HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/14/2007 \0 \.00 'Y i.: 9437996 Until a change is requested, send all tax statements to: Rosboro Lumber Company P.O. Box 20 . Springfield, OR 97477 After recording, return to: B&J Barristers Laurence. E. Thorp 644 North A Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tax Account Nos.: 318103,318111, 1054467, 318137, 318145; 332641, 332658, 332666, 332674, 332682, 332724, 332732, 332757, 332765, 332773, 332781. 333433, 333441, 333458, 33466, 333474, 333482, 3334:>J. 'B3508, 333516, 333524, 333532 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED (Starutory Form) ROSBORO LUMBER COMPANY, an Oregon partnership, Grantor, conveys to ROSBORO LUMBER COMPANY, an Oregon partnership, Grantee, tile real ...-....:..J. described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a pan hereof, siruated in Lane CollIl1y, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is: Other Value TIDS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIDS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USBLA.,~~;,,~ REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACl..u uNO TIDSINSTRUMBNT. 'fHEPERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK wiTH ritE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO '\ eN.. i APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AOAINSTPARMING OR POREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. .' m!MY.iS'94lio7REc m!IlAY .18'~WPFuHD Dated this 18th day of May, 1994. -f.--< I ~ Paul B. Cole STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) 55. . . ....'. ';~~1~D ". ZllIHAY,lS'94HD7A&T Fl.Ih020~!i:I. Personally appeared the above-named PAUL B. COLE, .General Manager for RosbOro Lumber Company, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. BEFORE ME this 18th day of May, 1994. ./ . Public for Oregon ommission Expires:. At -/ ~-~5' OFFICIAl. 8l!AL KAY'~- NOTARV PUBUc.' 0AEll0Il =~Utl.'&'1& ~i . Date Received: ~~ ~ t)/411 2007 Original Submittal . 9437996 EXHIBIT A , Beginning at the Southeast corner of that tract of land described in deed to Kawecki Berylco Industries, Inc., recorded February 12, 1973,_ in Reel No. 625, Reception No. 7306198, Lane County Official Records, Baid point being on the Noreh line of the Southern Pacific Railroad and North 890 56' JO" East 493.54 feet'and South 0.01' East lOO~./~ feet from the Southwest corn~r of RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINCFIELD1 as plate;:' and recorded in Book 7, PagG 17, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; then~~ Harth 00 01' Weet 933.44 feet to a point on the South line of that tract of land described in deed to Rosboro Lumber Company recorded June 4, 1993, Reel No. 1853, Reception No. 9334199, Lane County Official Reeords; thence South 89. 56 1/2' West 337.79 feet to the South~e8t corner of sald Rosboro Lumber Company tract; thence Northerly 70.3 feet, mOre or les8, to the Northwest corner ot said Roaboro Lumber COmpany tr~ct, said point being on the South line of, said RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD; thence Easterly along the South, line of said RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINCFIELD 466 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of tbat certain vacated alley lying 410n9 the South line of 8aid RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD, as described in vacation proceed.ing8, recorded April Sf; 1992, in Reel No. 1754, Reception "No. 921898:4, Lane County Ott1<:1a1 RecordGl thence continue Easterly a10n9 the South l1ne of said vacated alley 96 feet to the Southerly extension of the Westerly line of Lot 2,; Block 12, said RAILRoAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD; thence North O. 01' West 136 teet to the Northwest Corner ot Lot 2, Dlock 12, said RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD; thence Easterly along the North linea of Blocks 12, 13 and 14, and the extenBion of said line, 790_ teet to the Northweet corner of Lot 9, Block 15, laid RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD; thence Northerly 410ngthe We8t line of Block' 4, said RAILROAD ADDITION ~O SPRINGFIELO, and the extension ot said line 194'feet to the center of the vacated alley runninq lalt and West through SAid BioCk 41 thence Easterly alon9 the center line.ot said alley, and it. Easterly extension, 313 feet to the intersection thereot with the center I1ne ot vacate~ ~Sth Street; thence NOrtherly Along the center line of said vaCAted 2Sth Street 129 fe.t to the ~orth line of Block 3, oxtended W..torly, ot oald RAILROAD ADDITION To SPRINGFIELD; thence.Ea8terly alo"9 the North l1no ot Blocks' J, 2 and 1, and the extenSion at said 11n8s 918,8 teet,' more or les8, to'the Northeast COrner of Block I, said RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD; thence South along the East -Une of aaid RAILROAD ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD, and the Easterly line of that tract of land described 1n deed to Rosboro Lumber Co., recorded July 15, 1939, in BOok 200, Page 326, Lane COuqty Oregon Deed Records, to the Noeth line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence Westerly alor:.O the North lino of ea..ld ra!'lroad t.o the POint ot beginning, in Lane COunty, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion lying within the relocated Oregon Highway No. 126; ALSo EXCEPT-that portion lying within that tract of land described in deed to City of Springfield, recorded KArch 1~# 1'64, Receptlon No. 4B012,Lane County Official Records; ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the alley adjacent and inuring to Lots 1 and :2, Block 14, Baid RAILROAD ADDITION To SPRINGFIELD, as described in vacation proeeeding8 recorded April 8, 1992, Reel No. 1754; ~eception No. 9218984, Lane 'County Official Records. >. ~. t,~~ te.' '.' Date Received: - fiJ>t1zo07 .... , Original Submittal 9437996 .I .,.: ,; ~ ':1) ~ , J .5 ~,jj ~'i'" !ot ' i~~ 1 .~n ~ ,0:, ,~', ' I! "!; ,~.......":.:lt, '.' 'h- <5i-E i aa .Ie: ~r:.2 i ~H~ >. J!.g -= @~ ~ ri.3:3 CD cnU ...:U.. 1; , f ft~:. Date Received: 1i~ 1<-1; 2007 Original Subl11ittal <: I :J1r~ (iPCj , -LLF- ,,';,:'-', "..:,::'-,.- ,'.', wARiu.Nri -DlmD. 73029 ifirE:crri1\OF':SFRil:FIECtD. ~,'1iun1clPlll'l Fllo4:tor BeoQrd Jul 15, 19:59; 9,56 o'olook A. M. .,...~~~~;-".,.~,~..~~-~\,_._n.e" oun.l;:"'Oregon W. B. Dillard, County Clerk ;:!: oO~~O~O"t~Elf90. ) B1 S1b,.1 Westfall, -DeputJ :',' . f . ",.' ":. . WARRAN~ 'bRED J . ."iJ:IHIS ,nrimuTURE WITNESSETH: That' the':ca 'ty:.of :Springfield" :Lane Countf#' St.ate .of Oregon, ;t:. e'-;~i~~'P~1_':~'O-~~~,8'~lo~~" 't:l'1e'sr~_~~,.:._tor_~.~ '.:in_:.:eo';dde:~a t~o~ Ci: .the,:aUm'~ ot Ten': bQ'lla'rB' (ho ,OC ) .-,," . ~ :t:6';"1t"':P8.1d" ,-;'and;t'or:',other"val\l&::'8Dc!.'ooDaiderat10n :rece1ve4:~aDd to .be. reoeived. by 'aaid grQntor,. , ".,.,.,../ ~f{i:R:~~rl::,;tt~~~::[F~fi~FJ:~~~E;~;t~;.~:~rE:1::i2E ~::::::~ : 'ti\:f: ~~e, ~',:TO~D, ':of ::s# ~.~~~ Ido ~:;:.~n,~:::oO~~~:.~:9~:ti80~.,,::,\~a< ~~:'O_P :~age,', '~-7_j: .Rec_or4_'."o~ .,-,~Oir,D" Ph~~~' _NO" 7, 1:(;!jITi~,!tiGII~f~~!.lt~l:iji .d: .' '~ or Jr:~gJlt .'o::r ".war'.'-line .,' ~ri~!81"dil gb ti;_o~::,-wa,.,:ot<l'J'ai~<O,,"'&:o ."B~".R ..,:00.', ';,to::thi(','.;sld;rwe",t :.bouMary _ ,';",:, j .,',;,',.,.,.:,lj.l.~~ :~f, '.,hO '",.,~d .',C4Dt:r~".~.,.;~g;,,;:~;,'tIl. :~..v.i ~oa~ ;.t~"g.'.~g~,*.~if~~Ji~ .t~.'."a1" ......t ~1" ,:,) bo-U!?d,~~. -l~n~ -.I?~..;:B~~d' :.C~u:'4 ~r,.J~Cl~d_ ,.~:.~~b.-e:'po.l,~~,..ot::-:beg~_~~~~8,i ':II.l:~ ':.b,~;ng_';;i~.\_L..':I,e"Co~~7, _; ,Oregon. -' i. . '~9:',~~ ',A~':T.O '~~~._;:the':Oa1d '.p~,~.ell" 'with ".their" appurtenrlnce.~'uDto "'the" l!a1d'GrBD~e, ! it" hdri"SDO auigns'rorever; ',' . I , . .~ tb.~. said Gr,a!l~r bei,ebl:.d~~. '.CloyeDllut '~. _oDd W1 th', 't~". .al~., ,o:r~,tee, 1 t.:':h_e1,rll.. and ~~s:g~ui ::t~~~" '1,(:1 so' '~~~. c)'jjn.~r.,~l.D/~~e ;:~~p;Le.';o~.:~i1.~ :.pr~llie~: _1I~ , t~':~i,~~~f.:_~~...'.rr~e'..rro~; all ,~n-~,~1?~a,l?'~ ~,:_',~~.d ,,'th~ ~ ',~:t. .!1J~._;:1'_~.rx:~~;:' ~~( ~ijr~:~d :~e um&,::, :~r~m'~~~ :'-1il#'~~':..:'ci~.~ll1s ';W'ba taoever. '- }N., ..V!~~:S_~/i~9~,,~::~~_.:;Ct.~.._~~, .Sprl'J;l~_h,~d.;;.;..the,:, gra~_tor.~t:~r~s~~d,. ':h~e" eaU!!~d' th111 deed tc' :.':.I-tie>Si@:i?e_d., :e~_cut-~d~ 'aelttKl_~i~;"dged, '~t:ld'de:u:ve,red"'I'ri':"=1 tll.',_Il'~~/"~-acl;:_ atiJ' b~,h6U'- by.ThtJ Bonorabl& ,~~;'~, ~.~:'. -J?: ~::;~~i;Lai~;~':'i,tll' M~~~'~'::'_~~d. ~1' ~,a, ,~ory.o..Z:~.~~'. !!I~.~~' ~,:,",~,~:: ~+ ~~_';':~i~d.5B,H~.:e,~'e~~1~.Il,'ot. II ~1d ':deed >>'-to'.'be 'stteste:a..by T_lle '1toDD:,r,able "0:'.'. L;"A14r-1Ch",'ltll:,R_eOOi:'d:e~.",..alJ..:o_~:;t2iiB-',.-AN"I,'l";:?S:th~ A.Da". J.g39. 1,.AT",.'#,~,,: ' " "",',' ", ,'.',. ,'" ,'.,'~,':,:.,....~,:,.~,.,Ir",.c,;,..~""i,,8~,,PB,;:,,',I',;Nf,~,~n,8,';,:.,~"'.~-'~,,:~,~,,iO,le~ftrR~;e~ved: I <C.L. ,A;dh':4~,.;~~g~i~tV;..:EiiONi..i.ro!'OF TIlECITYOFSPRIN~~ELll. ORllOON- I I~i f_~jl:":~'~:;)!mld on,;,,, s~:~:.;1IIal \~~\..>;~,...;, ." I i:,; Wi'tneB!! my band erXI S881 thlB 5th C1ay'ot July; 1939. John '.. Pennington Notary Public t'or Oregon My comnluion expires J~e I?, 1940. -LIF... .... QUITCLAIM'DEED ' 73024 Ton70v~r-gaarCI, et ux Pi'led tOll Re'oore' Jul'l4, 1939; 4t:vT o'olook P. It. to ',W., B~- Dillard, CountY'Olerk '1'01 ty ot EUgene By,'SlbYl"WellttaU,Deput;r (No Stamps) 1 ,~~O!' ALL'~N BY THESE ~ESENTS" That Tony:ov~~g~-a~ 8,rid-'O~ad7.iI'~"'_~'r.~.~~, huabarKI and.'~te, ~ in 'oonsideration 'of . FIve _ Oa/lOO"Della.re,: to< tiI..~!!!..,pal~ :by the 'City 'ot -Eugene" a"1IIUr:llclpal !! oo~oration~ -(,Q ,hereby rem.fzie, re,le'u'e '_and ;.t~'re~ez;~-'-QU~.~~iM 'Ubtci ,tb~_', aaid Clt;r' ot :Eueene, 8 :,t~i~!P.8.'l' C:,orpora tl~,D, Its. 8UeOtlB~~r8, ;~tid' ~~. ':~~_l,r,j'.~ii ":'.,n_d'~:a,~.lgDe all __ right, . t1 tle '.a~""1at~r6:at 'In' film 'b:) :thlt .following' deac#bed.'parcel 'of' 're'al.:'el!itetei 'together with" the tenement I, h~reditA~rltll and appurtenaDce'Bi s1tUl'te'ln ~. .co,iu1t~ 'ot stll~ ot 'Ore'gon, to"'ltl ' . : lOt '2. Blo~k 6, _R.. F. Scott. ....ddl.tlon ,to,'the C1ti'ot Elig'eDe" ~e' COUDtJ", OreSon. ~ _ :TO :_HJ\Ylr~ND' 'ro'_HOLD tlie,'8fUl1e to tbe' Bald City of Eugene, .ll, 1l1UIllo1pal "oorporatioD ita suo.. .:'-.f:c_~, ~1iC?~~ '';~~tie~~h'eb'e\~ci. '~~~~~~iI' ~~~~~r. . :J; '" /:-~ :.(.; '<;N WI~~":..~v:l''-~-' we "hew 'hereunto eet oUt".haritb'and 'Beal'. thl'e 14th day ot Jul.y, A.D~ '.~~~i'e;'<~;"~""~"",on..o~' ",o'Y O..rgaard (Seal) ;.." i..' Gladye O:v-ex:garo (Seal) ;;': . , '! Notal'ial See.l t - - - -- .~ I : ':;,.:~ .,...!..... 'f ~ -1" ','.-" .'., '-' ',-,, i~/ :\ i'/ . ~,' . <\; " >,~.TA;m,~-,OF:riRE:'GON. ) .-~s ,'?iA;~,~.count7:01"'Lene ) . ";l~:~~:!:::;:;,~;tl:~: .:~ J~ ~w~ ;~.l:=:.';;;;'ri;;;g::;'::: ,~::;: ~;:r~:~ tory Pub ~o.,;. J;,.;r,o.aU7Imown'tobe' thai...U..l ,..raci;;"~.'.~ibed,th.r.l' an' who ...oute~ tho~. ,.....,~'ln~L;~nt;.~,~(.ill~~O_~~~clg~d:.~;.~:,t;hat ~h~7..~xectit~ tb~'~_ treel:r"'llnd'v~luntarny tor' the :'.'~ ua'~~"",~~ :p~.ci~~,B::.t~~:ln_,n.~d.. :: I:: ;::.'-'~'~~IMl?BY ~OF, I'h6.ve ~reunto llet my haod IlDd;otl'1cbllleal the dill and year. last ' ~Qbove' wr1 tten. 'N~tar1e.l Sed A. 8. KuleS....1'd NotaJ'r PUbl~o tor Oregon By COmmieeion expire. March .,~ 17, 1941. ';.> ", ......, "~"?"""""""~""""'," " ~Ob~27; .~. , -'.- - " ..... ..... ... . ..1,',: .. .-'.,-.. --'-'". - ',..." . Co..: L. '.41dt:',lc~ . Hcit8rY:'Publ1-c.'~ro.r.-tb;: Stat3",'ot' Oz>u:on. . and:~ mr,~O:Oii1l'.sloli '.: it':iril're 'ii" Not:~.~.i:~-~~l.!.C':'f~~':o~~~g~D' . '.M7;Comn~a81oi:i:;~lrea"Marcb 9, 1941'. -LIP," _ D B '.~ D i. '7303'1: . Webster L. K1ncaM, et ux F1led' '!'or: R~~o!~~~~' ~~;:. ~39_J l~t29 .,ole'loak :A':".!"~ to 1J~''''B. 'D11la"l'd:'; :~,ci~'n.t,."C~erlc: : C. F. H~e, et \lX. . . 'B;:.,:,S_~t~}A~,~~'~>~,PU~'::" ' KNOW ALL" MEN BY THESE. PRES~T;;., 'rhQt webs~::_:L'~.'~~n~.~'i'~,_'8~.l:~O~.I1"'_C;"..Kl~~.1d~: ~l'a'_~lt:e_:,_ " 1ncon.....rat1onor T.n.nd NO/100 Do11or..botb.mp.1d.dOher.b7gr....b,.r6.1ni.sll..d . wlth1'n t;je~tyi~_e_et' t:omo,the")hiat i~De :oi.itl~errlew ~.v~nue".':. .;_~\:;-e~i'd-:preaii8~..::.e~~~~:,',:~,:/~~:<'.._ _, .... oniy' tor' ~ildentid-- P\irPo-tie'lI. . ThAt 'a' sep'tio -,tank ,ah'.1i:'be .eon~tructe;cf-tor:.\uJe',..ltb;_:~tiJ.~;d.~.i.iin ~:_':" .'." . .'-:. -. ,'," .. '. ," ., ." '. '. . . -'. . -, . : . ',',':;,,-,',-',"',',''',.' .- on 'sa1dprom1ee'".. 'Alllo,' . _, .; :.' 13e~#~'n1~g"-",t .'.PG1n,t',. ~a1d point being 4,"80.54 tee~ north~09. 40' But and.l;-'65.3 teet '.:'>'. 'E..' ,or 'h.sou'''''...comer or .h. Zor. S...'D.L.C. No. 44, ;7c""ab1p'iB"SOUtb, R'.S.".~/'t ,0: . ';~';' "';":( ';'-r_ . '~",:. "";-:',.-.. "the :':.~'a~_d";:~~~'~~~'~f~~'~~i; . : alld-','tha t the:r:-wt'il'.- snd,,:t_ ~i,:r:,:' betr.-~' .i.eXe"cu'~r',j '''anL1,'i~~~~,-q:q~-,tf:f'~~';(-e~'&,il-::.~'~arit:',8n,d/t~_r'i'~_:e_~'\' :'~ .~\':, . :~~.~:,,:~:~;v:i~r:J~~~:~~~::~~:r.>m~~i1::,t;~~tl~~#~~r~~r; .~.i;;;f '''',;i~~~l;cia1;;' ' wi.tne'si thelr:h.:nd',:,"ltJd.' iseo.le.:::t~.';. iOtb"'day~,ot~;\r#?-:ig"~./:. . '.' , . . - --: -' -.... . ;__VlDo',~~O~,"~~!','cL,\.;'~:.ll:K:',',11,,:,_hn';,"Oc',,~'.~,.','~~, " ' (h~9~U,;",c";!';) . ~. _ (,~~.li~fl; !'anoft:ltloid -_') . Stilte- of Oregon ) '. Gouilt;y of Lane ) ?1S:..' , 'Be 1. r';;'~b.~.d,;,,~?,""1'~~'hd':10r~uri.;A'P:19311i'b.ro~~"'~1;:~~~t$~~5;'L. ", ; ~~::~~:::~1~ES~2~~~~t;1~1~l;;gi.':~*llii~:~5'H~t~i:~~tU.i:~'~~l;1l~~~~;,',,"'~' " ~ the Ume fnely, UJ.Cl".,voluntai-UY.~~, " .' . . '. , ". " wr1..;;. TESTili6liYWRiffi.6F, I .;a.a h.r.unto .~t"'7,,,,,j,d',,,,,~,j,1t""d,.7, '. Sz3, , -": 7e~~,i,'",~~'~~o~te>R"II".c.,:.,"'.,.,~,.'.,' ived: .Wm..B~':SO~hroed8r' " _ , ~;t~~i~:~~;1~::~':'~,,}:,~ ,.,., Fel 'j ~i&O"l . Oetobei'"15,; 1939~__. 'o':,,;';~h: I,J . .......,. : STATE OF OREGON, OOUNTY OF LAliE, SSi' On this April 26th, :A~D., 19$, before me appeared: W. H. ,Poliar~, to'me'per'l!onal1.Y'KI10..m,.. " who, 'belng,'duly' sworn, dld 'say ~hat he lOll the'Mayor Of!.he"C1tTOf Spt"lngtleld ,,_a Jlnmlelp8:J: cClrpors:tlOIl In' Lane County;,:' OregoQ, and the. t. the sealafflxed' to' 881~ inll tru!neot. 1'(1 the cOrPo:r'ete ae'a1of uld mUrilelpal' ooi-poratlon,8n~,.that sal~', l!=llitri:unent..u sisne~..a.nILsElaled.'ln behal:f'of ui'a mUnloipal' corpora'~lon bi ati~or1"ty of 'the c'ommoD"couo'o11 ?r.'.tbe..:fJd~.iC{~',:'~t.'~ : Sprlngt1eld~~d 'uJ.d .W~ H. PO~lerd' ,acknowledged 'uld' 108truiMiit ,to: be . the :,free-'a'et :ani'-":deecFot : sald 'mun1clpal'oorPoratlQn~ . IN TESTIlIIONY WHEREOF ,'. -I have hereunto' set my hanCl, and ,attlud my Qtt1c1al, ae8.l:-.tbe",daT',-anCt .' year rlr8t'lIi thill'IItf oertificate. written. . Notarhl .Seal " j. .; ':(s~'~:6;.' ::{5~:.i'j" I : Notar1e.l Seal -LIF- Original Subnii :f~1 ~l:t'~~~''l~t~f';o STREET __ ~\~8 s;;' flop 1705364 2 >-' >-'__ H}er~I~~p~7-q;i~6--:; ~ ~ ~ to :.~ /;;;1 It;/, I ' c -.e: .;;1~---1 L__J I.___-L'-_ - SOUTH ,- 7'lO ~.r - _ ~(')U ' - SWCAr ~tIJ'c: r~''''''S.l_fJ'.e' ~ - - -I - - - lc::'-- ~ - ....Ji.r-:- D r I~J It~!I"-~ Add INI~~.',~~.i~: I 1=1 I-J, I_I I , , JNt N. ; G:Jr DLt. 81 It") I"'L ..., - L .s;:;;;;: - --..J">J-+-t" - - -'-- _ _ -..ll'\lL- _ _ N _ _ --J.(\I......- _ -, -;'-''Z:7"..~ -,-,.--,..._______-;;;;,?___ ___ :.....i..,,,. _ _ _ ~-+-I-i~ACAT10N PER RI7~419218964) -M+ III sR 172\~O AC III~ Iii I . . III :jo"r. 5'S4-.Z" _ It' I{ tl9DS"'~- - - - 'I! II! ;,1 I i:!I' STRE:ET D STREET ee MOp I ( Uj ... '" '" a: ..., to I I .c ;;; - 'N C 0- r r;- )1 < . ~:t ~a -400 -,J.."t 1".'- "' . ,- c '"z ~;,?.s . ~"8Avc. - - ~ "" '''-;- --::.:::::.". "_.~ .se<tl..-'l.,i '6 J:v.7.l.1' PROX. ~ COR. ---:~ ~ ---- . ~ ----.;.~~. '"I / I ~ ] -I F STREET I NE COR. E ST R E E T J. [::J~m J - U.L.\.;. ( See Mop 17 03 36 I 4 0 ST R E ET , ... '" ... ... ... ... '" w w '" '" a: w '" '" w ... a: 11: a: a: c STRF'FT to ...' ... ... ...' to " to '" to .; . OJ OJ '< .c " := '" OJ .. OJ '" N '" N , "T"'''~-L- SE COR. J. EBERT D.L.C. 74\ -: ~ - ,or r VACA'nON I PER R...... ,.- ,5/~2]221 >- > .. , " '8 L m~ i~' ~ ::ceived: F;r~:{ ,/ 2007 -R.- : l;;-;;: 18 -- -!!QlL -----. 9301 ~ - Original Submlllal --..-.-