HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/13/2008 :City of Springfield \ Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR Q7477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 ~. ..::;>~ !;~ [8f o Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Plat Submittal: '0 o Partition"Plat Pre~Submittal: IPartition Plat Submittal: . . , ,-- Applicant Name: Philip Fanington, AICP I Company: PeaceHealth IAddress: ' ,,123 International Way, Spriri~field, OR 97477 I .-';'''.='''.'>-' -,>_.'_~ ^~~. 'N ;":,.._,.'_'.;,_:",_:""","'~_,,,,,.,,;=~,,,r-," -.';;::" _" ":' '>:"~_'._". IAPPlicant's Rep.: Andrew Haliburton Phone: 541-686-3828 Fax: 541-335-2595 ;.' .~~. -'.." ",..,~,." -, ,.:. .....,..<1;.. 'Phone: 503-227-3251 1._". ~,,:.,' .....:,. :">f'~ .Jr: ~.....- "," H"",:-A',""'''''' ",""":"'J<~'",;o,'T'/::/;;::<'''..''<'''''';' ':'''''''-'<,,,, .....;.....,.." ,-.i.:."'" I J I I I Company: Address: KPFF Consulting Engineers Fax: 503-274-4681 111 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2500, Portland, OR 97204 I Property Owner: Same as Applicant ,Ic~mpanv: ' IAddress: I ,'. ,. :":>, ",.~ -" , . -'__:' '......;.~._""",.""".."" :;. "" " "" -;,- .Ct. }-....;::,~/ ,>-;.-""..:';."~ " 'IASSESSOR'S MAP NO:. 17032200 ITAX LOT NO(S): 4100 I Property Addres~: 3333 RiverBend-Drive, Springfield, Oregon ISize of Property: 56.82 1 Proposed Nam'e of Subdivision: RiverBend Ph II Partition of Lot 8 ':><:'";,"'._....:'c,"'"J.,_',,,.:,' "c" --0:," .~ Acres, [g] Square Feet 0 -I' -".._~_ - -e'~,-~.... ."" ,: ~.'-..' ..",,:.""",j......_'''~ "_.<e _:,..'~' ...oV' ,.:.~. ,."...~,,"-_.. I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: Please see attached memorandum , , . . I Existina Use: Medical Services. '1 Teritative Case #: SUB200'8-00043 1# of LotMParcels: 2 . 'IAva. 'L~t/parce'I'Size: NA' sf I Densitv: NA du/acre ISignatures: Please siqn and rint your name and date in the appropriate box on the next paqe. , " '.' , . Associated APPlic~tions: 5UBJ;008' C:a)Lt~ cJ?iJr"};/,'fZ;r'v~ !pre-sub Case No.: Pre 2 OO~ J(J()J() (Date: III r?J{[$ Icase No.: P' . I 1..1, I If qf! , Application Fee: $ T110 I 3w-e;9 TOTAL FEES: $ TW Reviewed by: . Date: ITechnical Fee: $ Reviewed by: -e- I Postaqe' Fee: $0 PROJECT NUMBER: PreS) OQ8. --tcf;b2. ,-'L.. _J"'. ",~" .. -~._.'."...o::..",..;L.__LcA.~_'.:';,{:,-,,"'.'.:"""~ _........ .... ~~ " ~'I . -;.. Revisedl/l/08 Molly' Markarian 1 of 6 r Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledge's that the information in thi~ application'iS correct1and accurate for scheduling of the ..ft~ 10;- . Da.., 1I/'3/0.P Sig\.1ature n . I f { Philip Fanington Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. .Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City.as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be proyided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete application. ' Owner: Date: Signature .Philip Farrington Print . .' .'1.,' '. 'J \1.' I : ''- Revisedl/l/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 o , Post Monumentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section . has current fee schedule and templates. Location of Any Floodways in accordance with SDC 3.3-400. Existing Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference. New Easements and Reserve St~ips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements,Identified on Plat. NOTE: When; as part of the approval process, thea'pplication has been conditioned so that the recordation Qf a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for. paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. .~ ~ ~ Land Division PlatS.ubmittal Requirements Checklist , " NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the ~eason why and attach the explanation to this form. . . . o o o o o o o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Land Division Plat Application Form Two (2) Copies of the Deed Two (.2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will record the plat. Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signpture(s) and signed surveyor stamp. '" Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper . .1. Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate. , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 :; {:'\ . "'f~' - ;?, :..1 Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markarian 6 of 6 ~ Land Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements ~hecklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1Zl 1Zl 1Zl 1Zl 1Zl 1Zl 1Zl 1Zl o 1Zl o Application Fee'- refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. ' , i.andDivision Plat Application Form Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each'condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. Nine (9) Paper Copies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. Two (2) Copies of Closure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision Guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older rep'ort is OK at the pre-submittal stage. Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed on the plat. Two (2)"Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the,vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in the title report, etc. . Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedications. Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, joint use 'ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that' are required by the Conditions of Approval. Two (2) Copies of a Consent.Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by. the lender prior to final approval) OR Two' (2) CQpies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document is required from all Trust Deed, mortgage, or other secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any , public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are being, transferred to ,the public per ORS 92.075 (2-4). PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'D Copies of Wetland Documents as required. . NOV 13 2008 Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for., Reserve Strips - .city Surv.ey Section has a template. Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. . ,. . o o o o 1Zl Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants &. Restrictions, (CC&.Rs) as required. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00069 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cRcceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Partition Plat Paid By . PHILLIP FARRINGTON C of Springfield Official Receipt l,~,elopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200800000000001636 Date: 11/13/2008 12:01:36PM Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm '\ 056108 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 346.00 $346.00 Amount Paid $346.00 $346.0U -..) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 Page I of I 11113/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00069 .. ~ 3333 RiverBend Drive -Vacant - Sub Lot 8 ~ ~ IJ> - ~ 0.:' --r --t 3 , /, l_ _____ V' I I '? _'3'5~.tIi; --- ijI;,-----,-----f----------! r:~ v ~~- I t ~ I :--20.85' 1-499 'f1.~~ ~,j' 3700 ,'" " 7 80 "" 58 ... j6D.6.2' ]:" . 1'Yw. 3........._ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 ~,_~_.~. LO! 4 ^<I(']..n, ^^..... ..... (('j)I1llAl-~11ll SITE Map 17-03-22-00 Tax Lot 4100 North -+ I'"l <--1- :3 " ~ a. ~ w PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 ':k _ f.f, 'Consulting Engineers . ; U.S. Bancorp Tower, 111 SW 5lh Avenue, Suite 2500 Portland, OR 97204({503) 227-3251 FAX (503) 274-4681 ME'M OR A,N '0 UM FROM: RE: November 13:2008 Planner on Duty - City of Springfield Andy Limbird ' Project Planner, City of Springfield Philip Farrington, Director of Land Use Planning, ~eaceHealth Oregon, . Andrew Haliburton PRE-SUBMITTAl' REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 DATE: TO: CC: Partition Plat Pre-Submittal for10T 8, RiverBend,Phase II. ,PROJECT NO.: 301140.36 . ~~! ,Enclosed please find ihe Partition Plat Pre~Submittal application .for' LOT 8, RiverBend. Please not!l the . following, regarding this submittal: . DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: , ' . Lot 8afPeaceHealth's RiverBend Subdivision, Phase II contains Sacred: Heart Medical Center at RiverBend, whicn indudes the new Sacred Heart hospital, Oregon Heart and Vascular Institute, two,parliing structures, and two (2) medical office buildings, The Applicant is' requesting a land partition of Lot 8 (total area 56.819 acres) to create two (2) parcels, One parcel is approximately delineated by the footp~int of the Northwest Specialty Clinics medical office . building (approximately .0.763 acres; identified on the accompanying Partition Plan as Parcel 1); the second parcel comprises the remainder'of L,ot 8. , , NON,APPLiCABLE PRE'SUBMITTAL REQUIREMNTS: '. . Street Dedications'- No Right of Way dedications are, included in this application. . Consent Statement - The property in question is owned free and clear by Peace Health; there .is no Jenderinvolved. . Wetland Documents '- Not wetlands exist on site. . ODOT Access:Permits - No ODOT faCilities adjacent to project. . Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve Strips - No reserve, Strips have been recorded. , . . Street Tree Agreement - Generally applies to residential subdjvisions only. . Post Monumentation Deposit - Applicable to subdivisions only.' . . APPliCANT'S RESPONSE TO CONDITIONS OF. APPROVAL FOR SUB2008-00043 1. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall revise the Declaration or Reciprocal Easements to provide for stormwater cross-drainage between Parcels 1 and 2. Page 1 of 2 . \ . Aoolicanl's Resoonse: This condition has been met. The enclosed Declaration of Reciprocal Easements . (clean 102808 (3).doc) has been revised to address stormwater cross-drainage between Parcels 1 and 2 as . conditioned. ' 2. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the reciprocal utility easement shall be re\(ised to incorporate the CC&Rs for RiverbendCampus (Document #2008-019743, Lane County Deeds and Records) by reference. Aoolicanl's Resoonse: This condition has been met. The enclosed Declaration of Reciprocal Easements (clean 102808 (3).doc) has been revised to incorporate CC&Rs for Riverbend Campus (Document #2008- 019743, Lane County Deeds and Records) by reference. . , '. \:":0 . ' 3. The Final Plat shall provide for dedication of, the. reciprocal easement, as amended, to 'accommodate the interconnected utility lines running between and serving Parcels 1 ,and 2. ,Aoolicanl's Resoonse: This condition has been met. The Surveyors Declaration on the final page of the enclosed plat includes reference .to the reciprocal easement and space to include its reception number. ' 4. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall provide written confirmation that all , . . . Building Code an,d Fire Code issues arising 'from property lines .that intersect the sky bridge building ope'nings have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Building Official and the Fire Marshall. Aoolicanl's Resoonse: This .condition has been met.. Written concurrence .is, provided 'in the enclosed Statement of Conformance with Bujlding Code and Fire Code, , PRE.SUBMlrrAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 081103 Memo Partition Plat PreSbmtl Page 2 of 2 STATEMENT OF CONFORMANCE WITH BUILDING CODE AND FIRE C;:ODE IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH CONDITION 4, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, PEACEHEALTH LOT 8 PARTITION, SUB2008-00043, OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATED OCTOBER 27, 2008. I. This statement of conformance with code specifically addresses Condition 4 of the Decision for SUB2008-00043, an application to partition one Medical Services parcel from a 56,8-acre parent lot within the subdivision, RiverBend Phase II. 2. The subject huildings and sky bridges have been constructed and have been the subject of multiple'inspcctions for Building Code and fire Code compliance. 3. By signature, I state aud agree that all Building Code and fire Code issues arising from property lines that intersect the sky bridge building, opeIiings have been ,addrcssed to my satisfaction. ' Si~ned: ~/r- City of Springfield Building Qfficial . )~ Jf ' ~'I'" ?' . r~ . Si~ned: --::?)1i /:k.e.,r?~tV..d City <if Sprin'g'field Fire Marshall / - ~~p (!/4'ft~/ Date f ' /jeh/ :7~ Date / PRE.SU6MITTAl REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 . I Oat.. Received: Planner: AL II / t./;co,( "< ..r... -. . I o o - - - - - - - - -,- - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C - - -" - - _'n - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - ~ --0 o Parcel name: LOT 8~- CENTRALD o North:, 881396:6645 "Line Course: S 88-16-40 E North: .881382.3165 Line Course: S 24-52-35 E .North: 8810,87.7608 Curve Length: 102.05043144 Delta: 18-44,_26 Chord: 101.59498581 Course In: N 65,-07-2'5 E RP North: 881219.0074 End North: 881003.7791 Curve Length: 85.69484209 Delta: 18-44-25 Chord::85,31328757 Course" In: S 46-23-00 W RP North: 880823,0436 End North: 880933.2571 ,Line Course: S 24-52~35 E North: 880677,1488 Line Course: N 67-17-31 E North: 880780,6905 Curve Length: 122.52080449 Delta: IF03-1"8 Chord:' 122.33121550 Course In: N 22-42-29 W RP North: 881366.4677 End North: 880838,5649 Line Course: S 22-42-29 E North: 880441.0431 Line Course: S 55-56~46 w Nor"th: 880440.2651 Line Course: S .58-32-56 W North: 880417:9354' Line Course: S 58-01-02 W North: 880390.4533 Line Course:. S 51-59~28 W 'North: 880370.8536 Line Course: S 60-23-24, W North: 880357.7468 Line Course: S 49-45-44 W North: 880340.2005 Line Course: S 55-52-47 W North: 880327.7279 Line Course: S 45-01-30 W North: 880318.0034 Li~e Course: 8'33-19-21 W North: 880296,4406 Line Cou~se: S 47-55-59 w North: 880287.2040 Line Course: S 49~51-18 W North: 880273.4629 Line Course: S 60~OO-12 w North,: 880262,4701 Line .Course: S 43-'43-23 w' North: 880252,9571 Line Course': S 54-43~12 W North: 880221.6697 ~ine Course: S 52~47-13 w North: 880205.0292 Line C;urse: S 56-45-48 w. Nor~h: 880i70.7823 Line Course: S ~2-5,2-57. W North: 880146.0222 East. : 4257063.5888 0 Length: 477.40922631" 0 East: 4257540.7824 0 Length: 324.68043175 0 East: 4257677,3631 0 Radius: 312.000303380.t Tangel1t: 51~.48444693' 0 Cou-rse: S 34-14-48 ED Course Out: S 46-22-59 WO. East: 4257960,4152 0 East : 4257734,5370 0 Radius: 262.000000000. Tangent: 43.23350090 0 Cburse: S 34-14-48 ED Course Out: N 65-07-25 ED East: 4257544_8565 '.0 'East: 4257782,5475 0 Length: 282,30091811 0 East: 4257901.3008 0 Length: 268'21790919 0 East: 4258148,7275 0 Radius: 634.9999'99990 Tangent: 61.45135331 t 0 Course: N 61-45-52 ED C?urse'Out: S 33-45-47 Eq East: 4257903.5948 0 East: 4258256.5022 0 Length: 430.92544204 0 iast : 4258422:8548 0 'Lengt~: 1.38948797 0 East: 4258421.7036 0 Length: 42,79597006 0 ; East: 4258385.1949 0 ~eng~h: 51.8_8577527 0 East: 4258341.1851 0 Length:' 31.82888586 0 East: 4258316.1066 0 Length: 26.52703506 0 East: 4258293,0438 0 Length: 27.16299946 0 East: 4258272.3083 0 Length: 22,23559589 0 East : ~258253.9003 0 Length, 13,75841546 0 East: 4258244,1674 0 Length: 25,80552093 0 East : 4258229.9911 O. Length: 13.78590900 0 East: 4258219.7570 0 Length: 21.31312149 0 East: 4258203,4649 Q Length: ,.21. 98788240 0 East: 4258184,4222 0 Length: 13,16341431 0 East : ~258175.j240 0 Length: 54,17038812 0 East: 4258131.1026 0 Length: 27.51490926 0 East: 4258109,1899 0 Length: 62,48310019' 0 East: 4258056.9282 O. Length: 41,03093365 ,0 East 4258024~2102 0 c " . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV I 3 2008 Line Course:~ S 46-00-58 W North: 880102.4559 Line Course:. S 45-13-47 W North, 880067.6438 Line Course: S' 52-40-55 W North, 880036.0430 Line Course: S 55-11-56 W North, 880011.4987 Line Course: S 4'6-.46-53 W North, 879950. 8P87 Line Course: S 38-02-36 W North: 879933.9345 Line Co'urse: S .25-49-44 W North~ 879917.8008. Line Co~rse: S .29-04-3j W North, 879895.7109 Lin'e Course: S 50-49-53 W North: '879879.4504 Line Course: S 51-00~18 W North: 879865.0306 Line Course: S 45~01-30 W North: 879845.7019 Line Course: S 41-02-02 W North: 879810.4194 Line Course: S 27-25-23 W North: 879787.2197 Line Course: S 44-01-43 W North: 879751,3236 Line Course: S 39-26-45 W .North, 879715,1206 Line Course: S 31-44-11 W North, 879653,9019 Line Course: S 34-18-37 W North: 879613.4038 Line :Course: S 33-42-45 W North, 879530.9114' Line Cour~e: S 35-38-32 W North, 879510.3556 Line Course: S 29-04-33 W North, 879468,9370 Line' Course: S 29-32-58 W N6rth< 879407.5960 Line' Course: S 33-03-59 W North, 879375.~953 Line Course: 822-40-11 W N6rth< 879337.0312 Line Course: S 32-20-48 W North, 879281.5767 Line' C6urse: 8 28~OO-30 W North: 879227.8860 Line Coutse: 8 24-05-56 w North: 879171.5256 Line Course: 8'21-16-03 W North: 879121.8234 Line .Course: S 16-05-02 W North: 879090.9132 Line Course: S 10-48-31 W North: 879037.8361 Line Course: S 07-11-26 'W' North, 279027.0567 Line Course: N 88-10-40 W North,' 879044.8836 Line Course: N3j-~3-23 W North, '879254,7696 Curve ~ength: 346.13850661 Delta: 41-39-52 Chord, 338,56095889 Course In: N 3~~21-46 w RP North, .879622,787D Length: 62.73435667 0 East: 4257979.0706 Length, 49,43031085 0 East: 4257943.9782 Length, 52.12591221 0 East: 4257902.5234 Length: 43.00526861 0 East, 4257867.2101 Length: 88.62650394 0 East, 4257802.6239 Length, 21.4263166'0. 0 East: 4257789.4198 Length: 17.92432613 0 . East, 4257781. 6104 Length, 25.27510847 0 East, 4257769.3275 Length, 25,74487517 0 East: 4257749.3678 Length, 22,91577186 0 East: 4257731.5576 Length, 27.34681549 0 East: 4257712.2121 Len'gth' 46.77375462 0 East: 4257681,5049 Length, 26,13673097 0 East: 4257669.4674 L"ngth, 49.92557360 0 East : '4257634.76~3 Length, 46,88128743 0 East, 4257604.9823 Length, 71,98166399 0 East, 4257567.1191 Length, 49.02932297 0 East, 4257539,4825 Length, 99.16937181 0 East, 4257484,4410 Length, 25,29417218 . 0 East, 4257469.7015 Length, 47,39087674 0 East: 4257446.6711 Length, 70.51250651 0 East , 4257411.8961 Length, 37.70799856 0 East, 4257391.3222 Length ,42.22643203 0 East: 42573:75.0474 Length, 65.64.011928 0 East , 4257339,9273 Length: 60.81311001 0 East : 4257311.3694 Length: 61.74171307 0 East" 4257286.1595 Length: 53.33145557 0 East: 4257266.8139 Length: 32,16939346 O. East: 4257257.9015 Length: 54.03572882 0 East _ 4257247,7683 Length, 10.86486782 0 East, 4257246.4083 Length, 560.62367245 0 East: 4256686.0682 Length, 252,34850038 O' East, 4256545.9695 Radiu", 476.000000000 Tangent: 181.12102243 Course: N 29-48-18 ED Course Out: S 81-01-38 ED East: 4256244.0768 .. ,> , o 0, o o o o o o o .0 o o o o o o o o o 0, o o o o o o o o p o PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 .0 o o o ! r.>-t i ... . End North: 87954B. 54 7f? Line Course: ~ 08-58-22 E North: 880020.2773 Curve Length: 102.56793870 Delta: 8-49.,...26 Chord: 102,46778192 Course In: N 81-01-38 W RP North: 880124,1502 End North: 880122,4195 Line- Course: N 00-08-56 E' North: 880224.1982 Curve Length. 247.53426882 Delta: 22-01-22 'Chord: 246.01336437 'Course In: S 89-51-04 E RP . North: 880222.5247 ~nd North: 880465,5593 Line Course: N 22.,-10-18 E North: 880793,4126 'Curve Length: 323.50992502 Delta: 20-27-32 Chord: 321.79300952 Course In: N 67-49742 W RP North: 881135:3215 End North:, 88110'8.2419 Line Course,: N 01-42-46 E North: 881386.9686 Line Course: N' 46-43-03 E North: 881396.6636 o Perimeter: 7039.9'2,146931 East: '4256714.2518 Length: 477.57403560 0 . I East: 4256788,7367 Radius: 666. 0000001}0 Tangent: 51.38616518 Course: N 04-33-39 EO Course Out: S 89-51-04 ED East: 4256130:8869 East: 4256796.8846 Length: 101.77904873 0 East: 4256797.1491 Radius: 643.999999980 Tangent: 125,31380633 'Course: N 11-09-37 ED Course Out: N 67-49-42 WD East : 4257441.1469 East: 425"6844.7660 Length: 354,03133365 0 East : 4256978.3714 Radius: 906.000000050 Tangent: 163.49533330 Cou"rse: N 1'1-56-32 ED 'Course Out: S 88-17-14 ED East: 4256139.3634 East: 4257044.9587 Length: 278.85128802 0 East: 4257053.2933 Length: 14,14096405 0 East: 4257063,5877 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Area: 2,243,824 sq., fi. ~1.51 acre sO o D. Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0015 Error North: -0.00096' precision 1: '4,693,,282.318180000 o o _____----_-"---_--------------------------------~----------------~---c-----D D. Parcel name: LOT 8 - EASTERLYO o North: 881031.5242 Line Course: N 67-17-31 E North: 881173.5333' Line Course: S 22-42-29 E North: 880885.6388 Curve Length: 122.66108533 Delta: 12-00-49 Chord: 122.43459112 Course In: N 34-43~18 w RP North: 881366,4671 End North: 880826,814l Line Course: S 67-17-31 W N~rth: 880748.01:98 Line .C~urse: N 67-42-2~ W North: 880756.9206 Line Course: N 24-52-35 w North: 880954.2896 Curve ~engt~: ~2.~58148~6 Delta:: 17-03-09 Chord: 92.51476270 Course In: S 65-07-25 W RP North: 880823..0431 End North: 881031.5239' o Perimeter: 1340.59823591 courses, radii, and deltaslO, CO,urse: S 49-57-07 WD East: -0.00114 East 4257776,9772 Q Length: 367,86535594 0 East: 4258116,3271 Length: 312.08623905 '0 East: 4258236,8035 Radius: 585.000000000 'Tang~nt: 61.55525575 Cour,se: S 61-17-07 WO Course Out: S 22-42-29 ED East: 4257903,5931 East.: 4258129'.4241 Length, 204.11138988 0 East: 4257941.1346 Length: 23,46471894 0 East: 4257919,4236 Length: 217,55428607 ~ ^ East.: 4257827.9067 Radius: 312.000000000 Tangent: 46.77431745 Course: N 33-24-09 WD ,Course Out: N 48-04-16 ED East 4257544.8549 East: ,425777.6.9750 o o 0',' o. o o o o o o o o PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO' NOV 1 3 2008 Area: 112,822 sq: ft. 2:59 ~cresO o Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)'O Error Cl'osure ~ 0.0022 Error No'rth: -0,,0002'7 Precision 1: 609,364.192577270 o o -------------------c-------------------------------------------------------0 o . Parcel name: LOT 8 - WESTERLYD o Course: S "83-11-16 WO East : :....0,00222 North: 880808.2390 Line Course: N 70~05-18 W North: 88101'9.2953 Line Course:S 21-30-30 E North: 880992.7470 Curve Length: '179',02'396765 Delta: 14-05-23 Chord: 178..57405578 Course In: S 68-30-26 W RP North: 880726.0195 End North: 880819.8212 Line Course: S 58-12-24 E North: 880556,3725 Line Course: N 22-10-18 E North: 880808.2391' East: 4256881,8275 0 Length: 619:71286446, 0 East: 4256299.1618 Length: 28.53536650' ,0 East: 4256309.6240' Radius: 728,000000000 Tangent': 89.96624097 Course: S 14-26-53'ED Course Out: N 82-35-49 EO East: 4255632.2463 East: 4256354.1779 Length: 500.03839179 0 East: 4256779:,1876 Length: '271.97736317 0 East: 4256881,8272 o Perimeter: 1599.28879338 Area: 118,.383 sq. ft. 2,72. acre sO ",,' o Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0004 . Error North: 0.00008 Precision 1; 3,998,219,883925000 o o ________c--------c------------------------------------------------_--------0 '0' Parcel name: PARCEL 10 o courses, radii, and deltas}O Course: N 76~55~00 WO East : -0.00035 .- .'\- '. o I o o o o o o o o J North: 880657.8607 East : 42"59907,6628 0 Line Course: S 64-00-00 E Length: 122,62954884 0 North: 880604,1034 East : 4260017.8815 0 Line Course: N 26-00-11' E Length: 46.30614479 0 North: 880645,7220 East : 4260038.1830 0 Line Course: S 63-59-49 E Length: 28,00000004 0 North: 880633,4463 East : 4260063.3486 0 I, Line Course: S 26cOO-11 W Length: 46',30465249 0 I' North: 880591.8290 East : 4260043,0478 0 Line Course: S 64-00-00 E Length: 39.33766647 0 North: 880574'.5845 East : 42'60078.4042 0 Line Course: N 26-00-00 E Length: 14.33333334 0 North: 880587.4672 East: 4260084.6875 0 Line Cours~: S 64-00-00 E Length: 62.00219680' 0 North: 880560.2873 East : 4260140.4147 0 Line Course: S 25-59-58 W Length: . 65.00000004 0 North: 880501.8654 East : 4260111.9212 0 Line Course: S 64-00-00 E Length: 6,99703928 0 North: 880498,7981 East : 4260118.2101 0 Line 'Course: S 26-00-00 W Length: 21,33333334 '0 North:' 880479.6238 .East : 426'0108,8582 0 Line Course:, N64-00-00,W Length: 7.17083931 0 PRE.SUBMIITAL RECIO North: 880482.7673 East : 4260102,4131 0 Line Course: S 26-00-11 W Length: . 65 :00000013 0 North: 880424.3472 East : 4260073,9158 o. NQV 13 2008 Line Course: N '64-0'0-00 W Length: 61.82569651 0 North: 880451.4498 Ea-st : 4260018.3473 0 Line -Course: N 26-00-00 E Length: . 14,33333334 0 - North: ,880464.3325 East : 4260024.6306 0 Line Course: N 64-00-00'W Length: 177.68009675 0 North: 880542.2223 East : 4259864,9328 0 Line Course: N 22-10-18 E Length: 37.43751739 0 . ~ North: 880576.8916 East : 4259879.0610 0' Curve . Length-; 85.90240053 Radi us.; 906.000000050 Delta: 5-25-57 Tangent: 42.98444160 0 Chord: 85,87229033 Course: ,N 19-27-19 ED Course In; N 67-49-42 w Course Out"; S 73-15-39 ED.. RP North: 880918,8005 East : 4259040.0531 0 End North: 88065,7.8587 East : 4259907,6621 0 Line Course.:" S 72-38-46 E Length: 0.00000000 0 North: 880657,8587 East : 4259907.6621 0 0 Perimeter: 901.59586510 Area: 33,232 sq. ft, 0.76 acre sO o Mapcheck Closure - {Uses listed Error Closure: 0.002,0 Error North: -0.00192 precision 1: 450,796.899695000 courses, radii, and deltas)D Course: S 20~08-28 WD East: -0.000710 o o . ~________,_~___---~------------------------------------------------,-------0 o ' ' Parcel name: PARCEL.2 - CENTRALD o North. 88~137,1184 Line Course: S 88-16-40 E North. 887122,7~03 Line. Course: S 24-52~35 E North: 886828,2146 Curve Length: 102..05043144 Delta: 18-44-26 Chord: 101.59498581 Course In.; N 65-07~25 E RP North: 886959.4613 End Nor~h: 886744.2329 Curve Length: 85.69484?09 Delta: 18-44-25 Chord: 85.31328757 Course In:' S 46-23-00 W RP North: 886563.4974 End North: 886673.7109 Line Cours~: S 24'-52-35 E North.'886417,6026 Line Course: N 67-17-31 E Northi 886521.1443 Curve Length: 122.52080449 Delta: 1'1-03-18 Chord: 122.33121550 Course In: N 22~42-29 W RP North: 887106.9215 End North: 886579.0187 Line Course: S 22-42-29 E North: 88618L4969 Line Course: s. 55-56-46 W North: 886180,7189 Line Course: S 58-32-56 W North: 886158.3892 Line Course: S 58-01-02 W 'North: 886130.9071 Line Course: S 51-59-28 W. North: 88611L3074 Line Course: S 60-23-24 W North: '886098.2006 Line Course: S 49-45-44 W North: 886080.6543 Line Course: S 55-52-41 W North: 886068.1817 Line Course:. S 45-01-30 W North: 886058..4573 Line Course: S 33-19-21 W North:, 886036.8944 " East 4270830,5890 '0 Length: 477.40922631 0 East: 4271307.7826 Length: 324.'68043175 0 East: 4271444,3633 Radius: 312.000303380 Tangent: 51.4844A693 Course: S 34-14~48 EO Course.Out: S 46-22-59 WO East: 4271727.4154. East: 4271501.5372 Radius: 262,000000000 Tangent: 43.23350090 Course: S 34-14.,...48 EO Course Out: N 65-07-25 EO East: 4271311.8568 East: 4271549.5477 Length: 282.30091811 0 East: 4271668.3010 Length: 268.21790919 0 East : 4271915.72~7 Radius: 634.999999990 Tangent: 61.45135.331 Course: N 61-45-52 EO Course Out: S. 33-45.-47 EO East: 4271670,5950 East: 4272023,5024 Length: 430.92544204 0 East: 4272189,8550 Length: 1.38948797 0 East : 4272i88, 7038 Length: 42,79597006 0 East: 4272152.1952 Length: 51.88577527 0 East': 4272108.,1853 Length: 3.1.82888586 0.. East : 4272083,1068 Length: 26.52703506 0 East: 4272060,0440 Length: 27.16299946 0 East: 4272039.3086 Length:'22,23559589 0 East: 4272020.9006 Length: 13,75841546 0 East: 4272011.1676 Length: 25,80552093 0 East: 4271996,9913 .0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o '0 '0 o o o o PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV ! 3 2008 /' I I .;;..1 , " c> " Line Course: S 47-55-59 W Length: 13.78590900 0 North: 886027.6578 East : 4271986.7572 0 Line Course: S 49-51~18 W Length: 21. 31312149 0 North: 886013,9168 East : 4271970,4651 0 Line Course: S 60"00-12 W .Length: 21.98788240 0 North: 886002.9239 Eas.t : 4271951. 4224 0' Line Course: .s 43-43~23 W L,ength: 13.16341431 0 North: 88599'3.41Q9 ,East : 4271942,3242 0 Line Cours.e: S 54~43-12 W Length: 54,17038812 0 North: 885962.1235 East ,:' 4271898.1028 0 Line Course: S 52-47-13 w tength: 27.51490926 0 I North: 885945.4831 East : 4271876.1902 0 Line Course"; S 5"6-45-48 W Length: 62.48310019' 0 North: 885911.2362 East : 4271823.9284 0 1 .Line Cour se: S 52-52-57 W Length: 41.03093365 0 North: 885886.4760 East : 4271791.2104 0 Line Course'; S 46-00~58 W Length: 62,73435667 0 North: 885842.9097 East : 4271746.0708 0 Line Course: S 45-13-47 W Length: 49,43031085 0 North: 885808.0976 East : 4271710.9784 0 Line Course: S 52-40-55 W Length: 52.12591221 0 North: 885776.4969 East : 4271669.5236 0 Line Course: S 55-11-56 W Length: 43,00526861 0 North: 885751.,9525 East : 4271634.2104 0 Line Course: S 46-46-53 W Length: 88.62650394 0 North: 885691.2625 East : 4271569.6241 0 Line Course: S 38-02-36 W Length: 21.42631660 0 North: 885674.3883 East : 4271556:4200 0 Line Course: S 25-49-44 W Length: 17.92432613 .0 North: 885658.2546 East : 4271548.6106 0 Line Course: S 29-04-33 W Length: 25.27510847 0 North: 885636.1648 East : 4271536.3278 0 Line Course: S ,50-49-53 W Length: 25.74487517 0 North: 885619.9042 East : 4271516.3680 0 Line Course: S 51-00"18 W Length: 22.91577186 0 North: 885605.4844 East : 4271498,5579 0 Line Course: S 45-01-30 W Le~gth: 27.34681549 0 North: 885586.1557 East: 4271479,2123 '0 Line Course: S 41-02-02 W Length: 46.77375462 0 North: 885550.8732 East : 4271448.5051 0 Line Course: S 27-25"23 W Len9tn: 26.13673097 0 North: 885527,6735 East : 4271436,4676 0 Line Course: S 44-01-'43 W Length: 49.92~57360 -0 North: 885491.7774 East. : 4271401. 7685 0 Line Course: S 39-26-45 W Length: 46.88128743 0 North: 885455,5744 East : 4271371. 9825 ,0 Line Course: S 31-44-11 W L~ngth: 71'.98166399 0 North: 885394,3557 East : 4271334.1193 0 Line Course: S 34-.18-37 W Length: 49.02932297 0 North: 885353.8576 East : 4271306.4828 0 Line Course: S 33-42-45 W Lengt"h: 99.16937181 0 North: 885271.3652 East : 4271251. 4412. 0 Line Course: S 35c38~32 W Length: 25.29417218 0 North: 885250.8094 East : 4271236.7017 0 \ Line Cour.:::;e: S 29-04-33 W Length: 47.39087674 0 North: 885209.3908 East : 4271213.6.713 0 Line Course: S 29-32-58 w Length: 70.51250651 0 PRE~SUBMITTAL REC'D North: 885148.0499 East : .4271178.8964 0 Line Course': S 33-03-59 W Length: 37,70799856 0 North: 885116.4491 East : 4271l58,3225 0 NOV 1 3 2008 Line Course: S 22-40-11 .W Length: 42.22643203 0 North: 885077.4850 East : 4271142.0476 0 Line Course: S 32-20-48 W Length: 65.64011928 0 North: 885022.0305 E~st : 4271106,9275 0 Line Course: S 28-00-30 W Length: 60.81311001 0 North: 884968.3.398 East : 4271078,3697 0 Line Course: S 24-05-56 W Length: 61.74171307 0 North': 884911,9794 East : 4271053,1597 0 Line Course: S 21-16-03 W Length: 53.33445557 0 " ,~ . North: 884862.2772 East : 4271033'.8141 0 .Line Course: S 16-05-02 W Length: 32.16939346 0 North: 884831.3670' East : 4271024.9018 0 'Line Course: S 10-48-31 W L~ngth: 54,03572882 0 North: 884778.2899 'East : 4271014.7685 0 Line C6utse: S 07-11-26 W Length': 10" 86486782 0 North: 884767.5105 East: 42.71013.4085 0 Line Course: N88010-40 W Length.; 560,62367245 0 North: 884785,3374 East: 4270453,0684 0 Line -Course: N 33,~43-2~ W Length: 252,34850038 0 North: 884995.2235 East : 42703i2.9698 0 Curv:e Length: 346.13850661 Radius: 476.000000000 Del ta"; 41-39-52 Tangent: 181.12102243 0 Chord: 338.56095889 Course: N 29-48"18 ED Cqurse'In: N 39-21-46 W Cour"se Out: S 81-01-38 ED RP North: 885363.2408 East : 4270011,0770 ,0 End North: 885289..0014 East : 4270481.2520 0 Line Course: N 08-58-22 E Length: 477.57403560 0 North: 885760,7312 East : 4270555,7369 0 Curve Length:, 102.56793870 Radius: 666.000000130 Delta: 8-49-26 Tangent: 51.38616518 0 Ch.ord: 102.46778192 Course: N 04-33-39 ED Co.urse In: N 81-01-38 W Coufse Out: S 89-51-04 ED RP North:, 885864.6040 East : 42698'97.'8871 0 End North: 885862,8733 East. : 4270563,8848 0 Line Course: N 00-08-56 E Length: 101.77904873 0 North: 88596'4.6520 East : 4270564.1493 0 Curve Length: 247,53426882 Radius: 643.999999980 Delta: 22-01'-22 .Tangept: 125,31380633 0 Chord: 246,01336437 Course: N 11-09-37 ED Course In: S 89-51~04 E Course Out: N 67-49-42 WO RP North: 885962.9785 East : 4271208,1471 0 End 'North": 886206.0131 East : 4270611.7662 0 L,ine Caurse: N 22-10-18 E Length: 316.593'81626 0 North: 886.499.1971 'East : 4270731 .'2433 0 Line Course: S 64-00-00 E Length: 177.68009675 0 " North: 886421.3073 Ea'st : 4270890.9411 0 , Line CO,urse: S 26-00-00 W Length: '14.33333334, 0, 'North: 886408.4246 East : 4270884.6578 0 ., Line Course: S 64-00-00 E Length: 61,82569651 0 North: 886381.3220 East : 4270940.2264 0 Lirie Course: N 26-00~11 E Length: 65.00000013 0 North: 886439.7421 East : 4270968.7236 0 Line Course: S 64-00-00 E "Length: 7.17083931 0 North: 886436.5986 East : 4270975.1687 0 Line Course:-N 26-00-0,0 E Length: 21.33333334 0 North: 886455.7728 East : 4270984,5206 0 " Line Course: N 64-00-00 W Length: 6,99703928 0 North: 886458.8401 East : 4270978,2317 '0 Line Course: N 25-59-58 E Length: 65,00000004 0 North: 886517.2620 East : 4271006.7253 0 Lin"e Course: N 64-00-00 W Length: 62,00219680 0 North: 886544.4420 East : 4270950.9981 0 Line Course: S 26-00-00.W Le,ngth: 14.33333334 0 North: 886531,5593 East : 4270944 :7148 0 PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'D Line Course: N 64-00-00 W Length: 39.33766647 0 North: 886548,8038 East : 4270909.3583 0 Line Cours.e: N .26-00-11 E Length: 46.30465249 0 NOV 1 3 2008 North ': 886590'.42)1 East : 4270929..6592 0 Line Course: N 63-59-49W Length: 28.00000004 0 North: 886602.6968 East : 4270904.4936 . 0 Line Course: S' 26-00-11 W Len'gth: 46,30614479 0 North: 886561,0782 East : 4270884.1921 0 . Line Course-: N 64-0D-00 W Length: 122,62954885 0 North: 886614.8354 East : 4270773,9734 0 Curve Length,: 237.60752450 R?-dius: 906,000000060 "Delta: 15'-01-35 Tangent: 119,48787181 0', Chprd: 236.92413.614 Course: N 09-13-33 ED Course In: N 73-15-39 W Course Out: S 88-17-14 ED .~ .. .. RP North: 886875.7772 End North: 886848.6976 'Line Course: N 01-42-46 E North: 887127.4243, Line Course: N 4'6-43-03 E North: 887137.1193 East: 4269906,3644 East: 4270811.9596 Length: 278,85128802 0 East : 4270820',2942 Length: 14.14096405 0 East: 4270830.5886 o o o o o Perimeter: 7694.83336717 Area: 2,210,592 sq. ft. 50.75 acre sO o Mapcheck Closur.e - (Uses listed course.s, radii, and deltas)D Error Closure:- 0.0011 Co.urse: N 24,-20-45 WD Error North: 0.00096 East: -0.00044 0 precision 1:. '6,995,306.764400000 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NaV 1 3 2008 .. , \ 1l 1 _~ veT Land Title " reen C0l11pany . PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT / Order reports and listing kits online at (www.evergreenlandtitle.com) .AI~ 5,2008 Main Office: 1651. Centennial Blvd. Springfield, OR 97477 Phone # (541),741-1981 Fax # (541)741-0619 ELT-55927 Branch Office: 625 country Club Rd. . Eugene. oregon 97401 P.O. Box.10211 . Eugene. Oregon 97440 \. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 . Phone # (541) 687-9794 Fax # (541) 687-0924 ." I 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGfIELD, OR 97477 P,O. BOX 931 . SPRINGfiELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 .A ~ ~. ~ ~~ :i~'.- '. . ~'*"" 1\ ~x~rg{~~]J TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES' .ESCROW CLOSINGS 625 COUNTRY CLUB RD. . . EUGENE, OR 974111 P.O. BOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 . PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 November 5, 2008 Our'Order No.: ELT-55927 2nd SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT PeaceHealth 123 lnternational Way Springfield, .oregon 97477 Attn: Philip Farrington Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING. $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear Philip: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or 'policies 'as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, RIVERBEND, PHASE II, as platted and recorded June 3, 2008, Reception No. 2008- 030895, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, In Lane CountY, Oregon. Showing fee simple title as of October 29, 2008, at 8:00 a,m., vested in: PEACEHEALTH, a Washington non-profit corporation Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD NOV 1 3 2008 CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER,MOST" www.e~ergreenlandtitle.com . -, '. ELT - 55927. Page 2 SCHEDULE B ,GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments'which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or. by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. . -.,:;:," 2.. Facts, rights, interests or Claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or Claims of easement, not shown by the'public records; reservations or exceptions in jJatents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, Claims or title to wateL . 4, Any encroachment'(ofexisting improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. . 5 . Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers' compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. '. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. Taxes, Map No. 17-03-23,22-00500, Code 04-78,AccountNo. 0193787,.2008-2009, a lien in the amount of$I,989.51, now payable. .Taxes, Map No. 17-03-23-22-00600, Code 04-78, Account No. 019376],2008.2009, a lien in the amount of $2,468,91, no"" payable. Taxes, Map No. ] 7-03-23"22-00700, Code 04-78, Account No. 0193803, 2008-2009, a lien in the amount of $4,1.48,88, now payable. . 'Taxes, Map No. 17-03-22-00-00300, Code 04-78, Account No. 0187821, 2008~260~, a lien in the amount of $39,095.64, now payable. Taxes, Map No, 17-03-22-00-00700, Code 04-78, Account No. 0187862, 2008-2009, a lien in the amount ~f $11,286,26, now payable. (Includes Additional Property) , Taxes, Map No. 17-03-22-00-00902,Co'de 04-78, Account No. 1193141,2008-2009, alien in the amount of$3]5,950.]6, now payable. . Taxes; Map No. 17-03-22-00-01000, Code 04-78, Account No. 0187938, 2008.2009, a lien in the amount of$30,037.86, now payable, . Taxes, Map No, 17-03-22-00,0]001, Code 04-78, Account No.' 1052545, 2008.-2009, a lien "in the amount of $2,821.61, now payable. 'continued next page.., CONTINUED, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 l ELT - 55927 . Page 3 / Exception No.6 continued". Taxes, Map No. 17-03-22-00-01001, Code 04'30, Account No. 1696564,2008-2009, a lien in the amount of$219.23, now payable, . '" Taxes, Map No. 17"03-22-00-01201, Code 04-78, Account.No. 1167020,2008-2009, a lien in the amount of $5,077 .40, now payable. . Taxes; Map No. 17-03-22-00-01203; Code 04.-78, Ac~ount No. 1467958, 2008-2009, a lien in the amount of$199,768.06, now payable. Taxes, Map No. 17-03-22-00-01400, Code 04-78, i\ccount-No. 0187961,2008-2009, a lien in theamotint of$4,818.16, now payable, (Inc1udesAdditional Property) Taxes, Map No. 17-03-22-00-01400, Code 19-00, Account No. 0187987,2008-2009, a lien in the amount of$3,386.51, now payable. Taxes for 2009-2010 tax year will be assessed to Map No. 17-03-22-00-04100, , . 7. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2008-2009 are exempted by virtue of charitable organization, The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. . . . . . . '. Map No. 17~b3-22-00-00902, Code 04-78, Account No. 1193141 (Current Exemption:, $22,413,941.00) Map No. 17-03-22-00-01000, Code 04-78, Account No. 0187938 (Current Exemption: $54,276,590,00) . Map No. 17-03-22~00-01201, Gode04-78, Account No. 1167020 (Current Exemption: $99,895,556,00), ' Map No. 17-03-22cOO-01203, Code 04-78, Account No. 1467958 (Current Exemption: $27,078,762.00) Map No. 17,03~22-00-01400,Code 04-78, Account No. 0187961 (Current Exemption: , $91,397.00) Map No. 17-03-22-00-01201, Code 04-30, AccouiIt No. 1728458 (Current Exemption': $125,387.00) . Map No. 17-03-22-00-01201, Code 19-00, Account Nil. 1728466 (Current Exemption: $130,301.00) 8. Rights of the public in any portion of said premises-lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. . 9. Any adverse claim based upon the assertion that the location ofthe McKenzie River has moved and that any portion of the subject property has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274,905 throl;lgh 274,940. 10. Rights of the public and of governmental bodies in and to that portion of that portion of the premises herein qescribed lying below the high'water mark of the McKenzie ,River and the ownership of the State of Oregon in and to that portion lying below the high water mark thereof. . . CON TIN U E D PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID , NQV 1 3 2008 ,~ ELT - 55927 Page 4 I I. E~sement, granted to the United States of America, including the terms imd provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded August 6, 1947, Book 353, Page 220, Lane County Oregon Records: . . 12. Easement, granted to the United States of America, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrumentRecorded August 6, 1947, Book 353, Page 224, Lane County Oregon' Records. I3. Easement, granted to the United States of America, including the terms ?I'd provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded August 6, 1947, Book 353, Page 232, Lane County Oregon Records, '. 14. Easement, granted to the United States of AmeriCa, including the terms and provisions' thereof, by instruri1ent Recorded August 9, 1950, Reception No. 25660, Lane Coup.ty Oregon , Records. , , 15. Waterline Easement, granted to Oak"iay Water District, including the terms' and provisions thereof, by instruri1ent Recorded November 13, 1968, Reception No. 44944, Lane County Oregon Records. 16. Reservation for 60' Roadway Easeinent as contained in Warranty Deed Reco;'ded April 5, 1991, Reception No. 91-15745, Lane County Oregon Records, . NOTE: Said Easement will terminate upon the dedication of St. Joseph Place as a Public Street. . 17. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield, and Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation;by instrument Recorded June 8, 2001, Reception No. 2001-034714, Lane CountyOregon Records. Assignmen~ of Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, from Arlie & Company, an OregOIl corporation, to PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit ' corporation, by instrument Recorded December 31, 2001, Reception No. 2001-088566, Lane' County Oregon Records.' . I Said Annexation Agreement was amended by instrument Recorded October 8, 2003, Reception No. 2003-098507, Lane County Oregon Records. , \ 18, Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between PeitceHealth, . a Washington corporation, and the City of Springfield, by instiument Recorded June 5, 2002, Reception No. 2002-043 I 61, and amended by instrument Recorded October 8, 2003, Reception No. 2003-098507, Lane County Oregon Records.- I I I " ! 19. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield, aild PeaceHealth, by instrument Recorded June 30, 2005, Reception No..2005- 048788, Lane County Oregon Records. . .' CONTINUED PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 / ELT - 55927 Page 5 20. Easement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between PeaceHealth, luc:, and John E. J~cqua and Rosamond R. Jacqua,by instrument Recorded August 19,2005, Reception No. 2005-064895, Lane County Oregon Records. 21. Gas Pipeline Easement, granted. to Northwest Natuial Gas Company, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded January 23, 2006, Reception No. 2006-004903, Lane County Oregon Records. 22. Declaration of Access and Maintenance Agreement; including the terms -and provisions thereof, between PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, WiIlamalane Park and Recreation District, an Oregon special district, and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, by instrument Recorded May 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-032093, Lane County Oregon Records. 23. Unrecorded Lease, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Peacehealth, a Washington nonprofit corporation, Lessor, and NSC Properties, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Lessee, as disclosed by Memorandum of Lease Recorded August 7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-055315, Lane Courtty Oregon Records, (Affects Tax Lot 902) 24. Line of Credit Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by NSC Properties, LLC, an Oregon limited liability compilny, as to'a leasehold interest, as Grantor(s), to First American Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, for the benefit of Umpqua BlJ!lk, as Beneficiary, Dated August 1,2007, Recorded August 7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-055316, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $30,000,000,00. (Affects Tax Lot 902) 25. Assi~ent of Rents, as additional security for Fhe paYill:ent of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust as insured herein, which assignment was executed by NSC Properties, LLC, ' an Oregon limited liability company, as to a leasehold interest, to Umpqua Bimk, by instrument Recorded August.7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-055317, Lane County Oregon Records, , . (Affect~ Tax Lot 902) . 26. Assignment of Lease for Security Purposes, as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust as,insured herein, which assignment was executed by NSC Properties, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, to Umpqua Bank, an Oregon, state-chartered bank, by instrument Recorded August 7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-055318, Lane County Oregon Records, (Affects Tax Lot 902) 27. U,c.c. Finaricing Statement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between NSC Properties, LLC, Debtor, and Umpqua Bank, Secured Party, by instrument Recorded August 7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-055319, Lane County Oregon Records. (Affects Tax Lot 902) 28. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions '. thereof, Reco;ded Apri18, 2008, Reception No. 2008-019743, Lane Count,l Oregon Records. ' , ' '. " ,PRE.~UBMITTAL REC'D CONTINUED ',' . NQV 13 2008 . " " . ELT - 55927 Page 6 ,!'n 29. Levies and Assessments, if any, by'virtueofthe fact that the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions contain among other things provisions for said levies and assessments of the RiverBend Tenants' Association. 30. Restrictions as shown on the recorded plat as follows: "No buildings, structures, trees, shrubbery or other obstructions shall be placed on or located within the public utility . easements. " 31. Easements as shown on Easement Table of the recorded plat ofRIVERBEND, PHASE II. 32. Temporary Public Access Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instnunent Recorded June 3, 2008, Reception No. 2008-030896, Lane County Oregon Records. 33, Improvement Agreement including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instnunent Recorded June), 2008, Reception No. 2008- 030898, Lane County Oregon Records. ' 34. Improvement Agreement including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, including the, terms and provisions thereof, by instnunent Recorded June 3, 2008, Reception No. 2008- 030900, Lane County Oregon Records. 35. Public Way Use Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, byinstnunent Recorded June 3, 2008, Reception No. 2008-030902, Lane County Oregon Records, 36. Construction Lien in favor of Jared Nesbitt, Claimant, in the amount of $32,634.00, including costs, by instrument Recorded June 19, 2008, Reception No. 2008-034441, Lane County Oregon Records. 37. Construction Lien in favor of Cascade Acoustics, Inc., Claimant, in the'amount of $307,111.00 including costs, by instnunent Recorded October 22, 2008, Reception No. 2008- 058199, Lane County Oregon Records. 38. Construction Lien in favor of Hathaway's, Inc., an Oregon corporation, Claimant, in the amount of $2,694,844.49 including costs, by instnunent Recorded October 24, 2008, Reception No. 2008-058616, Lane County Oregon Records. C ONTlNUED PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 13 2008 [' " ELT - 55927 Page 7 NOTE: The addressees) of the property tobe insured herein is: NOT KNOWN. (17-03-23-22-00500) 3351 AND 3353 BALDY VIEW LANE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-23-22- 00600) 3387 GAME FARM ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-00700) 3311,3333,3355,3363,3377 AND 3383 RIVERBEND DRIVE, SPRINGFIELD; OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-00902) 3333 GAME FARM ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-01000) 3420 BALDY VIEW LANE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-01000) 3306 BALDY VIEW LANE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-01001) 3125 GAME F ARM ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-01201) ,NOT KNOWN. (17-03-22-00-01203) . 3113 GAME FARM ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. (17-03-22-00-01400) NOTE: As of October 29, 2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY FINDS NO NOTICE' OF RESCISSION RECORDED IN THE LAST 24 MONTHS. NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: ~7 ' . ~ I/!----~// .-~ '---' Joseph M, Silence Title Officer CC: KPFF Consulting Engineers Attn: Tova Purnell (email: tova.purriell@kpffcivilpdx.com) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCl"T r Fl>, A MINIMUM, CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED, . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O . NOV 1 3 2008 ii.. "; :-~..,/. After recording return to: PeaceHealth 'PO Box 1479 . Eugene, OR 97440-1479 'PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'l)' NOV 1 3 Z008 DECLARATION OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS " This Declaration of Reciprocal Easements is made by PeaceHealth, a Washington,Non" Profit Corporation hereinafter referred to as Declarant. . Recitals: A. Declarant is the owner of that certain real property in Lane County, Oregon, and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein ("RiverBend Lot 8"): ' B, Declarant is partitioning the RiverBend Lot 8 into two separate parcels. Parcel I is described on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this refen:nce incorporated herein ("Parcel 1"). Parcel 2 is described on Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein ,("Parcel 2").. \ C. Declarant desires. to create reciprocal easements on the RiverBend Lot 8 for the benefit of the Owners of any and all portions of parcels I and, 2 and their respective heirs, successors; assigns, grantees, mortgagees, tenants, .and subtenants. ' NOW,THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares as follows: AGREEMENT: I. Easements. 1.1 Ingress, Egress, and Parking. Declarant declares, grants" creates, and reserves for Declarant, its assigns, grab.tees, and successors in interest having record title to any portion of the RiverBend Lot. 8 (hereinafter referred to in the' aggregate as "Owners") and each Owner's respective employees, agents, patients, invitees, and tenants, and the employees, agents, patients,' and invitees of each 'Temint and;for the benefit of and as a burden upon the RiverBend Lot 8 an appurtenant non-exclusive easement for the purpose of ingress and egress by vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and for vehicle parking upon, over, across, and through. the RiverBend Lot. 8 at designated parking areas. . ' ' . 1.2 Utility Lines. Declarant declares, grants, creates, and reserves for itself " and for each Owner, and for the benefit of and as a.burden upon the RiverBend Lot 8, an appurtenant non-exclusive easement under, through, and across the RiverBend Lot 8 for the installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement, of water drainage systems or structures, water mains, storm drains, sewers, water'sprinkler lines, telephone or electric Page I - DECLARATION OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS l:\c\p\2001\301140\LOT8 P.artition\DOCS\SubmittaJ.3 to cas Plat PreSbmtl13-Nov-2008\Declarntion of Recipricol Easements clean 102808.doc . PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 \ 'J:. conduits or systems, gas )1lains, and other public utility facilities necessary for the orderly development and operation of the RiverBend Lot 8. The rights granted pursuant to such easements shall at all times be exercised in such mariner as to cause the least interference with the normal operation of the RiverBend Lot' 8 and provided further, except in an emergency, the right of any Owner .to enter upon the Parcel of any either Owner far the exercise of any right pursuant to such easements shail be conditioned upon obtaining the prior written consent of such other Owner for the exercise .of any right pursuant to such easements, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld .or delayed. All systems, structures, mains, sewers, conduits, lines, and .other public utilities shall be installed and . maintained below the surface of ground level of such easements. In the event an Owner deems it necessary to cause the installati.on .of a storm drain, utility line, .or sewer cross the RiverBend Lot 8, subsequent to the initial paving and improving thereof, the respective Owner agrees not tq unreasonably withhold the granting of any necessary additi.onal easements. Such Owner may withh.old its consent if such installation would unreasonably interfere with the operation of any business on the RiverBend Lot 8 or with Owner's plans far the devel.opment .of its Parcel. The Owner making .or causing such 'installati.on shall, at its sole cost and expense, c.ompletely restore t.o its .original c.onditi.on all improvements and surfaces disrupted as a. result .of such installati.on. In the event it should be necessary t.o grant any '.of the foregoing easements and rights to local utility c.ompanies as a conditi.on .of their providing or c.ontinuing service, such rights shall be granted. Parcel I and Parcel 2 are subject t.o a rec.orded Declaration .of C.ovemints, Conditions, and Restricti.ons for Riverbend Campus ("CC & Rs"). rec.orded in the Lane C.ounty Deeds and'Records as D.ocument Number 2008-019743. The responsibilities for the general maintenance and repair .of the utilities .on Parcel I and Parcel 2 are subject t.o the"terms and conditi.ons of the cC & Rs, which are incorp.orated herein by reference. 1.3 Building Encroachments. Each Owner, as grant.or with respect to its , Parcel, hereby grants t.o each .other Owner as grantee and far the benefit .of its Parcel, an easement ' far any emergency exit from a building (n.ot t6 exceed six feet) .or any portion .of any building .on structures on any parcel (including, but not limited t.o, subsurface supp.ort elements required for the c.onstruction or rec.onstructi.on .of such building .or structures) which may encroach on t.o .or over an adjoining Parcel. Provided, the encroachment easement shall not extend to encroachments which are intentional or which materially and adversely affect the locati.on, " orientati.on, . design, .or construction of improvements t.o be constructed .on the .Parcel upon which the encroachment has taken place unless first approved in writing by. the Owner .of the affected parcel. The easement granted ' herein shall last sa l.ong as the building .of which such'encrqachment is a part is standing. 1.4 Storm Water Drainage. Each Owner, as grantor with respect ta its Parcel, hereby grants ta each other Owner, as grantee and far the benefit .of its Parcel, an easement far storm water drainage: 2. Notices. Any natice. .or demand given or served by any Owner ta anather shall nat be deemed ta have been duly given .or served, unless in writing; persanally delivered, .or farwarded by pastage prepaid certified, .or registered mail, return receipt requested, .or by anather cammercially recagnizable means .of delivery which maintains delivery recards (such as federal Page 2 - DECLARA nON OF REC1PROCAL EASEMENTS I:\c\p\200 1 \301 140\WT8 Partition\DOCS\Submittal 3 to cas Plat PreSbmtl 13~Nov-2008\Declaration of Recipricol Easen"!ents clean I02808.doc \, PRE.SUB~fllT'f'Al REC'O NOV 13 2008 . . express) addressed to the address of the Owner.show,n on the real property tax records. Notices and demands shall be deemed effective upon receipt. The person(s) and place(s) 'to which notices are to be given may be, changed by the Owners by-written notice to the other Owners. 3. Attorney's 'Fees.. In the event 'legal proceedings are commenced to enforce any of the terms, of this Declaration, ilie prevailing party in such action or any" appeal, shall,have the right to recover re~s.onably attorney's fees and costs from the other party to be fixed by the court in the same action. 4. Duration. The easements contained herein shall be perpetual: 5.' Modification and Approval. Except as otherwise provided herein,' any approvals required under this Declaration' or any modification to this Declaration requires the written consent executed by all.ofthe Owners. 6, General Provisions. 6.1 Not a Public Dedication. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the RiverBend Lot 8 to the general public or for any public purposes whatsoever. It being the'intention of Declarant that this Declaration be strictly limited to and for the purposes herein. 6.2 Captions. The captions in this Declaration are for convenience only.and do not constitute a part of th~provisions hereof, 6.3, Governing Law. This Declaration shall be construed and enforced in accordance with,and governed by the laws of the State of Oregon. , 6.4 Inurement. . ,This Declaration and easements, covenants, benefits, and obligations created hereby, shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon each Owner and its assigns. Acceptance of any deed or' other conveyance of ail estate in the RiverBend Lot 8 after recording of this Declaration shall be an acceptance of the terms of this Declaration. PEACEHEALTH By: Title STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. ' County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me this ....:.... day of , as for PeaceHealth. , 2008, by Notary Public for Oregon . My commission expires: ' Page 3 - DECLARATION OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS I:\c\p\2001\301140\LO:rS Partition\DOCS\Submitta13 to cas PlatPreSbmtl13-Nov-2008\Declaratioh of Recipricol Easements clean 102808.doc . Exhibit A . RiverBend Lot 8 I Lot 8 Subdivision of RiverS.end, Phase, #2 as platted and recorded as CS File No,' 41070, Document number 2008-030895, Lane County, Oregon Deeds and Records. PRE.SUBwrr~1 DI::C'D . NOV 1 3 looa Exhibit A Page 1 0- ;' .. . -' L .l ,- Exhibit B Parcell . Parcel I Land Partition Plat Number 2008-P . Lane County Oregon Plat Records PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO NOV 1 3 2008 . Exhibit B Page 1 , ExhibitC Parcel 2 Parcel 2, Land Partition Plat Number 2008-P ., ~ ., " t Lane County Oregon Plat Records ~ Exhi6it C Page 1 ,;-,,; .. .. , , ., DECLARATION'OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS DECLARANT: PEACEHEALTH, a Washington non'-profit corporation SITE NAME: . RIVERBEND CAMPUS SITE ADDRESS: City of Springfield, Oregon AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: PEACEHEALTH 1255 Hilyard Street Eugene, OR 97401 .' Attention: Chief Financial Officer SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR USE OF COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE Division of Chief Deputy Clerk tan~ County Deeds and Records ~~~~B~m~~ 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 $256,00 00988~942008001S7430470474 . 04/08/2008 03 :50:21 PM 'RPR-REST Cnt=l Stn=8. CRSHIER 07 $235,00 $10,00 $11.00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 , '" '''-. j DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS . FOR RIVERBEND These Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ("CC&Rs") are made this day of April 7, 2008 ("Eff",ctive Dat"'''): by PeaceI-lealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, ("PeaceHealth"). ' , RECITALS , PeaceHealth owns certain real property in Lane County" Oregon, more particularly described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Property"). PeaceHealth plans to develop the Property as a mixed-use hospital campus, inCluding hospital facilities, offices, retail and other llses. In order to' enhance the value of the Property, PeaceHealth d",sires to establish . certain design and development standardsfor'the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, PeaceI-lealth subjects the Property to the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions set foith bc1ow,said CC&Rs to run 'with the Property and bind PeaceI-lealth, Owncrs, Occupants and their heirs, succ",ssors, and assigns. 1. DEFINED TERMS Throughout tliese CC&Rs, the following terms, when capitalized, shall have the following meanings, except when the context requires othcrwise: 1.1, AssoCiation "Association" means the RiverBend Tenants' Association formed pursuant to Section 3. 1.2 Board, "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Association formcd pursuant to Section 3.5. 1.3 Business Day ';Business Day" means Monday through Friday'and shall exClude Saturday, Sunday and State or Federal Legal Holidays. , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 - PAGE2 [/Rivcrlknd CCRs AS Rl::COR1)ED 2008-4.8.doc] , ~ 1.4 Common Areas "Common Areas" means the areas within the Property which are designated for the common use and benefit of all Owners and Occupants. The Common Areas incorporate all Common Area l1~provements, to the extent not dedicated toa public entity, I'odted within thc Common Areas inc]~ding, by way of-illustration, but not by way of lirnitation, the following: public right-of-way landscaping, including, but not limited' to, tree wells or street trees; sidewalks; drainage ditches; irrigation; any public trail system; entry monuments; directional signage and all other general purpose signage; and related lighting syste'ms and fixtures. Attached hereto as Exhibit:C is a map delineating the . Common Areas. The Common Areas may be modified from time to time as provided in Section 7.2. , \ 1,5 Designated Voter "Designated Voter'.' meims'that individual nained in a written notice givt;n by all Owner to the Secretarywhich notice sets forth (a) the address of the Designated Votei' for' such Owner, and (b) the number of votes which shall be voted py such Designated Voter. 1.6 Development Plans "Development Plans" means plans for the development of any Third-Party Improvements. 1.7 Development Standards "Development Standards" means the standards for improving the Property, attachcd hcreto as Exhibit B. 1.8 Dit'cctor . "Dire,etor" means'a member of the Board. 1.9 EilVironmcntal Cost . . "Environmental Cost" includes, but is not limited to, costs and damages arising from or relating to: (a) any violation of, or noncompliance with, miy applicable , . Environmental Laws; (b) claims for damages, response costs, audit costs, fines, fees qr other relief relating to matters addressed in any applicable Environmental Laws; (c) injunctive relief relating to matters addressed in any applicable Environmental Laws, , and (d) Hazardous Substance Releases. Costs and'damages as used in this Section shall include, but are not limited to: (i) costs of evaluation, assessment, testing, analysis, , cleanup, r'emediation, removal, disposal, monitoring and maintenance, (ii) fees of attorneys, engineers, eonsultant~, and experts, whether or not taxable as costs incurred at . '..' [/Rivcrl3clld CCRs AS RECORDEr) 2008-4-8.(}(lcj PRfiSUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 r , before or after h'ial, appeal or administrative proceedings; and (iii) loss or restriction of use of property. 1.10 Environmental Laws / "Environmental Laws'" shall mean any and all federal, State of Oregon and local laws, regulations, mles, penuit terms, codes and ordinances now or hereafter in effect, as the same may be amended from time to time, and applicable decisional law, which govem materials, substances, regulated wastes, emissions, pollutants, animals or plant8, noise, or products and/or relate, to the protection of health, natural resources; safety .or the environment. .1.11 Hazardous Substance. "Hazardous Substance" shall mean any and all substances defined or designated as 'hazardous, toxic, i'adioactive, dangerous or regulated wastes or materials, or any other similar term in or under any applicable Environmental Laws.' Hazardous Substance shall also indude fuels, petroleum and petroleum-derivcd products. 1.12 Hazardous Substance Release "Hazardous Substance Release" shall mean the spilling, discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, emitting, releasing, leaking or placing of any Hazardous Substance, into the air .01' into or 'on any land or waters, except in compliance with applicable' Environmental Laws or as authorized by a then-current and valid permit issued under applicable Environmental Laws. 1.13 Common Area Improvements "Common Area Improvements" mcans any improvement placed or constructed in, under, or upon the Common Areas, including, without limitation, any driveway, parking area, utility, drainage ditch, fence, wall or barrier, utility distribution facility, landscaping, or stgnage. 1.14 Maintenance "Maintenance" means upkeep to Common Area Improvements installed within the Common Areas, arid the repair and replacement of damaged, worn, or failing Common Area Improvements installed in the Common Areas. 1.15 Master Plan "Master Plan" means the tenus, conditions, rules and regulations of the Master Plan applicable to the Property and approved by the City of Springfield effective May 23, 2005, as may be amended from time to time. . I/Ri\'crBcnd CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-R,doc] PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O . NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE4 1.16 Occupant "Occupant" means any Owner, licensee, tenant or subtenant ihlawful possession o{all Ol'any portion of the Property. 1.17 Officer "Officer" means either the President or Secretary of the Association or any arlrlitiona1'person as may be so designaterl by the,Boarrl. 1.18 Owner "Owner" means PeaceHealth or the,owner of any lot, parcel or portion of the . Property or any party in lawJul possession of any lot, parcel or portion of the Property pursuant to a grourid lease, and any successor ~f such ground lessee's interest under a ground lease. ~ 1.19 PeaceHealth "PeaceJ-Iealth" means PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, its successors and assigns. 1.20 President "President" means the President of the Association, selected in accordance with Section 3.15. 1.21 Pl'opel'ty "Property" means the r~a] property in Lane County, Oregon legally described on the attached Exhibit A hereto. 1.22 Reviewer "Reviewer" means PeaceHcalth. 1.23 Secretal'Y "Secretmy" means the'Secretary of the Association, selected in accordance with Section 3.15. 1.24 Third Party Improvements . . . , "Third Party Improvements" means any improvements made to any Third Party Parcel by an Owner other than PeaceHealth. - PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 PAC!!?,5 [/RiverBClld CC!{s AS RECORDED 200g-4-8.c!uc! . 1.25 Third Party Parcel "Third Party Parcel:' means any pOttion of the Property which is the subject of a ground lease between PeaceHealth.and an Owner or which is owned by a patty other thim PeaceHealth. "Third Party Parcel" does not include any pOttion of the Property owned by PeaceHealth and which is not subject to a ground lease with an Owner. , 2. PEACEHEAL TH RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OVER THE PROPERTY, THE CC&Rs AND THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 2.1 PeaceHealth Rights and Responsibilities 2.1.1 Reservation of Rights In addition to other PeaceHealth rights and responsibilities as may be set forth in these CC&Rs, PeaceHealth shall, at all times, retain the following'rights and responsibilities with respect to the Property, including the Common. Areas; and over these CC&Rs and the Development Standards: , 2.1.1. I The i'ight to assign all Ol'any portions of the rights and responsibilities and obligations under these CC&Rs to the Association or to others. The right to create or grant.easements or other encumbrances across the Common Areas as ,set "forth herein in Section 8. The right to review and approve or disapprove all Development Plans for the Property, . Thc right to appoint a majority of permanent voting Directors of the ,Board, 2: 1.1.5 The right to appi'ove'or disapprove any amendments to thcse CC&Rs and the Deve10pmentStandards. The right to approve or disapprove any reductions, modifications or expansions of the Common Areas. ./ provided in Section 7.1. The right to Close all or any pOltion of the Common Areas as . , r/RivcrBcn~1 CCRs AS RECORDEO 2008-4-8.doc] PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO NOV 1 3 2008 !lAGE (1 The right to record a map delineating the.Common Areas. 2.].].] 0 The rig~t to enforce these CC&Rs and the Development Standards to the extent the'Association is not obligated to enforce them or fails to do so. 2.] .1.]] The right tQ approve storage, tl'eatment, deposit, placement or disposal of any Hazardous Substance" , The right to approve any change in the prohibited uses of the Propeliy as sct forth in Sections 6.15 and 6.16. . TheTight to grant or revoke the license for use of the Common Areas, or pOliions thereaf, pursuant to Section 7.1 herein, and to evict anyane from the Camman Areas who fails to camply with applicable laws. , ' . The right toenfarce therules orreguJatians of the Association to the extent it fails to do so. 2. I .I.is Except in the case of an emergency or an agency order . , requiring imf)1ediatc action, PeaceHealth shall have the right ta approve .or disapprove any proposed investigatary, remediatian, clean-up 91' removal actians of the Association . which are required pursuant to its' environmental responsibilities under Section 6.1.2 with respect to.theComman Areas. PeaecHealth shall have the right to require the Association ta request 'oversight from DEQ .of any investigatory, containment, remcdiatian and removalactivitics'and/orrequire the Associati()n tascck a statement from DEQ of "No Further Action," . " . 3. RIVERBEND TENANTS' ASSOCIATION 3.1 Formation The Association shall be known as the RiverBend Tenants' Associatian and shall be formed by PeaceHealth as a Washingtonnonprafit corporation as soon as practicable. after the recording of these CC&Rs and completion of the .common Area Improvements,:. but in no event later than thc recarding of a memarandum of ground lease for any Third Party Parcel. All Owncrs shall b~ mcmbers of the Assaeiation. The Association shall act , through the Board, the membership of which shall be established pursuanHoSection 3.5,' herein. . , . PRE.SUBMITIAl RECIO NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 7 '" l/RivcrBcnd CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.docl , . " . 3.2 PeaceHealth's Membership on Board \ At all times PeaceHealth shall have the right to designate a majority of the , members of the Board, 3.3 General AlIthodt')' of the Association - Subject to the reservation of rights by PeaccHealthas set forth in Section 2, the, Association shall have all requisite power, duty, and authority to perform its obligations under these CC&Rs, including the power, duty and authority to enforce the provisions of these CC&Rs as set forth herein and,to acquire and pay for, out ofthe common fund , provided by assessments pursuant to Section 4, all goods and services necessary or appropriate, for the .proper functioning of the Association 1n accordance with these CC&Rs. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject to the other provIsions of these CC&Rs, the Association shali have the power, duty; authority and. obligations to do the following: 3.3.1 Duties, Powers and Obligations of the A~sociation, Dete11nine the amount of funds necessary or appropriate for the perfot1nance by the Association of its powers and duties under these CC&Rs. Impose and collect annual and special assessments from the Owners. . 3:3,1.3 Maintain bank accounts on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories required on those accounts. File all appropriate Association incOli1e tax returns, Enforce by legal means, other than any'action that would create a lien against the Propelty or any leasehold. intcrcst, thc provisions of these CC&Rs, including creating a lien against any Third Party Improvements. 3,3. 1.6. Undertake Maintenance to the Coml11o'n Area Improvements in the Common Areas, or in dedicated publie rights-of-way where such Maintenance is. required by a public agency, pursuant to Section 6.1.1, in a first-class conditio~, and" establish one or more reserve accounts, if appropriate, for such purpos'es. 3.3.1. 7 Manage and conduct all of its activities pursuant to the Association's environmental responsibilities set forth in Section 6.1.2 herein. Designate and install new Common AreaImprovementsin the Common Areas, subject to PeaceHealth approval. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D , NOV 132008 PAGES [/RivcrBclHi C~Rs AS REc;ORDED 200g-4-8.doc] Defend and indemnify PeaceHealth from any liability for all claims, damages, expenses, costs or fees arising fronl the duties or obligations of the Association, including, but not ,limited to, bodily injury, property damage, or the clean-up, remediation or removal of any Hazardous Substance Release. . Obtain policies of insurance as may be necessary or , appropriate, naming PeaceHealth and all Owners as an additional insured, to'protect the Association against claims or loss arising ft:om or occurring on thc Comrl}on Areas, or the operation of the Association, The types and amounts of coverage shall be as th~ Board may from time' to time deem appropriate for the protection of the Association, its members, Directors, officers and employees. . 3,3.1.11 Contract for such services inciuding, without limitation, legal.and accounting services as may be necessary or appropriate to manage the affairs of the Association properly and in accordance with these CC&Rs, whetherthe personnel. performing such services are employed directly by the Association or by a manager or management finn or agent retained by the Association. .' . Appoint committees from among the Directors and appoint non-Board members to such committees as the Board may determine fi'om time to time to be appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association and delegate to ailY such committee any authority as the Board may deem appropriate, subject in all cases to the provisions of the CC&Rs. 3.3.1..13 Propose modifications, reductions or expansions of the Common Areas to PeaccHealth. Execute aniendments, additions or deletions to the CC&Rs and the Development Standards. 3.4 Voting by Mail Voting by any party entitled to vote may be by mail; or',other means acceptable to the Board, with respect to 'any matter before the Board-or the Association. In any case in .which vodng.by inai] is necessary or desirable, the Secretary shall give written notice to any party entitled to vote, which notice shall (a) include a written resolution or ballot, setting forth the proposed actions or candidates (b) state that any party entitled to 'Cote is entitled to vote by mail for or against such resolutions or ~andidates and ( c) specify a dare not less than twenty-five (25) days after the date of such notice by which all votes must be received at the principal office of the Association. Votes received after the date specified shall not be effective. . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 J/RivcrBend CCRs AS I~ECORDED 2008.-4-8.doc} ,PAGE 9 3.5.. Board of Directors 3.5.1 Generally The affairs of the Association shall be governed by the Board, which shall be comprised of at least three (3) Directors, all of which shall be initially designated by PeaceHealth. PeaceHealth may select, remove and replace its Directors at its pleasure from-time to time. PeaceHealth's Directors camiot be. removed from the Board by any action of the Board or the Association. All Directors electcd to the Board, other than 0" PeaceHealth's, shall be affiliated with an Owner. For the purposes of this Section 3.5.1 , only, affiliated hleans either an employee, director, officer, share110lder, patineI' or owner of the Owner. 3.5.2 Number and Classification of Directors Upon the formation of the Association, the Board shall consist ofthrce (3) Directors designated byPeaceHealth. Thereafter, the Board shall consist of three (3) Directors: two (2) Directors appointed by PeaceHealth and one (1) Director selected by the Owners other than PeaceHealth in accordance with the voting procedures dcscribed in Section 3.5.3 herein, subject to the provision to add Directors to the Board as provided in Section Directors Added to the Board Five (5) years from the formation of the Association, or after PeaceHealth has , entered into ground leases or has sold Third Party Parcels, any combination thereof' resulting in there.being at least three (3) Third Party Parcels, whichever is earlier, two (2) additional Directors shall be added to the Board; one (I) additional Director shall be appointed by PcaceHealth, and one (1) additional Director shall be selected through the ,election process described in Section 3.5.3 hercin. Thereafter,-for the add,ition of thrce (3) additional Third Party Parcels, two (2) additional Directors shall be added to the Board; one.(l) additional Director shall be appointed by PeaceHealth, and one (1) additional Director sha11 be selected through the election process described in Section 3.5.3 herein 3.5.3 Election of Directors' Directors, other than PeaceHealth's, shall be selected annually by majority vote of all the Owners other than PeaceHealth, with each Owner having one vote"each. Only Designated Voters shall have the right to vote for Directors. Directors shall be elected at a ineeting of the Designated Voters or by mail voting in the manner provided below in , , Section 3.5.4. If there is more than one person or entity comprising an Owner, such persons or entities snail be considered one Owner for .voting 'purposes under any PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 10 liRivc~Bcl1d CCRs AS.REC'ORDEb 200S-4-3.doc] , . provision of these CC&Rs and shall"detennine among themselves how 'their votes will be cast and who their Designated Voters shall be. If such persons or entities cminot agree on . how their votes will be cast, their vote will not count. 3.5.4 MeetiIl~s of Owners to Elect Directors Any meeting of Owpers for the purpose of elccting Directors shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures: 3,5.4.1 The first such meeting shall be held no later than' thirty (30) days after at least two Owners are in possession of a Third Party Parcel. Subsequent meetings shall be held no later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the term of any Director or such time that a majority of Designated Voters request such meeting. Any meeting pursuant to this Section 3.5.4 shall be held at such place'within J:.-ane County, Oregon as may be designated by the Board. The , Secretary sliall give written notice of the place and time of any such meeting to each Designated Voter entitled to vote at such meeting at least ten (10), but not more than sixty (60), days prior to the date set for such meeting, which notice shall state the purpose, time, and place of the meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible to notify a Designated Voter of a meeting only if the Owner for ~hich such Designated Voter is.designated to . vote has given writtcn notice to the Secretary setting fmth such Designated Voter's name , and address at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the giving of the notice of the mecting, Notice of any such meeting may be waived by any Designated Voter or by PeaceHcalth at any time. No Designated Voter who is present at a meeting may object to the adequacy or timeliness of the notice given. Any Designated Voter may give a proxy to any person, so long as such pi'oxy is in writing, signed .by such Designated Voter, and filed with the Secretary. A proxy shall expire on the earliel' of (a) eleven (II) months after the. date of the proxy; (b) the date of the expiration or earlier termination of the ground lease for' which the Designated Voter is designated to vote; (c) the date that the OwnerJor which the Designated Voteris designated to vote no longer is an Occupant; or (d) the date' of the lneeting at which a vote is'to be held for which proxy is granted. The prcscnce, in person or by proxy, ofDe~ignated Voters entitled to cast at:least fifty-one percent (51 %) of the total votes entitled, to be'cast at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. When voting is by l;1ail'pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.4, a quorum shall be constituted if the number of votes cast cquals at least fifty-one percent (5 I %) of the total votes e~titled to be cast. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1'3 Z008 PAGE I [ "f(l{ivcr!3cl.ld CCRi; AS RECORDED 2008:4-8.doc] ." ,.-";,- , 3.6 TerriIsof Directors Each Director sh~lI serve a one-yeaLtenn; provided, however, if the ground lease with which the Director is affiliated expirescir telminates prior to the end of his or her term, or an Owner is no loriger an Occupant due to the sale, lease or sublease of the applicable Third Party Parcel, such Director's term shall end on the earlier of the expiration date of the ground lease or the date the Owner is no longer an Occupant.. 3.7 Resignation. Any Director may resign. at any time by sending a written notice of such . , resignation to the Secretary. Unless otherwise specified in 'such notice, a resignation shall take effect upon receipt of the notice by the Secretary. 3.8 Vacancies Vacancies on the Board caused by a Director's death, resignation or termination pursuant to Section' 3.6 or Section 3.7, shal\ be filled bya special meeting of theBoard to fill the vacancy. Any Director so selected shall serve the remainder of the replaced Director's term. PeaceI-Iealth shall fill PeaceI-Iealth Director vacancies promptly. 3.9 Meetings of the Board 3.9.1 Initial Meeting The initial meeting ofthe Board shall occur withinthitiy (30) days after the formation of the Association. At the Initial Meeting, the Board shall elect a President and 'a Sect'etary. 3.9.2 Annual Meetings the Board shall meet annuaily, within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year establisl1ed by the Association established pursuant to Section 4.2.2. At each annual meeting, the Secretary shall present to the Board a report on the financial condition of the 'Association, including a repOli of receipts and' disbursements for the preceding calendar year, the allocation thereof to each Owner, and the estimated r~ceipts and expenscs for the comll1g year. 3.9.3 ,Special Meetings Special meetings may be called at any time by two Directors. Such meetings shall be scheduled by the Secretary within thirty (30) days after the Secretary's receipt of the written requests signed by two or mOTe Dinictors; provided that if the purpose of a special meeting is to elect a successor Secretary or to consider removal of t~e Secretary pursuant I/RiycrBcnd CCRS: AS RECORDED 2008~4.fl.docJ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE,12 \ \ to Section 3.15.3, such meeting may be scheduled by the President or, if the meeting is also forthe purpose of electing a successor President or removing the President, any other Director. 3.9.4 Place of Meetings Meetings of the Board shall be held at such place within Lane County, Oregon, as may be designated from til)le to time by the Boai'd. 3.9.5 Notice The Secretary shilll give written notice to each Director of each Board meeting at least ten (10) but not more than sixty (60) days prior to the date set fOl: such meeting, stating the purpose, time, and place of the meeting. Notice shall be sent to the adQress.of each Director as listed on the.books of the Association, or to such other address as any Director may designate by writtcn notice to the Secretary given at least ten (10) days prior to the giving of noti'ce of the meeting'. Notice of any mecting may b~.waived by any Director at any time, No Director who is present at a meeting may object to the adequacy or timeliness of the notice given. When a meeting is adjourned for fewer than sixty (60) days, whether or not a quomm is present at the adjourned meeting, no notice of the resumption or: reconvening of such adjoumed I'neeting need be given other than ,by announcement at the meeting at which such adjoumment takes place:, 3.10 Voting by the Board Each Director shall have one (1) vote. So long as a quorum is constituted and in attendance, a majority vote of the Directors shall bind the Association. For capital expenditures to be made by the Association, at least 51 % of the vote of a quorum must vote in favor ofthe expenditures. 3.11, Proxies Votes by Directors Not Allowed A Director may not vote,by proxy. 3.12 Quorum ,. "' The presence of a majority of the Directors, including a majority of Peace Health Directors, shall constitute a quomm for voting at,a Board meeting. When voting is by mail pursuant to the' provisions of Section 3.4, a quorum shall be constituted. if the' number of votes cast equals at least fifty-one percent (51 %)'ofthe total votes entitled to be cast. The Board shall have the power to call and/or adjourn a: meeting even if less than a quorum is present. ' . , PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O NOV 1.3 2008 PAGE 13 IlRivcrBclld CCRs AS RECORDED 200S.4.S.doc] . 3.13 Compensation of Directors No Director shall receive compensation from the Association for serving on the Board. , 3.14 Indemnification of Directors and Officers No Director or Officcr shall be liable to the Association, the Owners or Occupants for any act or omission on behalf ofthe Association, except for such Director's or Officer's willful mi"sconduct or bad faith. Each Director and Officer shall be indemnified by the Association against all expenses and liabilities, 'including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by or imposed upon such Director or such Officer in such capacity; provided, however, there shall be no duty to indemnify if any Director or Officer is guilty of willful misconduct or bad faith in connection with the matter as to which indemnification is sought. 3.14,1 Ins'urance The Board shall purchase and maintain general liability and directors and officers insurance policies on behalf of the Association and any Director and/or Officer against an)' liability incurred by such Director andlor Officer in such capacity, if such insurance is available at a cost and on terms which the Board determines to be reasonable. The Board may purchase such additional insurance as it determines is reasonable and appropriate. 3.15 Officers ofthe Association 3.15.1 Designation The Officers of the Association shall be the President and the Secretary, both of whom shall be elected by the Board, The samc pe~son shall not concurrently hold the offices of President and Secretary, The Board may designate such additional Officers as it deems appropriate. . 3.15.2 Election Thc Officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board and'until their successors are electcd and qualified. If any office becomes vacant, the Board shall elect a successor to fill the unexpired term at a spccial meeting of the Board called for such purpose. , 3.15.3 Removal The Board, by a majority vote, may remove'any Officer, at any time, with or without cause, and a.,successor may be-elected at aspecial meeting of the Board called for , such purpose, lJRiverBcnd CCRs' AS RECORDED 200g~4.8_docl PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 Z008 PAGE 14 I \ " 3.15.4 President The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall have all of the genera] powers and duties normally incident to the office. 3.15.5 Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings ofth~ Board and all other Association records and shall attend to the giving of all notices to the Board,and other notices plirsuantto theseCC&Rs or'required by Jaw. TheSeci-etary shall be responsible " for~Association Junqs and shall keep full and accurate financial records and books of , account sufficient for proper accounting purposes showing all receipts and disbursements necessary for the prepanition of all required finaneia] data and tax'returns. The Secretary , ' shall be responsible for the deposit of all Association funds in such depositories as may (rom time to time be designated by the Board, and shall disburse Association funds fot: such Purp9ses as may be permitted under these CC&Rs. The Secretary shall perf 01111 all other duties incident to the office of secretary of the,Association or. as may be directed by the Board. The Secretary shall perform all of such duties at the expense of the Association. , 3.16 Execution ofInstruments . . All agreements, contracts, and other instruments of the Association shall be executed by such person or persons as may be designated from time to time by resolution of the Board.' . 4. ASSESSMENTS 4.1 Anllual Assessments 4;1.1 Authority to Assess Subject to the limitations and requirements set forth in this Section 4.1.1, the Association shalfhave the authority to levy annual assessments to pay all expenses ,associated with the Association's performance of its powers, duties, responsibilities and. obligations under these CC&Rs, ine]uding without limitation the powers, duties, responsibilities and obligations set forth in Sectioll 3.3; to pay all utility, insurance, . , . . maintenance, repair, replacement and other expenses incuned with respect to the Common Areas and to maintain the reserve funds described in Section ]n addition, any such assessment shall include, without limitation, the costs of the maintenance or repair of improvements located within dedicated pOliions of the Propeliy which have been dedicated and accepted by a govemmental agency. The Association' shall bill each Owner and/or Occupant for their,share of the assessments as determined in , .' , ~ flRivd"Bcnd CCRs AS RECORj)I.~D :r008-4~8.i.locl PR.E~SUBMITTAl REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 P^GI~ 15 I accordance with Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, on a semi-annual basis, All such assessments shall be due within thirty (30) days after the date of billing. ,4.1.2 Allocation of Assessments Each Owner's ani1ual assessn1ent shall be a fraction of total Association annual expcnses equal.to (a) the number of square feet of land area on the Property owned by an Owner or leased by the Owner pursuant to a ground lease, divided'by (b) the entire amo'unt of square feet of land area in the Property excluding all Corinnon Areas and public rights-of-way, For purposes'ofthis allocation, the portion of the Property owned by PeaceHealth, but subjectto' a ground lease with an Owner, shall not be included in the square footage calculation for PeaceHealth, but shall be allocated to such Owner under the ground lease, 4J.3 Annual Settlement Within ninety (90) days ofthe end of each fiscal year the Association shall deliveJ' to each Owner an itemized breakdown certified as truc ~nd correct showing the actuaL costs for all expenses that comprise the annual assessment. If an Owner's pro rata share of the annual assessment exceeds the amount paid by the Owner in any fiscal year, then within thirty (30) days after receipt of said cost breakdown, the Owner shall pay to the Association such excess amounts. If the Owner's pro rata share of the annual assessment is Jess than the Owner's payments for any fiscal year, the Owner shall receive a' credit against the 'next annual assessment. 4.2 'Association Records; Budgeting I 4.2.1 Records The Association shall maintain records of assessmerits, of any other income . received by the Association, and of all disbursements made._ The Association shall also maintain voting, records and budget records. The Board may atany til11e and from time to time require that a'n audit of the Association's records be perfoJ'med 'at the expense of the Association. The results of any such audit may be presented at any meeting of the Board. Any Director may, at the Association's expense and at any reasonable time, copy any Association records reasonably necessary to the perfo1111ance of such Director's duties. Any Owner shall have the rightto inspect Association records 'at any l\easonable time, after reasonable notice to the Secretary. Any Owner may c9PY Association records at such Owner'~,expense, 4.2.2 Budgeting The Association shall establish a fiscal year for budgeting.purposes. At least ten (10) days prior to the Association's second fiscal year and at least ten (10) days prior to I/Rivcr13cild CCRs ^S RECORDFD'200R.4.8.docj PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 16 the commence~ent date of each succeeding fiscal y~ar; the Association shall prepare and make available to the Owners, at the office of the Secretary, a 'proposed budget of the estimated costs and expenses to be incurred by the Association during the following fiscal year in performihgits functions herelmder. The budget will be aecOll1panied by a schedule showing the annual assessments to be assessed to the Owners for the following fiscal year. Fililureof the Association to prepare the budget and accompanying schedule shall not relieve the Owners of their obligations to pay annual assessments for the fiscal , ,year which would have been covered by the budget. In the event the Association does not prepare the budget and accompanying schedule within ten (10) days prior tathe commencement date of any fiscal year, the Association shall continue tei 'Ievy and collect annual and speci1jl assessments at the level of the previous fiscai year, plus an increase of not more than ten percent (10%) if approved by the Board, 'Then, at the time the Association adopts its budget, such budget shall be effective as of the first day of the eOlTesponding fiscal,year.. In the event the amount of the budgeted.annual assessments is .in excess of,the amount actually paid by the Owners for such fiscal year, then the Owners shallpay.the amount of such excess to the Secretary within thilty (30) days (lfter the effective date of notice to the Owners of the proposed budget., In the event the amount of,' the budgeted annual assessments is less than the amount actually paid by the Owners for such fiscal year, then the Association shall either apply the excess to the Owners' next due installments of annual assessments or refund the excess, Excluding taxes, insurance, utilities, repair or replacement of Common Area Improvements, and damage and dcs'truction' not within ,the reasonable control of the Association, in no event shall costs and expenses incurred by thc Association increase more than 10% over the'previolls fiscal year on a per square foot basis. 4.2.3 'Audits' An Owner;its agents and accountants, shall 'have thc right to examine andaudit the. Association's.books and records relating to any cost or itcm that is assessed to Owner upon ten (10) days written request by Owner to the Association. If an Owner disputes the accuracy of the Association's assessment, the Ownei'.shall still pay the amount shown owing p~nding completion of the audit. If an Owner's audit of the. books and records sho'Ys that the amounts shown on the assessment are five percent'(5%) or more higher than, the actual amount owed by the Owner, the Association shall, on demand, reimburse the Owrier for all reasonable costs of conducting the 'audit. Any overpayment or underpayment of the annual assessment shall be adjusted by the patties within ten (10) business days after the audit is completed. The Association shall keep complete and accuratc books and records relating to'all expenses for a period of three (3) years, which records shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied,' The Association shall provide each Owner with a copy of any audit furnished to or received f,'om any other Owner. An'Owner shall not have the right to PRE.SUBMITfAL RECIO NOV 1 3 2008 PAGt: 17 IlRi\l;li3cnd CCRs AS RECORDED 200.8-4-8.doc] audit (Ol"contest) any ilnnual ass'essment for any fiscal.year beyond three' (3) years after 'any such fiscal year. 4.2.4 Enforcement The Association shall notify PeaceHeitlth in writing of any assessment pursuant to ,these CC&Rs that is not paid by an 'Owner within thirty (30) days after the date of billing. The Association lilay sue or file a lien against any' such Owner for any such unpaid . , assessmen't. ' 4.2.5 Persona! Obligation Each assessment or charge levied pursuant to the provisions of these CC&Rs shall be a separate and personal obligation of the Owner against which the assessment or charge is levied ,but shall not be a lien against either:the Property or an Owner's leasehold interest. The expiration, termination, or assignment of an Owner's ground lease or the sale of a Third Party Parcel by an Owner shall neither release nor discharge the Owner thereof from such personal1iability accrued as of the date of such sale, expiration; . termination or assignment. 5. ARCHITECTURAL AND DESIGN CONTROL 5.1 Generally No Third Party Improvements of any kind shall be commenced, erected, placed, 91' altered on any pOliion of the Property unless such Third Pmiy linprovemelits are in" COnf0D11anCe with the standards set fOlih in the Development Standards and until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, material, and location of the Third Party Improvement are submitted to and approved by Reviewer, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5.1 and 5.3 and the Development Standards. Plans for the, construction of Third Party Improvements shall be submitted to and approved by Reviewer pursuant to the Development Standards. Third Party Improvements to'the ' interiors of buildings are not subjcct to the Development Standards. All Common Arca Improvements and Third Party Improvemcnts shall be erected or altered in'cOliformanee with all applieable governmental laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, To the extent applicable governmental laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations are in conflict with the Development Standards, the more restrictive staild\lrds shall control. 5.2 [Intentionally Omitted] \ PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 . PAGE 18 I/RivcrHcnd CCRs AS RECORDED 200g~4-8.docJ ...,. . 5,3 Approval Reviewer may approve. proposed Third Party Improvements as submitted'or subject them to such specific conditions as Reviewer may reasonably determine to be appropriate to meet the'CC&Rs and the Development Standards. Any disapproval of the Third Party Improvcmcnts shaH specify the reasons for disapproval in reasonable detail in , a written notice of nonconformance. Reviewer shall have thilty (30) calendar days to approve or reject any Development Plans submitted or re-submitted under Sections 5.1 or 5.3. Failure of Reviewer to act within said time shali be deemed approval ofthe proposed Third Party Improvements, 5.4 Commencement of Work As soon as practicable after the receipt of approval by Revicwer, "if the Owner elects to proceed with the Third Patty Improvements, the Owner shall satisfy anyand aH conditions of such approval, secure all necessary govell1mental permits and approvals,' and promptly comnience construction of the Third Party Improvements. Approval of aily Third Party Improvcments 'shaH automatically be deemed revoked one year'after.issuance unless construction of the Third Party Improvements has commenced or the Owner has applied for and received an extension of time from the Reviewer. 5.5 Completion of Work '. Any approved Third Party Improvements shall be substantially completed within tWo (2) years after the date of commencement of construction. Landscaping shall be , completcd within six (6) months after substantial completion of associated Third Party Improvements unless wcather conditions or time of year interfer.e with the ability to reasonably complete such landscaping. In all cases, such landscaping mus\ bc completed within nine (9) months of substantial completion of Third Party Improvements. Promptly after completion of any Third Party Improvement, the ,Owner shall. give written notice ~f completion to Reviewer. Such notice shaH be accompanied by a certificate. of the Owner, in a fon11 and contcnt reasonably'satisfactory to Reviewer, that such work has been undcrtaken and completed in compliancc with the approved plans and these CC&Rs. YVithin thirty (30) days after the effective date of.such notice, Reviewer may, at its option, inspect the complcted Third Party Improvements and give written nolice \0 the Owner of any rcspects in which the completed Third Party Improvements fails to conform to the' plans therefor as appr'oved. Such notice shall specifY a reasonable period, which shall be not less than thirty (30) days, during which the Owner may remedy the nonconformance: If Revicwer does not give notice of nonconformance within thirty (30) days after the date of receipt ofthe notice of completion, the Third Pariy Improvements shall be conclusively presumed to be approved as:completcd. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O , , NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 19 . [/RivcrBcnd CCR:; AS RECOR\)I~I) 2008-4-S,doc] 5.6 Estoppel Certificate Within teil (I 0) days after receipt by Reviewer of a written request executed by an Owner, Reviewer shall execute and deliver to such Owner an estoppel certificate cettifying to the extent such matters are true: (a) Reviewer has approved pliins for construction of Third Pmty Improvements by such Owner; (b) Reviewer has not given to the Owner a notice of nonconfol111ance pursuant to Section 5.4. Any purchaser or institutional lender requesting such certificate may conclusively rely on such celtificate with respect to the matters set forth therein. No such certificate shall be construed as a warranty by Reviewer as .to (i) the quality of any construction,.or (ii) whether the Third Party' Improvement or the use thereofis in compliance with applicable Jaw, or (iii) any other matter, except a's ,expressly set forth insuch certificate; and (iv) if applicable, Third' Party Improvements, have been substantially completed mid accepted by Reviewer pursuant to Section '5.5. 5.7 No Liability PeaceHealth, any employee; officer or agent thereof shall not be liable to any Owner, Occupant, or other person or entity for any damage or loss, whether based on negligence or any other theory of recovery; suffered or claimed as a result of any action or failure to act on the part of PeaceHealth or its designated representatives with regard to the Development Standard review procedures as set forth herein, so long as PeaccHealth has "acted in good faith based on actual knowledge. / 5.8 Nonwaiver Approval or disapproval by PeaceHealth of anymattel: proposed to it shall not .coilstitute a precedent, or waiver, and shall not impair in any nianner. the right of PeaceHealth to grant or withhold approval as to any similar matter thereafter proposed or submitted to it for approval. ' 5.9 Records Owners shall have the rigbt froni time to time after reasonable notice to Reviewer, and at reasonitbktimes, to review and'copy, at the Owner's expensc, Reviewer's records peliainingto the design review procedure described in Section 5 except as such records contain any'Owner's proprietary or confidential infol111ation. . 5.10 Variances to Development Standards Only PeaceHealtb may grant variances "from any provision of the Development' Standards upon a written request fof a variance s'ubmihed by an Owner to PeaceHeitlth's development manager or other representative designated by PeaceHealth, stating the . reason for the request and the applicable section of the Development Standards , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOVI3'2008 PAGE 20 f/Rivcrl3cllu CCRs. AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.docJ .-.' ("Variance Request':).. PeaceHealthwill evaluate each Variance Re'quest and will notify the Owner, in writing, of its decision within fifteen (15) Business Days of receipt of a Variance Request. The Variance Request shall be approved only ifitean be determined that:.( a) enforcement. of the standard in question would cause development constraints which would make the Third Pmiy Parcel significantly more difficult to develop than other Third Party Parcels subject to the same standards; (b) there would be no material adverse impact to adjacent,existing development or to the provision of basic services to the Property and other Owners; and ( c) the pi'oposed variance meets the overall objectives of the Master Plan ~nd the objectives of the relevant sections of such plan. Reasonable conditions related to the variance may be ;'equired as part of the variance approval.' . Variance Requests for'signage shall not be unreasonably denied if it is detennined that: (i) tl;ere would be no materiai adverse impact to adjacent exi~ting or future development; and (ii) the proposed variance meets the overall objectives of the Master Plan and the 'objectives"ofthe rel~vant sections of such plan. Reasonable conditions related to the variance may 1?e required as part of the vat'iance approval. 6. PROPERTY USE AND RESTRICTIONS 6.1 . Landscaping and Maintenance, Each Occupant shall maintain in good condition the propeliy leased or owned by , .' - . such Occupant, and any'Third Party Improvements thereon; at such Occupant's expense. Rcquired maintenance and repair shall include but are not limited to (a) niaintenance of. all parking areas, private' drives, curbs, and walkways in accordance with theseCC&Rs in a clean and safe condition, including, repairil]g, and restriping as often as is.necessary; (b) maintenance of landscaping in an attractive, neat, orderly, and cut condition at aii times free of brush, weeds, and debris; (c) cleaning, maintenance, and relamping of any extemallighting fixtures; (d) maintenance of exteriors o{buildings in ail attractive and ' neat condition at all times; and (e) maintenance in conformance wit)1 the Developinent Standards. . '6.1.1 Association's General Responsibilities The Association shall maintain, repair and replace CommonArea Improvements, and maintain and repair improvements in such dedicated public rights-of-way wher~ such maintenance or repair is required by a public agency, in a first class condition aild in accordance with. the Development. Standards. Maintcnance shall include ordinary upkeep, litter removal, repair of physical damage due to any cause and maintaining the overall 'aesthetic appearance.ofthe Common Area Improvements. ) , PRE.SUBMITTAlREC'D NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE2] [/.Rivc!-Bcnu CCRs AS RECORDED 200R-4-8.doc] '6.1.2' Association's Environmental Responsibilities The Association shall manage and conduct all of its activities on or relating to the Common Areas in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws and the environmental provisions of these CC&Rs and in cooperation with Pe~ceHealth in PeaceHea]th's 'efforts to comply with applicable laws and regulations. ]n the event of any Hazardous Substance Release on the Common Areas, the As~ociation shall be responsible to elean up, remediate, or remove any such release to a standard that will allow continued use of the Common Area~. ]f a Hazardous Substance is to be left in place, the responsible party must obtain a' "No Futthel: Action Letter" (or similar authorization ifsuch letters cease to be avai]ab]e) from the Oregon Department of Environmenta] Quality ("DEQ"), or its successor enforcenient agency should the DEQ cease to exist or have some or all of its responsibilities reallocated. The Association shall'promptly ilOtify PeaceHealth at PeaceHea]th's emergency telephone number and shall re~tore the Common Areas to the extent required by ]awandcompatible with the current and intended future use of the Common Areas. The Association sllall be responsible for the Environmental Costs arising from any Hazardous Substance Release on the Common Areas, un\esssuch Hazardous Substance Release was caused by the action or inaction of an Occupant, in which case the Occupant shall be solely responsible for all Environmental Costs arising from, such Hazardous Substance Release on the Common Areas. 6.2 Signs All signs on the Property shall comply with the Development Standards. 6;3 Offensive ACtivities No noxious or offensive activity shall be performed on the Property, nor shall anything be done or placed upon any pottion of the Pl'operty which unreasonably interferes with the beneficial use and enjoyment of other portions of the Property or the Common Areas. 6.4 I~ubbish and Trash 1"0 palt of the Cornn~oil Areas shall be used as a dump for trash or rubbish of any kind. All garbage and other waste on the Property shall be kept'iil appropriate sanitary containers for proper disposal and out of public view. ]n the event an Occupant faiIs"to remove any trash, rubbish, or other waste materials from the Third, Party Parcel leased or owned by such Occupant (or from any street or the Common Areas if deposited thereon by such Occupant) within two (2) business days after notice from the Association, the Association may have such waste removed and charge the'expenseof such removal to thc Occupant. ]n the case of an emergency where such garbage or waste creates a hazard or [lRivcrBcnd CCRs AS R1TOIU)[l) 2008-4-8.doc:J PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 . IlAGE22 potential hazard in the opinion of the Association, the Associationn1ay have such waste immediately removed and charge the expense of such removal to the Occupant. 6.5 Improvements in the Common Areas No improvements of any type shall be erected'or maintained by any Occupant so as to trespass or encroach upon, the Common Areas. 6.6 Air Quality / No open burni'ng shall be permitted on the Property. 6.7 Water Quality . Neither the Association, nor any Occupant shall discharge, allow, or suffer the discharge of treated or untreated sewage or other materials into the sanitary sewer system of the Propelty unless it is in conformance with all applicable laws, codes and ordinances and drinking protection regulations. / 6.8 Noise, Odor, Heat and Glare , No objectionable noise, odor, heat or glare'whieh is detectable beyond the Property' shall be allowed, except as reasonably necessary during construction of Third Patty Improvements. 6.9 VIbration No vibration which is discernible without the aid of instruments shan be permitted beyond the boundary of the Prop'erty, except as reas01iably necessary during construction of Third Party Improvements. 6.10 ' Waste Materials All materials, including waste materialsi shall be stored in a manner which will not attract or aid in the propagation of insects, birds, and/or roden,ts or other vectors or in any way create a health hazard. . 6,11 Use of Hazardous Substances The Associatioil shall be permitted to use, handle or store Haza;'dous Substances only as necessary to carry out its obligations under these CC&Rs to maintain, repair or replace Common Area,Imj:Jrovements. PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO , . NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 23 11RivcrBcnd celts AS RECORDED 2008-4-&.{toc] , I. 6.12 Storm Water Conveyanceand Treatment The Association is authorized to discharge storm water from the Common Areas into the PeaceI-lealth-owned stonTI water discharge conveyance or storage system only if the Association enters into PeaceI-lealth's then current Storm Water System Use Agreement. In order to comply with storm water discharge requirements, the Association may be.required to treat Common Area storm water prior to discharge. If treatment is required, PeaceI-lealth shall havc the right to approve or disapprove the method, design and installation of any such treatrilent ~ystem in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and protection of the Property. 6.13 Treated.or Contaminated Soil/Waste The Association and Owners shall not store, treat, deposit, place or dispose of ,treated or contaminated soil, industrial by-products, waste or any I-Iazardous Substances on the Common Areas or anywhere on the Property, without the prior written consent of PeaceI-lealth, which consent may be granted or denied in PeaceI-lealth's sole discretion. The Association' and Owners shall bring no soil, rock, or other organic matCI'ials onto the Common Areas or anywhere on the Property that was not purchased from a reputable company in the business of selling clean soils for use in construction without the written consent ofPeaeeHe'alth and before such approval will be given, the soil will need to be tested at the Association's or Owner's expcnse to ensure thatit contains no I-Iazardous Substances. The' Association and Owners will identify to PeaeeI-lealth the source of any soil orroek materials brought on to the Common Areas.. IfPeaceI-lealth determines that soil testing is required, PeaceHealth will be entitled to review, appt'ove or disapprove and oversee the Association's or Owner's proposed plan for the sampling'of such soil. 'If the soii sampling results indicate that the soil contains any Hazardous Substances, PeaceI-lealth shall have sole diseretiOllin deciding whether or not to allow the soil to be brought on to the Common Areas. 6.14 Vndergl'Ound and Above-Ground Stol'age Tanks ( 'No underground or above-gi'ound tanks or other receptacles for the storage of Hazardous Substances shall be installed or operated on the Property, except with the prior , written consent of PeaceI-lealth, which consent may be withheld or conditioned in , ~ PeaeeI-lealth's sole discretion. As a condition of its consent, PeaceI-lealth will require the Association to sign its then current I-Iazai'dous Substances Storage Agreement which PeaceI-leaith will provide upon request. . 6.15 Prohibited Uses - Generally The Property, including any Third Party Parcels and the Common Areas, shall not be used for any of the uses set forth in Section 6:15.1. These prohibited uses are as !/RivcrBcnd CCRs ^S RITORDI,:]) 2008-4-8.d(lC) . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC-!D NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 24 ,identified in the Springfield Development Code and are further restricted by the Master Plan and by these CC&Rs. . 6.15.1 Specific Prohibited Uses 6,15.1.1 Uses which predominately use; handle, generate, dispose . , of, transport or transfer Hazardous Substances. The incidental use of Hazardous Substances in c011junction with uses pellllitted by these C,C&Rs shall be allowed. Retail, facilities shall be pel111itted to stock and sell Hazardous Subslam:es that al~e normally stocked and sold by like and similar busiilesses in other locations; provided, no retail 'facility shall be permitted to stock or sell Haz!,rdous Substances in bulk.quantities on the Property, , Entertainment activitie,s which include all adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult cabaret; adult theater, adult video stores, escort agency, nude modeling establishment or other sexually oriented adult business. As used herein, the term an "adult book store" or. "adult video store" .shall not prevent a full-lil1e book store or . . a full-line video store from carrying adult materials so long as such materials are' . incidental to its over"all operations and are discretely st~cked and handled, Nothing contained within this Sectiqn shall beconstmed to restrict or preclude the usc of the Property as a "bar,", "tavern," or "cocktail lounge," nor shall this Section 6.15.L2 be construed.to prevent the sale of alcoholic beverages on the.Property. 6.16 Additional Prohibited. Uses Notwithstanding Section 6.15, the following uses s]lall be prohibited on all Third. P;li'ly Parcels: The performance of any activity in violation ofPeaceHealth'sctbical, policies, including but not limited to, abortion, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, and' research involving the use:of embryonic stem cells from the destruction ofhliman . embryos or. th; tissue of aborted fetuses. The performance of any of the aforesaid, prohibited procedures, services or activities with the knowledge and acquiescence of ' Occupant or Owner shall constitute a violation of these CC&Rs. , . , 6:17 Conflict Between .These CC&Rs and the Master Plan Ifthere'is any conflict between these CC&Rs and the Master Plan, any ground lease or other lease; the more restrictive provisions,shall apply. 7. COMMON AREAS' 7.1 Ownership and Right of Use . PeaceHealth owns fee simple title to the Common Areas and shall continue to own "fee simple title to the Common Areas until PeaeeHealth sells or otherwise divests its I/RivcrBcnd CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-8,doc] PRE.SUBMITTAL RECID . NOV 1 3 200B PMil~'25 / interest therein. Peacel-lealth and every Occupallt, and every invitee and guest of Peacel-lealth, any Occupant, shall have a nonexclusive license to use and enjoy the Common Areas. Such license for .use of the Common Areas is not and shall not become an interest or estate in the Property. Such license is subjectto the Association's right to promulgate rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Areas. Peacel-lealth reserves the right to close any or all porti~ns of the Comn10n Areas in the event of an . . emergency that threatens the public health or safety.' In the event any portion of the Coinmon Areas is taken by condemnation or by sale in lieu thereof, Peacel-lealth shall be entitled to receive the entire award resulting therefrom, ' 7.2 Additions, Deletions or Modifications to.the Common Areas The Board may grant proposed changes to the Common Areas if such changes' ,have been approved by a majority of the Board. If the Board approves such change(s), the Association will so notify all Owners in writing arid take. all necessary steps to make the change to the Common Areas. Reductions, modifications and expansions of the Common Areas may be mad.; upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board. 7.3 Deleted Land From the Common Area Any lariddeleted from the Common Area shall revert to Peacel-lealth for development byPeacel-lealth or for' lease or sale to others by Peacel-lealth, subject to these CC&Rs.' . 8. EASEMENTS 8.1 PeaceHealth Approval. No easement lllay be granted ovel~ the Property without Peacel-lealth's prior written approval, and, if the easement involved is over a Third Party Parcel, the Owner's approval must also be obtained ft:om the subject Owner for any easement not within Peacel-lealth's reservation of rights under an applicable ground lease. Any Owner lllay request that Peacel-lealth grant an easement, and shall provide to Peacel-lealth tIle following information:' (a) the purpose of the proposed easement; (b) the name of the proposed grantee; (c) the term of-the proposed easement; and (d) a drawing showing.the proposed location of the easement. The form of the easement shall be mutually acceptable to Peacel-lealth, the proposed grantee, and the Owner. Peacel-lealth shall notify the party requesting the easeinent within fifteen (15) business days following receipt of the - infon:nation referenced above whether Peacel-lealth will be y.rilling to grant the reque'sted 'easement. . " , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D . NOV 1 3 2008 P^GE 26 [JRivcrBcnd.C(.'Rs AS RECORDED 200S-4-8.doc] ---- 8.2 Purpose of Easement Any easement over the Property shall .only be for the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing public or private utility lines, communication lines, and related facilities reasonably necessary and/or convenient for the development of the Property and/or a Third Party Parcel. The precise location of the casement shall be .subject to the prior. approval of the Owner of any portion of the Property over which the easement crosses ("Servient Parcel") and PeaceHealth if the applicable Third Patiy Parcel is subject to a ground lease; which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld,' . conditioned or delayed. It shall be reasonable for the Owner or PeaceHealth to object to a proposed easement if the same is to be located in im area in which the Owner of the Servient Parcel intends to construct any ap6ve grade improvements in the easement right-of'way or the easeinent, and/or the right'of-way related to same encroaches upon any existing improve):nents. Any requested easement over a Third Party Parcel shall be in :writing al1d delivered to. the Owner and PeaceHealth, together with the information referenced in Section 8.1(a) -(d) above. The affected Owner shall have a period of ' fifteen (15) business days within which to approve or disapprove the proposed 'easement. 8.3, Responsible Party The party requesting an easement (the "Benefited Party"), if approval is granted, shall be responsible for all costs and expenses related to the installation of the facilities for which the easement is intended, all of which shall ,be placed underground to the extent reasonablypossible, The Benefited Party shall cause all work involvedto be performed so as to not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Servient Parcel and shall promptly restore the surface of the area involved to the condition existing prior to the commencement of any work by the Benefited Party. The BcnefitedParty shall defend, inderilnify and hold the lessee.ofthe ServientParcel harmless from all loses, 'costs 'and expenses (including reasonable attorncy fces), arisiilg out of and/or related to the , work perfOlmed by the Bencfiied Party relating to the casement. The Benefited Paliy . shall provide liability coverage, in a commercially reasonable amount, and written by a 'c'ompany authorized to do. business in the state of Oregon and otherwise reasonably, acceptable to the lessee of the ServientParcel. In the event that the existence ofthe easement granted pursuant tathe provisions of this Section 8.3 results in any ad valorem property tax liability to either PeaceHealth or the Owner of the Servielit Parcel, the Benefited Party shall pay the amount of any such tax. 8.4 Relocation of Easement The Owner of a Servient Parcel may, from time to time, at its costs and expense, relocate an easement and the facilities located therein and the following shall be applicable: (a) there shall not be any intenuption of utility services, and (b) all costs and expenses associated with such relocation shall be the responsibility of the lessee of the , j/Rivcrlknd CCRs AS RECORDED 2,OOg.4-8.doc] PRE.SUBMITTALREC'D NOV 13 2008 PAGE27 Servient Parcel. The parties agree to cooperate to .execute al1d record any documents required to cffectuate such relocation. 8.5 Easements Req!lired for Development of Property PeaceHealth shall grant easements reasonably necessary.for the development ofthc Propeity over and across other real property owned by Peacel-lealth that is in the immediate vicinity of the Property. Any Owner requesting an casement shall fumish to Peaeel-lealth, at the time the easement is requested, the following infonnatioil: (a) the purpose of the proposed easement; (b) the name of the proposed grantee; ( c) the term of . the proposed easement; and (d) a drawing showing the proposed location of the easement. The form of the easement shall be mutually acceptable to Peacel-lealth, Owner and the grantee. Any easement granted pursuant to this Section 8.5 sha1l only be for. the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing public, or private utility lines, communication lines, and related facilities. A1l such utility lines and facilities shall be underground,to the extent re,!-sonably possible. The exact location of the easement may be adjusted by Peacel-lealth so that the same does not unreasonably interfere with the use ofthe other real property owned by PeaceHealth. Peacel-lealth shall have ihe right to relocate any easement and, in such event, the provisions of Section 8.4 shall be applicable. All costs and expenses relating to the construction of the facilities to' be located in the easement shall be the responsibility of the Owner orpmty requesting such easement. Upon completion of the construction, the Owner shall cause the surface of the real propcrty involved to be put in a condition substantially the same as existed prior to the work- being performed. Prior to the commencement of any work relating to the 'easement, the Owner shaH provide evidence of liability insurance coverage relating to ,such work, said insurance eoverage,to be in a commercially reasonable amount, written by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state of Oregon and otherwise reasonably acceptable to Peacel-lealth and shaH secure the appropriate permits from the City of Springfield. 9. AMENDMENTS TO THESE CC&Rs Peacel-lealth must approve all amendments to these CC&Rs. The Assoeiation may propose changes to these CC&Rs to PeaceJ-lealth if such changes have beell approved by a majority of the Board. jfPeaceI-Iealth agreeswith the Association's proposed amendment(s); the Association will notify all Owners and Occupants in writing of its consent and undertake all necessary steps to rilake the proposed amendment(s). PeaceHealthmay als'o propose amendments to these CC&Rs to the Association and make such changes with an. affirmative vote of a majority of the Board. All amendments to these CC&Rs shall be recorded by PeaceHealth in the real property records Of Lane CountY, Oregon. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE2S 11RivcrBcndCCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.doc] 10. ENFORCEMENT PeaceHealth and the Association shall have the right to enforce all ofthe covenants, conditions, restrictions, 'reservations, easements, and changes now or hereinafter imposed pursuant to any provision of these CC&Rs by any appropriate proceeding at law or in equity, subject to any limitations imposcd by these CC&Rs. Any remedies specifically provided herein are nonexclusive and cumulativc and are in addition to all other re'~11edies available to PcaceHealth and the Association. at law or in equity. Any Occupant shall have the right to petition any court of competent jurisdiction. to . rcquire specific perfol1l1ance of any provisions of these CC&Rs, The Association reserves tl1e right to perf 01111 the landscaping and maintenance obligations of Section 6.1 , if Owner and/or Occupant fail to perform such obligations within ten (l0) days after written notice. The cost Of~lich enforcement by PeaceHealth and the Association, including but not limitea to, interest, costs and expenses of collection and reasonable attorney fees, will be asses~edto the Owner and!or Occupant, and PeaceHealth and the . Asso,ciation reserye the right to secure a lien against the'Owner's Third Parly Improvements fOl"failure to pay such assessment within.a reasonable time. 11. GENERAL PROVISIONS 11.] Duration , . ' These Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions shall run with and bind, benefit, and burden the Property, Peac;eHealth, all Occupants, and the sublessees, invitees, and, guests of all Occupants until Ninety-Nine (99) years from the Effective Date unless, extendea by PeaceI-Iealthas follows: PeaceHealth shall have the right to renew these CC<?cRs for an unlimited number of successive five-(5) year periods by recording a notice, to that effect in the real property records of Lane County, Oregon prior to' the original expiration date as stated above or the expiration date of the foil owing renewal period. 11.2 Severability In the event any provision of these CC&Rs is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, thatdetermination shall not affect the validity 01' enforceability of any other provision or of the same provision to a different situation; , 11.3 NOll-Waiver Any. failure of the Association or of PeaeeHealth to enforce a covenant, condition, , or restl1etion contained in ~hese CC&Rs shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of the Association's right or ofPcaceHcalth's right to enforce that or any other covenant, conditibn~ or restriction contained in' these CC&Rs. . 11RivcrBcnd CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.docj PRE.SUBMI1TAl REC'O NOV 132008 P^GI~ 29 r 11.4 Waiver of Damages PeaceHealth and the Association shall not be liable to any Occupant or to any other person for its enforcement or failure to enforcc any provision of these CC&Rs cxcept as arising fr0111 PeaceHealth or the Association's bad faith. Each Occupant, by acquiring such Oc~upant's interest in the Property or by occupying any portion of th~ Property, agrees not to bring any action or suit against PeaceHealth or the Association to recover any such damages or to seek any other relief against PeaceHealth or the Association by reason of any such enforcement or failure to enforce any provision of these CC&Rs. 11.5 Constructive Notice and Acceptance By the recording of these CC&R.s, each Occupant shall be deemed to have consented and agreed to every telm, covenant, condition, and restriction contained herein. 11.6 Joint and Several Liability If an.Owner consists of more than one person or entity, each of such persons and entities shall be jointly and severally liable for any assessment or charge and for the performance of any other obligation imposed pursuant to these CC&Rs. 11. 7 Consent or Actiou In the event that these CC&Rs are silent as to the standard for any consent, ' approval, detennination, or similar discretionary action, the standard shall be.the reasonable discretion of the party, rather than a sole discretion standard. 11.8 Captions The captions and headings of sections herein arc for convenience only and are not intended in any.way to define,Jimit, or describe the scope or intent of any section of these ' CC&Rs. 11.9 Notices All notices under these CC&Rs shall be in writing. Any such notice shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of delivery or, if mailed, three (3) business days following the date of mailing, if addressed to thc addressee at the address, if any, , designated in the Association's records. Notices shall be sent to PeaceHealth at the following address. unless 'the Association is notified of a change: , PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 )' PAGE 30 I'RivcrBcnd ccr~!> AS RECORDED 200g-4c8.doc) PeaceHealth 1255 Hilyard Street Eugene, OR 97401 Attention: Chief Executive Officer Co~y to: PeaceHealth Legal Department 14432 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 300 Bellevue, WA 98007-6412 Attention: Senior, Vice President of Legal Services 11.10 Attorneys' Fees In the eyent suit, action, arbitration or other proceeding of any nature whatsoever, 'including, without limitation, any proceeding undel' the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, is instituted to interpret or enforce any provision of these CC&Rs; or-with respect to any dispute relating to these CC&Rs, including, without limitation, any action whicll a ' declaration of rights is sought, the prevailing party therein shall be entitled to recover from the losing party its reasonable attorney fees and all other costs and expenses actually incurred and reasonably necessary in connection therewith, and any other sum as the court or arbitrator may adjudge reasonable as attomeys' fees, costs and expenses at trial and Oil. any appeal. 11.11 Dispute Resolution . , If a dispute arising under or involving interpretation of these CC&Rs (other than a dispute involving nonpayment of assessments) cannot be resolved through negotiations between Peac~Health and theA~sociation, or an Occupant to the extent the dispute involves their interests, the parties shall submit the dispute to nonbinding mediation. Any paJty may request mediation. The requesting party lnust suggest an independent mediator with the request for mediation. If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, any party may apply to the Presiding Judge, La)le County Circuit COUlt, for appointment of a mediatoL The parties shall share equally in the fees and costs of the mediator. Each palty, shall be responsible for its own attomey fees, Mediation shall be in Lane Comity, Oregon, unless the parties agree otherwise. If a dispute is not resolved by tne'diation, the paJties may, but are not required to, agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration; in such case, the paJties shall agree upon the arbitrator, or if they are unable to agree, to seek appointment of an arbitrator from the presiding judge, Lane County Circuit Comt pursuant to the ' COl']lmercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association with the prevailing paJty awarded its fees and costs. If a dispute cannot be resolved by mediation, , and the parties do not agree to submit the dispute to arbitration, any paJty may file a lawsuit to resolve the dispute in a court with proper jurisdiction located in Lane County; Oregon. In case of an emergency, a party may request emergency injunctive relief prior to going through the claims procedure outlined in this Section. Except to the extent , " .' PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O ' NOV 1 3 2008 I'AGE31 (JRiverBcnd CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.doc] -. o - I ",' perfonnance may be legally excused under the particular circumstances, each party shall continue to perform its duties under this Agreement while the resolution of a dispute is pending. 11.12 Exhibits ExhibitA (Description of the Property), Exhibit B (Developrilent Standards) and Exhibit C (Map of the Common Area) are attached to these CC&Rs and by this reference made a part hereof. . 11.13 Assignment of Rights Except as provided in Section 3 herein, PeaceHealth shall have the right to assign and/or delegate all or portions of its rights under these CC&Rs to another entity or entities. 11.14 Land Use Nothing in this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions,and Restrictions is intended to or shall be construed as waiving aJ1Y'requirements of the MasterPlan, Springfield Developm~nt Code, or Springfield Municipal Code that may be applicable to the Property, ' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF., PeaceHealth has executed these CC&Rs on this 8th day of April, 2008. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County'of Lane ,) " PEACEHEALTH' , ;7 A Washington Non-hofiC;:~l:P?rati~/ ~/./ ' ./ .' ,_--~;: - _'><">:; c '.< ~ __.___'_ . By. . / // /?- . /' A.-,'i_.-'- Mel Pyne, Senior Vice President The foregoing instrument was acknow1edgedbefore me this 8th day of April, 2008 by Mel Pyne, as Senior Vice President of PeaceHealth, a vi ashington n'on-profit corporation. . ~_u____v________n____'_ 4 ji OfflCIA\. SEAl. . I I. . DEANNA M LASHWAY ' : I;).~' , NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON :. I'm: COMMISSION NO. 404466 . : L_~~~_ _W~O~~~~~E~~_4:~~_1 r/RiVCI'BCll(1 ceRs AS RECORDED 200S.4-8.dOc.l J!J(fi?jJl/;/J)!~~~~!l(J/ct{/ Notary Public for Oregol~1 /., '_ / . My Commi~sion Expires' IfJlti (ILl ( 10 . , ' 'PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 P^CiE 31 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY , . , , A pi:IJccl ofhm("Uocatod'in the sOlltlnvcsf q~HUi{,~r ofScc:-tion 1.4 and the'east half of See lion 22) the west half ofScctioll 23, tile southeast qllalter of See lion 15,'a11 in Township 17 SOllih, Rouge: 3 West, WillamcHe Meridian, Lane C\mtJty, Oregoll "lid being more particularly described as , f<]J!o",s: Commcnting :1t the: llQlthcast comer oCthe William M, Stevei,s Donalion Lalld Claim Nil. 46, TownslLip 17 Sooth, Range 3 Wesl, Wi lImn cite Meridian; lIH;nee along the o.(15t Jiue of said Donalion Land Clai,;, South 24"52'35" F.1$t, 592,67 feet; theliee lcavillg sllid Ci~qtJjJ)C North S8:'16'4()" West, 27.96 fcello the Tme Point of Begiuning of the hCl:cin described tract; Ihence Sotlth 24{: 52' 3511 East! 420.30 feet to the hcginning"of a 312.00 foot radius curve coucave n01'lhcastcrly; Ihencesoulherly 102,05 feet along t~lc arc of Silid curvcthrough.a(.enlral[~!1gJc of 18"44'26", with a iong chord ofSOl\lh 34' H' 48" Easl; ](IL60 feCI t~) ihcbegilllling of262.00 fool raclius reverse curve concave southwesterly: tbence soutbeasterly 85.70 fcet along tbe al'C of said CUT';. through a centl'al ;mglc of 1 go 44' 26", with a long chord of SOHU, 34" 1,4' 48" Easi, ' 85.3 J feCi; Ihence Soutb 24" 52' 35" East. 282.30 feet; thence North 67"'17' 31" East, 268.22 feel , , to the beginning of a 635,()() fool radiusc\lrvo coneMe 11orthcrly; thellce caster.ly 122.52 feci ' all;mg the arc ofsai'd cur,,'c'througl1.a central angle_of 11 (~031 18';, with (llOlig chord of NOl'lh .61 () 45', 52" East~ l22.33 fect; t1H::ncc.South)2C, 42'29/1 EU5t~ 430.93 feet to the. ordi.nary high \vater iineol'ihe McKenzie River as shown on U.S. Mm)' Corps of Engineers Map MK 1-1..17. dat(,d ~ '1'1" ~ !')4'~' lV_., J _~ . I, - th(;tic~, j~)no\ving..said ordinary high \vatcr line in a sO"tll-hvvcslcrly dired;<)11 2048.77 [cet ~o_a point on tile. easterlyprojccl,;on of the north line of a trael of land conveyed 10 FG, Young by deed recorded in Volume 73, Paec 50S, Lane Count v ()re~on deeu reconJ,s. bearing South ~~ J '-, ,~. 35"'12'31" \\1(:81 from the last point; thence hlong sHid easierl)' projvclion Nurth 8~;ol.0140H ,\\)est: 129.07 re(~{-lo thenortheaS1COi'ner. ofsil.id F.G. :{oung tract; thence continuing along said nontdjne Nonh. 88':l,(Y4D" \Vcst, 967.44 feet 10 the north\~iest,('.orner of L-or 11 If First Addition to Buena Vista'" said ooint a)\;o l~ein!l the- . sQut.lw.:esl. cm.11cr of that ccrtflln tract or land desc.fibed 'i.n statutory \.v;.{rr~lhlJ: deed re~~orded"'~s Ducumenl Number 200j-OSS5(;7. said poiJ1l also beinr, on the cast Jine oftiKSollthcm Pacilie Railrond tract abandoned 10 jh~ C;ity ()rSpringfie.Jd in l)ced No, 9307441, said poinl being , fbrthcr described as a poi11t of cusp of J .9R?.()4 foot radius nOll,-tangeilt curve contaVlj sOllrhwester!y, Ii'om which poim the center of arc hears South G,)"08' JI" West; thellee northwes-tody along said cast Line 2J1d the me of said can't: 205.53 feet:. through a G('.11trBJ angk": of 11057'1 X", with a long chord of North 26"j()'28" IN est, 205'.1'6 red to the sOlltheastcomer of in I 3, Rh.'cJ:bcnd, PhaseJ, filed as County Surv~:r File Number 39813, Lane County Survey RccoJ'ds~ said point heing fur/her descrihed as a pojm of et!sp of a 899..59 t(xi rad~llS HOIJ-laJlg@! curve concave easterly, from :vhich point the centcr of arc bears Norlh 87"48'38" bSl;.lhencc .icavilJ)!, PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 33 11Rivcr13end CCR}'; AS RECORDED 200g-4-8.doc] said ea,t line of the City ofSprillgIidd tract ll(lrtherly along the casterly 'm.d northerly )inc$ <JJ' said lot 3 the fol1owing seven (7i courses and dist,inces: Ii 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Northerly ail>ng the arc or said curve 105.04 feel, tl1rollgh a celltraI angle of 06"41 '24", w;'lh " long ehord of North () 1 "wi'2O" El1sL ]04,98 feet; thence North 15'04'49" Wesl, 84,25 feel to Hie beginuing or a 1177.50 [not nOIHangent cyrve c.m1CllVe easterly. ti'om wlticl1 point thQ ccnter of curve bears South 83"22'55" East; thence northerly 15.46 feet along the nre oj" said cnrve through a centra! .ng1e of 00'''45'09'' ",j,11 a long chord of North 06"59'39" East, 15.46 feel: thence NOIth 07' 18'22" East, 76.55 feet; thence N0l1h 36"Oj '01" East, 61.53 feet: thence Not1h 07"22'10" East, 174.22 feet to"the southeast comer of Pared 2 per Cmllll)' Survey File 3996Rbeing Partition Numbcr 2006- 1'2030, Lane County Plat Re"ords; tilcnee alOllP, the south line of said "hIred 2 North 88"12'42" West 284,62 feet to a poim Oillhc ~ ' ,I . .east margin line of Game Fal111 Road (County ROBd No, 3); Ihence " Coincident with said east margin lint Ihe following four (4) conrses and distanCeS: 1) North 01 "49'36"' West, 305.47 feet; thence 2) South 88"18'32" East, 5.01 feet; thence' 3) North 01049'36" We.~t, 746,71 feei to; theDee 4) North 01007'36" West, 28.16 feer 10 the sotlthwest comer of Partition Plat No, 2002-, 1'1627, Lane County Pbi Rccords; thence . leaving said eust margin line along 1he sOt1th~ .east> and north hnes Qfst\id Partition Plat No. 2002.},] G27, the fol.lowing three (3) courses and dismnees: 1I South 880]6'40" East, 427.60 feet: thence, 2) NOltli 02<06'"]6" West, 411.60 feet; thence 3) NClfth 88016'40" West, '22(;,51 feet tQ the northeast comer ofParccl1 of "aid parlihol1 . plat; thence k:n\'ing'said lJorth lil1(~ along: the casterly boundary oJ'said Parcel i South 020()6'16" East,,371.51 feel.lo the southeasterly.comer thereof: tJlOt1C<l ,..long Ow'soutiJerly line of Said Parcel I North 88" 16'41" We5t, 200.41 to II point on the easl margin line of Game ParmRoad (Connty Road No. 3);.,thence . ';'C~incideilt ,vith said "e;ts"t margin 1,ine the follo\'v.ing eight (8) cours~s and dist<lHCes: 1 r NOTth 01 o53152l1 \Vest'. 371.42 feet; thence 2) North 010(17'36" West, 110.62 feel: lhence 3) Norlh 02024'36" West. 192.37 iee! to the hCRinning of II 35.00 foot non-tangent curve CQ!icave southeasterly from which point the CC11ler of tllC arc bCHIS SOUlh 7S"4()'51 " E<lst; lhence ' 4) norlheasterly 23.48 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle 01'38"26'24", with' 11 iOlig chord ofNonli3()C 32' 2]" Easl, 23JJ4 feet 10 the bcgirl11ing of 40,00 root PREiSUBMITIAL RECIO ~ ' NOV 1 3 2008 P!\GE34 [/Rivcrl3.cnd CCRs AS RECORDED .200S-4-Kdoc] 'radius-non-tanllent -reverse curve c.oncave \vesterl)l, frOnl1.vhieh point the center of arc .,,_b.carsNo;th 40';:'1'4'2Tl \Ves(~ tbcm.:e '. 5) 'nOtihcrly 87.07 feel a.longlhe ~rc. OfSi:li'd curve through a c€ntrn! angle. of 124{~ 42141 ", ' with a iQngchord ofNonh 12" 35' 48" West, 70.87 feel; thence 61 NOJ1h 02' 24' 36" West, :19.30 iCet; tllenee 7) South 87'.' 34' 37" East. 5.l)2 fed 8) . Nqt1h 02(>24~~H;" \Vest'l 122.68 fed to the- nortlnvcs1 coi't1cl' of thal- cCliain;tract of land conveyed 10 Peace Health, a Washington. non-profit eorpornlion, described in the statntory wamll1ty dee,i recordc{! December 3]. 20{)1 as Fcc No: 2001,088572, Lime County Oregon Deed Records; thence 1caving said east margin line ;l.long the northcriy line of said PCilCC Health tract \he following three (3) coul'~es n.nd-distanccs: I) South 88813'23" E(lS~ 34759 feet; thence 2) North 01"56'33" East, 65,(]2 feel; thence. .3) NardI 01"54'03" EaSe 150.90 feet; thence leaving s<lid )I(lt'lh ]ine Nmlh 90"00'00" East, 170.78.l'cet; thence South 88"1}'23" East, 137,31 feet (0' a pain! <I.rthe nOr1berly lill" of s~id Peace Herlllh tract described in said stat\llmy warranty deed recorded Dcce.mber 31, 2()(J1llSFe<: No. 200i -088572, Lane County OregOli Deed Records; thence South 24"56'24" East, 276,88 feet to <l, point of cusp of" 458.00-foo\ radius non-tangenl curve concave southerly, from whicb poi11tlhe center of arc bears South 00"32'0 In E.lst; thence easterly ;;i.long the :J~C of SHiel curve 18.03 fect. thnmgh .1 central angle of 02{}1 5121 ", \vith u long c!lorc!ofSoulh 89"'24'21i East, i8.03 feet;thellce Soulh 88'16'40" Easl, 381,59 fed: thence NOIth 75"24'41" Ensl, 33.S3feet; thence South 88'1C,'40" Ea,l, 528.19 feet to said Point of Beginning. ' ; Cont.aining 5~02L78-6'$qu{i.re feet ()-15.307 acre-s). more or less f HEGISTEIiED-..-'....\ I. PROFESSIONAL J' LAND SURVEYOR ,(vl~~ /i1W/ft./M4prc:: I ,~EGON L ",) I JA ,15, 2002 J" .. DANNY M. DENNING, ~ #!;6640 . ; .-, . '"'in ~, . I ! .._.,_t". L':'-'!...1~::.;.!2L;?j,g5U PRE.SUBMITIAL REeD NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 35 [/Rivcrlkild CCRs AS RECOR1X!D 2008-4-8.doc) ~ RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RIVERBEND CAMPUS DESIGN GUIDELINES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Guiding Principles ..,...... ..,..,..,..........".2 RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Architectural Guidelines Building Materials Guidelines........".... ..,....",.....3 ...,.........,.4 Landscape Guidelines ..... ,..,..,5 Lighting Guidelines ,..'...... ...... ....,........,...7 Sign Guidelines.., ,...........,..,.....,..':'...,.".......,... "......8 Slreetscape Guidelines,.., ,..,.,..,...'......, ....,,10 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 200B PAGE 36 [/Rivcl'Bcnd C:CR:; AS RECORDED 200g:4-8.doc] RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines , INTRODUCTION Guidina Princioles 'River Bend is a' mixed-use developmenl within Ihe RiverBend Campus, located in Springfield Oregon. The Campus embodies a totally integrated community adjacent to the McKenzie River, It is intended,to bea live/work community set within a special environment that lifts-the'spirits, RiverBend is committed to the protection and,enhancement of this beautiful setting while creating opportunities for all members of the community, and visitors, to engage in nature as an integral pail' of Ihe , living and healing process. To this end, all development shall strive to protect the existing natural features, while maintaining the best possible views of the river, trees and the panoramic views of the,Coburg Hills. Buildings shall be positioned so that they biend wilh the natural features of the site and their surroundings. Each development projecl within the site shall complement the landscape and deepen people's appreciation of the sile, The campus creates a pedestrian friendly mixed-use development thai encourages transit use, walking and bicycling, The hospital, which is the primary employment center pf the campus, and the BRT Iransit station have been centrally located to provide easy access, within walking distance, to the entire "- development. Medical Services, Medium Density Residential and Core Commercial Development have ,been located so that Ihese services are also available within easy walking distance. Parks, open space and public spaces have been provided throughout the campus. 'The master plan for RiverBend does not rely on a strong geometric pallern, axial grid or other formal circulation slructures, Rather, il is based on the naturai systems of the site,and intended to enhance the identifiable site amenities 1hal already exist. . ,." ' ' Open space, pedestrian and bike paths are located throughout the site and are inlended to connect residents, employees and visitors to the entire community. The new campus will have a regional hospital that is commit,ted to providing patient and family centered care that honors the total patient experience in a healing environment. Accessory Medical Services, such as Medicat Office Buildings and a Conlinued Care Residential Community, are plann'ed to compliment this r,nission. ., . " A variety of residential living choices are included in the development to.accommodate a wide range of preferences and market segments. These'are inte'nded to include senior living units, condominium ownership, townhouse ownership, garden apartment rental units and,renlal apartments above retail and commercial space, ' It is the goal of the development to allow businesses to be iocated in'a variety of,settings. These will . include facilities that support stand-alone medical services, professional offices buildings; as well as retail and a mix of commercial with residential uses. The objective is'to provide a variety of living, working, and shopping experiences for,the entire RiverBend community as well as the greater Lane County region. ,~ PRE.SUBMITrAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 (1/Rm':IHclld CCRs AS RJ CORDLD 2008-4-8 doc] [lAGE 37 RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELIIIlES Guideline Individual buildings shall contribute to the overall cohesiveness of the campus. pescriotion These Design Guideiines are to encourage the development of buildings that embody the enduring qualities and character of the entire RiverBend campus, Architectural materials, roof forms, proportions and architectural elements shall be consislimt with other facilities on the campus in order 10 ensure that all buildings contribute to a consistent sense of place. It is not the intention to dictate a particular building style. How.ever, it is the goal of these guidelines 10 promote architectural expressions that are compatible to the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and the greater Lane County area. ' Reouired The framework that eslablishes Ihe architectural character for the campus is as follows: o Each building shall express a distinction between the base, middle and top of the structure. This shall be done with materials, proportion or architectural elements, o The primary building material for all building facades shall be brick masonry unils of a color compatible with the RiyerBend Campus, ' ' o Buildings that provide only residential accommodations may have a mixture o(brick masonry compatible with the RiverBend Campus and a combination of wood siding, The minimum amount of masonry shall be 20% of the total facade surface area. o Medicai office buildings shall provide, covered autom'otive Portecocheres or protective coverings at major pedestria~/automotive entrances to each'facility, o Sloped roofs, or the appearance of sloped roofs, shall. be the predominant architectural roof expression. R~of massing shall create a skyline composed of inter"esting forms and details. o ' Vanatlon and relief to th'e building's facades are encouraged In order to add interest and ~isual delight." Not permitteg o Buildings that have unarticulated or homogenous facades, o Excessive use of contemporary cladding materials such as metal panels, spandrel glass or synthetic cladding, ' o Flat roof lines, o Expansive metal.-frame storefronl windows that are not broken up al the ends of the buildings and at the structural column lines, "strip windows." <,}' . PRE.SUBMITTAlREC'D NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 38 [/Ri\'crBcnd CCRs AS I~ECOR[)EJ) 2008-4-8.doc] RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines BUILDING MATERIALS GUIDELINES' Guideline Use materials that create a sense of permanence and that of timeless elegance are strongly encouraged. Descriplion " In order to promote a unified architeclural character throughout th'e'campus, a similar palate of building materials shall ,be ulilized, The utilization of quality wall materials will provide a sense of permanence and will reduce unsightly maintenance needs. Arlicuiallon of wall materials shall be expressive with attention paid to providing a variety of depth, visual relief and texture to the building, ' Reauired o The base of each building shall be of a material that expresses the strength of supporting the upper walls as well as the physical requicements of prolecting lhe building from the ground elements, Stone, , concrete, pre-cast concrete masonry units or brick are an appropriate expression, o Wall materi~ls shall be predominantly brick masonry. o Roof materials, visible from the street or'sidewalks, shall provide textureanq visual relief, Standing seam metal roofing, tile, slate or synthetic materials that replicate natural roofing materials are ' acceptable. '. o Windows shall have ~rticulated fram~s,sills and headers, Mirror glass is not allowed. o Doors shall have large glass areas and shall be articulated in order to provide a welcoming experience, Narrow style door frames shall be used. ' o All on-site or on building mechanical storage qr trash containments should be located away from major. entrances to the facility, ' o Architectural Screens shall be provided to hide mechanicai, storage or,trash containments. These shall be built of the same materiais as the primary buildings thai they serve. . 0 Natural, understated and subdued building colors shall be the predominant building color, Not Permitted, .- ')~- \ . o Plain concrete masonry units, su6h as concrete block o Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) or other synthetic plaster. wall coverings. o 'Canvas awnings, tent structures and other "non-permanenl" building elements, S. Unarticulated ro~fing materials or brightly colored materials, o Brightly painted or overtly bold colors. PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 . .'. -, . 'j' I/R1\'crBcnd CCRs AS RECORDI:D 200S.4~8.docl PA(iE 39 RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES Guideline To promote a special environment that lifts the spirit while reinforcing the natural beauty of the RiverBend site. Descriolion The landscape shall strengthen the sense of RiverBend as an environment of healing. Plant matenal shall be planted throughoul the campus, provide a pleasant, and calm environment that malches the site's ecological setting and compliments the campus architecture., o Entrances & Pedestrian Areas Places in the public's view such as, entrances and pedestrian areas should be planted to pro-vide year round visual interest and reinforce'the sense of continuity of the , campus. Plant material shall provide a welcoming, appearance and encourage p\,destrian use of the campus. o Planl Palette In order to establish continuity of character, plant palettes have been assembled for 'the landscape zones pn campus, These palettes are intended 'to be used as guidelines for designers establish plans appropriate to each condition, Materials are , intended to be planted in groupings in' order that designers establish visual continuity throughout. ' o Screening & Buffering' Areas such as parking lots, loading area and utility areas should be planted to permanently screen their view. Materials should be selected that are evergreen and grow to a sufficient height and density to eliminate views to these areas on a year- round basis, o Parking Lots Trees in parking lots should be selected to provide sufficient canopy to shade the lots 'and provide visual screening from above. Tree types should also be selected to establish visual continuity through-out. Shrub and ground covers should be hearty and provide visual breaks in the lots through continuous planters throughout the lots at a minimum 120 feet on center, . o Bioswales Bioswale plantlngs should be selected 10 meet the criteria for rainwater filtration and provide a visually" pleasing element in the landscape. Materials should be selected thai do not outgrow the areas provided and can be maintained without hedging or severe pruning. o Riparian Zone aiong the McKenzie River o The McKenzie River is the highest value asset of the campus, Plant material must be carefully selected to establish a natural environment while allowing closed, open and filtered views of the river. Planting plans for the areas adjacent to the hospital have been completed and should be used.as a model for other areas along the river, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 Roof Gardens 'P^GE 40 [lRivcrBcnd ceRs AS RECORDED 2008-4.8.doc] i'<iverBend Campus Design Guidelines 'Roof Garden plant material should be selected for its visual interest and its ability to thrive in the limited soil environment. The plant mate'rial should be established in patterns which are interesting. for both those using the garden and those who view it .from above. . , o. Automatic,Underground Irrigation Systems The entire campus should be integrated with efficient un.derground irrigation systems, All systems should be established to be able (0 be monitored and adjusted over time to ensure sufficient water is being used witho~l over watering areas, o Plant material shall be selected for environmental suitability, naturally disease- resistance and shall be ecologically appropriate for Ihe climate and environment of RiverBend. ' o Landscape material selected shall minimize' the use of fertilizers, minimize the use of, extensive watering, and minimize maintenance including excessive pruning or weeding. ' , Not Permitted o Natural and/or man made elements that impact ttie quality and character of the' McKenzie River. o Use of plants that require excessive maintenance andlor pruning or are not indigenous to the general landscape culture of Oregon. ' o Large expanses of unplanted unpaved plazas, parking lols or other paved areas, o Expansive areas of bark, mulching or unprotected earth. o Asph~lt concrete walkways, f , PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 f/Rivcl'Bcnd CCRs AS R-ECORDED 200S-4-8.doc] , , I'AGE41 RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines LIGHTING GUIDELINES Guideline Landscape and building lighting shail,provide safety, security and identity throughout the campus while creating a pleasant ambiance that does not distract from the campus atmosphere. Lighting on the RiverBend site shouid ensure safe circulation and building security without . compromising the unique natural setting, the healing campus environment or the ability 10 experience the night sky, Descriotion Lighting design and layout for the SHMC guidelines shall be adopted as the model for the entire campus, . , . Lighting shail be used to create effects of visual inlerest that highlights the features of buildings, landscape and site amenities. Ornamental street and walkway lighting shail be provided throughout the campus with a . compatible qualily of light and siyle, . Reouired \ o Lighting the parking lots shail match that of the quality and quantity of the Sacred Heart Medical Center (SHMC.) o Pedestrian Areas and Walks to meel SHMC quality and quantity, o Building Lighting shail 'not be excessive and shall be approved by Ihe De~ign Standards Review Board. o Architectural lighting shail be used to articulate the building design and shail provide a sense of scale and character for the pedestrian experience, o Lighting with a historic style and character is encouraged. o The standard for lighting poles shail. match SHMC, o Seasonal lighting on trees and buildings are encouraged, but may not be placed prior to one month before the holiday and is required to be removed with two weeks of the hoiiday, o 'Boilard lighting, that is directed down-ward toward ~urfaces in, pedestrian walk-ways wherever prudent. o Metal halide lighting shail be used throughout the campus. o Light fixtures and poies that are consistentwith the architectural character of the SHMC site and RiverBend Drive, shail be used, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 IJRivcrBclld eX:Rs ^S RECORDED ~008-4-8.d(lc] l'^Gr: 4? .' RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines SIGN GUIDELINES Guideline ,Signs shall be architecturally compatible and shall contribute to the character of the campus, Descriotion Signs shall not detract from the architectural qualities of the buildings or landscape. Directional signs used 'to identify and direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall be designed consistently throughout the campus, Signage should follow aunified theme, and should follow the model oftheSHMC, Reouired o Site Identification Signs Each individually developed building shall have on site identification sign, In the event.that the primary building occupant occupies 65% or more of the total gross square footage, the primary occupant may display their business name on the site sign, below the building address in an area not to exceed six square feet. Name may be completed in occupant's logo style, ' o Building Identification Signs. Each building shall be allowed' one building identification sign, The purpose this sign shall be to display the. name of the byllding once a vehicle or pedestrian has reached the parking area, ' . This,sign shall be freestanding, located In lhe proximity of the building entrance, and not visible form the public thoroughfares. This sign shall be Integra led inlo the buiiding landscape. Sign shall beconslructed of stone or masonry complimentary to the building architecture, Sign shall be single sided and illuminated only by ground mount lights. No individual tenant names' may be installed on this sign except if the primary tenant In the building occupies 65% of the tala! gross square footage or more of the structure. In that case, their name may also be inslalled on this sign in an area directory below the building name, not to exceed 9 square. feet in totaL This tenant name shall be allowed in their iogo style, applied in cut individual letters. , The overall size of this sign shall not exceed 4 feet in height and 6 feet in width excluding the base, but in no case shall sign exceed 6 feet in height when mounted on base. Not Permitted o No building mounted signs are allowed, except for building address, These shall not exceed 12" in height and may nol be illuminated, Building addresses to' be individual dimenSional characters and must be incorporated into building design and finishes, o Campus logos and architectural symbols are not permitted as pari of any building. Nor may any business logo be incorporated into any building facades. f/RivcrUC11d CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-R;doc) PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'DWiE43 NOV 1 3 2008 . RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines o There shall be no illuminated signs or neon signs placed inside the building that are visible from outside the building. ','. , o Businesses with exterior entries may apply viriylletters to the glass within their space, only for identificallon and to denote hours. Lettering shall be white and shall not. exceed 6" in height. . o Retail outlets located within the mixed-use zone will have separate signage guidelines that are not part of these guidelines. . o Temporary signs an'd banners attached to the face of buildings, o S'igns that through color, shape and size, adversely impacl ihe architecture of the. buildings and landscape. o Window signs that excessively restrict the view into and oul of buildings. o Signs painted on fabric awnings or valances, o Temporary sign age such as leasing sales and advertising are not permitted on any building. This type of signage must be mounted in the landscape and is not to exceed 16 square feet. All signs must be removed wilhln 14 working days from the time it Is . installed and cannot be reinstalled ",Ithout the approval of the Design' ReviewBoard. . PRE.SUBMlrrAL REC'D NOV 1 3 ZOOS I/RjvcrB~nd CCRs AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.doc] "','. PAGE 44 , v RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines STREETS CAPE GUIDELINES. Guideline RiverBend streetscape and site furniture guidelines are intended to create a distinctive sense of place th~t provides a pedestrian friendly atmosphere through out the campus, Descriolion . Proposed site amenities shall provide ample pedestrian gathering'spaces, gateways to the site and buiidings, pockel parks, seating areas and distinctive art and architectural detailing to create a sense'of place appropriate for the Pacific Northwest and the RiverBend campus, Site furniture includes: kiosks, gazebos, trash receptacles, outdoor seating', bike racks, storage sheds, and utility and trash enclosures fences and other site amenilies, These shall conform to the design intent and materials already established at SHMC. Reauired o Trash, ulility and storage areas shall be enclosed 'and screened in such a way thaI they are not visually accessible to pedestrians and.building inhabitants. These shall be compatible with the materials and architectural delails of the primary buildings on ~~. ' . o Detailing of site furniture, hardscape and other amenities that provide character, lexlure and historical styie to provide visual delight. . D 'Covered sealing areas and bike storage areas in places of waiting and gathering, D Site arl and sculpture that enhances, delights and prOVides a sense of place, D Fencing shall be of enduring materials that offer a variety of scale and detail. , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 [/RivcrBcnd CGRs'AS RECORDED'2008-4-8.doc] / \ l'NJE45 RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines, Nol Permitted o Solid fencing with monolithic use of wood or metal. o Sidewalks, plazas and parking areas witho~t pedestrian enhancemEmls and amenities, o Monolithic paving and planting that does not provide a variety of material and pattern, o Overhead utility, power and communication lines, These shall"be located below grade, , o Exposed satellite dishes, o Exposed microwave or olher communication devices. o Chain link fencing of any kind, . Smoking pavilions or designated a~.ea5 wjlhil: 2S feet of any pu~lic cnllY POillL / PRE-SUBMITTAL REeD' NOV 1 3 2008 PAGE 46 I/RivcrBcnd celts AS RECORDED 2008-4-8.dOI:1 RiverBend Campus Design Guidelines .. EXHIBIT C MAP OF COMMON AREAS ....,."..~".,,-,.,..,...~,. '.".,;,.~ ..... ._,...._;......_'"'~._."._.,; '" ,.,,< /' ."'.... '~ I I ~ ~ i~ I. ~~~ #I~ ".,._...__..... ._,_..')"..."..~,.........._ . ' "":6' I ~ ~=~~..:..:....~ ,-; u.. ( I ~~ ,} ff--.--_ ,~ "i' I A"'" , '/1 ! '~~" . " ! '.,,-P-I \ III ,. "'~~, .. , ,:o~,. I, jl~.~ ~-~.......J..__",,--'I. /~ tJ~ ,):X2!i,,;:~t~,J! (ij - ':/ l~,~ ~-." " ~'.N( i ,..fp "'!'~~\""'" \/,\./' .~<<"'" (',>.' :".,.~\, /" \ '" ,e{, / '> ,.'\\;:>r \" \ \\ ~" ~:... . / " '\:'Wfi\ \//\~ / i,( \\1i\." ,\ ' \ '..,', , \ "', \ .....<\ ,,-' "', '. , // '", // / / ~"-'..- ~: .~ i_fl ~~,o :t I~~ 'V;;i~ .? I n~ o~ ~Q' g~ ~~ ~ )!, ~~ ~< ~~. !1 o ,., ,. ~ /' ! ,.P' I , J ~ I ~ ! 1 , , , f I , '., / / ,,"" ,", ,...., / / ,,>/ I iHI l' ! "'ij I;j~ .. ',' s .. ! !i o t~ 1 ," I o- j ! -',' ;'" ~'-. '" "'- "J;:TpTTf'T/"i1 ,r~l~ .. "'1:':';J;:,..J~!~i..j..;"i" ,.1'+-/ _'~18 J f: ~i i , t'i-i :'~\"i" ,'Y'; 'or:. Hi , ; i 'J ! 'I' II i I ; I' ," <; ;;l!l:;iJ!jI~~h:::~iS;~I_~ ~$_l1!~i~!t 3~i~ " '~!j!j~'I'jll!jil' '1'~Willl' lia p Jl1~iA .JJ.U~L lLU_ 5 ~1 ' If "":'1'~ :-.1::1.'!~]:!:'~:~il~ld-'i':'l,:"r "i = .""..... [iRi\'crBCIl~ ccr~.'i AS Rl:CORD[l) 2008-4-8,docJ _ PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O "AGE'7 NOV. 1 3.2008 , , ---- --- 1'Cl.ts<s '\<' :;.~",qf;- 6'~ ;,'8 C\;i l"' "'..? 1T'/4'G' l"''''.?::~'<,S "-~ """,OV""O ;en. ''-'0,.<> o/~. A..~O$ III ~("'V/~ ~"VS...::y-q. 'I ,.....>q.?<:.f'~~.,~ ~~ <t . . ~, . ~~ " '0 ;)'2 S4,,,,=~ /!r],-;/1i- TAX LOT 1200 ':""'tyo /"''-O,oe~O'' ....{~/~ ~ n~ .OF ,0 ib{f, 6':;-'?C'~ .f;: W -fC',><;sS .j> ~; l'o'~"'f-/ ~~ . I 4-eo,Y " (".:0 """".... E . ,..;. 5 S 1f'Q,..,r "lkq "",-1Cli'cs "'8 A t<z, O.?-,~ J/ ~0~ ,..l <;;'J"rs. <<%-'. ':. ~ "".Q; ,.o~ ~k."" ~.otls 12>,"e"! ~ ~"'c .?~-&- LJ:~ ''';>..?~~Qo-~ ....ou~ ....q,!Jt.~, /~ r-Vs..........,.. /. ,o...,c;ft Cvc% "~""-ltb ~RS' """'S>:~. ~ ~q.r. *" ~:o 0-.. "..eJi,q;.....~..;;...~~, ~.::v~..;:w t'3;I-i'q, 4l;l.96:6d' TAX Lor 600 '" ,,. '" ~ ~d ~ ;l;I~ ....: ~tl - ~~ ~. ~ " ~. 7 ~ " 'C: ~ <0, -, ~ ~ ;,0 "t\~ -i-~ -=----- ~G ~ . c.n c= 03 :s: :::i ~ ~ <'1 o :z: o -< ..... ~ ,..., = = = '-- , ~ (6 CA, Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records l~~l.~~~m After Recording Return to: Roger M. Saydack Arnold Gallagher Saydack Percell Roberts & Potter, PC P.O. Box 1758 " Eugene,O,R 97440-1758 "1111111" "111111111/1111111 11111111111111 $46,00 002470J82J01008857i0150055 12/31/2001 08:17,26 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 CASHIER 05 $25.00 $11.00 $10.00 Until a Change is Requested Mail Tax Statements To: PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-profit Cotporation P.O. Box 1479' Eugene, OR 97440-1479 WI~ $31f:f GR.A.NTOR: Arlie & Company, an Oregon Corporation 722 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 GRANTEE' PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-profit Cotporation P.O. Box 1479 Eugene, OR 97440-1479 After Recording Return To: Western Title & Escrow Company 497 Oakway Rd Suite 340, Eugane OR 97401 30-0303<{-0/ STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation, hereinafter called Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, and all of Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, all of that certain real property with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: See Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference specifically made a part hereof, together with the Grantor's interest, as Lessor, under any and all leases pertaining thereto. To Have and to Hold the same unto the Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor hereby covenants to and with the Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns that the real property is free from all liens and encumbrances except as shown on Exhibit Battached hereto. The true and actual consideration for this conveyance stated in terms of dollars is Ten Million Six Hundred Seventy-eight Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-two Dollars ($10,678,672). **which is paid to an accomodator pursuant to an IRS 1031 Exchange. In construing this deed, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical changes shall be made so that this deed shall apply equally to companies and to individuals. STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED - I N:\P -l\PeaceHeallh Oregon Region 1J967\Arlie & Company 13967-0004\Docllmenls\SIJI.War.Deed.Palcel A.wpd PRE-SlIBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008 THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS30.930. < IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument effective D6C.f)I1 Bek. 31 , 2001. Grantor: STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this31'5.tday of December, 2001, by St-/zAYA/C" l{. .If-t2t..;t: ,the p,et:s,7)~r of Arlie & Company, on behalf of the corporation. rI/t; J 'I , Notary ublic for Oregon My Commission Expires: 1"- - - - - - :A:EW~~~ri~~~E: --., :/" NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON COMMISSION NO. 338910 j ,__ _, ~CQ:,.1~~19I1,f.l<Pl[1~ _ogT J~ 2001,j PRE.SUBMITIAl RECIO NOV 1 3 2008 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED - 2 N:\P -1\PeaceHealth Oregon Region I 3967\Arlie & Company 13967-0004\Documenls\StaI.War.Deed.Parcel A.wpd EXHIBIT A A parcel of land located in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 22, and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 23, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Wi"llamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette M~ridian; thence South 260 39' 56" East along the East line of said William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, 981.30 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 260 39' 56" East along said East line, 445.17 feet to the Northeast corner of that property as described in that deed recorded on Reel 1747, Instrument No. 92-11169, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence leaving said East line South 630 18' 39" West, 22S.00 feet to the Northwest corner of that property described in said deed recorded on Reel 1747, Instrument No. 92-11169; thence North 480 251 1411 West, 13.21 feet; thence South 350 111 42" West, 13.52 feet; thence South 31" 36' 21" West, 42.87 feet; thence Southwesterly,. 106.97 feet along the arc of a 105.74 foot radius curve right, (the chord of which bears South 520 45' 20" West, 102.47' feet); then~e North 890 58' 00" West, 322.04 feet; thence North, 18.21 feet; thence North 890 58' 00" West, 1012.99 feet to a point on the East line of that property conveyed to the City of Springfield as described in that deed recorded on Reel 843, Instrument No. 77-22531, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along said East line North 30 53' 37" West, 391.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod marking the Northeast corner of said City of Springfield property; thence South 890 56' 00" West along the North line of said City of Springfield property, 425.58 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod on the East margin of Game Farm Road (County Road No.3), 30.00 feet from, when measured at right angles. to the centerline of said Game Farm Road; thence North 20 54' 5611 West along said East margin, 110.62 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 40 11' 55" West along said East margin 320.76 feet to a S/8 inch iron rod; thence continuing along said East margin North 890 21' 57" East, 5.00 feet to a point, 35.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Game Farm Road; thence continuing along"said East margin North 40 11' 56" West, 122.68 feet to a 5/8 inch "iron rod; thence leaving said East margin North 890 59' 16" East, 347.61 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence Nor"th 000 09' 13" East, 65.02 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence North 000 06' 4311 East, 156.20 feet; thence North 890 59' 16" East, 308.00 feet; thence South 260 43' 44" East, 654.70 feet; thence North 890 56' OO" East, 992.70 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PRE.SUBMITTAlREC'D NOIJ 1 3 2008 EXHIBIT B The rights of the public in and to that pore ion of the premises herein described lying within any public road or highway. .An easement created by ~nstrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded. February 29, 1991 Recorder's Reception No. 91-09965 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of. City of Springfield An easement created by instrument, including the terma and provisions thereof, Recorded: March 5, 1991 Recorder's Reception No. 91-10574 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of: City of Springfield ( An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: December 14, 1990 Recorder's Reception No. 90-59952 Lane County' Oregon Official Records In favor of: city of Springfield An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: October 22, 1991 Recorder's Reception No. '91-50961 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of: City of Springfield An easement created by instrument, including the ~erms ana provisions ther~off Recorded: Augus t 6, 1947 in Book 353, Page 220 Lane County Oregon Deed Records In favor of: United States of America An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: April 25; 19G9 Recorder's Reception No.' 22343 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of: City of Eugene Fence line encroachment along the North line as Engineering Survey disclosed.. by Branch PRE.SUBM/rrAL REC I. NOV 1 3 2008 Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield and Arlie & Company, an Oregon COrporation, recorded June 8, 2001, Recorder's Reception No. 2001-034714, Lane County Oregon Official Records. Fence line 'encroachment along t:he "North line as disclosed by Branch Engineering SUrvey, Project No. 94-157. An,easement created 'by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded, April 18, 1977 Recorder's Reception No. 77-22531 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of, City of Springfield Easement:s'set forth in that: certain Lot'Line Adjustment Deed recorded October 2,2001, Recorder's Reception No. . 2001-064919, Lane County Oreg~n Official Records. , ! PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 !l ." Division of C. -f Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records l~~j .~~~001 $46,00 After Recording Return to: Roger M. Saydack Arnold Gallagher Saydack Percell Roberts & Potter, PC P.O. Box 1758 Eugene, OR 97440-1758 "'11111111111111111111 I11I111111 11111111111111 00~47063200100885670051050 RPR-DEED Cnt::;1 Stn::;6 cRJ3{~~/~~1 08:17:26 AM $25.00 $11.00 $10.00 Until a Change is Requested Mail Tax Statements To: PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-profit Corporation P.O. Box 1479 Eugene, OR 97440-1479 rydJ r · fl f) ( I II PV5 C. 9RANTOR: Arlie & Company, an Oregon Corporation 722 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 GRANTEE: PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-profit Corporation P.O. Box 1479 Eugene, OR 97440-1479 After Recording Return To: Western Title &. Escrow Campi-my 497 Dakway Rd Suite 340. Eugene OR 97401 30-0303'1- 0 I STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation, hereinafter called Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, and all of Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, all of that certain real property with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: See Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference specifically made a part hereof, together with the Grantor's interest, as Lessor, under any and all leases pertaining thereto. To Have and to Hold the same unto the Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor hereby covenants to and with the Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns that the real property is free from all liens and encumbrances except as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto. The true and actual consideration for this conveyance stated in terms of dollars is Sixteen Million Three Hundred Fifty-four Thousand Twenty-three Dollars ($16,354,023). ** which is paid to an accomodator pursuant to an IRS 1031 Exchange. In construing this deed, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all grammatical changes shall be made so that this deed shall apply equally to companies and to individuals. STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED - I N:\P .1\PeaceHeallh Oregon Region 13967\Arlie & Company I 3967-0004\Documents\Stat.War.Deed PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D NDV 1 3 2008 I , ~ . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK wlrn THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument effective De-O::/l-iBt:.R.?,/ ,2001. Grantor: STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss, County of Lane ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this3,.s.taay of December, 2001, by 5l./2AQ,Qi; K. Mt.lt: ,the rR~/bG"vr of Arlie & Company, on behalf of the """"",UO"_ '-' _ ' '-- Notary Pub IC or Oregon My Commission Expires: ~----'~-'--~---~"~~I j. OFFICIAL SEAL I' , KAREN EICHELBERGER j . \. / NOT ~.RY PUBlIC- OREGON I '.. COMMISSION NO, 3311910 .~_ '" _ ~ 5'~M~I~S~~~E!!'Jfl~~.P;, 20~ PRE-SUBMmh. , NQV 1 3 2aocr ST A TUTORY WARRANTY DEED - 2 N:\P .l\PeaceHealth Oregon Region I 3967\Arlie & Company 13967_0004\Document.s\StatWar.Deed ~ EXHIBIT A A parcel of land located in the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22 and the Northwest and Southwest quarters of Section 23, all of Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, and being a portion of the William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian; thence South 260 39' 56" East along the East line of said William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, 1426.47 feet; thence South 630 18' 39" West, 225.00 feet to the Northwest corner of that property described on Reel 1747, Instrument No. 92-11169, Lane County Oregon Deed Records and the true point of beginning; thence South 260 39' 56" East, parallel with the East line of said William M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, 959.30 feet to a point on the South line of that certain tract of land conveyed to L. Simmons by deed recorded September 2.8, 1898, in Volume 46, Page 179, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence East along said South line, '~O.38 feet, rn~re or less, to a point which is West, 191.4 f~et from the East line of said william M. Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46; .thence South 510 49' Iall West 716.90 feet, more or less, to a point which is 17S0.00 feet East of the Northwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed to Tom R. Wester, et ux, by deed recorded July 3, 1964, Reception No. 61726, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence West along said Wester line, 189.64 feet to a point on the West bank of the McKenzie River; thence Southwesterly along said West bank of the McKenzie River the following courses: South 250 45' 2511 West, 61.79 feet; thence South 240 041 3311 West, 118.20 feet; thence South 140 35' 19" West, 92.~~ feet; thence South 170 16' 35" West, 69.99 feet; thence South 30 36' ""> East, 64.50 feet; thence South 10 28' 52" West, 75.75 feet; thence Soutil'Lr2ooo 12' 55" East 101.88, more or less, to a point on the Easterly extension ~tIg North line of a tract of land conveyed to F.G. Young by deed recorded aEct~g~ 508 of Volume 73, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence leaving said ~t ~ bank of the McKenzie River North 890 58' 00" West, 101.75 feet to the .~,..... Northeast corner of said F.G. Young tract; the;nce North 890 58' 00" West; E; 994.81 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod on the Easterly margin of the vacated ~ Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence Northwesterly, 330.41 feet.. along the arc of a 985.04 foot radius curve left, (the chord of which bears North 320 15' 43" West, 328.87 feet) to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence continuing along said Easterly margin of the vacated Southern Pacific Railroad right of way North 410 52' 17" West, 229.02 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod on the Easterly margin of Game Farm Road (County Road No.3) said point being 35.00 feet. from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said Game Farm Road as established in County Survey File No. 33854; thence North 30 36' 56" West along said Easterly margin of Game Farm Road, 123.21 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod; thence continuing along said East margin North 890 271 1511 West, 5.01 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod, said iron rod being 30.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Game Farm Road; thence continuing along said East margin North 030 36" 56" West, 110.15 feet; thence leaving said East margin East, 279.43 feet; thence North 40 31' 37'1 East, 1082.06 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod marking the Southeast corner'of that property conveyed to the City of Springfield as described in that deed recorded on Reel 843, Instrument No. 77-22S31, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North 30 53' 37" West along the East line of said City of Springfield property, 19.94.feet; thence leaving said East line South 890 58' DO" East, 1012.99 .feet; the~ce South, 18.21 feet; thence South 890 58' 00'1 East, 322.04 feet; thence Northeasterly 106.97 feet along the arc of a 105.74 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears North 520 45' 21'1 East, 102:47 feet); thence North 31" 36' 21" East, 42.87 feet; thence North 350 11' 42" East, 13.52 feet; thence South 480 25' 14" East, 13.20 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT B The rights of the public in and to that portion of the p~emises herein described lying within any public road or highway. Rights of the public and of governmental bodies in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying below the high water mark of the McKenzie River and the ownership of the State of Oregon in and to that portion lying below the high water mark thereof. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that the location of the Mc~enzie River has moved. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject property has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274.905 through 274.940. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: pctober 16, 1946 Book 333, Page 653 Lane County Oregon Deed Records In favor of: Mountain States Power Company (Exact location not defined) .[ An easement created br instrument, including the t~rms and provisions thereof, Recorded: August 6, 1947 in Book 353, Page 220 Lane County Oregon Deed Records In favor of: United States of America An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: April 25, 1968 Recorder1s"Reception No. 22343 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of: C~ty of Eugene An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: December 29, 1976 Recorder's Reception No. 76-68984 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of: City of Eugene An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: December 29, 1976 Recorder's Reception No. 76-68985 Lane County Oregon Official Records In favor of: City of Eugene PRE-SUBMITlPlL REC'D NOV 1 3 2008 .' ., Terms and provisions .of easement, including obligations for maintenance as established by Oregon law or as contained in instrument, Recorded: April 18, 1977 Recorder's Reception No. 77-22531 Lane County Oregon Official Records Between: City of Springfield Option to Re-Purchase a portion of this property by Joseph D. Bando and Leonora P. Bando, as disclosed by Statutory Warranty Deed, recorded December 4, '1985, Recorder's Reception No., 85-43721, Lane County Oregon Official Records. AnneXation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield and Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation, recorded June 8, 2001, Recorder's Reception No. 2001-034714, Lane County Oregon Official Records. Easements set forth in that certain Lot Line Adjustment Deed recorded October 2, 2001, Recorder's Reception No. 2001-064919, Lane County Oregon Official Records. / I, PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 1 3 2008