HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/27/2009 "'.,_t. ,\ . . ", ,': " "~""'; .. '~~';"!: '-'. "J" ;':./-;;:;~;;; ..:}<.~:n~~};: .-:~ ~,~,:/;.~~r_;~~:1~ . .;;;~!;:?~;t~~1 "",;,',""." ~~J;,f,~I~cel~~:#~;1 .... ".' u.'~. ,..'....2,'7 2009::"'"'' ..' '.:....;'.:;~t:..,:. 19J'!>~:~: ....-.'.{ ~.~"~~~\ J!>. :>: t.:<.. ..:. .=~;;.:i~;: ] ~-'., . . . ~\'!.:';;ll,,;i'i: . .n.... (.. 'I",.;r$;'.:;:" 'Itt' al . .., .<,. ~-:..r-~~""f!.. rlnln~;:~-.II .'--'. :.'~};:' "...;-- ".'.(: i" -~~~.~~'~;;~-i;:~_~:~~;f.~;~"'~~~~~i~~'~~ J '1'>~~';.!.Wf{,<."-,,,,,,..~,v._,.."'9_~.,.._ .:. ., - :...... .....J I" Ii .' iiI'" J J r "f Ii) "J ,'\I- 19 I , I~ i I j 1 I :j ~ .. Ill.' I:' I , ! l L ,.;. , i. . ~ ',:. o ..... -~ .;~. ~~ ...._~ 'I ,; .., \ ,"0 881589.4 Until a chang a is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: lohn T. A..~ :\"o;l;...~ o;A n""~..r Orfloon 914'1 1703 35 00 00300 'l'u Acct.. f3020Bl & 1302099 2723A001 O.1/22.'OCPr.rW 19.') UOOOSU BARGAIN AND SAI.F. nEt.:D 27::!3A~Ol f'V~1;a8!:EY 15.1) HeOD5n ~I 4 " GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORPORATION, a Georgia corporation, ("GrantorN), does hereby grant, bargain. sell and convey J. ASH and NANCY A. ASH, husband and wife,t<f.Grantees-), ".<:. .; ',.'" t~OH~ all of the following real property, free of encumbrances. situated in Lane County, Oregon, described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference i~corporated herein. S.: :'::':'.~-:~<~ ....~. ... :i', . ".~',"'i Th. Hundred .... :.:{~.:... .' ;.: :"; ..:_.~,: . g"izfl ~ -""'^. . "':~":.~ true and actual consideration for this transfer Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00), is One This instrument will not allow use of the property described in this instrument in violation of applicable land use laws and regulations. Before sioning or accepting this instrument, the person 'acquiring fee title to the property should check with the appropriate city or county planning department to verify approved uses. ';:'/. :,~~~.~ .,-:; .._,.....c.., ." "-",",'2.~ :-:,::....; IN WITNESS presents to be corporate seal r'~ ~.. WHEREOF, Grantor above name~ has caused these executed by its duly authorized officers and its << . to be hereunto affixed this ~ day of April" ~:':.:1 1988. GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORPORATION \,,\,\"II"""""",~; ~'~'.,.:~:~~ :.~llo.;; ~...... . ()./ <c.::" ;~. "\ ';~; "'I' ~... '_' C.)JL~____~ ~i; i J'i~) Assistant secre~t?l...U' .. ',/i;'l . \.:!.h:L'~:~'~,,~,,~,'/ r'. , i By /!7?i ~i:.//"L Its - Vice presioent III eft" By It, Page 1 - BARGAIN AND SALE DEED -- ~-- -- .. -- --- .....-.=,-::'-_.-~ ,....... ...- j.~..,.,..~. __ _~. .~r ,-,'~ :''':-~'_ . . I - - ~ I '. - - - . I ;1 ~ I I' 'I St:1.5894 . r STATE OF gREGON County of'Mu~tnomah On' this ~day of n-,);...L- . 19a8, before me the undersigned, a Notary Pub'lic in and 'for said County and St"ate, personally appeared Dewey Mobley and William Crai9, known to me to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary, -respectively, of the' corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument: pursuant to its bylaws or a resoluti.on of its..Board of Directors. ". WITNESS my hand and official seal. . ',..,,~,; '.";;' ~g~i) 7~.w~ tj/::_u ." / NanC;7L. Thomas My commission expires .:> ,;",~,:"<...i~ 11/1/88, t..-. . ~'., :\l~;:;1 :. ,...-\ ,~,,"i i;-:_~ ij) :-.\"r-".' ': ,;-.-.:~. ':' _~':',7: ;~;'11~j!J ~~.: ',., ,",:" " ."",_.~ " >~~;::'," :Y~~j;W~~ ',.~:,'.\. '.. "". i. .~~I I' """,:'.- .... '. .... . ,",O!;'1r Da: ~T~ !;~ '0" I S~"'''.i!tl'l:tJa'.''I':''''.'''''!; ,.:!!,~I I! r1gma ~~1lL f. ---~"'_::?~~M~l~j'i l i',JI~lf;~ , ~'~~,.'- .~ . ",.;', :i...,...",,:,.,. :\1.. ~~~~\t.4;~:~\;;w~~~~~: I..{~!J f' t. .- I I Page 2 - BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ~ , . . _. _~'_P'" i . '_ ...'.: , .' '--'~"">'_ c= ~'O>=-=-">'_'~'''''':~oc::~~~~ MAR,2 7':2069 =..:';:.;":.:.!\": .' i~'i:/:;;~: , Qriginal Submiitale ' <'. i:_;-',~':;:;/:.~r~.~..L" '. ... II . I aI. 8815894 RXHIBTT '" ~ Beginning at thlt 1 3/4 inch iron pipe that ceplaced the ot:~9inal 1/2 inch pipe that vas set on the southerly right-ot-vay line of the Southern Pacific Railroad 100 feet frolD vhen measured at. right angles to .t:he main line centerline. oaid' point also being 571.20 feet Nortb and 1217.54 feet East of tho" stone marking the Re-ent~~nt corner of the .Isaac Briggs Donation Land Claim No. 39 in :rownship Ie South, Range 3 West of the Hl11amette ~eridian, and said point called out to be 571.34 feet ~orth and 1218.33 feet East of Gaid ce-entrant COrnIH"' and 'run thence South 0.011 East 27B.l~ feet along the ea.st line of t.he West half of said Briggs c1ai-m t.oa POintl thence North 6S- 37'15- Hest. 41.53 feet to a point": thence North 82- 29':20- West 396.42 t'eet to ,a point; thence North 4- 49'S1- East 250.55 feet. to a point on t.he ~outhern PaciUc;: Railroad right.-of-wey: t.hence along said right-of-vay on a 11,559'.19 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 0- 16'46-, an arc lengFh of 56.40:feet by a .long chord ,that bears South B4- 19'52- East'S6.40 feet to the Ending point, of curvel thence South 84" 28'15- East 355.48 feet to the point of beginning, and being all in Sections 36 and 1 1n Townships 17 and 1'8 South, Range 3 West of the Hillamette Meridian, ~ane County, ,"; Or'90n. ~_: , ~~:o , ,. :=~ ;~~ ~ ".- .al ~ Wri "" ~,i!o ~.i ~ aJ !:i'~ :!j'Bj <J' ~ ([) If) .-I CO 00 ~ t I " O. !t~ ou " "' " " uu jj IX: <:) ... 10 ... ~ ,j 0< ~~ 0'0 (;~ .!:'a '" .u EXHIBIT A " Date :1. '.' L ~. /) , --' "t::---' -'" ,~. " 'i:4j~'~-':i~'~';;''''''''';'''~''':iMJ~"'''''''''i'''*~''"''''~';:''';;~' . ._ ,.~.~, ,... S:" ;~..~":"~..~.-..... ..~~~~.11.:.;.,.:;:]""~-.:: -.J .. ~r 'I - I' ,- ~.'~-;'------' ----~-~ . . . . - -~+ ~ ----"----^_._--~---." --~~._.~_.._-..'-- 2-~-'99 2.5 1 3 ~D' 10' RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: McKenzll: Slaw B4nll PO Box 67 5251 MllnStreol SpringrJcJd. OR S74n WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO, M:KenzlestJlt:B~k POSCIx67 5251 MalnStrelll\ Sptln~flikl, OR 97477 ~zgFEB.oa'_991105REC E?'.lFEB.08199IfOSPFUND .')(1.(.0 W.08 99011603 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: John.1. Alh and N..cy A. Ash 2187 South FSlreet Sprtng1l.ld,OR i1477 WP'ICO 151321 18 03 01 3800/1431699 (arb 17 03 36 1000) Aller Rt";ordm~ Rel,m' To' W<:slern Plofle~r 1"~Co. PO Box 101.116 E\I:,'ene, iJR S74.11iJ SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE IS FOR flECORCER'S USE ONLY DEED OF TRUST THIS DEcO OF TRUST IS DATED FEBRUARY 5, 1999, among John J. Ash and Nancy A, ASh, husband and wile as tenant, by the enUrety, whose address Is 2167 South F Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (referred to bolow as "Grantor"); McKenzie Slale Bank, whose addresa Is PO Box 67,.5251 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (referred to below sometimes 8S "Lender~ and sometimes as ~8aneflclary.); and W"tern Pioneer Tille Company, whose address is 1200 EXecutive Parkway. Suite 100, eugene, Or, 97401 (referred to below as "Trustee"). CONVEYANCe AND GRANT, For valuable ocmsldclllUon, Granlor OOllveya to Tru&tw tor \he oonsUt of Lender at: Benrrflclary a.Il 01 ~~arlto(s right, !ilia and inWllISl W'l ItIG LO Lhe fQJIowlrlg described real property togeth&r wit! all exis~ or $ub~qu\may slllCllid Of "NIXed !ll.mcill1vS, :mprOVIim~f'4and fill1u1&S; all ~&menls, riglU otWlly, oIII1da,.....~._"..,~.:.., IllI water, wllter 1l!1i!$llfld ditch r9Jts (inclU:lIng6lOd( in utllillflS w:th d,~ or lrrtglltlon rights): and all ottw f1tt1u, rayalaK, Md prcflts ~ to 1fllI real ~!H1Y.lndudlng ....i\hoUllimitalion all rlW\erai3, oil, gas, geothermal an:! slm1arlTetterl, located In Lane County, state or Oregon (the Real Property"): On Ex'hlblt "A" attached hereto and and InCQrporated herein by thfs,rererence. The Aeal Property or Its addres8 Is cClmmonly knawn as 21ST'South F Street, Sprln9f1e1d, OR 974n" Tn@A$il: "lopertyta:cld\ltlllblklnnurnOeIJll43Hi99, GlaIller pre.58nl1y A$$i~1O LlIOd6r (also known as BllfIGr.ciary i1lh1s Oaed oj TrUSl) all 01 Granier's righi, llall, and nlafSSl in llI1d to all ptGSenlllmJ lulUlEllssses of !he ProP6l'1Y and all Aenl3 110m lI1e PrOPOfly. lr1 add~1or\, GlKlllor grants Lende.r a'Unilorm COIT'mEltCial Coda ~cunty ~tareslln 1110 Asnb ~ lIIe Peraonal PropMy defined below. CEFlNmONS. Tt18 fOolOWirlg word!! ahBll have the lobow/ng rTm1IIngs when use<! in Itlls Otled of TlU8L TllimS not obuwisa delneo in UUs DelKl 01 TruSl &half h&w l!lSITlGllnIl'lgS attributed to j;~h lermS ~!he UnlfOITTl CO/lll116rciaJ Code. All r&teslill1Cllli to oow amounts Ihallll'l$/ln ll/TIOunlS U'llawlur monay 0/ lI1a Uflil(lC' SIllI&s ol America. Bonoffcluy. The wOl'd -een.sfiClary' msar1S Md(8l1ZIo S1ale Bank, Il3 successors and aSSlpnli, McK\InziEl Stals Ban.: also is r&rQ(t~ 10 os 'l.&nder" lrl1l1is DaodofTrUS1, . Deed of Tru$l The words "Ouedof TrtlSr I1\I:llUl this Lkle 01 CrOOlt !nstn.wnent among Gramor, Lendtlf. 8I'Id TMlee, I!Ild rov~ wilhoul iim~b'Of1 ail 0llS1~ llnCI $&Curity ...l6fas1 pI'OVlslOl1ll relalirlg 1D!he Personal Pfoponyarld Aer1Is, Granlor. Tho 'WOld "Grenb'" ITl\1Iit1'i any and aU pSfGOflS I1ld lltltitl8s el(lIClJIing fli$ O~ rJ TM~ lncIuclLng wlthouf lmifafion John J. Ash and NarqA.A5h. GUMatltor. The wocd .GUanlf\\O(" ITl6anS encr includes 'NiIhctlf limIta1il:Y1 allY Md au gU~IIU\lo1's. IUfaflos, and acccnYrodalio:1 pl,nies in COMlIClionwilhNlo:teOI~5, Improvement$. Ths word "Improv6l'n8/U" i'f'IlIarlS and ilcluclas wltnO\.ll limilaliOf1 aa tlJ("ting and fL.1Uru irTlIrCV6m8r1!l;, buaciinQS. slrl.'Cluros, _ mobiG I'IoIOOS affiXed 00 tile AM! Pmp.my, facllilirn, lldd/lil;loM, ~lllS af\d oltlw COI'lSlnJCtlt;w\ on 1118 fWAI Proporty, Indeblednau, The word 'tn(lobt&dr1en- 1T'.sans aJl Pfln;:ipal and lnl8rli$l payatllo ur"I04r ttlo N\lta and My IIrTYJu1'1lS ElxPIlOdEld or advanced by Landsr 10 <:f1$Char~e ob!igalQns 01 GlintOf' or QJ(p&n$ea iocvnod by Tluslea Of Lif'der to erd'OfCll otiipalioos 01 GrBnbl vmf<<1r tIil$ Deed 01 TluS!, (OO\ICIwr \llill1l1llar&S1 en sucn amot.r\I.!. u Pfcv~d in \his DiIIld of TruElt In IIdMion to lhe Nota, the word "lndelll9dness" lncIuofJ$ an otlliVaLlor.s. dobt.saM liIlbilW&s,pl(lSinl&fGS11llll11lOrJ. o! Grafllol loLefldQl.OI'anyoneorll'10180tlll&m.1lS WQDtIi ill clams by I.endGr allansl GrllnlOr. 01 SIl)' OM or mots oIlhem, whlllllar OOW 8xisoog ~ hllrGattor lIi&ing, wlwlher relal9d or unre!at&d 10 \he purposo or l/J,; NOUl,WholMt vdunlarl or Otl9fWlse,wIlalhefdueornolD'ue. abioJuteo(COf\linQ&Ol,hqut1aledorunllqvidal9dand"'hath&rGrilntcrmaYb6!I1lbIOIodFVldlJ~lIYO(lOintly\Vill1 o I wh&V1et Obf~lElCI n gUSRlIl!Of Of Oltlarwill&,ancl ~Ihot fllCOvil)' lIpQr1 &l.Q"1lnd&bf~ trey be or her&all&r ma~ be:::o::rna baITed by >llu lirrilalioo$. 11/1(\ wfIol.h&r such lndebl8dness mal' be Ol' her~f INY bGr;om& 01lWfWl$e a.n6nlcrCeable (1IllU..1 HClfO naar. TIl8 WQfd1.enOO('1'T1$W15 McKWllls Stall:iBank,ils SUCC!ilaSo'''SlIrv:lasslQna, NOIIl. nu, word "Ncle" muns \MI NOlo dated Fdlruary 6, l11&lll, In the principal amount Qf $248,625,83 110m Gramor lO Lendor, ..... 'W' 'V'" $r 'f'" -....-; ~f. ' (] ! Date Received: 'MAR 2 7 2009 'lli" Original Submitt'" 2 8..:99 '02.05.1999 Loan No 5054050170 2-5 13 99011603 DEED OF TRUST (Continued)' Page 2 1OQel./'l$l with 81 (6081Nl11" 6.l:leI'lSloo5. moQ~Qi,lI()r)$, rllllnanc~.lI/'Id sll!:lS~Mjons lor 1tI1l,~. Tho mallJliry GOl8 v! II'Ie NOll:lls Fobtumy W. 2014. TheralI)O'IIHerll$l()(ltheNOlIlb'utlJeetlClnd&xlnQ.atf~n!,rer\&Wal.Ofr&~. PerlloMl Ptopetty. The Word$ 'PIll6Ofla! Prapeny:' ITIIWl all OQuipmgl1l. Ibrtures, and oth&r aflicjB5 01 PO/sana! Pfopeny now or lIereafler owned by Grantor, and I'QW or h&faa1!a, anached Of alfixlld to tr.e Raal Prop&rty: IOg&lhel with all ~Ions, P31t>, end adOdioos 10, an replacements 01. ~ a1 IlbsUllIlbrls lor, eny of:ollO'! property: and Ioglllhar with aU pl'CJCOOtls (includ41g witIJ:M WlitaUon aJIlrisura~ prOC&lids and fQrunds 01 pt8lTliJmsJfromanysall101oth9r,dispoSili.oriotlh8PIDpS/t)'. . Property. ThIlWOld'property"ITIfl41'1StOJl&cl.NelYITlt1ReaJPloperly211dl.hap<llSonaIP/opart}'. AQI Property. The IYQrda "AMI PIOP&rty' ITIeGf1lhe ptOpefty, tJ!llr9sl& and I!~ cl&scrillOO abow Il'llhG 'Conveyarrce arxl Glsnr' seclior1. Relaled OO!;ummls. Tile WOIc1s 'Ralaied Doevmenls" lTleafl and lnclUI:ID wlttloullimilatiOn aU ~5Ofy 1lOta$, c:roclit egraamenls. Ioar. 8gtil&millls. 8OvimnmGnla{a~&emoou.. guarentlos, &llCvrity ~/&8IllI:ll1lS, 1TlQIt~~, deeds olttuSl. and all ottl8o' klslrumEW1lll. agroerr.al'lts arc docl.m:ints, Wholtier nQWOI h&t&a1t8r e::dIling. axecul8d In CCV'II'l(jClIon w~ lh&Ind8bt&dneas. Rent.. The word 'Rents' meatIS oJ! pI"&5GnI and MWll Hirl5, revlll'lu&$, tncomo,iss.oes, rCljiaJlie$, pl'oIil!s, aI'l(! 0lt1er bonllfils de-ri~ec Itom-lil.. Property. Trustee. The word 'Trusles. m&lI~ Western PioneBf rille C~l' llIld illy S'l.t:lS1!1l.!19()( SUCC8S$!lr tlu:tiI8iM. 1"1115 DEED OF TRUST, INCl..UDlNG THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURiTY INTEREST IN lltE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPElfTY, IS GNEN TO SECURE (1) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (2) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND All DSUGAT10NS OF GRANTOR UNDER THENOrE', THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TliUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST 1$ GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON TKE FOLLOWING TERMS: ' . PA I'41Em AND PERFORMANCE. Excepl as OltIerwlsa provlOid 1111l'115: DWd 01 TM\, Granlor II'lalI PIl-Y 10 Lendor aIIllrT01Alts S&CUred by lllis O&<<l:;o! Tr~SI ~ lI16y 0GC0m0 dUs, and slIaJl sluc~y v.d In . l-mwy ITllWIef pel100n all'ol OtanlDl"'S otilliJ8llMs unci&r tne Nole, IllIa Deed 01 Trusl. ana l1le RG'lalad DocumBl'4. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PAOPERTY. GIMIOr 4~ \h.at Qlantor'S pcIS$"sbn and vse oIlha Propeny 5/laJ be gCWtj/'l'lll:3 by IflO l~owin\lPfOYi$iOns: Poueulon W Us.e. Unbl U1B oecwer\::o 01 al'l Eveni 01 Oltaull, or UIlli I.&onder axllfcisEtS il5 riQhl 10 coI!8ct Rw1lJ S$ prC"o'iC8a lOt i., /lIE AuigrvMro(olAlOtllS fonne~eoutedtly Gran\c)linOolvlecOCinwilhlhePropiny,GrantoIlTIiiIl/ CaJremaZ1 in por;'~OI1and conllClolUlePropetty, (b) usa, opelalo OflT\llflllGEl lhe PIQl,leny,aod !C}coIIectanyRantsfromltlIiP!'OP'irty. Thelollowingptovisiotls rela.lOW lhIIUSBoIlI'Ie PropenyOl" 10 olhGtllmllatlons a; the Property. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERT'( DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATJON OF APPUCAaLE lAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONa BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE" PEAso.\: A.CQUIRlNG FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERty SHOUlD CHECK Vo1TH ThE APPAOPRlA.Tf CITY ORCOUNfY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY, APPROVED USES AND TO DETEIWINE ANY UMlTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTlCes AS OEFINE!:) IN ORSJO.9:.lO, Duly to Mllntaln, Grantot i1I4Il mairltaln !he ProPtirty jn tenantabli CCIldlliQn and ~u.,. pMOIm all repairs, leplacemorlli,ano' rnalnleMnco I1t1CB$l1aty to preseNe its vaJue. /-tauinlOWl SUb6~ Th/;IlBrms '/I8llldous waste," "tIaz.altlous aUl:lSlal1C:e: 'di1/po$;aJ: "l'llIGt\$a: O/ld'!lveal&rwld rlllll4$8: as used ill thI~ "Deed of TtUSl, .halI hlI.vell1lj1 same meanings 4. $8t for1h In 1I11i CCmptehensive EnvIt~181 RlOSponse, Compensation, 0lIlCl L.iatiliJy Act ol 19aO, 4! ~ea. 42 U,$.C. Suc1ion SQ01, el$llq_ rCERCi.A1.lhoSuperl~ AmendmenIUno Roauthoriza.UOll ActollSBe, Pub. L No. 99-4gg ("SARA1. \he Na:altlouJ Mal8fiBls Trl/'lSportallon Act, 4ll U,S.C, Soctklo 1801. GI6&q., lI1e Resource GoosaNalloo and Racovlity Act. 42 U,S.C. SeclJQI1 6901, at S&q., or oLhel applicllble'lilllle 0/" Flldllf'llll4ws, rUel!, OUtguIa1iOllS .!ldoplOd ~lJlln\ 10 ant of the IOfigOO'lg. The 11lrrTlS 'haz/ll'dOuS W43lB' one! "rwatdou$ $u!lslance' ehalllllso l1\c:Iu:!e, wIlhout Iltratalloo, pelloloum and pelloleum by.ptoducls 0( an.,. tracboo Lhoroo! oWllIsbeatoa. Granlor repte5&ntliand WllIIiIlllS LOlenctsrlhtlC ,la) DuMg lhO pstIQd or Grantors OWOert;hlp of the Property, Vteto has boon no use, gBl1818!1orl, manufacture, .&lorege, IillatmGnl dispoal~ release or llvlltl.l8NId Ielease of enyhaz8tdoua 'Naste01 eUNtanco by an.,. parson on. under,aDOutOllromlhtlPropeny; Cb)Glarlorhllsno~edg801,Ofraa$Ol\tob&ieY9111aI\l'leo'&hasbeen,excepl8$pnlVioU$lydisclosBdIO and atknowleclgsd by LOfl:3er In wlilinC, (I) 8fl)llISe, CGCllJl1lbn. manufacture, Sbige, trealment. disPOOal, rlJloue, Q/ ttuealer>>d retease 01 any /18.l:ardot.Is waste Of substance 011, l.f1CIer, aboulor froml1le Prcpeityby any plbt owners Ofoccupanl$,oI ths Property Or (l~ iIllY BCtun! or lIuWSnod liUOaI-ian Of claims of any klrlo' by any PEir&O/'l rel8lln\l1Q8uclllTl8l1E1t; am! (c) Excepl at pnrviouslytfsclo$od 10 and ackA;Jwled;.ed by Lender In wtHing, (I) ne\1l'I&f Grantof rIOr any ~nl C01ItBCIoI, a~1 or OIhor authoriZed user oIlhe Plopaf1;)l &haJj u~, Qen&lale, rT\llnvfacluul, stoia, lfesl d1spO$Q or, Of lill8lUie sny hawdOW wasla or 8ibstBnce 011, l.A"1Cl8f, ~ Ql frO/"l1lh<1 Propel1)r and (n) any $u:;h &Clivit}' lihiill 0<1 ~tsd.l:io:lmp.lanC6\VithaaappllCllble!ederaI'Slale,andlo;alltrwa'fegulaliOnsandOl"l:iinanaoa,ncIuatrlgWllhoutnrnitaOOrJlhoS&IlIWS, reou/.lltlooa,andO~o'eserlOadabov".GranlOrlllllhorllasl.endarafldltsa\lllrllstolllllerllpCl\LhepropertytolTl8ke5UChllls~lltICl lests, 81 CitlllllOl's ~&n~, as l8nrJef may deem e.pprClp(lBllIlo ll8Iell"rllno ~illnCe 01 tile Property.....ilh !his siCtion of ltwI Dood or TruSl Any inspections 0( thts mado by VmdBf 6hall be lor LlIfld6r'tI pu~ only and shall nol be C(I/'lslr1Jod 10 Cr8lllel1tly res;xrt5:il:illty Of IlaO'iity on lrIo pat1 01 l.ender IQ Granlor Of to _atl)I OUlM pel80n Tho rept~nl8tions IItIo' warrW1tl61l contained herein fire bll:$ed on Qrl1l'11o(s due d.1Q$r1C6 in invastigalilg 1t1a Ptope.'ly lor h.12ardOU$ waslS and hulTliou$ Wbstanclls. Cil11lllOl her~ (a) reJeases 8J'(1 waNos eny fulure claims 8~insl t..endflrfOrll1clOOlniIyOrconlfibulionl(Jth'IlV8l1tGtdl1lor~llablO_lorelll.!lnuPOr0ltl8l'C'OSlSUlIO"&i'iIlly&Ud\leWS,and(blagrieS10 1nc:Ie.'Mity end MJrj /l8nnleu lender COSiosl an~ and aU dUni, 10881)S, !iabiliUe3, damage$, penaI~&S, and lllCp(lnsn lVl1ich lend8f may d"ll~ 01 imjireetly susuWl or $~Her rli$lIlling /torn a bread! of lhls alJo;lioo oIll1ll De9d ot TruSI Q/ 116 e COtlssqUllllCll oj iIlly uae, lleOeraliotJ, ffiIInlrlaclUle, SLOnl.\l9. Cl$pos_aJ. rIillIlBSIJ_ Ol" _1hrB8!(lnod IllIease 01 a halal'tlOUS wastl Of luO$lflOCll 00 !he propenloo, The ptovls!ons oIl/1i:a sllCllOll ollhe OM<: 01 TrUJl includlflQ the obIl~ 10 ino'emnily, sha115W\'ivelh& paymant ollhe Indebl9dntlSli and tho $illUlaetJ~ and reconvoyanee oIlho Ilet'I or IruSD$QclorTrualandShelJnOlbeaHectedbylendIl1'I~ofanyIrterestInIhoProperty,wllatherby/OI&CloslJTIlOfQl.lle.rwisa Nujsanoo;Wuto, GmnlQr shall IlOI ClIusa, Wlo'UClO1 pomilll11y nLlW1ee not c:on-mt. petmif. or wl/8f any stnpping of 01' w$S~ on or 10 lho Propony or lJJ't'f pOrtion 01 !toe PfOPllrty, Wllllout IImilinII \he QGtllIlilllty oIlhe lorll~, Gr~l1Iol' wi! no! r&rove, Of granllO .n.,. olllGt pany lhe r~hllo latroVe, any bmQer, mlI'IGrats (incIl..l:jing olJ and gas), 101, Clava' or rock P"odIJclS wilt10ut II1e prior writtllfl t'OOS6tll Oll.eodlll, RItffiOVlII Ollmprovemeolt. GriltllOl' Shall 1101 d&molish or remove any l/npIovemanlS Irem th, Reat PropMy Without the ptiQI wrillBn COns8l'll 01 Lelldet. As e GOI'Vj,li,jn 10 LIWJ rOl'1lOVal of{ll1)' ~erTllillls, Lander may requite GfeJllOr Ie malc1l4nll/'IQ&f/'lBflIa uti.Sleclorr to LilOdlH' to raplace such ~emlill\l$ with Itro'ovllmenls 01 alle!l-'leqw.1 vell.liJ. Lender" Rlg./'llto Enlar. Landa/' IInd h agllll!.s and IllPr$SfJl'1ll1Wes may 8I\Ia, "'potl \Illi R9II1 PrQpI;lrty IIlllll rG&SOO4tlla ~to aliena 10 LM~r'$ IotetasUl 8Ild 10 IosPllCl1hll Proplllty lor pwposr.; 0/ Gtantor'l compIiaf1~e wi1t1 the lenns and coodillons oIlhis ~ ol,TNsl. 'Co~ with Oov.rnlMlltaI Requlrcm.entl. Graotor shall prOl7l'tlY COfllIly witn ell raws, OItlinlll1C&S, aOQ' legulation$, now or l'llIroaher in 1l1taC1, or .II QOVtlT"lm$Tllal authotj~ appiC<lbI~1O !ria IJ$8 Q( occupancy ot Ihe Propoft;', nclud~g wilhoul lirnil8lion., ~e American6, W~h Oiuba'JUes Act ,Granlor ma-y COIl/et;1 In gooa Ia,lh iIlly svctl lllw, orairlance, OJ Illgulatlon and 'M1MoId COIl'lpIianee during ilI1)' ptOcflllOill\l. IndlJdhg appropnale appeals, So Iorlg lIS Orantor- has nolJIied Lender In writingpri~ 10 doing .so and so 10llIl u, in l.en<IefS $Ole opjrlbn, <1;[{ ....k.. I Date Received: MAR 2 7 2aa9 ;~. Original SUbmItlaL~~.=~~~ . - -.. -- ...... ...- 2XllibiR".:I"Cltl~hed to that sa;'d D,Eio Of TRUST. ASSIGNMENT Of REIHS AND .2-5 1 3, ;HAZAR6el.rS SltBSrn/lCES CERTIFICAT.E AND, INDEMNITY dHed Februi!ry 5., 1999. 99011603 EXHIBIT 'A' Beginning at the I 3/4 Inch Iron pIpe that replaced the orIginal 1/1 inch pipe that was set on the S~utherly right-oF-way line of the Soutnern Pacffic ' Railroad 100 feet from when measured at right angles to the main line centerline, said point also being 571.20 feet North and 1217.54 feet East of the stone marking theRe-entrant corner of-the [saac Bri9gs Donation Land Clatm ND. 39 in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllam~tte Meridian, and said point called out to be 571.34 feel North and 12J8.33'feet East of safd re-entrant corner; and run thence .South 0' 01' East 278.13 feet along the East line of the West half of said Briggs claim to a polntj thence North 66" 137' IS' West 41.53 feet to a point; thence North 82' 29' 20. West 39&.42 feel to a point; thence Norlh 4' 49' 51" East 250.55 feet to a point on the Southern Paciffc,.'Railt"oad right-of-way; thence along said right-of-way on a 1I,559.19 foot radius, curve to the left having a centra) angle of 0' 16' 45.1 an arc length of 56.40 feet by a long chord that bears South 84' 19' 52. Eas 56.40 feet to the ending point of curvej thence South 840 2B' IS. East 355.48 feet to the polnt of beginning, and belng all in Sections 36 and 1 in Townships ]7 and 18 South, Range 3 West of the Wil1amette Meridian, lane County, Oregon. Except theref~om ~ny portlonlying Within the land conveyed by Georgia-Pacific Corporation 'to the City of Springfield, by Deed.recorded December 24, 1985, ReceptiOn No. 85-46055, Official Records of Lane County; Oregon. hAd# L,fntf(!'sn . i?11!'Mf 0 IJ,:.Jn Nalley A. A.stl .Date: Februarv 5. 1999 Sllue of Oregon COl,lnly of Lane - 55. J. rhe CQUnIyCiork,in end 10' Ih'laiIJ Couoly.dohntbyclnilyth.allh(wilhin inllf1.Jmftllw~'ecelvedfolf~COlde! '33FEf) 8"11'37 """ 2513R L.~ne Couniy OFFICIAL. RlICord$ L.,,j'u:CountyClerk B, iJ.;jl..-/ ~~..y CounlyCJefk I Date Received: MAR 2 7 2009 ;w Original Submittal