HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-16 ),'-'1 "'-:'-,),: ';.." I INSPECTION LINE . CITY OF SPRINGFIElU 726-37{,9 COImlllMION APPLICATION/PERMIT Job Address ;)nOp Bl(rq:---S~-MoffaWKMarKetpd ace EIIERGY SOURCES: 7./:'''1'' ~ar.co-l-a-Ra1&--1-9th ~~. lieat a~~ I.egal De,cription MaD 17-02-2S-?~ !Iater lIeater_ele~ Ran~e N / A Tax Lots 00100J..00I01.00102. 00300. 00400 Owner Hi 11 man Properti es AdJ res S l'.lwnc anD-NQrth Tnmahawk T~l~~Dr ?~<-dll1 Portland, OR 97217 . Valuf of Hark: INFORIIAHON LINE 726-3753 Sq. Ftg. 1,Iain 9440 ~Q. Ft!J. Access. Sq. Ftg, Other -X]lew__Add__Alter__Rep. Fence Demo Change/Use Dther -- -- ~ I~ N N \J $??fi.'ifin.{ln, (Juil<;;nQ Penult Info: Descr,be Work{i~e" Family Residence IHth.Attached Garaoe) Buil d S; ng 1 e Construct.structural shell and enclosure for Lease buildings. Tenant improvements to be under separate. permits I !lies. no.l . (exnir~s) rohone no. Cons truct i on LendeUnknown Primary Ehmann-Kl as Associ ates :'PC Structur;fl. A. Walker Ena. Electrica! MFIA. Inc. l1echanica! same as elect. CONTRACTORS (name) General Lloyd PO~le11 & Assoc. AJJrc$s DO I GI~ HAil (nal1le) Phol\(' (address) 6775 S.W. Ptld, OR I11th Ave. 97005 1294 (address) €lies. no. Plumbino to be bid 737 Market St. Kirkland. Wa Electrical +" no. hili to be bid ELECTRICAL "lechani ell 1 riD. PLUIIB IIIG FJ;.f 1 CHARGF NO I:F F fHI\RG.E ..lfl!. Residence of Each single fixture SQ. FT, Relocated building (new fix. addilio~~l) V' New circuits alts. or extensions _ "2 p/-j ~~&' SERVICES 74-:9' . . S.F. P.esidence (j bath) Duplex (I hath) each Additional bath 198 \Jate.':.~vice 1/6' Sewer Storm Sewer ?5:-<> f I 1/$."4 I I 1./ ISSUANCF OF PFRlllT .7").""" TOTAL CIIARGES /12 S2:> I TOTAL CHARGES that the Electrical \'lOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pemit label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division "/.>.-- Temporary Construction Change 1n existing _~nrp multifamily, conm. or lnduc;trial I [Of ~&>O /C0I11'I./IND. FEEDERS IInstall/alter/relocate I rli~trih. fpprlpr~ / IOf /~ amps.1 ~.~ amps.1 TOTAL Cllft.RGFS WIIEP.E STATE L.\II REQUIRES shall not be valiJ until the Ii/~O/Ra 1i44-4??? ??<-n~~~ ?<4-n~dA " , Cexniresl Cohonp no_ 1 . .' (701i) R2R-4444 ..~ MECHANICAL I Hr rlll\RGL furnace/burner to BTlI's Floor furnace. and vent Recessed wa 11 ~n~rp hp~tpr ~nrl vpnt Appl lance vent sroa ra te Stationary evap. r:noler Vent fan wi th sinole duct Vent system apart from heatinq or A.C. Mechanical exhaust, hood and rlurt I \Iood stove/heater I I I I It^V[ C^HErUll.Y EXN11lj[D t~1f~ completed appliciltion for t1ermit, and do hereby certify that all infonnation hereon is true and correct. ilnd I further certify that any and all wor~. nerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Ore~lOn pertaining to the work described herein. and that He OCCUPArlCY will be. made of any structure without the permission of the Buildin~ Oivision. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as re~uired by ons 70I.O~5. that"if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and emnloyecs \.,ho are in comnliance with Or.S ]()1.055 \"1111 be used on this project. 1lAJ.IE(please print)'b:'...,~~. rc::~ SIr.IIATURE ~A:f ~ ~ DATEYI?)AG) Zone.--?C Fire Zone Flood Plain BUILDIIIG PERI,IIT Charges an~ Surcharges PLUI1BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges ELECTRICft.L PERJ:IT Charges and Surcharges MECHANICAL PERI1IT Charges and Surcharges Tyoe/Const.~~-?~~.Units . ; Bedrooms Occy Load Stories I ':Occy Group FO~ OFFICE USE 0I1LY Sn, Ftg. llain Sq. Fla. Access R-2.. S~, Et9. Other 9vSlo Plan Ck, Comm/lnd _ _ 2t.6.. _~ _ ~!lo P.pr Fpp Plan Ck. Res 55': <7'1 30t/Bldn Per Fee ____2~~_ Fence :;.75:' Demo .__j_!..?:.?2.~ Sidewalk 5'.63 1~L"7./9 I A/C Paving I Curb Cut 1- x "2<,(....... Value'Z:zit;, $2:l!::>-"" X Value x Va 1 ue TOTAL VALUATION .",. System, ,s Development Char~e C1.5~) 7; "{9&A'6' Total Comb. Permit 95'1,57 - TOTAL %817. 16 ,...... . . COMBINATION APPLICATIDN/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description I." example- Tax Lot 100; Lane County Map Reference II 03 43 2: examp1e- Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition to . ~prlngtield Estates . C.. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender 'D. Energy Sources I. exam21e- heat/electrical ceilinq/or forced air Qas 2: exam~le- waterheater/electrlcalJor solar E. .iSquare footage or valuation, etc. - I. examp1e- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage . -2. example- Tfilew project, checknew - if addition, . check add, etc. F. Bullding pennit information: I. example - construct single family house with an , attached garage 2. exam~le - remodel.existing garage into family room 3. exa~le - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code ' Ii. OESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays. Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. . II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description. portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and. Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbrev1ated r 2. 'If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the' full schedules' , C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCIiEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is ,not authorized to sign .the electrical label. - Ill. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at ,the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. " . . IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are duecand payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued.. ' ; PERMIT VALIDATION "'~f,z( . I /;J ff('J V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk ~ V / \rC\ iJl\P , PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: /-7#/.'5 P~/;;7/r~P.' ~a:Z?'~ 5#~.?L 6);?~7. &~/5/-? ?~~ .. ... j);...""" LrA"$G 5~&3" $<l P~/~ hp/z;-"",_....?i'C h?f"n~ ~ _ aCZ7ff/~c> ~~?M:?/~. /,~~?U ~M.r..-fC~ _/~~ ~ _,,~(?rC'P~ ~~ _~_~~. /~h?/7>S r ~<::5-?5: " '.; Permit applicant exemp't from registration with the Builder's Board because:' . , Additional Project Information:~?~/,??,/.?""S M :3='c hc..r<S2S0/'il77L .~/~ P~L/?'f'/?>~;r ~~~r-,~9YC:-2> .~~Y_.J c::;:jp.?Y/?7 ~;(:H's-f1?~r~ ~r-;';~ '27' c.:Jrr- c:7?.:;.;;~ 'CC~-?'7)!'~ 7ly/?/~ &~ y9-~7. PLANS REVIEWEO BY: <: ~a~~..L~....'7'/c .h:R::~ Signatur4~..4~ , // Vr /' date 71~ "2/-ZfF7 ,- "-, .. Re~llired . Inspectior... 'IIT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TilE PERlilT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT THE PROPER TIt.lE, 'THAT EACH ADDRESS IS READABLE FROM THE STREET, AND TIlAT THE PERMIT CARD IS LOCATED AT THE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY. llUILDING DIVISION APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TUlES, PROCEDURE FOR REQUF.5TINC INSPECTIONS: Call 726-3769 (recorder) otate you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, job nddrcsn, type of inspection requested and when you will be reedy for the innpection. Contractors 0= owner5 name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 am,will be w4de the same day, requests received after 7:00 am will be made the followinh work day, r fS90:27C "F ~q6>'22:> ~. Your City Desip,nated Job Number Is: Job Address: /Q/641 -:2/~ ~~~'-'-.#- Owner: ~t:.L/"??".(}-./<>/ ~~~//~ Phone: . "r_ r Contractor:"~"Y;D ~......~(~ ::I ~.,~. :J SITE INSPECTION: To be made aftcr cxcnvation, hut prior to setup cf forms. lJNOEllSI.AR PI,lJHRING, EI.ECTRIC,\l. f, ~mCIIANJCAI.: To he ;nade before any ,,'ork is covered. CONCnr:TI': SIAn INSPr:CTlON: To be malle after all instab building sorvice equipment, conduit, piping, accessories nnd other nncillnry equipment items aro in place but before any concrete is poured. ~?J ~ o o [Z] ~ rOOTINGS fr rOUNOATIONS: To bc made nfter trenches are excavnted nnd forms :Ire erected, all steol in place. but prior to pouring concrete. ~ lJ lINOEnGnnUNn: l)lumbing, Electric:J I, Gns, Sanitary Sewer. Storm Sewer, \~:lter :md Dr:1inage 1 ines. To he m:lde prior to covering or fill ing trenches. ::J UNDnRpI.OClt:, Plumhing, Electrical, Mcch:lIlical. 1'0 be made prior to installation of floor insulntion, lleckillg or floor shcatlling. POST ~ nEAM: To he made prior to in:a:lll:ltioa of f1oor.ir:sulntion, decking 01' floor :;hc<:ting. :J :J FI.OOH INSlIl.^TlON f, VAPOR RARnlHRS: To be mlll.Jc prior to installation of deck in!:, or floor sheating. ~ ~,^SONnY: Steel 10c;ltion, hond beams gl'outing or verticnls in accordance ,<lith u.n.c. Section 2415, ZJ LJ [mcw SlIEA'!lIH:r. A~ln Nl'.ll.INro: Prior to install ing :Jny roofing. ROUroll PI.\JMIHNr.. EI.Er.1'IUr:AI. li ~mCIIANCI^I.: No \l'ork is to be covered Imt i I these inspectio:ls hnve been m:hle nnd approvel.!. o [l] Phone: '2:!!> 3-'//// t':< C6) $-:; :!?-'Y</<Y~ :J LATII ANn/OR GYPSUM BOARn INSPECTION: :J To be made after all lathing ::md g)'psum hoard, interior nnd exterior, is in place hut hefore nny plnstering I is npplied or before gypsum bonrd ---1 joints nnd fasteners nre taped ;:md finished. ATTIC ORArT STOPS f. CIIRTAHI {jALI.S. rnmPLACE: Prior to placing facing mnterials and before framing inspection. INSUlATION r. VAPOR RARR!r:R: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers arc in plnce but be foro any lath or gypSUQ board interior wall covering is applied. FRAMING: To be mndo after the roof, all fr~ming, fire blocking ~nd bracing aro in place nnd all pipes, chimneys and vents arc complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and heating wh'es, pipes :lnu ducts nre approved. rtRE fi SEPARATION \'iAl1.: Located & constructed according to plnns. D o woOnSTOVF.S: After installntion is completed. SIDEI'IAJ.K r. DRIVEI'IAY: Required for all concrete pnving within street rightwofwway, to he made after all excavating complete C form work & sub-base material in place. CURB ANn ..,\PPROACII APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. .SPECIAL INSPF.CTlONS: In accordnnce with Section 306 of the Building Code n special inspector shall be employed by the O~nerl Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. :J :J :J STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 30(l1l P.S,1. (306 a.l) o o PARY.ING l.err: After gravel is in place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. STRUC1'UIV\t. l'IELnS: Preformed on the job, (2722 f) HIGH STRENGTIl BOI.TING: During all bolt instnllntion nnd tighting operations (306 a.S) SPRAYEIl ON rIRr:PROOFING: (U.B.C. Standards 43.8) SPECIAL GRADING. EXCAVATION AND FII.LING: During earthwork. (306 a.l1 & Chnpter 29) :J GI.U-I.AM Br:N\S: Inspection Ccrtific.:lte, by an <1pproved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams are placed. (2S0l-U.B.C. STOS. 2S-IO,Il) , * In addition to the inspections spccifie~ hereon, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain compliance with the Building, City or Zoning Codes. -, - 21 :ZJ D 00 o CJTY'S SITn PIAN REVIEW BOARD INSPECTION: Must be reGuested 2 days in advance of the date you wish i~5pection. All project conditions such as landscaping, parkinC lot striping ctc. must bo coru~leted hefore requesting this inspection. PINAL "tIIl.DING: Must bo requested after the final Plumbing, Electrie<ll, ~'echnnical OInd rire Ucpartmcnt inspections arc mOlde OInd OIpproved. No OccupOlncy of the premises cOIn be m:lde until ;1 Certificate of Occup~ncy hns been issued b)' the Building Division and posted on the premises SIGNATUREbR u~ FIN,~L PI.lJ~mING I:INAI. nLECTIHCAI. ~ PINAl. ~lEr.IIANICAI. FINAL FIIU! mWAItTMmrr OATE 5 -1& -59 w." ......,..... rr .',n ,., .l.......'....... ""COT nr. .""'lCOC"ln,r. .nl"COTUI:UT.,." or: "Anr: AT Mn rnCOT Tn "Mlr: rTTV