HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/13/2009 \ ~ r~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Mee~ing (DIM) Required p,roject Information (Applicant: complete this section) (541) 988-1781 Phone: (541)954-1202 (cell) Prospective Applicant Name: Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia Icompany: IAddress: , I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Loran Waldron I Com.pany: !~ddress: . k?;5,S~Main St., Rosebur~, OR 97470 IproDertv Owner: Pete and Wendv Cobarrubia Icompany: 'IAddress: ,. [ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Tl7S R2W S34 0033 ITAX LOT NOeS): 503 I Property Address: South 59th and Aster St. ISize of Property: 0.24 I' .., I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this applicatio~. ProDosal: Construction of Tri-Plex for residential housing IExistinq Use: Empty Lot 1# of Lots/Parcels: I , Fax: (541) 988-5954 35643 Camp Creek Rd., Springfield, OR 97478 " .- .,,' Phone: (54l) 672-0393 Land And Water Enviromnental Services, Inc. Fax: (541) 672-7170 Phone: Fax: Acres l2<J Sauare Feet 0 IAvq. Lot/Parcel Size: 10,360 sf I Densitv: du/acre .- .,1 Prospective Applicant: I!~a 1s- Date: 3/5/2009 Pete Cobarrubia Print Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Case No.: .:z;or-..J'2-0o::r-pOO!V Date: '6f 1'6) Cf1 Reviewed by: l[j Application Fee: $ 68. \-00 ITechnical Fee: $0 I Postage Fee: $0 Date Rec~'f8jECT NUMBER: PI'\SZooq - OO{X)~ I . "" MAR 1 3 2009 5'd.\-cP TOTAL FEES: $ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal. 1 of 3 Develo~ent Issues.Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist . .. \. .CJi'( &! j,/?.J:/J.. . . o <;:1Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee 'l calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. . . ~ Development Issues Meeting Application Form ~.. - Five C5.? Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer ?r()..~in~e meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five . -qo-eSfi 0 n s. o Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not riecessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are.encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. . . Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal {?equirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. . ~ Drawn in ink onquality'paper no smaller than 11" x 17" ~~sca~e appropriate to the area involved and sufficie~t to show detail of the plan and ~ted data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' ~orth arrow . W Date of preparation W Street address.and assessor's map and tax lot number ~ Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area o Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points o On-site drainage collection system and .flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells; and natural drairiageways to be. retained Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions ~ o Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets ated to Site Plan Review # Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), /1 ~etbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height ,0'. Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, struGtu.rc.s~~~eWEYCi' {- L-- sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces. UalB . o Parking and circulation plan MAR 1 3 2009 fL- Original Submitta.L- Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 225 Fifth Street ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone :::it}- of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200900000000000264 Date:.03/13/2009 3:25:IOPM Paid By WEST SIDE IRON, INC Item Total: Check N umber '"Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 521.00 $521.00 . Job/Journal Number ZON2009-000 I 0 Description CTY Development Issues Mtg Payments: Type of Payment Check Amount Paid lrd 3991 ; In Person Payment Total: $521.00 $521.00 Date Received: MAR 1 3 2009 Original Submittal cRcccinll Page I of I 3113/2009 LAND AND WATER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. .525 SE Main Street, Roseburg, Oregon 97470 (541) 672-0393 Fax (541) 672-7170 "PrQviding environmental services for indl/slIy and (he public s{nce 1992" CCB #: 83246 www.landandwater.biz email: office@landandwater.biz March 10, 2009 QUESTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING Property Owner: Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia 35643 Camp Creek Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 T17S R2W S34 QQ33 TL 503 Date Received: MAR 1 3 2009 > Original Submittal The applicant wishes to build a Tri-Plex on the above reference a property. There is sufficient square footage to accommodate the building and the zoning is appropriate. There are wetlands on the property and a wetland delineation was completed in 2007 and recently submitted to DSL for review and concurrence. The delineated wetland boundary matches closely the boundary shown on the Local Wetland Inventoty (L WI) map identified as M-5 (see attached L WI map). However the wetland has been determined to be a locally significant wetland as allowed in Section 4.3.117 (B.I.a). Application of the standards of Section 4.3-117 have rendered the propertyunbuildable (4.3- 117 (J.2.a)). .. The applicant's Wetland Consultant, Land And Watcr Envirol1mental Services, Inc., has reviewed thc wetland delineation data,and the data collccted during the LWI. It is the wetland consultant's best professional judgement that a mapping error has been made. The majority of the wetland on the property is "characterized as Palustrine-Emergent Seasonally Flooded/Saturated (PEME), Slope/Flats wetland with a wet meadow vegetation community....This wetland type extends off-site to the east. Wetlands also extend off-site to the sOlith as a.thin band of Palustrine Forested (PFO) wetlands located at the toe of a steep slope" (Weiland Delineation by Land And Water Environmental Services, Inc, May, 2007, Page 2). Emergent wet meadow wetlands are vety common throughout most interior valleys in Western Oregon and do not merit a locally significant classification. However, a lot offorest!"d wetlands have been lost, especially in urban settings, and therefore are much rarer on both a state and national level and could be considerecrIocally significant for this reason. ' Study of the delineation data, soils maps, site photographs, and historic and recent aerial photographs indicate that only the most south east portion of the property is covered by Fore.sted wellands (see attached photographs). Construction ofa triplex on the property would result in impacts to most of the emergent wetland, but could be accomplished with no impact to the forested wetland. Emergent wetland impacts would be mitigated by the purchase of credits in a wetland mitigation bank. If the emergent weiland on the property was not included in the locally significant classification, it would be regulated under the permitting authority of applicable Federal and State Agencies (4.3- 177(B.I.b)). Development of the property would follow the standard Joint Removal-Fill Permit application process. The following questions have been developed to determine how best to proceed. Question #1: What are the steps necessary to get the locally significant wetland c1assitication mapping boundary error cotTected to the edge (dhp line) oftheforested wetland (4.3- 177 BA.). Question #2: What are the steps necessary to get a variance to the City ordinance that classifies some wetlands as locally significant (4.3-177 B.l.a.) that would allow the construction.of a triplex'to impact the wetland. Question #3: Ifa variance to the locally significant classification is not possible, will a variance to the development setback (4.3-177 .1.2) permit construction of a triplex. , Question #4 If construction of a triplex is prohibited because of the area of impact, what variance, if any, would be required to permit construction of a duplex, Date Received: lA Ol) . " ',,,n.9 f\\;',,:\ I j L.;;,.; Original Submittai -r- I' ~ 7 S'~ J.L .~._~ -, - , / % .. ~ ~ -----,' -- <7'* J/ f.{ , 38~ .I' t-. '9' ~ ~ c. T "r ~ 38' ./.f-8'-+j 38' uu~_~ !~. -'- - v, '- ------~ -~._-,--- ." .'" ,."- '_.-.-u- '.'__-,. :.=.011-'- - -.. W"" , , s ~. . "'" ,,,,,- ~ ------ - -,=:;,---.......-- --- - .--.. ,-.---------.- - , ~ W I i .TDTSUE i 70 )( /.!ID u(~~'fIl(,~E~ j. J o.,.Sf2o_ ,S,E____ . 1,_. LI1ND O..SC, .-. ;... S~F 9'0 fEu rLDI~:too U!~ 1'()N.C.R.ET~_...J,8L'L __LE_ . rc/[-1L~ bp-ll/...- S8. . , ! i . I '"'i Al AR ~A.J__ - . - ~.!J..V' GR~rl f)k- . --- -t. ~ ~. ~.--:... ~- / '1X;J..D ~----:~~~}1Je..."i.~ ~. ~ " -~".~.'..' " '" ~, , I I . I i -- , ~ i Date Received: ~ .~ ~ v - Q:) .. MAR t 3-2009 ~ \ Or!rinal Submittal , , . , .".",- "\. '\.\'" .==- _ _____n__ '.___ _.==:0... __. _ . ., -, _n__ _____ ~""~ ~~""'uS~. S9 7tpt . S T. .--J 7 - Q;L =3~O] Ld NE COU!. AIry ,SPRJN6ilELD. Qli6-6N _ --. ..---.,----. . - .._-"------ .. S~Ib_S.T ~ -6- 0 q Ttc~tMM M:'f' . . PETE C tJ! BE ~. R J./IJJ:B OfJ.fI.Q6t # ~_ "fiRI:. _ ,eQX.. Ei2tJUOJ1[lnIVPII/V ~ '" ,-' J=~,/::'f1"llD 3 t~:/ ' . J/EiTATJ:rM/u . i"= -/0.7' WJ!.,1i.JA1YU UE,Ll1Vi:Jl.llVlV lVlr11 T 17 S. R 2 W. SECTION? QQ 33. TAX LOT #503 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON DEVELOPED RESIDENTtAL FILLED TO -'J' HIGH STUDY AREA BOUNDARY ~ \ [1> 1 \ 1 \ , 8\ "' ::;1 DEVELOPED RESIDENTtAL ~ [g:> STORM (DRAIN __ _ __ 9 EXCAVATED DITCH ~STORM WATER MANHOLE () . PLOT ~2 ~\ I\J ~l 8\ , I I /"-, , \ I , \ /^'-. , \ o CATCH BASIN wETLANDS CQNDNUE OFFS'TE BOUNDARY l~" I''' / / '" 1// I' I' 1'1' I' ~/ / // /// I'l'l' / /1' I' I' I'~, o 15 30 60 NDTES. SCALE 1''''30' STUDY AREA::;; 10,354 SQFT. ;:: 0.24 ACRES. \JETLANDS AREA = 6.768 SOFT. = 0.16 ACRES ~ETLAND BOUNDARY AND PLOT LOCATIONS MAPPED BY P.LS. ',lET LAND BOUNDARY MARKED BY LAND AND ',lATER ENVIRONMENTAL SERvtCES, [NC. LEGEND: <J DATA PLOT LOCATION WilD , Il> - PHOTO , - PHOTOGRAPH ~ = WQV.ND KRlISH AND ASSOCIATES 607 HWY 99 NORTH EUGENE. OR 97402 PH (541) 686-9211 FAX (541) 484-9631 kandoOwillometle.net LAND AND "ATER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. INC. 525 S.E. MAlN . ROSEBURG. OR 97-4-70 PH (541) 672-0393 FAX (541) 672-7170 officeClondondwoler. bi'Z :z2:: t"l("') >0 ~::t:b ::t:Ul- Z~~ C'):I:-3 ~~~ t""I:lZ 1:l>1:l O~1:l ::t:t"lt"l t"l::t:C C')rnZ 0-3t"l :z~~ t"l- -30 :z 0 ~ .0. 5. e!. en 3: c )> cr ::0 3 a ...., e!. ~ = <D I. Photo of western boundary of site facing north, taken from southwest site cor- ner. 1tW- .,- ~\-- ,..." 3. Photo of eastern site boundary at fenceline facing north, taken from the southeastern site comer. 2. Photo of southern site boundary facing east, taken from South 59th Street at southwest comer of site. 4. Photo of northern site boundary facing east, taken from South 59th Street at northwestern site comer. z~ t"ll"'l 00>0 "l:!::tlb ~~.... z;!~ s:l>"" "'Zt"" ~O~ 0>0 O~O ::tlt"lt"l t"'l::tlC C':looZ O""t"l Z~~ t"l- ",,0 :z 0 ~ .a. :'r !!!. CIl ~ <:: )> c:r ::c 3 - :=;: <..0.> - !!!. '" = = to 5. Photo of interior of site facing northeast, taken from southwestern site comer. 7. Photo of Plot 2 in background (non-wetland) and Plot 3 in foreground (wetland). 6. Photo of Plot I showing PEM wet meadow community. 8. Photo of Plot 4 (wetland) and Plot 5 (non-wetland) facing southwest. taken from northeast site comer. I.l fI(l ".. _",p~';f,./_.. .~"..., '..'~J/<':;: ";" .f' ~~ +?M{;V'l'''V- .,_"L" ~.. ~c,~l i'?....~.~;".'~ N J /. wOW' rpr-->t.....~;';~~ J:<";:, :.' .~:~ ,.' .?),~# ,l "t!l; .,~" r.. ,,~w_.__J;;"/"i.rr.'" ~,_ ..". Wi'), i ud:,,,.."',.,..w ': .", ~;-... ' ~li"j , ::,,,/ 1,,,,,,,,,,7'<'. t}< .1~ [..,. " _.r!' ,?'" "r.v~'"*<,t., . ! 0...1 _(..oJ.( f;'tif< .iVJ'[. C? __ t .., Ilil -'- Date Received: MAR 1 3 2009 Original Submittal - ~ liE f.l[~ I', jf' ,- .~ ~ T .J- ~,~Flq1..rf I () < ~ :T "'" ~~,. " ----. ) ( r\ ..=~~~ r. /, \ ill , J ...) 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