HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 10/23/2006
City of Sprin'gfield
Development Services Department
, 225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
final Site Plan Application, Type I
, SRite Plan I2f SMited.Pf.lant.MajTor II 0 SMited Pf.lant.MinTor I 0
eview: 0 I lea Ion ype : 0, i lea Ion ype :'
Company: .1 jFax: I I
Company: 'I 9 . U IFax: I I
Property Address: ) L/fPJ/Ndkjll-fIOU )/'f.1JU - /qool 2CCO) )./00 I
, Name of Project: JfASri {p _ C e n{-(;'" 1
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Associated Applications:
Case No.: ~fLL,')..(jJ,P-()fJY:,-.~ Date Submitted: 'IO-a3 Db
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I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City.
;( j)
Owner: /7;/M.// ,.4~ Date: (t)-,;13-0C.
V I (Signature)
Vel' ni )). :S/l1lfJ..
1 (Print)
Date Received: /~/)l;;oo6
Planner: AL
Applica,tion p,acket:
l.Applic~tion fee: The Final Site Plan Review application fee is based upon a
percentage of the fee paid at the time of Site Plan Review. Refer to the Devel.opment
Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee. A copy of the fee schedule is available at
the Development Services Department.,
2.FivecopiesoUhef.inaISi~B19DIn_c_orporating all r:equired modifications and,appiicable
conditions . ,- '-,-- ___.u
:3. Any additional documents requested as Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Site
Plan ' .
..., '".-'
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
541-726-3759 Phone
'City of Springfield Official Receipt
)evelopment Services Department
Public Works Department
Job/Journal Number
Type of Payment
cReceint I
Date: 10/23/2006
CTY 10% Final Site Oev Agrmnt
+ 5% Technology Fee
Item Total:
<":heck Number Authorization
Paid By Received By Batch Number Number lIow Received
428-62211-850158 JUST eTR INT CHG7 In Person
. Payment Total:
Date Received: /o/p /;ro6
Planner: AL ~
Page I of I
Amount Due
Amount Paid
Robertson I Sherwood I Architects PC
132 East Broadway, Suite 540
Eugene. Oregon 97401
P 5411342.8077
F 5411345.4302
23 October 2006
City of Springfield, Oregon
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Attention: Andy Limbird - Planner II
Re: Case No. DRC2006-00033 - Springfield Justice Center Site Plan Review
Dear Andy:
This letter and the accompanying Final Site Review submission (revised 10/19/06) address the Conditions
of Approval listed in the amended Site Plan decision for the Springfield Justice Center dated 25 Juiy 2006,
To the best of our knowledge, the Final Site Plan complies with the requirements of the SDC and the
conditions imposed by the Director in the 25 July 2006 decision, The Final Site Plan is in substantial
conformity with the tentative plan reviewed by Development Services this past summer.
. ,
The Conditions of Approval are addressed as foliows:
Condition 1:
Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the underground routing of relocated electrical, telephone,
television and other telecommunication lines shall be depicted on the site plan.
flesoonse: Final routing of underground utilities wili be determined in advance of building construction. The
underground routing of relocated franchise utilities is depicted on the utility sheet C1, representing the
most current understanding of the future routing, This reflects conversations with the Springfield Utility
Board, Owest, and Northwest Natural Gas, The franchise utilities located in the alley, with the exception of
the power line, are local service connections to the existing police buildings and will be relocated to serve
the new buildings, as noted on the plans. '
Condition 2:
Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the lighted bollards shall be relocated outside the street rights-of-
way or provision shall be made for providing metered electrical service from the adjacent buildings.
Response: AIi of the proposed lighted boliards that will be situated within the street rights-of-way shali be
furnished with power via metered electrical service from the new project
Condition 3:
Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall revise the plans to provide for sewer service
laterals to replace the existing sewer service connections for tax lots 2700, 2800, and 2900,
ResQonse: New sewer service laterals to service the existing buildings on tax lots 2700, 2800, and 2900
are shown on the utility plan C1,1,
Date Received' I~;;rt
Planner: AL
Page 2
City of Springfield - Development Services Department
Attn: Andy Limbird - Planner II
Re: Case No, DRC2006-00033 - Springfield Justice Center Site Plan Review
23 October, 2006
Condition 4:
Prior to approval of the construction plan drawings, the applicant shall obtain approval from ODOT to
construct a new public sanitary sewer line in Pioneer Parkway East as shown on the plan drawings,
ResDonse: Prior to approval of the construction plans, KPFF will obtain approval tram ODOT to construct a
new public sanitary sewer line in Pioneer Parkway East through the ODOT permitting process. This will be
done concurrently with the City of Springfield's Public Improvement process for the portion of the new
sanitary sewer line in City right-of-way,
Condition 5:
Prior to approval of the construction plan drawings, the applicant shall obtain approval from ODOT to
construct storm sewer laterals in Pioneer Parkway East as shown on the plan drawings, or shall relocate
the storm sewer lines outside of the ODOT right-of-way.
ResDons~ Prior to approval of the construction plans, KPFF will obtain approval from ODOT to construct a
new public storm sewer line in Pioneer Parkway East through the ODOT permitting process. This will be
done concurrently with the City of Springfield's Public Improvement process for the portion of the new
storm sewer line in City right-of-way.
Condition 6:
Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the project landscape architect shall provide an appropriate seed
mix that is satisfactory to the City's Public Works Engineering Department for the vegetated filtration basin
within the secure courtyard,
ResDonse: The plantings at the vegetated filtration basis will primarily be comprised of Juncus effusus with
5 cubic inch, 72 cell plugs, 8 inches on center.
Condition 7:
The Final Site Plan submitted for the project shall portray street lighting locations and fixtures acceptable to
the City Traffic Engineer,
ResDonse: The revised Site Plan describes the proposed locations of street lighting in the public rights-of-
way to be paid for by the City of Springfield and furnished and installed by the project contractor. The type
of street light fixture to be specified shall be City of Springfield-approved decorative metal halide as
manufactured by Holophane or Sternberg and will be installed in accordance with City street lighting
standards, The proposed pole height is 14 feet Installation will be coordinated with the construction of site
improvements associated with the Justice Center, The installation will also be coordinated with the
requirements of the City of Springfield Traffic Engineer.
Condition 8:
Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, a vacation or alteration of use for the mid-block alley west of 4th
Street between A Street and B Street shall be approved.
ResDonse: The alley has been formally vacated and the vacation recorded pursuant to LRP2006-00019,
Condition 9:
Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, a tree felling permit shall be approved for qualifying street and site
landscaping trees proposed for removal,
ResDonse: Prior to the initiation of tree cutting, a tree felling permit will be procured for qualifying street
trees and site landscaping trees proposed for removal.
Date Received:~/.2.i/..7"'"
Planner: AL
Page 3
City of Springfield - Development Services Department
Attn: Andy L1mbird - Planner II
Re: Case No, DRC2006-00033 - Springfield Justice Center Site Plan Review
23 October, 2006
Condition 10:
Prior to initiation of construction on the north half of the block, the Lane Elections ballot drop box shall be
relocated to a suitable location.
ResDonse: Following the November 7, 2006 election, City of Springfield staff will work with Lane County
Elections to relocate the ballot box to a new site prior to initiation of construction on the north half of the
Condition 11:
Prior to or concurrent with recording of the alley vacation initiated by Planning Action LRP2006.00019,
temporary easements or licenses shall be provided for existing utilities located within the alley including,
but not limited to, sanitary and storm sewer, cable television, telephone and telecommunications, and
ResDonse: City of Springfield staff is working with the City attorney regarding acquisition of necessary
temporary licenses for alley access and utilities during construction pursuant to the vacation of the alley,
Condition 12:
Prior to or concurrent with recording of the alley vacation, temporary easements or licenses shall be
provided across the eastern and western ends of the alley, allowing for continued public use of the egress
driveways from the parking lots, access to the Lane Elections drop box, and access to the Best Little
Printhouse for the duration of thelf occupancy.
ResDonse: City of Springfield staff is working with the City attorney regarding acquisition of necessary
temporary licenses for alley access and utilities during construction pursuant to the vacation of the alley.
Note that such access may not be functionally required following the relocation of the Lane Elections ballot
drop box per Condition 10 and the pending move of the Best Little Print House to a new location,
Condition 13:
The Final Site Plan shall provide details on the location and design of exterior lighting fixtures to ensure
conformance with the Code, Among other measures, appropriate lighting fixture placement, low-wattage
bulbs and low-angle cutoff mechanisms shall be employed to ensure lighting glare and spillover does not
affect adjacent properties,
ResQonse: Exterior lighting fixtures will be located as noted on the accompanying building elevations, The
light fixtures shall possess low-angle cutoff mechanisms to ensure lighting glare and spillover does not
affect adjacent properties, Refer to the accompanying light fixture cut sheets,
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding this response that may impact your
ability to issue Final Site Plan approval.
cc: Carole Knapel - City of Springfield Public Works
Attachments: Final Site Review Drawings (dated 10/19/06)
Exterior light fixture (building-mounted) product cut sheets
Date Received: /~y~
Planner: AL
Type:, Z
Catalog number:
Electrical Module Fini;h
ISee p~ges 3-4
See 'page 2
Maximum Fixture
Welght(150HPS) =,26 Ib
, '.
. 73A" .jl
l(1~7_3.~~) r
(l57.2mm) . _ I I
L- --1. ,
h14'1a" --J
~BOlt Circle
, ': ','n5~mJ I'
~(tS3~rrim)~, .
, Bolt Circle
M()unting Plate
Attaches directly t6 any I"
standard 4' J-box(by others) Ii
-.' - . -. . 1l
4 Y2" (",'4.3 m'll) .
To' J-box center
~, ,
,. ~-,
;. ....
, :: 1'4" Wall Director'"
revisio'n 8/0,1/06 .wd14.pdf
, J
, Page: 1 of 5
Reflector Housing: One-piece die-cast, 'low copper an~Y,(<O.6% eu) aluminum.with '
. integral cooling -fins. Rotates against' ballast hqusing to provide 100 of adjustment
w,ith degreemarkers'cast"into the housing. ,:..t O~ adjustment, lens is totally concealed
'from view above ~orizonta! with fixture aimed,downward.
Ballast Housing: One-piece die-cast, 'low copper alloy kO.60/o CL;) aluminum with
integral cooling fins. Fastens to mounting plate with keynole'slots freeing both hands for.
securing and wiring,One',stainless steel~socket-head screw on each side of housing frees
the reflector housing to rotate.for aiming, Tightening the screvvs locks the twohous!ngs
tQgether with sealing provided by a s.i1icone gasket. For visual aiming, adjustment may be
'accomplished with the fixture ory,.. '_ '
Lens F~ame: One-piece'die.cast, low copper alloy (<6~6% Cu)"aluminum vvith integra!
hinges and stainless steel, pins. Two stainless steel quarter-turn fasteners secure lens frame
to reflector housing with-sealing p.rovidedbyaone-piece extruded and vulcani~ed silicone'
gasket. Lens'isclear flat 3/16" thick tempered gl~ss sealed to lens frame with a silicone gasket
and retainer clips. For UP models,. lens is~moun~edflush with frame for water run off, and
is'silicone sealecL . ' , '
Type II, III, and tV Reflector Module: 'Specutar Atzak' optical segments are rigidly
mounted within a die~cast aluminum enclosure thatattac!les to the housing by a no-tool
quick~disconnectillg hinge,andfastener. AI! sockets are porcelain medium base rated 4KV,
All modules are factory .prewired with a quick-disconnec,t plug for mating to the ballast.
Available in three lightdistributions, all interchangeablewithin'the same housing, .
.Wall Grazer Reflector Module,:.Specular'Al~ak~optica!. segment is rigidly formed into
a self~contained m09ule which attaches to the housing by a no-tool quick-disconnecting
hinge and fastener. BlCiCk,louver: vanes run parallel to the lamp arc for controlling the hot
spot directlybehind the fixture, and spill li~htinto the atmosphere. All sockets are porcelain
medium base rated 4KV. All modules are ractory prewired with a-~uick-disconnect plug for
mating to the ba.llast.
Spot Reflector 'Module:' Specular .Alzak~ optical spun parabola is .rigidly mounted to
aself~contained module which attaches to the hgusing by a no~tool quick.,.disconnecting
hinge and fastener. BJack internal louvers are provided to cpntrol the beam and prevent hot
spqts directly behind the fixture and spilllightinto the atmosphere. All sockets are porcelain.
medium base rated 4KV. All modules are factory'prewired witha'quick.disconnect plug for
mating to'theballast. . .
Electrical.Components: High pO\-ver~factor ballasts are rigidly mounted inside the housing
a0d 'are factory prewired .with' a quick-disconnect plug for mating to the socket. Starting
tenlperatures'are -40oF fo):HPS lamp-modes an.d -20oF'foro'MH a,nd PMH lamp modes.
, ,-Mounting Plate: Mounting plate. attaches 'directly'to any standard 4" junction .box.
. A!lmounting plates are die-cast aluminum with reinforced ribs. Two studs are provided in each
plate \Ivith,fiange nuts ,to ?llov\' fi?1ure mounting by keyhole slots. Sealant must be applied'(by
others) between mounting plate and mounting surface to;insure a dry junction box.
Finis~/Color: Super, TGIC :ther'moset . polyester 'po\-vder coat paint, 2,5 mil nominal
thickness, applied ov:er a titanated zirconium conversion coating; A.S,T.M. 2500 hour salt
spray test endurance rating. SJ'andard colors are Black, qa~k Br9nze, Light Gray, Platinum
-Silver, or White. Custom colors are availaqle.,.. . "
CAUTION:, Fixtures mu~t be;'grounded in'accordance'with national, state and/or. local
electrical codes: Fajlure to,do so.may re~ult in serious.per~~mal injury.
I UL cUL 1598' '
I 1P.66 Rated
;Sultable tor wet locations"
'Listings and Ratings
25C Ambient I ,
ISO 9001 :2000 [
@2006,KIMLlGHTINGINC."p.-a.Bqx60080, CITY OFY~DUSTRY,CA 91716-0080,' TEL:'626/968-5666. FAX: 626/369-2695'
" ,
DateR~c:~ived:~e/ZJ ~(
Planner: AL ,7
Type: Z
Cat. No" designates'WD14' I
fixture; Up (U) or Down (D)
configuration, and,l,ight
distribution (2, 3, 4, G or S),
'Super ,TGIC powder coat
p~int ,over .a titanated
zirconium Gonversion
" '
Standard' Features
,1'4" Wall Director'"
revision 8/01/06 . wd14.pdf
Page: 2 of 5
, ,TypelV ,WaWGrazer Spot
. .'1
.. ~i
Coloe I Black Dark BlDnze 'Light Gray Platinum' Silver 'White, 'Custom Colors
Cat. Nil:,: DBL-P, 0 DB-P, DLG:P, 0 PS,P , [] WH,I" 0 CC-P
lCustor~~tolors subject to additional_ ch"arges, minimu'm.quantit!e's an~lext~nded'Jead times.
,Consult' representative. ,Custom color.description: .' , .
." ''', - '; "
". , ~1.
,WD'Fixture, '
, Cat. No,:.(Up 14')
Cat. No,: (Down 14')
.' !i
< '~
,,'Type II ' 'Type III
OWD14D2: OWD14D3
~ '
. ;.;~
"!. '
@2006 KIM LIGHTING INC. . P.O. -BOX 60080, CITY'OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716~0080 . TEL: 626/968:5666 . FAX: .626J369-2695
- . ';' . ',' - ' "-"
'Date Received:
Planner:' AL
., '
I , /. .5608706213
/0 Pi /,7<)tJb
'.I I -,
Type: Z
Electrical Module
.PMH = Pulse Start Metal
MH = Metal Halide'
'HPS =, High Pressure
, Sodium
PL = Compact Fluorescent
Triple Tube
IF = Induction Fluorescent ,
Lamp Lamp Line
Watts Type Volts
'175 MH 277
. ','
Director'" '
, ....
.- ;}
, ~
.~7 revis!on 8/01/06. wd14-.pdff
Page: 3 of 5
Sta'ndard Features
Cat. Nos, ior EleCtrical Moc]ules available:
DSOPMH120' D70PMH120' o 100PMH120' o 12SPMH120' D1S0PMH120'
: D'SOPMH20S' o 70PMH20S' , 01 OOPMH20S' o 12SPMH20S': o 1S0PMH20S'
. o SOPMH240' o 70PMH240' D,10QPMH240' o 12SPMH240' o 1S0PMH240'
o SOPMH277' o 70PMH277' , ' D100PMH277' o 12SPMH277' o 1S0PMH277' ,
~ o SOPMH347' o 70PMH347' , D100PMH347' o 1S0PMH347'
o 70PMH4S0': ' D100PMH4S0',' o 1S0PMH4S0"
. ~lamp ED,17, Clear ' ED,17, Clear ED-l7, Clear' ED,17, Clear. I ED, 17, Clear
Socket Medium Base. Medium Base Medium Base, Medium Base I Medium Base'
, ANSI Ballast M148, Mll0 ,IM143, M98, , M140, M90 M150 ,I M14;2, M102
o 17SMH120 0- o 100HPS120
o 70HPS120 o 1S0HPS120
r o 17SMH20S o 70HPS20S o 100HPS20S , D1S0HPS20B
o 17SMH240 o 70HPS240 D100HPS240 o 1S0HPS240
o 17SMH277 o 70HPS277 D100HPS277 o 1S0HPS277
o 17SMH347 ' D70HPS347 o 100HPS347 o 150HPS347
o 17SMH4S0' o 70HPS4S0' D100HPS4S0' , o 1S0HPS4S0'
~ILamp EO-l/, or T6 Clear G,12, ED-17, Clear T6 Clear, ED-17 Clear,
ED'28 Clear ED,17 Clear or E,18 Clear
~,ocket Medium Base G-12 Base, or MedJum Base ' G12 Base, Medium
or Mml:ul Base Medium Base; Base,or Mogul Base
,ANSI Ballast M.57 5,62 , " , 5,54 5,55'
Lamp and electrical data D'42PL120' o 57PL 120'; 'DSOPL120" o 70PL120" o 551F120
supplied for reference o 42PL20S' o 57PL20S" o SOPL20S'" o 70PL20B" o 551F20S
Fcurposes only" All, initial ' o 42PL240' , o 57Pl240" o SOPL240" o 70PL240" o 551F240
umen values shown may D42PL277' ' D57PL277',' Q SOPL277" o 70PL277" o 551F277
vary from one manufacturer. ,'. Lamp Coated Coated ' Coated Coated Induction
to another, Consult lamp'
manufacturer's data for exact Socket eX24aA Base GX24a,5 <Base, 2GB,l Base eX24a-c6 Base
lumen and life data, ANSI Ballast
'j' '.- , ,'.
NOTE: ,For lamplballast,
information outside of the
U.sA and Canada, 'please
consult your local Kim'
J. . -. - - '
'Mu[tiple'CFL damp 'coniigurations'(ie, two 42Wlamps), are p\,ssib[e with"certain optical
'systems"Consu[t factory for details, ,"', ' ,
'Rem~te battery ~ack and test switch,available iar 57W,.60W"an'd 70W CFL lamps' consult
iactor;., "EM': option noravai[able with 85W CFL, 5SW IF,or85W IF' lamps, "
'480. volt with medium base lamp sockets may require approya! by the local building
code authority", " " , ,', " ,," ,
:CAU"qON: All manuiacturers of metal halide lamps recommend turning them off for 15
minutes once,per week when under,continuous operation: This wi[1 reduce the risk of arc tube
ruptu"" at end of liie" A[so" colonemperature may'differ, between manufacturers of metal
, , halide; lamps, See lamp manuiacturers' speciiication sheets,', "
WARNING: Fixtures must be installed, and grounded";n accordance with national, state andlor
[ocal electrica[ codes, Failure:to do 50 may result in serious personal injury, For lamplballast
Iniormatlon out~lde oi the lj:SA ~~d Canada, 'please consult yoyr local Kim representative,
Lamps by others, ' , '
@2006KIM LIGHTING INC.' po BOX 60080 CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716-0080. TEL 6261968-5666. FAX 626/3692695 5608706213
, ,'" ' " :' , " , " '. Date'ReceiVed:, 1~/~/.;1006
, " 'Planner: AI:.
" ~.
Type: Z'
Photocell Control
Cat. No, (see right)
D-No Option
Houseside Shield
Cat. No" 0 HS
o No Opti!>n
50 Shield
'Cat. No, 05DS14
DNa Option
,Lexan" SLX
Cat. No, 0 SX
, o 'No Option "
Wire Guard
Cat. No: 0 WG14
o No Option
," ,~.
Optional Features
Factory installed inside housing with fully gasketed
sensor~on side ,wall.
Cat. No,
DA-31 ,
'Cat. No, '
, OA-33',
Line Volis:
- i
";, 14"Wall Director'"
". ""
revision 8/01/06 . wd14:pdf
Page: 4 of 5
Combination ,louver shield' and ,blackend:panel for,
refledor, Factory instal lee! to reflectoi'module, Reduces
light t'lward wall by the amounts shown:" ,
'GAUT,ION: Do not use the Houseside Shield option
, with ihe Wall ,Grazer as it will interfere with the light
Appro~iniate Light
Reduction Toward Wall
Type IIi
,Type II
Type IV
for Lexan. SLX
, HS.
'for flat
_ 50 Shield
Alumihum shield field-atta~hed to lens frame, Maintains
a horizontal cutoff fixture edge when the, lumina ire is
, tilted 50,.Finish,ed to match the fixture, '
For DOWN fixiure models only. Clear convex
vacumm formed non-yellowing Lexan" SLX enclosure
with gasket replaces standard ten:pered glass'lens.
. . .
, ,
, ,NOTE: Use only when vandalism is 'anticipated to be,
high, IJseful life is limited by UV discoloration from
,sunlightand MH lamps, A program of regular, inspection ,
and periodiC replacement IS highly recommen<!ed to
maint~Lin optim.um fixture performance.
. . .' w
, '
~Lexan. SLX
@2006 KIM LIGHTING INC.' P.O: BOX 50080, C"ITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716-0080. TEL: 626/968-5666~_ FAX: 626/369-2695' 0/ J
" ",:,,' ," ", " ,'Date"';~eceived: 1JJ//)o06
, ' 'Planner: AL
11 ga, (.12" dia)' SS Wi;", (.75" sq, welded mesh,
pattern,!'11 '18 ~ lOW x 1 W deep, Finish is super TGIC
,thermoset polyester ,powder coat raint, over zinc
plated,wireforrn, Finished to. mach the fixture, ,
NOTE: Only available with flatlens appli~ations,
',~- '1~
Typ'e: Z
, Fusing
Cat. No,
(see right)
o No Option
Cat. No, 0 as
, 0 No'Option
Surface Conduii Mount'
Cat No" 0 SCM14U '
, DSCM140
, 0 N~ Option
Battery Back~up: ,
Cat No, 0 EM
o No Option
~ ~ .
"",,, ", WD14
""14"Wall Director@'
" re~ision 8/01/06 . wd14,pdf
Page: 5 of 5
Op~ional Features
\' .
Line Volts: f20V
Cat ~O::' 0 SF
240\1 , ,277V'
,DOF, [J SF.,
347V' 480V
.[J SF' 0 OF
> -. 'lnte-gr~1 ~jectronic device;energi~es a T~4 mini'".can sock~t during,
-initial ;Jarnp start-up or afte~.a ,power 'interruption.- De-energize~
, rJrlor.t,o H.1 D, lamp reaching full brightness: T-4 halogen lamp
by others, 100 watt maXimum, , "
," w'
" ,
Cast alummum junction box and fixture mount for attachment . .r- 77f16~
(by others) to eXISting walls, beams or columns SCM14 has one 1 :y.'/ ~"~.!.; ,
';.' N8T condUit tap In each Side and botton; Must be securely '''5,mml ~~~' ,I /fS""'6'
, mounted,to wall surface, Finished to match the fixture, ~~" '
SCM14U for UP iixtures only, " . '~:, " , ", eo",', a' ~:;J: '22~5~1
SCM140 for DOWN fixtures only: v
~ . . .
Note: ,Must be securely mountedtoallsurface, " '" '213/16'
t.. .
Intern~1 batterY pack proivdes 90 n,inute~:,oj.supplementlight at ,
750 lu'mens o'n 26, 32,or 42 watt compact fluorescent lamps:
(Remote mounted battery 'paci< also available for 57W, 60W, an~"
70, W CFL' -consu It iactory,) " " '"
.- . . . ,
, i,
.." .<
. 'I~
@2006 KIM LIGHTING INC. . PO BOX 60080, ell)" OF INDUSTRY, CA 9171S-0080' .TEL 626/968-5666. FAX 626/369-2695 ~0 5608706213
.' ' ,'-', ,I,,: ' ',,:", 0 t "'e'ceived: /1J')3'.J<>06.
, ,,,. "a e r< , '
'" " ' Plann.er; At