: . /:.:, ~225.f,IFTH !';rn,.E:ET f'; t\ r'~ '~I : ,:'d \"SfR,!!'lGF;IE,r,D, ()RE?O)'l ?7~77 i~J :.) \ . ,'",nNSfECTlQI)! REQ\J,EST: ;726=3\69 ",J "<:~ .'OF,FI.CE:'72(i-r;;59; '';I f ,) 1,'.1 L';;>j 'A ...". 1 I, f' i I" I.,! \.' i I"'. '1")' r' . I :1", -<- ! -- it . i~ fl ) .' .Ij_.... ~'..' ""..-' '11 i ! \...1 '.~ 1. LOCATIONOF)'r{STALLAtlONI ,,-~~...) _.1 2YJ"'~VJ7~(j/~ /lv:U t~ ~ ",,, . , ,:,~ ~L_, ftj;: ~" . Items Cost ",'."'"" Sum..:: "'//:~~,~ ~"\i.;:'~; $106.00 ::,:;;:-4 . ~ .~';'~ $ 19.06 ,'"i',.":> i ":':'~~f - ",;',,' --::;--:;: :,1%\lf~:4, \~\PJ1;') ;.'\~>:>\ f .f Y" ,f,' h' '~:l' ", t",; '. , ".;_'-_~ " ~___.___." _~ ..::'-'.2:...1-'_