HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 4/4/2007 ;} Page 1 of 1 ';r" -? ,", -"-~...,o;...' ....~".. ~., L1MBIRD Andrew,' .':! i' From: KNAPEL Carole Wednesday: April 04, 200i: 1 :32 PM VOGENEY' Ken '" 'i' POLSTON Jim; PUENT David; MOTT Gregory; L1MBIRD Andrew; STOUDER Matt . 1 ' . Subject: Justice Center Poject - approval of drawings Sent:' To: Cc: :f~ Ken, Yesterday you met to discuss approval of the 'Justice Center "PIP" drawings and apparently there were some questions raised regarding which draw!ngs were being reviewed and approved and you suggested having a meeting to discuss this in more detail. I thought I might provide some information by en1ail in the hope of responding to any outstanding questions, ' ;1, The Justice Center project was desfgned, as directed by the City Council, to include all components of the p(oject, _ the'Police/Court building, the jail and the ancillary building, The design as approved by Council currently shows " the closure of a section of B Street and the ancillary building and the secure parking structure are located in part, on what is now B'Street. The design of the entire project was required in order for the City to know the full cost of the project and the presentations to Council have always included the full project. We have told Council that'we ' have site plan approval for only those components of the project which are within the existing block but that the~. . project cost includes th!l entire project:' ,,' ',,' . ' . ':, " ',' '," '.:.t" . . ' : ' . \ .' . . ;~. '. .. _ _ . :. ,. ..' _ i~ i The Council has also told us 'that they iNant the project io proceed as quickly as possible. We recognized 'however that the issue of the vacation"of the B Street right-of-way would raise a number of concerns which could take some time to resolve. In order to proceed as quickly as possible, we submitted a site plan application which: included the area bounded by A Street, B Street, Pioneer Parkway East and 4th Street. This site plan application was approved. Once the Council has made a determination on the closure of B Street, we will submit a site plan,' modification application to address those areas. (And If the Council determines that it does not want to vacate the'" , B Street right-of-way, we will need to re-design that portion of the project before submitting the site plan modification) ',', . :' , ' , , .' W~ h~ve sUbmi~ed a building permit ]ppiicatio'nfor the a~ea wh'ichiS incl~ded in the approved site 'pian a~d that application is under review. When the 'site plan modification is approved, we will request a building permit for the' . balance of the project. This approach INas detailed in a letter from the project architect to the City at the time the drawings were submitted, . " ,. Ken, it is my understanding that since the City wili have the responsibility for maintenance of the sewer, storm, ' landscaping etc, that you will approve ,the drawings which would normally be a part of the "PIP" if this project had'. " been submitted by others. I believe the relevant drawings have been reviewed by Public Works and are ready for ' , approvaL This ,",ork mayor may not be bid out (depending on the decision of Council on April 16), whichever way.. we proceed, the "PIP" work and the building construction work will be completed by the same general contractor. ' ~ " .' ~ . "- '. . " ,'. .- . , . .. Please let me know if.you have any further questions or if you want to set up a meeting to.discuss. " ,', .,1' . Thanks, ' , Carole " .' .'<, ~, ,': . ,"" -:-'}', " .,'.. " ' .,... ~ '. , ,I .,....,' . ,>: '.>:~~'. . .:. ...' '1',', .D,ate!:ieiceived: Planner:' AL', 4j,j;o7 . " I / .. '., : >>ji' , 'N< ..... '.,,' . ' . ~.;. '. :;. ., ...,.... .' '.' -\', . " ;:., ., '.' ." .' ....,. 4/4/2007 ' '~.. .. ,... . ,,'...,.' .'