HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/29/2008 . , " / AX LOT /00 ( Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records , ~~~iD~~ml 111111111111111111111111 ' 111111111111111 '$51.00 ?0 :81564200700084"...iio 10 '0 02/07/2007 10:43:40 AM RPR-DEED Cnl:1 Sln:5 CASHIER 06 $30.00 $11.00 $10.00 .; f./,;9. ~oo." Date r?(eceived: /' /; Planner: AL [./fJO' fl' 560951/1802041400100 iV FIRSTAM 7191-929331 MMM 1p' f.T 1\ o After Recording Retu~ To First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 After recording return to :RONALD D. GALCERAN AND 2264 33RD STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Send all tax statements to: No Change. KARFN L GALCEllAlIJ DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED THOMAS W. HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH ("FIRST PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as PARCEL I. RONALD D. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and Wife, ("SECOND PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as parcel II... FIRST PARTY. and SECOND PARTY desire to set forth this declaration setting an adjusted boundary line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 1 property prior .to this adjustment is contained in the Deed recorded August 4, 2005, as Reception No. 2005-060469, in the Official Records of'Lane County, Oregon, The legal description for Parcel I is set forth on said deed and incorporated herein by reference to said deed and if set forth herein. The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 2 'property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded November 21, 2006, as Reception No. 2006-083979,' in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FIRST PARTY does hereby convey to SECOND PARTY the real property described on attached EXHIBIT A incorporated herein fully by this reference. . The true consideration for this conveyance is ONE HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($102,795.00}JHIS DEED IS,8EWG GIVEN BY GRI\NTOR (FIRST PARTY) DIRECTLY TO GMHTEE (SECOND PARTY) AS AN !NTEGRI\TED PART OF A 103! EXCHNJGE TRl\NSACT~llowing this lot line adjustment, the description of the PARCEL 1 property is described on the attached EXHIBIT B incorporated herein fullY'J:?y,this reference. Following this lot line. adjustment, the description of the PARCEL?" property is 'described on the attached EXHIBIT ~ incorporated herein fully by this reference. The portion of this legal description which depicts the new adjusted line between PARCEL 1 and pARCEL 2 is underlined on the attached EXHIBIT B and EXHIBIT C. THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT IN REGULATIONS. BEFORE WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON (RECORDING SEAL HERE) Page l' - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED lend) (f\c\heat\pro-ln-a,dee) DatE!! ~eceived: 0~/:LC70f Planner: AL I I "' 'II' ACQUIRING ANY INTEREST IN OR TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGATNST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. DATED this 1-:> day of 5/l-lJIl/J-lY, 2007. "FIRST PARTY": ~ w- \k1& "4."lomas W. Heath /j~L-Lcl~ Westleigh CcJHeath . Galceran ~.- --" Krv QJ) .-f Ka;eb: L.' Galc.eran STATE OF OREGON ). ss. County of Lane On the 2.5 day acknowledged by THOMAS W. ~ n..J 7@ of .)Auvltl't~\, 20~, this instrument was HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH, before me. (I), OFFIClALSEAl . '., , MENDlE M. MAYFIELD , J NOTARY PUBUC. OREGON '" .,/ COMMISSION NO. 374106 . IIY COMMISSION EXPIRES OECEMBER ~ 2IlO7 diM/it A 4ddl Notary PUDl~c for OREnY" . Seal: /-/" . STATE OF OREGON ss. 'On the acknowledged Wife, before County of Lane ) ~ day by RONALD n. me. Iii' n~ 79, , of u{jV1UIt( , 20006'; this instrument was GALCERAN a d KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and . OFFICIAL SEAL . MENDIE M. MAYFIELD ,..' .! NOTARY PUBUC.OREGON ", ../ COMMISSION NO, 374106 . .' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEM6ER 6, 2007 ~fJ 4:,4' Notary }ublic for OR Seal: Att:a~hment:s: ~BIT A: c: fraoertv beina conveyed EXHIBIT B: c: farce! I description following conveyance RXHTBIT c: c: Parcel II description following conveyance Page 2 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE {f\C\heat\pro-ln-a:dee) ADJUSTMENT DEED (end) Dat~ ReCeiVed:~/ .2Pol' Planner: AL .. ..... EXHIBIT A Rea! property in the (oullty of La.ne! State af,Or"egoll, described a~ follm\:s: Beginning at a point 30 feet East of the lenter line of County'Roael No, 452, saiel point being 1033,07 feet North 2nd 30 feet East of the Southwest corner of the 5. D. Gager DOllation Land Claim No. 61, Township is South, Range 2 \Vest of the V'/illamette Heridian; thellCe East 419.4 feet, thence South 150.75 feet, thence West 419.4 feet, thence North 150.75 feet to the Point of Begil1l1ing, in Lane COllllty, Oregon, EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 30 feet Eastaf the.centerline of COUljty Roael ~Jo, 452, saiel point also being along the Right of Way of County Roael No, 452; said point also being 1033,07 feet North anel 30 feet. ' East of the South'.~!e5t corner of.the S.D. Gater Donation Land Claim 61, in SectieIl -'-1/ Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willarnette ~1erlelian; thence East 194,40 feet; thence South.150,75 feet; thence \'Vest 194.s0 feet; thence North 150.75 feet to the Point of Begillning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Parcel Number: 560951 i, I Date ~{aceived: Planner: AL 0~/~cr EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 .(end) , EXHIBIT B Begillning at a point 30 feet East of the. centerline of Couilty Road No, ~52, said point also being along tne Right of Way of County Road No, 452; said point also being 1033,07 feet North and 30 feet East of the Souttwvest corner of the S.D. Gate.r Donation Land<Claim 61, in Section 4, Tov'lIlship 18 South, Range 2 West of the \Nillamette ~1eridian; thenc~ Eastf94AO feet; thence 50utl1.150,75 feet; thence - West 194,40 feet; thence North 150,75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon" . Tax Parcel Number: 560951 EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 1 (end) Date Received:~P~/.zPl7r Planner: Al , I .j ~ ," 1111 " 'II ~ I~ , .1 ,io I ,I l,111 EXHIBIT C LcG.::.l Dt:SCRIPTIOi');" 3EGIi'~i~jf~G AT !\ P01NT IN THE eEi,nER OF COUf\lT)' ROft.D ('JO. 452{ IN SECTION 4, TO'/vNSHIP 18 SOU-r-H, R.ANGE 2 \\'E5T OF TH~ \VIL.LPJ'"It: I IE i"'IERIDIAN, SAID POiNT BEING ON THs WEST LINE 0:= THe S. D. G.L\Gt:R DOi'rA.TIOn LiV~D CU~.lf"i f'~O. G1i SAID TO\:vr'JSHlp.Ai"IO R1J.NGE, 775.4 FEET f'!OHTH O~ THE SOUTHWEsT CORNER OF SI'.10 CLO,Ij,j, FR,O;", S.".ID 6EGINi'Hi'!G POINT RUN EAST 20,0 FEET TO p[~ IROi'! PIDE, f.'1p,RKI,'IG THE E~.sT Ui'IEOF SP.!D COUNTY ROAD; THEIKE COI~TINU!NG EAST 200 FEET TO,~ TOTp.L DIST.~NCE OF 22.1.7 FEET; THENCE i'IORTH 96.92 FEET; THENCE WEST 204.7 FEET TO P.f' IRON PIPE IN THE E~.sT LII~E OF S;'.ID COUNTY ROAD NO, 452; THEI'ICE CONTINUJI~G WEST ..20,0 FEET TO A piJUllT ON THE WEST LJNE OF SAID S, D, U,GER LAND CLAH'-I; THENCE SOUTH P.LO;~G SAID V'iEST LJj'IE, 96,92 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN U,eIE COUNTY, .oREGON, ~,LSO: A I ' PIECE OF GROUI,D DESCRIBED AS I3EGE,!'!!i'!~ ,~T A POIiH 30,0 FEET Ef\ST OF-TH. CENTERWIE OF COUI~TY ROAD NO, '152, S,4!D POINT ALSO 5EIi'iG 872.32 FEET NORTH A,;~D 30,0 FEET E,"'ST OF THE SOUTH\VEST [ORNER OF THE S, D, Gp,GERDONATION LAND CLIU'", NO, 51, IN TmVI'ISHIP 18 SOUTH, RA,NGE 2 WEST OF THE vVILlN,ic, IE j'jE?JOIA,N; THENCE E;',ST 19'';,7 FEET; THENCE SOlJrH 95,92 FEET; THEr\!CE EftS: 224.7 FEET; THENCE NORiH 106.92 FEET; THENCE \,:/EST '119.4 FEET; THEN(E SOUTH 10.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF ~tGINNlr\:Gl Ii\1 SPRli~GFIELDf U",NE COONTY/ OREGON. EXCEPT THE PORTIOi..j COr'lVEYED TO LP},!1: COUNTY IN THE \VARRIl,NTY DEED RECORDED FE8RUp,RY Sf 1997, ,:~.s RECEPTiOi'J NO. 97-07S95, O,cFICI.t,L RECORDS, IN LJ\I'!E CqUi'~~(, OR,EGOi'i. PLUS: , [7-al.~ ''-~' . tj" - , - ' ,d::., ,l.,rcr-'t:llY JIl. Ie lOl!i,t'l OJ L~~I1G, St~tE cf Gi((JOIl c1escril)Po' ~~ ,rall,....,..-. J 1 . _ 0;::. I ,,,'I,'S. SeQinr:ing et a (}oint 30 fe~t l="as~ O~ --he .. -,~, I' _ ~ . " , ' , . - '--'. I l..~ CElli:;:, :Ilk 01 Couiltv'R...,;:.j f\(0 ~S) _:rl '.,. J0artl) 2nd.30 feet Eact of (/-.0 5"",' ''-i-'\'Iv'' '" ,.I1~... ,-_,.SCI,-, ROIiIl oelIlg 1033.07 feet . - " - ".... ....'-'l :'''._~l corner or tne S 0 Gc' ,,,,, D -'i, ~ . . 18SouIll R?rIG'" 2;,"':J-,;;~o':'I-,=\!,!;:I~. ,..:. ','~.'" .,." '9~r Olkt.cn Lcild ClalnlNo. 51 T~;"m"i1ir) 1 _~ ..t.__ ,I t h... "I..:::net.lE 1'lt'IIOI~n' ti-.r..I'C'" ':;o:;'-'j a _,; . ' '-' - , thence \..../est ~i19..q reet, thence l\forth1 0:::0 7-'~- :-..: L)~~ , ._:tC:,l, ~ 1,:-,," ,e~tl thence SOl!th 150.75 ((.::tl '~.... . .) I~el lQ l JE POln~ or 8egli~J1ingJ in Lane Countyl Oregon. EXCEPT: Gegil1r:il1g at a point 30 feet cest of tho CL:lIY'-lcr'I',,'e - r R -1- '0 'j- R' I.. ~ . '- .... .... , or ,-Cunt" o-d hla ~52 'd '. 'b' C "'/1... l ie, igl!L 01 \:}3" ofCoulitv no;::d '.1 .:j q. -'d ' ; '- .' .'" c. ...., 153/' pOII1L a.so ElI1g r- ~ c'h .' - i\. - 1,0. .-,_,501 l;OilllC*obel'"'o 10""""07 , t"'1 ,_ <.:.2SL Or [ e SOUl:h~!,.!t:5t CO:-11H c.f ~h.::. sn G"''' ~ C.... L'" .' - 1'_ ,D. ~eE' I\lOn:) ann )0 feet D- . - .- ,....,....-,-::lEI:0J1?dolllandCf,?i.1,'""1..r.'-..., . ".' ncJloe 2 \:"lest or th--; \Uipernettr. j\"ei(q~). c' E -. 1 "I ~ f !11 .::EClIOl! ..,. TG\t-.!I1Ship 18 C::nuth \.'.J _~, '. - '" ,., I , .... 1'1, ),(;;1; lnencc: cst 19.-:l..qO fe-t' j-I'-.::: r S 1 -' --'r ~_ '-' -~ ,. ..-...e.:-l .L9~.""O reet.: thel,ce :\lortl1 1;0 7~ f-:..:;.'- __ c', I"' . '- ~,.., t:'f" ,~n....e Ol1t,_l.)O./J rEeL; lhEi";Ce . . - . .) ,t.:::....l.lO d,e rOllll.Oi DEgililiing; in Lal'ie-County,. Oregon. Dato i';;eceived:#pt Planner: AL EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 1 (end ---;. ;, -.- '. "lAIC LOT Z Ll 0 ( Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records \ I. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 uu.31564200,a0084210061068 02/07/2007 10:43:40 AM RPR-DEED Cnl:1 Sln=5 CASHIER 06 $30.00 $11.00 $10.00 200i.O~8~~1 $51.00 " Date Received: f~)/,;ool Planner: AL 1Ei- ~ 5609511 IS 02 04 14 00100 FIRSTAM 7191-929331 MMM 1p' f.T II o After Recording Return To First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene. OR 97440 " After recording return to :RONALD D. GALCERAN AND KAREN L. GAT.CERAN 2264 33RD STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Send all tax statements to: No Change. DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED THOMAS W. HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH ( "FIRST PARTY") is the Owner of' a parcel of real property referred to herein as PARCEL I. RONALD D. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and Wife, ("SECOND PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as Parcel II. FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY desire to set forth this declarat:i:on setting an adjusted boundary line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulat;ions and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 1 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the Deed.recorded August 4, 2005, as Reception No. 2005-060469, in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. The legal description for ,Parcel I is set forth on said deed and incorporated herein by reference to said deed and if set forth herein. The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 2 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded November 21, 2006, as Reception No. 2006-083979, in the .Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FIRST PARTY does hereby convey to SECOND PARTY the real property described on attached EXHIBIT A incorporated herein fully by this reference. The true consideration for this conveyance is ONE HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($102,795.00)JHJS DEED IS BEING GIVEN BY GRI\tITOR (FIRST PARTY) DIRECTLY TO GP"'~ITEE (SECOND PARTY) AS AN. INTEGRI\TED PART OF A 1031 EXCHflNGE TRANSACT~llowing this lot line adjustment, the description of the PARCEL 1 property is described on the attached ~XHIBIT B incorporated herein, fully by this reference. Following this lot line adjustment, the description of the PARCEL 2 property is described on the attached EXHIBIT C incorporated herein fully by this reference. The portion of this legal description which depicts the new adjusted line between PARCEL 1 and pARCEL 2 is underlined on the attached EXHIBIT B and EXHIBIT C. THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT IN REGULATIONS. BEFORE WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON (RECORDING SEAL HERE) Page 1 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE (f\c\heat\pro-ln-a.dee) ADJUSTMENT DEED le~d) . fJ;~;/.;tJ(Jf Datefl.ece,ved:~/"l ~ Planner: AL . I....." ACQUIRING ANY INTEREST IN OR TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. DATED this 7- 5' day of, :)n-UII/l-iT, 2007. "FIRST PARTY": ~ w- ~'Uf[ , ~omas W. Heath /j~L-~clL-H Westleigh q:)Heath . Galceran tiP.; U Ai. ,J Kar L. Ga1ceran STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Lane On the acknowledged 2,5 day by THOMAS W. of :r A-UvA-~-t 20J,~his instrument was HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH" before me. . . OFFICIAL SEAL .... . .'. MENDIE M. MAYFIELD .. . j NOTARY PUBUC. OREGON .."... ...'.. COMMISSION NO. 374106 MY COMMISSION fXPIRES DECEMBER B, 2IlOT dlM.J/ A 4 Notary pu5lic for ORE . Seal: .'/1,' STATE OF OREGON ' ) ss. On the acknowledged Wife, before County of Lane ~ day by RONALD D. me. 9 of ,IAVltJll.rLf. 2001. this instrument was G}'LC~ KAREN' L. GALCERAN, Husband' and . OFFICIAL SEAL ~ MENDIE M. MAYFIELD . .. .) NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON \'..,... COMMISSION NO, 374106 . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OECEMBER 6, 2007 AI .J. 1J d~ ~blic for OR Seal: l\tt:achrnent:s; EXHIBIT A: c: Pron~rtv beina conveyed EXHIBIT B: c: Parcel T description following conveyance RZHTBIT c: c: Parc.~l II description following conveyance Page 2 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED lend) (f\c\heat\pro-ln-a.dee) Dat€l Received' f !;91.2a9t1' Planner: AL '/ ~ ;- EXHIBIT A Real property in th~ County of Lane, State of ,Oregon, described as follm-vs: Beginning at a .point 30 feet East of the center line of County Road No, 452, said point being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet East of the Soutlwvest corner of the S, D. Gager DOllalloll Land Clailll No, 61, Township is South, Rar:,ge 2 V)est or the \".'illamette r-'-1eridian; thence East 419.4 feet, thence South 150,75 feet, thence V,lest 419,4 feet, thence I~orth 150.75 feet to the Poillt of Beginlling, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at apoillt 30 feet Eastof the~,cellterline of COUllty R.oad No. 452, said poillt aiso being along the Right of Way of County R.oad No. 452; said point aiso being 1033.07 feet North end 30 feet East of the South',"!Est corner of the S.D, Gater Donation Land Claim 61, ill SectieJ1 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the WiHamette ~1eridian; thence East 194.40 feet; thEnce South.150,75 feet; thence \Vest 194.40-feet; thence ~Jorth,1?O.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon.. Tax Parcell~umber: 560951 Date Received:_~fJLl:?J> Planner: AL . EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 (end) EXHIBIT B 62ginning at a point 30 feet East of the centerline of County Road f~o, 452, said point also being along tne Right of 'Nay of County Road 1'0, 452; said point also being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet East of the SouIh'Nest corner of the S.D, Gater Donation Land Claim 61, in Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 VJest of the V!i1larnette ~1eridian; tlience East'194AO feet; tfience 50uth-150,75 feet; thence West 194.40 feet; thence North 150.75 feet to the Point of 6eginning, in Lane County, Oregon, Tax Parcel Number: 560951 Date t(eceived' Planner: AL 3k?~Ofld / / ,II ! II. ".. ~ I EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 1 (end) " I II 1111 I 11,,11 .. I EXHIBIT C LEG<~.L DESCRIP'nOi'J: BEGH~NI1~G AT /i, PO!NT IN THE (Ei'!TER OF COUi'~T)' ROPD HO. 452, If\j SECTION 4/ TO'/JNSHIP 18 SCU-h-i, P...Af\!GE 2 \'VeST OF THE V\f!LLP,ht: I IE i"IERI0IJ:.N, SAID POINT BEING ON THE \NEST LINE OF THE S. D. G.:\Gt:R DON.l';TiOU Li.lJ~D CL':!.Ii"i f'~O. 61, SAlp TOVv'r~5HIP Ai',lD Rfi.f\:GE/ 775,4 FEE"T NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORi'!ER OF Si'.lD CLO.Ii,l, FRO,'" S.".ID BEGli'li'i!i'IG POINT RUN EAST 20,0 FEET TO ,oN IROI'! PIDE, f,'I.",RKING TnE E,',ST LIi'!EOF SP.!D COUNTY ROAD; THENCE CONTIf'IU!NG EAST,20'i.7 FEET TO ,1\ TOTpL DISTM'iCE OF 22,1.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 96,92 FEET; THENCE 'NEST 204,7 FEET TO ,of,! IRON PIPE IN THE EpST WiE OF SAID COUNTY RO,~D NO, 452; THEr'ICE CONTINUING WEST , 20,0 FEe' TO A POrr'lT ON THE WEST Uf'!E OF S,l'.!D S, D, Gp,GER LAND CLilli'I,: THENCE: SOUTH pLO',_G SAID V/EST UNE, 96,92 FEET TO TnE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUi'HY;OREGO,~, ALSO: A PIECE OF GROUND DESCRIBED AS GEGIN!'!Ir,~ .~T A POn,lT 30,0 FEc' ErlST O,'C..THfi CENTERUNE OF COUNTY ROAD NO "52, S,~!D POINT pLSO 6Eii'IG 872.32 FEET NORTH Ai,D 30,0 FEET E,"ST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE S, D: Gp,GERDOi'!ATION LAi'ID CL^,!l-1 NO, 61, IN TOIVi'iSHIP 18 SOUTH, RP,NGE 2 \VEST OF THE vVILU,I'k, ! E "'IER!DIAN; THENCE Ep,ST 194,7 FEET; THENCE SOLJri-l 96,92 FEET; THEf\!CE eftST 224.7 FEET; JHENCE NORTH 106.92 FEET; THENCE \:YEST '119.4 FEET; THEN(E SOUTH 10.0 FeET TO THE POINT OF GEGIf'!Nli\iG, IN ~PRli\lGFlcLD, U.:,NE CDDNn', OREGOn , . EXCEPT THE PORTIOi',! COr'NEYED TO LP,NE COUNTY IN, ThE VV?RR!'l,f\lTY DEED RECORDED FE5RUft.RY 5, 1997, ,:\5 RECEPTIOi'l NO. 97-07995, OFFTCI.e,L RECORDS, Ii'! L.AUE CqUNTi', OPEGOf'i. I I I ! PLUS: De~1 '~rn" -,-'v' t! - - . ' . .'. c, f- -'f-'CI L, III 'Ie lounlY Oi Lalil2i Stete or OrU}Oll. descri!),:',1 ;>, ','OII,.."..S' _ ....,. ~U u_ .,-1 \' . Seginl::ng 2t a paint 30 fe~t East of the L"C- '~~ I'"," 0< C ':1 . . - ~ dl"-,,...... I oul,yR....-df\lo "5) 'r! . , . Naill) end 30 feet Ecc.t of tI'e c:;". .t:....'e--- . . I L::::,.. ~~ -, 521.... pOUlt oelJlO 1033.07 feet {,s c.:,., 1"1 _' ;._-__...::, ~'-",~.,I""" ::::L corner or llie S. D. G~Qa DOJ'lGtiQIl L2i'd rl_'~ I -' .-,,,." - _t..ll.l, Rellae 2 .....It.'L 01 tl"l'" \"'loI~r'rI~-'-'- . ,',. " ,. ,,- . I \... ellll No. 61 T,-,,',11SI1ID -- \" ,: ,'--' .....""'......ll.el'jt"~;lo:an;liH=nceEc,t,:.j1Q.:.:;..:':!- 'I' --~.... ,,'- ~ ~ ' . dlenc2 ,,,,lest ~i1.9.!j reet, thence [\Iod!: 15075 .::. ~ '- ~J', . _'- ,- ~ -..... '.'~~':. l ,eJICL :)Dl!th 150,/5 II~el, - . Jl-eL LO l lE POlill 01 Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Geoinnillfl 2t a noillt 30 f~"'t ""c's" 0' '1- c '1' _ - __. '_ ....,"-:>, r ,,-,- C l 1,!ecelllerlf:eorCOL' ;,'R'-d(\! -1 '. . cf:..dI9 die Riglll of \:/5\' of Co un tv K02d '.J .'0;:;) ""d _ : ~ _I I~LJ' Oc: .0. '152, soid'pOlllt also beIng .- ~, J . I 0, ""I....~, Sol' LOdh (11'0 bc.I"'o '0"'''' 07' ,. L:.2St OJ [he South!.'c't:st CO~llcr ef ~h.::l S n G ~ ~ 0 _,.' . ,Y ..... Il... 1 ,)j. ~efJ i\:onh and 30 feet , '- '............. ~2lEI L;on~t!on!2n[JCI2;' ~l" r '~" " - , F::.siloe 2 \.:'/est cf i"1-,,,, 1!,/ji'2/r,Ettr. >,'.~~j'!i- l' "' E ", J ..1110, !Il .::EClIGjl .-.,. TOi.',}nc.hip 18 C:nuth l' ~." _ . . """.. .....11L;:',li,cl, i.nencc 25t19.-q..::Jo~.,-t.tI~.:: r:",S _'...,. -~ -~ ,I ',../ESi. :.L~':':.':';O reet' tli,",",'re 1,1'_'__1_ ""U' -~ _.- ., _'. 1.....1;:;., ,.....11"',.. outh.l)0./5 fE.'''l' thci'ce ....,. ....".. ....."ll1.) ./)'e~li:OiTPCOI--" .:,.., '. . ' ..../ ...., . ..... I..... III 0: Deg:nllil,gl In Lal'le County, OiE:gOIl. Dat~j!(eceived: ~ptx?J' Planner: AL EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 1 (end