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L TD,Development Review _S"'~~)1gfield_ DRC2006-00033 (City of Sprtngfield - Police)
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: LAFLEUR Karen
Sent: Monday, May 01,2006 7:08AM
To: L1MBIRD Andrew
Subject: FW: L TD'DevelopmentReitiew_Springfield_DRC2006-00033 (City of Springfield - Police)
DRC comments
From: MUELLER Will [mailto:Will.Mueller@ltd.lane.or.us]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 20066:15 PM
, , Subject: LTDDevelopment Review_Springfield_DRC2006-00033 (City of Springfield - Police)
L TD has comments on the following developm'ent:
'DRC2006-00033 (City of Springfield - Police)
L TD staff have communicated with Springfield staff on several occasions regarding this
development including Emails arid telephone conversations with Nic Arnis. The;following
remarks were sent in an Email as an L TD development review response on Monday, March 06,
200610:39 AM as comments on DRC2006-00013(City of Springfield-Police):
, '
>>> L TD has the following comments on DRC2006-00013(City of Springfield-Police):
L TD currently has two bus routes (#18 Mohawk/Fairview & #~ 9 Fairview/Mohawk) which travel
along B Street between 5th Street and Mill Street. L TD bus stops for these routes are located
on both sides of B Street:at its intersection with'4th $treet. If the proposed development were
to includeth~closure of BStre~t between Pioneer Parkway East and 4th St'reet, L TD would
want to re-route these routes al9ng C Street so that they could continue to serve the '
Springfield City Hall and library 'tomplex without circuitous routing. To that end, L TD would
also wanrto locate stops alongC Street in order to accommodate this new travel path.
Thanks. '.
Will <<<
These comments were also fOfY'larded via Email to City of Springfield staff member Carole
Knapel on Mon 3/6/2006 @ 10:~O AM.
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Since the construction of this new police/court building involves the vacating of B Street
Date Recei\ted' ,5/ l:;uo6
5/1/2006 Planner: AL ./'
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.,;;? L TD Development R'eview _ Sf'r;,!g~eld~DRC2006-00033 (City of Springfield - Police)
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between Pioneer Parkway East <;md 4th Street, LTD still looks for the City of Springfield's
cooperation arid assistance in r~':.routing'these routes to C Street and in locating bus stops
along C Street in order to .acco~modate the neVI! routing. Thank you.
Will Mueller
Service Planning Manager
Phone: (541) 682,6194
Cell: (541) 501,7559
Email: will.mueller@ltd,org
Lane Transit District
P,O,Box 7070
Eugene, OR 97401-0470
Fax: 541-682-6111
Date Receivea: S- /; /;kJt'J6
Planner:' AL ~;"