HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/19/2006 }1 (.-- <DiL ~ $(P~ /.p 0 " City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726.3689 . SPRINGFIELD Minimum Development Standards, Type I " :-~,. .... I- .,..,. . f Applicant Name C 1.'{. OF '5f'~/NGFIE:L"D Address :2..;:{S FIF-n-1 STR.~ :SPR-INC:>r,e:Lb .PropertyOwnerName C 1-r'1 O~ SPIi?/NGFI2"Z-"b Phone l5'+\) 7:/" - 3"100 oR- "1"7,+"7, Phone 7~h -3.6.SJ... Address Developer Name Address Property Address NE: COP.NE'/2- 01" :& Assessor's Map No. II - 03 - 35 - ::z. i Zoning of Property P l- 0 -To (-" Size of Property - 1,,'12.0, s€:"~ Al!>oll€ - - Gee:- ABolle - Phone 'ST'~EE. ANt. P'DN~ PA.lU<<.>A'1 Tax Lot No. 13"'00, EAS, Square Feet or 0.18 Acres ExistingUseofProperty MVNI<:..,PAL- PAlilK1Nc. Lol' Description of Proposal IrJ6-rAI-I- AN EMER-GoeoNC'1 6e>,1E~IOR. Foli!. llllS: N~ POL-I<:..IS: ANI:> C.OVl2-'-S ~vll.-"DING, L:r,)s-rl~ Ce:N11:::fl,) 'IN \ -T\..l. N A "l:>t\I e::-LOPe:t::> f'Af'-JC.IN 6 Lerr. lI. PP R.o X- \MA~ 'l:>11")~ON5 l' , , GE1'l~A:TI:;>R- t;;J.J~OSuR-F Aj;tE Jo+ 1-116H ><-f> ')/..2-7- . 'OF )HE The undersigned aCknOW)ed,that the informatiou in this application is correct aud accurate. Applicant Signature h~A'A~ ~ . Date j;2-19-ot, II I' f- If the applicant is oth€})fthan the'owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf r Owner Signature Date For Office Use Onlv: Journal No, }Pl J2.mt-r wot\ V Received By ~ H _ Assessor's Map No. 1'l-D3-35-2i.f Tax Lot No. lmoz:> Date Accepted as Complete , " i" r, ,,', , ""I',,''''d' /7.//1 hAJ06 ..Jr".,.....,l"....,...,......~.~ Planner: AL, . ~". ...-- . \ MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (Ref. SDC 31.010) PURPOSE Minimum Development Standards (MDS) are intended to support economic development by minimizing City review for minor addilions or expansions, or changes in use as specified in SDC Section SDC 31,010, MDS will ensure.compliance with specific appearance; transportation safety and efficiency; and stomlwater management standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and otherwise protect the public health, safety and welfare, APPLICABILITY MDS appli~s: 1. 'T6,~~'jeiope.'d,~';;p'tii~'ithat do not require either Site'Plin\R'eview'as.specified,in'SDC Section 3\.020 or Site Plan Modification as sRecified in SDC,Section 3LlOO; and \ I .. I. .~r:.'~ <.; I-"_.n'-:.","-,:~';~_; -'j .\~.;.(:\-r'-::: !--i1-' !~.~- 11$..:..\: 2. Wi~hin~Sp'rin-gfield:~",'c(ty)imits only; and ~ \ ~ ." r t M '..I.\);~,~; ~'_, \'--j'I_..) 3. Within commercial*, industrial* and public land zoning districts only;.where there,is:. r'-: A. An addition or expansion that ~s: :~;'; J:'~\ ;~. ."~ ,-,.'': -. i. 50 percent or less than the existing building gross 1100r area and/or impervious surface area; ",r'.:: ,1\:-j L. I~' j~ ""i....; ..' 1 I' " . -", .-r..... - \ '.~. ..... .-. 0:" . .. "'."'of ..~ #';':T___ ....0:: ...f...-,..... ':J,;;","~\:':: .-,.....: _".~!l,...':l.(,)::-j .:j~~; 'j'':ll'.'~:~ i-If'.. ;:::;: ._. ,1.:.; ., \".., ii. 5,000 square feet or less of additional building gross floor area'and1or"impervi6us surface area, whichever is less. '.) r_\ t.~. Hi. Multiple exp~h~i6J;lwill be limited so that the standards spe~ified in i.-:aI!ii.i..:are~iiot exceeded in a 3-year period. . ~ I .' . . ? .~. d"'''I.;;:.~'-,.~ci ..);.51.! :)h~rJ{/f B. ,c~'C1iange in use.6f:j:Quilding or prope"".,, 7) :':-,' \.,v. ='. . . I . ~'J. .~_.' ;-0-... .,.~..J /.~! '." ~'.t '. '.i. ',t ""I'MDS al~o 'ih'cTiides~ilie p'iacement:ormariufacture~d'nomes as"office :uses in commercial distri~tE}~t .::''1 \~ 'j . .... ~', ;r,>....af!d .ind!lstriaJ.distric~; a~d as. flight ,watcnn1a!l '5 qUi;1J1ers .i~ ?p.plicable industriaf districts and the . QMo'districC" n I ./ #" '.-1 ,".1-. . J v ~J ,c.t "'l!';~-:L'T'I .;~:r\<-..,.1-r.~ V..Jr:.t /" :',; t Fir'; {.-". . l..:' '.' .... '," '.. J'-' . .. APPLIC~LES~AND~~sjbFl~~Rovl~': ",:;fC~ J ,,;/.~J'dt;"'-"I)..,..j,::' ,;;l?',' .-j,J' 1. A five-foot wide landscaped planter strip, including street trees, with approved irrigation or approved drought resistant plants as specified in SDC Sections 31.130 and 31.40 must be installed between the sidewalk and parking areas or buildings, See SDC 3 \.01O(4)(a) I. and,2, for exceptions. 2. Trash receptacles and outdoor storage areas must be screened by a structure or enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in SDC Section 31,160. 3. Bicycle parking spaces must be added to meet the numerical standards for the appropriate use or upgraded to meet the standards set in SDC Sections 31.210 and 31.220 of this Article. . 4. Parking and circulation areas must be paved and striped and wheel stops installed as specified in SDC Sections 31.170 and 31,190. Required paving and other impervious surfaces on the site must comply with on-site storm water management standards as specified in SDC Section 32,110, 5. Access to the public right of way as specified in SDC Section 32,080, t r.. . ,.," 6. Concrete sidewalks must be installed where thesite abuts a curb and gutter street as specified in SDC Section 32,040. . )..\ . 7. Streetlights must be installed as specified in SDC Section 32,060. . , Date i~aceived' lytj.JOO'. Planner: AL 10/7/05 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi there, ~. KURTZ Linda Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:42 AM LAFLEUR Karen; L1MBIRD Andrew POLSTON Jim Justice Center Permit Fees (Acct. Code) I guess there is a $681 fee coming up for the Justice Center, Please charge this fee to: 428-62211-850158-P50434, Thanks, ' &da ,.' , , . " ",l " 1 -: '.' ,.:' ,. '. . <.,"',' .... . DatEll'~aceived: /~~:hch' . ,Planner:AL " , (' 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ORC2006.00090 ORC2006-00090 Payments: Type of Payment INT CHGS cReceinll RECEIPT #: 1200600000000001780 Description CTY Minimum Oev Standards + 5% Technology Fee Paid By 428-62211-850158 JUST CTR , O*" of Springfield Official Receipt L j~lopment Services Department Public Works Department Date: 12/2l12006 . Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received acl Page I of I INT CHG7 P50434 In Person Payment Total: Date Received' Planner: AL 10';).17176 { , 10:49:49AM Amount Due 681.00 34,05 $7I5.U5 Amount Paid $715,05 $715.05 12/21/2006 \ " \ I \ \ \ -.' ';- , , ,. _.:_...L_~... i 0I~" , -i '~' ,,"~i \0:, \ .,2:\ II tIj i ,trj , 'loTi !,,' ;/ tf'\J . , ',\~'. ) ,,':x>. , --: . / ' , \~L \ '1-r'4. ,'\:~: \~': ,!)-" ~\\ ,~,~, " . ,,0 ('l 'i " /- ~ J Justice Center Back-up G:erator Dat€lr~,:'lceived:, "i4!~ot Planner: AL -'-!'J , Site' Plan Scale 1"=,2.9'. _ , Minimum Development Standards f) ~ " ~.., . 0' :' :'. ~ "B"STREET '-'SD ._-Ji.-;~ ;~/. ~_ .~~>:-::"~,~..~;<i. ". ~pgogQ'gg~.liIl~_..":__.': ' ", ".' . SD r - -. .;;'1 ~ ~?-:~"~~:S'~ ," " ',', '~r=7'" ' '.,' :.",~:'::.~~~,':"':-a~ - ,'" '/ ",-- " '~ ' I ~ ", /en Iffi '\ ,10 ,I \0 . .. .J" _ '".': \ ,..~'. ~ tt:I ~ - ", <~5.3__ " WU, .....' . .-- .' rEI 00' 'f.' 0 ..' ' , "._n. ~ ,----- . /", ~"!~ ...., f ";,l~' ,'J!i ." ~'.J VJ .'~ ':.. . :. '. . ~~,. C ,'; "S , ~: 1---: , ',-:C- . "I ....,0. . . "" i ~= , '---.;...1 11 l: , OIRJ- , ss >, ) ~. ., ...~ .-~' - , , Address: Map:, . Tax Lot: Zoning: , Proposal: Lot Size: Owner: ,""'E' ! I..~' ~~~ 0." i', , ' , __.. ~c' . ~ ~. I. 'rJJ ;;::' ;;:: 'tJ 1;>:0: .;> ---.--' -- - ~... . war rcl~ . ITL ~\.....o . - ..,. ...q , _.:.;~ .. ~' . : ... . , , ;;:: , :;t I .---.--" ,- -.- - I ... ,.! ,~ . b 0 . .-. :01 g '- _ '0 " ~ '0 uu . 0' ~ :0: ",0 III "~J~. ,,' ",I! eJ: ..,l, ~ - .. ... I ;> , " " r " .. -'" QI' ~ '. . ... "A' ;, ..', :" ....~' ': . . , .. ..,-""..". wv -----. -MW __ ._-- w- ~---------------- '~ ..... " .... 4. ,:' . . ,I ' " -.W I . , I ,.~:' , . Gt (j)', ' , ---t-, g") (D , , ~, 't.',', en o 22 , ~ I NE corner of Band Pioneer Parkvyay East ,17-03-35-24 . 13900 PLO Install SUB Transformer . & Diesel Backup Generator for the Justice Center by placing, them on4 spaces of the existing parking Lot'(80 spaces to remain)" .18 acre . . City cif Springfield