HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting APPLICANT 2/26/2009 " .' 'ZOJ/ -z 0,,) mM2009-00004 & m:M2009-0000S ~asperArea,School Siting Springfield SC,hool District Prepared by; Steve Hopkins, Planner II City of Springfield, Devel ent Services Department 2/26/2009 R~lveJ RECE\VED FEB 2 6 2009 By: This package was prepared for the Springfield School District to facilitate discussion of the annexation and development of a future public school site in the Jasper area. It is based on the material submitted on February 12, 2009, ard the Springfield Development Coele applicable on February 26, 2009. Springfield School District Page 1 II I Contents Site Info rm ation ................:...........................................................,................................................... ............3 Gene ra I Notes..,..........................:.......................................................,....................................... .....................3 Springfield Develo pme nt Code ............,..............,.......................................................................................... 4 Comments from Public Works Transportation ................................... ... ............... ............................. ...........5 Answe rs to Su bm itted Qu estions.................................... .'................. .,:...... ,..............................................;....6 Maps......................................................................,...........................,...................... ............,........................7 Applicatio n Forms ........................................................... 1.....:..................................................................., .12 RECEIVED FEB 2 6 2009 By: Springfield School District . Page 2 Site Information Addresses: 36191 Japer Rd; 1109 Linda Lane; 1189 Linda Lane I Tax lot Zone Metro Plan 18-02-04 TLl502 LDR Residential 118-02-09 TLl03 (West of Parkway) LMI Residential 118-02-09 TLl03 (East of Parkway) LMI Industrial Acres I 36 I 151 I' The Drinking Water Protection Overlay is also applicable. Refer to the map. Outside city limits. General Notes Any property outside the city limits must be annexed to receive public services.' A school is a Discretionary Use in the LMI (Light Medium Industrial) and the LDR '(Low Density Residential) Zones. This requires a public hearing with the Planning Commission. Required applications (other apps may be required based on the specific site design): Annexation (Type IV review) Discretionary Use (Type III review) Site Plan (Type II review) A partition or subdivision application may be required if the school district wants to buy only a portion of the property. A subdivision or partition requires Type II review. The.annexation must be completed first, then the site plan and DU can be processed concurrently. By state law, a final decision on a landuse application is required within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. It is city policy to .issue a final decision within 75 days. 5.1-130 Type II Applications (Administrative) Type II decisions are made by'theDirector after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. . 5.1-135 Type III Applications (Quasi-Judicial) Type III decisions are made by the Planning Commission after public notice and a public hearing. ' 5.1-140 Type IV Procedure (Legislative) Type IV decisions are made by the City Council after public notice and a puftE€ E I V ED Springfield School Distr!ct FEB lZaii&Jl09 By: Springfield Development Code This is a summary of some of the process and design requirements contained in the SDC. 5.7-100 Annexation 5.9-110 Siting of Schools (process) 5.17~100 Site Plan Review (general site plan criteria) 4.6-125 Vehicle parking -Maximum number of spaces allowed (2 for each classroom, plus 1 for each 100 sf of assembly area). 4.6-155 Bicycle Parking-Minimum number of spaces required (1 per 8 students) 4.7-195 Public/Private Elementary/Middle Schools (specific design elements for the campus and the building) RECEIVED FEB 2 6 2009 By: Springfield School District Page 4 Comments from Public Works Transportation FROM: SUBJECT: Jon Driscoll, Transportation Engineer in Training ZON2009-OO004 & ZON2009-00005 Springfield School District Development Issues Meeting Public Works Transportation Comments The Transportation Division has reviewed the subject application for the possible development of either the property at 36191 Jasper Road or at 1109 & 1089 Linda Lane. . The following comments and questions are in response to. the first half of the application's Question #5, which reads" Are there any issues related to the future road system in the area and costs related to improvements to accommodate future elementary school?" . During the design and development of these parcels yaw design staff needs to take into account the necessary connectivittj of Springfield's to and through your site. You are encouraged to work closely with Transportation staff in providing streets that will run through the site. The following are. roadways presently conceptually planned and would be part of the expense of developing these sites: Linda Lane Property o South 57'h Street is planned to cut through the NE comer of the properttj, connecting Moming View Subdivision (north of this properttj) with the partially constnlcted South 57'h Street built as part of Jasper Meadows Sixth Addition (to the east of this properttj) and continuing southerly to the south side of the properttj. TIlis is to connect through south and east to Bob Straub Parkway. o . Mineral Way isplanned to continue westward from Jasper Meadows Sixth Addition through this praperttj and connect with Linda Lane. Jasper Road/Bob Straub Property o South 60'h Street will continue south from Jasper Meadows Second Addition through this praperttj.. . o Our desire is to have tlu: first block on both sides of Bob Straub free of driveways to support greater safety and efficienctj. o It is possible that another road will connect with Bob Straub near the SW corner of tlu: property, and run through this praperttj to its eastern boundanj. . For safettj reasons, tlu: Transportation Division is not in favor of a single site developnu:nt building on both sides of Bob Straub Parkway, and tlu:relnj producing/encouraging Iu:amj traffic loads back ,and forth across tlu: Parkway. . . Realize that for eitlu:r site - butparticularly the Jasper Road/Bob Straub Properttj ~ it is expected that you would share in the expense will to build out tile Bob Straub Parkway - as you would be gaining benefit from it and adding substantial traffic to it. RECEIVED FEB 2 6 2009 Springfield School District By~ Page 5 Answers to Submitted Questions 1, Would the City require a school site to abut existing City limits in order to be annexed, and what are the city's projections for growth and annexation in this vicinity? What would be the annexation fee for the school district? . Property must abut the city limits to be annexed. Refer to SDC 5.7-140(A). The planning application fee for annexation is listed on the fee schedule. The annexation fee is addressed in the Annexation Agreement. This will be addressed in more detail by John Tamulonis. There isn't an official population estimate for this area. The best estimate is from a market analysis prepared for the City by E.D. Hovee & Company in 1999. That analysis estirriated that nearly 2,300 homes will be built in the Jasper-Natron area. I Dwellin~ type I Sin~le family, detached I Sin~le family, attached I Apartment/condo I total I # of units 1,280 510 490 2,280 % 56 22 22 100 2. Will there be adequate fire protection within five years for an elementary school? This will be addressed in more detail by Gilbert Gordon. One of the requirements for annexation is that the minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as defined in the Metro Plan, can be provided in an orderly, efficient and timely manner. . 3. Will the school district be required to participate in the cost or reimburse the city for extension of the sewer trunk line to this area? Can costs be projected at this point? The cost is usually incorporated into the Annexation fee. There will be a System Development Charge that is assessed when connecting to the sewer line. This will be addressed in more detail by PW. 4. What might be requirements of the city for storm drainage and detention, and would there be off-site costs? Are there wetland issues in this vicinity? The drainage question will be answered by PW. There are wetlands on a portion of this site. Refer to the map. 5. Are there any issues related to the future road system in the area and costs related to improvements to accommodate a future elementary school? Issues and costs related to other utilities (e.g. gas, electrical)? ( Jasper Rd. is under Lane County jurisdiction. Unless it is annexed by the city, the county will determine the necessary improvements to s Kt. CE 'V E 0 CCD R I! ?OOQ Springfield School District Page 6 By~ Maps . Zoning . Land use designation (Metro Plan) . Infrastructure . Floodplain & Drinking Water Protection Overlay Springfield School District , RECEIVED By: FEB 2 6 2009 Page 7 ~ ~ L ~ u 18020400 1502 103 J' I 18020900 103 /' Zones - D Subject property - - - - Urban Growth Boundary D Tax lots Zoning _ High Density Residential Low Density Residential _ Community Commercial L_:-' Light Medium Industrial _ Special Heavy Industrial . L D N W*E il s 1 Feb 2009 / / Springfield School District "- I I u W (.) .u a:: \ 0"> = = '" ~ c-> en w u... . . >- CO Page 8 '\ .~ .~/J , u ~ . Metro Plan D Subject Property ~ Urban Growth Boundary D Tax Lots Metro Plan r:::I Commercial D High Density Residential ICI!I Ught Medium Industrial D Low Density Residential D Medium Density Residentia I::J Special Heavy Industrial ,---------- /, -- Springfield Scho~l District J. ~. \/~/ (<- .-:r-,/". J lJ \' ;-i:" II r'L "T" I \/ Z1. / . I _Lr-~ L___ t - I - - l , .-/ -- I L 18020400 1502 ensity Residential 103 ,. I -'---- 1S02'O~I!JQ 103 li~J"It Meflium Il'lrlustna ---.- , . I, .. ----J I I I -' , L - ITI > N W*E s Feb 2009 - ___-l......__ '-- '., "'-..... I 1-- _ I I~ ~ I o w ~ HU I L I I _ _ _ _ .t:. ~rr=; ~ en = = "" = ~ CD l.J..J u... . . > CO '!! Page 9 OJ '< . . f I i--J , I -n rn co ~ <7> ...., = = u:> Ml:. VERNON 18020400 1502 ,r r 103 -l \ I / > 1 I nfrastructu re N w+E s . Feb 2009 -rn Springfiel~oJ District .z ~ ~ '>- ~ c. ~ -;. 18020900 103 .----.- ^ ..-/ T "j I~ . -, ,'---",,- -\ , Page 10 0 I ~ > en = ~ = - "" w .., ...... (.) en w l..1... W . . a: > In ~ I Springfield School District Wetlands, Floodplain & DWP o Subject property - Major Metro Roads Local Wetlands Inventory _YES _ FEMA 100 year flood zone city limits _SPR - - . Drinking Water Protection ~ "" N w*. s Feb 2009 J Page 11 Application Forms Annexation Disc;retionary Use Site Plan Review Application fees '- . RECEIVED FEB 2 6 2009 By: Springfield School District Page 12