HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 2/12/2009 MILLER Li~ From: STEPHENS Colin Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 5:08 PM To: MILLER Liz; JONES Terry (Tara); KARP Gary; METZGER Mark; GALE Kitti;L1MBiRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; SUMMERS Sarah; PAULY Linda; METZGER Mark; MOTT Gregory; GRILE Bill; LAFLEUR Karen Subject: City Sponsored Zone Map Amendment Effective April 20th 2006 the City will begin sponsoring zoning map amendments ior properties where the zoning and plan designation are clearly in conflict. This will occur three times a year. The adopted fee schedule sets January as the yearly start of the three rounds of application processing. The Planning Commission's first regular session after their holiday recess is the third week in January, To allow for a completeness check/document preparation and 45-day DLCD notification, the application for the January hearing needs to be filed by November 1st. The second hearing will be, in May, with a March 1st submittal deadline and the third hearing in September with a July 1 st submittal deadline. This initial year's first hearing will be the September hearing. ' The fee is $0.00. A type ill notification fee will be assessed to cover the cost of the required notification, Because of the scale and non-property specific nature of the adopted Metro Plan Diagram, the plan/zone conflicts will primarily be verifiable for properties within refinement plan boundaries. There:may however be instances where, due to prominent identifiabie geographic features on the Metro Plan diagram, iittle doubt exists that a property has a designation that is in confiic\.with its zoning. in all instances, it is the discretion of the Director or his repetitive to determine if there is a clear plan/zone conflict and that an application quaiifies for this process. Colin Stephens Planning Supervisor Community Planning Division City of Springfield (541 )726-3649 i ~ RECEIVED 1/31/2007 ~-,. ,,),- \d--....:O~ By:~~~ -?ON D'ilVlL009-00003 Owner: Agent: KCDM/Lincoln Capitol Karl Mueller Metro Planning Site: 4155 E street 17-02-32 TL 300 17-02-32-23 TL300; 400 42nd street is a minor urban arterial E street is a local road Proposal: Refinement plan amendment: Heavy Industrial to Community Commercial Zone change: From HI (Heavy Industrial) to CC (Community Commercial) Uncoln_$hp DTuLa:s _oh, _ Hgh Density Residftn'a1 _ Medum Deosity Re$ldEntial Low Oalsty Residential ,., Mixed Use Residanl:iB1 _ Comm.mily Commercial _ Mapr Retail eon.n.cal _ Mixed Use Commercial ._ Neighborhood Conwnetcial U Ught Mediun Induslnal @Mix8dUML.mI&Cc: $?< Campo.e 1nd.J$lrial _Heavylrdustrial H.m Special HelWY lnW$tJ'ial _ f'utjIC lM1d & Open Sl>>Ce BotthKellyMilt8dUse _ GenenlI 0ITic:e ... ~&MiI1ll~jQ"lS _ MEDICAL SERVICES , "- RECEIVED '_~; 1:1.-0'1 By:~ - ~ Questions: 1. Is the applicant's understanding of the required applications correct? Refinement plan amendment: Heavy lndustrial to Community Commercial. Type 4 process (public hearing with city council). Refinement plan states: "This Refinement Plan is site-specific and shall be definitive in making land use decisions." Page 1. Metro Plan amendment not required. Not as precise as the Refinement Plan, Zone change: From HI (Heavy lndustria1) to CC (Community Commercial). Type 3 process (public hearing with planning commission). These are consecutive applications, First the plan amendment, then the zone change. Any subsequent site plan will be third. This is based on the state law that requires a land use application to comply with the regulations in effect on the date of submittal. 2. Does the city anticipate any issues regarding infrastructure if the properties were developed with CC (Community Commercial) uses? PW will provide information regarding the capacities of the Transportation and sewer systems, as well as any improvement agreements applicable to the property. 3. How does the planned UGB expansion affect this application, if at all? There is no apparent affect, but need more information regarding the proposed use. 4. H the applicant does not proceed with the zone change, is there a mechanism by which the applicant can redevelop 17-02-32 TL 300 and provide parking for the new commercial use on 17-02-32-23 TL3oo? All uses in the CC zone require site plan approval. Refer to SDC 3.2-310. A site plan requires compliance with the zone and the plan designation. 5. If the applicant does not proceed with the Refinement Plan Amendment zone change on 17-02-32-23 TL 300, what if any mechanism is there available to address the plan/zone conflict on 17-02-32-23 TL400? Need more information. The land owner may pursue an amendment or zone change on one or both parcels. f(nd--;S7dt- ().n j t!wM,; r ~;p / fVw "-'<fev,?, rr.. RECEIVED By: 2 -/?..:-{) <1 '- !Yl -:r&::>.-?LG)J ~.- --- r1 I "" "" Heavy Indl strial ~ o L - -- Light Medium Industrial ~ Comm rcial =I\~~~~"'~ / '" ~ - "'~ :~ \'\~ I ~~ 'AI rt:!.1\~ .....- :,,8 --i t' ;r::~ ~U ~., -= a\J " ,,, r"") .0." ,,;'" J I I L '1_" "!I'" .... I I . ~ q. . -~ ,... -, ..........!l'f ill__ __ -, ~ ~~ ~ "- ~.~ . .'>..~ "'" -j .~ ~ ~~ r-- :L: n =J I --L -l --- -1 f I I -1 / / \ \ -- - J. Metro Pia,", i ~ -Mid SpriRgfield- -E.ast Maift-St- EStreet --.... ---. -... o z '" ..,. Heav/ Indus!r al Ligh! Medium Industrial , ~~Ql I t- o ..,. Refinement Plans Low Density Residential ~ ~, .,J> ~'c elf, '~~~'r~ '~'l;'."'~' . ,_,'r I - - . ~":, -- ",a -;. . '-~'~.~.~- . -...,-.," ~"~ :, " ,;'f,,: ' . ii' ':f." ~=' : ' ., ""~< '..- ... (il '\ ~(' ... ~ 0" ~/- "0; ~Il' ~. ~/ , OJ 'u ~ Q) E _E -~ u ~ 'c :J E E o u ... '" II. I r- Y:.,,- , f,' : ~ Ii :. ." ,. i:' I F 'I' ~ 17023223 400 17023223 300 17023200 300 . I ~ ~, ~ :::---- - --- ~ ~ . I 'I --=h . - =:p- -/ I , fl=(C' =D I. T ' By:i-VL-o~ j"