HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/22/2008 Associated ~pplications: ::cD;JW08 -'1:'O?7dt1l,i) Prr- lx})g ~4<i Date: '1-/--Z7../rf> '/L Date: 1/111.113 IAPPlication' Fee: $'34lo~ I Technical Fee:'$' I Postage Fee: $ . -' TOTAL FEES: $ .~l{lp/' .1 PROJEC~ NUMBER:I/lR)~; orriii) ... . .lfi:::i~~~f;!f,~"j["i5iffit.%t;,i;,~t.:~}f3\)f{{~.~~;:-)7...~.t;ij'!;-~;':"-:-;""-"""-~,*"",M~';c:;;:;,~,~;;~;~~:;t;~';::'h',~';';t:i:t-8~.Y'l!E~7':.,m:'ii!E~;'j~:r~;,~;jJ1}.i1'i:_\::'._;,,~~.~"'i'.'tS::~:'B.:~j.0:}'i:~-~:i;_'f~';.7!./'~i'~~:~ . .' , .'j. : 'city of Springfield pevelopment Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 .. ,SPRINGFIEI,-D PRE.SUBMITIAL REeD JUL 22 2008 ,Ja:- ,. Site Plan Review .. & , .. Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: i:XI . Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 . -. -,..- , Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant;s.Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Icompany: IAddres's: David Suchart (541) 228.0669 (541) 682-4290 Lane County Fax: . 151 West' 7th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 . . Phone . Bill Seider 541.342.7291 . PIVOT Architecture Fax: 541.342.1535 72. West Broadway, Eugene, OR 97401 - -, ",. .1 ~hone I Fax: 503:485-2600 503-485-1950 Michael y. r: Liu C/O Crown Property Manaqement"Co. 1255 Lee Street SE, Suite 130, Salem, OR 97302'. ,., .,;' ," . J," ,. r":5." - ft"C" _ ,.,,,~;~_' '- ,,,... ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I ~~~~L,~T ':',~" 'x' ..., ..... .,,-,', ..~. . 08800,08900,09600 Prooertv.Address:. 1645 "W Street. Soringfield, OR 97477 . Size of Prollerty: 0.797 Acres ~ Square Feet D I Proposed Name of Project: Riverstone Clinic. Modular Office Building Addition I . , "f," A,-" '-,.!,;',-,", '-:', . ,.. o. I Description of If you are filling in. this fo~m. by hand: please attach your proposal description to this application. P ra DOSa I: Install new modular office building. to support adiacerit health clini~ operations. See attached ;arrative ./ Existinq Use: Single j'amily Resi'dential .INew Impervious Surface Coveraqe (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 2,816 Si natures: Please si nand' rint your name. and date in the ap '1 Signs: Pre-Sub' Case No.: lease No.: Review~dbY:~ Reviewedby: If:JIJ Revised 1/1/08 Moily Markarian ~ .1 I' I , ,. I, I " I , , r I sf I e, I J. 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This applica'tion form is used for both the, required pre'-s~bmittal 'meeting and subsequ'ent complete application su,l:imittal. .Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application. process,' An appli,cation withoufthe Owner's originalsignature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal ., The undersigned acknowledges ttlat the information in this' ,application, is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittall'>1eeting',' '. , Ow.ner:.' . . 1/-:Zllcro ~ ./'7 _ ~ /' /" /~- Signature ~'''' . -. - \"" Date: .~IIe...H,c>,c1- Print .L /u , Submittal I represent this appl1cation'tq be ~omplete for 5uqmittal to the City. Cc:insiste,nt with_ the,completen"ess check. performed on this application.at the Pre-Sl!bniittal Meeting, I affirm the inform?ltion identified by the City, as necessary for processing the application"is provided herein orthe information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and .the City may begin processing the application. with the information as" .submitted. "This statement serves as writti?n notice pursua"ntto the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining' to a . con:pl~te app,lication. . "". Owner: Date: Signature Print , . PRE-5UBM/lTAL REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly ~larkarian 2 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Cit 'f Springfield Official Receipt \:. . De,_JOpment ServIces Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000~17 Date: 07/22/2008 8:34:49AM Paid By WILLIAM D SEIDER/PIVOT , ARCH PC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 346,00 $346.00 Job/Journal Number PRE2008.00049 Description CTY Site' Plan Rvw Tentative Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard Amount Paid Id 022309 In Person $346.00 Payment Total: $346.00 'I PRE.SUBMITTAL REe'D JUL 2 2 2008 cReceintJ Page 1 of 1 7/22/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00049 1645 "H" Street r ill) I :iI: If- ~o To- I . P1-8i_ HST SITE I Map 17-03-36-21 Tax Lot 8900, ~ 8800,9600 . c - - North + tn , :iI: If- (() .;- -2:..s~ L ~ ,,--!n I ~r, I I I , I H\I:-, I . I r .~ U JUL 2 2 2008 .. Site 'Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE:' , . " ~ ALL of the foliowing i€ems MUST be submitted for BOTFi Pre-Submittal, and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to. your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this fu~. . Application Fee ..: refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee , calculation formula. A copy' of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. 'Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected' at th,e p're-submittal and submittal stages. ' ' Site Plan Review Application Form. [2<J, Narrative explaining th~ purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in. determining the action ,to be taken, The narrative should a'lso include the proposed numbe,r of employees and future expansion plans, if known. ' ' ~ General -:,' Lane County curl7entlyoperates the Riverstone Clinic, a Federally , Qualified Health Center (FQHC) medical,program, in an existing medical office building located at 1640 "G" Street in Springfield. This building, located on tax lot 9600, and an adjoining surface parking,lot on lax lot8800" is leased from a private owner named Michael Y. T.Liu. The long term goal of Lane CountY' is to have a . new .FQHC facility, oyvned by the county, and built somewhere in the 974T7 zip code area wi,thin in the nextfew years. Prograr:nming for the new facility has , started and a property s'earch is underway. In' the shortest time span it will be at . .. . least two years before a new clinic is ready for occupancy, and probably'that could be longer depending on property acquisition and',iand use requirements. , , In the mean time, the success. of the clinic; operation and increased client demand, has prompted the acute need to provide additional admjnistrative office ,space near the clinic facility as soon as possible. Mr. Liu, the c1in,ic private owner also owns,'the property due north?f the clinic on tax lot 8900, ,He has expressed an interest in, leasing that land to the County so that temporary offices for the 'c1iriicoperations could be installed 'here. Given that a permanent location for this program is eminent, the most efficient vjay to meet the clinic's immediate office needs appear~' to be to site a temporary modular office building on the adjacent site to the north. , , 'PRE-SUBMllTALREe'D " JUL2 2 ,2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONECLlNICMODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION ,JULY 21,2008 Page 1 of 16 ~ Purpose - 'The new modular office building measu'res 47'A" x 59'-6" or 2,816 square feet. It is made up offour connected sections. The program for the units calls for a medical file storage room, 3 enclosed offices, a small conference room, and a general open office area, ~estrooms will be provided for the office <" occu pa nts, ',' .,,' , , The purpose of this installation 'is'to provide support' ~ffices for the FQHC ,Clinic. There will not be any public services delivered from this location and all clinic clients willcontinue t'o be served from the main clinic building. We envision staff accessing the modular o.ffice building from a'n existing door at the north east corner of the, CliniC and walking to the, new modular office building unit, entering a door located on the .east side of the modularunits,as shown on the submitted drawings. An accessible ramp and exit stair will be provide to enter the modular units. The entire installation will'be enclosed with a matching skirting material.,' ., - . .. - ,. .~ "Existing Use - . The site is currently zoned Low Density Hesidential. The site is in the Hospital Support Overla>:: District per code 3.3-1100. ,There is currently a one story single family residence on the site that' is a rental unit. A detach'ed car port is also included. According to the Lane County On-Line Tax Lot database the house was originally' c'anstructed in 1949,and measures 992 square feeton theground floor. There is a 300 square foot attic listed as 'well. The plan for this project is to demolish the house, carport and associated footings' and slabs in order to, make room on the site for the new modular office building. ~ Number of Employees - There will be at most 14 administrative employees working in this modular office building location" ~ Future Expansion - There are no plans ,to further ,expand this mod'ular office building unit or to expand the adjacent clinic at this time., As ,noted above, the long range plan is to constru'ct a new FQHC clinic building on a different site somewhere in the 97477 zip code ,area. . ' !Xl' Copy of the Deed A copy of the Deed is attached to this memo as Exhibit A. PRE.SUBMITIAL REe'D JUL 2 2 2008' PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21, 2008 Page 2 of 16 '~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing ali encumbrances, . - -. <. ,I A copy ,of the Preliminary Title Report is attached to this memo as Exhibit B. , IX] ,'Copy of the Site PliJn Reduced to 8'/,"x11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet, A copy of the Reduced Site Plan is attached to this memo' as Exhibit C. .~ Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage.. on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. According, to the Development Services Department this Right-of-Way-Approach , Permit is not required for this site review approval. ~ ' Three (3) Caples of the Storm water Management System Study with Completed Stormwi'iter $coplng Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must 'be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and procedures'Manual, .' , ' .. '. . . A copy of the. Stormwater Management System Scope of Wo.rk form is attached to ,this, memo as Exhibit D. 'According to the Public Works Department a stormwater management .study is not required for this project, ' o Three (3) Cppies of the Traffic Impact' Study prepared by a -Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-11)5 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the, traffic impacts and mitigation of a development'on the City's transportation' system. In general, a TIS must explain how the 'traffic from a given development,affects the , transportation system 'in ,terms of safety,' traffic operations, access and mobility, and . immediate and adjdining street systems. i TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. According to the Development Services Department this Traffic Impact.5tudy is not required for ,this site review approval. ' Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the . F,ollowing Plan-Sets for Submittal All of the following plans must iQclude the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ' , ' . 'All plan sets must be folded to 8'12"by 11" and bound by rubber bands, ~ ;3, 'Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Refer to the site survey drawing Sheet S-l and sheet Cl.O Site Assessment of Existing Conditions: ' ~ ,'Prepareo by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or EngineepRE SUBMIIT'AL' '. J Prepared by Balzh,iser Hubbard ,Engineers' . REC 0 JUL 2 2 2008 , PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILD!NG ADDITION CITY OF SPR'INGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION ' JULY 21, 2008 Page 3 of 16 , ~Vicinity Map ,.', , . Refer to Title Sheet and/or C1.0for Vicinity M,aps ' .~ The name, location arid dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious .surface areas, clearly indica,ting what is remaining and what is being' removed, For existing structures to re(l7ain, also indicate present 'use, ,size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings, Refer to S-l, and C1.0: D The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of a'll watercourses and re'quired riparian setback that are shown,on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development S'ervices Department Not Applicable, no watercourses or riparian setbacks exist of) site. ~. The 100-yea~ flo'odplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest'adopted FEMA Flooo Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved'Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ' , Refer to the C1.0. D The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3,3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas. Map on file in the Development Services Department The site is, identified as .being located within the 10 year time. of travel zone, for the potential 16th and Q Street well, Refer to sheet Cl.O. ' ~ Physical. features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or. greater, 'when measured 4. V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings . Refer to S-l and C'1.0. ~ Soil types and~' water table information as mapped and 'specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable s,oils and/or a high 'water table. From the soils survey information on-line, the property contains two different. soils types. The first (located on the north portion of the property) is an Awbrig-type material with a somewhat high water table at 0-11" down from the surface, yet it states that floodir)g is rare with zero pondihg, The second soil type,located in th~ area of the building, isa Coburg-type material with a water table as much as 18"-30" down from the surface - stated to have zero flooding and ponding, Refer to C1.0.. , ~ ,b, Site Plan ~ Prepared by an O~egon licensed Archite~t, Landscape A'rchitect,' or Engineer' Prepared by .PIVOT Architecture. ' ,. , , PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'D JUL 2,2 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR .oFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21, 2008 Page 4,of 16. ~ Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable, to the parking requirement for the proposed users)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings Refer to A1.0, ~", Location and height of,existing or proposed 'fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs Refer to A1.0. '~ Location, dimensions" and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers" airectional signs, and striping Refer to A1.0: ~ Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed fo(buildings;,structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ' Refer to A1.0. ' , ' ,~ Observance' of solar access requirements ~s specifled in the applicable zoning district Not Applicable at this site. ~ On-site loading areas andyehicular and pedestrian circulation Refer to A1.0. ~ A'ccess to streets, alleys; and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of e>;isting and proposed curb cuts and curb' cuts proposed to be closed ' , Refer to Sl, C1.0 and A1.0. No new curb cuts propo?ed. ~ " Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces Refer to A1.0. ~ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities Refer to Title Sheet, L TD Bus stops for routes 13 and 18 are located on Mohawk Boulevard between G and" I Streets , ' ~ Area and dimensions of all property to be co~veyed, dedicated, or reserved' for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi- public uses Not applicable: No property is to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi- public uses ' ~ PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUL 2 2 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE' LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLlNIc'MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDitiON' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION, JULY 21, 2008 Page S of 16 " 'C8J Phased Developmen/Plan ~ where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for developmen't, including' the boundaries and sequencing' of each 'phase, Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and , accommodating other required public improvements, inCluding but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity, The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted, Not applicable - not a phased project. ,IX] c, Improvement and Public Utl/itles Plan [Z;] , Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer , ' Refer to Sheet C2'.0 Grading, Paving & Stormwater Management Plan prepared by Balzhiser Hubbard Engineers. There will be no new impact on existing publicutilibes for this project. ' " , [Z;] Location and width of all existing, andproposed easements Refer to Sl, Cl.O and C2.0. No new easements proposed, . -. , [Z;] Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of'all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways V'!ithin or adjacent to the , proposed development, 'including ownership 'and maintenance status, if applicable, ,Refer to 51, Cl.O and C2.0. No new alleys, dedications or other right-of- ' ways pr.oposed. [Z;] Location'and type' of existing and proposed street lighting Refer to Sl and Cl.O. No new street lighting proposed. [Z;] Locatjon of existing and required traffic control devices, .fire hydrants, power' poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities ' Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed Sidewalks,. sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails . Refer to' Sl and Cl.O., 'No n'ew or required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units~ and similar public facilities, No new or proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian, access ways, or trails, Refer to Al.O and A2.0 for the location of the accessible ramp and second exit stair, located on the property for the new modularoffice building, [Z;] Location and size of existing andproposed uhlities on and adjacent to the site including sa'nitary sewer mains, storm water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and'cable TV, 'Indicate the proposed.connectiof] points ' ,Refer to Sl, Cl.O and C2.0, ' I2Sl d, Gradi,ig, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan [Z;] Prepared 9Y ~n Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Prepared by Balzhiser & Hubbard'Engineers. PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'O JUL 22 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21, 2008 Page 6 of 16 , ~ Planting plan pr;epared"by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architectwhere plants are proposed as part of the storm water management system Prepared by Satre Associates. ~' Roofdrainage patterns and discharge locations Refer toAl.O and C2.0, ~ Pervious .and impervious area drainage patterns Refer to C2,O. . ~ The size and location o'f stor~water management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention' ponds; storm water quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained Refer to Sl, C1.0, and C2.0. ~ Existing and propos,ed spot elevations and ,Contours lines dra,wn at 1, foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) . Refer to Sl, ci.o, and C2.0. ~ , Amount of proposed cut and fill Cut and Fill is limited to backfilling and leveling footing excavations from house demolition, .filling and leveling front lawn area, and excavation and filling spot footing locations for modular office units. Site will remain 'relatively flat. Refer to Sheet C2.0 for approximate volumes of cut and fill a't the site. ' ~ e. Landscape Plan . ,~ Drawnbya Landscape Architect Prepared by Satre & Associates. ~ Location and dimensions of landscaping an'd open space areas to include calculation o(.landscape coverage ' Refer to Ll.O~ ~ Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-'110 , Therea're no ne'w building elements that will require landscape ,screening. ~ Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system Refer to Ll.O. ~ Location ~nd type of street trees , Refer to Sl and Ll.b. No new street trees are proposed and no street trees will be removed or effected by this project. ' ,PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D JUL 2 2 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE, LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION " JULY 21, 2008 Page 7 of 16 I . IZI ,List in chart. form the proposed types of landsci}pe nlatenals .(trees, shrubs, ground cover).' Include in the 'chart genus, species, common name, qua'ntity, size, spacing, and method of planting Refer to Ll. O. IZI f. Architectural Plans' ~ Exterior,elevations of all buildings 'and structures proposed for the development site, including height 'Refer to A2.0, Elevations of modular units (standard drawing) have been prepared oy BlazerIndustries, the modular office building manufacturer. IZI ,Conceptual floor plans Refer to A2.0. Floor Pla(1 of propose ~nits prepared by PIVOT Architectur~. Floor Pl.ans of modular units (standard'drawing) have been prepared by Blazer Industries, the modular office buildil1g manufacturer. IZI g, On"Site Lighting Plan IZI Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached ' Refer to Sl'and A1:0. No new detached exterior light fixtures will provided. IZI Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of. illumination, wattage; and luminous area Refer to A2.0. [gJ Photometric test report for each light.source Refer to A2.0. .' " PRE-SUBMIllAL REC'D ' JUL 2 2 2008 , PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODU'LAR OFFICE ,BUILDING ADDITION- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21, 2008 .Page 80f 16 " , Additional Materials That May be Required , IT IS, THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLlCA TlONS APPL Y TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS'DISCUSSED IN 'SDC 5,1-120: Where a multi-family di;velopment is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance With SDC 3,2-240 " ~ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet 'of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQL W) ,Or within 100 feet ,of the top of bank of any direct tributiJries of WQL W' , ' Not Applicable, The site is not within these limits. ~ A Geotechnical Report prepared by' an engineef must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high. water table present From the soils survey information on-line, the property contains two different soils types. 'The first (located on the north portion of the property) is' an Awbrig-type 'material with a somewhat high water table atO~l1" down from the 'surface,yet it states that flooding is rare with zero ponding. The second soil type, located in the area of the building, is a Coburg-type ma,terial with a water table as rT}uch as' 18"- 30" down from the surface - stated to have zero flooding and ponding. . ' .' . " ~ Where the development area is within an ~verlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district , SeCtion 3.3-1100 Hospital-Support Overlay'District - ~ 'Same standard as 'professional offices in Residential Districts 'A. Professional offices in residential districts are permitted when:, 1. The lotslparcels are adjacent to CC or MRC Districts; and 2. The majdrity ofthe sqnare footage of the,structnreon the . lot/parcel is not inon~ than 100 feetJromCC orMR~ Districts, Where public-right-of-way separates the residential district from tIle conunercialdistrict, the righi-of-way width is nO,tcounled in 'the mcasnrcment. " ~ Minimum 25% of lot/parcel in planteq materials ~ Parking lots meet planting standards,'applicable to commercial development. , ., ' Not applicable; no new or altered parking lot work is part of this project. . ~ If five or more trees are proposed to be I;emoved, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5,19-100 NotApplicable. 'No trees will be cemoved for this project. [;g] A wetland delineation' approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently ,,!here there is a wetland on the property Not Applicable, The site is not designated to contain any' wetlands. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 2 2 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTYRIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADQITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION . " JULY 21,2008 Page 9 of 16 ' ~ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Not Applicable, 'No federal or state permits are required for this project. . ,. PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE. BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION, PRE"SUBMIITAl REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 JULY 21,2008 Page 10 of 16 ~ Where ahy grading, fllllhg' or excavating Is proposed with the d~velopment, a Land 'and Drainage AlteratIOn permit must be submitted prior to development Not Applicable. Less. than 50 cubic yards of earthwork (not including trenching) is anticipated for this project, ~ Where applicable,' any Discretionary Use or Variance as speclfied:in SDC 5,9-] 00 and 5,2]-]00 ' : Not Applicable. No disc~etionary use or variances are proposed for this project. ~' An A,nnexation application, as sp~cifled Ih SDC 5,7-] 00, 'where a development Is proposed outside of the city limits but wlti)In the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer ' Not Applicable. The site is within the city limits. , PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D JUL 2 2 2008 (, PIVOT ARCHITECTURE, LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONECLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING A'oDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JUL Y21, 2008 Page 11 of 16 , , , RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION .-,5 EXHIBIT - A COPY OF DEED. PRE.SUBMITTAL REe'p JUL 2 2. 2008, ~' PIVOT ARCHITECTURE , ' 'LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21,2008 Page 12 of 16 r I '..~ .e- SUSAN K. JA~fES ':565.rOH.SU,\.STREET llJ,\LATfN,OR'9706Z G~:Ultui', Nal1l~ and ..\lIdJ~ . ~Xlf>lI~~.~.C~."""llXXK 1460 "G" STREET MEDI-TECH DEVELOPMENT SI'RINGFIELD, OR 91477 COMPANY G.,ot~'3 N~lIi~ ..nd AddJ-es~ ~~;ERGRk1~tI~A~D TITLE-CO. P.O. BOX 931 . '. SI'R1NGFIELll. OR 91477 Ulltil :> cn:.ngc ~ T<<jm.."'ilOO,;lU l:a ~tat~mfnl> sh:liJ be ynll"th.rollo...ir,gadrl.....\s . SAME ASGItANTEE ~ OIVISIONOf CHIEF DEPUTY,CLER~. LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS .. 26,00 11111111111111111111111111[1111111111111 ~~e08740200000693001 1000010693 1259:46 ~M612000 RPR OeED 1 ~'CRSHIER 01 ~.~e 11.00 10.00 o rlTl~ NO. l::LT.)J544 ESCROW NO. 51>9'1.10765 .TA.x ACCT, NO. 326]12 31\637 rtJAP NO.' 17 OJ 36 2108900 17 OJ 35 24 027111} \'t' ARRANTY DEED - STAnnORY l<'ORf\l {INDIVIDUAL OR CORJ>ORATI?Nl g ~ ~ >= = ~ is ~ KNOWAIJ,'MEN Bt' THESE PRESENTS, Thul SUSAN K. PFAENDLERl AS TO PARCEl. A AND SUSANKA Y JAMES AS TO PARCEL B " - herei1UJft!!r'caJledgranlor, Jar the consideraJi;11 herei1U1jter\ftaJed, to gran/or paid by ",ttL'litWIViM/,~f,T"(f1'(1f>~r.,.u HEDI~TECH DEVEWPMENT COMPl\NY hereinaftercuUed'granreeJ. does hereby grant, bargain, sell and C01I~i.Y unto the said grantee alld gmntee's heirs, Su.ccessors and assigns. tlUll cettain"real property, ..'itll the tenements, her~ditamf!rflS and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaininK, jjtual€d in tht County of LANE and State oj Oregon,. described as follows, tf1-II-'it: . o ~ 'ii!' ~. PARCEL A LOT 2, BLOCK 3, r>,tARYLlflJRST,.AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 12, PAGE 27;,LANE COyNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE C9UN"IY, O~GON. PARCEl. "B l.OTS 14 AND 15, BLOCK n,PLAT OF WASHBURNE'S SUBDIYISION OF TIlE sPRlNGFffiLn INVESTMENT AND POWER COMPANY'S ADDITION TO SPRLNGFLELV; AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2, PAGE 73, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY. OREGON. , / To Hare and to Hold the .(ame unto the said Immee and grantee's heirs, J"ucceuorsand assignsforeyer, Aruf said grantor hereby coYena.nJs to and with said grantee and grontee's hfin, .succesSors and cssigns, that grantor ;s , lawfUlly seized in fe.e simp!e of the above granted premises, free from all en~umbrances ex.cept j Subject to any and all easemenl5, restrictions and covenants of record and tluU grantor ....ill warrant andforew:r defend the soid premises (Uld every part and parcel' thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all perso-'u whomsoe~erJ erupt those claiming. under the abO}"f! described encumbrances. The tnlt and actutll consideraJiort paid/or t/!is transfer, staled in terms of dottars, is 5130;000.00. * * - '. JUqK~xlJrxJU:JJNt~mm:iJ(Ky:if.'"Zli<:indw:fil'n(..tb:uxfUYJp1X1:!1.JI!<<XaiU<"A:m<<;.pccrnti_XJt'htofu.i$i.imex ""hR.<<~'fl.MA~xQtlR.Wkf(lljRtJc(i1t~."...;......~,clr:JJf (The sentence betWeen the symbols *, i/rlOt fJpplicable should be deleted. See OR::! 93:030.) **which is paid:to an ac~tor pursuant to an IRe 1031 EXchange /n construing this deed and. where thecontex.t so requires, thtfingular'includu the pluriiJ and all g;ammaticat dumges shall be implied to make,thc'prOllsions hereof apply equally 10 corporation), .f!!ld to hufividrluts. . \'c .- '. "In, Witness Whercof, thc grantor has executed this instromt'nt thi.~ L\ ' day of......x.."l nLJ(~ (LA . 7J.)('(1 _&__=' if a c/JrporoJcgranlor, it has ceJuSt'd it!> name to be siKTlcd and seal ciffi;Ie,t b)' irs oJJia-;;:duly Cluthoriwi thereto by order of ils board of directors, - TIn5 I:-lSTRU!\lENT WILL NOT ALLOW 1!5F. ()~. TIlE t'ROP~:RTY m:SCRlIU;D IN TlIIS r,-;STRUMF.NT IN VIOI.ATION' OF AI'PLlCAln.E LAND USE LAWS AND ItEGUL,HIONS. llUC)RE SIGNlNG OR '\CCEJ'TfNG TIIISI:-'STRU/>fE.r,'1', TIlE PERSO:-; ACQliUUNG HE TITLE' TO lllE I'ROI-'t;1tT\' SHOULD CHl:C.K '\-\'ITll TIn.: APPROI'RIATE CITY OR COlJN'T: PLM-lNING 1lH'.4.RTMENT TO VERIfY ,\I'l'RO\'l:m US}~S AND' DETERMINE A/'H ~I TS ON l.AWSUITS AC<\INST ~Al(;...lIN(; 011. FOREST PJt-\CTlCF;S .\S DEflNl'D IN 01\5 ~o 930 Cr( vn~J I ,,' ,..'" SLOS, ME> l A/ "();J ,,I , , -n~ ~1\. --;d-, /~ d!t _llsan . Pfaendler / ' ~,xn~ 01' REGO:-". COUNT\' OF _, j, c,....,,' 1.<< , ___" II 2"~V TIllS: IN::,-rRUMEr,;r W.\5 "CK....'OWU:N;[flllH.ORF: ME 0... ~J.t2_-'1_~_,-lrr_~ . TO Pll~EI;' A ,\I"D ~~~~ES.AS Tn I'ARCEL B {j '. \ I'<"--'fl(}~ 1 - /1 7 ! - -,.--.. _D...!.i/l./i/J-A. ..1._..... - f, . '~k:L-- .My corumis.sioll tXI"m: ~_'Y/-1 /,:, I /C; J } Notary. Public for ?/:egOll ;.j ~ OF-FICI!.l:;Et,l -' OIM1Nt. K. MC KONlV \, .' t,OTAlW PUBLIC-OREGON - ..' COMMISSjO~1 ~JO_ A 056~50 MY COMMI6Sl0N ExrIRE~ AUGUST ~_l, ~fKlG lIy,sI.lS,\r:".I'FM:,"'i(ILER,AS PRE.SUBMITIAL REe'D, JUL 2 2. 2008 .11, .11, ._J , , RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUI~DING ADDITION EXHIBIT - B COPY OF PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT , , ", . " PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O , JUt 2 2 2008 . , (, 'PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLlCATlo.N JULY 21,2008 Page 13 of 16 '; ; , lEE , III CASCADE TITLE, CD. CASCADE EXCHANGE .SERVlCES. INC... CASCADE ESCROW BALZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS ATfN: CLELL GOODWIN 100 WESf 13'" AVENUE EUGENE. OR 97401 JULY 1 6. 2008 RE: PR'ELlMINARYTITLE REPORT , THE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT HAS BEEN AMENDED OR UPDATED AS INDICATED, ITS ACC'URACY IS IMPORTANT SO PLEASE REVIEW THE UPDATED , INFORMATION' IN ADDITION TO ASSISTING YOU THROUGHOUTYOUR TRANSACTION, 'YOUR ESCROW OFFICER AND TITLE OFFICER ARE AVAILABLE TO ADDRESS YOUR QUESTIONS A!'.lD CONCERNS REGARDING THE PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT AND YOUR PENDING ESCROW. SINCERELY, CASCADE TITLE CO, PRE-SUBMlTIALREe'D JU,L 2 2 2008 811 Willamette Slreet. Eugene, Oregon 97401 phone: (541) 687-2233 . fax: (541) 485-0307. email: iilfo@easeadetitle,com 1901 Hwy 10] -Suite2. Florence, Oreg()fi97439 phone: (541) 997-8417 . fax: (541) 997-8246 . emaiL florence@cascadetitle,com '1llllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllllllllm, - .;.riii CASCADE 'TITLE co_ ~ ' PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT AMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL BALZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS ATTN, CLELL GOODWIN 100 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE, OR 974 01 'July 16, 2008 Repor~ No: 0259029 Your No: Seller: Buyer: , LIU/PFAENDLER TO COME PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR, Owner's Standard pol~cy $T/C PREMIUMS, Owner!s S~anda~d Premium Government Service Fee Temporary Billing -Additional Chain Charge. (parcel 2) $T/C $25,00 $225,00 $100,00 We are prepared. to issue 20?6 (6/17/06) ALTA tit~e 'insurance policy ties} of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 'of OREGON, in the usual form i~suring the title to the land descriped as. follows': (ATTACHED vestee: MICHAEL Y,T. LID, ,DATED AS OF, JULY 08, 2008 AT 8,00 A,M. schedule B of the.policy(ies) to be issued will conta"in the foilowing general arid special except,ions unless. remov.ed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage Policy Exceptions) : 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existingtiens by the records,o'f any taxing authori ty that levies taxes or assessments .on real' property or by the. Public Records i pr~ceedi_ngs by a public agel!cy which may result in tax~s or assessments, or notices of such proceeding's, whether or not sh6wn by the records of su.ch agency or.by the Public Records, o " ' Facts', l:ights, inte~ests qr claims which are not sho\tJD by the Public Records but v;hich .could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land,D_r by making ihqui1_~-Y of- persons in / possessiQD thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of.easement, not shO\ro by the Public Records; reservations or 'exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, 'claims or ti,tle to water. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 No liability is assumed hereui/{Ier until policy has been issued andfilil policy !7remium has been paid MAIN'OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687~2233 FLqRENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - s. 2 * FLORENCE,' OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle.com *' FLORENCE FAX: 9~h-8246 I, Order No. Page 2 0259029 4. Any' encroachment, encumbrance, vio~ation, variation, or adverse circumstance aff~cting the Title that would be disclosed- by an acc\lra-te ,and complete land surve;y of the Land'. 5. 1\ny lien/or right to alien, for s.ervices, labor, rnaterial,equipment rental O~- workers ,'compensation heretofor"e oj: her~afteT furnished, imposed by,law and not shown by the Public Recqrds. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, 6.r Taxes for the fisc~l year 2008-2009, a -lien not y~t payable. 7. Public utility easements as shown 011 the recorded, Plat. 8. Cove~arit's'; '~ondi;tions and restrictions I including the terms and pri;:lVisions thereof (but omttting any coven~rit condition or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, han<;3.icap, familial status or national o.rigin unles.;:; and only to the extent that ~aid covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, section 3607 of the Urii~ed States Code or~ (b) relates ,to' han~icap but does. not diss::riminate. against handicapped persons) in Declarat~on recorded Septembe~ 10, 1946,' in Book 330, Page 462, and modified by instrument re-corded November 29, 1.948,lD Book,38G: Page, 331, Lane COl._m~y Oregon Deed. Records. 9. :peed of Trpst, Secu.rity Agreement; Assignment of Leases and Rents and Fixture Filing, including the t~rms and provisions thereof,. executed by Michael Y. T. Liu, Grantor, to Western Title, Trustee, for the benefit of Washington Mutual Bank, a federal association, Beneficiary, dat~d October 23; 2097, recorded November 13, 2007, .R~ception No. '2007-076603, Lane County .official Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount of $750,000.00. (pai~el 1) 10. Agreement Regarding Use Limitation, including tpe terms and pro~isions.thereof, between McKenzie-Wi~lamett~ Regional' Medical ~enter ~ssociates, ,LLC, a Delaware limited liability c9mpany (New Hospital LLC) , and spri~gfield Professional Building Associates, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, (SPBA); by instrument recorded Narch 7,' 2006, Reception No. ~006-015382, Lan~ Cqunty Offi~ial Records. NOTE, Taxes, Account No, 0326304"Assessor's Map No, 17 03 36 2 1, #8800, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, EXEMPT, Taxes, Account No, 0326387, Assessor's Map No, 17 03 '36 2 1, #960.0, ~ode 19- 00,' 2007-2008, EXEi'1PT. T'a~es, Account No: 0326312; Assessor's Map No. 17 03 36 2,J, #8900, Code 1.9-00, 2007-2008; $1224.02 paid in fui~.. , NOTE: The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Affiountof. In'surance is less than the amount, if any, set forth .in' the arbi tration clause" all arbitrable matters shall be -arbitrated at the' option of either the Company or the Insured as the .exclusive remedy. of the parties. PRE~SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 Order No.' 0259'029 P~ge 3 This report .is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of- title insurance" and shall become 11Ull and void unless a policy is is'sued and the full premium paiq. sm: Title Officer: BOYD STEELE cc: CAPITAL APARTMENT BROKERS REAL ESTATE; LLC ATTN; KRIS OSTRIN, '360' ~lYERS STREET' SE SALEM, OR 97302 , ' Casc*de Title Co. ~_.," ---- {?~:. , ~--L;..?t(../ -- ,J <:::<By' --r- /, 'f.. /V' , I r PRE-SUBMITTALREC'D' JUL2 2 2008 order No. 0259029 page', 4' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1, Lots 1,' 9 and 10, Block 3,.MARYLHURST ADDITION, as platted and recorded' in BOOK 12, Page 27, Lane Coun.-ty oregon 'Plat Records, in I'jane .County, Qregon. PARCEL 2, Lot?, Block 3, I""ARYLHU~T ADDITION, as platted 'and recorded in Book 12," 'Page 27, La~~. County Oregon Plat ~ecordsi in L?ne County, Oregon. ; , , PRE.SUBMITfAl REC'O JUL 2 2 2008 '. to: ..~ '0 ''>. \ \ , ,-' , ~'fl , ~63,6' 12 t.J ~ H "- , ~ \ \ .\ -' - \ ... \ \ "~~\..\'\'\ \ 13"'" -' 8'700 '... _, -" ,"7 (.. --, 1 i t -(,) -=' '-'- .~"-O.- .(~\ THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPMJY ASSUMES 'NO LIABILITY FOH INACCURACIES, , ~ III I\) f 1~C..f ' , '<l '" G 52.3~ .50' 12300 12400 ~ r. ... '" " ... ., "" ... ... '13 -- - - .~.~. '~~ ::;j , ~ ... --'"6-;:,$5' " 1 , ' , 8800 ... , ." '" ,~ , " , ... ... ... ....... 62./ ... , ... ~ 9600 I ~I ... <\1. It\ ~ '01 " ~' ~' '~~If " ~y~ ~ 1: I , ?' 9 ",,-'" fI~. l ... "'- 60/7' I , I 12500: 12600 so' '- .. , ____I' ,____ , ... ~ ~ ,14 - " 2 8900 " " 10 " 2 /270,0 . - ~,....;." "- " ':.'( '\ I'( '-:i ~ 15 - - ~\ :Ii ~ -.!6 .s:8 2P ;?9"E . ,- - 1/ _ .-1I8Z"4a'w 3 . " - ,9000 9100 <4 .. I\l '" "> ... '"1 '" .., " ., 9800 - '" '" '" " t~ N "l '- k II 3 12800 ....................,.. 9, " ,r,j l'> ... " '2 ...J . 9900 I C , '-} '<) ~I '.... " 12 PRE~SUBMITIAL REC'O JUL 2 2 2008 " 4 12900 ,;:: . ...J ! /lr..n,r\ I RIVERSTONE CLINIC , MOD.ULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION , , I EXHIBIT --.C COpy Of SITE PLAN FOR DISTRIBUTION , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O , JUL 2 2 2008 , PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21, 2008 Page 14 of 16 c' ,. .: f , , Riverstone Clinic Expansion \ I I I i ! Zoning on Subject Lots: HDR (TL 9600), LOR (TL 8800,8900) Commercial Overlay. District(s):Hospital Overlay District Temporary Structure Standards? PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 2 2 2008 /' ~ Vicinity and Zoning u, ,tljlliJlL~ , .1 !lBI~1 ~III i!tll.\.i \ _---LJJ L ~-.L , I . T "'1:__ '.1 i i 1 I ! -~ - ~WJljj [~r II IJJ I 'I fij' 1 I I- co I- (f) iI 'I- !co iT-, I , . il HST ~- - . ' HST ------------- ' ---- . . -------- -------.. . , ----...,. -------. ' . ~- - ~~-- " ." 'GST I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 2 2 2008 " o " _J NEI/4 NWI/4 Sec. 36 TI7 S. LANE COUNTY LI7 03 36 2 ,I STREET -:~ ~PR ING FIELD ~~...~ ' 200,100 114(0' R.3W.W.M. 100' J s.. .~o, 17 OJ 25 ~ . ______~___;O:;'--...- ,'-'" .5jJO ." ,~ ,I <;",1;;;' I'=,~'~': '~2ooo1 .." ., -- 28'00 t ~~o;I::;" }~oo- 3500 ~lOO ~"D? 1600 '" '" 1100. 1000 ~oo 3WO. t- W ~ -,,(J ~ :~014~Of4~15~ ~oo 4100 4001 3S00 , (: : ,j <' Q\ I , ,q' \. , . i>,\J ' r ~-C.,---: l~OI- 290b- '~OOO JI.o~ 2100 ~ 200 1300 2400 2700 25002600 ~,~~.ELLEO 1600 ,,~ n ll' i ~ i ~T;~E~' L :1 5100 52C,QSi~oo' ~400 ~5oo~15:;:C:';'" :;o7'~::Q<'::oo:J 7000' 7100517200< 13007 74U:: 7~oo~~:~,,1H > , :1 ~ 1-- ~ 2 \ ~ ,5701_5Boo,5300 fiOOQ 6100 6200 ~3O'J 5400 6:;00 5600 .0::: 7700. 7eOO:.7900 80J0 elOO alOO 8300 e400 8~OO 6GOD I- "I r- (f) ,- ~ ""-,"~J_ "I J ,.L " 'i,>" ~)';(S~-- ".~~::-" -,--'--"--I r---- ""'" ~~"""'o?" \\ \"....--v~"'~ STREET' 1 'I - \.,,) "'0400 10:;.00 IOG~ ~0'_04 ~ ~ . 1 --_ 1\' 'I ,'u 1080t'09006-:0-oJ~---""",' ,~'7J<",.:t _ . ------C't.-----\--~ ~ " ) 111001'200 '1 8700 7? 8900~~~~\C) ~.J II~~~' -.:~~:~ :_~-fr<- k>-'- . j ; I ' I "~,\do'';'''';' ;;;0' ,'''''' ,f:o "'"'b~. -::;>-n....di~..;.-m':..:..es. j .,\ II : , ;; 1~,,,00 .~,.I~~~~:. I::;~'~~" . 4"~ ~~:2'O'.,),'"k~~;U~,':i~ r-- .'- #, ~, 11 ~(S il t ~ . ~ I .~~-'----- III ,~::! :12000\1':':\ ?800 ~900 10000 10100 1O~00 - 1,11500 \'0ll" "~$;"..., " -- 10300\2 : ~r-l.:~~:, . /S"I2;;{"" ~, " _" " "n" f.,:':.: ,:j ~tt" ..o..j,,,or,,~~jl ''''li;;)~ ~f;;2::O ,.:.[ 1 ,,=' ""(Sd ".,6 ,,~':,.;, "~6~':;;~'~JT;-,~:<~~ J : 15:0/ ~ ~. ~~ 1 , I I> ____ , _~. _6---E' -":'00- .<_,:~ j 134()i 1050C 1~6OC I.HOO I~roo 10900 14000 14100 14200 1..300 '4400 15300 15~0~ 'ry''''~ 15700 1,800 15900 .600) '0' ,oL'U) 'j ,,/\ ' 9' '4~_":"1!f-~-" .,C t, , ~,"" 47004800' 'I ' 4900 ~o~a " o .. 96001~ J ! ,I 81.;IC ,; G L .. I (j i \,-, " ,'-Oooi~'3200 , -'." 2 - 3 ~ IBOL I2iOC IZroC '2000 '~700 '~SOO .2900 -<"-'~" " , " " ,,12 13 '.'0 " 161 1 I I I I I t- '" 1'I~,dl! " STREU \ F 5T--;'~ '9200 '9,0019<00 I t- "' - "'~ - ~_,..---.-----;co--- 1630: ,~~;~I'6~OC I i I --, '7,40(' 17~'" In.oc '7700 '7eoo 1/900 ISOOO 16'00 6 7'-"'''''8 l7loo 17200 17300 [""""r .. 1'8500 'lJilloi,eeoo I' I " '1- 8-- ~Ul)ao ~o'oo j 1 'J' $"-2 3 169CO '9000 " 19'00 " , 16600'6700 , 16600 , 16S00 '7000 Z0200 ~0300 ~O.OO 196001970019S((),99OJ I"SOO 1620016300 '6400 I t- OO .~..- .," " .'~ 's ~.JG '''':''',,',; ----'--,.:;~:"~ ~~3 E STREET' ...~Mo"'7a~36.~~ ~ l PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'O JUL 2 2 2008' III . N81S30 A~VNIVIIIl3~d lN3~1~';'d~a ~3JI^,J3S NWmH QtW"HITlf3H .uNnoj ::Iif";' NOIlIOOV 9NICJlln8 3:J1:1.::l0 ctVlnaoVll :)~NI1:J 3N01S'i:l3AICl ,- ," NVld31IS~.",,,,,i::~ '''''''''10: ..J :;: iJj iJj f- f- Z Z W W " " w w II '" " !I !I !I II '" ~ II ~i ~' 5 ;1 ~! " =:J ~I . ;1 a a '1'1"1'1 :I w w : ~~~;~~ '" '" G G c: Z .. Z , w 'Z , , ! 'Z i "- w '" , '" , .' '" , <[ <[ ~ " f- .~ ~ i , ! 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JUL 2 2 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR'OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION. , JULY 18, 2008 Page 13 of 13' ,PUBLIC WORKS'DEPARTMENT I f'ngmeermg DJ'(I~'on Phone (541) 726,3753 Fax' (541) 731>-1021 S,TORMW~4TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK, _______ -_;..-"--:____ (Area beimv IJusbnejilled aut b)' Applicant) (Please return to Man Stouder@ CIty o/Springfield Public Wo'rks Engmeenng. Fax # 736"102 J, Phone # 736-1035), ~ cma11 mstouder@Jcl spr/nRfield or us PrOject Name: IRl'vcrsloneChmc ExpanslO'n Assessors Parcel, TL 8800 & 8900 Land Users): l~t'.r!." Project SIZe (Acres): I ,. o. if.._ Approx. ImpervIOus Area: L.a.. 0";1- I Applicant. Date. Phone #, Fax #. ---, Email: lLanc CountY,-Oavld Suchart IJune 26. 2006 [f4I.228-:-0669 r I --1 __.._ _J .1 I IDavld S Suchart(@co lane or us , I Project DescrintlOn (]nclnde a CODy of Assessor's maD) Construction of modular office Units on adjacent property to current Federally Qu;thfied Healt~ Center, Rlverston'e Chmclocated at \645 H S~reet. and demollbon of eXISting house and detached garage structUre , I Dramage Proposal (PublIc eonnectlOn(s), dIscharge locahon(s), ete AItach addItIOnal sbeet(s)ifnecessary The proposed Site storm water ronoffwllI be discharged dIrectly to me adjacent publlc storm system located m Ii Street and/or conn~cted to the on-site prwate stonn, system - 'I pronosed Stormwater Best Manaoement PractIces: \ Proposed stormwater runoff generated by roof surfaces, only,.lherefore no BMP's are reqUlred or proposed for thiS projeCt 1.4i'p.tl heln"' thLfi line filled out hv the c,tv and "Returned to the AO/JilcanfJ (At a imrmnum, all boxes checked by the 01) on thefrant and back aftlus'sheet shall be submlUed for an avvhcanon to be como/ere (or submlf1aI o!thouRh 'other reQUIrements may be necessary). ..t/-'ODralDage Studv Tvne (EDSPM Section 403.2): (Note,'UH may be subshtuted for Rahonal Method) tJir Small SIte Study,", (use RatIOnal Method forcalculahons) ,0 Mld.Level Development Study - (use Umt Hydrograph MetilOd for ca!culahOns) o Full Dramage Deydopment Study - (use UnIt Hydrograph Method for caJ~ulatlons) Environmental Consldcr'atlOnS: "J Ill' Wellhead Zone . 5'~_y""-;;1J'",, ~..<,j ~(.. iiJ 'WetlandlRlpanan ""', ).. iii Soli Type~.~r~ .1.9i-6.-c-d (;'~Q." DO"flstream Analvsls III HIllSIde Development, II Floodway/Floodplam iii Other JUnSdlcttOnS toV'k ,,;i '" .JJ.p~ ~ N/A o Flow'ltne for startmg water surface elevatIon '0 Desl'gn HGL to use for startmg' water surface elevatIOn o Manhole/JunclJOn to take analySlS.to ' ( Return /0 Mall Stouder@ CIty of Spnngfleld, emat! mstoudetiG>cl sOf/naneld or us. FAX (541) 93~fto~~IBMITIAl REe'D JUL 2 2 2008 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS ForOffiCla]UscO~~. '* Ba,~edupon the mforrn~flon p~uvlded o~ ;he [ron1';fthlS sheet, ihejollowmgrepresenls,anllnlmiJm Ory-'M' is neededfor"an" applicatIOn 10 be camp/pIe lor submm.a' with respect to draltJage, however, this lIs! should not be u.yed In lieu a/the Spnngfield Developmenl Code (SDC) or the City's Engmeeruig DeSign Manual Complwflce w!fh lhese reqUirements does not cOJ1slllUle slle . . approval, Addruonalslle specific Information mayhe re,qwred Note, Upon scopmg sheet submlilat; en<iure completed/arm hns been signed. In/he space provided .belC!w . . , Interim DeSIgn Standards/Water Quahty (EDSI'M Chapler 3>' ,Req'd N/A c , ' o .~ Allnoll~buJ!JJng rooftop (NBR) ImpervIous' surfaces shall be pre-treated (c g multl-~hamb'crcd catchbasm w/oll filtratIon' . mcdm) for stonnwatcr-quahty AddltlOmllly, a minimum ofSOtl!a of the NBR ImpervIous surface ?hall be treated by vegetated,methods . . ,0 III Where reqUired, vegetal1ve slormwatcr deSign shall be consistent With mtenm deSign standards (EDSPM SeClion 3 02), set forth by the Bureau of EnVironmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS) " o III For new NBRimpervlOus ar~a less'than 1'5,000 square feet, a simplIfied deSign approach !11ay be foHowed as speclfied by the BES for vegetative treatment . ' o II If a storm water-treatment swale IS p;oposed,submlt ~alculatlOnslspeelfieatlOns for slzmg, velocity, flow, sIde slopes, bottom slope, andseedmLl(COnslstent With either BES or CWS reqUirements 'I . o III W~terQuality calculatIOns as reqUired ,"'Section 3 03 I nfthe EDSPM D _ All bUlldmg rooftop mOlmted eqUIpment, or other flUId ,contalnmgeqUlpmcnllocated OlJts1de of the bUIldmg, sh.all be provIded With secondary conlamm.ent or weather resistant enclosure General Stndy Requlrements'(EDSPM SectIOn 4 03) o III D";'lIlag~ study prepared by a Profe~sJOnal ClVll Engmee; licensed," the st~tc of Oregon , o IIJA complete dramage study, as reqUiTed m EDSPM SectIon 4 03 I, Inciudmg a hydrological study map . D .g Calculations shOWing system capa~lty for a'2~year slorm.event and overflow effects of a 25~year stoml event D. III The tIme of eonccntratlOri'(Tc) shall be detcnnmed usmg a 10 minute star! time f~r developed basms ReView of Downstream System (EDSI'M Seehnn 4 03 4 C) OllilA downstream drainage analYSIS as descnbed m EDSPM SectIOn 4 03 4 C On-sIte drainage shall be governed hy the Oregon Plumbmg SpeCialty Code (OPSC) , ' O' II] ElevatIOns of the HGL and flow Im~s for both City and private syst~ms where applIcable DeSIgn of Storm Systems (EDSPM Seehog 4 04) o [II 'Flow hnes, slopes, nm elevatIOns, pipe type ~nd SIZeS' clearly mdlC3ted on the plan set o ~ MinImum p;pecovcr shall be ] 8 I~ches for rem forced pipe and' 36 mchesfor plam concrete and phistlc' pIpe matenals, or proper engm'cenng calculatIOns .shall be proVided when less The cover shall be-sufficient to suppory an 80,000 Ib load WIthout fmlure of the pipe stru,cture . ' o ~ Mannmg's ";," values lor pipes shall he consIstent WIth Table 4.1 of the EDSP All storm pipes shall be destgned to achleve,a ITIlntmum velOCIty of three (3) feet per, second at 05 pIpe full based on Table 4-] as well Other/Mise o IIMJ, EXlstmg and proposed contou~,locatcd at onc foot llltcrval Include spot e]evatlOns and site b-'f<ldes showmg ho-w sile drams o ~ Private stormW<lter casemenl<, shall be clearly depIcted on plans when pnval~ sto~watcr flows 'from one propertY to ~~cr' . o IIJ Drywclls shall not receive runoff from any sur race wlo bculg treated by one or more BM PSi WIth the exceptIOn of reSIdential buddmg roots (EDSP Scctlon 3 03 4 A) Addll10nal provIsions apply 10 lhls as reqUired by the DEQ Refer to the websl!e \I,-'WW deo state or us/wa/2Toundwa/lllchome hem for more IIlformatlOn - . o ,~DetentJon ponds shall be deslgned'to Imllt.rw~ofTto pre-developm~nt rates for the 2 through 25-year stonn eV~l)ts *Thlsform shall be mcluded.,u an attachment, m."ilde the front.,cover, of/he storm water study. "Foml VersIon 2 March 2004 I PR~a~PBMliTAL ~EC'D ~c.;;'" :J ;; 2QJ8 * IMPORTANT ENGINEER I'LEA.'iE READ-BELOW AND SIGN'- As the engmeer of record, I hereby certIfy the,~boYe reqUired Items are complete arid mcluded With the submllted stOf-rnwatcr study and'plan set . Signature . 1'_ '--"', ,RIVERSTONE CLINIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION EXHIBIT....; E DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT FORM , " J PRE-SUBMITfAl REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 PIVOT ARCHITECTURE LANE COUNTY RIVERSTONECLlNIC MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING ADDITION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION JULY 21, 2008 Page 16 of 16 Return to: " ' Amy Chinitz, Drinking Wate'r Protection Coordinator Springfield Utility Board 202 South lSth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541. 744,3745 Emaij: AmyC@subutil.com IIIIa:: *' Drinking Water Protection (OWP) Application Exemption Request . ,': - .. .'-' .. ~. . ,- . t . . ;_. ',', .,' ,..... '.,,', ," _ . .~quJred pr:Qje5;~ ~r!fQrmatioii\ -- . . . ~ , " ...., <( ~ :-, ~~, . _~",~ '-"",.-',~;"~~,, _'~r:":. .:"'~"~:Wk_'.:.-"_., .,. . . (~ppli?{fJf:i::implet~~ihis:seCtionr Applicant Name: Icompa~Y: ,IAddress: IAPPlicant's Rep.: ,Icompany: IAddress: I I Property Owner: 'Icompany: IAddress: ,I David Suchan . . (541) 228,0669 (541) 682.4290 I. I. 1 I 1. i Lane County 151 W, 7lhAvenue Eugene, OR 97401 Bill Seider. Phone: (541) 342-7291 (541) 342.1535 PIVOT Architecture Fax: 72'W, Broadway Eugene,.OR 97401 Michael YT, Liu Phone: Fax: (503) 485.2600 'c/o Crown Property Management Co. (503) 485.1950 1255 Lee Street SE. Suite 130, Salem, OR 973'02 IASSESSOR'S M~P NO: 'I Property Addres~: 1645 H, Street I TAX LOT NO(S): 08900 Associated Land Use or Building Permit Case No.: Singie Family Dwelling Existing Use: w/detached camort, I Size of Property: ' O,1~7 I Planner: Proposed. Use:' Single story modular ofljce building: Acres l'2l , Square Feet 0 Property Owne'r: The undersigned acknowledges that the Information included with this application is correct and accurate. The undersigned also certifie? that the total quantity of hazardous materials on the subject site will not" exceed the ?mount listed in.thi,? applicationand will 'not con~ain Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Ciql~ids (ONAPLs). , ' , Signature Michael 'y'.T.Liu Print Date: FtU:'\lUllIVIJ fIAt JUL 22 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly'r-1arkarian 1 of] DWP Application Exemption Request Process ,ll Commercial and industrial fac(lities located within the DWP Overlay District, th.at do not store, use, or produce more than twenty gallons of hazardous materials and that do not' contain dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) may choose to seek exemption from submitting a DWP application. However, even ifthe applicant's exemption from submitting a DWP application is approved, the applicant may still. be subject to DWP regulations if the Development Services Director, in consultation with the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and the Fire and Life Safety Department, determine that an exempt hazardous material,activity, or facility has the potent'ial to degrade groundwater quality, Iri such instances, the DWP regulations will be enforced concurrently with any associated land use'ap'plicat,ion, 1.. Applicant Submits aDWP Application Exemption Request to SUB , ' ' . The request must conform to the DWP Application Exemption Request Submittal Requirements Checkli?t on page 3 of this application packet. . SUB conducts, a detailed completeness check of the applkation. ' . 'SUB notifies the applicant in the event that submittal requirements are missing or ,unclear: Note: Sites may be inspected at any time to verify information' provided in the submittal, and applicants may be. requested to submit some ,or all Material ,Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for. items listed on the list of hazardous materials: . , An application is not deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the request has been provided to SUB, ' , . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process' and may result in denial. ' , ' 3. SUB ~eviews the Application and,SUB and the City'lssue a Decision . SUB notifies the applicant and the Planning Division in writing regarding the decision, to grant the exemption or not,' ' . ,The Planner assigned to the associated iand use case incorporates the exemption decision and any applicable findings and conditions into the land use decision. . DWP application exemptions are not granted in' perpetuity. If the condition's of exemption are deemed to have not been met at any point in time by SUB, a DWP application will be required: PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D JUL 2 2 2008 ReVISed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 3 . 1. . . DWP Application Exemption Request Submittal Requirements Checklist , NOJE: If-you feel an'item does not apply; please state the reason why and attach the eXflanation to this form,", ' , ~" Dv,;P Application ~xemPtion Request Form "[}( Proposal Description - provide averY-brief desc'ription of the nature of the bus'iness or . operation, as well as a description of how the business or operation will use, store, or produce hazardous materials . ' ' " Cii List of All Hazardous Materials to be used, stpred, or produced 'on the' site (e,g" cleaning products, paints and Pilint products,pesticides, maintenance supplies, Petmleum products, automotive supplies,' etc.). . . ( Hazardous materials are defined as those chemicals or substances which are physical or ,health hazards as defined, and classified in the most-recently adopted, or amendedFire Code by the City, whether them,aterials are in usable'or waste cO,ndition. Commonly used office supplies do not need to be listed. , i . The list should include the following for each hazardous material: 0, Name of the product o Manufacturer, ,0 Total quantity of each product " . " i: " PRE-5UBMIITAL REC'O JUL 2 2 2008 \ , ., Revised t/l/OS Molly Markarian " 3 of 3 DWP APPLICATION EXEMPTION REQUEST , RIVERS TONE CLINIC Project Description Background and Request , . , The applicant, David Suchart of Lane County, proposes the installation of a 2,816 square fo'ot, single story modula'roffice building at 1645 H, Street in Springfield, Oregon; taxmap, taxlot 08900, Theot1ices are intended to support a current Federally Qualified Health Cente.r, Riverstone Clinic, located at 1640 G, Street., The space will include offices, a small conference room, medical file storage, and open office areas. There will be no public services offered ,from this location aud it IS strictly to supp'ort the activities of the adjacent clinic, The proposed development site size is 0,197 acres, ' , This PWP (Drinking Water Protection) Application Exemption Request is being submitted,concurrent with a Site Plan Review Application (and other associated applications) for the proposed improvements: . The applicant is proposing constnrction within the 5.10 year Time of Travel Zone for the "16'h and Q' ,Street" Potential Wellhead (see attached"Wellhead Protection' Area,Map Detail), This exemptiori request is being submitted because the proposed development does not include bulk maleria! storage of20 gall,ons or larger, nor are there to be any clinical spaces, The building will be-strictly for office use, 'The applicant proposes to Use, substances coinmon to commercial office building and janitorial services, All of which are currently used at ,the adjacent Riverstone Clinic, All substances will be stored (in their original containers) and utilized inside the building, with many substances stored off.site or 'within the adjacent building: A comn:rercial,landscape company will care for the grounds and store all materials off. ' site, bringing only thequaniities neces'sary for standard lawn care and maintenance purposes each visit to. the site, Refer to the attached Hazardous MaterialsInventory Statement (HMIS) for additional, inforrnation on the products/substances proposed for us~ 'wi!hin and around the proposed modular building, ' I , PRE-SUBM1ITAl REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 DRINKJNG WATER PROTECTION OYERLA Y RIVERSTONE CLINIC ,1645 H Street SOURCE.' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD GIS . lVOT1'OSCALE ,l[ NORTH , , , -.1' WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA MAP DETAIL 'Q'ST, 16TH & QST, AND MAlA TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES PRE "SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 2 2 2098 DRINKINC; WATER PROTECTION c:iVERLA Y RIVERSTONE CLINIC 1645 H Street " .. , WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA MAP DETAIL 'Q' ST, 16TH & aST, AND MAlA TIME OF TRAVEL ZONES PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O, JUL 2 2 2008 DWP APPUCATION EXEMPTION REQUEST RIVERSTONE CLINIC, 1645 H Street Hazardous J\Iaterials Inventory Sheet ,I # Product Name I' 1 Professional 5trength Pine.Sol Brand Cleanser Manufacturer, Qty Used Clorox Co 2 Icream Cleanser ICoastwide Laboratories 3 IDefend ICoastwide Laboratories I 4 !Desolve IArrow Chemicals LTD, "I 5 DMQ Damp Mop Neutral Disinfectanct Cleaner' Ispartan Chemical Company, Inc. \ 6 Duozyme Dual Enzyme Instrument Cleaner lvet Solutions, Inc. I 7 Formula 409 Orange Power IClorox Co 8 Formula 409 All Purpcise CleanerlClorox-Co 9 Gas Duster (DymeI1S2a) IDuPont 1.10 Cinch 2 in 1 Glass and Surface Cleaner IThe Spic and Spa~Company 111 Lysol Brand Disinfectant; Cling Toilet Bowl I Reckitt Benckiser North America, Cleaner, All scents Inc. " . "112 Lysol Brand II Disinfectant Spray, All scents I,R~.Ckitt Benckiser NorthAmerica', (Aerosol) Inc,' ',I 1310ust* AirSanitizer. Citrus Scent "IS,CJOhhSOn & Son, Inc. I Pink Lotion Liquid Detergent Hand Soap (STA6, ST1s 'p k '. ' , 14 ' , '. teams ac aging CorporatIOn 193,ST.195) " . 1S Re.Mark'AbJe Marker Board Condition & Cleaner k Penne; co~poration I Institiutional AJAX Cleaner with Chlorine BL I 16 .COlga,'t~,pa,lmolive Co Scouring Powd er . 117/51'66 Disinf~ctant Sanitizer (READY"TO"USE) !coastwide Laboratories I 18!solvent-Based Striping Paint Aerosol Sherwin Williams CO, I 19 ISpeedClean IMidmark Corp, I 20 Sustainable Earth 64 Neutral AII.Purpose Cleaner Icoastwide Laboratories I 21 Swell Hospital Use Disinfectant EP#1308 I Epic Industries I ,223M Brand Desk and Office Cleaner 573 13M /23 TrichloroaceticAcid, 6-34% (w/v) Aqueous IRlccAchemical Company LLC, Solutions I 24 UVEX Clear Lens Cleaning Sblution IUVEX Safety INC I 25 Citrus II Air Fragrance IBeaumont Products,INC I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I rRt.5u~iviiiiAt REC'D JUL 2 2 2008 ' I I I I )