HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/22/2008 ., II '.~' .e- SUSAN K. JAMES 4565 JOIISUA-STRi<~ET TUALATIN, OR 97062 Grantor'! Nal1l~ wd 4.ddr~M. X_'-'^"-'...w....UXllX1u.s-~'J'.i.......~XK 1460 "G" STREET MEDI-TECH DEVELOPMENT . SPRINGFIELD, on 97477 COMPANY Gn"l""" N~,,;. ..nd Address: ^rter rl:'Cordingr.turl1W; EVERGREEN LAND TlTLE'CO. P.O. BOX 931 . SI'RlNGFLJ.:UI, OR 97477 U(lliJ'iI Cn:lJ1gtl~rf'<.IUl:\tt-.d..au 1'ilX:lb.tfmflll$sh:lllbt s-tnlh.ll~rOUD...il~"l(I,las,; SAME AS GRrVITEE OIvtSION Of CHIEF DEPUTY CLER~ LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS 26.011 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~e008740200000693001 2000000693 12:59:46 PM 01/06/2000 RPR DEED 1 4' CAsHIER 01 ~.00 11.00 10_00 T1TU; NO. ELT.J\54.4 ESCROW NO. 'SP9\1.\1Y765 .TAX ACCT. NO. 326312 .11163/ .....1~1'NQ. 11 0)3611 OS900 17 ()335 l4 02/00 \YARRo\.NTY DEED - STAT1HORY fOR~'1 (INDMUVALOR CORPORA TIpJ\') S ::J >= ~ '" :3 IE '" ~ '" ~ '::ii' ~. KNOWALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Thai SUSAN K. PFAENDLER, AS TO'PARCEL A ANI> SUSAN KAY JAMES AS TO PARCEL B . . hereinafter.called granloT, far the consideraJion hereinafter. stated, to gran/or poid by r(<tU'/'.Z1FJWM/.'floIf,1'Mflf'J~'fr?OU MEDI-TECB DEVELOPMENT COMPANY hereinafter (Qlled grontee,. dots hereby gr4Jlt, bargain, sell and crmvey untt) the said granlee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigm; /hat cuta",,' real property, with the lentmtllts, herwitamellls and appurtenances rheTiiJn~o bdonging or appertaining. situalt'd in the Count}' of LANE and StaJt ojOregon"described as fallows, to.,,'it: 0 PARCEL A LOT 2, IH.OCK 3, l\'iARYLHURST..AS PL'ATIED AND RECORDED IN vOLUME 12, PAGE 27; LANE CO~JNTY OREGON pLAT RECORDS, IN LANE C9ur\fIy,'O~GON. PARCEL B LOTS 14 AND is, BLOCK n,.PLAT OF WASHBURNE'S SUBDMSION OF TIIE SPRINGFIELD INVESTMENT AND POWER COMPANY'S ADDITION TO SPRINGFiELD; AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2, PAGE 73. LANE COUN1OY_OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY. OREGON. . . . , J To Have and to /lold rhe samt unto the said &rtJlltee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forel'er. And said grantfJr henby co~'efW!l/s to and with said gran,tee and grantte's heirs, SUCCe5s.rm and 4Ssigns, that grantor is . lawfully seized in fee simple of the abnl'e granied premises, frufrom all e,,~umbralll:es except Subject tt) any and aU r:asemenls, restrictions aM covenants of record and that grQJItor K'ilfwarrunt andfore~'er defend the said premises (wd el'ery part and parcel" thereof against the lawful claims and deinands of all persons whqmsoel'er, except thqu claiming under the ab,n.e described encumbranr~s. The true and aduQ/ consideration paidf{Jr this tnl1~Jer, sraJed in tl!uns oJd{Jflars, is $130,000.00. *'* .. 1UoJf~xb:txJUhKd:.xwm......__..;.......mrniJl'K Yd:'.I1f{indu:ti~.I1tJmxJWIJllxt:J->>l't :ll:aiif~ ;JtttMWX>1XtJmi1lOlXJfIKolNS<itbex K'hj(k.fmv1.1di4-J;.oh~~JUliIltK_XbI:::''''-~",,,'<,:~ (The Stllletlce berwff!n tile symbols., if not (lppZicabll! shlJuld be deleted. See ORS 93:030.) **wmch is paid ':to an a.................~tor pursuant to an IRe 1031 Exchange In construing this deed (Uld where the coniexl so requires, Ihe singular i/~cludes the pluraJ Qnd aft graminatical changes . '^'.ll be implied to nwke.the provisions hereof apply. equal!)' to corpOra/ion}, ff?d loindividrluls. . \' '.," In Wimess Whereof, the granlor has executed Ihi5 irutrnment this L\ day oJ ....JCt. i\l)[~ (I). '2f)("0 ~-=' If a ,'orporoJ(' gran/or, it has C-Ol!sed.irs name to be six'nedufJd swl affixid by i/$ oJJicer;:duly authorized (lI'ereto by order uf its board of 4irectors. . . nns IN~TKIIMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF TIfF: I'ROPJ.~RTY OESCRIR.F:D IN :flllS Ji'STRUMF:;"<T IN VIOLATION OF ArrLlCABLE L.,\i'iO USE LAWS M<D REGln,,\TIONS. BEFORt~SIGNlNG OR ACCEPTING llIlS,l.'-i~TR\JMENT, THE P[}l:SO?\' ACQUIRING FEE TITLE' TO TIlE PROI'EHTY SIIOI{W CII.I:CK WITlI THE ~PPRorRIATE Cln'OR COUNTY PL...NNING llEPARThfENl' TO "ERin APPROVED USES AND lJF.:TEltMINJ:: ;\N~ ~1; TS ON J,,\\VSlIITS AGo\l~ST tARl'>llN(. u~ fOREST PR \(:TlCF::<; 0\5 DLflNI 0 IN ORS '0 ?30 - ,c..y( I~.J { SLS MES l A/ (,~ III ' _ ,,~-7'\. /I........,...,d,lc _,usan K. Pfaendlpr , .'lTArt,Op()RfGO"l,COUNrYOf_ I~c.n' 11\ . . ___'. /1 Za.[) 'nlls IN:-'-TRVil-IEI'T WAS AClC--IQWI,EI){;I:1l BEroRt~ :'-IE ON ~J.(;C__I~.-Ff~~. IlY ~ll-"Ar-: K. PF,u:r..'llU:R.A5 ro F')jP I A Mm lli'i.~.~_~.!j,x...1AMES..\,S TO PARCEL B /1 i ,-1.....U4) ;: '--"If !q<tL4 r.h .orunli,,~i,)1[ i:Xllin5: .-ll-v,,) 2 / 2(;J~() Notary Public for ?!-ego----;; '..' ~ oHlclr.lsEAl , DI,M1NA K. Me KONlV -.! t-JOlAlW PUBLIC-OREGON . - COMMISSlOH ~lO. A 056950 MYCOMMIS510N ~xrIR~(i^U(tU5T ~l, ~1KlIJ jJ. PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O JUL 2. 2. 2008 ...",.,1