HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1993-11-18 .~ I _ I tJ' / · IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ., IN CONS~~ERATI~~Jr~~iI~:~nt Approval, the city of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as city, covenant. Bnd agrees a8 follawss WHEREAS city desires Development Approval; and WHEREAS, any future development within City or within City's Urban Growth Boundary located in Lane County will cause both an immediate and long-term demand OD the various public facilities of City and Lane COunty; NOW THEREFORE, City agrees to the following schedule of public facility improvements and respective cost assumption policy. STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Deadmond Ferrv Road to include. (X) surface paving; (X) storm sewers; (X (X) gutters; (X) planter strips; (X) street trees; sewers; lights; (X) curbs; (X) sidewalks. ) sanitary (X) street TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersections of " LEGAL DESCRIPTION. JW ~~ r.~ OTHER IMPROVEMENTS SEE EXHIBIT "A" ~i!Z;;NOV"18'931103REC !;;mNOV .18' 931103PFUND 15.00 10.00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. " Property Address Tax Lot No. IT IS UNDERSTOOD that this agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or city. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD that City agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary t.o obt.ain t.he above listed improvements under any improvement act or proceeding of t.he state of Oregon, Lane County, or City as may be proposed or adopted by the state of Oregon, Lane County or City; NOW THEREFORE, City's execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City'. policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if City complies in every respect with all ot.her applicable laws of the state of Oregon, Lane County and City, City shall be entitled to Development Approval; and IN ADDITION, it is the intention of the City that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and succeSBors of the City hereto, and sball be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records. WHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand and seal this ~1 day of l?~fPh(l\c/ , 19~. city o~pring~.i By /f~. !d~ . dino Grima di - Acting City Manager, City of Springfield Applicant '. OFFICIAL SEAL . .. " JANICE L JAMISON I'.~ ~/ NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGOl'l . COMMISSION NO.Ol9958 ..... MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC. 18. 1996. \ l Ch. ".(+!/.10 ~; -frm ~ PUBL~'C My commission Expires W!t t'j qfp I I RETURN TO. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 " ,..~ .'. . 9374635 . t A-.it'C{,'chT'~'~ A ~\1~\J:tt 10. !I-I"<)~ DESCRIPTION OF 20.29 ACRES OF TAX LOT #3400 IN SECTION 15, Tl7S, R3W, wM SITUATED in the Abraham Landes Donation Land Claim No. 45 in Township 17 South, Range . 3 West of the Willamette Meridian (formerly known as the Ashley C. Stevens Donation Land Claim #45), Lane County, Oregon and described as follows: BEING a portion of that certain parcel of land described in the conveyance to Lounell Koppe which conveyance is recorded at Lane County Recorder's File Number 29416 in the Lane County Official Records. The perimeter of said portion being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast comer of said lands of Koppe as said comer lies on the north line of said DLC #45; THENCE South 00030'45" West 218.98 feet along the east line of said lands of Koppe to its point of intersection with the south line of that certain 100.00-foot wide Transmission Line Easement conveyed to the United States of America which conveyance is recorded at Lane County Recorder's File Number 89570. THENCE, continuing along the east line of the lands of Koppe, (I) South 00030'45" West 580.00 feet to a point that shall be identified as Point" A" for later reference and (2) South 00030'45" West 72.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said point being on a line that is parallc1 with and distant 72.00 feet southerly of a line that bears North 89047'06" West from aforecalled Point" A"; THENCE, leaving said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, South 00030'45" West 899.31 feet continuing along said east line of the lands of Koppe to a point on a line that is parallel with and 55.00 feet north of the south line of said DLC #45; THENCE South 89055'30" West 958.29 feet along said parallel line to a point; THENCE North 44056' 12" West 28.22 feet to point on a line that is parallel with and 60.00 feet east of the west line of the lands of Koppe; THENCE North 00012'07" East 864.25 feet along said parallel line to a point; THENCE North 45012'31" East 28.28 feet to a point on aforesaid line that is parallel with and distant 72.00 feet southerly of a !ine that bears North 89047'06" West from aforecaJled Point "A"" . , pc" \ 3 9374635 ~ , --/' . , -" r-r. ~ I,J'!-' ..-,3 . ...." THENCE South 89047'06" East 963.16 feet returning to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 20.29 acres more or less. r' ..,., , ,-. ,- - -----" i REGISTERED ' I PROFESSIONAL I : LAND SURVEYOR ':;7 - , /7'- 4~ l OREGON ' SEPT. 23. 1977 JAMES A. BRANCH 1138 . :1 il 1 c '"Oi:' ';0.-:: ~ ~ ;: . 1 w"'e ~ -:.z 8 -0 o ~ . ~ - . " ~ In .c " v -o~o ~ " C >,...... '" ~ '" <U~"'O a: -' J ~ c t: CO! ~. < ~ ._~ ~.~ ~ ~ N (0 Q.;a: S- od' c' I -t >.li:: . ..0 " "'I U-" 0 0 c - . 0) U- " J ~ u"~ CCj aCi 00. ~ . '" ~..J ~...c::: ::: '" CO >, ;;... 0'0 c 0 ;: a- ce J) 0-0 ::! 2 '0 i:' 0 ~ -. ,.. U ::.E ~~ CJ(J " C ill c:J -;;; ~ ...c: :s.t 0; " ~ '" c _ 0 ~ 0 ~ . -. " >, U\U _'u.~ '" -'-' <to '. I '" ID . ~"' .'- o IN :. ~ CONSIDERATION of Development Approval, 8S City, covenants and agrees 88 follows:, ~374636 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ~ the City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to WHEREAS City desires Development Approval; and WHEREAS, any future development within City or within city's Urban Growth Boundary located in Lane County will cause both an immediate and long-terlll demand On the various public facilities of City and Lane County; NOW THEREFORE, City agrees to the following schedule of pUblic facility improvements and respective cost assumption policy. STREET IMPROVEMENTS sewers; lights; (X) curbs; (Xl sidewalks. along the frontage of Deadmond Perrv Road to include. (X) surface paving; (X) (X) gutters; (X) planter strips; storm sewers; (X) sanitary (Xl street trees; (X) street TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersections of Game Parm Road South/Beltline Road, Game Parm Road East/Gatewav Street. Bnd~ GatewAV Street/Beltline Roada OTHER IMPROVEMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION. SEE EXHIBIT "A" 22Z~NOV.18'93U03REC ~2Z;;NDV.18'93U03F'FUND 10.00 10.00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Property Address Tax Lot No. IT IS UNDERSTOOD that this agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City. Ir IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD that City agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed improvements under any improvement act or proceeding of the state of Oregon, Lane County, or City as may be proposed or adopted by the state of Oregon, Lane County or City; NOW THEREFORE, City's execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City'S policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if City complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County and City, City shall be entitled to Development Approval; and IN ADDITION, it is the, intention of the City that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and ahall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the City hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records. WHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand and seal this~ day of t.7'~h, ,19~. ::';a'd~ , Gino ~~i Acting City Manager, City of Springfield STATE OF OREGON ) )SS COUNTY OF LANE ) Applicant BE IT REMEMBERED, that On this & day of ()fh~ ,1993, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Gino Grimaldi and acknowledged to me that he is the City Manager, City of Springfield, and that the foregoing instrument was executed by him voluntarily for and on behslf of the. CU, o' "':,~~,:::'"....... 0::':: ;~~ , ,,'. ~ JANICE L JAMISON ~ PUBLI " ,,/ Ngb~U~~~~~O~~~~~N My Commiuion Expires IOj I {lr; (p MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEe, 18. 1996 RETURN TO. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 v -.....~~ ,.. '~.J;:."S374.G:l6''''~X\f\~~I'~.~fi,^J;.~ ..u It ,",' ~~J41lj '0'" .... I_no (lU"". .11 IliA" ,,. ..""11'_....... .. _ .. w... .. ._,.... ....... ~... ,.. 1.0 ... ........., .0. j"'; KN-~IV ALL M'N n:-~':~S"R~:'NTS. Th.' P.~l Koppe. Jr. ~." . . (hrr,,;nitl,rr celt"d the l,on'o'), the IpotJH o/'ht '''1(111'1' ht,,.;,,.,I,,., nlllntd,/or Iht con. ~;,rrrnliQn h,.r"inttlttr IIitttd, h... blt"lIj~d .ttd fOld .nd by lheH ",rltn" dou ""nl, blUlllin, wll .nd COlt"", ..nto .. ~Loune~l K~ppe . .... (ltt"in (.l/reI Iht """'tr), "" urtd;,.jdffl OM'''''' 01 'M follo":';n. dtlc,ibt:d u~, pro,w,ty li,u.t. in Lano County, Ottlon, to.wil: . neglnnlng at 8 point 1n the south Hne or the Abraham. Landes Donation 1,1 J,ond Claim No. 45, NoUncotton No. 6128 in Township 17 South Range} Vest ot the \l1l1amette. Meridian, 11.18 chains west or the most easterly II noutbo8st corner oC said claim s.nd running thence north }2' east II parallel with the east line ot sald claim 27.64 chaine to the north Ii line oC sald claim, thence west along sald north Hne 16.55 chatns, more i! or los9, to a point 20 Ceet eost oC the west line oC property conveyed hy Lenn L. Stevens and Carrie Stevens, hie wUe, to Emily F. Stevens nnd Corrie Stevens, Oat. 7, 1910 by deed recorded (In page '.2 at volume 69 Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence south 27.25 chains to the south Une oC so.ld donation land claim. ria. 45, ond thence cost 16.85 chains to the place oC beginning, except n strip one and one half rodA wide orc the entire south side thereof. All in Lane County. Oregon. Uubject to lieno, encumbrances, easement or right oC way, if sny, oC record. Subject to tho terms oC leos8 dated Sept. 10, 19}7 betweon Mrs. C. O. Jonea 8S leoBor and Paul V. Blazer, as lessee. '''il.f:lhf:' ...ith 11/1 anti lin(1I1., ,Iof: 'f:nf:mf:nll, I>Uf:di'lInwn'. .nd ltppu,"o.ncu ,rw"lIolo b#:Ionlinl at' in IIn,...;_ "I'(Of:',t"ininA: TO nAVE. AND TO nOLO ~,.:.J IIndi..id,d OM.IoIa" 0/ lIlid ..."t p"'(Of:','y unto 1M lIlid I"on'" In'......'. Th, "bo"f: n"nl~ I,,,oto, "t"".11I 'i~f: l"tdil'id~ onr.h,," 01 I"itf 'f'" ",npt',ty "nd il i. Ih, inlfn' "nd pllt. ,..... 01 'hi. i"""II.,.,""' 10 1;''''.''' .nd Ihf:... #W,.,b)' ;1 e,,..,rd .0 U'"If: in ..n';'f:ly Ior,..."o hllJb.od .00 ...iI, 111 to I"id ,....1 "'"1',.",. TIo,. ,,,,, IInd "chJIII conlidu.'ion p.id tM 'hi. ',,,ml..,. I,,,,f(/ io I"m~ ot dolllltl, ;. J "."mo.,.,.". ,h.. ltCIII'" eoo.;d",,';oo 1;0".i.1I 01 Of ioellld." ofM' p,,,,.,ur 0' ,."1,,,. th'"o 0' ,.,omi:ord ..hich il ;;:'::~~,;;;;~;';:~.:'~::-'~::; ,~;:'h)~ d.,,, ~~G~;";(~ _ STArt: OF ORE.GON. Cnoon',. nl Marlon ) " ~~. ~ rttlGnlll1,'.ppu...d ,h.. "Ix...,. o"m,d Paul Koppe, Jr. . L_ L" -I.h" ... d....d ",,., 1I.:~nnwlrd"-" IIw In"to'''l .._hn'I" knowo 10 m.. 't.... t.... IpolI.l.f:... ,. '''n.... in' ,,~- ,,'.:'~\'1~.1..~~(lf..'0 N h 8 ..oIl1ot",y .CI lIodd , ./'v~.,--:' . .>....~'f-..... 8,Iotll mt: iltt;(i~:t.JJI ,.\... \ '-' :<." ,"'I :"':'4''''''' ..,: \ '\"lI~l\.t,/~' ',"'...., .i'tl............ ....... ..._.......... ...(Ioo......."~..-.._.......-.........,,.......-- .... ~~~~.~:-' ...~ .. ..... . "...:!~' ............., ~l...or,.,,---.~ 1\ 'D~EEDn_'-l C:.U"N" F.~uu IN ENtin'" I' poul Koppe, Jr. .. :~:..: ; ; I I I ! I I " !i I I .' .1 \ ': '-" ",,:: j' :. I ~E -;!~'. .......-.1' '" ~~I 0:.. \' .,: I :)t.. n,: ~' -r 1 " ': : ~. . ., ~I ,\ I ~.". ..co."o.... ~-;t~;;'IO--....:.1 ...1 [ ~ Lounen ,. loppe GEHLEN "NO LARIMER ...._......t....... "0.... In ."'''0'' 0.'.0" ."11' I "/ 7' II" ,,,.~~ ::::" - __.-____0.. , ," 1.00 19 70 ~ ~ c ~ o C bll~ ~-' w 0'0 o.c ~ ; ~ 0 Uiu c ,,:c .~.~ ~ 1 ~'"E __ 0 - u ..E~~ ,,-Eo t: >-,...... III ~-a c t ~ .- Q.I ... _ v.a:; ~~.~ O%~ >,.,C ::z co ""0 C o ~ U ";,E 01l c::l ..c :;1= - 0 ~ ~u.s >. "' ~ "0 <; u ~ '" a: ..J < ,"" Q.:>G N CD u..' "'I m u..~ O::j OU ex) >, >, '" cc 0' " " ~ ~ 00 ~ uu .. ~ ~ c c ~ ~ . . '" ..J..J .. ;: :! :; r: " i ,/ ii i: " Ii " ., .' :, :1 !! ,; " I. " " " ij I' II I! ,i " '. Ii I! ~. :.: . I 1; " I. . ~ t': l' .t- " ....;. ~ . ll"~ i....' ~ l'; I I, I . ,. t' I , I' r, " ,. ~ 6' ~