HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-10-1 fhe Ii'" prOject 8S submitted has the following .- (' , (. 225, FIFTH' ?TRE&1iftjilmdoee nOt 'r~~ujre-speCi!'C 'land US~ "'\ EL~CAL PERMIT APPLIC~ TION' , ' ;. , i-'"" ,SPRl)'lGI::IE,LD, O~!ll ~7~7? ! ,.....Jr. 'd. j r I I, _" ! " " ' , " ' \" \ 1:.INS~ECTIONREQUEST:~iF~Q-~ I-d/l f.J 'byJobNumherO/-O(Ob(-O/:, \".IOf-FICE: n?-375&at~U..!! IIQ/ldfo:1 .: I! II II I " , . ". . '-.) 'I: ! n;1 \::\I\../!i!' l'flW'DDMf-COMPlETEFF(ESCHEDULEBELO)V \ ,( i 'I LOCATIONoj;utm~~fJlt'l1I' ~~, ok ';I ,':,.", ". , . '-- '.'.. 2~:iJS'tf~i01':'4 ~.J 'UL.-J~~--N~\A{c{;de"tili-Si~gi~or"j " , Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: ," (, " --"-\. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1703 zs{ J ~~ '" " .; t;' _,t:, ) i.". . 00700 Items Cost SUI)1'" 1:90: H3J:HS\'lD :39NVH:J:", : 00' gn $'2 :Qj31J 'l~Jl;r .~~ . woe: 8C:.' d3S:31tiO ' . ~. ' g1.:890oo" 10; #8N\:iHl" , {I' ~"'.~ F :r JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq,ft, or less '_ ". Wlee:: Slb.J.S: Each additional 500 t4' :'t ,?,;', sq, ft or portion r:. : .; Permils are Jon-transferable and expire thereof $ 19,00 l' if work is Jl(hlstartcd within 180 days Each Manufd Home or ,",. ,. ;;:.?' , ofissuance,1",-'ifworkis suspended'for Modular Dwelling l ,:"~;:\\ t~.i:i ~':" \ 180 days, r<\ ,~ Service or Feeder /~:;>,;~ $ 50,00 :'.:, ,;;, c'" 2, CONTl}AC.TORjIN"..~TALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders /'( :--,..,.,~, '\, h"': ,~'.;".~".:.',.',::: Electricnltont~actor'~~ ~~~~~;::~:~' Alte;t~~~.or"l ";i~\\ ~>';~d I' ,'i Address It%J.:S''28R/:$1 ,~ '200 nmps or Ie/:' " ; >:'$'~~"d~J",; f<,::') Cit)'~Ji~dw: ~,hone 74~h.{J>;" ~'^' ;~: ~~:~::;~~~:~~:".' ,?;;>'" ,j?2~,~~"'" "j ~,,:':,I ,,/,: ,\1;' (2/t3<' ; '6Q,lampsJoI00Qamp", .:'" ' $16~,QO ' \ '; '. I SlIperviso(Licell~cl,Nnmb~r,/. ""r ':.) :, C~ 'Over,lO~Onmps/vol!S, '~;:~$P5,QO;, .'1 , (', ,J V'fA.-f"':" 1 ' ReconnecrOnly,.. ' i ~,$ 50,00 ~J ExplratlOll Date U () , ',' 'I ': --: Lc' 'o"n-'str Co':n"tr'.' NU""'" ber' /2,'TlQ,', p, ,T<;mporary-~ervices.o;' Fecde;'s: " ',' '.',', J, .:! "f I c..-- Ins6!llation; ~ltcJ".ati~it or R~locat!q?'~ "', ----------:...;. , :, , >- " !',:'-:"'~''-:-ExpirationDate ~::"'-:.." ,,', '200ampsor,'less ",; _'~50,OO'~, "."'>''''.'......, -~ '20iampsto'400amps ',-",., "'$69,00--.:,' lo"~' " S'gll:;~'eof Supervising Electrician ~O:ver 4tH to 600 amps' ,;'"--. .:',; ~,$IOO,OO " t ~},,~'~',':,J. t: '. -. ~....~ . ~~"f600:a~ps~rlOOOVOltS'S~;~~---i"t''''':''~i (':' ...... ..~ .,';; -----C"i;. . I:': '.. :n,"" , ;.~.' .... /(~I\ G..r D '~;;:ll~:\' "1'f1'~'" eo;;" ;; ., .,j Address ,illf,', "tU;I-{/l(.,; S'I r One Circuit \ jf, I',;'" '. , $43,00, ~ i 'JL' ";,:",fA' ! I' '/,-""^,,, 1//,'\, 1,-/ \':..,'t""'." !,City ,Rf:0. c,~WftPh;'iie :366.b W~ ~~Ch'p"d,ditiO~~I(~i~~~i!,or with S"c~Yi~e',<::c'" ':, .,'" J',,''t, ".' ~' .' ~,,'.. . '/ :.:-? ,- ':1 OrFeede2-~~~1t.-.....~\~, ~ ~.oo ~,~ ! f~', OWNERINS.TALLATION"" "'I, !.;h~,:k/.~.-:);.l \-; ":j',:: " ,'~ t,:::' . :', . T.l1e i~stallaJi6n is.rbe.i~g mad~'ori ,,- ). E. Mi~c'~ll!lneo~~ JScrvt~eJf~.~d~r not include\d). ~~\ ~ .' -$\, '~.',,-~r 1";".",,' property I.05vn which is not intend~d:\ ' d I,-,Eacllinr.,(ai}a,tio,: p "":Ji\ '. :'\.< .' 0: ':,:';:,' ';::' :',': ' for sale,' l~as" 6r rent,c:. : -:' .-,', 'c ':, (~ Ptimp or)r'rigatibn . '1 f\ '\'$50,OO:} , e, ,>'-'::'j,:~ '0' ,"'n'e,'r"s':S""un!'a':t'u,'r':'e\~~':"~':<" "'~~:;'~\\; A ') ~ ~igtV9i;Vi~e,Li~llting i I'! z.. '~50,rjOK:!d--~ . , ' , ~ , ' . , ," " ~ ~ t,l5!teg_F"er~(Rfs '.-{ Ii! $2,5,09~ , ~.,'_:",_,;"'-:':"","',."""",,,', " '.." ., " ", :. -'.' \...'. ~',','.,:'"",,-~,,'\, ;.;.,_~_..!~.l"!_ifteld,.,tl_!e,rgy.I,,cOk,I11,I?-..: ~,'.~t _ $45;00,:.'.',',' ~!'~' ., ,,'.,', "~~.,_\:~-,:'.-~.:..~;j:~h,,;~,/>..~' -; . ~-~ _~" '< rc'",,'- .." (~" ~: ('5",,'-;; ...../. t.,,,:;.~ ',;;~ -'<,:, ~>>;:.~'t' Minimum ElcctJ-ic Permit Inspection Fee is 545,00 + Surcha"-gcs kW F',~..:,;; b,~lji \;\:;':> 4, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE, ' ", '" 7% State:Sdrcharge' ~..:,l 80/0 Ad;~~nfst'ra!i."c~~~''> ~,~y (~:/ $106,00 , .' " " .'" . ," ~ d . :/ t}i~'i\'J " " '=.""--', ,< .^ .'- ., ~ '. " ( ,\ \ ''-., ~F.\ " ,..'\ . :~- "... _ ______~ ~_~._.,. ;"._--"---l;...:._...;". ,_"......._ ,____:~.~=:,.k::..:.~~ '__:'..1 TOTAL ../' ") (' --- -': ~- I.... ._, '., .~; \ .' '" . - "::',:\ .,,>,