HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver APPLICANT 11/21/2008 I1f~~,.~b ~~U iT.il~: ~A~ 5!17~~Jij~U CITY Of' SPRI~GFrp r. !ff(Hl1 :City of SpringFi21d '-'eT It'lrlm~n. "ht',.C""'" t.). "p"rt'nl;'~' 1..1 \Ie 'I' .:;.... .....~.; ""I .,~_:~3 ~~ (l .. Ii:.ili; 225 Fifth Street Springfie.ld, OF. 91'.1-'/7 Time Exteil$iol'i Request 120..[)a'l Tim'~line /... lC'~ #, t;g~Z;)s'::?'E'C~~"7"~,~"..44!i'rZ;G.~;2';]~ :I/We understand that sL:.te law (ORS 2;;~i.178) req:Jires cites ttl t:=kcfinal Ud0l1 on the al::~1Ve- referen;;:ed appiicathXl, j'ncluding reSOlution of aH ~ppeals, within 120 days .3ftr;r tri'2 .appliCi)tIOl'! is deemed corTlpiete. llW~under"tal1ci that chi;' 'l;')plj,~,-it:ioT1 'E,f,;renct',d 2Ib()'ii~ wt.s dEEmed c':lmpr,~te by t~e CIty of Spdngfjel~ Pl:nn~ng _~~l.::'isit>n on _~~~?L~_-/(l~~'V? . Acr:ordingly I ~'-)!: 12iJ-,j~JY period will ,"lapse on_II.:;; "5bi.Q~~~L.___... . . _-"'-----:..:."'"~'::c~.:;.~;:::;~:;.~."': ..:,;:-:,:-,,..,;;:\.~~~;:':..,.-,..~:; :::":':,:'i:::;:"~.;\-;:;::_c.,:"" . .. .~..3 .:;;::::::;:;:',~~.;. ~',.. ,,,,n,'..'.'''::~::_:';:; ,',;:':r.,:;:;,;.;:,::;;x:;;'.~;~.=;::;:::-;;;:'~, .....",..,..... ::::::..::-_~,.,. -._:1:r~1' ~,-'o "a~,;::-' s'p-'r';"'lgfl"'iCl" p".,l"ing -..~: ~Q"":'I"I:I'T'I:~:'-' ~.-f.rl,'",~s H'le-"a-:I-O~:~~'~",":O'-l~rl; "(-)-n-~[d::t"'I-"'I';:-==-' .1...wV~ . .t::. 1.,..,,1., ;~~{.I'I...:C ............1;.>....".".....1-. L ....'l.~t;-!,...l ".,._:1...;:', ,,!I;;f ~...,,:.."-. h€reby wAive tl:e '12.0 -.day 'r€qu!rern~~nt and rftq~est ar: e:(t(~nsion until _;~ fd:'.;~~\Id.~~Q~__..m_.'_.. This ",xtensiOi) is gl;;en ['nee!\, and wichout c~rnpu!sjon by tile City and is nG~ '-i :C('lflditiDn of the City I ior the takirH;J,Qj!::r!l:~ a(:tirc,!_Ojl. the ",bo\le-!:Ei['!'ence\t~~JlUf~~iQQ.;.__ ---_-,_ ...--.-.,:..---'1 ~~:;~;;; 'f,:;/~~~.~.~i.~:~:j.L:~;:;.!~!:::)'l. ;1:7.::;:;;:~~;~~~~~:~i:i~;~)':'1;~:2. !/~":j!;j;,:; :~~i~:}~):~21:'~~~c~;:r :...j~S'~t~.;_!ff~: II r7?-l~.t~:/ ~~,,~~.: ,..~~'.~f',){) ::;..,1 r~~.C...~'{ :~_~/~t--~r"l {J]i) .6 ~/ ~/d s,/;?q }q.~tt) /> lh...L(; t..IJ 5 r'?~.-l f-- (}, :~) () if k:5 ;-----Ci/I-" I?r'... L'{,....l~.l .;:.1' uc:;;.,' ,~~. '.::)A 1 . ~:~,,:;.7l!Z~~-~--'"Z::~L;ji;r;'is':':~?s:"".i ; .s.igrJa::lire~ __La( la.._ll(l~-w.fi..aJl___.____ Pdn! !ownel'::-"-'--:Z;;~~_=~~~ ,,_ Date: \ ",,--- ,~~=r;~~ --~_.ttL..Q~iLlO'CL_-_~___ pri!7tt_..... . :J'CCEPTEO '---u5iiL~[.~ D~t~;-=-T;I~Ll oe::.~-~~-:~-------' " .' Siil.f1i3ltw-e ,/ ; City of Sprlngf'eH L ~. ./" i Planning Divisj(m. _,,)2_SA ~Y{S____,___ ~/ I __ "__,, ."_..,, ". . f~r:i!!.t:.." '''''_'~,_,__,_ .._._."._..._____._.___._.._.____._"._ .__....._ "- '[II/qJ!ff ... .....-..t-L__L.___.__._.._. i I I .__n___....._____.-, i , , '-" . '-...-"'--'" ""--.--...---..... ; ! ! . .... jTt,tE!_ ~X-r;ENp!.'I)~F;.!ur.~D '5AANnO 5Y THIS RE{i'UESl' IiNDWAIVER W!~L I;!lJl,PSE 0"'" ,_/:1frr<"l~il._ d:::~,.,!:_<~~,!j . .' . . : "''"'' I Date . .. f i '-'"", . h."",.~:,.,..;:G.~."..,'P....,-.P.'-...:_.'.,,,..~,=.........'..-.._....-,',~._::~..._c-",'-:'.".:.,.,iO.:"..'..:~.'...;cT','".."._~l...'._.....";..':.~.._.f:,...-:..,..;..':............,.... ....,.. .i'..."...._.....'r--..o......,,,-.'.",':,.:-_........,,,...'.~..i:r....'""'_."' .".".'...:~,.....'.~,'....,.....o...:,.;tt.......,..',.,.....:,,'....,......,.....,_./.....,...._. ._......,. T" , .~,,"l . "'" , ,.. ,,,. ._.lr~'I\lrrf. ., ., .,." r,_ tZi_ .. . .... ~.. .: ~~ _ . .. _~. _ '~ _..:'-... _;..... _ ~" -'. . ...,. .:..",0:~;.:::::,".'5 ,:;;~":i:.7",::-;:.,:,,('~:;:-:~;;;~~~;:,;;J~~d::::'"";~~?:~Zt':::;::~*:~ .....~. - ", ,.u~(eKeceived' 1\\2--1\08 . .~ .. NOV' 2 0'2008'.' P~~r-Jt> 1'U?~ 'I::'~ ( '.;~.' '. c..x:..W~ ' 11-21-08AOtj:22 RCVD Dr l'tf~ 9-4. j 8f"2- \ \ 11/11}:.Ot: f~'Ef) 17.il: F.....~: 5 :17:!!33d5n :~~ITY OF SPRJNGFIEL[J !4'on City of Springf21d Devel{)pm~'nt Services Department 225 Fifth Street Sprin9fh~ldr OR ?"/;t77 Time Extension Request 120"[)a'l Ti~fl~line . '.""'~ i . 1~' . '''['1 '"' ..,,("1). -.f'\ 1"\.-, '''J...'''''\ ;r !,; I lC"ff,';;cJ ,-09 :! (~ .. /. ," II I CCise;, _ # 1..4]k~Bfr";~:...~~,::~~?:-il~::-::~~~::~~1..~:.-.,___~.... __. .L~~~~:: .. .'.-':::~~:.n~;:.~:_,_:..~;:,~t?( >, r (~!.._...f~~::!.~~"'.'_.".'"'"',.,r=.._.J ;;';;':.:2.;-"".." ., -. . -.. ...::::!~:'::'.':''::-~ ':"-"':;::,L,;~: :.,.. ,;D;;,:,.:..i;:,,:~':.:.-..:::':'.;;~'. .''''.:;..''~:''::.;:,,::':::'::~;;;;;:;;:.::;..:,..:.~.~;_:::::;:'.;L.:.:;:.::!:!;:.:..,:..:::;':';.~;:!~~-~~:::':'::'~~~~::.:..:."""',...,,,,,....,., "'''::;;:.:':_~~;:'':;'::'~;:':''::".'::':1.:.:J 'I/We understand that state iaw (ORS 22i.1I8) req:Jires cities tt: t;;kc final UCqiol1 on the above- referen;;:ed applicatiorl, inetJdirrg resolution of ail ~ppeals, within 1.20 days after tr,,2 .appllc-;)tlor< is deemed cor~piete. l/Weundero,tanci that ,hi;' 'IRPlj,,''i~:iGT1 ,~eferenct:d2ib(;'oi~ W",5 dEemed o:lmp!',~,e by t~e City of Springfield Pianning Div;sion on -~~i.t~?~;J.7l_i~'i?~V:; . Accordingly, ti'H~ 120",~Jr:Jy ,~~rI~~\:~:..~:.:~~e ~i;..~~~l~;~:;;;~~::';:;;';...c ..... ,'=:2 C"'c"""""'~''';'''''''''''";'''''''~~,"C"2.,,.::,",s:,:, ". "C~l! '1""0 a!io'~J Springfi~id pl,~nnlng st.off mote tifT"le to ad'dr~E,s the abo\;e-rnc.ntl~n~.Q:,,~~~)?s\~era~:~ns.. ~~~le I hereby w.;;:;ive the 12.0 ..day requ!rern~~nt ana req~est ar: extE~nsion until ~~ .I 6/ ;:')/~~Q~_U.'h_.__' :. Th,'s ~xt~I-'':>'lu' .~ 'I;:: 9:"~'1"~. f;I.~o::lu :.l!r,.)' liuirr',o, 1'1= "''''I'"I'\:"'o111c',0'' by t"€: C"r',"" an~ i- n~ -.=: :"....1r.,r.!i.;.~r.n l~~';- ~~'Cl. ''''it'' . .... ~ J " ". ,""'.. ,. -"'J -.' "" "" ,....;".'~.->". ..... CT .w.", .J.. ~'-.' .J.c.~. ~I ,,/~ \"., 'I f,~~,S'~:~L;~~21~~;.?t;j:P~~..~;~:::=:~:.i}~~:jf:~;.~;;~~~~QfiiI~8"~~!t~~:.:~.r,::,.:J:L''''0t;;'i;'''''ejm_J'S:'i .,....;"'~7"'c::;j.;I;~]j I'Reason (~')t' reqlA:sr' /,:L.{.t-I1~:.r.) l8r'."/~L/C~iJ- A-1r-': ';'(:), $~!"f'13/-l /?- /...t{j[).' F( c~...4--77 (),.:1j:'5 C)t-i I T~~i0.Ir':'/~h'';I~'1 _'.L;"?",,)t) :,~.-,i ~:.c.-U(..../,}-~r><( () ft,.) .6 ~!) !/dS/Oq .~C;.tl):) li'i..L::;l.:,J S r7~.-r:~- ('0 ::) '()/7k~5 F-(: .','" I( ';:.l i ! ~-. i~"} a lJ c::.... ~ 'C J /' II 1 ----~-..,,- . I t,...,.. :::,.,.~.,":.,.,E'Z'i:7)ci;~::.:}:s::,::~~;;;;::..,t:::~;;:. : "''''''... ....... ..:c;,:O~,:,...' ="""',~-<.",.,.;.,,= "'-"::.Z:::=X:0:':::' "C"":':::;':::":=, .. . ," '1 IAPPlieant: .!Jl1ii:;y [!~ . _ Dat~:._lL-:.L1:. (j f.__________. Ii ' -. ~,:gi1aL u re~ .l'aL la...l1LQ.w11a.o..__.__._._ Pi'int !clwne,.~:.--.-.:....2~;;g I .'!ii911,ii.L:Il~ .l.ffiAs.. t1cQ~iLLlli-_____ Date: 1/ / I q / e~ .J_..LJL_... I I .._..=~-.--~=J i ? Print._._._____ -- --..--.--....------..- !J~CCEPTEO \~I::/~;:o~ i;,'\ L\~._______. '. ::>11J.'liiltJ.II'S ! City of SpringfieH . i !)Ianning DiViSi(m,' ...__._____.___ I ,1 I .~. . c~ . Ir'. i \;. ~'.,.", \ I \ 'i<.c'!t.' ,...., :- ./, I .' .J ~. WUI e. .:...,__J..:~::::~_:~..~ . ----.-" -.-.--.----.--] I: '. ...Pri1.lt: ........__.....n.____. . .----- -..... . . (. ; ...... ~ ....l ,. ~t..~ ... L ..-._~---_..---:.::! :~ " ".; , i-\('~""';'. ~-'. IIT~~. ~XO;~Np~I);~.~~~1) ,",FlANn:;: flY THIS REllUESl' AND WAIVER W!~_L'f.!lM.S~ O!\i . , '1r1'r< !J.N .;J _.' , .:" L' v ..' . , 1-". '0-..-0- ...--./. I Date . ~;":-;:~i~=E~:;::.'1':7,;." ~;'~...~:.;;;:.--,:.':;y;:.~:~::~~~'}IG~::~!;~,t;:~~ji:!,:;a~-Q;.:r:::~lE:~~:5~rr&'s:tdf,~I~it!l.;.,;..;'::.,:.-;~-,:.;::,::,';.~r~::.~!S';;:-:'t~;it:lH:.,;,~';:;:~~~;;N:i~iri:1~~!::~!m:1::~i~~'~F';"t-i~.~ NOV 2 0 2008 .. I I i '1 I '.~(' .'. . f f . ,. '" ,d k. I'" .;}<....., "t' "'....,. . ed.'. I, 0\ Od' ._"' _..tt._~ :.. ... J '.. Oa e ,]'egelv . ".' : , . 0- /;).1"0 (~,.)'l (!'Planner."/ rr\""''' I ?D(J(dtj. f;Jl.UUr ,;;.f~:..~' .. ")'l' , \...1.) U . . ~.J.I.._.v . ~r~~ 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH: (541)726.3610 . FAX: (541)726-3689 November 21, 2008 , . Lucas & Carla McQuillan 1942 5th Street Springfield, OR. 97477 Dear Mr, & Ms. McQuillan: Enclosed is a copy of the approved 120-day waiver for your project, To reiterate, the revised site plan, addressing parking and circulation, is due by January 23, 2009, allowing staff 60-days for review and decision. During this tif!1e, it is critical that you or your agent keep in contact with me on, at least, a weekly basis. As you know, staff cannot help with any redesign, but I am willing to answer any questions that I can, Good luck on this project and thank you for your time. Respectfully, Lissa Davis Planner II Urban Planning cc: Judith Johndruff, Transportation Planner Date Received; I ( Ii'> I DB Planner: LD j')\.-\0&. I_It Y{[;nO;'11!l ~/]j~ /))'\ mcfY 11/19/08 WED 17:02 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1@001 . ,W '. ********************* *** TX REPORT *** *********~*********** TRANSMISSION OK TXlRX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 0993 (9726~ 11/19 17:.02, 00'42 1 OK City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Time Extension Request 120-Day Timeline (l~ij I i Case #: b_Q~-2m~~ 00070 Date:/UO~~~~;~_~YB/ZD68"" .' \,':.',' ',"""'.:",,' ','''N'.. \ " "''''':::'.:: '" ',;,"""o,,,:,';!. ':.' ',::.,:~''';''-. ....,."',...",,, '''''''f.'''''''..',' IIi \h';',,,'-',':', ':'.' '. "'i'''''''''' ".,'.," ....." ,,,..,,,,,,' "'''''~ ;,,;,., :;;;;',,,,;, '!\ ,;..,,~ ,.,..; ,. .""",,,., \' """~",::,,', ,,::'1/\ i',';",',.", ",,,,I..... '"... ....," '. ''''.,!On ",'" T' \, ~ .'1" d.,..,......""..' \.',; ".."..'."n'",,o'''',' I" I"'''''." '..' '... . \ .,~;';;'..",::,,: .'.''''b:', ~:'" ~"" " I/We understand that state law CaRS 227.178) requires cities to take final action on the above- referenced application, including resolution of all appeals, within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. I/We understand that the apyljcation referenced above w~s deemed complete by the City of Springfield PlanJ.ning Division on Cf Ida I CJ bOB . Accordingly, the 120-day period will ela pse on I / d 3, ;:; O()q " ':."",",,, ',"!;:,.,~',! l ;~~I\";:"::.. ""''''';: "~"""":,,,,,,', ':.'. \',;1;"""",(:1,';1:.;,",::',,,,'.,"'"'''' I., '" J l ,,,,,,,,,,,"",.'.'., i ";"""';;',ii;": .:. !'~!II"';;" """""",,,;', r ,'.1 ""~ '. '.'.'. ,-' ~:':\i Ii'." ",';,,,U.'!' '.' '",,,J:;',:' '''''''','~ I:, l ,.,,,,,,,,, '., ::~':~~!ll;1 ',\; """"'.',~; ';\~!!/I;';'" ;.,"';::"".'" '.. L,.'" "', ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, '.;.", '''i "",,:,,1, l'll~;.;;:;;"."",' "",,,,,,,,; \ ",."),, ",I To allow Springfield planning staff more time to address the cibove-mention~di co?siderations, we hereby waive the 120-day requirement and request an extension until ~ I Q3/C).eOQ . This extension is given freely and without compulsion by the City and is not atondition of the City for the takiQ9 of any actiononthe above-referenced application. . ' Fi;.iz'~;E~~~'~~:I!:,\l;!;:;j..::n;~;?i;ii!ij';i1iE~;~i~m:i!l~~.ljj'~'!!ii:;:lii~!;i;i!tiij';:;;::::::j,::~;!~j\i:(Ii"i,~I::;!~iim;mi!!.i~"~~~,~~:.~;'ii;<:;F,i";'.b~:,~\,;li\i!;;i'i'::!\!;li(ill~;;i~;;i!~~;:~;~~j!:!~t;;;;f<::,::mt~;m:;j)'f:"t,,),1i,:,t;!il:;Eti'i:;ti~~;!;~;~~!l':~i:',*;;i'P;i"::il!;;;lllt!-;;;:'i!i;:!.i;\i~j;~~(iij'i:;:~;~;i'~:~;,!ll;i;;:;i!'::::;'~*m~mi:i\mili[ii;jl Reason for request: tlJ--U-OtJ ,4-y:>,Pt..-lc/JlJr ji) S-ttBH/T MO[)fF,fc.4-no,us of F'JOrf?.KI/tJG 4NUCltc..clAl.....4..nopU 6'1 1/;}3/0Qfr1'.J/) il-U..J)W 577+FF bofMr!.5 yo/( REUfe;0 it bbUSION, i Applicant: Signature Date: Print Owner: Date: I 1'II,aID'?: - Date Receive t " ), ~ Planner: [)) ~I (J,' n..A-- iP 'l9f(QJL-l l ~-z... I Signature Print .. :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street ' Springfield, OR 97477 Time Extension Request 120-Day Timeline Case #: tJQc'-' ~~ --- 000 TO Date: !LJ()!JEf/8ER.. /8) 2.068 I/We understand that state law (ORS 227,178) requires cities to take final action on the above- referenced application, including resolution of all appeals, within 120 days after the application is deemed complete, I/We understand that the appljcation referenced above was deemed complete by the City of Springfield Planning Division on q /,;)3 / d DOB . Accordingly, the 120-day period will elapse on...1./ '::;r~/.:JOQq . I I ' To allow Springfield planning staff more time to address the above-mention~d co~siderations, we hereby waive the 120-day requirement and request an extension until ~ I:;) ?:,/()eOG . This extension is given freely and without compulsion by the City and is not a condition of the City for the takinq of any action on the above-referenced application. 1:p~;,"/'~;I;13" '3Wy;,!L,~ .j Reason for request: li--l..A_~?J ;r--,oPUC/lAJT W s.../..I8!-f/ r ;t100 I F( C4--T7 O;US of ' PA-t:.K/!\J0 4tvuGlk:,c..Llc.A-no/U 6'1 l/d3/0Q fr!lJJ) ilLUJvJ STA-FF iPotJiI'/.5 rl);( RE\)IE:tU zf Da::.tS!CJN . I..,,",, ,." .,~.."-'- Applicant: Signature Date: ,Print Owner: Date: Signature Print ACCEPTED Date: Signature City of Springfield Planning Division: Print THE EXTENDED PERIOD GRANTED BY THIS REQUEST AND WAIVER WILL ELAPSE ON fV'rfl1e-0...I1 'J3,dDOQ. ' , Date 1if'J;!!ilIt%:llio~M!01mJi!fi";;'1i'&VwtiW,?).4,~;~'1C7~,;-;;gFi'itiitr7+:;S1:<ii"~\;:.Fi;";: ':..:iliIl...... ""'~f;~dL"E]tn,l>ft;.;""~J0;!j)$:..:'i..,~~;;lf%rt:(;>lj~, -Y"" I ,~';,.,'ioksm, Date Received: (l/lq I 08 Planner: lD iJJ.;{.Q().. lP~ , \01~~ Revised 11/i9/08ddk ~ Viaf 1