HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-10-3 .. RESIDENTIAL" . APPLICJf!!lON/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 Job Location: :2/cJ5 m~a./ ASGeS80l"S' Map II Subdivision: Q.mer: J;H.l d I '942 C~:- ~ A.J OJ.. R f8.- P1-.one: 7<110- [33/ 97cJ77 Address: City: QNm., n Addi ticn n Remodel n .',!obi le Home Date of Application Contractors GeneraL -i PLumbi"!! I Electrical I Mschar.ic.:z 1 I ._q~nstruction Lender ...(O.-c3-ff ) /ll..JVJlA/ T= Lot # Zip: DrJ~ . t:Jd- PM-L ~ . roO Value '::. Address Reeeopt.~ /2.479 .. t1,r II ! I \ If''\ (!C la--? -,pl Siqr.ed: Date: Lise. II Expires Phone -1\ ~ .~ . It is the 1'6spontribiZity of the ptnWtit hOlder to see that all inopections are made at 'the proper time~ tr.at each -=ddres8 is readahZe f1"Ol1l ths street, and that thB permit card is 'Located at the fzoont of the prC?fJerty. -4BuiZding Divi::ior: approved p'lan shan remain on the BuiZding Sit;; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE)'JUEST,:CALL 726-3769 tl'ccol'derJ state your City designated job nW71ber~ job add:rC8S~ type of in3peC!ticn 1"equestcd ar'.d wh.en you fJiZ'l be 2"eady f01" inspcction, ContraC!to2"s 02" Ot.mezos ncme c:nd phone number. Requests reC!eived before 7:00 G;:"/ ;..'iZZ be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will be made the nat :.JOrking day. Reaui2"eo Tn~Q~~tir.n~ 0- SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any lJOrk is covered. o o roOTING {FOUNDATION: To be rn:uie after trenches are excavated and forms are el'ected, but prior to pouring C07lC1'et,z. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING.. SEWER. w'1TEli,. pRAINAGE: To be made p1'ior to fiL- .zir.g trenches. D. UNDERPWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: ,- . To be ma.cie priol' to installation of . floor insulation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made proior to installation of fl.o01' insulation or . dscki1l{;. ROUGH PLUMBI/JG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,until thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. ' FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g faC!ing matePials and befol'e framing inspec- tion. O FRANING: Must be requested after approval. of rough plurr.bing, electPi- ,cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing " chimncys~ et.::. 17r.J.st be :' completed. No tJOrk is to be con- ..;.,oealed until this inspection has ~ be~n made and approved. o D Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulaticm a:o.d '. required vapor barriers are in place ,;', hut before any lath, gypsum board or wU aovering is applied, and before 'any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be rn:uie after aU drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. 0, MASONRY: Steel location, bomI beams, grouting or verticals in accordance JJith V.B.C. Section P415' WOODSTOVE: After installation is -ccmpZet<d. ....., . .. i;) t7 O CURB & APPROACH AP.'TON.o After forms tJ2"e erected but pPior to pouroing CO'1'U!rete. o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- orete paving within strect right- pf-lX:.y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & for.m work & sub- . base matePial in place. O :'ENCE: When complete -- Provide gates or movable sections through ~P.r~ '0 'Cx--o %90 DEUOLITION OR ;',;OVED BUILDIiJGS :J Sanitary se'Jer capped at p:..op~rt'~. line =:J Septi.:: tank p:.urrped and filZe~ with fjI'a~eZ- I Final - mum ab...---ve items a:re completed ~ and ~hen demolition is complete or struc- ture moved and pramis8s cleaned up. Mobile Bernes =:J Blocking and Sat-up =:J Plumbing co~nections s~er and Water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up --.J and plumbing connections TTr.J.st ce approved , before requesting electrical inspection =:J Ac.::essor>d Bui~ing " I Pinal. - Aftar p:;rcr.es~ skirting, decks, ~ etc. a:t'e complet~d. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co,-:rpletion of tits roequired Zandscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG o FIliAL ME~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ~~ o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar..icaZ Inspecticno hcwe been made and appl'oved. /tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEllT TO BE MlIDE AT NO COST TO CI.::J Page 1 of 2 ~ I JOB NO. Cf:(otq fJ I Zone: Lot Sq. Ft{;. s ~f 1-ot Coverag< #- of Stories Tota~ Height Topography I lITEM j"kIin I Gerace I Caroort I Accessol'lJ TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (uat.uc) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State SuPcharge Tota~ Cha.~ge. lITEM I Fixture. I Re.idantia~ (1 bath) I Sani tary Sew81' I Water Plumbing Permi t State Surcr.a.rge L-COG~ SOLAR AC.CESS REQ.- Oc(!Uvancl! c. LOT TYPE . SQ.FTG IND. ; I I I I I Total Charaes I ITEM NO. t Res. 5(1. fta. I NEU.J/Eztend Circuits I T .;.o"......~ .... d Service EleatricaZ Permit State Su:raharqe Total Charc:es lITEM I Fw'nace PTY' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan 11I00~to~e Q I \J~~ A~ Permit Issuance Me:::hanica I Permi t State Surcharae 'lhtl7l r:'ha:rl'Tan I NO. I I I I I \ I I I I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~dritu Devosit I Storage I Maintenan:::e I Permit Total Char>qcs I Ow'bou" Sidewa~k PeM8 I ElectPical Label ! Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' I I I I I I I \.:)'H.. ":).~ I 30,90 I I .751 130.751. I I I x FEE FEE FEE Interior' Coroner Panhand~e Cut-de-saa Value I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE t3,elU \S.O"U I I I I I I I I I I f I I ~o 75"1. I Lot Faces . I I P.L. lNorth . lEast South IWest Type/Cor.at: -1 Access. l : I II II TilDe Bedrooms: Setbacks House CCU'age I EnerG..F So-...U"ces I Heat I Water R~at~p Range FirepZa.ce Wood;;tove Faes I I I I I I I. I I I ,. I I I I I I I I ,. Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shaZl~ in all re8pccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buiLdings, and may be suspended or revoked at any'time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I P1-on Cheek Fee: IVate Paid: /Recdpt #: ISigned: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, in8taZt~ alter or change any new or e:::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in pCU't, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's~ license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ., Electrical Permit r I I I , . Where State LazJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pel"mit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit .- ",1 Plan Exa11f1,.ner vare I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appLication for permit~ and do hereby certify that aU in.fo:mation hereon is true and correct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perforrned shall be done in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield~ and th& ~s of tha . State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struature, lJithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar~ ~loyees who CU'e in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be: used on this project ~ Signed - ~ , \c-~ -88 Date 'J