HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 7/25/2008 PRE-SUBMITTA.... . \ DISTRlB UTION LIST: Date Distributed: 1- ;)8-oB / Dave Puent - Building v Gilbert Gordon/Melissa Fechtel- Fire _ / Jon Driscoll- Traffic / Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Mo~ead, Surveying Planner. q(L;1-,.(LtJ.. -/ 1Yjdfi.Jr:- 1fj PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 3 {) Z008 ,_ ' :_____...__ .J' .1 ...,..' C.ity of Springfield '. Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726.-3689 Fax L...~. ~.~= Pre-Submittal Meeting , Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00051 Date Submitted: 7/25/2008 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL 2 I) 2008 Proiect Name: H AIY\M.BR.. II--) t> S 1>5 L 2 - LfIIC)7 :IIVD AIJt:. i 50,000 SF MULTI-TENANT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING , Project Description: Application Type: Job Address: Site Plan Review 4107 Industrial Ave Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702311,100100 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal ofthe Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. , PlanJobPrintrpt 7/25/2008 2:38:33PM / .' ?re-Su-Jmitta~ V~eeting Development Services Department. Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, August 1,2008 1. PRE-SUB'MITT AL MTG #PRE2008~00051 (SITE TENT) HAMMER Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-13 TL 100 Address: Vacant -:- Sub Lot 2 of Hammer Industrial Park Existing Use: Vacant Applicant submitted plans to construct an approximately 50,000 sq ft multi-tenant industrial building. The general concept is to have a small office space in the front of each unit, with warehouse/manufacturing space in the rear. Meeting Date/Time: Friday, August 1,2008 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner: Lissa DavisIMark Metzger 2. . PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-00049 (SITE TENT) LANE COUNTY Assessor's Map: 17-03-36-21 TL 8800, 8900, 9600 . Address: 1645 "If' Street Existing Use: Residential . Applicant submitted plans to install a new modular office building to support adjacent health clinic operation for Riverstone Clinic Meeting Date/Time: Friday, August 1,2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Mark Metzger PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JUl 2 5 2008 'City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL 2 I) 2008 Site Plan Review , , , Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: [8J Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: 0 ISite Plan Review Submittal: 0 Major Site Plan Modification Submittal: 0 -~ Applicant Na;"e: John Hammer Iphone: (541) 683-1166 [company: ACR Properties"LLC IFax: (541) 683-2449 IAddress: 555 Lincoln Street, Euqene, OR 97401 IAPPlicant's Rep.:' Scott Morris Company: Address: , I Property Owner: Company: Olson & Morris I Phone: IFax: (541) 302-9790 '(541) 485-3253 I I I I ] I 380 0 Street. Ste 200 Sprinqfield, OR 97477 Same as Applicant Phone: Fax: Address: I . _.. IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-11 ITAX LOTNO(S): 100 I Property Address: No Address Assiqned ISize of Property: 4,23 Acres [8J Square Feet 0 I Proposed Name of Proiect: Lot 2 Hammer Industrial Park Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: New 50,000 square foot multi-tenant industrial buiidinq Existing Use: Vacant Heavy industrial New Impervious Surface Coveraqe (Including Bldg, Gross Floor Area): I~, ,'1'10 sf ISi natures: Please siqn and print your nam: an~ date in the apropriate box,on the next . - .' " . ., Associated Applications: LiPr~ - 6002 ( f"t.tJ4P) Signs: Ipre-sub Case No.: wl1 ZfX)B;"~\ Date: 7{'VJ~ Reviewed by: W Icase No.: Date: Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $ jLf(oO:'2 ITechnical Fee: $ ~ Ipostage Fee: $ --0-- ITOTAL FEES: $ JL{~oO PROJECT NUMBER: f~~D06-DODlf0 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 'Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature llliill not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned aCknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting, ' Owner: ) ~.~~~ S gnat re . ( n hv.. /-fIg WI ~I}// E: F\ Print Date: J - 2~ 'O~ Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. . Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 2 {) 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian i 2 of 10 , . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00051 4107 Industrial Avenue SITE . Map 17-02-31-10 Tax Lot 100 North - . + w_ ~ r 1 . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL J 5 2008 I.P:GEND -- "~Ult.!ln~lV._fU -- --~ --- --~ --- -~- --- - - ~ l::J mrooCl.lll" "*" ElIIIlIIC!llmtw .13 PlIlfOSDI lJlafI ID -- -."""" ,"-~ ,,- """" mJ El1t'-\IIll1 -~... 1I_;os....>t: ..~_$IiIltIlllO: -~- '" o ~-~ 0--1>"51>- - '" \ \'" '. \\\~ \ \. \\~~,- -: \ \, '+~\-: -. _.1 ' /\\\? _ _ 111 _ -ij~.. 1 "., ",~,../=.,' - -:~_ 1 :{~~"iiJ~" , - ."::. ;"" ,\ \~" \:\:~1\(-~IJ;;~~p.::C'":_....:11~; .J.-. ." '" \, 1,-';' ,.... ~ == ..~. ~ \ ~~ \\'(11 m'1\ 1,//'/ f: L.. r..~-' -. .' ~~~~"'. \ 1,1\ "'Ih"" ~. , ' ~,'- 1\'\ iii ~~. ~~,-tJ.- J ~ 1 LJ"," "" I II' '11\\h,:J ~:,:," ~ ~V 'II' 1/\ ,- - '~ "~,I "'111"=0 r''' '1-,' III I _-.~ ~. ..li~1 ~L.: ~! WJ=C:".:: --I- / itlil ir I~I: . ,:.;1 I --I r.'tt;--~IIIIJ!' ~';4j ,.-- I.!I.~I :~t~;;II~I'i ----~i_ ~~ lLr~~ Jill I. 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SHEET C2 of 8 OILSON & MloRRllS A division of L.B. Olson & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 olsonandmorris.com Lot 2 - Hammer IndustrialPark New 50,000 Square Foot Multi Tenant Industrial Building OWner ACR Properties, LLC Attn: John Hammer 555 Lincoln Street Eugene, OR 97401 Aoolicants Reoresentative Olson & Morris Attn: Scott Morris, PE 380 Q Street, Ste 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Architect SS & W, inc. Engineers Attn: Gail Fortier 2350 Oakmont Way, Ste 105 Eugene, OR 97401 Landscaoe Desig:ner ' Susan Crabtree Landscape Design Attn: Susan Crabtree 89618 Armitage Road Eugene, OR 97403 PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'O JUL 2 I) 2008 Proiect Overview The proposal is to construct an approximate 50,000 square foot multi-tenant industrial building on Lot 2 of the Hammer Industrial Park. The building is being designed in a modules (30' x 60') that 'can be stand alone or combined, The general concept is to have a small office space in the front of each unit, with warehouse 1 manufacturing space in the rear. Each unit has the opportunity for a man door and an overhead door, and will have access 'to (2) common truck docks at the south of the building. Traffic Circulation & Parking: There was a comprehensive traffic impact analysis prepared for the Hammer Industrial Subdivision by Access Engineering. This study included development of all the parcels with industrial development,'with the exception of Lot 10 being a more intensive use. This proposed development is consistent with the industrial use in the traffic study, therefore we believe a new traffic study is not warranted for this proposed development. The site has one existing access point to Industrial Avenue that was established during the subdivision process. There is an existing joint use access and maintenance easement over the driveway which allows legal access to the site. The traffic aisles have been designed to allow highway size trucks to enter the site and make their way around the building. There are (2) truck docks at the south end of the building that are intended to be used by any of the tenants, Trucks will be unloaded onto the dock, then individual . users will use fork lifts to move the delivered materials to each tenant space, Islands and radii have been established to allow for these movements, as well as for emergency vehicle access. The back portion of the site is intended to be fenced for security. There will be truck and man gates on both the east and west ends of the building about 1/3 of the way back. The gates are intended to be open during normal operating hours, then accessible by code boxes during off hours. There will be sensors to automatically open the gates for exiting traffic. The parking spaces have been allocated throughout the site to provide adequate parking for the . development. Per the Springfield Development Code (SDC), there is a minimum required number of 101 parking spaces. The design has allowed for 105 spaces. The SDC also requires 14 short term and 4 long term bicycle parking spaces. Due to the length of the building, we have distributed the 14 short term spaces at (4) locations along the building, This will provide shorter distance from the bike storage locations to the tenant spaces. The 4 long term spaces are designed to be contained within the building at a currently undefined location. Utilities Utilities were made available to the site when the improvements related to the subdivision were installed, Specifically discussed below: Sanitary Sewer There is an existing 6" sanitary stub to the property that is tied into the public line within the Industrial Avenue right of way. This stub will be split by means of a wYe connection, and then (2) parallel sanitary sewer lines will extended the length of the building, These lines have been placed approximately 20 feet from the face of the east and west walls of the building, which will correspond with the most likely restroom location for the small office spaces. There will be catch basins (covered) in each truck well tied to the sanitary system to meet the requirements of the drinking water protection overlay district. These catch basins will have small pumps within them due to the lower grade in the truck wells. As shown on the plans, the truck wells have been graded to keep storm water out of these basins. PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O JUl 2 I) 2008 There are also (3) proposed trash enclosure locations that will have area drains tied into the . sanitary sewer. system. These are located within the covered trash enclosures with the slabs designed to drain this area to the catch basins. Water The domestic water for the new building is proposed to tie into the existing water line on the south side of Industrial Avenue. The existing line is 12" in size and has. adequate pressure to serve the domestic and fire flow needs of the development. Since the tenants have not yet been determined, the proposal is to have a 2" high flow water meter with an approv'ed low flow chanlber. There will then be a 3" water pipe behind the meter that will run the length of the building and provide domestic service to the units. There will also be a 6 inch fire line to feed the sprinkler system for the building. This system will include a standard backflow setup (above ground) with a remote register to Springfield Utility Board specifications. The sprinkler design will be completed by BDH Design during the building permit process. There is also a proposed 1.25 inch water meter to be installed for the site irrigation system. Electric r There is existing unde~giound electrical service adjacent to the site that was installed as part of the public improvements for Hammer Industrial Park. The proposal is to add a transformer adjacent to the site and extend a main service feed into the electrical room. SerVice will then branch out through the building to individual service panels in the tenant spaces. Specific design of these utilities will be provided by each individual.utility provider. Phone 1 Cable 1 Natural Gas There is existing underground telephone, cable, and natural gasl service adjacent to the site that was installed as part of the public improvements for Hammer Industrial Park. These services will be extended into the site for service to the tenant spaces. Specific design of these utilities will be provided by each individual utility provider. Storm Drainage . There is an existing public storm drainage system in the right of way adjacent to the site that was installed as part of the public improvements for Hammerlndustrial Park. There is an existing IS" storm stub to the property that is routed into the 3 acres of detention ponds on the Hammer Industrial property. These ponds were designed to provide post-development detention for all of the parcels in the industrial park; thus removing a detention requirement from each individual parcel. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 2 I) 2008 The on site storm drainage plan consist of (2) separate systems. The eastern portion of the site (including half of the roof drail1age) is designed to be collected and routed into a bio-swale at the northeast portion ofthe site. This swale has been designed with vegetation to clean the water as it flows to the north, while providing a minimum contact time of9 minutes. The inlet structure at the riorth end is designed to convey the flow from the swale into the piped system, while providing a small amount of detention. More than 50% of the impervious area of the site is designed to be routed through this vegetated swale. The western portion of the site (including half of the roof drainage) is designed to be collected in a piped system. The catch basins will have fossil filter inserts to provide water quality treatment. Both of the systems then converge at the north end ofthe.site and exit via the existing storm stub to the property. Landscaoe Susan Crabtree Landscape Design was the landscape designer for the project. The attached sheets show that the landscape setbacks and planting plan meet the standards as set forth in the Springfield Development Code for industrial development. There will be a retaining wall in the northeast portion of the property that will allow a planting buffer on the east side of the bio- swale that is also designed to have tall trees planted. This will provide a buffer from the activities at Lane Forest Products next door, and eventually provide a nice visual appearance from 42nd Street. . There will also be a fully automated irrigation system installed,in the plant beds and bio-swale that will be designed at time of building permit. . Li2:htin2: Site lighting in the development area will be provided by wall packs and a few free standing pole lights at the north end of the property. The pole light locations are shown on the attached site plan. The wall pack locations are shown on the building elevations as pail of this submittal. Cut sheets for the lights and a photometric printout are also attached to this submittal for review. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL 2 I) 2008 / " N /F\ ~.J61 t' I"or 1"0131 \ ~.1 1. 0.8 0.6 "'..:h6- .1. +0.8 +2.1 +2.6 n n 10f 10141141 f41 lot lor I 014 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 +0.4 ~.3 ~.3 ~.3 ~.2 +0.2 ~:1 +2.5 +0.8 +0.6 +0.4. +0.3 +0.1 +0.7 .8 +0.9 +0.9 rr.r- +0,9 " 2.5 .9 "0.9 "0.9 +2.6 " " 1.8 '24 +0.4 +0.2 --= - - -- +2.3 .daD +7.5 0.8 .~ ! 1.8 "2.5 C:17 " " 0.6 0.5 +5.~.O +3 & "7.6 14 6~6 "28 -------- ~. c. c. +2.3 ~ +7~6' ~ "~6 0.4 +0.6' +1.3 +4.0 ~ +0.6 +1.5 +4.3 " 4.8 r ( ( " JL:L 0.6 ;lA~ ::1ND 7,4l2-~":' ~ T Z \ 3.9 "3.5 ~+O.5 ~+O.5 04"0.5. c. t-10.1 c. ~ .D...8- +0.8 / 1.8 "1.8 +9.3 +9.5 " 94 +2.2 +2.2 +2.6 +2.3 " 0.5 "0.7 "0.7 "08 wIiYI "181 iJli It I rl "n 10' I"ot I"r "0.8 :0.8 "08 "0.3 "0.3 "0.3 04 0.3 04 13 04 04 04 04 04 0.' 0.3 04 "04 0.3 "04 Plan View . Scale 1" = 60' " '0.8 +0.7 +0.6 "0.3 +0.3 +0.2 ~"34 .....-V+ A5.3 3.9 .5 "0.8 +0',3 "'0.3 +0.2 +0.2 +0.2 +0.1 PRE-SUBMIITAL REC'D JUL 2 5 2008 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Lamp Lumens Watts . LUM-SEG-IV- ED28 400-W CLR METAL A 2 400MH CLEAR HALIDE 36000 450 TEMPERED GLASS LENS SEGMENTED SPECULAR FRONT THROW REFLECTOR . LUM-SEG"IV- ED28 400-W CLR METAL B 0 400MH CLEAR - HALIDE 36000 450 TEMPERED _ GLASS LENS SEGMENTED SPECULAR FRONT THROW REFLECTOR GENERAL PURPOSE ONE 400-WATT CLEAR - C 16 TWH 400M BUILDING MOUNTED ED-28 METAL HALIDE, 32000 462 LUMINAIRE, 400W MH, HORIZONTAL POSITION.. WI CLEAR LAMP. STATISTICS Description' Symbol Avg Max Min MaxiMin . . Avg/Min Calc Zone #1 + . 2.1 Ie . 10.1 Ie 0.1 Ie 101.0:1 21.0:1 PRE~SUBMITTAl REc'D JUL 2 5 2008 ""':;f;4$t L [400 WATT MAX.] 1kQ)J~~~~& lJ@~~~~@ 22'l 1~16"~' 7"1 rll I I i I SIDE VIEW 1it Pf3- A 1--16"--1 1 16" I =0 TOP VIEW E.P.A.~ 1.12 'oj WM Do DoO i!.lBO ~ db l.90 3.90 ~ ~~ !fiPE[IFI[A lION!fi HDU511\11i: PRECISE. ROUND CORNER CAST ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION. LEI\IS A55'\': PRE CISE, OUR AB L E [A S T AL UM I NU MOO OR F RAM E SUR R 0 UN 0 S :3 /16" CLE A R TEMPERED GLASS LENS. GLASS IS SEALED TO ODOR WITH HIGH TEMPERATURE SILICONE SEAL. . COMPUTER DESIGNED SPECULAR SEGMENTED REFLECTOR WITH AN AUXILIARY HAMMERED PATTERNED TOP REFLECTOR COMBINES WITH'LENS TO PRODUCE AN EFFICIENT SHARP CUTOFF LIGHT DISTRIBUTION. DPTI1:5: IiA5KETlI\lIi: CLOSED CELL EPOM 6ASKETIN6 COMPRESSED BETWEEN DOOR AND HOUSING SEALS OPTICAL' CHAMBER. LAMP HOLDER: MOGUL BASE PORCELAIN. LAMP: [BY OTHERS] BALLAST: H.P.F./C.W.A. AUTOTRANSFORMER. -20' STARTING TEMPERATURE. ARM: :3"XS"X6" LONG HEAVY WALL EXTRUDED ALUMINUM. ARM IS SECURED TO HOUSING AND TO POLE WITH STAINLESS STEEL RODS,. FII\IISH: POLYEST-ER POWDER COAT-STATE OF THE ART 20 PSI PRESSURE POWER WASH AT 140. TEMPERATURE INCORPORATES FOUR STEP IRON PHOSPHATE PROCESS TO CLEANSE AND PRETREAT THE METAL SURFACE FOR MAXIMUM PAINT ADHESION. ELECTRoS,T A TICALL Y APPL:lEO TEXTURED POL YESTER POWDER TOP COATIS BAKED AT 400' TEMPERATURE FOR MAXIMUM HARDNESS AND EXTERIOR DURABILITY. f'iJl\ U.L listed lor \!ywellocalion 1l~ ~ J;,\' 19~~~ 660 WEST AVENUE 0, PALMDALE, CA. 93551 (661)233-2000 FAX NO. (661) 233-2001 www_usaltg_com PRE~SUBMITT4t~ECJD JUL 2 I) 2008 TYPI[AL SOUARE POLE TEMPLATE W ALL MOUNT "" ,.t- c'-j., o 0 1. -Y- fI. G-- J 4,--6-J o '+<-1' DlA. _.~ WIREWAY Z;;;, DlA. [3] HOLES '" I f--16,,2:;l 7"_ r TYPI[AL ROUND POLE TEMP LA TE ~ " / r 4" 0 .L-O o -+1 4' -6-1' ~IA _ _ ---A- WIREWAY ~'DlA. [e) HOLES EXTRUDED ALUMINUM ARM AND CAST ALUMINUM WALL BRACKET A55EMBL Y PROVIDED WITH BUILT IN 6ASKETEO WIRE ACCESS FOR FIXTURE/SUPPL Y WIRE CONNECTION. , " LAMP SIZE, 100 - 400 WATT 9 E.P.A.: 1.1~ PRECISE [OMPUTER DESIGNED. SEGMENTED SHARP CUTOFF OPTI[S. IMPAIT RESIST ANT TEMPERED GLASS lENS. 50FT [ORNER DESIGN HOUSING. MODEl NO. : A4-2 L U M WALL PLA TE 1 -f -t- T 7'50. + S,,' I -~ ~- ~ L-s ".--1 '-1/2' DlA. , ~, [4] HOLES LV. OPTICS WATTAGE 4cv NtH )A LAMP MOUNTING t1 WATTAGE TYPE VOLTAGE ~O o HPS 0120 0250 ~ 020B 0200 OMV 0240 0175 0277 0150 04BO 0100 ~ ADJUSTABLE KNUCKLE ONKLE23........... (TO FIT OVER ~ 318' 0.0. I ~R.M,M,~~NT.._ o TYPE III ~ 1I1.....~ ..d TYPE I V r (FORWARD THROW) IV... STREET LIGHTING ARM MOUNT OST23..........._ lTomOVER23/S'O,O,MrMI o TYPE V v-sa. S E G .ONKLE27........... (TO fiT OVER ~ 71B' 0.0. I . WALL MOUNT OWM .."..,......., . METAL HALIDE UNITS ONLY USE ED2B LAMP FOR 400 W. USE MEDIUM BASE LAMP FOR 100 w. SEE ACCESSORIES SECTION FOR ST23 AND NKLE DETAILS mr.~~ ~g~~J; ~ --=-- - ::::::.::= o DARK BRONZE OBM OMEDIUM BRONZE MBM OBLACK BKM OWHITE WTM OSILVER SLM SEEPAGE , FOR ADDITIONAL COLORS . OPTIONS o CLEAR POLYCARBONATE OIFFUSER . .. . LEX o HOUSE SIDE SHIELD.. . . . . .HS o PHOTO CELL + VOLTAGE (EXAMPLE: PC120V).",. PC+V. o TWIST LOCK PHOTO CELL+VOLTAGE (EXAMPLE TPC120VI. .. .TPC+ V 0, TW'IST LOCK RECEPTACLE ONLY.. . .TPR o SINGLE FUSE (120V., 277V).. .SF o DOUBLE FUSE (208V. , 240V) . . . . ..... ..OF 660 WEST AVENUE 0, 'ALMDALE. CA. 93551 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O (661)233-2000 FAX NO. /""/ '".2001 JUL 2 r 2008 www.usa.ltg.com " ~~~ IlF ~ ~ [J[J L _ _4n .......... ~ HEIGHT <::::::> ~ .~ D 4" !iOUARE !iTRAIIiHT !iTEEL D !iPE[IFl[A TlOI\l!i 5HAFT: 4" SQUARE. FABRICATED FROM HIGH GRADE STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBE. SHAFT CONFORMS TO ASTM-A-SOI-6B SPECIFICATIONS. MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 46.000 P.S,1. WALL THICKNESS 11 GA. [.120 WALLJOR 7 GA. [.180 WALL) AS SPECIFIED. REINFORCED HAND HOLE 15 FURNISHED WITH [OVER. SHAFT 15 FURNISHED WITH GROUND LUG LOCATED INSIDE POLE ON WALL OPPOSITE HAND HOLE. BA!iE PLATE: FABRJeA TED FROM STRUCTURAL QUALITY HOT ROLLED STEEL. MEETS OR EXCEEDS MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 36.000 P.5.f. BASE TELESCOPES,AND IS CIR[UMFERENTlALL Y WELDED TO POLE SHAFT. SLOTTED SOL T HOLES PROVIDE 1" FLEXIBILITY ON ElT.HER SIDE OF SOL T CIRCLE CENTERLINE. . ANCHORAGE: [4) ANCHOR SOL TS FA.BRICA TED FROM HOT ROLLED STEEL BAR. MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 50.000 P.S.1. BOLTS HAVE ilL- BEND ON ONE END AND ARE THREADED ON THE OTHER END. BOLTS ARE FULL Y GALVANIZED AND ARE FURNISHED WITH TWO NUTS AND TWO WASHERS. BA!iE COVER: FABRICATED FROM HEAVY GAUGE QUALITY CARBON STEEL. TWO PIECE COVER CONCEALS BASE. FII\lI!iH: POLYESTER POWDER COAT. THE METAL SURFACE IS PRE~REAT,ED BY 'SAND BLAST PROCESS FOR MAXIMUM PAINT ADHESION. ELECTROSTATICALLY APPLIED POLYESTER POWDER TOPCOAT IS BAKED AT 4000 TEMPERATURE FOR MAXIMUM HARDNESS AND EXTERIOR OURAB1LlTY. 1111 ~ /i0 . ~~~~~9~.J1 ~W=:::;::::::=~ _- ;:;:;...- --,~ -',::: 660 WEST AVENUE 0, PALMDALE. CA: 93551 (661)23302000 FAX NO. (661).233-2001 www.usaltg.com ~'D JUL 2 5 2008 FH SNTS SERIES ENGINEERING DATA Maximum EPA - Square Feet Catalog Maximum 100 MPH 90 MPH 80 MPH 70 MPH Number Fix!. wg!. SNTS 104-11 400 16.7 20.5 26.1 33.4 SNTS 124-11 400 . 12.2 16.1 20.4 25.8 SNTS 144-11 400 9.9 12.8 16.1 20.2 SNTS 154-11 400 8.9 11.4 .14.4 17.9 SNTS 164-11 400 7,9 10,1 .12.8 15.9 SNTS 184-11 400 6.2 8.2 '0.' '3.8 SNTS 204-'1 400 4.8 6.2 7.9 '1.6 SNTS 204-7 450 8.8 1'.3 14.0 17.4 SNTS 254-' 1 350 1.6 3.2 5;5 8.8 SNTS 254-7 450 4.3 6.' 9.1 1'.2 -- __4" -----.. " r 0 "--HAND lB' HOLE k~ ~. I-IEl6HT 8"-H' OIA. SOL T CIRCLE I BOLT , PROJECTION T?{;;:: .;". .- to,. y , ,..:; '''!:..' ~:~ ~<.:~~.~.~ ~ S:0 SOL T PRD-.JECTION ABOVE GRADE MINIMUM...--3V.." MAXIMUM.._3%' All above design calculations are based on sustained wind forcEs plus additional 1.3 wind gust [Example. Pole rated at 80 MPH withstands 104 MPH gusts] ORDERING INFORMATION . II "T'NG II JYl~'M II ~g~EL II INTI ;2.CJ llc:.{ I OPTIONS MOUNTING MODEl.. NO.: POLES FINISH OPTIONS o DARK BRONZE DBM OMEDIUM BRONZE MBM OBLACK BKM OWHITE WTM OSILVER SLM OPTION, OPRIME PAINT PP OGALVANIZED GLV IJTHERMOSET POLYESTER POWDER PDR . SEE 'PAGE 3 FOR ADDITIONAL COLORS o OUPLEX RECEPTACLE DUP o GFI RECEPTACLE GFI 0'3 WAY ADAPTER T3120 S POLE 'WALL BOLT ANCHORAGE HEIGHT THICKNESS CIRCLE N 0104-11 10' 11 9' 3/4'X18'X3' 0124-11 12' 11 9' 3/4'X18'X3' T 0144-11 14' 11 9" 3/4'X18'X3' 0154-11 15' 11 9' 3f4'X18'X3' S 0164-11 16' 11 9' 3f4'X1S'X3" ,~64-11 lB' 11 9' 314'X1B'X3" 204-11 20' 11 10' 314'X24'X3' '0204-7 20' 7 II' 314'X30"X3' [j 254-11 2S'. 11 II' 314'X24"X3' 0254-7 25' 7 II' 3/4'X30'X3" 02 3/B'X4' TENON PT23 02 7/8'X4' TENON PT27 o OTHER TENON MT DRILL MOUNT 01........._ 03.90....!. 0'.180.._ 04.90....+ 0,.90.......... 03.120...-( 3.120 REQUIRES PT27 AND T3120 ADAPTER o ;'/2" COUPLING CPLN1I2 o 3/4" COUPLING CPLN3/4 o 2" COUPLING CPLN2 (SPECIFY COUPLING LOCATION) SE:: ACCESSQRIES SECTION FOR OTHER OPTIONS. TTTI ~ f0, '~Q~~~ci ~~.;::::::- --::;:.:= PRE..SUBMITTAL REeD JUL 2 5 2008 660WEST AVENUE O. PALMDALE. CA. 93551 '(661)233-2000 FAX NO. (661) ?33-2DOl www_usaltg.com F1-2 '~L/THDN/A L/GHT/NO' - FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Outdoor storage areas, warehouse and factory perimeters and loading docks. CONSTRUCTION Rugged, corrosion-resistant, die-cast ,aluminum. Corrosion-resistant external hardware in- eludes slottE!d hex-head fasteners. FINISH Standard finish is electrost8tica!ly-appJied, oven-cured, dark bronzE! (DDB) corrosion- resistant polyester powder paint . OP11CAl SYSTEM Reflector is specular anodized aluminum. Rafr"actor is prismatic borosilicate glass which is sealed and gasketed to inhibit the el1!rance of outside contaminants. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EI_ectrical components are mounted in hingedfrontcoverthati ncludes primary and second. ary electrical disconnect. Ballast: High reactance, high power factor for 35W and 70-150W..Constant wattage au- totransformer for 175-4OQW. Metal halide 150W and below are standard with puis a-start ignitor technology; super CWA pulse-start ballast required for 200W, 320W and 350W (SCWA option). Ballast is copper-wound and 1~0% factory-tested. Socket: Porcelain, ,horizontally oriented, single-ended bayonet base socketfor 35W low pressure sodium; medium base socket for 70-150W; and mogul base socket for 175Wand above, with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell arid center contact. ULlisled 15OQW,600V. INSTALLATION Back housing is separated from front housing, elimirlating ballast weight and promoting easy.handlirlg.Top 3/4" threaded wiring access. Back access through removable 314" krlOck- out. Feed.thru wiring cali be achieved by using a condulettee. Mourlton any vertical surface. Not recommended in applications where a sprayed stream 01 water can come in direct contact with glass lens. LISTING UL Listed lstandard). CSA or NOM Certified'(see Options). UL listed for 250C ambient and suitable for wetlocatiolis. IP65 raled (250watt and below) or IP54 rated (400 watt) irl accordance with IEC Standard 529. Specifications subject to change without notice. ORDERING INFORMATION C.atalogNumber TWI1 .,COM Notes I"YP'c Wall-Packs TWH METAL HALIDE 70W n 400W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 70W -- 400W LOW PRESSURE SODIUM 35W B' to 25' Mounting Specificatio"s Height: 15-3/4" (40cml Width: 16~1/4' (42.6cm) Depth; 8" {20.3cm) 'W,ight: 19.95 (13.59kg) *Weightas'configuredin example bellow. For shortest lead times, configure product using standard options (shown in hold). Example: 1WH .175M T8 LPI TWH I I I r Ser.ies I I Voltag' I Ballast Options I Finish1' Lampl! TWH 110 (blank) Magnetic Shioofld instllllfld in fixtllrfl (hl.nk) Dark bronze LPI Lamp 2081 ballast SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V)1l DNA Natural included Wattage .1 2401 CWI Constant OF Double fuse (208, 240, 480Vp1 aluminum lJLP Less lamp Lnw orflSSlIrfl Metal 177 wattage EC Emergency circuitll DBL Black sodium1.l halide isolated 347 QRS Quartz restrike system12 DMB Medium 35L 70M1.2.4 Pulse Start bronze Hinh OrP.SSlJff' 100Ml 480J ;;;~..,.::',~..: QRSTO Quartz restrike with time delaylV.12 DWH White sodium' 150M2 TB' SCWA Super CWA PE Photoelectric cell - button type4.11.13 CR Enhanced 70S1 175M' TBV9 ballast PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle14 corrosion 100S 200M' 23050HZ'o NOTE: SCWA ballast must FS Full shield resistance be selected to comply with 15052.3 250M California Title 20 metal TP Tamper proof screws CRT Non-stiCk 100S 320M5 halideregulations.SCWA CSA Listed and labeled to comply with protective 2505 may also be required to Canadian Standards coatinglJ 350M' meet other states' 400S 4OOM' regulations. Consult local NOM NOM Certified (consult factory) authorities. Shinnf'n Sf'nflrAtHlv15 NOTES: 1 Not available with SCWA. 2 Notavailable with five-tap ballast. 3 Operates 55Vlamp. 4 Not available with4BOV. 5 Must be orDered with SCWA. 6 RequiresT-15, ED or BTZB reduced jacket lamp. Must specifyCWI for use in Canada. Optional multi.tap ballast (120, 20B, 240, 277V); in Canada (120; 277,347V). Optional five-tap ballasl(lZo, 20B,240, 277,4BOV). 10 Consult factory for available wattages. .. 11 Must specify voltage. Not availablewithTB orTBV. 12 Max allowable wattage lamp included. 13 Not available with 347V. 14 Photocell not included. 15 May be ordered as an accessory. 16 See www.lithonia.comJarchcolors for additional color options. 17 Black finish only. 18 Must be specified. 19 Requires field modification when ordered as an accessory. PEl PE3 PE4 PE7 SC VG WG Outdoor NEMA twist-lock photocontrol (120V/208V/240V) NEMA lw"Hock ~hotoCDntrol !347VI PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NEMA twIst-lock pt1Otocontrol' (480V) NEMA lwist-Iock photocontrol !177VI JUL 2 5 2008 Shorting cap for PER optIOn Vandal' guard Wireguard Accessories Order a.s separata catalog number. TWHVG Vandal guard19 TWHWG Wire guard19 Sheet#:TWH-M-S-L 8M-200 TWH Metal Halide Wall-Packs Coefficient of Utilization Initial' Footcandles. TWH 175M Test report no. 94121101 Coefficients of utilization z .-- :.~~ = . --~ :::-. . c' '-'--.) !\ i . s '._~ \ '\ J z rJ }1-:J. ( ~ t:-- ~ '.J ~\,., I ~ ~= ,r~~ <5 .- ----,/ ( so:::: , Distance in units of mounting height. 175W,metal halide lamp, horizontal lamp orientation, 12' mounting height 14,000 rated lumens. Total fix- ture efficiency: 60.6% TWH 250S Test report no. 94121002 Coefficients of utilization z '-1 ~' ;.J. ~ \. ~~:-:::-..... , ~~~\~ .~ Z f--/ / I'1V ! :~;/I )A. ,,' Ci J 5 . ./ :E ~ ." = ~ 0 ",3 c o o E o z 3 . 5 Distance in units of moun"ting height 250W, high pressure sodium lamp, horizon- tal.lamp orientation, 12' mounting height, 27,500 rated lumens. Total fixture effi- ciencv: 70.9% TWH250M Test report no. 95011902 Coefficients of utilization . Z F=F:::-- -1" \..~ .g, 0 9€i~::-.;:;, ! -~;1~ \' "I 2 ~ S 2~ \ \ ( .~ 3 r-::/ 'yl \ .~. V~ ~../I ~ ~--- /' ri' '0 \ . . z Distance in units of mounting height 250W, metal halirle lamp, horizontal IBmp orientation, 12' mounting height. 20,500 rated lumens. Total fix- ture eff~iency: 76.9% TWH 400S Test report no. 94121001 Coefficients of utilization z j ~~~~ j :C~t\t ) g -~l) 5 ~ j : c~/ ;\i' . o 5 z 3 . Distance in units of mounting height 400W, high pressure sodium lamp, horizon- tal lamp orientation, 12' mounting height, 50,000 rated lumens. Total fixture efficiency: 70.9% NOTES: 1 Photometric datafof other distributions can be accessed fromt helithoniaLightingWeb site. (www.lithonia,coml ,~ L/THON/A L/GHT/NG@ - An QfAcuityBrands Company Sheet#:TWH-M-S-L @19H9Acuity Brands lighting, Inc., Rev. 3!121lli1 7/JPe C- . . TWH 400M Test report no. 94112102 Coefficients of utilization .g, . = ~ o ;; , o E '0 . '~ .E ~ o ~ i5 z o ~~1~~ I-:--;W\\') )- zr-:/n'~ I 3C-./)i2 . r--"/---' ),., . r-- ,/ r) o 1 Z 3: S. E;: . Distance irlunits of mo'i..mting height 400W, metal halide, E-1S'lamll, horizDntalla~p orienta- tion, 12' mounting height. 36,000 rated lumens. Total fix- ture efficiency: 70% TWH 35L Testreportno.94121902 = ~ ." = ~ o "E o o E - o J!] 'c o .~ . o o J! . i5 z 11 0 ~~ z k'r'~! , r-- /, \ I / . ---' . I \ So 3 S . . Distance in units of mounting height 35W, low pressure sodium lamp, -horizontal lamp orientation, 12' mounting height, 4,800 rated lu- mens. Total fixture efficiency: 54.6% . M,'nHng Height C,rrocti,n falmt:tUIj/VII, ,AL REC'O lMultiplythe fc level by the correctio~}a~~r)\I 15ft. = .64 20ft. =.36 25 ft. =.23 JUL 2 I) 2008 (Existing Mounting Height )' _ C t' F t N M . H' h - orrec IOn ac or ew ountlng elg t . Lithonia lighting Outdoor Lighting One lithonia Way, Conyers, GA30012 Phone: 770-922-9000 Filx:770-9is-1209 WNW.lithonia.com