HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/20/2008 " City of.Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D . AUG2 0 2008 SPRINGFIELD WiL. Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal: '. . .. . . A . ,. A Applicant Name: c:,(\' .GA-I~ I Company: <' IAddress: ~ ~S <3. S7'f-h sf., , Phone: ''0'3 b -0 / <t'l Fax: .r~ Applicant's Rep.: I'\LI.N" ~;o'\.. \41~k Company: \Lv4 .......&.... t\....;"';-r.*..... !Address: ':-"rYt \~ l\q {\\,,;:tk I h~, ML [property Owner: 12..0(\ GA-l~ Icompany: - !Address: . 7.--2(P1.{ 33p-o $+.' )PjL'''''j..{;e.ld Cf7l.f77 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 19,.02-0y-/'..j , ITAXLOTNOCS): OO'UJD 1 Property Address: 'l5S 5". 57~ sf. 1 Size of Property: J .71 ! Proposed Name of Subdivision: rfl..'!tk L'rY1cl;~ I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Prooosal: I Existinq Use: <:;,''''J''' ~.I:J /U.s ;~d' . 1# of Lots/Parcels: 1 IAVq. Lot/Parcel Size: 50<90 + sf 1 Density: ').3. du/acre riate box on the next Phone: t...S b-q "Z-{ ( Fax: YsN - qloj \ 0171..(0 i-, Phone: 5 ~ Fax: Acres ~ SQuare Feet D , , .,.. . t..fZfJ,;>r;G1. ~"Lz.. c:.ttnYl~ A . . t d A I"' ~"'U1>'1-": ~Z6CO\(k) " ssocla e DD Icatlons: ~,_Cl_ o.=>-." (0- LA _A:-.1",~.) Siqns: I Pre-Sub Case No!:~ng -60059 Date: <6/'2lJ/OCb . Reviewed by:1A:l.... t?Jn~ I Icase No.: Date: Reviewed by: I IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $ I' ITOTAL FEES: !Ji J PROJECT NUMBER: p(2..~ ''Uu7-. O\b'+z.... . 1""""':"",,,-'~r~11;i';.,'t~''''''''<t''"''':''''===~=_'';:<'Iditill!'''''''';,_","~f.'."""~.~_~~!ffl<i\"'o~~;'}i,.g",-",,:,,:,:..,,,~,:,,,-,_~,..,cf"'''''''''iOl~''<%!l_-,,~__~x____;e.=~,,",,_''''''-'''~~~~'''-"'-';w''1>'''~''''_':?','''"F=_=~~''-''';~__'I.il. ~ : M ~ 61, II'.6\) , Revised 111/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 " \ I I I 1 , 1 I I Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stag'es in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature willl10t be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: Date: 7-5-0% ~CA-/~ Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the compieteness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise. contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This'statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE:SUBMIlTAl REC'D AUG 2 02006 Revised 111/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 , ' Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist ' . NOTE: ~) ../ . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and SUb~Jttai. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application(please state the reason why and attach the 'explanation to this form. D ' Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee' .t'7 ~ \.. <;;'-calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services, i";:) Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. 1& ;g D D ~ ~fl< '~ ~ ~ Land Division Tentative Application Form Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ' Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. .. , Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, 'a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-SubmittalOR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal ~ All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8Vz" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. ~ a.. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions , PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D gJ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ~Vicinity Map , AUG2 02008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 10 ..<;.. ~he name, location, and di~ensions of all existing site features including buildings, " curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use , ' and required setbacks from proposed property lines. ' / i ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department qzJ The 100-year floodplain and f100dway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~The Time of Travel Zones, as specified'in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department '!ilL Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted .concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor ~ City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land division . ~Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division , ~Boundaries of entire area owned by the property,owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale, W Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ~Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and' relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. ~Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox' units and similar public facilities ' R Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways, itl Location of existing and proposed transit facilities bftLocation and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails " ' RLocation, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip , PRE.SUBMmAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 ~~ ::lI [I ~ co :k: = [I = ~ '" <::> ~ ~ ~ ~ ::c :::> => <l: ~ . ~ ~ [I [j e\ tll ' Ll-l..Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, storm water management systems, water mains, power"gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points ~ The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated 'ij.Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. c., Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer , - . \ ~ Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management-system ~Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~Existing and proposed'spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) '!$-Amount of proposed cut and fill Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: [] Proposed deed restrictions and a draft 'of any Homeowner's Association Agreement [] Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 [] Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of. bank of any direct tributaries. of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepared, by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present , Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be ,removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ' A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon' Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 rb [J ~, Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 An Annexation application, as specified in SDC5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can b'e served by sanitary sewer All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ,,~,i\'-... ~: of Springfield Official Receipt lJtfvelopment Servi.ces Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000886 Date: 08/20/2008 8:36:26AM Paid By RON & KAREN GALCERAN Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 346,00 $346.00 Job/Journal Number PRE2008-000S9 Description CTY Subdivision Tentative Pin Payments: Type of Payment Check Amount Paid ddk 4207 In Person Payment Total: $346,00 $346.00 PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 cReceintl Page 1 of 1 8/20/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00059 855 S. 57th Street J-f' -It) ~ , L W j' \ ~.~~e'bGtof\ I - o b-T"0 , I, -----f,- I l U) ;t, ,.......l H- I N- Il) ul J I I 1 Jt !:it I '~ C/) ~ I I I ~ [J I , SITE Map 18-02-04-14 ,. Tax Lot 200 North .. I I I I j -y PRE.SU~MlnAL REC'O AUG 2 0 2.008 SITE CONTEXT MAP PROPOSED 9-LOT SUBDIVISION 855 SOUTH 57th STREET ,MAP 18-02-04-14, TAX LOT 200 CASE PRE2008-00059 t N ~ fl1$ Narrative fo, RON'S LANDING 9-Lot subdivision Assessor's Map 18-02-04-14, Tax Lot #200 The owner, Ron Galceran, is proposing to divide Assessor's Map 18-02-04-14, Tax Lot #200 into 9 single-family residential Lots. The property's current use is single-family residential with one existing dwelling unit on site. , Additional Information: A right of way approach permit is notrequired for this property, as it does not have frontage on 3J1 ODOT facility. We are not submitting a Traffic Impact Study with this application. The t',vl'vsed subdivision will generate less than 100 vehicle trips per day, which, in our opinion, will not significantly impact the existing transportation system. PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 \ ',. I S S I . ~ ~ ~- . g lB. 5 ~5 I~ ,Iii~ i~~ ~~~ i 5 '~5 H ~~I ~;I-i~1 1:1 ~ i I I Z o if) '-'> Zo o ZO ~Z ~ if) - w Z> 0- 0:::1;;( I- Z W I- I ~- III ~~~ ; I~ I ~ Lf'LQ: HU10S f"') I I h /IB'I//.......... ..... ~ r:t '.(;' ! i j, ~ ,7 _~ ~ "a Q ~a ~ ~ i ! /f 1 9S t 95 ~ ~ 9~ t ~ ~! I" @~ ! - ,:l w Tc '. =1 -J I --li .', ,~ -----~jllo-----,----- -- - - ----_-:~:__-_=z::_.:.: if) .~ ~ -,1 ----,or---ibl----p:- ./ - ',' ~ ~ ~i~i ------==------=-~ -- - 1~-- --, :_~ -_ --- , ,jl &i~ ZlnIHUn) -rr "(" --:- ~' .-;- -, , lIt . @ I ~ lie;; r rf - s! .a ~ ~.a ~ r : : i 1 q~~! ~ 'II ,: ! I..:~! 9! ' t 95 t ~ 'I H it ..... 6~ I. ,. IJ"': I " ',. Q d ! ~, i ~.~ : ! J i :1 5 , " i i J .. - <<:.., ...- :' ~! I~, ~;; ~ E i &.ill~ I ~ ,. P:I:- r- ~i i !~~I~ a ~' .. :i'! <no ~ i~ifi.." = i ~; l,\\ aa ~ ~!i~!B : !~I ~' ' ~n ! !!lll; II ! ~ ;, .., ~ ;~li;J ;n~ '~ ; ~!I ~, ~~ ~I i~ 5~ 'i S ~I !~!~I~ :1 ~~ , ~ n _01 I """",""""" ~ II r ~;! I ~ I I 2 ~ i ~ I ~ I fi ~ g~HHHnnH ! _o- j ! .._-, ~ ..aa.o. ! c-T=~-~--l~-=:;-~~:;- ~-Ld--- _'t,_,__.._, -~-J>o<;o "=~'=-=-=-=~=F. ~~_n' ,.='-'. I ._ u~ ..._______u ___-...1.- ~ ~ '- ~ --- . PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D - AUG 2 0 2008 ,., \ lAy LOr /00 - ( Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records '\ 2~~1.o~~m , $51.00 ,\11'1111111111111111111111111111111111111 u~BB.5&4200,0u0B4210bQ~0gB 7/' 3 40 02/0 2007 10:4: AM RPR-DEED Cntc1 Stnc5 CASHIER 0& $30.00$11.00 $10.00 Date F<6ceived: f:/poO! Planner: AL ~ 560951/1802041400100 iV FIRSTAM 7191-929331 MMM 1p' roT /I 7 After Recording Return To First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 . After recording return to :jSONALD D. GALCERAN AND 2264 33RD STREET. SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Send all tax statements to: No Change. KAREN L. GALCERMJ ryECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED THOMAS W. HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH (" FIRST PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as PARCEL I, RONALD D.. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and Wife, ("SECOND PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as Parcel II." FIRST PARTY, and SECOND PARTY' desire to set forth this declaration setting an adjusted boundary line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 to comply with Lane County'Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 1 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the Deed recorded August 4, 2005, as Reception No. 2005-060469, in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. The legal description for Parcel I is set forth on said deed and incorporated herein by reference to said deed and if set forth herein, The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 2 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded November 21, 2006, as Reception No. 2006-083979, in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FIRST PARTY does hereby convey 'to SECOND PARTY the real property described on attached EXHIBIT A incorporated herein fully by this reference. . The true considerati'on for this conveyance is ONE HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/lOO DOLLARS ($102,795.00)11-115 DEED JS,8E1NG GIVEN BY GRIItlTOR (FIRST PARTY) DIRECTLY TD GP-AffTEE (SECOND PARTY) AS AN INTEGRATED PART OF A 1031 ~~lGE ~J~CTP&llowing this lot line adjustment, the description of the PARCEL 1 property is described on the attached EXHIBIT ~ incorporated herein fully'by'this reference. Foll?wing this lot line, adjustment, the description of the PARCEL 2 property is described on the attached EXHIBIT C incorporated herein fully by this reference,' The portion of this legal description which depicts the new adjusted line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 is underlined on the attached EXHIBIT B and EXHIBIT C. ' THIS INSTRUMENT ,THIS INSTRUMENT IN REGULATIONS. BEFORE WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE'PERSON (RECORDING SEAL HERE) Page 1- DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (end) (f\c\heat\pro~ln-a.dee) Date Received: 09/.;2tJtJf Planner: AL I... ~.., "._, ,~, ACQUIRING ANY INTEREST IN OR TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930. DATED this 7-)' day of 5I/-lJv(J.2..Y, 2007. "FIRST PARTY": ~ w- ~ltit '-'!,.lOmaS W. Heath .JI> . Galceran STATE OF OREGON ), County of Lane On the 'l5 day acknowledged by THOMAS W. . OFFICIAL SEAl , . .' , MENDIE M. MAYFIElD , J NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON ..... ".... COMMISSION NO. 374100 Ilr COMMISSION flIPIRES DECfMBER 8, 2llOl' STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ) d day by RONALD n. me. On the acknowledged Wife, before .. OFFICIAL SEAL , . . . MEN OlE M. MAYFIELD \~. ..! NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON ~ COMMISSION NO, 374106 , MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 6, Z007 //~.- ,lf~~CI~ Westleigh C~eath '#pA Uj) -~' Kar L. Galckoran ss. -< rU 7@ of jAUv~~-\, 20~, this instrument was HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH, before me. d1Ar~J A 4"o/d/1i Notary VuElic for OREJ9 . Seal: //;, ss. of J2jJ/1uJlr~, 2001~his ,instrument was GALCERANa d KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and dkJdrfJ d:~ Notary ~ublic for OR Seal: Attachments; RXHIBIT A; c: Prooer~v beina conveyed EXHIBIT B: c: Parcel I description following conveyance EXHIBIT C; c: Parcel II description following conveyance (f\c\heat\pro-ln-a:dee) Page 2 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED {end} - DatE! Received;~/ .2Por Planner: AL EXHIBIT A Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 feet East of the Lenter lille of Coullty,Road No, 452, said poillt being 1033,07 feet North alld 30 feet East of the Southwest corner of theS, D. Gager Dor1atioll Lalld Claim No, 61, Township 18 South, Range 2 V'!est of the Willamette 1'1eridiall; thence Eilst 119,4 feet, thence South 150,75 feet, thellce West 419,4 feet, thence r,orth 150,75 feet to the Poillt of 6egil1lling, in Lane COUllty, Oregon, EXCEPT: Begini1ing at a point 30 feet Eastof the.centerlille of COLH]ty Road No, 452, said point aiso being along the Right of Viay of County Road No, '152; said point also beillg 1033,07 feet North and 30 feet. , ~ast of the South,sest.comer of the S.D. Gater Donation Land Claim 61, ili 5ectlen Li, Tov.Jl1ship 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willarnette ~1eridian; thellce East 194,40 feet; thence Soutl1150,75 feet; thence V'lest 19't40 feet; thence North 150.75 fe~t to th.e Point of Beginning! in' Lalle County,Oregoli. Tax Parcel Number: 560951 i I' Date Receiv~d: ~j;;/,7IJtJt' Planner: AL EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 .(end) EXHIBIT B ~ Beginning at 3 point 30 feet East of the,centerline of County Road ~,o, 452, said point also being along tile Right of Way of County Road 1'0, 452; said point also being 1033,07 feet North and 30 feet East of the Southwest corner of the S,D, Gater Donation Land CI2im 61, in Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West ofthelNillamette Meridian; thence East'194,40 feet; thence Soutli.150,75 feet; thence West 194,40 feet; thence North 150,75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, ' Tax Parcel N.umber: 560951 EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 1 (end) Date F<6Ceivect:8.!;, 'i/4PfJr Planner: AL T . " .. " ..1 n.I,. " Ill_ L.o _ _I. I " I EXHIBIT C LEG.~.L DESCRIPI10N: 3EGIf\'NUH~ P.I /', PO!i~T In THE eEt'iTER OF COUNT~' ROAD i~O. ~521 IN SECTION tit TO'/vNSHW 18 sou-h---i, RAf\!GE 2 \t./EST OF THE \:\lILLPJ'it I J E jv'IERIDlft.N, SAID POINT BEING Oi\] THE\NEST LINt: 0:= TH~ S. D. G.'\GtR DON.!;T.iOr.j Li\NO CL!.!.Ii,-'1 f~O. 61; SA1D TOV;Jr~SHIP..4I'!D RANGE,' 775.4 FEET f\tORTH Of THE SOUTHNES! CORi'!ER OF SI'1O CL",!i'I, FRO;'; Sp,ID BEGINi'lING POINT RUN EAST 20,0 FEET TO "",N IROi'! PIPE, r"]"",RKING TnEe Ep5T WiEOF snD COUNTY ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING EAS!20'I,7 FECTTO A TOTA,L DISTANCE OF 22'1,7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 95,92 FEET; THE,~CE 'NEST 204,7 FEET TO "",['! IROi, PIPE IN THE EAST LINE Of' SA,IQ COUNTY ROW NO, 4S2; THEi,!CE COi,TINUII,G '/lEST .,200 FEt I TO A pcm,)T ON THE WES! LINE Of' SAID S, 0, GA,GER LAND CLAn'1; THENCE SOUTH A.LON_G SAID V'IEST LliIE, 95,92 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNIi,G, IN U\NE COUNTY,OREGON, A,LSO: A P1ECE OF GROUND DESCRIBED ,~S 8EGIN"!li'J0 ,~T A POINT 30,0 FEET EAS! OF-TH" CENTERLINE OF COUi,TY ROAD NO, 4S2, SAID POINTA,LSO BEIi'iG 872,32 FEET I\!ORTH ,~,ND 30,0 FEET E,"5T OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE S, D, UGERDONATIOi, U>J'!D CU.,W, NO, 51, IN TovmSHIP 18 SOUTH, RP,NGE 2 iVES! OF THE "VILLAr,',e I IE 1"iERfDIAN; THENCE EAST 19'1.7 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 96,92 FEET; THEr~CE EftSi 224.7 FEtT; THENCE NORTH 106.92 FEET; THENCE \YEST 419.'4 rEET; THEN(E SOUTH 10.0 FEET TO THE POl NT OF BEGINNING( li",1 .SPRli~GFIELD,. U-'lNE COONTY, OR.EGON. EXCEPT IHE PORTIOi',! cor'JVEYED TO lJ1,:',iE COUNTY IN THE \/'/fi.RR!l.NTY DEED RECORDED FESRUft,RY 5, 1997, .'~.s RECEPTI.oi'J NO, 97~07995( OFFICIAL RECORDS( E') LJ\i'!E Co.Ui'{~{, OREGOi'i. PLUS: \ Qe-I -, ., ~..' ' tI -, . ,. C', ~fC-;..'t:LtY III -Ie COUi'lY or Lane, Stete cf OfG.1011 c!€scriiJPu' a' "OII..".,S' -' 1 . ~ _ ,,,'\y, Rc.o;rl )i; t::> . -~ -, c -.. . " . I-........J. .r.dig 2 ~,DOllit -,0 It:El Eas~ of lhc CC-,'~~ lil;- OC C '" . i\!orth 2nd 30 f~et Eact ~f tl'''' S''''~I~I'-''';~:~ :0' l<::, : .~" 1 QUilty_ Road No. ~52,.said point beiliU 1033.07 feEt .' - - ''- '-'L-l ""'~~L..... fneror [lie 5 D G--: .c. D _~' '.-' 18 South, Rel-Ioe 2 V/c:d of th::: \!,:;n;:::,,'p~Q ',',~,.' "_ ~, ' . _ c.g::::f Glkl!OIl L2nd CI21tll No. 61, Tm'mshiD "I" 1.\) ~ ,.: .r .--_' '-- ."..~,. ....lc'- I',eilol::;,n; li:~nce t6St '-f19..q fee '/'-;''' .:>"" tl - - C_~c . llEr,ce ..',-eSl-i:O!! le""~ ~,I'''''I-'C" 1\'0..:1) '''0 -/5': ., I .'- _ 'I l ,LlIC..... .':)OL! 11JO./5 1\.:;;:\, --", '~'I ,I..... ........ . Ill. _-' )(~ei: ,0 t-'e P i-c '~8 ' , , .' .' D.lll 0..,1 ~egli:IlJng, III Lane Count'l, Oreaon. , , - EXCEPT: Beg'inning 2t a I~Olrlt 30 feet ces;- Of the: c c '1" _, , . _I _ " R' C t'" c " '-.. C_IIler IIJe or Counl" Ro-d (\I 452 'd'''' c., ' clollgl!:e,ightol\!Ja,/ofCoUlitvRo:::dt-lo 4<::;). -'d ,';.. . J' c: ..0. . ,sal pOllh2,sobEliig ,. ~ .- '. '-'-, Sol GOdlL 01<::0 bCI'10 .0....... 07 - 't., .... East d. the Southv,.'t':st CO:-fiEr c.r i"h=> S n G;:>~ ~ [~ _..',-.... ~ I.~ 1 ..)5. !€E::t I\.orth and .)0 feet_ , . '-. ''-'._LEI -on-l!onlano U2"11 r1 '. r "". . .' Ranoe 2 \-"Ves:t of tiF- \:',Ij/l,_,.....,""_,'.".." ^,"--;')i-)' " E--..... ..I.~ , !tl ..)ECLiCjl':;. TO\.''.Tlshin 18 C:;t'1uth - . --- '. J, ,...... '- 11t.:..,U.Cl', 1I1EiiCC: ;=c;:tlQc:J "0" _4. jl_~ _' l' -;~ .. \-Vest i9':;..qo ree(> thelice ["Iorth il:\O 75 ~-:.~C. .'_. ~_.,_:.;J ~.: 1~t:::L: ' ,:;:.nce. SOllth_l)O.75 feet; thEI.ce . . -, Il.::d.(O ti,e rOI"L .01 De9!1inJng, In Lane CountYi Oiegon, DtWi.'1 i"(eCeived:#P4' Planner: AL EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 1 [end ..." " --........, 7A/C LOT ZC! 0 ( , Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records , 11:111111111111111111111111111111111 , uUD8.56420~'~u0842.u~~u0g8 02/07/2007 10:43:40 AM RPR-DEED Cnl:1 Sln=5 CASHIER 06 $30.00 $11.00 $10,00 ~~~1.~~8m $51.00 Dat~ Received: f~9 /';00/ Planner: AL "7 I v r~_ ~ 560951/1802041400100 FIRSTAM 7191-929331 MMM 1p' f..... I' , After Recording Return To first American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 " After recording return to:RONALD D. GALCERAN AND KAREN I.. (;A!.CERAN 2264 33RD STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Send all tax statements to: No Change. pECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED .THOMAS W. HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH ("FIRST PARTY") is the Owner of' a parcel of real property referred to herein as PARCEL I. RONALD D. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and Wife, ( "SECOND PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as Parcel II. FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY desire to set forth this declaration setting an adjusted boundary line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 to comply with Lane County Lam:! Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 1 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the Deed ,recorded August 4, 2005, as Reception No. 2005-060469, in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregori, The legal description for Parcel I is set forth on said deed and incorporated herein by reference to said deed and if set forth herein. The reference to the legal description of the P~RC5~ 2 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded November 21, 2006, as Reception No. 2006-083979, in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FIRST PARTY does hereby convey to SECOND PARTY the real property described on attached EXHIBIT A incorporated herein fully by this reference. - The true consideration for this conveyance is ONE nu"uRED TWO THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/I00 DOLLARS ($102,795.00) JHIS DEW IS RETtIG GIVEN BY GRlltlTm (FIRST PARlY) DIRECTLY TO GPv\tITEE (SECOND PARlY) AS AN INTEOOTID PART OF A 1031 EXCHANGE TRl\NSACT~llowing this lot line adjustment, the de,scription of the pARCEL 1 property is described on the attached EXHIBIT B incorporated herein: fully by this r.eference. I'ollowing this lot line adjustment, the description of the"PARCEL 2,. property is described on the attached EXHIBIT C incorporated herein fully by this reference, The portion of this legal description which depicts the new adjusted line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 is underlined on the attached EXHIBIT B and EXHIBIT C. THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT IN REGULATIONS. BEFORE WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON (RECORDING SEAL HERE) Page 1 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE {f\c\heat\pro-In-a.deel ADJUSTMENT DEED {e~dl , , 1/.21./.;(/(// Date Recelved:_-/''''j .. Plariner: AL ACQUIRING ANY INTEREST IN OR TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930. ....... .-<'.: /lq DATED this 1-::>' day of. _JI!-0V'{1."-'L, 2007, "FIRST PARTY": ~ w- ~'U1t '- - , Thomas W. Heath ' b~ ,~~-~CI~ Westleigh CcJaeath -: Galceran ',-J<!iJ.. VA OJ-' ~ L. Galckran STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Lane On the acknowledged '2.5 day by THOMAS W. ~ nJ 7@ of ~AUv~~-\, 20~, this instrument was HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH", .before me. . (I) OFFICIAL SEAL .. , , , " MENOIE M. MAYFIElD , ' . J NOTARY PUBUC. ORE. GON .,... ",.... COMMISSION NO, 374106 IIY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBBlII, 2007 d1M~1 d 4~~//I Notary ~lic for ORE.J1 ' Seal: /-1 STATE OF OREGON ' ) ss. , I In. ' I ~ ' of J1V1l1lkVf, 200%, this' idstrument GALC~ KARENL. GALCERAN, Husband was 'and, On the acknowledged Wife, before County of Lane d day by RONALD,;). me. . OFFICIAL SEAL I; MENDlE M. MAYFIELD " .'. ';' NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON ",..' COMMISSION NO, 374106 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OECEMBER 6, Z007 . AI .J.t) d ' ~blic for.OR Seal: At.t:achrnents: EXHIBIT A: c: Pronertv beino conveyed EXHIBIT~: c: Parcel I description following conveyance EXHIBIT C: c: P"lrcel -II descript.ion following conveyance Page 2 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED lend} (f\c\heat\pro-!n-a.dee) DatE! Received: f /;f0t9J' Planner: Al I, -- . EXHIBIT A Real property in th~ County of [_clle} State of ,Oreg Oil, described as follol..vs: Beginning at a point 30 feet East of the lenter line of County Road No, 452, said poilit being 1033.07 feet North end 30 feet'East of the Southwest corner of the S, D, Gager Donetion Land Claim No, 61, Township is South, Ral\ge 2 \Vest of the \\'illamette r'-1erfdian; thence East 419A feet, thence South 150,75 feet, thence West 419,4 feet, t'hence I~orth 150,75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 30 feet Eastof the,centerline of COUI]ty ROed No, 452, said point aiso being , along'the Right of Way of County Road i'lo, 452; said point also being 1033,07 feet North end 30 feet East of the South'!;est corner of the S,O, Gater Donation Land Claim 61, in SectieJ1 4, Township 18 So~th, Range 2 West of the Willamette ~1eridian; thence East 194.40 feet; thence South,150,75 feet; thence V'/est 194.40 feet; thence North, 1?O.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane C~ullty: Oregon.. Tax Parcell~umber: 560951 Date Received:"*/.za'.f Planner: AL ' EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 (end) EXHIBIT B Beginning at a point 30Jeet East of. the centerline of County Road I~O, .:152, said point also being along tne Right of Way of County Road No, 452; said point also being 1033,07 feet North and 30 feet East of .the South'Hest corner of the S.D. Gater Donation Land CI2irn 611 in Section 4/ Tm'\1I1Ship 18 Sou!h, Range 2 West of the 'i!illa metto ~1eridian; tlience East'194,40 feet; tnence 50utl;.150,75 feet; thence V/est 194.40 feet; thence North 150.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane Co~ntYI Oregol1. Tax Parcel Number: 560951 , . Date Received: Planner: AL 3k?~t7PO i / EXHIBIT B Page 1 of 1 (end) " .. II I _ I II. II I" I. .JI I II II II I .Ii ;,:, .;, I. ~.. I. , . I EXHIBIT C LEG.i\.L DtSCRIPTION: 2EGINNiNG AT fl, POl:'J! Jr..! THE (EHTER OF COUr'~Ty' ROAD HO. 452, IN SEmON 4, TO'/JNSHIP 18 SOU-r-H, RAj'.JGc 2 \"/E5T OF THE VVILLPJ/lt I IE i"IERIOIAN, SAID POINT BEING Oi\) THE \NEST LINE OF THE S. D. G.:\Gt:R DON.l\TiOi,j LJ\h'O CL~.If"i f'-!O. 61, SAlp TOV"Jf'JSHIP AI"iO RANGE, 775.4 FEET NORTH O~ THE 50UTHWESI CORNER OF 5,'10 CLO,Ji'.I, FR,OH 5,".10 BEGIi'iNli'.'G POINT RUN EAST 20,0 FEu TO p,I'~ IRO:'! PIPE, 1'1,',RKING THE EP,SI Ui'!EOF 5MD COUNTY ROAD; THEIKE COfH1NUING EASI,20'i.7 FECT TO A TOTI>L DI5TAIKE OF 22-1.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH %,92 FEu; THENCE 'NESI 204.7 FEu TO j<,r:! IRQi, PIPE IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID COUNTY Ro.AD NO, 452; THEI'!CE CONTINUING WEST , 200 FEe I TO A PO!i,!T ON THE VoIESI UNE OF S!>.ID 5, D, Gp,GER L#ID CLAH1; THENCE SOUTH p10,",G SAID IVEST UNE, 96,92 FEu TO THE PLACE O~ BEGINNING, IN LANe COUNTY;.oReGON, p,LSO: A PTECE OF GROUND DESCRIBED ,AS 8EGIN!'!!NG ,AT A pOINiI' 30,0 FEET El\ST OF_THE CENTERUNE'OF COUI,TY ROAD 1,0 452, S,AID POIIH p,LSO BEii'!G' 872,32 'FEET NORTH ,~,ND 30,0 FEET ["ST OF THE SOUTH\VESTCORI,ER OF THE S, D: Gj<,GERDONATION L^,ND CLP,U:, ,~O, 61, IN TOWNSHIP IS SOUTH, RANGE 2 IVEST OF THE WILLAI.k I IE i',ERIDIAN; THEIKe Ep,Sl19'1.7 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 96,92 FEET; THENCE EftST 22r.}.7 FEEl; lr.Ef~CE NORTH 106.92 FEET; THENCe \VEST 419.4 FEET; THEf\l(E SOUTH 10.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF GEGINNli\iG, Ii"~ ~PRli\)GFIELDI U-:.NE COONTY, OREGON. . , eXCEPT THE PORTIOi'! CONVEYED TO LA.i'-!E COUNTY IN.THE \Vp.RRl\NTY DEED RECORDED FE8R.UARY 5, 1997, /i,S RECEPTIOi'-,1 NO. 97-07995, Q,cFICI/::.L R.ECORDS1 IN LAf'.!E CqUNTY, OREGOi'!. PLUS: Re-'.",. ' II' - , . ' ' . c. f..'f(]i-'Cr lY III :e loumy 01 Lane, St2t€: of OrE.UOI1 c!escril);u" _~ roll,........ -' I l, '- d,;;. 1 .....'\I'S. QC'-';P/l;l)g I" ',~ -, c',,- ' _ . l...""y' ... a {:, r.OIl" .)0 leEL ~as: of -,1'0 l--C-'--~ 1'",- r C . . - '--.-.. . "'- ....11l:;::".:::: 01 OUiitvRi-d f\lo ';SJ ' ',. "',Ioill) 2nd 30 feet Ea<t of t/..C1 S.... .ti'\'I~~:- ro ' ., ,.Le,_. .... -, said pomt oeJJlg 1033.07 Feet iSC:'ll'i ::>- -'> 1.._-__~ ::~,......~.,,!:-'_:::l... rnerOilneS.D.GCioerDoIl2tionL-:; drl-'~ In.., .. - _t..L1.1, Rc,/Io,- 2 .:..ft.", OJ tl"I'" \,,,,d-'l~':-''-'-'" ','_..' ,. " - , L.n, ..... elltl (\,0. 61 T"",'.-llSIl/l) 'I' I,~" ,::- f --',' .... .,I"Cl.,...lk !,'it"::IOI2n; InEI':Ge Eac;t .y1Q ~ f"....,~ 'I' ., .:> r' I' - '- r: ~ ; . L lenC2 ,'..est:j:O ~ ,t';::', ',I'c,"ru I,'o,.,j. . r" -/5' "I ,,- -...., ...,e'l l .eIIC,- ::)Dl!t) .L50./5 le:p( , --'.' .., I... I.,.... - ll' f"'U . 'e-. "_,' P . " , . ~ , . . -, --'. It.:: l lO t ,e au-It or 6e9inning,' in Lane County, OrEgon. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 30 fEet East ~f the c""lLlor'I'I"'e or' r '. r-. '- _I~_, 'I' n' I.. C, ....1 '-. ,-Gl'Ill" KOc:d f\'o '52 'd 'I I b' cl\~oI!g l ,e ;\igl!l 01 ~.".'5'1 oreoulity Ro;:d 1"'0 .:10:::'). -.ct' . :..' ;:.... ..., ,sa! 'POlll C,$O elilg .. '. ] . ~ '. '-''-I Sol [jC:lll aic;o bEI"O '0"'''' 07 ' ',. ~ EasL or-the South\\:est CO:-r1Er c.f rho::> S n G::>L_~ Q, _l-.' ',~. 11- 1 ,~J. !EfJ f\:onh and JO feet_ D ') p, ~ '- . ..., ........_It:1 ,OIl.::Llonl.?llo CI2."ll "I j'l r 'c" .1 T ' , . .,BJl:JE L. ':-:ESl 01 rli"" \UjP;:mEttr. ",..__;_ij~). .' E . ..I l) ,.1 .::ECLlGll -:. GV'Jnc.hlp 18 C:nuth , :. ,. - . "" ,-. ":11t.::"lI.ol, LilEnce 2st19~!jor~~t.ti~.::> r S I -.... '-L' .,..~ , \"/e5lJ..9-,-;.~O reet; ther,ce North 1:::0 75 F-:.-~' ,L'" r- '._"- ~',.... J~~:: J....ILP. qutl.1.)O.l5reelj [hel~ce ... _. I.::tllO tile r-Ollrl 01 Deg!I'llling; in Lane County, OrEgon. DatE! i!<eceived: pp&f?! Planner: AL 'EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 1 (end .. I '-, .. r') t 1c ~-/ , . Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1270152 Page 1 of 3 First American First American Title Insurance Company 0' Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of: Unnamed Plat GUARANTEE NO,: 7199-1270152 FEE $ 100.00 YOUR REF,: First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon , reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision is located. That, according to the public records which impart constructive notice or matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find: That the last deed of record runs to: Ronald D. Galceran and Karen L Galceran, as to a portion; Ronald D. Galceran and Karen L Galceran, husband and wife, as to the remainder We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92,305 (1), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 2008-2009 a lien due, but not yet payable, 2. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways, 3, In Favor of: Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: September 13, 1977 in Reei R864, Reception No. 77-58146, Records of Lane County, Oregon City of Eugene, Oregon, a municipal corporation, of Lane County, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water & Electric Board Public utility lines PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O AUG 20 2008 For: First American Title ,,-, j .. Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No:: 7199,.1270152 Page 2 of 3 4, Well Use and Maintenance Agreement, including terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: February 07, 2007, Reception No, 2007-008422, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 5. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof, Grantor/Trustor: Ronald D. Galceran and Karen L. Galceran Grantee/Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration 5ystems, Inc., "MER5" solely as a nominee for Hyperion Capital Group, LLC Trustee: Cascade Title & Escrow Company Amount: $85,000.00 Recorded: February 23, 2007 Recording Information: 2007-012627, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 6. Annexation Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: City of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation And: Ronald D. Galceran and Karen L. Galceran Recording Information: July 11, 2008, Reception No. 2008-040484, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $2,003.56 Map No.: 1802041400200 Property ID: 0560977 Tax Code No,: 01937 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federai liens against the Grantee named above and find: -NONE- The premises are in Lane County and are described as follows: PRI::.~Ut>IVI11IAL KtC~D AUG 2 0 2.008 RrstAmerican Title . ....,.- -' ....... ./ / Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1270152 Page 3 of 3 BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 452, IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, .RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, SAID POINT BEING ON THE WEST LINE OF THE S. D, GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 61, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, 775.4 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CLAIM, FROM SAID BEGINNING POINT RUN EAST 20.0 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE, MARKING THE EAST LINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING EAST 204.7 FEET TO A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 224.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 96.92 FEET; THENCE WEST 204,7 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD NO. 452; THENCE CONTINUING WEST 20,0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID S. D. GAGER LAND CLAIM; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 96.92 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, ALSO: A PIECE OF GROUND DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT A POINT 30,0 FEET EAST OF THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 452, SAID POINT ALSO BEING 872.32 FEET NORTH AND 30.0 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE S. D. GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 61, IN TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE EAST 194.7 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 96.92 FEET; THENCE EAST 224.7 FEET; THENCE NORTH 106,92 FEET; THENCE WEST 419.4 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 10,0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPT THE PORTION CONVEYED TO LANE COUNTY IN THE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 5, 1997, AS RECEPTION NO. 9707995, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: BEGINNING AT A POINT30 FEET EAST OF THE CENTER LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 452, SAID POINT BEING 1033,07 FEET NORTH AND 30 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE S. D. GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 61, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE EAST 419.4 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 150.75 FEET, THENCE WEST 419.4 FEET, THENCE NORTH 150,75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPT: BEGINNING AT A POINT 30 FEET EAST OF THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO, 452, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ALONG THE RIGHT OF WAY OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 452; SAID POINT ALSO BEING 1033.07 FEET NORTH AND 30 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE S.D. GAGER DONATION LAND CLAIM 61, IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; THENCE EAST 194.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 150.75 FEET; THENCE WEST 194.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 150.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY OREGON, THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property. Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listings do not include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title. We assume no liability in connection with this Subdivision Report and will not be responsible for errors or omissions therein. Dated: August 01, 2008 First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, By: ;2d,;7 ~ Robert Gordon, Authorized Signatory PRE.~UtlIVIIIIAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 RMG/GM First American Title f , '. --- , ' ::L.....a..--","", "i , L rJ . "' SE 1/4 1/4 SEC. LANE W.M. NE . SEE MAP 18 02 04 11 t:\S1 "'fI.b)' --=- -V[~~7u:J. - -- ~ .'7,63' -- ':'.3-~:-b.~OO.i;,0:::"... ()~-.9~OO ....E$f.47].63' Ii 89'43' E <tn.iS]' THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SAID PREMISES AND THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LlABlLITY FOR ITS ACCURACY OR FOR MATTERS THAT MA Y BE DISCLOSED BY A SURVEY, T 4 T.18S. COUNTY R.2W. SCAlE 1. = 100' rtz ,t 9 u I..LI ,..., ca::- e::> = -.I C"-.I ~ = ::2: ~ u:J l:Q :::> => <( u,> LJ..II ~ " , -1../ \ 'I': ii' I , J. ; -'.':=-' I 1" : I I. I ~: , j" I ;:,/ II --fl,.,....:....:____ --r=t:;..~ I :: : I II. I . , :; ~ : I 1'1 ~ , I -~ I II : r I II q I I" g -h. 1 II I ~ 2000 I i r-~~" y'..... 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PRE.SUBMITIAL R~l;'U AUG 2 0 Z008 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT This ~exation A~ement ("Agreement") is made between the City ofSprin~fi~ld. -;-- ~.....2J Oregon municIpal corporatIOn ("City") and Ronald O. Galceran and Karen L Galceran ' ("APPLICANT"). ' , RECITALS A. APPLICANT owns the parcel ofland legally described in Exhibit A, the Property, and s?o:-w on the ~ap attached as Exhibit B, The Property is proximate to the jurisdictional hmlts of the CIty and is subject to annexation by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, or its successor, ("Boundary Commission") following minor boundary change processes. B. APPLICANT has submitted to the City an Annexation Application Journal No. LRP2007- 00022, dated June 28, 2007, for Assessor's Map No, 18-02-04-14, Lot 200 ("Property"), C. APPLICANT wishes to annex the Property to the City and seeks support from the City for the annexation bcfore the Boundary Commission or its successor. The Springfield Common Council has adopted'l1~o~I~;:~.. No. b2lb supporting the annexation. Ord 1"0.0'\'-1'. O. The Property is currently designated as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Metro Plan and is zoned Low Density Residential (LOR) with an Urban Fringe (UF-IO) overlay accOrding to the Springfield Zoning Map, E, Annexation of the Property requires a showing under SDC 6.030(2) that the Property can be provided with the,minimwn level of key urban facilities and services as defmed in the Metro Plan Policy 8a and 8b, p.Il-C-4, and such showing is supported by the substantial evidence in the record of the proceeding on this annexation. City staff has detennined the minimwn level of key urban services is currently available to the Property with the exception of public sanitary sewer service, public stonnwater management service, and street connectivity to adjoining t'.~t'...;f that fully meet City Standards, The purpose of this Agreement is to memorialize APPLICANT's and City's commitment and agreement to the allocation of fmancial responsibility for public facilities and services for the Property and other users of the facilities, sufficient to meet the City's requirements for the provision of key urban services, including long-tenn public sanitary sewer, stormwater, interconnected transportation systems, and Fire and Life Safety services necessary for an affinnative City recommendation for the annexation request. 1liVi8lon or Chlar Deputy Clerk '" Lane County D.eds and Records After Recording, Return to: ~oo~.o~o~~~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $96,00 11 ,111292'08004 '4840150152 RPR RGRE 07/11/200809:57:57 M _ Cnt=l Stn=6 CIlSHJER 02 $75,00 $10.00 $11.00 City of Springfield Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Engineering Division ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - page I of 13 Revision Dale 1116108 , ' \2007ILRPZ007.\LRP2007-00012, GalCCfllll AnnexalionILRPZ007-OOOZZ V:\developc::ment rcview\Devclopmcnt AppbcaUons Galceran Annexation Agreement-doc It " l' 1- ~EC'D AUG 2 0 2008 ,F. A ~u.blic sanitary sewer system :vith s~~i:nt capacity to serve the Property and other ,.,' eXls~mg and p~oposed land uses ill the VICIDlty of the Property is necessary to suppoifa~~-' ~,~ findmg that this key urban service is available to serve the P,.""u/. · An existing eight inch (8") public sanitary sewer system is located within South 57th Street which. has the available capacity to serve the existing house which lies on the western portion of the Property. If the connection from this house to the existing eight ~ch (8") p~blic sanitary sewer in South 571il Street cannot be made by means of a pnvate gravity sewer lateral, the Applicant will be allowed the option of extending a private gravity sewer lateral from the house to the east and to a connection to the proposed public gravity sewer system in the proposed right-of-way of South 57th Place described in the following paragraph. o Another existing eight inch (S") public sewer line is located within South 5SIil Street which has the available capacity to serve the eastern portion of the Property, via the extension of this existing eight inch (8") sanitary sewer in South 58th street in conjunction with the construction ofJon's Landing subdivision to the north of the Property, and the extension of a new eight inch (8") public sanitary sewer in the proposed right-of~way of South 57th Place within the boundaries of the Property, The City's preference is to provide sanitary sewer service to all lots in the eastern portion of the Property by means of the new eight inch (8") public main which will be located in South 57th Place. If this is not possible, a private easement and sewer line to serve only the lot identified as Lot 3 may be allowed. The APPLICANT will be required to provide engineering details which will be reviewed during the Public Improvement Plan process. Another option may be to provide said Lot 3 with a private sanitary sewer pump to connect to the new sewer main. o The future Jasper Road sanitary sewer will eliminate a lift station that will serve the eastern portion of the Property. The applicant will be required to pay a proportionate share of the cost of the sewer system, based upon acreage, The Property is 1.74 acres of the total of approximately 1000 acres, which will be served by the Jasper Road sanitary sewer, The long-term plan for providing sanitary sewer service to the Property is via a new sanitary trunk sewer that will be extended in Jasper Road from South 42nd Street, as follows: , . When this trunk sewer is constructed, the existing lift station located on Mt. Vernon Road will be decornmissioned,The flows from the pump station will be diverted to this new trunk sewer, . The new trunk sewer will be partially funded by the City, with the remainder of the funds to come from several owners of parcels of land that will be served by this new trunk sewer. The design for the new trunk sewer is anticipated to commence in 2008, with the construction to occur once the remaining funding is secured from the,benefited properties, and the APPLICANT is one of the benefited property owners. . A new sanitary sewer main will need to be constructed from the new trunk sewer across lands not owned by the APPLICANT to the Property to provide the long-term planned sanitary sewer service to the Property, Revision Date 1/16108 V:\dc'Jclopemcnt re~ic:w\Devclopmcnl Applica1ions\2007\LRP2007-\LRPZOO1-OOO22, Galccran Anncxation\LRPlOO7.:ooD22 Galccran Annexation Agreem~tdoc ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 2 of 13 I' ~E.SUBMI1lAL REC'D AUG '2 0 2008 . Prior to the construction of sanitary sewer system installations W1der,this, __" agreement, all necessary easements andlor necessary rights-of-way shalJ be granted. G. A publi~ s~onnwater management system with sufficient capacity to serve the Property and other eXistIng and proposed land uses in the vicinity of the Property is also necessary to support a finding that this key urban service is available to serve the Property. . An existing public stonnwater management system is located within South 57'" Street and is 12 inches in diameter. There is available capacity within the 12-inch stonn Sewer to serve the western portion of the Property. · The eastern portion of the Property will drain towards South 58'" Street. The existing public stonn sewer which lies in South 58'" Street has been shown as a twelve inch (12") diameter pipe on plans prepared in relation to the development of the adjoining property to the north. City records show a portion of this system to be ten inches (10") in diameter, The APPLICANT will be required to verify the size of the existing stonn sewer, and to assure the capacity of the existing stonn sewer and the gutter capacity of South 58'" Street to verify the size and length of any required extension of the e?,isting stonn sewer system. · Treatment of stonnwater runolfwill occur on site via an engineered mechanical filter system or bioswale. . There is currently no public stonnwater management system downstream of the Property. The City's long-tennplan for providing the necessary stonnwater management facilities to the Property can be described as follows: o The City's existing stonnwater master plan for this area, the Storm Drainage Study for East Springfield (June 1979) identifies future stonnwater management systemS to serve the Property and surrounding lands, but it does not address the facilities necessary to ensure the adequate provision of public drainage services all the way to the Middle Fork of the Willamette River. The plan is in need of updating to meet current City standards for stonnwater management. · The Metro area's Public Facilities and Services Plan (December, 2001) also identifies that future stonnwaler drainage systems are needed to serve the Property and other lands in the vicinity. o The City has commenced preparation of a new Stonnwater Facilities Master Plan to identify specific stonnwater management and service needs for the entire City, This new planning will result in an updated recommendation for facilities which are needed to adequately serve the Property and other sUITOWlding lands. H. An interconnected transportation system with the existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity of the Property is also required in order to provide access and a transportation system for the provision of Fire and Life Safety services to and from the annexed property. · South 57'" Street fronts the site on the west, and the site partially adjoins South 58" Street on the northeast. Both of these streets are fully improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Revision Dale 1/16108 V:\devc.;................. rcview\Devclopmcnt Applications\2007\LRP2007.\LRP2007.o0022, GaJcc!an AnncXalion\1...RP2007..QOO22 Galceran Annexation Agrecmentdoc ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 3 of] 3 I __ I, .' ,. PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D AUG 2 02008 III . The APPLICANT proposes'to dedicate sufficient Right-of-way to extend South 58"' Street from the northeast corner of the Property and to the west approximately 225 - - fee~ al~ng the fronta~e of the Property and adjacent to Jon's Landing subdivision, w~ch IS ~ntl~ be~g developed. The Applicant will construct a portion of South 58 ~treet m conjunction with the development ofJon's Landing subdivision to provld~ for an urban standard street complete with curb, gutter, pavement, sidewalk, street lights, and street trees. . . The ~~LIC~T prop.os~ to provide public access to all proposed lots within the SUbdivIsion VIa the dedication of public Right-of-way and the construction of urban standard streets, co~plete with c,urb,. gutter, pavement, sidewalk, street lights, and str~! tree~, The alignment of this !ight-of-way will be required tp coincide with the eXlstmg Right-of-way of South 57 Place, which lies approximately 300 feet south of the South line of the Property, ~.~ ~ I. In order to facilitate orderly development of the Property and ensure the full provision of key urban services, that are satisfactory to the City and meet the City's conditions for an affinnative reconunendation for annexation to the Boundary COlnmission, or its successor, and in exchange for the obligations of the City set forth below, APPLICANT shall comply with all requirements imposed on APPLICANT in this Agreement. Now, therefore based upon the foregoing Recitals, which are specifically made a part of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT I. ObliQations of APPL~. Consistent with the above Recitals and subject to the issuance, of Subdivision Plat and Public Improvement Plan approvals, APPLICANT agrees to perform the, ." obligations set forth in this section. 1.1 Apply for, and obtain, Subdivision Tentative Plan approval from the City, pursuant to Springfield Development Code Article 35, for a residential subdivision on the Property within six (6) months of the effective date of the Boundary Conunission's, or its successor's, approval of APPLICANT's annexation request. lbis paragraph is subject to the requirements of Paragraph 8, below. ' 1.2 Apply for, and obtain, Subdivision Plat approval from the City, pursuanUo ' Springfield Development Code Article 35 for a residential subdivision on the Property within two (2) years, unless extended by the City, of the date of the Limited Land Use Decision issued by the City for Subdivision Tentative Plan approval issued pursuant to Paragraph I, I, above. lbis paragraph is subject to the requirements of Paragraph 8, below, 1.2.1 APPLICANT agrees and understands that the existing home, which is proposed to remain on the Property, must be connected to a public sanitary sewer system as part of the development of the Property, or within two years of the effective daie of this annexation request, whichever occurs first. In ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 4 of 13 Revision Date 1/16108 V:\dcvelopcment re...icw\Devclopment Applications\2007\LRP2007.\LRP2007-OOO22. Galceran Annexalion\LRP2007-ooon Galceran Annexation Agreement-doc r':.SUBMllTAL REC'D AUlJ 2 0 WUlS addition, th~ existing septic system and drain field must be removed and/~r abando.ned m accordance with City and Lane County standards and ' regulatIons. .,~ 1.2.2 APPLlC~T is required to participate, in the manner described herein, in the construction of the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer, 1.3 Subject to Subdivisio~ Plat appro~al, City ~ngineer approval of the requisite Public Improvement Plans, FmalInspectIon, submIttal and approval of the requisite As- bUilt Plans, and Acceptance by the Conunon COWlcil, and prior to Occupancy Ap~roval for any new structure on the Property, develop on-site and off-site public sarutary sewer conveyance systems to provide sanitary sewer service to the development as follows: 1.3.1 APPLICANT shall construct sanitary sewer systems to connect the e~isting house which lies on the western portion of the Property to the existing eight inch (8") sanitary sewer which lies within South 57th Street. If the connec,tion from this house to the existing eight inch (8") public sanitary sewer in South 57th Street cannot be made by means of a private gravity sewer lateral, the Applicant will be allowed the option of extending a private gravity sewer lateral from the house to the east and to a connection to the pro.r,sed public gravity sewer system in the proposed right-of-way of South 57 Place. APPLICANT shall also construct sanitary sewer systems to connect the eastern portion of the Property to the existing eight inch (8") sanitary sewer which lies within South 58th Street, or the extension of said existing eight inch (8") sanitary sewer which will be constructed as a part of an approved Public Improvement Project (PIP) for the Jon's Landing subdivision which is currently \llIder construction. 1.3.2 APPLICANT shall prepare the studies, plans, permit applications, and other supporting documentation necessary to obtain the permits and other approvals necessary to construct the sanitary sewer systems described in Paragraph 1.3.1, above. 1.3,3 APPLICANT shall bear the full cost and obligation to design and construct the proposed sanitary sewer systems that connect to the existing' public systems, including but not limited to associated easements, engineering costs, permit applications and fees, legal costs, construction and inspection costs, and the preparation of As-built Plans. 1.3.4 Prior to or concurrent with the Subdivision Plat or Public Improvement Plan approval by the City, whichever comes first, for any portion of the Property, APPLICANT will provide a payment in full to the City equivalent to six thousand dollars ($6,000,00) in December 2007 dollars. The actual payment amount shall be determined by increasing the stated payment amount by the percentage increase in the ENR 20-City Construction Cost Index, The base ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - page 5 of \3 , Rovision Date \116108 . "UOO7\LRP2007-ILRP2007-OOOU. Galee,," AnnexationILRP2007-00022 V:\devclopement review\De...e1opment Appbca\tons Galceren,,'\Mcxation Agreement.doC \ 1 l. 1.3.5 1.3.6 · PRE.SUBMITTALREC'D AUG 2 0 2008 - ,index to be used for this calculation shall be 8089.45 which is the published mdex rate for December 2007. The City and the APPLICANT h' b that h " . ere y agrec suc payment amount, In addll10n to the anticipated local Sanitary Sewer Improvement SD~ fees to be paid based upon the average residential development density for the Property, is a fair share cost for the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer. ); '-' The APPLIC~T ~rees and understands that the City may initiate a Local Im~rovement District (LID) to construct one or more off-site sanitary sewer mams from the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer to the Property. In the event that the City does initiate said LID, the APPLICANT hereby consent~ to the formatIOn of such LID and agrees to abide by the terms of Paragraph 6, 1?elow. The APPLICANT further agrees and understands that the construction of the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer does not include the construction of said off-site sewer mains and that nothing in this Agreement obligates the City to construct said off-site sewer mains at any given time. The City anticipates that said off-site sewer mains will be coostrUcted concurrent with the development of the lands lying between the Rroperty and Jasper Road. Prior to or concurrent with Subdivision Plat or Public Improvement Plan approval by the City, whichever comes first, for any portion oftll,e Property, APPLICANT will provide financial security acceptable to the City for all costs associated with the sanitary sewer system construction desCribed in Paragraph 1.3.1" above, APPLICANT is directed to Paragraph 12 of this Agreement concerning current requirements in relation to regulations of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and the payment of prevailing rate of wage. The cost of all construction to be completed which the City interprets as being occupied or used by a public agency shall be estimated based upon the prevailing rate of wage, and financial security shall be adequate to provide for the payment of said prevailing rate of wage, 1.3 Subject to Subdivision Plat approval, City Engineer approval of the requisite Public Improvement Plans, Final Inspection, submittal and approval of the requisite As-built Plans, and Acceptance'by the Common Council, and prior to Occupancy Approval for any new structure on the Property, develop on-site and off-site public stomlwater management systems to provide drainage service to the development as follows: 1.4.1 APPLICANT shall construct public stormwater management systems to collect, treat,.convey, detain as deemed necessary, and dischargestormwater from the Property and the upstream tributary areas via an on-site engineered bioswale or mechanical liIter system and public drainage easement, and into the public stormwater lines, , 1.4,2 APPLICANT shall prepare the studies, plans, permit applications. and other supporting docwnentation necessary to obtain the permits and other ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 6 of J 3 Revision Date 1/16108 V:\devetopcmcn\ rcview\Devetopment Applications\2001\LRP2007-\l..RP2007-OOO22. Galceran Annexation\LRP2(X)7-QOO22 Galceran .A.nn~ion Agreemenldoc · PRE.SUBMllTAL RECU- AUG 2 0 2008 ! , , appr~vals ~ecessary to construct the stonnwater management system. descnbed m Paragraph 104.1, above, -...;....-- ". _.J 1.4.3 G~t to th'e City the easements necessary to access, operate, and maintain a pub~lc stonnwater management system on the Property, Easements for piped portIons of the system will be a minimum of fourteen feet (J 4 ') wide and may be wider depending upon the size and depth of the pipes within the easem~nt. Easement widths for open channel portions of the system shall be det~med based upon the design width of the channel plus ten feet (10') on one sIde and twenty-five feet (25') on the other side to acconunodate access and maintenance by City personnel and equipment. Actual easement widths and locations will be detennined during the Subdivision Tentative Plan review. 1.4.4 APPLICANT shall bear the full cost and obligation to design and construct the proposed stonnwater management systems that connect to the existing public systems, including but not limited to associated easements, engineering costs, pennit applications and fees, legal costs, construction and inspection costs, and the preparation of As-built Plans. 1.4.5 Prior to or concurrent with Subdivision Plat approval or Public Irjlprovement Plan approval by the City, whichever comes first, for any portion of the Property, APPLICANT will provide financial security acceptable to the City , for all costs associated with the above stonnwater management system construction. APPLICANT is directed to Paragraph 12 of this Agreement concerning current requirements in relation to regulations of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLl) and the payment of prevailing rate of wage. The cost of all construction to be completed which the City interprets as being occupied or uscd by a public agency shall be estimated based upon the prevailing rate of wage, and financial security shall be adequate to provide for the payment of said prevailing rate of wage. 1.4.6 Thc APPLICANT agrees to pay a portion of the construction costs offuture downstream stonnwater facilities, as described in Paragraph G of the Recitals of this Agreement, due to the fact that no stonnwater facilities currently exist in the region. It is anticipated that obligations for a fmancial contribution to downstream drainage improvements would be based upon total acreage served and total runoff contributed by the development. 1.4 Subject to Subdivision Plat approval, City Engineer approval of the requisite Public Improvement Plans, Final Inspection, submittal and approval of the requisite As-built Plans, and Acceptance by the Conunon Council, and prior to Occupancy Approval for any new structure on the :-.-1'....;/, develop on-site and off-site public street. systems 10 provide interconnected ,transportation service to the development as follows: Revision Date J 116108 V:\d_. _:wr_.....lJt revicw\Devclopmcnl AppJicmion!l\2007'\l...RP2007-\LRP2007.ooo22. Galcc:ran AnncxHtionQ.RP2007-o0022 Galceran A.nnCXa1ion Ag.rcancnLdoc ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 7 of 13 I, i . -- eRE~D AUG 2 0 2008 1.5.1 APP~ICANT shall ?ear the full cost and obligation to develop and construct full!'-trnproved on-Slle an~ off-site public street systems to provide for the' logIcal and orderly extensIOn of the following public streets: 1.5. I.I Dedication of Right-of-way and construction to facilitate the connection to and extension of 581h Street from the northeast comer of the Property and westerly approximately 225 feet, as described in Paragraph H of the Recitals of this Agreement. This construction shall be designed and performed in conjunction with the construction of581h Street which is associated with the Jon's Landing development. .i 1.5. I .2 Dedication of Right-of-way and cOnstruction to provide public access to all proposed lots within the Property, as described in Paragraph H of the Recitals of this Agreement. 1.5,2 APPLICANT shall prepare the studies, plans, permit applications, and other supporting documentation necessary to obtain the permits and other approvals neccss8l)' to construct the transportation systems described in Paragraph 1.5.1, above, .. 1.5.3 APPLICANT shall bear the full cost and obligation to design and construct the proposed transportation systems, including but not limited to associated right-of~way, easements, engineering costs, permit applications and fees, legal costs; construction and inspection costs, and the preparation of As-built Plans. 'l.5k Prior to or concurrent with Subdivision Plat approval or Public Improvement Plan approval by the City, whichever comesfirsl, for any portion:ofthe P,v",~';i, APPLICANT will provide financial security acccptable to the City for all costs associated with the above transportation system construction. APPLICANT is directed to Paragraph 12 of this Agreement concerning current requirements in relation to regulations of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLD and the payment of prevailing rate of wage, The cost of all construction to be completed which the City interprets as being o~cupied or used by a public agency shall be estimated based upon the prevailing rate of wage, and financial security shall be adequate to provide for the payment of said prevailing rate of wage. 1.6 Provide and be fmancially responsible for the provision of any additional urban facilities and services identified during the review and approval of the Subdivision Tentative Plan and/or the Public Improvement Plans as necess8l)' to serve the development of the Property, including the construction and maintenance thereof. 1.7 In determining APPLICANT's share of costs for the improvements described in this Agreeement, the full cost for the provision of the improvements at the time of ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 8 of 13 Revision Date 1116/08 V:\devc:lopcmcnl rcvic::w\Development Applications\2007\LRP2007-\LRP2007-OOO22, GaJceran Annexation\LRP2007-OO022 Galcenm Annexation Agreement.doe -= I /. - P~E.~Al REC'jj AUG 2 0 2008 ~onstructio? shall be estimated. For the purposes oflhis Agreement the full cost sh II Include desIgn: construction, acquisition ofIand andlor easements s;"dies permits a from:U1 age~cles h~vingjurisdi,:tion, attorney's fees, and all othe; costs re'asonably associated WIth the Implementation of the needed improvements. . ObliQatioos of Ci~. Consistent with the above Recitals, City a!irees to: 2. 2,1 Initiate. ~d supp?rt annexation of the Property to the City before the Boundary Co~~sslon, or Its successor; and support APPLICANT's defense of any appeal of a d~cls10n of the Bound~ ~ommission, or its successor, annexing the Property to the CIty, However, the City WIll not asswne any financial responsibility to provide legal counsel on appeal. Conduct the timely review and decision making of the Subdivision Tenullive Plan Subdivision Plat, and Public Improvement Plan apj>lications in accordance with city procedures for the development of the Property. 3, Covenants Runninl! With the Land, It is the intention of the parties that the cov~nants herein are necessary for the annexation and development of the Property and as such shall run with Property and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, adrninistrators,'and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit to and burden upon the Property. This Agreement shall be recorded, at APPLICANT's expense, upon its execution in the Lane County Deeds and Records, This Agreement may be assigned by APPLICANT and shall benefit any assigns or successors in interest to APPLICANT. Execution oftrus Agreement is a precondition to the support of the 'City for annexation of the Property described in Exhibit A to the City. Accordingly, the City retains all rights for enforcement of this Agreement. 2.2 4. Limitations on the Develonment. No portion of the Property shall be developed:prior to the approval of a Subdivision Tentative Plan and Public Improvement Plans for the sanitary sewer systems, stonnwater management systems, and street improvements for the proposed development. 5. Mutual Coooeration. City and APPLICANT shall endeavor to mutually cooperate with each other in implementing the various matters contained herein. " 6, Waiver ofRioht ofRemonstranc~. APPLICANT agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents and all other docwnents necessary to obtain the public facilities and services described. herein as benefiting the Property, under any Improvement Act or proceeding of the State of Oregon, Lane County or the City and to waive all rigllts to remonstrate against these improvements. APPLICANT does not waive the right to protest the wnount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the assessment appears to APPLICANT to be inequitable or operate unfairly upon the Property. APPLICANT waives any right to file a written remonstrance against these improvements. APPLICANT does not waive its right to conunent upon any proposed Local Improvement District (LID) or any related matters orally or in writing, ANNEXATION AGREEMENT ~ Page9 of 13 Revision Date' 1/16108 V;\dcvelopement review\Development Applications\2007\LRP2007..\LRP2007..o0022. GaJceran Annexation\LRP2007..Q0022 Galceran Annexation Agrcemenldoc l --- " PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D 'AUG .2 0 2008 7. M2QUicatinn of A""eemen(. This Agreement may only be mod'fi d . . . , db both part" An d'fi' I Ie m wntmg s.goe y . les. y mo I Icallons to this Agreement shall require the approval f th Spnngfie~~ ~ommon C~Wlcil. This Agreement shalJ not be modified such th~ th: key , urb~ facJllti,:S and serviceS. as d:finc~ in the Metro Plan Policy 8a and 8b, p.II,C-4 and as required herem are not provided m a timely manner to the Property. ' J..m:d Use. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as waiving any requirements of the Spnngfield DeyeIopment Cod~ or Springfield Municipal Code which may be applicable to the u.s~ and develo?ment oft';is Property, Nothing ~erein shall be construed as the City prov.ldl~g or agreemg to provIde approval of any bwlding, land use, or other development applIcation or Land and Drainage Alteration Program (LDAP) pennit application submitted by APPLICANT. APPLI~ANT is responsible for obtaining, at APPLICANT's expense, alJ State and/or Federal pennlts and any other approvals as may be required. Dolan. APPLICANT knows and undersUlnds its rights under Dolan v. CitvofTi~arcj (512 U,S. _ ]]4 S. Ct. 2309, ]994) and by entering into this Agreement hereby waives any requirement that the City demonstrate the public improvements and other obligations of APPLICANT, for payments, financial responsibility and reimbursements set forth in Section I, required herein, are roughly proportional to the burden and demands placed upon the urban facilities and services by the development and to the impacts of the development of the Property, APPLICANT further waives any cause of action it may have pursuant to Dolan v. City ofTipard and cases interpreting the legal effect of Dolan arising out of the actions described herein. 8. 9 ]0. Ballot Measure 37. APPLICANT knows and undersUlnds any rights it may have Wlder Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter ]97 as amended by Ballot Measure 37 passed November 2, 2004. APPLICANT for itself and its heirs, executors, assigns, administrators and successors, hereby waives any claim or cause of action it may have under such ORS provisions against the City, ]1. Invaliditv.. ]f any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed unenforceable or invalid, such enforceability or invalidity shall not affect the enforCeability or validity,of l!U'y other provision of this Agreement. The validity, meaning, enforceability, and effect of the Agreement and the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall be detennined" in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon. . , 12. Comnliance With HB 2] 40. In accordance with House Bill 2] 40, the APPLICANT acknowledges that 25 percent or more of the square footage of this PROJECT as completed will be occupied or used by a public agency and that, accordingly this PROJECT is "public works" within the meaning ofORS 297C.800(6)(a)(C). ( The APPLICANT will require, as a condition of any contract for construction, that the specifications for such contract shall contain a provision; " A. complying with the provisions of ORS 279C,830, with respect to the payment of the ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page] 0 of] 3 Revision Date 1/J6108 V;\devc1opemcnt rcvicw\Devclopment Applications\2001\LRP20074\LRP2001-00022. Galceran Annexation\LRP2007-00022 Galceran Annexation Agreement.doc . /" . ~ 'prevailing rate of wage; , PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 B. requiring that each and every contractor or subcontractor shall file such bonds as may be required under ORS 279C.836; C. requiring that any contractor or subcontractor shall comply with each and evcry provision of ORS279C.800 - 870, with respect to such PROJECT. Any and all cost estimates shall be prepared on the basis of prevailing rates of wage: If the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries shall have, pursuant to Section 44(2) of chapter xxx of Laws, 2007, as enacted by Housc Bi112I40, divided the, PROJECT to separate the part that are public works from the parts of the PROJECT that are not public works, the foregoing provisions shall apply only to that portion of the PROJECT that the Commissioner shall have delermined 10 be "public works". ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 11 of 13 Revision Date 1116/0.& . . '''''OO7\LRP2007-\LRP2007-{)OO22. Oalccran Annexation\LRP2007.oo022 V:\dcvclopcmcnl rcvlcw\Ikvelopmcnt ApphcahOnS\L , GaJcc.ran Annexation Agreementdoc I, . .... DATEDthis~daYOf :s-...~'<'" 200a :l' 9 PRE.SUB'MllTAL REC'D AUG 2 02008 IN WITNESS WHEREOF th A r. . herein above written. . e pp leant and CIty have executed this Agreement as of the date first Ronald D. Galceran (OWNER) -4CU 1 AD j &M.I/I.<Zdv Karen L. Galceran (OWNER) STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on this / (, 6aay of 3'~.. ......._ ,200 ES bcfore me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County ~late, personallT appeared the within named Ronnln n Gnkl:r/ln nnn l( nrpn t Gnl.l<l:Tnn whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that Ronald Do Galceran and Karen L. Galceran executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day ahd year last above written, 0J .. a #--4'" , ",,', (/~- NOla:I1,J"ublic for Oregon A....~u,/- 1(.f::11 '2010 My Coi'l\mission Expires , . OFFICIAL SEAL JEFF PROCIW.. ; NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON , COMI.1ISSION NO, <09159 Il/COMM~SIONEXPIRESAUGUST 16,2010 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 12 of 13 RcvisionOalC 1/16108 V:\developement rcview\Dc:vclopmcnl Applica:tJons\2001\L.RP2007-\LRP2007-OOO22. Galceran Annexation\LRP2tXn-()()()22 GEllceran Annexation Aireemcnldoc I, '. ',--- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: A//T' - - Air ~ ~.:;:~ City Manager PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } ss A3NUOllII Am ~O 331~~0 51."" S \L :31\(0 ~.... "lP\('"" ...._~ WClOJ 01 Sit "'~'''''' '''F'~'''''''''''''' \:}I~.JGL;~~,'~ ~..1':;;;'~..:.a;'I~l;J BE IT REMEMBERED that on thi.al)lday of ~TrJI V .'200 f? before me, the undersign~ublic in and for said County andJ.;tate, personally appeared the within named ~ " whose identity was proved tW1"~g,n the basis of satisfactory evidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Citr~;\jIager of the within named municipal corporation and does acknowledge said instrument ~o be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its Common Council. ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affIXed my official seal the day and year last above written. OFFICIAL SEAL . AMVLSOWA NOTARY PUBLIC' OREGON " : SION NO. 3971142 . ,i My~o.:t.~k~ONfXP'~S-"~V,":~' ,~x~ NOTAR'(jPUBLIC FOR OREGON II~~~'~~ '1 ' My COMMISSION EXPIRES ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 13 of 13 Revision Date I116108 . V:\dcvelopement review\DeveJopment Applications\2007\l...RP2007~\LRP2007...ooo22. Galceran Annl:Xalion\LRP2007-00022 Galccnm Annexation Agreemenl.doc '. PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 EXtiudT A , PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 452. in Section 4, township 18 South, Range 2 West of the willamette Meridian, said'point being ,on the'West line of "the S. D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 61. said Township and Range, 715.4 feet North of the Southwest corner of said claim. from said beginning point run East 20.0 feet -to an iron pipe. marking the East line of said Co~~y Road; thence continuing East 204.7 feet to a total distance of 224.1 feet; thence North 96,.92 feet; thence West 204.7 feet to an iron pipe .in the East line of said County Road No. 452; thence continuing Wes~ 20.0 feet to a point on the West line of said.S. D. Gager Land claim; thence South' along said West line, 96.92 feet to the place of :beginning, in La~e County, Oregon. ALSO: A piece of ground described as beginning at a point 30.0 feet East of the centerline of County Road No.. 452, said point. also being 872.32 fee'i:.' North and 30.0 feet East of the Southw~st corner of the S. O. Gager DOnation Landi Claim No. 61, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence East 194.7 feet; thence South 96.92 feet: thence East 224.7 feetl thence North 106.92 feet; thence West 419.4 . feet; thence South 10,0 teet to the point of beginning. in Sprin9'field, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT the portion conveyed to Lane County in the Warranty Oeed recorded February S, 1997, as Reception No. 9701995. Official Records, in ~ane County~ Oregon. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING'DESCRIBED PARCEL: Beginning at a point 30 feet East of the center line of County Road No. '452, said point being 1033.07 feet North~ and 30 feet East qf- the Southwest corner of the S. O. Gager Donation Land ~laim No.': 61. ~ Township 19 South. Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence East. 419.4 feet, "thence. south 150.15 feet, thence West 41.9.4 feet. t.hence North 150.75 feet to ':the' point of "beginning, in Lane County, oregon. EXCEPT,' Beginning at a point 30 feet ,East of the centerline of County Road 110...,: '452, said point also being along the Right of Way of County Road "No. 452: said point also being 1033.07 feet. North and 30 feet East of "the Southwest corner of the S.D. Gager Donation ~and Claim 61. in section 4! To"",:n:ship 18 "South, Range 2 West of the Willamette' Meridian: thence East 194.40"'feet; thenc'e South 150.75 feet; thence West 194".4.0 feet; thence North 150.75 feet to the point of begi~in9. in Lane County Oregon. ;,. EXtlusIT B PRE.SUBIVIHTAl REC'O AUG 2 02008 PROPOSED ANNEXATION 855 South 57'" Street (Map 18~2.o4.14, Tl200) SUBJECT SITE Springfield. OR 'i~,~~~~:r'd:p.t~' :i.'~~"';'~'-',:' ,J ,~'.~r'~j'\")~". -:..~~-."':~ ..i,........."..' ./ :r:~'.o'=J;:'::,ffi.j.:"'...~ ''''..: :~;I.;.J:.;.!:; ".'\..;:~:Ol.'f,~_:,,':-:r;...':{. :S~~~~~~~i.~~; "",,1:~~'''i'''' /,\ \ ;",v;!t'~"" ~'\5' ""'t",\.t:".r"~~".l""~1."r"f"";.c...,,,,;,; f.1'>:S~:(" .~ ~~):':it,.,. ~ ;:N~'.'< :2"-'v~,((~": ~;,,:.'t'.~, :''''~''' -10'.... ,;~.~.:...~'...;, .' ~~Ir!!!!!'f? " ~.~;f,; ~'f;.1~,::ri\'~P;~;i%'::i:~r,~.}.:\;',~f~\~:f};' l~fI_1 ,',...., "l't '...:-,.."'.."""..""''',..''''''''''''''''~..,.. "~ ;~~.~~~~~~~\f~~~11t\i~t~:~~,t. ',:\li~""<~~' i'..' "~.;ji'$'<l:{ ;~~\!o1".2iB","',r',..-G..,",\"",":i,'~"~~..cI,:A~'~!'ir).~t" ..~'.~ ~., ..~; ~'tf..~.'yF: /:$1.;P.%~:-i~~.fr.:!~->:-X0~~-~~:.;;p~~~~~;..~~~~:J~:~:~:.:- '.lJ:- -.f' ',:- tfi.", ,'~:J.~~. \i?..:.~;i<.;~(o'fJ~~,~~,-;~'1:.\S:v:~.;.7.1.~;;',~.~~r;."'.,.: {>i;\~il$~~ ~Ylt:. "--,,,."'-,""<%>~~,~',;!,!.\;$A\"{~tK: ,.,~~..,_'1''' ..~,5< .'-....."~I":" ;\,.,; :~ ,(:t~~ ~;-.~!~~~:~ .~. . ~ ;~i1 j)"'" ,,,''''''''''1 ,;.,.<. ~"".'i1;. ".i. :rj:,~~1 'i....~;.. ;.:t;~f RDGE CREST Oil ifill ) 1t.~4i1 ,...._.._---..~ c..,_.,'....-."1I''''''1u.....,....., ~-r-._...._-'--:o-.,..~, r-- ___I ~ W1ltlln cay Units Not WlNn City Units . -.... .Ait.'JJ01 ;.~. . " ~ ,( 1 I ")-- -"W""'...-..--." ',,",,~""~~b~'.. "'''1 J'1- 13-77 ,e Z"'1 " -, . . - '. - .. , .'-----.-- 'r-' -.,. - ., -..... .~: w '~ '..-' I, 0"" .'<.... ,.~. - .~.~ , . '" 0, . !.,~ . --.....- ." '- '~.. ./ . -:-'-7 <t-;.; ~ - I.f '7i'SBU6 1 1 . EliOlf ALL IIlON ny, TIIESE PROSilHrs, For tnu,! * actu:J.1 <::onsidcration of ~~o DoIJ:lrs.. the vndcrsi~ncd h"rC!>YlTants a I'crpetu31 C':lS~nt to the City of Eu~cau:. Oregon, a Qunfc:ip:tl cOl'porOltion. of l.:lIIo. ~,!nty. OrcR.?Il. by an.: through the' f:ut:Cl1c 113ter Ii Electric I!:o:rrd. together With nny )o:nt ~sC'r.wJ.th \rhoa! It lIIO:I1 COlltroct. lIrith the richt to pJOlCC. C4IIStruct. operate. . Da1ntaln, Inspect, reconstruct. repair. keep clear and remove. electric Ij~t, electric power. tc~crho~ and telegraph cq~~pmcnt. lines, poles. auys and appliaa~cs necessary' or C~vcnlcnt La connection tberewlth, upon. across. OVer and/or ~cr thc'COIIOWiol dc.sc:nbod proPf'rty $itUOltcd ill wno CoURt)". ~rec.OJl: . " ~ ne Nonb '.0 f...t of the West m.o te.t of tile fdllolll.J.&.d.;hIUU i p.arc.el of 1a.I:: lU. BqhmiDl, at a pOInt 30.0 feet Eut of the ceaterl1De of County load No. 452. said point a180 be1aa 872.32 feee North aid 30.0 feet East of the $outbyut corner of the s. D. ~er Donation Land Claill No. 61. :fJ:I. rWr-l-~ _ SOQt:h~ B.utfle 2 We.lJt of the llil1amette- Hecl,w.lAllj:, t~ ~,~ ....Jr,~.. ':a..t:G:L;; Lbedce South 96.92 feet; theDcc East: . .224.7 feet; thence NOl'tb 106.92 feet; theace Vest 419.4 feet; threDc:e SoUtb 10.0 feet to the pout of beaJ.DD1.aa_. . Ii ! ~ , " The snntee and its joint users shall at all tilles hav-a the ri&hts, and priviJeges therein necessary or convenient for tho full enjor-eat and use thereof for the purposes' above described. inchaJing the right of heress and egress to and froa the reaJ. property of the vaators fer t!le purposes herein DenUonedj and ..bo the richt to remove trees. limbs of treu. undcrgTOwth or other ob~truc.tion5 on said property of the .r:rantors, that O1(erhang or othervisc endanger the propt"rty of' the cnfttee. 10 HAVE AND TO HOlD the same unto the Gnantee. its Successors and .usigns fareW'er; and the'rights. conditions and provisions oC this casement shall inure to the benefit of and. be binding 'upon the beirs. executors. adllinistrators, SUCcessors and assips of the ~spcctive panies bereto. of JH~ITNESS'WHElEOF. the undersiened has eXecuted this instrugeqt this 30 ~''C'1!111-t , l!iJ~. <bT tlit:noss: a ".'c)'I;/1h-t~.-f- ~ JC-llZvat1k- m...l.t-. t\ l j..,.... n'. c.~ ~Kovat-~ Jl.l-<"...1.<:A',C Li"c-t...., H. c. SAALPELD ' Director of VeterAl\1ll. Altun .............. , ~"~;1'ii' O~'" .:::......... ) {"ciuNTr.a:;:: '~ )11. :;-: ~. "..~. r:.;:;. :! ...... tJ,".;;-1 . .... ~ ~~" :.:.~. j6isf~por~lJy appc.1rcd ber~rc IDa George J. Kovarik aM Maxine J. J:ovarik.. ": :;-;.\ (\ l:-i .: ~(i.: ':;1h",;bl':'1d _~r:d'.".v\le.. to IDe: "'noWlf.ell II(' the lnUivi~u:Jls Llcscrihcd in an'" '-"ho ('Xl'cutt'\.! the within ;JllJ t'or~. going instrullll~flt. .1.nJ :::IcL.nowlc",~CJt1j;lt they :dClJctJ tbe ~~I:':;n their (rce und yoluntoilry OIct anddcl>d. for the u"c~ ,1IW pIU'rO~CS tllcr~in IllCntiant:d. Given unt.lcr -1 tunc! and offici.1J Sc:.1 lhl'~d.y or _ ..,.,,"~ "", ~C 010';"". roshllus: ;It P,....._..".... lH n 19..17' . Ny COUll ~~~'!..~i res: '. ul:lr u, J~/:,,, ~ ... {.' _" '.'-"-t-, , , I P~E~SUBMllTAL REC'O I AUG2 0 2008 !. ." :..... . ..~ .......:.:.;...::~-.:.a. . ....,...,.\ .... ... I M ..... ' ~. ~I; X/'I' ~ In, '--. ....---..-.-... .. ._-.. .__...-..-..... . -'.'-- -.-'~.'---"~-, I I -W-: r- _ 'UIl 11 I ~. , IN _"" CA, S_h bJ' S;m.y Eo ~, .. .., " tlalrd Augu., ~,~ COIN/I, sw.."" Offit# fflrno./S042, N1 on ~ ....16'- . 2 " ' oJ ,\D i~ ,~ '.' i! (WE'~r - "".4/ Q ! .,.... " ~ ...J i! '-;<"i /. I';~-:M<;'- . SJr- /. I ~ 2~. '. ~ ~ . ..!U~. .AI~INT IllGUlll!D, "= ~ , ~ ~ '- -' ~ /It)~ '204?J TAX"" M l.~O \ L fEIJ,r-429.4/ ...... ,4.' 1f4'P/p. N.,tb 778.1 '"...., , 10" ".0 ft. from 'ho 8W co,., a' 1IIfl8.~O.", O,L,C.N...I.I..... 4. 'laa, A IW,WrA. ''AU: ,'ii!i",., ''::'-1 9002 0 ~ 9nV al:>3~ l\fllll^JSnS.3Hd., I ....;-, . ......, ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ '- >- ,... z ::> o ,U GEORGE J. a MAXINE J.' KOVARIK RIlL.,. "ST. NO. 77-14873 , '224.1') . :~. '''.::1. '.... "< ... iit · 1!<1 I:: ... ... ! EXHIBIT .... ~~~~~"'----~. o 10 100 .SCALE IN FEET '..r..,.:. . ..~t~.~~~ f'WCOrtt.tr Of I"', ..noDI" OL.e._" ," .1... ,fP4. 8~.. tAp:. .J~ T ",, "2 W, W..M. v '" \ " , , 3lO RIDlJCED ropy =::::::::==::-..:.:::'---- IUGI,..I W.4T1III I lucnlC IOAlD II,lGI:"'I.0"10:,;.:... t.A~~";.:.rH Fic.(,j.rI"~U KOVARII( EXTEIISIOII N! 1/4 S~C,4. T1~~.a'w wu , .i~.'i!... 1".40"1 . ~=..--- -,8'10763 ... 1-.,. .'...1Ll.? . ..... , 1 r I r ,.'.....'... " ",': "; " ;:- ...., ., .,: L, , .' ..... -~: :.r"; -, .--.---.;,- -"",<" \or . evT-I;~(-cr R.ouu .., La Coomty PahIio W<lIb R<Il~_ 18-ll2-04_14 200 9707995 W~nRANTV DFf.D 1ll0MAS W, HEAlll, boromaJIor caI1ed GRANTOR, for lhc """and ""'" __ of 1bl1oo ~ ~ ..~~ !'--<1 Fiv. ...._........._..__......... ,_,,__ ~', 8 _ fI) LANE COUNTY, apo4li<al1Ubdi""", oflhcSwe 0(0,-, ,"""a&",olIol GRANTEE, ~ '" '" 011 UWRtl proporty ~ io Laoo Couaty, S_of~ dooonl>ol uroao..., ~ ~ r ~ c.; E ii ~ ApIla:1oflaodlyiDaiotho~_"""'l..".,.OfthoN__......(SE 1/4 NE I'.) 0( Soaioa 4, T~ 18 South. lWlgo 2 W",", of'" W_ Moridi>n, Lao. Couaty, ~ andbciqj .portia,oflh&l_oflaod_..1HOMAS Vi, HEAlll, by .... ....... - _ Fob""", 2, I.n, at IIId 1230, !l=<det', I\ooqltiaa Nwobor 8JOJ644.LA1'ECOl'l-'lY OREGON DEED REroRDS,_io. ruipOC1aod9....... io - iyiD&...lhc"""'Y oido oflhc_ ofSoulh'71Il S.... u ~ by Lao. COIIIIly.. \995; lhc <:IllItrlioo boiog dcIoriOcd u ColI""" WEElU15'.71lWf1.N> 10.00 B<aiDoioa II &,inoots. CalItrlioe Swion LU 0<217123PRC. u.id _ boio& 203,093 .......NonluodO,Il1.......W...OClhc B"",c.plnOdcioglbo __,""",of tbo Ii1If/lat D. Gopr _ WId CI&iIll NumIxr 61, _ io ....... " T.....b;p'18 S<oA. b9 2 W'" of tIx: W_ MoridiJD, Lml: Couaty, ~ NIl ....." Ikoa . JOOO,OOO_llCIiuIallYOri&b!llhcl..,cllotd oC.oidlli<olJ Nonb 0.48' ""W"" 61.237 _la........of6I,lJ8.......;lh<nooNonbO" 13' ""WOS!, 121.63.........f.o&ioom. c.....tioI SlIIlioll LU 0+400,000 PQT IlllI U- Oldioa. 011 in Lml: COIIIIly, ~ n. IlIlIfIy liDo of lhc -. <i=ribal Rrip of Iaod """'" GRANTOR'S ooutb:rly and .,nbaly _ '"* 0IJP00ite 'l'P- f.o&ioom' C<mertino Sr.aa.. tv 0<250 POC and LV 0<28l POT, <apeotivdy, The put:d oflm:l to 'Uibic:h this dcKription applies coi:IWnJ 0.0068 ofsu bc:tI.n:.1OOfC or k:::ss, udusi\'C ofexilliqjri&b!of""y, Tbe beariZIp Wed bcmn ate boucd oa a bc:a.rWa of North 90" 00' 00" West uoq the South li.oe ofthc Ri_ G, Hi= _ Land Cw.. N"",bo< 47, s.id bcaIio& based Olllhc ori&W1_1ishma1I olCowtty Rood Num!cJ m. To...... aod fI) bold tho said pRZDio:s _ said GRA.VIEE IlllI =- tIx: GM."ITOR it tbo """" of Iho: obo.c ib<:ribcd p_ &cc: ml dW' 01 all..,,'''",,.o.... and will w,:nllllllll dofCld llIe ..... ag1ion 011 """'" i.bo lllI) IaMully claim tbo...... =q>l U ""y" sbowo obo.c, ~I_'UIOIF", P...I. WAIlAANTY DEED t'167.20A MclI4Veroaa.Road(CoRdNo4S2),. rlr/rr. 1115197 U..o2-04-142oo ~, ~, .~ Descrjptjon: Lane,OR Document Order: cQday Comment: Year.DocID 1991.-7995 Page: 1 of 2 , II. I 1 i I " / i, ! ClI ! i.> u.J <0 C::: = = --' '" i:! Q ='l 2 <.!:l c::lI => :=::>> <( ~ Sf ~J ", : ~. .J II ::.------ f'; ~ - -, --- , , +'-~ ~ . . ...,'" " ~ jiI . <; '.' , .. ." i,.___ - , ' "--' , ' ---- ~.------ .~: . '- - , -._' .J_~_. " / . 9707995 This inItrumcJt will 0IJt allow use of lhe propaty' describod ic thii Uwwocut in Yiol.&tiw of applicahlt IaOO use laWl am rqularioJu Before silllli~ or.acctpti.o: this instrumertt. the person KQ\lirine. frl: title l(! '.he !,~I'~':".: ~h""jJ,.j d>!"~ t ,\.,r. :1,.' .1I'j" ~'"l'_~.. . '!" .~,- "~"'!";~ Ill.tT''''~', :\~;":_-r-.,;:" , ,. '-," .-: :"~:"f' . . 1 ,lluaI <IUs " daYOf~""C><Z'1 , 1991, ~\u.~ ~ lHOMASW,HEAlll STAn 010ltEOON "" C"""Y, of LIllo 00 ~/ 4 ,1997,P"'O"'IIyoppwo:ltl.... _ ,.,...lHOMASW,HEAllI IIld 0<k00wI0Ipd lbc ~ _, 10 be his ><>lunWy ia WOR ,,", , ;:Z./2fl.i NCW}'N>bc for 0repI - My CanmUsioIl E'l'iRo fj 111/1 qqq I I, ";'-' ~::-!l: -~{~ ...,.. ~". .:;. sgt. ~ 0Ne0n oI......-u. county a.;...lr<lI'dlofll'Mtaid I.Uw~~~ltwllht....v.1'I Co<,orJy.(kI ~b'~tI .-- ~ ,.,:. .;.~:. - == I 1IIf"",,~.QIIIIQQl _c_ .~WIIS""._ , '! c'" 'S7fEll 5PO 1.5'5 ~-;~:(. :.':. ~;::i~" ::A,I, ~\i ~,;~. ','~'.. ." ~~~.. ... 2261 R Unt:~om..1Al~ ~C~lyQml aJl4..J,Jl.)l ej. COS"V~ ~.. ~~- ~';"IIT'1i~4t ~ I Mca:r-l.llO& Feel ,".",,-,' . .-:.:..~ ..... - "~'" P>ao 2 . wARRANTY DEED 1167.~A Mu:IlVcna.Rl:.3.d(CoRdNo.H2) - rlrllT. 1/1Sl9? 1a.0'2~14 200 "":- ..~ Ii 'il.r I Description: Lane,OR Document - Year.DocID 1997.7995 Page: 2 of 2 Order: today Comment: '- I , > a U LLI 00 o::g ~~ ~"~ :::> ,=:;l #~ <( -.. I.t.I ~, ," .'-~ " -.J r '* - I r Dlvlalon of Chi.' Deputy Clerk 'lM1 MOJ~ '\ Lane CQ"'"ty Duds and Aocorda 'W -tJVQltU MII1I1111l111111111ll1111111l111lIm~IIIIIIII$46 ,00 B 573200700084220114004202/07/2007 10:43:40 All RPR-E~T Cnl.2 51n=5 CASHIER OB $5.00 $20,00 '10,00 $11.00 PRE.SUBMIlTAUREC'D . AUG 2 0 2008 .' .. .,~-- --~~._; J ! I """" (., 560951 118 02 0414 00100 . , l>.!RSTAM 7191-'129331 MMM ;)-iY 10/ / 1\ At\erRe:ccrdin.g;Re!W'DTo Fil'St Amerlc8l1 TitJe ,PO Box 10146 Euaenc,. OR 97440 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: RONAI.D 0.. GALCERAN' AlID KAREN L 2264 33RD_ ~TREET, SPRINCFIELD OR 97417 -. ..,... . SEND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: No Change. WELL USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (AND ACCESS AGR":''':''.L64U) GALCERAN RECITALS: . A, R~ D. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Hu~band and W~fe (herelnafter "GALCBRAN") is the Owner of real property ("~r~el T") located in Lane County, Oregon, upon which a well pump, pump shed, pumping equipment and pipelines are located (hereinafter .well") that is used exclusively by tha real property adjacent to .f.BJ::cel I (which adjacent property is hereinafter n~2q:~J--IlI!). Said P;:Ir!"'!el li 1s owned by THOMAS W. HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH (hereinafter. cOllectively "HEATH"). B. GALCERAN' desires to convey to HEATH, an exclusi've Easement to use the well and pipelines, Parcel I, and poar~el"II are described more fully on attached EXHIBIT A, C incorporated herein fully by this reference. AGRH~~: by reference. sale of P.:lT~':>:] All recitals set forth above are incorporated herein The consideration for this Easement is part of the I to GALCERAN by RUTH, 1. Well Agreement. GALCERAN as OWner of I:ar~F"'--l herel;>y grants and conveys to HEATH, as Owner of parr~' TT, a perpetual, exclusive easement to access and use the existing well located on Parcel I and draw water therefrom for the use and benefit "of ?':n"~p.l IT. 1.1 This ~asement is not personal and it is not in gross, but it is to be appurtenant to that real property described as Fs,...~pl TI. 1.2 This grant is made upon the following terms: a. It is understood that the owner of f2rr~l Tr's right to use and access the well shall include the right to come upon Parcel I property for maintenance of the well, pump shed, holding tank, and pump and for the installation and mainten- ance of the pipeline and such public utilities as may be needed to serve the well. The access to the pipeline shall extend five (5') feet on either side of the pipeline. The access to the pump shed shall extend to a reasonable distance around the pump shed necessary to accomplish the repair, maintenance or replacement. b. In the event the well ceases to provide adequate water for any reason, the fallowing shall apply: At the option of the then Owner of Parcel II, Owner's successors or assigns, the parties may replace the well, pump, pumping equipment a~d or pipelines at the OWner of oarcel Il's sole cast and expense and extending this Agreement i ,I c. Should any of the owners of p~y~pl It desire to disconnect from the well and pump system on a permanent basis, then and in that event, all easement rights contained herein far pipelines and use of the ~ell, pump and equipment shall cease and be extinguished forever to such PAr~pl f. There- after I the well and' pump shall be the sole property of the owner of Parcel I. 2. Maintenance Costs. The Owner of ?ar~~l TT shall pay all the cost of maintaining the well, pump shed, hol~ing tank, pumping equipment, and pipelines. ~(Recording Seal Hero~ P"!l- 1 - WELL USE l\tlD '~'_"''''~'''_ IoQlli~ 1Ml) ACCi:SS AaRl:I!MIDl7J ft\,,\h_to\...11-lIlll.to.ag2) IP ~ ~ ~ i .... co = ~ =- eN ~ :=> <( ":,i. I . . 3. Bnforcement of Terms. In the event suit or action is t.aken ~o enforce any of the terms of this Agreement I the prevaifing party ~n such suit or action shall be entitled to such sum as the court shall deem reasonable as attorney feeB; and in the event that an appeal is taken from the decision of the trial court, such further Bum as may be fixed by the appellate court as reasonable attorney fees. If either party is in default under the terms, of this Agreement, and the other party delivers this Agreement to': an attorney for the purpose of remedying the default, and whether~,or not any suit, action or other proceeding is filed. the defaulting party shall pay the reasonable fees of the attorney to ,whom this Agreement was, delivered. Before involving an attorney to address ahy perceived default or breach of this Agreement. notice shall be given in writing specifying the perceived default or breach and allowing the p.a:rties ten (10)' .da:y~ time-wIthTn-wfiicli.-to.atfe:mpt~l:-o-meaningful:ly. negotiate and fully resolve the potential dispute. Notice shalll.be deemed given by sending a letter in first class mail appropriately addressed to a party. 4, Agreement assigns. IN WITNES9 WHEREOF, we have executed this Agreement on tpe ~ day of ;51Wc.Jf're..~ ' 2007. Successors. The parties intend that all terms of this shall be binding upon their heirs, successors and "GALCERAN" filtt,~oo<- it:: ~~ ~h R1A-- I'HBATH'1 ~"RI),),~ Thomas W. Heath /~~ . (;:; \\ rl Westleigh CD eath STATE OF OREGON ss. County of LanG ) On the bl'5t day of JaVlIA 1lI'~, 2007, this instrument was acknowledged by RONALD D. GALCERAN nd KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and Wife, before me, LI ,// A __ _ MEN~~I~~M~~ELD ~l~C for.OREGO . .. , HOTARY PUBUC.ORECON Seal: \. ,/ COMMISSlOHNO. 374101i lIYctIllUSSKlIEXfWStEC6IBERe.2OOl l STATE OF ORBGON ss. County of Lane ) On the ~ day of ~Aj)V~~ ' 2007, this instrument acknowledged by THOMAS W. HBATH and WESTLtIGH C. HEATH, before was me,. 'I _ OFFIClAlSfAL MENDIE M. MAYFiELD -; NOTARVPUBUC-OIU:GON ..'" ".,' COMMlSSION NO. 374106 - ' Ill' COMMISSION fXPJflES DtCEMSm 6. 2001 Atl'..eh1!l-ent. ~, t;', !!J:ssU ..ml ~ '&9'& 2 . wstJ, us!: .\Nt) MAINTENANCE AOUOON'l' lAND M'CRS9 AClUEHlIN'TI (f\",\lu.&t\".11-lMt.iII!l21 (.~ ;:" ...'" C~ ~ ~- II:~ =-, c.., ~ = = = c-...I <= N t.!:l => <I: :;. . ----' . . , EXHIBIT A Real property in th'2 County of Lane, State of -Oregon, described as follows: PARCEL I: 8eginning at a'po'nt.10 fe"t East of the lenler line of County ROod No, ';52, said point being 1033,07 feet North enD 30 feet East of the Southwest corner of the S. 0, Gager Donation LanD Claim No, 6'1, Township 18 South, Range 2 \Vest of the WiHamette t-leridian; thence East 419.4 feet, thence South 150.75 feet, thence West 419.4 feetj thence North 150.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane COUilty, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point 30 feat East of the centerline of County Road No, 452, said point also being aiol1g-the Right of'Way'of County Road FIb~q'S2;S'did'pb'inraI5d'be;il~"IOJJ~07 rut North a lid 30' fee" East ofthe Southvifest'corner of the S.D. Gater Donation Lrlnd Clain"'! 61, 'jn'Sectlsn 4, Township' 18 South, Range 2 West oUhe WiHamette ~1eridian; thence East 194.40 feet; thence South,150.75 feet; thence West 194,40 feet; thence North 150,75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon " , Tax Parcel Nlllijber: 560951 PARCEL II: Beginning ~I a point 30 feet East of the centerline of County Read,oNe. 452, said pojr~:~ also beillg along tno Right cf Way of County Road No, 452; said point also being 1033~07 feet North,and30 fet East of the Southv.,1est corner of the S.D. Gater Donation Land Claim 61, In .:>ectt.~n ~I TOI'\.nshl,p 18 ~oll~l1, Range 2 \VEst of the V.,Iillame.ltc ~.1eridjan; thence East 19~AO feet; the.nee SOl'tn.!J.O.75 feet;,thence V/est 19tj.~O feet; thence North 150.7S'reet to the Point of Beginning, In lane Co~n~YI Oregon. Tay. Parcel Number: 560951 PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D AUG 2.0 2.008 EXHIBIT A 'Pag~ 1 df 1 (end) ...... .~.' .~.~~n.~~:...__'. ...... .... ..-..: ~::., ....' ..... ---- ..-......-........ , " ";1: ~ ENGINEERI;;G & SURVEYING: INC. lU~~'J:iI -) . PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D ~ AUG 2 0 2008 ~;) June 15, 2008 PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE STUDY , FOR ,RON GALCERON TAX MAP 18-02-04-11; TAX LOT 200 GENERAL INFORMATION The 1.8 acre property is located at the upper end ofihe drainage basin that includes South 58th street (north ofMt Vernon), Kalmia, and South 57thPlace, The public pipe sys!em intercepts the runofffrom part of the subject site at the intersection 6fKalmia and South 58th Street. A topography map, that has been annotated to show the site and the adjacent drainage areas, is attached, .. The individual lots on the subject site are proposed to be developed with rain gardens, or drywells, (or a combination of both) at the time of construction of the homes, as may be required by the City of Spnngfield. Based on tp.e The construction of the public roads will include double chambered inlets. The storm, and sanitary, system is proposed to connected to the existing 12" storm pipe (and 8"csp) pipys to the south (at the north terminus of South 57th Place) that are stubbed in the direction ofthe p10perty, An easement will be created over the adjacent tax lbts 400 &.300 to allowIorthe extension of the pipes. ON SITE DRAINAGE The storm system will include service lines to the io the downhill lots (lot 3 and future lots to the south), Lots 1 is proposed to have an overflow connection directly to South 58th Street. Lot 2 is also proposed 'to have an overflow to South 58th via an easement across Lot I on the east side), The uphill lots, Lots 4 throu'gh 8, will overflow to the new road, Lot 9is developed with a single house; there are no problems associated with roof drains or drainage from this developed site; no changes are proposed. The existing house will remain as is, with no changes, The proposal includes onsite detention/retention of the storm water from the private impervious surfaces that will mitigate, in part, for the development of the property, and for the runoff from the public street. Where possible the private on-site systems will' also have pipe overflows to the street curb. .~ The preliminary design/sizing of the rain gardens for the site gives a requirement of 46 s,f. per 1,000 s,[ of impervious area for a 10 year storm (based on City standard drawing 4-22), CIVIL/ ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 0 SURVEYING , P,O. BOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402-0152 990 OBlE ST, 541/485-4505 F~,( 541/485-5624 WWW.POAGE.NET Page 1 of 3 ., " PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D . AUG2 02008 PreliminarY sizing af drywells (infiltratian trenches) far the site, based an a measured percalatian rates af 5 in/hr (an the adjacent praperty to. the narth) are 60 s,f.per 1,000 s,f. afimperviaus area far a lO-year starm, In either event, the lats will have the capability to. be designed to. treat and/ar retain the rullaff fram the future private impervious area an the respective lots, ' The inlets at thesauth end afthe new street will pick up the runafffrom the majarity afthe subdivisian develapment (Lats 1& 2 are propased t9 drain to. Sauth 58th street because af elevatian/tapagraphy canstraints), The area cantributing to. the inlets at the sauth end afthe new street (Nade 'c' an the attached map) is 1.5 acres, The fallawing starm,flaws are calculated with the ratianal methad, with a time af cancentratian af 15 minutes, and canservatively neglect the impact that.ansite retentian/detentian (rain gardens and/ar drywells) by.using a runaff co. efficient af 0.5. The pipe capacity is essentially the same as the 12" pipe capacity af 3,5 cfs ~hat is shawn belaw (aff site drainage), The flaws are as fallaws: - Q(2year} = (0,5)(1.3)(1.5) = 0,95 cfs . Q(25 year) = (0.5)(2,7)(1.5) =2,0 cfs There will be no. an site impact during a.25 or a 2 year starm; the runaff is cantain~d within the pipe, r OFF SITE DRAINAGE The receiving pipe system 'is lacated at the intersectian nartherly dead,end af Sauth 51' Place, The 12" starm line drains sauth and ties into. the Mt. Vernan Cemetery Raad pipe system and then to. the apen drainage channels to. the sauth. , The dawnstream starm system (12" pipe; s,= 0.01) has an approximately capacity af approximately 3,5 cfs. The 'build-aut 10 year flaw at the aff site dawnstream manhale (sta. 1+98; City tapa/utility map) is projected at 3.4 cfs, (Canservatively neglecting the use af an site detentian/retentian facilities). The project invalves the last remaining area at the upstream end af the lacal drainage basin; it is assumed that the dawnstream pipe system was designed far, and has adequate capacity, far the runafffrom.the site, A partian afthesite (Iats I & 2) will drain to. th<; curb af sauth 57th street. The ,width af gutter flaw has been calculated to. be less than . The tatal area draining to. S 57th street and the inlet at the west side afthe road (at nade 'B' an the attached map) is '1.8 acres; Q(2year) = (.5)(1.3)( 1.8);" 1.2 cfs The gutter flaw width is equates to. approximately 6 feet wide during tli.is stami event (it daesn't . . " l extend into. the traffic lane). For the existing parabalic street, the depth afwater against the curb is approximately 3-3/8" deep, ' Page 2 af 3 PRE~SUBMIlTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 SUMMARY The new road area is approximately 0.21 acres. The roa~ is proposed to drain directly to the the new pubic pipe system; the double chambered inlets allow for pre-treatment of the runoff from the site. -Since the site is atthe upper elld of the drainage basin and it consists of moderate slopes there is no reasonable onsite vegetative (swale/pond) treatment alternative for the road runoff; the open channels and,ponds on the south side ofMt. Vernon Road will provide additional treatment. (Although there is a proprietary vegetative/filter treatment system that could be incorporated into the curb inlets if it were acceptable to the City...,) , Th: sidewalk will consist of approximately 0.05 acres, The development of the subject site will include on site treatment/retention for the impervious , area'on the private lots where feasible. The irnm~diate downstream pipe system has adequate capacity. The gutter'f10w within South 58th Street has capacity, (per EDSP 4,05(E)) The Storm~ater Management System Scope of Work form was returned by the City with a note stating tha! tr~atment of the street runoff with thedouble chambered catch basins will be O,K.. .' Page 3 of 3 08/1212008 08:38 FAX 541 736 1021 OS/05/200'8 15: 58 FA.1 5414851' - '4, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ' POAGE ENGINEERING ,141 002 IfZJ UU3 lOI:-AINa'I.LP "~;_~-:- ~_. _~:i~>""'.',~'~_~'- __..._ __p_ .~n._ ~_~._ .- ,. _ _ _ ~' .i.,~,,~' :-f'\..r---" -,.- -~,'-:-.- - '.' I. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Ellgiil~ering Division Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax; (541) 736-102)' Sl'ORMW ATER MANAGE1\1ENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK :e;":;l~F":::':' ... ::,i::::":;:....:~ (AreabeId.~:d/iS.I;;;"fr1kdout:f>Y:Aipjlli~iu.t/~' : :,;:<::y: ' ,,'::! ::"co :: :i. ~~~~f~i~:~rn to Mait~ii.';r@ Cily of sPIli'1igfie,1d Public wo~k;ji..f:;ne.r;;;g;F<Ci#~3.'67]021., Ph":'1~ ~i4~~i03SJ ,'~" " Project Name; Galceron Applicant; Don Mo!!;stadIPo;'ge En0neering Assessors Parcel #: 17-02-04-1 WOO Date: 7115/2008 Land Use(s): . Residential Phone #; 541-485-4505 'Project Size (Acres); 1.8 Fax #: 541-485-5624 ~~~~~~~r~i~~;~:~:~l~g~m~:~~':, :~~IY~~!~~~~~~';: ~~:\'i~~~,7~:~I~h~:'~~~:~~F'~~!'"3~lr~,,',~~~~~~j~~!~~~:~:.'~~Wr.~",,\I'IIII!IIII!\'"" II .::,"~'J:~~~~.U.;!-~.-_. "".' ,'~ :., Project Deseription (Include a copy of Assessor'smap): Divide into 9 Jots fox single family residentiali.1se (one lot ,;ocludesaII existing house), ;Project will iIlelude construction of apP!'O~iroately 0.21 acres of impervious area for street, and e)."tention of stom and sanitary lines to the off site .tubs, . Drainage Proposal (Public cOllllection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) ifnecessa:ry: . See attached " ' . :' , Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices; "v,e..~":~" erosion control, double ch:.mb",.d eatch beslns, furure on ,jtc detentJonJretentiCTI (whc:re pOssible) for the futim: prjvate i~".I"'_' __..onts. (what will the cay acc::pt for hillside v.egetativc trcatmcl'l~? Wi! doalt know ~"mt to propose until we know whar the City will a.cccpt for maintenance.:. .). , " : T~:~m1.' i , (Ata~;~~r::.e:t~:~~~;e~I;:::;:';~~:=i7rq:~'?::/t~';~;:k~~~if::~~;t~e44~ir~,,~. ' .. ;';;;:,',l..r.;:,,:,"~,;,'E ':: " , : ~qT'L: for "h'!Zi?p'/(~ationtb,be:co"."lclz fOT s.w~l. allho~~iotherire<1l!iremer1i,s,imii.vP",nea~.ra,y,J:~ . ',. : I,"C,::, , Drainage Stud" Tvoe (EDSPM Se~tion 4.0:;.2); /Note. UHmav be substituted foi'Rati.onaJ Method) III Small Site.Study,- (use Rational Mcthod for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (uSe Unit HydroS"eph Method for, calculations) o 'Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unir Hydrograpn Mcthod for calculations) ;Environmental Consider9tion., o Wellhead Zone: 6ut-;,~\.-, i,,; II h ,.,1 -Zone. 0 o WetlandJRjparian: A/~ (PMI,.,!, .r.~",~J~, ()U"JNO o Soil Type: #' 73 ,- - ~'16l i' Down.t..eaIll' Analvsi.', Hillside Development: I.J I A FloodwaylFloodplain: w",{- laz;yP., 'F P , Other Jurisdictions: A Y1 n<.x",+-ieVl "ad. ral"uJlt , ref ",:1"1..& ~ . NIA o Flow.1ine fOT starting water sun ace elevation: o Design.HGL to use:: for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take lUIalysis to: , , Retrirnto liiattStollder lal City ofSpringfietd, email: mrtouder(a)ci,slJringfield.or.li8., FAX: (541) 736-1021 PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 08/12/2008 08:38 FAX 541 736 1021 08/05/2008 15:58 FAX 541485ftc~.. ".,:>"...;~, .- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW POAGE ENGINEERI~G I4i 003 !ll:lUU4 rev,,,",,J by COMPLETE STUDY ITEMSF';';ijffic;;.1Ib!J:';'<1liu~:' dr/liJ:' ::~;'.i::'''1 . .. .., ,,1',-"'" . "" - ,,,,,,,,,.. * J3d.Sed upon Ihe information provided on,mefrimt, i;Jthis sheel, thefallowmg repre.sen~ a mlnpn."'" of what is neededfor an appliaarion to be compler.e for suhmittal willi respeatlo drainage: how""",", this list shmdd not b'WJed in lieu. of th" Springfield Dt<vi!/opment Code (SDC) or the City's Engm.ering Design M"",,,,al, Compliance with these >'equirements doe,. 11<" "onsti/ute site approw"l; Additional site specific irrform"lJon miry be I..q~i,'ed, Note: Upo" saoping sheel Subm;iial. ensure aompletedform has been sign.d I" tit. space proyid.d below:' ' InlerinrDesign StllildardslWater Qu.ality (EDSl'M Chapter 3)" ~~~ " ' III 0 All non-buildiJ:lg roofup (NBR) impeJViOll8 surlac". shall be pre-treated (c,g, multJ-<:hambored cat<:bba.in w/oil filtratioll media) for .tonnwater quality, Additionally, a minlinum of 50% oftbe NBR inlpeJVious surface sball bo treated by vogetat.ed methods, . fj 0 Wh01'o required, "eg~tative swrmwater design .hall be c01lsilltont with interim design .~rcU; (EDSI'M Section 3.02), set fo.th by the Bureau ofEnvironmenl>l.l Services (BES) o. Clo." War.er Servic"" (CWS).". , 0 For now NBR im,pervious area less than 15.000 squal"l feet, a simpliiied design approaCh may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative tl'e&tmel1t o ~.If a s"Co~wa.ter treatment swale is proposed. su.bmjt caIculationslspecW:cations for sizi:rJ,s, V~JOdtyl flow, side .slopes, . bottom mope, and ~ced mix consistent with either RES or CWS requirements.' ' J&I 0 Water Quality calculation. "" required;;' Section 3,03,] of the EDSPM ' o ~ All builc!.illg rooftop mounted oquip",en!, or other fluid oOlltaln;ng equipmenllocated outside of the buJ1ding, shall be provided with secondary ","..~enl or weather rc.iotant e1lclosi1re. General Study Req illremenl1l{EDSPM Sectioll 4.03) IiiI 0 Drainage stndy F' _.._"J by a Professional. Ci vi] Engin"". lic"""edin tho .tat.o of Oregoll, , 0 0 A coroplet.: drainage study, as required in EDSl'M Sootion 4,03. l. including Q hydrological study map. ". 0 Calculations showing system' capacity for. 2-year storm eve"t and ov<:rllow effects oI:a 25-ye"" .1O~ event, ~ 0 The time of concentration (Tc) shall be det=ined using a 10 minure start timo for ~eloped basins. Review of DOWJlStream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C) o fj A dow~~l=u;n drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Scction4.03.4.C. On-site drainaie sholl be governed by the Orr:gon Plumbing SpecialI)' Code (O:I'SC). ' , o iii Elevatiolls of the HGL and flow Jio""forboth cIty and private sysletns where applicabie, Design of Storm Sy.tems(EDSPM Section 4.04) I 0 Flow lines. slop.s, rim el....alioll.; pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on tbe plan set. ' .. , D. Minimum pipe cover .hall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36incbes for plain COMrete and plastic pipe materials, , or proper engineering calculations oh.aIl be provided when le.s. The cover sh&1l be suffiaient to 'UPPOll an 80,000 lb load withoutfuilure of'the pipe struolure. . ' ... ,0 MMtning's "n" values for pipes sball be con.istent with Table 4-1 of theEDSP, All storm pipes' sballbe designed to achieve n minimum V<llocity of three (3) ieetper _ODd at 0.5 pipe fnll b"ed on Table.4-1115 well, Otbel'lMisc . ~ 0 Existing and proposed contoms, located at one foot interval. mclude spot elevations OIl" site grades showing how site 1k. drains . .. 0 PriVBto,stcrmwatef' ea!ll!:m~nts shall be clearly depicted on plan~ when private s.to,tmwatet flows from .one p1'OPe:rty to ,)1'r)other ., o ~ Dlywells shcll not receive ronoffli"om any surface wlo beil;lg treated by one or more aMPs, with the e""option.of residential building roof. (,EDSP Section 3,03.4.A), Additional provisions apply to thi>! as required by the D),Q. Reter Eo the web$itc: 'U!'\VW .dea.state"br.uslwo;':rr01:mdw::Jui~home.hcm for more information.., ~ 0 Detention ponds sball be designed to limit. nmoffto pre-<levelop;"ent mres foe the 2 1hrough 2S.yeat Aloon ov",,-lS ~ f1". o.r~ 0 .Thi.>'fo71lJ shd.ll be included as an attachment, inside thefront c<>vel', oft"e ,<;tonnwater study F.""'" "'~:~"'" , ' ,:' ,.,. " w rMfiiiRT -':NIT: :ENOINFJeD PLEA.iIi'ilEAD JlEiOW:~ ~a;.rj , " ' '" ,.'" ", .."" .,c., ,"' " , . II \"'""...nH ::~"_. ,."_.~.':' , " ._~.-,~' .~.~,,) .......:. . ... :.' ,.:;,_?:~"<,,,:-;.:,.,:;.:.,,:.:i""::.:r.+:'::.:~"::-'j As the engineer of record. I hereby certify the above reqUired items sre complete ond lrtcluded with tho submitted stormwnter ~tudy and :plan sot. Sign81'Ul'e' Date: PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D AUG 2 0 2008 '10 ___ 9 u_ 8 _u 7 6 _n 20 .. . .. ~ rJ. \tl II '10 $ 9 I.'( 8 't: 7 ''4 llo '} " u ~ 5~O 40.9_ - ~ 30,0_ 2QO_ lOt) 9Q 80 70. 6;> PRE~SUBMmAL REC'D \ ,- J :jg; 40 : ':F. ~ ~----'----'---'- ?' ~- T'",;;.~~:";': .: ~F: '" >- >"': ~T\.''' ~ : "i,. i !-"f.}' ~ I ,;.........: i :.',1.1 , 'lI. r .... ;-,i:j' ::t.~!.: :: ~ ; ~ 40'}...1(;'! ;! j); - ~~~~: ::i" " 1":: 'If<-: . ~~~,~ ~~i #1 i ! , " , , 1 I' I; I I II I i I I I i ~ !.'I, J-: ,! r i Ii. I V~ /-'r ~:I/ /AY l~i_ i /' I! 1'1" I i l ;') I -;: . I _,1...../1 I:": tJ?Op.: ~jQ(Jtr:ll :/1' ;, '11'I':::J"'jl':"I'Yf"'lil: v' -'--'-~~~' '-'---~/ ' _ .L _ ';<>- ~J' , /,1 ',' , , j, ,/ ~, ./ : , . , , i I :,< I Y: I., 'fi "I: 1 " , j !~'.;t '::'f" ; ;...:31", ~8J!/ft6 !~:,-' ,~L . "/ i! t -,- -~~ _'-~-,-_;...o<:::..- __'-------;-,- -~ ,,-:~'~ .~ ) ~ I I, I ! I" i , , , " I IIi IIi , t i I I i " , I , 2. 4 ~ 50 -s c .... () 5 ;--~ -. t ~7~-"F_E.;- ~ , ---=--_- ~-'-7 ,3Q 4 3 ? I j I 1 I ,;,{'I . :!fC~ f~::' : ; I;~' . . I . ~, ill!, ; I !},I ,,;: II J, I ::a, I I if; j"i I I I i Ii :Il j i i i ~ :1' Ii; ',J'i. :jl i _.: !~! j I, , '''I I,' I-"'~I r./~:""/" ,_, J .. ~y/~v I ' ~ ' r ,~~. -r-"/ . I_I L.;Ir:L/.r~T ; I . i' r:- I L I I i ,: :: 1 I I ill Ii I I I j I ~ ! I ! ! , I I. , ' , ' ....- ~ :1, ! , ,~ I , .. [: - ,.. ~ - ^- ,(l =, , I ! = v q) ~ 0 , (( 'Ii: :'_ : l' " I:'~:-J' \'~ / '1 J" " , ';:r ,"~1 , 1/ :.:: ,:/,' :^\..r;; -:"t H-.r~ 0 f~ ' 11 I I [ , I 1 f'!: '/1 ' I !;j I : 1\ ; I I I I'~ i - r:. ~ J~' ::: r ~1-0: :: ;! :'l~ft;, I f lJi 1 1 J. i ,I l_i/fl' i 1"1 Pit! l'! ! i: I, i I I (I 1,1 Iii I i I i I I I I I :r:Ali:1 ::1.::1:; ,~8 /0 12, 14- 1 CHART ------i ~! WIDTH OF GUTTER FLOW ON PARABOLIC STREETS "i JI'lJY : i ~ I ItJ , III 2/94 1 i. I I I 'I Ii! I i ! 1[- ! I I I ! ! Iii r! I 20 , Ii i ~ , iz 16 /8 21 1-"'/ ; ..:.__ I J ,..-....,- _. .... ,,~,-- ,/~\ , I ~ ' I' I ), I ~: I) :t.. t, Basis of Project Development PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D '. AUG 2 0 2008 ' , 4-5 ' " ,/ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1- I 8.0/, 6 Or \; .' L 5,O~ 4_ 0 r:--=::: 3.0 ~ ~~, '''"",- I 2_ 0 - ~ ,'" ,,:" ~ . 'I ..' FREQUENCY, YEJ'~,S -........... '" "- " /-2 YEAR 1.5 '~~". ,"""""' ...~//~~o~~ ,',"""," X/~' 25 YEAR . '-...-:"'- /1' 10 - "- /~.~, ,~50YEAR . ~:'<J",~ . 0.8 .'" ," ~~' ........ ":,,,...~ , "- '''-... "'...""-'....: "'- 1'-... '" ~ "- ,K~", I ""- """"~ "'-, ""0~ , ',,- ',,"~ " ... ",-" ., .:' 0,6 0_ 5 0.4 0,3 0.2 I I' 0.1 5 2 5 6 15 30 . 40 50 60 I I DURATION 3 4 8 10 1.5 - 10 ,20 MINUTES - - HOURS 'Fig, 4-' Rainfall Intensity - Duration - Frequency Curves anticipated lesser development of the hills in the southern portion of the study area, there is a greatly reduced chance of property damage due to surcharging of storm drainage facilities in that area, Therefore, during the co'urse of evaluating alternatives, the feaSibility of using a 5-year design sto'rm frequency 'for that area was evaluated. Design Storm Hyetographs. Use of the unit hydrograph method for the development 'of runoff hydrographs and calculation of peak flows 'requires as input data, the rainfall pattern (hyetograph) of the design storm. However, BROWN AND CALDWELL III CONSULTING ENGINEER" "