HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1991-9-26 ........ \/ 08/26/91 .14: 16 'B'503t6 3;82 CITY OF SPRNGF~~:Gr-~ fF/ I4J 0'02 . " 7.25 loTI'TIl STREEI' Sl'HINGFIBLD. OREC'.oN 974Tl INSPF.cn:ON REQUEST: 726-3769 City Job Number OFYICF.: 726--3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTAIJ..AT.ION X'/30 .J-IcueCDLA 42o.4() LF1"4L DESClUl?TION /'1032.".5/0 C09fYl JOB DEScrccrrION kmr.c...: (.)vJcJi ~ U) Fiea;~)[c;.. 9&-./ u Permits a~e non-transfe~ab1e and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days .~ issuance or if york is suspended for ao days. 2. CONTRActOR INST.ALLATION ONLY B. Electrical Contq,ctor ~/~ ~~ Address-1644 ~ (714 ~ Citi';/M7l.,~ Phone ~jlCj'7( supel~i~or License NUmber /(('3 '51.- IfJ!r! q( Constr Contr. Numbe.r:_(p-12JQ'2..,' Expiration Date Zl'1 Jq;L , r ' ,Expiration Date 3. \^JW:l:.ET& FEE s.-nr.uul..E BELOll Items A. New Residential-Single or Hulti-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: 1000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof $ 15.00 Eacl1 Hanuf'd Ho..e or Modular INciling Service 01: l"eeder $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: $ 50.00: $ 60.00, $100.00 i ---:,-. $130.00 i / I ,300.0C.V $ 40.[60' - ' / . C. Temporary Services or Feed~ ; Installation, Alte~ation tur Re1ocat~on 200 amps or less . $ 40.00! 201 amp'" to 400 amps =-= $ 55.00' Over 4G, to 600 amps ' ,I,;; $ 80_00' Over 600 amps or 1000 vOfts see "B": above Branch Circuits l ' 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Ovet. 1000 amps/volts Reconnec t Only Sil~ture of Supervising Electrician _~' . (A4~ r'\'.JUfd.rs Name .Address Coity Phone "0"''''''- llISfALlATION The installation is being w!de on propo;,xty I mm -which is not intended for sale, leQ.Se o~ rent. 01i/TleLS Signa.ture: . DATE~ Cj r-4ln . q I .':\-V1, , .~._ P.E..r...n jlo: rrl f7L O',)~ HEI.I:..1.VW, BY:. ~ ':f\ID~0 j -:-- -- AUG-26-'31 t'l0 t'j 15: (15 Nev, Alteration ',r ExteIlSion Per Pape1 One Circuit ~\__ ~ 35.0q Eacl, Addi tiona1 ' Circuit or with Spcvice i 'or Feeder Perllli t \ $ 2.90 -"-___ \ --, E_ Miscellaneous (SerVice/fe~er not included) -Each installation '\ ' Pump or iI:'rigation 'S 40,00 __ Sign/Outline Ligbting 5 $\40.uO z.Ouf2 Lillli ted Energy IRes $ 2.,:'<,00 _____ l..iolrited Ene.1:gy/Collllll ,. 36_vO, __ : -..... :'. SPlTQTAI. OF MlQVE 'lfJ()!}!) : _ ')~:: :5tate Surcharge /U ~ l'OTAL 2../ U~~ 503 72E. 3782 P,02