HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1994-3-17 SIGI\I i"'L:liIVlIT A!'l"L1CATIOr. ~ JOWMllElI Inspection Line: 72G-3769 Office: 726.3759 C]L{03'dLf :~~':~.i f dill Slrl;l)! "1";"(I';,,;d, on 97,177 LOCAlimJ OF PI10F'OSED WOI1K: _M.n +lPW.\(...N~~~..E'lt'ra:::-- I, 03a'::l.L~--. ov,mEn _~Y_/7JeA<..JT'"f ~ LJ Ff'U( ADDnESS: ,~J.q~ p-, ~/'''''IA- e.n CITV ...__6f'g1~~ illl~;INE:;" NAME, FlflM ETc.:__tt!2h k..'(.__,BIZ "- C '-r~ I TAX LOT: ) <t4e) tJI~--,d..A ~JN') ~h. /\::~;[::SOf1~~ MAP: PHONE: STATE: ""je ~c..)pp~y' ZIP: t:1-14-,-t W"li r-recswndino Projectino 1100f _ Marquee * l)!:~;Cl\ll)TION OF PHOPO~~E[) SIGN(S); (pIC;ISll dH:ck and cornplt~l() ~lll appropriate informationl Sir.lulu FClce Double r-~lC(~ 13;lIiJoord _ Other 1:tolD. -:!:NT. t..u..vAl\.~1\J lH.eNNa... \.-..,.j2:~ TOIOI He;uhl obove Grode: ~DI_O~ (ApP!2oX) )...? I_Oil ~;qU<lre r-nOI.1Uf;: 4'-'0' Vr:ftic;d Dinwnsi(J1l of sinn or enclosure:: 2' -0 II Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: Di,IIl:J1siUlI fmlll Gr:ll!ll , 4...' " C...... :'\ Elcctriclll InstJJllItion: X-_ Yes _ No lu IHlIlorl1 01 SiOn: U -0 ~P~I (lr yes addition<J1 PCflllit is rCQuircd) VALUE: 4ho~ M;III:li;l! SiUll is consilllcted 01: w+\ 11" t:; Pl-e.x. ~~ vJ /1 'I /2..'1::.0 112-1 M r...A:O, k.u"", I3ti ~ l.isl ALL cxislino sinnage and attach a photograph of CilCh sign: I") Type ...__h,_"___ Sq. FlU. IIlI Type Sq. FIg.' (1:1 Typ".,___., Sq: FlU. (dl Type Sq. FtU. COIHI\ACTOI\/INSTALl.ER: _t::-~~E- <?I~_~ NNI~ Ai)D"L~;S: .-'::;2-1 n OA.K.. PP<rLt-l RD. cITv'.__~~.~.l'?~ PHONE: ~~"'5 -a:>':::; 1/.... CUI,'~;TIIUCi"lON CUNTI\ACTOflS IIEGISTflA TION NIJMiJEI1: ql?"1q-t- EXPII1ES: q.,-f'O"L L/I/&(6 (PI?O/Q4 STATE: r'Jte. ZIP: CITV iJUSINESS LICENSE NUMilEl1: _1_2 ~5_.Q2..-_._-~. EXPII1ES: OFFICE USE COUC Section: Approved iJY~ ,Fl2lY; q-I7~/4 t ~l\' ) ~~~ATL: ,,~. VIE=~ Quad Arc<l: c{)(l)UL0 Si~IIDiSI(ict:~~ ? . (l~ ._tJI1111U: .______.___~I C' I" . F c::.~ C1J 0)1(111 J(:II1111 .(;C: ...u..__~) ~ ). Land Use: I1i:OUInED iN,~PECTIONS: Site ....,.__ Footillu prior to placerl1{~llt. 01 concrete _.,.._.___ AtlaclllTlCllt Jll{:r lasteners (Ire installed/prior to cover f 'ElectriciJl prior to cneroizino "'i FirK11 completion of siun inswlIation In Ile 11l;Il!e plior 10 Sltlll,plJC~IllCllt, Addillunal C()rnrrll:f1l~ ;lI11J/or Conditions: lly ~,;i~Jll;ltU((:, I stille and aun:u,' that I have carefully {:x;1rpincd tile completed applic<:Ition <JIl(J do hereby certiry tl1at <:III inrorlTl~tion herein IS lrlll: ;111<1 ,correct, t11L(J I lurtlH;r certily thal <.IllY ilnd all work IH:rlorrned shall be done in ~Gcoruance with t11(: Ordinances of lhe City 01 :)plillUlil:ld, ;1I11l tile L.:lws 01 lhe St,lle of Orl:ourl perl,lininu 10 !I 1(: work described herein. I further certify thJt only conlr~c!ors' ;111(/ (:rllploy(:es wilD ;If(: in compliance willI ORS 701.055 willlJ~ used on this project. Ilurlll~:r ilUrl:C to l:nsurc tlwt illl requirClJ inspections ,H{: reQ~JCstc(/ al the proper timc, that project <lddress is rC[ldable frOIll the street. tl1<:l1 Illl: permit C;I({j is IOC,IlCd <ll tlle Iron! 01 the properly, ~,nd ttlC <lpprovcd set of pl,H1s will remain on tile site Jt all times during the installJtioll ()l 11\(; slon(s}. SiQIl;'IU'O ~,~.-.. V;i1id;llioll: Alllounl nl:ceived: qr; CO Dole Paid: 3Ai/tff :3/2 s /Y..rl' ~~~7 ~~~tf~ Dote F\cccipt NurnlJer: /Zf')/ ("" Rcceived By: . . . ,... ~ " SIGN PEnMIT APPLICATION Tile .ilpp!i(;.lliOll 011 t1H: r(:vcr~e side needs 10 IlC completed entirely. If you arc tile sign contractor/illstnlll:r. or if you ore Iliring (J cOlltractor, you need LO make suru th'~1t both tile City 01 Springlicld Ousiness License Number ,and t!lC Registration Number frolll tile State 01 Oreuon COIISlfUGtion COnlrtlcrors Board .He listed on tile application along with the expiration , dntc of cadI.' , . If tile sign you llfC proposing is illuminnlcd, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either n supervisino ,electrician, limited sign clcc'lrlcOlI contractur, ,or if you Dro the business ownor who also owns tll0 bulleJlnu I.n wl1ich you Dre occupying, Dnd you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical .1ppliCJtion. ",. ".. If there arc existing wall :md/or .freestanding siOl.1s, n photographls) of each existing sign needs to bo attached to tho applicatioll. The size of enetl existing sign aJso needs to be listed on the application. ., " PLANS To submil for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plOl piall indiCLllillg where tilt..: Pf0PuscLl sign will be locLlwd. If you arc in:;t.1l!ing .1 trccst.:mding ~ign which exceeds 20 IcCl in tol.al height, the fOOling detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. After the plan review process is completed, JIHJ; if your sion(sl is approved, olle set will be returned to.you. The approved set of drawings need to IJC Jt 1IH: site wllell-an inspection is rcquusted for the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS , Oepending ,on your SiOll(SI. you may be rcquin:d to request one or all of the fOllowing inspections during the installation 'of your SiOll: Site: To be requested' after indicating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior t.o any work being performed for the inswllJtion of the sign. This inspection is required.if there is ;) question on the location of the proposed sign. FootinU: To he requested after CxcJviltion and tile forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there 'will be electrical conduit placed' in tt1{~ {OOlinU, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. ^ttJchrnent: To be requested when all fasteners are installed but prior to cover... 'Eicctricai: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is l1)ade; but prior to energizing. Afler ail required inspections "re conducted and approved and tile si9n instailation is complete. The inspections that "re required for your 'specific sign w'ill be indicated on the application during the plan review process. Failure to rcquest ANY of the rcquired inspections coula result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals ai' work. . Final: To request ~H1 inspection, phono 726.3769. Ttlis is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Qesiunated Job Number, location of whore tho sign is beinu installed, the type of inspection you <Jre requesting, and when you will be f(l,Jdy' for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7 :00 a.m. ~ill be made the snme \.vorkino dilY, nil inspections phoned in <Jller 7:00 <J.In. willlJe made the following work day. If you have ,:JnY questions regarding the application, required plans Of inspections, please feel Iree to phone the Buildi~g $aleLy Divisio;I,at 72G.375~. , I City or Spl'ingl'iehl , Building S"ftly' Division 115 Fifth Slreet Springfield, OR 97477