HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Two Resolution Amending Fees for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone #: Estimated Time: May 21,2007 Work SesssionlRegular Mtg Finance ~~ Bob Brew V 726-3698 20 minutes/20 minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION OF TWO RESOLUTIONS AMENDING FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008. ACTION REQUESTED: Work Session: Review and discuss proposed changes to City fees and charges. Regular Meeting: Hold a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: 1.) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE., . Hold a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: 2.) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS, AND LICENSES. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Resolutions being presented contain inflationary and other adjustments to fees currently charged by the City of Springfield Development Services, Fire and Life Safety, and Public Works Departments. ATTACHMENTS:' Attachment A. Attachment B. Attachment C. Council Briefing Memorandum Resolution - Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees Resolution - Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: See Attached Council Briefing Memorandum MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: TO: FROM: May 16, 2007 Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Bob Brew, Budget Officer COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM \ SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Adoption of Two Resolutions Amending Fees ISSUE: The Resolutions being presented contain inflationary and other adjustments to fees currently charged by the City of Springfield Development Services, Fire and Life Safety, and Public Works Departments. BACKGROUND: Two Resolutions pertaining to changes in the City's fees are being presented for review and approval. One Resolution relates to the City's Master Schedule of Rates. Permits. Licenses. and Other Fees and Charges as Established by the Municipal Code (Municipal Code Fees). The second Resolution relates to the Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges. Rates. Permits. and Licenses (Miscellaneous Fees). Each Resolution relates directly toa specific group offees, each regulated differently, and therefore must be amended and adopted independently. Listed below is a breakdown of the all fee changes being proposed for consideration. 1.) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES. PERMITS. LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. The Public Works Department is proposing the following changes to the Municipal Code Fees: · Increase the following fees by an inflationary factor 00.5% o Section 3.212(1) Encroachment Permit Previous Fee: Revised Fee: $130.00 $135.00 o Section 3.212(1) Reinspection Fee - Encroachment Permit Previous Fee: $75.00 Revised Fee: $80.00 o Section 3.226 Placement Permit Previous Fee: Revised Fee: $225.00 $235.00 o Section 3.226(5) Comprehensive Telecommunication Placement Plan Review Fee Previous Fee: $600.00 Revised Fee: $620.00 Attachment A - Page 1 of 7 o Section 3.256 Curb Cut Fee Previous Fee: $80.00 (first curb cut) $40.00 (second curb cut) $75.00 (per re-inspection) Revised Fee: $85.00 (first curb cut) $45.00 (second curb cut) $80.00 (per re-inspection) o Section 3.300 Sidewalk Construction Permit Fee Previous Fee: $80.00 + $.08 per square foot $75.00 (per re-inspection) Revised Fee: $85.00 + $.08 per square foot $80.00 (per re-inspection) Changes from Public Works other than a 3.5% Inflation Adjustment: . Under section 3.018 of the Municipal Code, Schedule of Deposits Pertaining to Plan Approval and Permit: Deposits for the Public Improvement Permit (PIP) projects are calculated on a separate form and are based upon the amount of public construction proposed by the developer. The deposits are used to cover actual City expenditures for PIP projects. In recent years, the deposit amounts have not been keeping pace with expenditures. As such, staff regularly is in the position of asking developers to increase their deposit amounts. The proposed deposits amounts, as reflected on the attached form titled Construction Permit Deposit for Public Improvement Proiects, will increase the amount ofthe deposits currently collected and reduce the number of times that staff will ask a developer for additional deposits. Proposed Fee: See Exhibit I-A · Under section 3 .300( 1) of the Municipal Code, Sidewalk Repair Permit: An increase in an existing fee in recognition of increased costs. Previous Fee: Revised Fee: $10.00 $15.00 · Under section 3.356(3) ofthe Municipal Code, Sewer Connection Fee - Unassessed: An increase in an existing fee in recognition of increased costs. Previous Fee: $0.35 per square foot for first 150 feet of depth and $0.18 per square foot thereafter. Revised Fee: $0.50 per square foot for first 150 feet of depth and $0.25 per square foot thereafter. · Under section 4.702 of the Municipal Code, Telecommuncation License Application Fee, including renewal of existing licensees): An increase in an existing fee in recognition of increased costs. Previous Fee: $1,200.00 Revised Fee: $1,250.00 Attachment A - Page 2 of 7 . Under section 8.332 of the Municipal Code, Grading Plan Check and Permit Fees: These are the fees collected with the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP) program. When this program was moved to Public Works in 2004, the fee schedule was based on an estimated cost recovery rate of about 60% from fees. Our analysis shows that we are currently collecting closer to 50% of the program cost. The proposed fee increase is expected to bring us to about 75% cost recovery. Combined Grading Plan Check and Permit Fee for Single Family/Duplex Previous Fee: Nonsensitive Area - $300.00 Sensitive Area - $600.00 Revised Fee: Nonsensitive Area - $450.00 Sensitive Area - $900.00 Grading Plan Check Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex Previous Fee: Base fee of $300.00, plus volume fee of: · $150.00 - (up to 100 cubic yards) · $150.00 plus $30.00 per 100 cubic yards over 100 - (101 to 1,000 cubic yards) · $420.00 plus $50.00 per 100 cubic yards over 1,000 - (1,001 to 25,000 cubic yards) · Actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses - Base fee of $1,700.00 plus $3,000.00 deposit with application and additional deposits as required - (Greater than 25,000 cubic yards) · Corrective LDAP Fee - In addition to the Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees for the normal LDAP fees, and calculated based on an estimate of the work performed to the time of the corrective LDAP, the corrective LDAP fee shall pay for actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses in the administration of the corrective LDAP. Initial deposits shall be $2,000.00 for parcels less than one acre and $2,000.00 plus $1,000.00 per acre for parcels more than one acre. Additional deposits as required. Revised Fees: Base fee of $450.00, plus volume fee of: · $225.00 - (up to 100 cubic yards) · $225.00 plus $45.00 per 100 cubic yards over 100 - (101 to 1,000 cubic yards) Attachment A - Page 3 of 7 Reinspection Fee (for above) Previous Fee: Revised Fee: . $630.00 plus $75.00 per 100 cubic yards over 1,000 - (1,001 to 25,000 cubic yards) Actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses - Base fee of $2,550.00 plus $4,500 deposit with application and additional deposits as required - (Greater than 25,000 cubic yards) Corrective LDAP Fee - In addition to the Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees for the normal LDAP fees, and calculated based on an estimate of the work performed to the time of the corrective LDAP, the corrective LDAP fee shall pay for actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses in the administration of the corrective LDAP. Initial deposits shall be $3,000.00 for parcels less than one acre and $3,000.00 plus $1,500.00 per acre for parcels more than one acre. Additional deposits as required. . . $75 per re-inspection $80 per re-inspection Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex Previous Fees: · $150.00 - (up to 100 cubic yards) · $150.00 plus $50.00 per 100 cubic yards over 100 - (101 to 1,000 cubic yards) · $600.00 plus $100.00 per 100 cubic yards over 1,000 - (1,001 to 25,000 cubic yards) · Actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses - Base fee of $3,000.00 plus $3,000.00 deposit with application and additional deposits as required -(Greater than 25,000 cubic yards) · Corrective LDAP Fee - In addition to the Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees for the normal LDAP fees, and calculated based on an estimate of the work performed to the time of the corrective LDAP, the corrective LDAP fee shall pay for actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses in the administration of the corrective Attachment A - Page 4 of 7 LDAP. Initial deposits shall be $2,000.00 for parcels less than one acre and $2,000.00 plus $1,500.00 per acre for parcels more than one acre. Additional deposits as required. Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex Revised Fees: Reinspection Fee (for above) Previous Fee: Revised Fee: . $225.00 - (up to 100 cubic yards) $225.00 plus $75.00 per 100 cubic yards over 100 - (101 to 1,000 cubic yards) $900.00 plus $150.00 per 100 cubic yards over 1,000 - (1,001 to 25,000 cubic yards) Actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses - Base fee of $4,500.00 plus $4,500.00 deposit with application and additional deposits as required - (Greater than 25,000 cubic yards) Corrective LDAP Fee - In addition to the Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees for the normal LDAP fees, and calculated based on an estimate of the work performed to the time of the corrective LDAP, the corrective LDAP fee shall pay for actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses in the administration of the corrective LDAP. Initial deposits shall be $3,000.00 for parcels less than one acre and $3,000.00 plus $1,500.00 per acre for parcels more than one acre. Additional deposits as required. . . . . $75 per re-inspection $80 per re-inspection 2.) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES. RATES. PERMITS AND LICENSES. The Development Services Department is proposing a 3.5% inflationary increase to all Development Code- related fees, as identified in Exhibit 2 (pages 14-18), with the exceptions of · Demolition of Historic Landmark · Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory · Historic Commission Review Under Type I · Historic Commission Review Under Type II Attachment A - Page 5 of 7 The Fire and Life Safety Department is proposing the following change to the table of Miscellaneous Fees: . FireMed Membership (Job Care): A correction to the Master Schedule to match existing Council Resolution. Revised Fee: $47.00 per Year The Public Works Department is proposing the following change to the table of Miscellaneous Fees: . GIS Rates (Standard): An increase in existing fees in recognition of increased costs. Planimetrics Previous Fees: $1.81 * - charge per additional acre above 50 acres $250.00* - Charge per map sheet (approximately 138 acres) $1,158.40* - Charge per square mile ( 640 acres) * = plus time in excess of 1 hour at $60.00 per hour Revised Fees: $2.00* - charge per additional acre above 45 acres $275.00* - Charge per map sheet (approximately 13 8 acres) $1,280.00* - Charge per square mile ( 640 acres) * = plus time in excess of 1 hour at $60.00 per hour Plot Requests Previous Fees: $40.00 - Standard City Maps (without Orthos) $60.00 - Standard City Maps (with Orthos) $60.00 per hour - Custom Plot Request: Plot Compilation and Plotting Charge $8.00 per linear foot - Custom Plot Request: Copy of a Completed Plot Revised Fees: $45.00 - Standard City Maps (without Orthos) $50.00 - Standard City Maps (with Orthos) $60.00 per hour - Custom Plot Request: Plot Compilation and Plotting Charge $6.00 per linear foot - Custom Plot Request: Copy of a Completed Plot Attachment A - Page 6 of 7 The Public Works Department is proposing adding the following new or existing fees or deposits to the Master Schedule: . Large Format Copies: This charge is for copying documents that are 11" x 17" or larger. While this fee is included in the Fee Schedule for the Technology Fee, it was not included in the last update of the Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees. Proposed Fee: $3.00 per sheet · Asphaltic Job Mix Testing Fee: Lane County has requested Springfield to join with the County and the City of Eugene in adopting and certifying a standard set of asphalt mix designs each year. This process involves submittal, testing, and approval of materials from the various suppliers to the County's materials testing lab for the various types of asphalt paving mixes. By precertifying the mix designs for use throughout the region, contractors and developers should realize a savings in both time and cost as they will no longer need to have their mix design certified for each individual'paving project. The proposed fee is intended to share the cost ofthis service among the benefiting projects, including City projects, and will go toward reimbursing the City for its $13,000 annual cost in this program. (This fee appears in Exhibit l-A) Proposed Fee: $350.00 for each Public Improvement Permit project using asphaltic pavement · Post-Monumentation Deposit for Subdivision and Partition Plats: ORS 92.065(1) requires a person subdividing land to furnish a deposit to guarantee that all of the monuments shown on the plat will be set by the surveyor if some of the monuments will be installed after the plat is recorded. The City currently collects a deposit for this activity, but the authority for the deposit is by separate approval, not the Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees. Also, the current deposit amounts collected by the City are not sufficientto cover the City's costs in the event the surveyor does not install the missing monuments. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Work Session: Review and discuss proposed changes to City fees and charges. Regular Meeting: Hold a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: Proposed Fee: $2,800.00 base deposit plus $120.00 per monument 1.) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. Hol? a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: 2.) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS, AND LICENSES. Attachment A - Page 7 of 7 Resolution page 1 RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, the Springfield Municipal Code specifies that rates, permit fees, license fees, and other fees and charges are adopted by Resolution of the Common Council; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Municipal Code specifies that future Resolutions of the Common Council may be adopted to amend any rates, permit fees, license fees, or other fees and charges specified in the Springfield Municipal Code; or add or delete any rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge which may be established by future amendments to the Springfield Municipal Code; WHEREAS, the opportunity for public comment at a public hearing has been provided prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the proposed Master Schedule, Exhibit 1, maintains all rates, permit fees, license fees, and other fees and charges at their previous rates except for: Schedule of Deposits Pertaining to Plan Approval and Permit, Encroachment Permit, Placement Permit, Comprehensive Telecommunication Placement Plan Review Fee, Curb Cut Fee, Re-inspection Fee of Curb Cuts, Sidewalk Construction Permit, Re-inspection Fee of Sidewalk Construction, Sidewalk Repair Permit, Sewer Connection Fee - Unassessed, Telecommunication License Application Fee (including renewal of existing license), Combined Grading Plan Check and Permit Fee for Single Family/Duplex, Grading Plan Check Fee for other than Single FamilylDuplex, Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex as specified in 1) below, and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: 1.) The following sections of the Springfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to adopt the fees as specified in Exhibit 1: 3.018 Schedule of Deposits Pertaining to Plan Approval and Permit, 3.212 (1) Encroachment Permit, 3.226 Placement Permit, 3.226 (5) Comprehensive Telecommunication Placement Plan Review Fee, 3.256 Curb Cut Fee, 3.256 Re-inspection Fee of Curb Cuts, 3.300 (1) Sidewalk Construction Permit, 3.300 (I)Re-inspection Fee of Sidewalk Construction,3.300 (1) Sidewalk Repair Permit, 3.356 (3) Sewer Connection Fee - Unassessed, 4.702 Telecommunication License Application Fee (including renewal of existing license), 8.332 (1) & (2) Combined Grading Plan Check and Permit Fee for Single Family/Duplex, 8.332 (1) Grading Plan Check Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex, 8.332 (2) Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex. 2.) Except as specifically amended in Section I above, all other rates, permits, licenses and other fees and charges as set forth in the Master Schedule shall remain in full force and effect. 3.) In the event a particular rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge previously adopted in the Springfield Municipal Code or by Resolution has been inadvertently omitted from those designated in Exhibit I attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, such rate, permit fee, license fee or other fee or charge shall be deemed to be included and incorporated into this Resolution and adopted Attachment B - Page 1 of 2 Resolution page 2 herein by reference. It is the intent of this Resolution to reestablish all such omitted fees and charges at the amounts that they existed immediately prior to this Resolution. 4.) If any particular rate, permit fee, license fee, and other fee or charge should be held invalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in the Master Schedule, Exhibit 1, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. 5.) This Resolution shall take effect on the lSI of July, 2007. This Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21 st day of May, 2007 by a vote of _ for and _ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 21 st day of May, 2007 Sidney W. Leiken, Mayor Attest: Amy Sowa, City Recorder f\ \'>\' \lClI.J 91P l~ ;:: oJ . \.-:. ",I (!.\) (~\-J\'> ~<t~ l:), ':. "TC..--- \.. ~ \.;... ( ~ ... ~ ~ Q~\'!...'i\~ S-, \;' ~~~I \~nC;)~~Y o ('\-\.(, ~c" Attachment B - Page 2 of 2 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges 2.930(11) 1 Real Property Compensation Application Fee 1 $500.00 Per application 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. ..)........ 2.370 jJury Fee ..... ..."mmm"m""mmmml"" I m"m"mmm___mm___~m.'_"'_._~_"".""'.' I ! $ 10.00 Per day 3.018 i Schedule of deposits pertaining to plan I approval and permit 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. See attached: Construction Permit Deposit for Public Improvement Proiects (Exhibit 1-A) 3.154 I(Re) Apportionment Fee $ 25.00 First two lots $ 10.00 Extra per lot 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. 3.212( 1) Encroachment Permit ,Re-inspection Fee-Encroachment Permit $135.00 $80.00 Per Re-inspection 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. 3.214.......TTemporaryStorageFee" " $2.00 Per square foot with a $250.00 minimum charge, plus $800 asphalt damage deposit 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. 3.224"........'TCo"m-prehensive.Feefo"r"Use"oiPubWc"Ways; 1 Non-Utility $4.00 Per foot - Annual rental of City conduit 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be 1 applied when imposed or collected. $5.00 Per foot - Annual placement fee for conduit four inches or less in diameter and $1.00 per foot for leach inch of diameter in excess IOf four inches 3.226 j Placement Permit $235.00 15% Technology F,ee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 10 3.226 3.226(5) 3.256 3.300(1) ",,,,,,,,,"w w,m"",,,m,",,, 3.356(3) City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges ........I'Fiiacement Permit for Standard Mailbox; No .................... ,Sidewalk Construction I 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I I applied when imposed or collected. I I I I Comprehensive T elecommunTca-tion--~"'~--"'r-..."...._...m_~- 'Placement Plan Review Fee I 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. I Curb Cut'Fee- .....m_....._.. .....- ._..~t-._.......~._...... i I I I , , Reinspection Fee - Curb Cut Fee 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Sidewalk Construction Permit Reinspection Fee - Sidewalk Construction Permit Sidewalk Repair Permit 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. ' l '. .." ",,, """""""'''''''' ,_" ".nw "',,,,,,,.,,m'm',,,,m"",, m.m""...._ i Sewer Connection Fee - Unassessed I I I ! 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. .$45.66f..... .. . I $620.001 $85.00 First curb cut $45.00 Second Curb cut $80.00 Per re-inspection $80.001 Per re-inspection $15.00! $.50 per square foot fori first 150 feet of depth and I $.25 per square footi I thereafter 1 i I 3.358(4) Sewer Construction Permit 3.358(5) 3.406(2) Sewer Reconstruction Permit ...-..... ............... Systems Development Charges 3.504(3) Low Income Rental Housing - Tax Exemption Processing Fee Exhibit 1 Page 2 of 10 No Chargel No Charge I , , , -TSeeattachecfS'vsten:l~"'-".".'-" Development CharQe Rate Structure (Exhibit 1-8) No Charge 4.206(3) 4.208(2) (a)(i) City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges Sanitary Sewer User Fees See attached: Sanitary Sewer User Charqes (Exhibit 1-C) Drainage User Fee - Non Single Family Dwelling See attached: Sanitary Sewer User Charqes (Exhibit 1-C) mmm..."""wmmmm,,""u,,"'...w'm....... ... Uu". ._m ........................... 4.208)2(a) Drainage User Fee - Single Family Dwelling (ii) See attached: Sanitary Sewer User Charqes . (Exhibit 1-C) i '""""'"""'''''''_''''~m~''''mmmm''''mmm''mmmm_m_~''m''mmm''~m ; No Charge 4.352 Storm Sewer Connection Fee 4.408(2) 4.408(4) 4.418(2) 4.702 Garbage and Refuse Collection Rates """"""""TSeeattached:Sprinqfieid""" 1 Can/Cart Rates & Sprinqfield i Drop Box Charqes !(Exhibit 1-D) "__"m~""~"m : Seeattached: SprinQfteld Drop "" I Box Charqes I (Exhibit 1-D) ""m""m~""""~""~"~""~""'m'm_"""J,,m'''m''mm"mm'''"mm''m''Wm'm""~mW""m"~~'~mm"m'm'~ $30.00 I Per year . Compacted Waste Removal Charge (Stationary Compactor Charge) Hauling License Fee ! -,~.." I I I I I 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Telecommunication License Application Fee, including renewal of existing license(s) $1,250.00 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be m_m~m~J~~PIi~~ Wh:~ imposed or collected. 4.702(3) 1 Non-refundable portion of (a) ITelecommunication License Application Fee, including renewal of existing license(s) 25%1 of the application fee 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. i _m''''''''mmmmmm'm"'"'mlm_~_w''m''_mmmmmm'mmm'''''mml_.'mmmmm"'''''m''''mm''~''mmmm''''''m''_m~mm"mm'mmmmm''m Exhibit 1 Page 3 of 10 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges 4.706ICompensaiionFeeforuseo{publicways_m i m] I i I .................. ............................................................................................-.......................................................... 7%1 of gross revenues for i Telecommunication providers 1 including local exchange 1 services, inter-exchange 1 services, and open video I systems, excluding Cable I Television carriers regulated by iTHE Cable Communications 1 Police Act of 1984 , as amended 5% 1 of gross revenues for Cable Television providers regulated by . the provisions of The Cable 1 Communications Police, Act of i 1984, as amended 1 I I , I 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. i _mmm",_,__mmm,j_mm 4.710 ITelecommunications License Fee i i , , $3.251 per foot - Fee for use of public Iways for telecommunication 1 providers who do not provide mm "J/()~~' !5~ryig~:'mm'mmmm_m'm_ $600.001 Annually i 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be 1 applied when imposed or collected. 5.300(2) I · m.__..m__."'...."'.._~_..m""'.."'_..mmml-.._m~_...m..m_mmo,_m.m.m'romo,m_ __'__Omm"_'mOm_ Sale and Distribution of Tobacco and $55.001 First License Tobacco Products to Minors - License Fees 1 $35.001 Annual Renewal and/or change 1 of ownership 5.426(3) r.mm I $ 20.001 General Issue $ 10.001 Neutered License $ 5.001 Keeper 60+ years old $ 75.001 Commercial Kennel $ 5.00' Duplicate License $ 20.00. Watchdog license (in addition to 1 dog license fee) No Charge 1 Guide Dog license and ADA I companion dog license I t.. . .~~._.~..~"."~"~~m...~...." "~.....~..~.~~..umumu ,Dog License Fee i I ! I . I I . I m.'m'm..."'m..'.m_'~'.'..........,mmmm~m"""'._m'""mmm,',m,' 6.515(1) I Parade Application Fee "'m__'m' $ 75.001 1 7.024 Alarm System License 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be 1 applied when imposed or collected. I T1Oio"!Anuque/secondhand Dealer License i I . 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) Will be I applied when imposed or collected. I mmJ"",,"A'" I I 1 L-..--..-., $ 40.001 Initial $100.00' Renewal Annually I I i I "'m""""""""",j $ 90.00 Per year Exhibit 1 Page 4 of 10 7.126 7.134 7.146 7.156 7.168 7.180 7.216 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges Auctioneer License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Auto-Wrecker License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Carnival/Circus License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Christmas Tree Sales License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. ' Dance Hall License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Detective Agency License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Door-to-Door Solicitor License $120.00 Per year $ 60.00 Per Day l__~~~~,_,~..__ $ 30.001 Per year ! ... .. , .,.._~..,.. $240:'00' perday.'.~"""'-'- I ~-"""""'-'--~'f6.'OO i "Per' year~'~'~._"'" ; ; ~-~~._,~__,._...._~~___~_.._-L- $120.001 Initial $ 60.001 Renewal ,.- ",. "., ""."", """"""""""".",'.'" ,'."", ,."" $3'OO:OOrPer"Year=3o';:-more'employees' $210.001 Per Year -less than 3 I employees , , ,,',' - " "$26.001'PerVea;:' 15% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. .m..~..'....~+' ...............~"........,..._......_..............~..................__.__,..,....._ m..........._.__~......., 7.226 Electrical Merchandise License 7.258 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. First Aid Operator License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. $25.00 Per Year ~?nnnn Per Year and $50.00 Per Vehicle Exhibit 1 Page 5 of 10 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges 7.268 Garage Sales License 7.304 Liquor License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. 7.314 Manufactured Dwelling Park License I ~__ :f~~;~~~~~~g;~~f~~~~~~}:~~~~_~:_""_J___,,".____ 7.326 Pool/Billiard Room License I i 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be 1 applied when imposed or collected. ! 1 7.332 Public Passenger License (Issued by City of Eugene) 7.344 Rental Sales License I i 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. '.."'.~..' I ..--....-...-..--..... ,........."..., ,.."'......,."..-...,., ..,__.. 7.358lShooting Area License I i 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. No Charge $100.00 Initial $75.00 Change $35.00 Renewal <i:?I; nn Per Year - 25 spaces $50.00 Per Year - 26-50 spaces $100.00 Per Year - 76-100 spaces $100.00 + $.50 per each space over 100 per year ,,~-,~,,~,,-'" $30.00 + $25.00 Per Year - First Table $20.00 Per Year - Second Table $15.00 Per Year- Third Table $10.00 Per Year- Fourth Table $5.001 Per Year - Each Table I Thereafter ; ,_.......,_"..,.,,_,.,.._J...._._~~..........,..~_,.,_.._...__.,_..._ $10.001 Per day -late application $6.00TPerUnit "',.,w,.w,.,_,'" $100. cia Per Y ea'r--"".-~'~~^'~-~~=',"'m="'m"",,' 7.364 Sound Truck/Car License _..,_.._-......,_...........,........_"._..~ ...=-"..'.....__m._....._.. $7.00 Per day 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. 7.404 Special Event License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. 7 .454 Tobacco Vending License 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Exhibit 1 Page 6 of 10 $75.00 Per application $100.00 Event with liquor $12.00 Per Year 7.476 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges Transient Merchant License $30.00 Per Day 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. m~~'_ ~,_~,~~~ 7.504(b) Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealer's Business License 1 1 I I ''_..._:'______~~r--w"-'-w-m~---'ww'-..'w' .. __ 7.522 i Failure to File (Motor Fuel Dealer's) Monthly I I Statement i 1 I I "" ""mm..mmm.._......... , 7.510(b) 7.518(2) 7.518(3) Failure to Secure (Motor Business) License Dealer's $.03 per gallon such motor vehicle sold, used or distributed as defined in the Municipal Code. ww_w'ww___, ,wwwTAmount of taxdeterminedtowt>e-- 1 due plus a penalty of 100% of the I tax. ww",-~~-w,--wlTrpaymEmt ofth'e license tax'iS-- I not paid as required by section 17.518(1) of the Municipal Code, a I penalty of 1 % of such license tax Ishall be assessed. I Ilf payment of the tax and penalty 1 is not made on to before the 1 st 1 day of next month following that 1 month in which the payment is due, a further penalty of 10% of the tax will be assessed in addition to the penalty provided for in subsection 7.518(2) of the Municipal Code. Payme'ilToHMoto./-wruel Deaj'er'SfTax~and Delinquency If a dealer fails to file any statement required by section 17.520 of the Municipal Code, the I tax administrator shall assess the Idealer for the license fee upon I the amount determined adding Ithereto a penalty of 10%. 7.808 Street Vending License No Charge I ! -_ww_~--~$4mo.06-r---m_---_wm_,-'_,-""""""w"""","________~w_ 8.218(1) Code Plan Review 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. ~_,,~,~ ~m'_'~'_',_"",=~~__~__,,_,,__ $80.00iO-35 square feet $110.001 36 to 60 square feet $140.00161 to 100 square feet $160.001101 to 150 square feet $200.001151 to 200 square feet $250.001 201 to 300 square feet $300.001 301 to 400 square feet I . 8.218(2) Sign Permit Fees Exhibit 1 Page 7 of 10 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges 8.218(3) Sign Permit Fee<,..- Banner $100.00 Per permit plus $100.00 security deposit 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. ~,~~~,---~,- ___~''-'_~_m~_'' 8.218(4) I Sign Permit Fee - Blimp, etal $80.00 Per permit plus $100.00 security deposit 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. 8.238(2) Sign Code Modification Fee $200.00 Per application 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. -,~~-,---~-~ -_.,--,-~"-~~~-~~.,,,,, -,,-~,~-~, "'-",'-~,~--,-~ 8.238(5) Sign Code Appeal Fee (Building Board of $150.00 Per application Appeals) 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. __v__,w_,w~m'___ ___v_,_", ~,~, __~_vu_____,~~_~_~~~w___~~_~_,_, 8.238(6) Sign Code Appeal Fee (City Council Appeal) $100.00 Per application 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. .,__~___@,_._>~~..".,.,..__.__.m__,_~@._._~~~_m_~'_.~..m'~.".".. .. _ . ~.^'--~._-~--,--_...,.~_.- .u..__,.. ____. . ~_mm' ,.,.~~.."....~ 8.238(7) Sign Code Variance Fee $300.00 Per application 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Exhibit 1 Page 8 of 10 8.332(1) City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges Grading Plan Check Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. 8.332(1) and (2) *see also separate sections Combined Grading Plan & Permit Fee for Single Family/Duplex 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. --I I I I , I i ......................................................................................................................u......"...... Base fee of $450.00, plusl volume fee of: I $225.00 - (Up to 100 cubic Iyards) I $225.00 plus $45.00 per 100 Icubic yards over 100 - (101 to 11,000 cubic yards) I $630.00 plus $25.00 per 100 Icubic yards over 1,000 (1,001 to I 25,000 cubic yards). I Greater than 25,000 cubic yards- IActual recorded staff costs, I overhead and project expenses I base fee of $4,500.00 + 1$4500.00 deposit and additional I deposits as required. ICorrective LDAP Fee -In addition Ito the normal LDAP fees, based Ion an estimate of the work I performed to the time of the Icorrective LDAP, the corrective I LDAP shall pay for actual I recorded staff costs, overhead, & I project expenses in the admin I thereof. Initial deposits shall be 1$3,000.00 for parcels less than lone acre and $3,000.00 plus 1$1,500.00 per acre for parcels I more than one acre. Additional I deposits as required. I I I I i 1 I .mmT I $80.00 Per Reinspection ." .." "..,..,.........,..........~~'.mw..m...~..~...,.~~.,~.. .~".....',.',....'.' $450.00 Non-sensitive Area $900.00 Sensitive Area Note: Sensitive area equals> 15% slope, work in or near drainage way or swale, wetland on site, or site in floodplain. Exhibit 1 Page 9 of 10 City of Springfield Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges 8. 332(2)ml Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex I I I I ! 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be I applied when imposed or collected. ; ............r..... I I I I i i i mmt Exhibit 1 Page 10 of 10 , " "" '" '1$225:00=(Upto100cubicyards) I $225.00 plus $75.00 per 100 :Cubic yards over 100 - (101 to j 1 ,000 cubic yards) 1 $900.00 plus $150.00 per 100 jcubic yards over 1,000 (1,001 to I 25,000 cubic yards). I Greater than 25,000 cubic yards- IActual recorded staff costs, i overhead and project expenses 1 base fee of $4,500.00 + 1$4,500.00 deposit with lapplication, and additional I deposits as required. 1 Corrective LDAP Fee -In addition Ito the normal LDAP fees, based ! on an estimate of the work I performed to the time of the j corrective LDAP, the corrective 1 LDAP shall pay for actual 1 recorded staff costs, overhead, & , I project expenses in the admin 1 thereof. Initial deposits shall be 1$3,000.00 for parcels less than lone acre and $3,000.00 plus 1$1,500.00 per acre for parcels I more than one acre. Additional . deposits as required. ; mm~"'mmm.m $80.001 Per R~~~~pec!iQ~mmm.mm...m CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DEPOSIT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PROJECT NUMBER & TITLE TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT DEVELOPER'S NAME DEVELOPER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR TOTAL COST OF PROJECT * TOTAL STREET LENGTH * A copy of the Engineer's project cost estimate must accompany project submission. Section 1: ESTIMATED COST $0 TO $100,000 $100,001 AND OVER CITY PLAN EXAMINATION DEPOSIT ---------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY FEE $2,000 $2,000 + 1% OF PROJECT OVER $100,000 Sub-total City Plan Examination Deposit 5% of Sub-total City Plan Examination Deposit Total City Plan Examination Deposits Section 2: ESTIMATED COST $0 TO $100,000 $100,001 AND OVER CITY ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION DEPOSIT $4,000 $4,000 + 3% OF PROJECT OVER $100,000 JOB CONTROL TESTING FEES AND DEPOSITS TESTS PER UNIT NUMBER TESTS SOIL BEARING TESTS 1/500 L.F. AT $ 325 SOIL DENSITIES 1/250 L.F. AT * CURB ROCK DENSITIES 1/150 L.F. AT * BASE ROCK DENSITIES 1/150 L.F. AT * CONCRETE CL Y. & SLUMP 1/1 00 C.Y. AT $ 210 A.C. EXTRACTIONS PER CLASS 1/500 TON AT $ 275 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DENSITIES** 1/150 L.F. AT * ASPHALTIC JOB MIX TESTING FEE*** I EACH AT $ 350 * $150.00 FOR THE FIRST 2 TESTS AND $70,00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL TEST ** EACH LIFT *** WHEN ASPHALTIC PAVING IS USED (NON-REFUNDABLE) Sub-total City Engineering, Inspection and Job Control Testing Fee/Deposit TECHNOLOGY FEE 5% of Sub-total City Engineering, Inspection and Job Control Testing Sub-total City Engineering, Inspection and Job Control Testing Fee/Deposit wi Tech Fee Combined Total Both Sections 1 and 2 Less Non-Refundable Asphaltic Job Mix Testing Fee Total Deposit Applied to Project Costs < > ---------------------------------------------- TOTAL DUE PREVIOUS RECEIVED BALANCE DUE AMOUNT RECEIVED REMAINING BALANCE Project Engineer Signature Date Plans Submitted by: Signature Date < > < > Exhibit 1-A SDrinafield MuniciDal Code 3.018 Revised 05/01/07 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) RATE STRUCTURE EFFECTIVE 81112006 (Administered through Springfield Municipal Code Section 3.400 through 3.420) Stormwater SDC: $0.336 per square foot of impervious area. This change is considered to be solely an improvement fee, with no reimbursement component. Local Wastewater SDC: $45.82 per Drainage Fixture Unit (DFU), as defmed in the 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code with Oregon Amendments of April 2000. This charge consists of $26.03 per DFU reimbursement rate and $19.79 per DFU improvement rate. Where a discharge, or a portion of a discharge cannot, in the opinion of the City, be adequately characterized by a DFU count, the charge shall be calculated per discharge equivalent to a typical dwelling unit (EDU). This charge is $916.40 per EDU. $520.60 of this charge is a reimbursement rate and $395.80 of this charge is an improvement rate. The EDU equivalent discharge is equal to 167 gallons per day. Transportation SDC: $107.20 per average weekday vehicle trip end. $19.81 of this charge is a reimbursement rate and $87.39 is an improvement rate. Calculated trip ends shall be adjusted by removing expected pass-by trips from the calculation of charges. The Public Works Department shall maintain a table of standard pass-by trip adjustments for common land uses, using the best data available. Administrative Chal1!es: A 5% surcharge will be added to the total SDC, including the MWMC Regional Sanitary Sewer SDC, to recover the direct cost of administering the SDC program, as provided in ORS 223. The rates listed above will be adjusted July 1 st of each year according to the change in the National Construction Cost Index (CCI), beginning July 1st, 2007. Downtown Development Area Discount: All local SDC charges as outlined above shall be discounted in the Downtown Development Area, as shown on the attached map, by the following amounts: From December 4, 2004, through December 3, 2007 - 75% From December 4,2007, through December 3,2009 - 50% Thereafter: no discount This discount will not apply to MWMC Regional SDC charges or Willamalane Park SDC charges which are collected by, but not imposed by, the City of Springfield. Exhibit 1-B (1) , J... .....P P-- i / .. -f l I :::;:r-;.. J.J: . \ - ~- - -- - ~- ---. ~-,= - -- ---. , "'-- J ~ .--:..:- - ~ C: ",--:~ _ r-- '~ rr I f- !Tn- tT J ~ ~ ~ = a5-g''-~II'_ I ~ ..J ~ E~ - f-l-_ .L- r~."" C - r- -f-- .c;;;::L trf.,.-o g. ~ I f-- i-- 1 _ ar8 , I T IT ~ j \. . ~ ~a I~ -=, @j . _ tI), .......~ _ tl)C) . _ _ --:" EOJ - . :c Q a"- . - J ,'.;,1 "(Q'oC ~ . I ::r: ~C:;' t- _ 1 l-UI~' ''-1 .- c .j,-- - ':-... / ~ ~ Mf 'tT~n-: ~ ". ' ~. :: ~-, 1 r- _.-<1 r7.li, . . w . "'1/' ::('. .' ~ - -"- 0 ~ ~ . .. \ .- - '- ~ m~'m~O\ . 1 ~ " " I Otrn~. . m "~'''~~~[/' Qdmm~~ -,-. =- ~ -~;~[?f.~mm 'iT I - I.' , P I~. .. = >-- :J ',~ en mn ~'f',\TJ U I ,I '. - . >-"" tt:HJ 0 '\' ~\ - i -[L .-~ [tlll\W .'. II 'I.d- . ~. ,'.& . Y' .L~~')I ~::' .' , , .m ,:...\~~If ,I /I . ..~~... ;;}'f' . . . .~:.. ..'~j>," . tt . !'\?'1i ~10\.. ..........'~. or, . ,t~tJ."r".,,{;:~,:\-,t~J:~.:i!:?,'l'. . _ 1/ If."b . ':T>,r . -.... ;,r. 'f;"~-'" . t 'I "~':I'lf":':";~;"'~~~'''~'''' ..~" ( .~ t,::.d\\'''' .,: ~'t.,:..~f" t, 'r.""'~~'.''''I:' - ,.,... Jr:.. . ~ If ., '.... ~ - -f': ,'.~ I'.:,,. It. U, ","'. " - <: ,", ,,1(;,.., ~.'" I,"~I, ~ 'I".", I;.:r',\,.: ,(I',' - 'r:tf ../I.,I\"f&,I. I' . , - ,..' . 1.1 . - ....,. 1.,".... , . .. . . : " ., '~ T__ ~y '. r-- ... '- "0. - oS C ::s 8 Ill' 'c . g. ~" .21 ra __ .c o ..... C ll:l '. E c- o iii. > II) _ C In E II) ~ ~ '. ~~r\'~I~ r , I \'h\ '~- I Exhibit l-B(2) .' , . Sanitary Sewer User Charges July 1, 2007 Springfield Municipal Code 4.206(3) Beginning with bills rendered on or after July 1,2007, sanitary and drainage sewer charges shall be as follows: Local Rel!ional Total Base Charge per Month $ 7.13 $ 7.13 Volume Charge per 100 Cubic Feet Residential $1.970 $ 1.060 $ 3.030 Lo,:\, Strength $1.970 $ 1.430 $ 3.400 Medium Strength $1.970 $ 2.070 $ 4.040 High Strength $1.970 $ 2.950 $ 4.920 Very High Strength $1.970 $ 3.820 $ 5.790 Super High Strength $1.970 $ 4.690 $ 6.660 Drainage: Beginning with bills rendered on or after July I, 2007, monthly stormwater drainage user fees shall be determined as follows: Springfield Municipal Code 4.208(2)(a)(i) a.) All real property, with the exception of single family dwellings, shall be charged $1.00 plus the product of the property area (in square feet), runoff coefficient, and $2.513 per one thousand square feet. Springfield Municipal Code 4.208(2)(a)(ii) b.) Single family dwellings shall each pay $8.63. Rates effective 07/01/2007 Exhibit l-C SPRINGFIELD CAN/CART RATES * 21-Gallon Mini Cart 6.40 County User-Fee 2.20 8.60 * 32-Gallon Can/Cart 8.85 County User Fee 2.95 11.80 * 32-Gallon Can Not At Curb 11.00 CounlY User Fee 2.95 13.95 * 60-Gallon Cart 11.15 County User Fee 5.60 16.75 * 90-Gallon Cart 13.35 ,\)., County User Fee 6.80 20.15 * For multiple cans/carts, and multiple pickups per week, multiply above rates times number of cans/carts and times per week pickup. Exhibit I-D(l) SPRINGFIELD DROP BOX CHARGES . Drop Box Size & Description Basic Charae User Fee 20 YO .' Goshen 102.30 45.00 per ton 30 YO - Goshen 154.35 45.00 per ton Stationary Compactor Charge Per Cubic Yard 5..15 45.00 per ton Spotting Fee & Relocate Sox 20.00 Demurrage Charge (Sox Rental) Beginning after the seventh day Excluding Sunday and Holidays 5.10 per day Exhibit ~-D (21 SPRINGFIELD CONTAINER RATES Pickups Per Week Container Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.0 Yard 36.80 70.45 104.25 136.10 170.00 201.30 ~235.60 County User Fee 24.90 49.80 74.70 99.60 124.50 149.40 174.30 Total 61.70 120.25 178.95 235.70 294.50 350.70 409.90 Each Additional 55.45 107.00 157.95 209.70 260.40 310.90 362.20 1.5 Yard County User Fee Total Each Additional 2.0 Yard County User Fee Total Each Additional 3.0 Yard County User Fee Total Each Additional 4.0 Yard County User Fee Total Each Additional 52.60 37.35 89.95 80.80 66.45 49.80 116.25 97.00 74.70 171.70 141.95 112.05 254.00 186.80 149.40 336.20 231.55 186.75 418.30 378.40 122.80 179.30 99.60 '149.40 222.40 328.70 235.85 292.40 199.20 . 249.00 435.05 541.40 276.25 224.10 500.35 314.90 261.45 576.35 155.00 239.80 302.10 394.50 373.50 768.00 452.20 559.95 348.95 298.80 647.75 397.70 348.60 746.30 104.65 201.05 304.05 394.05 490.55 586.95 682.00 89.75 74.70 164.45 165.90' 237.80 318.25 149.40 224.10 . 298.80 315.30 461.90 617.05 470.65 534.90 448.20 522.90 918.85 1057.80 148.75 282.95 418.70 556.75 699.30 836.85 971.65 107.60 99.60 207.20 199.18 199.20 398.38 290.75 382.30 298.80 398.40 589.55' 780.70 473.80 565.35 644.50 498.00 597.60 697.20 971.801162.951341.70 188.45 363.75 538.85 713.85 896.65 1064.40 1237.15 6.0 Yard 130.70 241.80 352.95 464.00 575.25 686.35 782.45 County User Fee 149.40 298.80 448.20 597.60 747.00 896.40 1045.80 Total 280.10 540.60 801.15 1061.60 1322.25 1582.75 1828.25 Each Additional 270.95 498.70 719.95 982.75 1222.15 1463.35 1701.65 Exhibit 1-D (3) RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULEOF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS, AND LICENSES. WHEREAS, the City has authority pursuant to section 4 of the 2001 Springfield Charter and Oregon Revised Statutes to establish fees and charges based on costs for specific services rendered; and WHEREAS, the proposed Master Schedule maintains all rates, permit fees, license fees, and other fees and charges at their previous rates except for Development Code Applications Fees increased as specified below; and WHEREAS, the opportunity for public comment at a public hearing has been provided prior to the adoption of this Resolution. ' NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: 1.) The City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits and Licenses as more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit 2, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is hereby adopted. 2.) Except as specifically amended in Section 1 above, all other rates, permit fees, license fees and other fees and charges for the City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits and Licenses (Exhibit 2) shall remain in full force and effect. 3.) Future Resolutions of the Common Council may be adopted to amend, add, or delete any rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge. 4.) In the eventany Development Code Applications Fee should be held invalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in the Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits and Licenses shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. 5.) If any particular rate, permit fee, license fee, and other fee or charge should be held invalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee 'restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in the Master Schedule, Exhibit 2, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full forte and effect. 6.) This Resolution shall take effect on the 1st day of July, 2007. This Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21 st day of May, 2007, by a vote of _ for and _ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this _ day of May, 2007. Sidney W. Leiken, Mayor Attest: Amy Sowa, City Recorder I '\ '- 1!-J"\ \~ -. ( -..) a !lo"""'~ -.J \-\n~q,,...~-( O\~\c..~ o~ C.,\"I \~ ~ \l \. ~-..,) C!.~ ,"'...... ~ \~-?~ ~b-.J\!-\':> f\ ~ "t'::> sin \ 0, .... Attachment C ,-to""M. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses , , , ':::rYP'e:J{j~~crlP.tic)n:<>,:::::::: : Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services User Fees Fire and Life Safety Asphaltic Job Mix Testing Fee Public Works :':':':':':':':':':,:.:::::: :A.lllount:: . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ........ . ........ . Base Rate: Regular - $900.00 Sit-up - $450 (Y2 the regular base rate) Aid Call- $450 (Y2 the regular base rate) Pre-Scheduled Non-Emergency Basic Life Support Transport - $225 (1/4 ofthe regular base rate) Mileage - $15.00 per patient mile - (pro- rated for multiple patients transported in the same medic unit) Waiting Time - $60.00 per Y2 hour after first Y2 hour Extra Attendant - $75.00 Ambulance Stand-by - $120.00 per hour Stand-by on Scene Coordinator - (per hour) - $60.00 $350 for each Public Improvement Project using asphaltic paving. 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be aoolied when imoosed or collected. Bike Path Maps Citywide $4.95 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be aoolied when imoosed or collected. Exhibit 2 - Page 1 of 17 :::::.: Ailtli~r.ity:t()~i J (;ha~ge::.: Council Resolution Council Resolution ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling, or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses . . : : : : : : : }t.YP.~J[)E!~cr:ip.tii:)~<> Certified Copies Citywide ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .. :::::::: :t\iiloililt:::::::::.':' ,',',',',',',',',',' :::::::::::::::::: J\~th()iityt(}s:et J <:liange::::::.:::::::':' ......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . None established Exceptions: Municipal Court Police Reports $5.00 per file, plus $5.00 notary fee $15.00 for first 4 pages and $ .50 each additional page, plus $5.00 notary fee Collection Fees Municipal Court 25%, but not to exceed $250.00. Fee to be assessed when payment is delinquent. Fee assessment not dependent upon assignment to a collection agency. Exhibit 2 - Page 2 of 17 ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling, or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. ORS 194.164 establishes the authority to charge notary fees up to the maximum fees provided in OAR 160-100-400. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. ORS 137.118 (a) provides the authority to charge and stipulates the maximum fee allowed to be 25%, but not to exceed $250.00. HB3737A (Admin), (Chapter 801) OR LAWS 1997 Section 99 permits a municipal, justice, district circuit court to recoup the cost of collection action made necessary by the failure of judgment debtors in criminal actions to pay timely deferred payment agreements. Council Resolution City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses Conviction Fee ,::}ry:P.~:tpe~~ri,ptiC)~<: .,'" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . Municipal Court ,',',',',',',',',:' Ai'iiotiiit:: ........ . ........ . ........ . , : ' " >::::>i\li:t~()rity:tQ~~t/9h~~g( Graduated Fee Schedule based on fine Council Resolution amount imposed or forfeiture amount. Whenever the court forfeits money or imposes a sentence of a fine, including a sentence imposed and thereafter suspended, excluding parking violations, a fee in addition to such sentence shall be collected. The fee is not part of the penalty or in lieu of any part thereof. The amount of the fee shall be as follows: (1) $5 for amounts: $5 to $14.99 (b) $15 for amounts: $15 to $49.99 (c) $18 for amounts: $50 to $99.99 (d) $25 for amounts: $100 to $249.99 (e) $30 for amounts: $250 to $499.99 (f) $66 for amounts: $500 or more The court is not required to impose the fee if it finds that the defendant is indigent or that imposition of the assessment would constitute an undue hardship. Payment to the court shall not be credited to the fee pursuant to ORS 137.295 until after crediting to category 1 (compensatory fines), category 2 (victim restitution) and category 3 (unitary assessment) have been credited in full. Court Appointed Attorney Fee Municipal Court Municipal Court Municipal Court CPR Training Fire and Life Safety $50.00 - per case iffail to appear $75.00 - per case if settled pre-trial $150.00 - per case if goes to trial $10.00 FireMed Members $25.00 Non-FireMed Members Exhibit 2 - Page 3 of 17 ORS 151.485 and ORS 161.665 provide the authority to collect and pay. Council sets the amounts to be paid by Resolution. Council Resolution City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses ::::::::T:y:p~/pe~~l'ipti()~<<: " Criminal History Report Police ........ . ........ . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::::::: AroQun(: ........... . ......... ..... ......... . ........ . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . $5.00 first 4 pages and $ .75 each additional page Deferred Prosecution Diversion Fee (non-DUll) Municipal Court Distribution Fee Municipal Court DUll Diversion Administrative Expense Fee Municipal Court FireMed Membership Fire and Life Safety $50.00 to $250.00 determined by Judge and City Prosecutor on a case by case basis. 15% offee $100.00 $52.00 per year per household for regular membership $47.00 per year per household for Job Care membership Exhibit 2 - Page 4 of 17 :<:..\uth~rjty:(Q:~~tl9h~~g~ , . , ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. ORS 135.881 and ORS 161.665 ORS 137.309 (7) (b) ORS 813.240 (b) sets fee at $100.00 to be treated as provided for disposition of fines, costs, and forfeited bail under ORS 153.630 Council Resolution 06-12 Mar 20 City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses ::,., :,1yp~. (ij~~cripti()~,.::..: GIS Rates (Standard) Public Works 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Interlibrary Loans Library .......>>.::.-j\#loljnf, , ......... . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. ......... . Digital Data Requests: Planimetrics $60.00 - Hourly Rate (1 hr minimum) $90.00 - Up to 50 acres $150.00 - Minimum Charge $2.00* - Charge per additional acre above 45 acres $275.00* - Charge per mapsheet (approximately 138 acres) $1,280* - Charge per square mile (640 acres) * == plus time in excess of 1 hour at $60.00 per hour Half Foot Orthophotography $60.00 - Hourly Rate (1 hr minimum) $40.00 - One Image $100.00 - Minimum Charge $40.00* - Charge per additional image * == plus hourly rate at $60.00 per hour Plot Requests $45.00 - Standard City Maps (without Orthos) $50.00 - Standard City Maps (with Orthos) $60.00 per hour - Custom Plot Request: Plot Compilation and Plotting Charge $6.00 per linear foot - Custom Plot Request: Copy of a Completed Plot $3.00 per item Exhibit 2 - Page 5 of 17 ::..::: l\n.th()rity.:t()~t J <:Mllge::':::::: Intergovernmental Agreement with Lane Council of Govemments per ORS 190.050 providing authorization to impose and collect reasonable fees based on market prices or competitive bids for geographic data that have commercial value and are an entire formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, process, database or system developed with a significant expenditure of public funds. ORS 357.490 provides general powers to the Library Board to formulate rules and policies for the governance ofthe library and such other activities as the governing body may aSSIgn. Fee set by recommendation of Library Board, then Council Resolution. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses >>:,<1:YP'e/t)e~c~ip.ti()~> ' , , , , ,:>::::::<Alii.oijnt:::>> Large Format Copies * :::::: J\,~tho ~tY. t()set 1: <:;ba~ge.::'::::':':"" $3.00 per sheet *Large Format = 11" x 17" or Larger ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling, or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Citywide 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be aoolied when imoosed or collected. Microfilm Copies Development Services Police $ .75 per page $15.00 per report ORS ] 92.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. Non-Resident Fee for Library Card Library $60.00 per year ORS 357.490 provides general powers to the Library Board to formulate rules and policies for the governance of the library and such other activities as the governing body may assign. $33.00 per six months $18.00 per three months $7.00 per one month Fees recommended by Library Board, and adopted by Council Resolution. Non-Sufficient Funds Fee Citywide $25.00 ORS 30.701(5) provides the authority to a reasonable fee representing the cost of handling and collecting on the check. Total fee for any single check may not exceed $25.00. Council sets the amount to be charged by the city by Resolution. Exhibit 2 - Page 6 of 17 City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses .::::::..::.:::..':.:. Wpe./. ()~~~riptic)n.::..:.:.: Operational Permit Fee Fire and Life Safety ............ . ............ . , :A.ro.ptin(.:':..::':..> , ,::::>>>\iit~~dtft1):~~t}.9h;n~g(>:.>> Annual fee for the inspection of $325.00 per permit occupancies requiring Hazardous Materials Permits Operational Permit Fee Fire and Life Safety Fee for the inspection of occupancies $325.00 per permit requiring hazardous materials permits other than annual permits. Overdue Item Fee Library Library Library Payment Agreement Fee Municipal Court Amount set by Council Resolution. Authority to charge set by Springfield Fire Code. Amount set by Council Resolution. Authority to charge set by Springfield Fire Code. Videos - $ .50 per day per item, maximum ORS 357.490 provides general powers to the of$2.00 per item Library Board to formulate rules and policies for the governance of the library and such All other items - $ .10 per day per item, other activities as the governing body may maximum of$2.00 per item assIgn. Collection fee oflong overdue items - $5.00 per account $25.00 for amounts up to $249.00 and/or first payment agreement. $50.00 for amounts $250.00 and above and/or for any payment agreement issued more than once as a result of delinquent action. Exhibit 2 - Page 7 of 17 Fees recommended by Library Board, and adopted by Council Resolution. ORS 1.202 authorizes fee for establishing and administering account for judgment that includes monetary obligation; fee for ~udgment. (1) All circuit courts and appellate courts of this state and all commissions, departments and divisions of the judicial branch of state government, shall add a fee of not less than $25.00 and not more than $50.00 to any judgment that includes a monetary obligation that the court or judicial branch is charged with collecting. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses :::::::'::..,:::.::: r.yp.~: J ij~~c:r1p'ii()~':::::::::::::: .:::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::: AIiiou*t:,:.:",: ,:,:,:,:,'.'.',:,:,: , :. ::::::::::::::::.. :A#th(jfjtYt() ,~t J t;;ba~ge Photocopy Charge Citywide Exceptions: Development Services Fire and Life Safety Fire and Life Safety Library Municipal Court Municipal Court Police Reports Photographs Police Post Monumentation Deposit for Subdivision and Partition Plots Public Works No charge for first 5 pages or first half- hour of research time, $ .10 per page thereafter, plus actual cost of City staff time and materials required to complete the request. $ .75 for first page, $ .50 per page thereafter. $10.00 files up to 1 year $15.00 files over 1 year $ .10 per copy (coin operated machine) $5.00 current file $10.00 archived file $10.00 first 4 pages and $ .50 each additional page Actual cost with $5.00 minimum ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Administrative Rule #9 sets fee Fee exceptions set by Council Resolution ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. $2,800 base deposit plus $120/Monument ORS 92.065 (1) 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Exhibit 2 - Page 8 of 17 City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses >':!)lp'efi:lElscrl~t1~~<:> ' , ,::::: :::<)\lIlojJnt:: Printing Fee Library Probation Court Supervision Fee Municipal Court Probation Violation Fee Municipal Court Project Bid Books Citywide 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be aDDlied when imposed or collected. Printing from public computers - first page free, $ .10 per page thereafter. '. :~llthoFitY.t()~tJ(:;~ange<:::: ORS 357.490 provides general powers to the Library Board to formulate rules and policies for the governance ofthe library and such other activities as the governing body may aSSIgn. Fees recqmmended by Library Board, and adopted by Council Resolution. $5.00 per month fee for probation ORS 137.540(a) provides that the court may supervision and monitoring of probation sentence the defendant to probation, which cases. Will not apply to DUll or Deferred shall be subject to the following general Prosecution Diversion cases. conditions unless specifically deleted by the court. The probationer shall: (a) Pay supervision fees, fines, restitution or other fees ordered by the court. $25.00 to $50.00 fee for violation proceeding (appearance and show cause order) depending on complexity of proceeding. Appearance orders: generally $25.00 Show Cause; one issue only or first proceedings: generally $25.00 Show Cause; multiple issue or prior probation violation proceeding: generally $50.00 Fee will apply on any DUll Diversion or Deferred Prosecution Diversion cases. Fee may be waived at the discretion ofthe Judge. Minimum of$25.00, but may vary by project. Exhibit 2 - Page 9 of 17 ORS 137.540(a) provides that the court may sentence the defendant to probation, which shall be subject to the following general conditions unless specifically deleted by the court. The probationer shall: (a) Pay supervision fees, fines, restitution or other fees ordered by the court. ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling, or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses ........ .T~p~t ()e~~l'ipti()n.. Project Draft Plans Citywide 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be aoolied when imoosed or collected. Re-open Fee Municipal Court Fee to re-open a case; to include costs to retrieve case, process documents for DMV to recall abstracts or retrieve disposition sheets. Replacement Fee Library Security Releases Municipal Court Special Computer Reports Municipal Court Police ............. . ............ . .......... . ,Amount ::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::.:::.: :......:.:.:... .~ut~~ritY(Q ~etl9ti~~g~: Minimum of$25.00, but may vary by project. $30.00 per case ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling, or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. Replacement oflost or damaged item - ORS 357.490 provides general powers to the Library Board to formulate rules and policies List price of item for the governance of the library and such other activities as the governing body may assign. 15% of fee, but not less than $5.00 or more than $200.00. $30.00 per hour, with $20.00 minimum $30.00 per hour, with $20.00 minimum Exhibit 2 - Page 10 of 17 Fees set by recommendation of Library Board, then Council Resolution. ORS 135.265 sets amount offee. ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses >>:}~YP~J:1)~~t:r:lpti()n> ,,' Standard Construction Specification or Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Books Citywide 5% Technology Fee (surcharge) will be applied when imposed or collected. Suspension Fee Municipal Court Technology Fee Public Works Development Services Vehicle Recovery Fee (Impound) Police Fee charged to reclaim vehicles towed relating to DUll: Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, DWS: Driving While Suspended, or No DL: Driving Without a License, charges. .............. . .............. . .................. . .............. . .:.Amount ...:..... .'.,',',' ............ . 40.00 each $15.00 5% of specific development-related charges and fees in the Building Safety Code Fee Schedule, the Master Schedule of Rates. Permits. Licenses and Other Fees and Charges in the Municipal Code, and the Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges. Rates and Licenses. The Technology Fee is applied to the specific charges and fees identified in the above-named fee schedules when collected or imposed. $110.00 per vehicle Exhibit 2 - Page 11 of 17 , '<J\lIth()rityt(}S:eiJ~liange>>..>> .............................. . ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. ORS 809.267 sets amount of fee. Council Resolution ORS 809.720 gives authority to establish fee for recovery of cost of providing service. City of Springfield Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses :::,:, :>>:ry:p~/pe~~riptic)n , : '. , , , " :: VideolTelephone/Radio Tape Copy :-:-:-:-:-AroQunf , , ::::::::::<:::::~~:!~~~~~~:~~~:~~~:~:(~~~~~~~~:~ ::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . Police $25.00 per hour, with $25.00 minimum ORS 192.440 (3) authorizes the public body to establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for its actual costs in making such records available including costs for summarizing, compiling or tailoring such records, either in organization or media, to meet the person's request. Fees to be charged within the city are set by Council Resolution. Warrant Fee Municipal Court $50.00 Criminal Code 161.665 Exhibit 2 - Page 12 of 17 City of Springfield Development Code Application Fees ........ . . . . . . . . . . ... . ........ . ........ . :kt~~h ........ . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . URBAN GROWTH <:F~~: .:: (jITXLll\ll17S:." TYPE ~p.p:Il~ .......... . BOUNDARY . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . " , ..... . DESIGN REVIEW CASE TYPES * Accessory Dwelling Unit $705 $705 Type! * Demolition of Historic Landmark $3,371 $5,086 Type III * Discretionary Use $3,717 $5,606 Type III * DWP Overlay District Development $990 $990 Type! * Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory $1,866 $1,866 Type III * Final Site Plan Review/Development Agreement (1) See Footnote (1) See Footnote (1) Type! * Final Site Plan Equivalent $3,651 $3,651 Type! * HD Hillside Development Overlay District $888/acre $888/acre Type II * Historic Commission Review Under Type I $58 $152 Type! * Historic Commission Review Under Type II $171 $453 Type II * HS Hospital Support Overlay District $2,834+568/acre N/A Type II * Temporary Use - Emergency MediCal Hardship (SDC 36.135) $268 $268 Type II * Temporary Use - Manufactured Dwelling (SDC 36.130) $360 $360 Type! * Minimum Development Standards $705 N/A Type! * Minor Variance (Up to 30%) $2,362 $2,362 Type II * Determination of Non-Conforming Use Status $104 $155 Type! * Non-Conforming Use - Expansion/Modification $3,717 $5,606 Type II Pre-Submittal Meeting $336 $505 N/A * Site Plan Review * a. <10,000 square feet of impervious surface $4,099 $4,099 Type II * b. 10,000 - 100,000 square feet of impervious surface $4,099 +$264/1000 $4,099 +$264/1000 sq ft sq ft Type II * c. > 1 00,000 square feet of impervious surface $4,099 +$30811000 $4,099 +$308/1000 sq ft sq ft Type II * Site Plan Review Modification - Major $3,956 $3,956 Type II * Site Plan Review Modification- Minor $1,205 $1,818 Type! * Solar Access Guarantee $759 $917 Type II * Tree Felling Permit Base Fee (2) (3) $956 $956 Type II * Department of Motor Vehicles Licensing - New $683 $820 Permit * Department of Motor Vehicles Licensing - Renewal $273 $330 Permit * Final Site Plan Inspection for Occupancy/LUC/Change of Use $273 $273 Permit * Land Use Compatibility Statement! Letter $273 $295 Permit * Plan Review - Minor $116 $277 Permit * Plan Review - Major $205 $277 Permit Exhibit 2 - Page 13 of 17 City of Springfield Development Code Application Fees ....... . ......... . .".... . ~r~~h ... ....... . :<F~e:>: :: ........... . ..,..... . ............ . ........... . .......... . ......... . .......... . ........... . .......... . .......... .. " ..APPLlcATIONTYPE>:: ............... . >crrYLIMITS URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY TYPE ......... . ....... . LONG RANGE PLANNING CASE TYPES * Amendment of Development Code Text Conceptual Development Plan $7,189 $10,846 Type IV See BC List See BC List Type IV N/A $1,902 Type IV $13,276 $20,026 Type III $5,143 $7,758 Type III See BC List See BC List Type IV $2,554 $3,830 Type I $5,143 $7,758 Type II $9,391 $13,729 Type III $18,266 +$616/acre $27,498 +$616/acre Type III $21,119 +$616/acre $31,859 + $616/acre Type IV $10,242 +$616/acre $13,137 +$616/acre Type IV $10,242 +$616/acre $15,450 +$616/acre Type IV $1,205 $1,818 Type II $4,604 $6,946 Type IV $4,604 N/A N/A * Annexation Fee per acre plus Boundary Commission Fee * Annexation Comprehensive Planning Fee per acre * * Conceptual Development Plan Amendment * Extraterritorial Extensions - See Boundary Commission Fee * Master Plan Amendment Type I * Master Plan Amendment Type II * Master Plan Amendment Type III * Master Plan Approval * Metro Plan Amendment Type I (acre fee for diagram amendment) * Metro Plan Amendment Type II (acre fee for diagram amendment) * Refinement Plan Amendment (acre fee for diagram amendment) * Vacation Public Easements * Vacation ROW, Subdivision Plat and other public property * Street Name Change Exhibit 2 - Page 14 of 17 City of Springfield Development Code Application Fees " , , " ' ........... . ' , .......... . .... . :-Tech . . . . . . . . . , . ........... . .......... . URBAN GROWTH . . . . . . . . . . . . dTY.:tIMITS ' , " ..:: :AI~P{;IC:A :rI()NT:YP:E.: TYPE :Fee: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOUNDARY , , .......... . .......... . ........... . ... . SHORELINE CASE TYPES * Floodplain Development Base Fee (3) (4) $1,073 $1,619 Type I * Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development: * Greenway Setback Line already established $2,804 Type III * Greenway Setback Line not already established $5,604 +$568/acre $8,016 +$568/acre TypelII SUBDIVISION CASE TYPES * LDR Subdivision Tentative Plan - * a. <2 acres $5,357 + $230/lot N/A Type II * b. 2 acres to 5 acres $7,583 +$379/lot N/A Type II * c. 5 acres to 10 acres $10,031 + $602/1ot N/A Type II * d. 10 acres to 20 acres $10,582 +$614/lot N/A Type II * e. Greater than 20 acres $11,133 +$669/1ot N/A Type II * Manufactured Dwelling Park $9,580 $14,452 Type II * Manufactured Dwelling Park-Space Line Adjustment $364 $965 Type I * Non- LDR Subdivision Tentative Plan $9,458 + $568/acre $9,458 +$568/acre Type II * Partition Plat (8) $2,599 $2,599 Type I * Partition Replat Plat (5)(8) $1,781 $1,781 Type I * Partition Replat Tentative Plan (5)(8) $3,026 $7,989 Type II * Partition Tentative Plan (8) $4,729 $8,656 Type II * Property Line Adjustment $604 $912 Type! * Serial Property Line Adjustments $1,210 $1,823 Type II * Non-LDR Subdivision Plat $3,790 + $616/1ot $3,790 +$616/lot Type 1 * Subdivision Plat LDR $740 + $462/1ot $740 + $462/lot Type I * Subdivision Replat Plat (5) $1,781 $1,781 Type I * Subdivision Replat Tentative Plan (5) $4,918 $5,951 Type II * Expedited Land Division (6) Type II - - Exhibit 2 - Page 15 of 17 City of Springfield Development Code Application Fees , ' , . .......... . :*.:I'ech: ............... . URBAN GROWTH ::::Fee:::: CITY LlMITS BOUNDARY TYPE ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . .......... . ........... . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZONING CASE TYPES Appeal of Type II Director's Decision (7) $259 $259 , Type III Appeal of Expedited Land Division (7) $311 $311 Type III Appeal of Type III Decision to City Council $2,254 $3,400 Type IV Development Issues Meeting $506 $506 N/A * Formal Interpretation $1,717 $2,232 Type II * Formal Interpretation involving Policy $4,604 $6,946 Type IV Pre-Application Report $3,450 $3,450 N/A * Major Variance $6,164 $9,298 Type III * Zoning Map Amendment (8) $5,027 $9,858 Type III POINT OF SALE Time Extension for Certain Improvements $312 $1,013 N/A Postage and Notification Fees: Type II $155 $155 N/A Type III $207 $207 N/A Type IV $259 $259 N/A Exhibil2 - Page 16 of 17 City of Springfield Development Code Application Fees (1) Final site plan and development agreement fee is 10% of the paid site plan fee, (2) Tree Felling Fees - Tree Felling - Less than five (5) trees no charge or application required; 6-10 trees, base fee (see fee schedule) + $50 per tree; > 10 trees, Base Fee (see fee schedule) + $500 per acre, Filbert Orchards pay base fee only. Any Tree Felling processed after land use activity is conducted without required City approvals shall be charged an additional fee of $200 per tree in addition to the regular application fee, The City establishes these fees based on the average cost of providing programmatic service for activities conducted without permits. (3) An Floodplain permit processed after land use activity is conducted without required City approvals shall be charged an additional fee of$500 per acre in addition to the regular application fee. The City establishes these fees based on the average cost of providing programmatic service for activities conducted without permits. (4) Floodplain - Subdivision $200 per lot and partitions and site plans $400 per acre in addition to the base fee, For development areas >5 acres a $13,650 deposi is required, (5) A reconfiguration oflots or a decrease in the number oflots in a platted partition or subdivision shall be charged the tentative replat/replat plat fee for either subdivision or partition as appropriate. An increase in the number oflots in a platted partition or subdivision shall be charged either the partition tentative plan/partition plat or subdivision tentative/subdivision plat. (6) The fee for a Expedited Land Division (ELD) shall be twice the fee calculated for a regular land division plus an appeal fee established in ORS 197.380 to defray costs in event the decision is appealed. If the decision is not appealed, the appeal fee for ELD shall be refunded, A separate postage fee is required for an ELD, (7) This fee is established by ORS 227,175. Council-acknowledged Neighborhood Associations shall not be charged a fee for an appeal. (8) The Development Services Department will process citizens-initiated zoning map amendments, for properties where the zoning and plan designation are in conflict, three times a year beginning in January, There will be no application fee for applicants who choose to utilize this program, however a Type 111 notification fee will be required for each application ............... . ................ . ............... . ............... . .............. . ............. . ."............ ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ......... .......... . .......... . .......... . ............................. . ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ::::.:,:.:.:.:.G~NEMiNOiis::: :,' Technolof!V Fee: All applications will be assessed a 5% technology fee with the exception of Pre-Submittal Meeting, Development Issues Meeting, Pre- Application Report, Appeal of Type II Director's Decision, Appeal of Expedited Land Division, and all Point of Sale fees (Time Extension and Postage/Notification Fees) as indicated on this schedule, Technology Fee will be applied when the identfied applications f~es are imposed or collected, Note for all local anneals: If an appellant prevails at the hearing or subsequent hearing. The filing fee for the initial fee shall be refunded, This applies to local appeals only, The appellant prevails if the hearings body sustains one or more ofthe applicants allegations and amends, remands or reverses the land use decision, Hearinf! Official fee: Any applications except an appeal being processed before the Hearings Official shall pay an additional fee of$5,000, Any amount not expended by the Hearings Official shall be returned to the applicant Charges in excess ofthis additional fee shall be assessed to the applicant. Low Income Fee Reduction: Any application fee related to the development of low income housing or facilities may be reduced pursuant to the criteria of Section 1.070(4) of the Springfield Development Code, Exoedited Processinf! Fee: Any request to prioritize and expedite the review of a particular application submittal out of order in which applications are received, shall be approved at the discretion of the Director and shall be charged a non-refundable fee $11,000 or 3 times the application fee, whichever is greater; where the development area is greater than 10 acres an additrional fee of $550 per acre will be charged. Fee Waiver: The Director may reduce or waive the fee for Temporary Use - Emergency Medical Hardship upon verification oflow income status of the owner occupant. Resolution #04-29; July 1, 2004; Fee Increase Resolution #05-03; January 18, 2005; Fee Increase Effective January 19, 2005 Resolution #05-36; June 6, 2005; Fee Increase Effective July 1, 2005 Resolution #06-12; March 20,2006, Effective April 20, 2006 Resolution #06-30; June 19, 2006, Effective August 1, 2006 Resolution # Exhibit 2 - Page 17 of 17